Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 137 Huhu, I'm getting bored to death, ouch~

Chapter 137 Huhu, I'm getting bored to death, ouch~
"Everyone go this way, this way, the big singer Xiaopangju is here."

"Everyone, remember to bring gifts. If you don't bring a gift, the big singer Xiaopangju won't talk to you."

Beside the gate of Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park, cleaners and uncles stood at the gate and yelled loudly, attracting the attention of tourists who had just entered the tiger park.

"This aunt, is Xiaopangju so snobbish? Doesn't he care about people without presents?"

"That's right, Xiaopangju is a big singer, shouldn't he be close to fans?"

The tourists who came over looked at the whole chickens and ducks and frozen beef and fish on the ground and asked curiously.

As a public figure, Xiaopangju should be close to everyone like an ordinary singer, right?Why do you need everyone to bring gifts to see him before he cares?

"Xiaoju is a little tiger, how can he have this consciousness? Of course, whoever eats it will take care of him." After hearing this, the aunt picked up a chicken in a suit from the ground and said: "This beauty, Do you want to buy a suit chicken as a gift for Xiaoju? If you bring him a gift? Then Xiaopangju will give you a paw print of his own paw."

"Did you press the paw prints yourself?" Hearing this, the glasses of the female tourist, who was not interested in it, lit up immediately.

"Yes, Xiaoju will give everyone pawprints in return when receiving presents." The aunt said with a smile, pointing to the tourists who came out from inside: "Have you seen the red pawprints on their bodies? That's Xiaoju Press it for them."

"That's the paw print of Little Fat Orange? I thought it was graffiti?" After hearing this, the female tourist turned around and pointed to a big fat duck and said, "How much is this? I want this .”

"It's not expensive, it's only 30 yuan. Xiaoju will be very happy to see you bring such a big duck to see him."

"Maybe I'll let you touch the paws at that time." Seeing the other party jumping the big fat duck, the aunt couldn't help grinning.

The director of the garden has said that if they sell a suit chicken, they can receive a commission of one yuan, if they sell a fat duck, they will receive a commission of two yuan, and if they sell a pig's trotter, they will receive a commission of three yuan.

She has now seen two dollars in her pocket.

"Then auntie, please help me put it on. I haven't touched Xiaopangju's paw yet." The female tourist's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"Okay, okay." The aunt smiled and took out the payment code, then put the duck in a bag and handed it to the other party.

After the female tourist took it, she happily got on the sightseeing car and went to the barn.

"Director, the Tiger Park is crowded with people today, blocking our car." On the top floor of the complex building of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, Xiao Li said as he looked at the crowd of tigers and tigers.

Is this too many people?Throwing a chocolate bean from it can hit someone.

It seems that there are more than tens of thousands of tourists in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park today.

"I saw it, isn't it because our car is blocked? It doesn't matter, they are blocked, anyway, our business has been done anyway." The supervisor who heard this looked at the contract in his hand and said with a smile. After the contract was taken back and stamped, they successfully owned the copyright of "Blue and White Porcelain".

Apart from the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Garden, which can be used casually, if other people want to cover this song or use it commercially, they have to ask their company if they agree?

When he thought of this, he was very happy.

Just now the higher-ups knew that he was successful, and they were very happy after signing the song, so they specially commended him.

He already sees himself getting a promotion and a raise.

"Then don't we go back?" Xiao Li asked weakly, he knew that their task this time was completed.

But should we go back?But now the car can't move, how can they go?

"Of course we have to go back, but it's just a matter of priority." The supervisor said with a smile, carefully put the contract in his arms, and then took out his mobile phone and started recording.

"Director, what are you doing?" Xiao Li asked even more puzzled when he saw this.

"Of course it is to show the grand occasion of the Tiger Park to the higher-ups. Think about it, what will the higher-ups think when they see so many tourists in the Tiger Park?" Supervisor Wang said with a smile.

"Um, is the business in Huyuan good?" Xiao Li asked after thinking about it.

Doesn't the fact that there are so many people in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain prove that the Tiger Park's business is good?
"Of course not, how did you think of this?" Director Wang couldn't help but stroked his forehead when he heard this and said, "This proves the power of Xiaopang Orange Song, have you forgotten? Hundreds of tourists a day, but today there are tens of thousands."

"This shows that Xiaopangju's song has a very wide spread, and it has driven the economy of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, do you know?"

"It turned out to be like this, so the supervisor, can you show these photos to the higher-ups, so that the higher-ups can see the influence of Xiaopangju?" Xiao Li, who heard this, finally understood.

"Of course, otherwise, what are the two of us doing standing here? Are you in a daze?"

"The more the higher-ups see the influence of Xiaopangju, the greater the credit for the two of us, do you understand?" Director Wang said, and handed the phone to Xiao Li: "You help me record the video, remember to give the voice to me. It's off, don't record the sound, I'll go in first, sit for a while and have a sip of tea, and we'll leave later."

"Okay, okay, supervisor." Xiao Li nodded after hearing this, and then took the video with his mobile phone.

"Haven't the delivery cold chain trucks come yet? Why are they so slow? We don't have enough food in Huyuan, so I urge them to hurry up." Qian Yuan, the head of the cold storage in the ancient garden, resisted the empty cold storage and was responsible to the side. Uncle Liu who purchased said.

Their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park now costs several thousand yuan a minute. How can there be no food?

Now one out of every three tourists who come to Tiger Park will consume. Counting the tens of thousands of people now, there are more than 1 people who are consuming.

And what if their cold storage is empty now?It's all money.

"They're on the road now, but there's a lot of traffic on the road right now."

Uncle Liu who was asked anxiously scratched his head and said, the few hairs were swaying in the cold wind, telling his helplessness.

"Why is there a traffic jam at this time? Is the snack truck coming?" Hearing this, the director asked with a dark face. Such a big cold chain truck was blocked on the road, so where is the snack truck?

"It's also blocked." Uncle Liu said weakly.

As the saying goes, roads are blocked all the way, even cold chain vehicles can be blocked, let alone snack delivery vehicles.

"Okay, so that means that our cold storage is empty now, and the small shop is also empty?" The director couldn't help but support his head and said: "Then the last question, Lao Liu. Could our cafeteria be empty too?" right?"

"Well, not yet, but it should be soon." Uncle Liu said cautiously:
"Tourists buy croquettes, fried rice cakes, fried crispy meat and other snacks in our canteen. The canteen said that if the shopping cart doesn't deliver the food, we will have to eat air at noon today."

"Well, at present, we have to find a relationship."

"Otherwise, a large number of people in our Tiger Park will starve to death today." The director said helplessly, took out his phone and asked the evolutionary department to help.

"Mr. Consultant, are you serious? You want us to help guide the traffic so that the cold chain vehicles and purchase vehicles can return to the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park smoothly."

In the evolutionist department, the commander who received the call couldn't help but twitched his mouth and said.

"Yes, the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain is not in a good place right now. It needs help. Can you see if the people under your command are busy? If not, let me draw a few hundred people over here." The head of the park held his hands Said on the phone, looked at the endless stream of tourists and said, "Otherwise, a stampede may happen in our Tiger Park. There are too many people now, and we are not prepared."

If he had known that there would be so many people coming to the Tiger Garden, he should have stayed in the position of interim commander An for a while longer, so that he could take advantage of his privileges to transfer people over.

"Okay, I'm going to see who is on vacation today, and try to help." Hearing that the commander here had someone call out the surveillance near the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, he couldn't help but gasped.

Then someone called out the license plate number of the cold chain car entering Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, and said in a speechless voice:

"In addition, the reason why the cold chain vehicles in your Tiger Park are blocked? That's because there are long queues of cars around the Tiger Park, and you don't have many parking lots, so they are blocked there."

Good guy!I don't know if I don't see it, but I was really shocked when I saw it.

The roads near the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain are blocked, so it’s no wonder that cold chain vehicles can’t get in or get out.

"Then I need to trouble you, Mr. Commander, for your help. Our Tiger Park is very difficult now." The director said after hearing the words.

"Okay, I'll arrange people to go there right now. It's not a big deal for you to be blocked like this." The commander said, and asked people to immediately summon the team to take a helicopter to the Tiger Park to be responsible for channeling traffic and maintaining order.

"Dear drivers, please pay attention! Next, the evolutionist department will guide the traffic for everyone."

"All drivers and friends, please drive the vehicle according to the command."

After a while, on the crowded roads around the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the sound of "whoosh" helicopters and loud announcements came.

Then one team member quickly descended from the helicopter, held up the horn and began to direct the traffic:
"No jumping in line, no jumping in line."

"Every three cars pass, the rest of the cars stop for me."

"Go straight first and then turn left. If you turn right, stop for me."

"Shuttle trucks and large vehicles go first, and small cars stop and don't rush."

The team members shuttled in the middle of the road, and after a while, there was a gap in the paralyzed road, and the traffic began to move forward gradually.

But as some cars wanted to enter the parking lot of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, but the parking lot of the Tiger Park was already full, there was no way to let them in, causing them to block the traffic again.

"Driver friends who want to play in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, please drive to the roads on both sides and follow the guidance to bring the vehicle to the surrounding open space."

"Don't stop on the straight road among other vehicles, move forward quickly, and don't get stuck here anymore."

After the team members saw it, they immediately commanded the cars to drive to the open space on both sides of the road.

The blocked vehicles were unblocked again, and they could move on.

"Little Fat Orange, one more song, one more song."

"Little Fat Orange, one more song, one more song."

Around the impenetrable stalls, the tourists shouted in unison.

"Aww~ (It's almost over. I've sung three songs in a row without a break. Shouldn't you give up your seat and give others a chance?)" Cheng Hao, who was sitting on the fence, looked at the song that couldn't reach the end. The crowd is very sad.

Why are there so many people in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain today?They don't have to work.

And is it really okay for all these people to come here for him?Can you also go for a stroll in front of other tigers?He has a headache now.

"Everyone, please calm down and don't get excited. Xiaoju has already sang three blue and white porcelain songs in a row. Can you give Xiaoju a rest?" Sister Hong'er who saw Cheng Hao's drooping face held up the microphone and said, "In addition, all tourists Let's move forward and make room for the tourists behind."

"The tourists behind haven't seen Xiaoju's appearance yet. Let's make room for the tourists behind."

"That's right, everyone, let's take a walk." Xu Lele carried the big bamboo basket and cut a way through the crowd and said, "For tourists who want to feed the little oranges, just throw the food into the bamboo basket. .”

"Your thoughts, Xiaoju, know everything, and it's all contained in the singing."

"Aww~ (Everyone, go ahead and listen to my sister, or I will scare you.)" Xiong Er shouted, waving his paws.

"Hoohooooooo~ (That's right, I'm super fierce. If you don't listen to my sister, you'll make me angry.)" Xiong San growled, showing that I was very fierce.

"Aww~ (Hurry up and move forward, don't stay here, or I won't be polite to you.)" the head wolf said fiercely, striding back and forth.

"Aoooooooooo~(That's it.)"

Dozens of other wolves followed suit, telling them to leave.

The tourists who saw these couldn't help laughing happily, and they didn't look frightened by them at all, which made the bald-tailed wolf clamp its tail.

I can't help being wary of these humans, they are not afraid of them?How arrogant.

You must know that they are a group of vicious wolves, does the other party want to try their strength?

Thinking of this, the bald-tailed wolf couldn't help grinning.

"Aww~ (Why is your guy tucking his tail? We are scaring these guys, do you really want to bite them?)" The wolf who saw this scene cursed angrily, if there are these tourists They, then their happy life will be gone, this idiot hastened to prepare for him again.

"Aww~(Oh, boss.)" The bald-tailed wolf who was reprimanded quickly let go of his tail.

Like a pack of wolves, he growled ferociously, not because he was afraid of these humans, but because the boss was too weak.

Obviously the ice and snow have melted now, but the boss has no intention of taking them back to the forest.

"Everyone, please go forward, please go forward."

On the other side, the orangutans holding big signs and hanging horns are also directing tourists not to stop.

"Woo~woo~ (All stop, not allowed to move forward yet.)"

The elephants in the Tiger Park formed a thick elephant wall, which was divided into two pieces by the dense crowd.

"Aww~ (Hurry up, everyone, don't stop here.)"

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, hurry up and move forward.)"

The two tigers, Doudou and Panbing, helped to drive the crowd forward, so that tourists on the other side of the herd could have a place to come to the pen.

"Don't pull me, little monkey, we will leave."

"Yeah, yeah, don't pull us."

And at the front, the group of monkeys looked at the tourists who were unwilling to move, and directly took them forward with their hands.

The tourists who were being pulled were surprised to find that their strength was not as strong as these monkeys, and they shouted in panic.

Let these monkeys ignore them, and follow Sister Hong'er's words to drag them along.

"Um~huh! (Come this way, come this way.)"

Chubby pandas sat on both sides of the road, nibbling on bamboo and waving their paws to make the crowd move faster.

Tourists are attracted to take pictures curiously while walking.

"It's amazing. These animals are just like the staff of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, directing the order here."

"Yeah, I don't know how the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain did it?"

"Yes, yes, this is really amazing."

Looking at the animals walking on both sides of the road, the walking tourists couldn't help feeling that the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park was more interesting than they imagined.

These animals seem to live here not only as animals to be admired, but also as staff of the tiger yard.

"Please go forward, don't stay, please go forward, don't stay."

The giraffe is biting its big horn, and with its long and thick neck, it urges the slow-moving tourists in the crowd like a crane.

The rhinoceros, zebra and sika deer come out from the road from time to time, blocking tourists who want to jump in line.

On the backs of the elephant herd, little monkeys lifted their red buttocks, indicating that it is now forbidden to pass.


The bison pulling a cart full of food and blowing horns in their mouths reminds tourists not to go to the animal passages on both sides.

The peacocks flying on the branches fluttered their gorgeous wings and shouted loudly, pointing the way for the bison.

Carrying big baskets, the black bears imitated Xu Lele and appeared beside the tourists. After waiting for them to throw in the food, they poured the food in the basket into the cart pulled by the donkey and let them leave with the food. .

After a wave of tourists walked away, the little monkeys standing on the elephant stood up, and the elephants also gave way to their huge bodies.

"The tourists in front have left, and it's our turn to see Xiaopangju."

"Yeah, it's finally our turn."

The tourists who saw this scene said happily, and walked forward with strides.

"Everyone, don't jump in line, don't be crowded, please come slowly one by one, tourists in front please go forward, don't get stuck in the back."

"After the little monkeys turn on the red light, everyone has to stop. The elephants will block the road. Please don't try to rush over." Seeing the tourists coming one after another, Hong'er raised her hand Shouting through the horn, he scratched the chin of Cheng Hao who jumped down: "I'm afraid you won't be able to rest today, Xiaoju, and there are still many tourists squeezing in."

"Aww~ (I'm just a little tiger, how come so many people come to see me?)"

Cheng Hao, who was sipping water and moistening his throat, asked, he felt that there were more tourists this time than in the past few months.

"Because you are famous, you are much easier to find than those singers you can't see, so if you don't come to find you, who can you look for?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile and rubbed Cheng Hao's head.

You can enter the Tiger Garden as long as you buy a ticket, but the singer's house does not have a ticket.

So it is normal for Tiger Park to have so many tourists now.

"Aww~ (Can you let me go out and hide for a while? These guys are so annoying.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao asked with a white breath, singing is really troublesome.

He is almost singing with smoke coming out of his voice, can you let him run away?

"No, everyone is here for you. If you can't see you? The Tiger Garden will be demolished." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, "Be obedient and endure today, okay? After today, there won't be so many things."

"Aww~ (is the principal, grandpa finally going to close the garden?)" Cheng Hao's ears perked up when he heard this.

Just endure today?Could it be that their Tiger Park is finally planning to close it?

"Of course it's impossible. How could the Tiger Park be closed?" Sister Hong'er shook her head with a smile and said:

"The director of the park has clearly issued a notice on the Internet. After today, you will not sing again, unless it is time for the concert."

The reason why this happened today is mainly due to Hu Yuan's mistakes, otherwise Xiaoju wouldn't be so tired.

But after today, nothing happened.

The Tiger Park will no longer receive tourists who want to come and listen to music. Their Tiger Park is not a concert hall, but a place to watch animals and gain knowledge.

"Aww~ (That's really great, I hope to pass today quickly, I really can't take it anymore.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and looked at the tourists in front of him. up.

If he had known that things would turn out like this, he shouldn't have sung, and he would honestly cooperate with the breeder's sister to sing about two tigers.

"Be patient, just bear with it." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said comfortingly with a smile.

It's really poor Xiaoju, Xiaoju is so tired as a little tiger, it's all their fault.

"Everyone, please look over here, this is our big singer Xiaopangju."

"After more than two hours of queuing, we finally met Little Pang Jubenhu. Little Pang Ju is going to sing blue and white porcelain for us soon. He is really an easy-going tiger." The crowded Among the crowd, an anchor held his mobile phone high and said.

"Yes, yes, Xiaopangju is holding a concert in Huyuan. Only those who come today are lucky enough to hear Xiaopangju sing. After today, I won't be so convinced." Then another anchor came. sound.

"Everyone likes chubby tangerines, you can pay attention to the anchor and light up the little red hearts." Then the other anchors spoke again.

Among the dense crowd of tourists were various anchors who were broadcasting live. Due to the large number of people, their voices could only be drowned out in the crowd.

"Xiaoju, the tourists are waiting for you to sing." Sister Hong'er reminded when she saw the tourists standing in line.

"Aww~ (Got it.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, then jumped onto the fence, ready to continue singing.

Let's hurry up today, he really can't bear it anymore.


"Damn! This little tiger actually stole our popularity, and he hasn't signed a contract with us yet. It's really ignorant of flattery. We have to find a way to deal with him so that he can't continue to live."

In the dazzling office, the president who had failed to sign the contract said with an ugly face.

A company as big as theirs can't sign a tiger?It really slapped him in the face too much, and this tiger blocked the development of their company, so it must be removed as soon as possible.

"Then do I need to contact the guys from the mutant organization? Boss. Those guys are ruthless, and they don't share the same hatred with the evolutionary department."

Hearing this, the secretary on the side said, since he wants to kill this little tiger, he must find a strong person, and now the only one who dares to fight against the Evolutionary Organization is the Mutant Organization.

The most important thing is that the two sides are extremely jealous when they meet, and the attack is definitely ruthless and spicy.

"Okay, but remember to clean up your tail. I didn't expect these guys to hold on to our affairs." Hearing this, the president held his chin and said, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Don't worry, Boss. I know how to do this kind of thing? Then I'll act now." The secretary said knowingly. Isn't it easy to pack up a little tiger?
As for the mutant organization, it would be easier to deal with it. If the bounty is released through the black market, these guys will definitely accept it.

"Go." The president waved his hand and said, and the secretary went to do it immediately.

Soon, a reward order appeared on the black market, offering a reward for the tiger's head.

And this reward order had just been posted, and it was taken off by a bone hand not long after.


"Aww~ (These guys are finally leaving. I hope there won't be so many people tomorrow. I'm really exhausted today.)" Cheng Hao, who had finished delivering the last batch of tourists, yawned and then Jumped into the house and went to sleep.

Today his singing voice is about to smoke, he needs to lie down for a while, and then think about whether he should go out at night or not?
After all, he was really tired.

"The Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain is now closed. The little tiger has returned to its nest. I suggest not to do anything now, and wait until late at night."

"Otherwise, if the people in the Tiger Park find out, they will probably tell the caller department. Then it will be troublesome. The evolutionary department has large mechas, which is not easy to deal with."

On a telegraph pole far away from the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, a figure wearing a hat, with several eyeballs linked by tentacles emerging from his eyes, was reporting to his ear with a microphone.

"What you said makes sense, then do as you said. Be careful not to be photographed by the camera, and everyone else should be careful." Said the man wearing sunglasses sitting in the car, and stepped back slowly on the car Follow up.

"Got it, we'll be careful."

The woman who gently moved the octopus tentacles-like feet replied, and then pulled her skirt to cover the bottom.

In this way, the time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky also darkened every minute and every second.

When there were no more people walking around in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, and no cars passing by on the road, the hidden mutants began to appear one after another.

"Multi-eye report on the current situation of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain." The man wearing sunglasses said.

"Most of the buildings in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park have turned off the lights, and now it is definitely time to do something." Said the multi-eyed here, and when he looked at the pens of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, he suddenly saw the small house inside the house. The tiger came out and leaped over the fence:

"Wait a minute, that little tiger jumped out of the tiger garden, and ran away from the place by the river."

"What? Is it so good?"

The mutants who heard this couldn't help but said in surprise: "Did he find danger, so he wanted to escape? After all, we are very scary, suck!"

"That's right, we are different from those ordinary people, all we know is killing. Tsk tsk tsk."

"Don't talk nonsense here. Killing this little tiger is the most important thing now. Since he is out, it will save us a lot of trouble running to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain." The man wearing sunglasses said: "All run to the back of the tiger garden, speed up and pay attention to concealment."

"Yes, boss." Hearing these words, the mutants who were cooing all closed their mouths and ran towards the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

Don't forget to avoid the position of the camera along the way.

"Puff~ (Tiger, why did you come so early today? By the way, is there any activity in your Tiger Park today? Why is it so noisy?)" the big octopus asked Cheng Hao as he swam in the river, In the river, he heard the noise at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, and he didn't know what happened?
Seeing the tiger coming today, I happened to ask.

"Aww~ (Stop talking, I'll be in tears if I talk too much.)" Cheng Hao felt dizzy when he heard this, and he couldn't help but sighed: "Aww~ (I'm going first, I'll be leaving later) Come here again. This time I’m going to run farther and not come back so early. You can go to another place first.)”

"Puff~ (Okay, then remember to come back early.)" Seeing that the other party didn't want to talk about this topic, the big octopus didn't ask too much.

After carrying Cheng Hao to the bank of the river, he sank into the river and swam away.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao also walked into the forest.

Today he was very annoyed by the tourists, it was time to go into the forest and find a few trees that were not afraid of death to vent his fire.

(End of this chapter)

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