Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 138 Although I am a vegetarian, Little Tiger, I am not really a vegetarian.

Chapter 138 Although I am a vegetarian, Little Tiger, I am not really a vegetarian.

"Hey! Where did that little tiger go in such a short time? Why didn't you even see his shadow here? Where is Sai Xiaotian smelling his scent?" The man in sunglasses chased him to the river bank , looking at the quiet surroundings, said to the masked man beside him.

"Okay, boss. Let me smell where did this little tiger go?"

Hearing this, Sai Xiaotian took off his mask, revealing his dog-like nose. He sniffed here and there, and quickly found a direction and ran over.

After seeing this, the others immediately followed.

After a while, several people arrived at the position where Cheng Hao just jumped on the big octopus.

"Boss, the smell of that little tiger disappeared here, it looks like he should have gone into the river." Sai Xiaotian looked around and said, sticking out his long tongue and breathing out.

"Did this little tiger go to the river this season? Is he out of his mind?" The local woman whose skin was shining under the moonlight couldn't help shivering after touching the cold river water with her hand.

There was a sleepy look in his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep in the next second.

"Don't touch the cold things indiscriminately, be careful that you will hibernate here directly."

Seeing this scene, the man in sunglasses said, looked at the lush forest on the opposite side and said: "Ba Nu, you and Xiao Tian, ​​go to the other side to find out where the little tiger landed? Let's go here first. Help you sweep the formation."

"I heard that the river is not peaceful recently, and many big guys have appeared."

"Yes, boss."

After hearing this, the eight girls rolled up their skirts, revealing the feet like octopus tentacles under the skirts, then walked into the river, slowly paddling the water to swim to the case.

Seeing this, Sai Xiaotian also jumped down and swam in the river with a dog paddle.

"Puff~(Here are people here? Why do they look weird?)"

After the big octopus pulling on the rocks at the bottom of the river heard the movement on the water surface, it raised its head and saw Yame and Sai Xiaotian who were advancing.

When he saw the eight female tentacles, he thought that the other party was also a sea creature and was a little excited.

But after smelling the smell of the other party, I realized that the other party was just a strange human being, and suddenly lost the idea of ​​talking to the other party.

These human beings are weird and don't know what to do?And the clothes he was wearing didn't look like those in the purification department, so he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Boss, the water is so icy and cold, I feel like my hands and feet are about to freeze into icy scum." Sai Xiaotian said shivering while digging in the icy river.

After becoming a mutant, his physical fitness has not become much stronger.

This damn wolf gene evolution potion is too outrageous. He thought he could get the swiftness and vigor of a wolf, but who knew that after taking this potion, he mutated into this ghostly appearance.

It doesn't matter if the body doesn't get much stronger, and it's like this can't be a ghost.

"Hold on, as long as we get rid of that little tiger, we will get the potion to make you stronger and have new power." The man in sunglasses said comfortingly after hearing this, he knew Sai Xiaotian's strength Not strong enough to handle this icy river.

But the other party has to hold back. At this time, the other party's nose is their only ability to end each other.

To find this little tiger, they can only buy more evolution potions after they get the commission, and become more powerful.

"For the potion..."

Hearing these words, Sai Xiaotian's heart felt hot, his body burst out with strength again, and he swam towards the river bank.

"Puff~ (This group of guys stay up late at night, so they are here to deal with the little tiger? But can they do it?)" The big octopus, which heard the conversation of several people, scratched its own with its tentacles. head.

He felt that these guys were really not afraid of death. He didn't dare to provoke the little tiger, but they still wanted to deal with the little tiger?

Did they know what kind of terrifying monster the little tiger they were following was?

The other party can even deal with the tree king, and they, the guys who can tremble across the river, want to do something to the little tiger?

Thinking of this, the big octopus doesn't need to spread its tentacles.

Bei Jing waited for these guys to find him dead. He saw that the little tiger seemed to be on fire today. He hoped that these people could help the little tiger to extinguish the fire.

After all, he was a little scared when he saw some angry little tigers.

"Huh~ huh? The smell is here." Sai Xiaotian, who was trying his best to get to the other side, shook off the sweat and water on his body, then sniffed his body, and soon smelled the familiar smell on the ground. odor.

"How is it? Sai Xiaotian. Did that little tiger go here?" Eight girls, who put down their skirts to cover their tentacles, asked after seeing Sai Xiaotian's movements.

"Yeah, I smell the smell of that little tiger, he's going here." Hearing this, Sai Xiaotian nodded and replied, pointed to the distance with his fluffy paws, turned around Shouting towards the man in sunglasses and others on the other side of the river: "Come here, boss, I know where that tiger went."

"Okay, let's go."

Hearing this, the man in sunglasses nodded and said.

Then I found that there was a group of figures on my back.

"Boss, the river is too cold for me to cross, so I have to trouble you to carry me across."

The woman with tiny rays of light on her body wrapped around the man in sunglasses like a snake and said.

"Then you sit down, don't fall halfway." The man in sunglasses said, his appearance gradually changed. The skin on his body turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his hands became bone. There is an extra white tail behind him.

It looks just like a skeleton dragon.

"Okay, boss." The woman who heard this said nodded with a smile, and put all her weight on the opponent with her upper body.

"Double eyes, let's go there."

The man in sunglasses said to Duoyan beside him, and jumped into the river, his tail stirred and the water quickly swam towards the river bank.

"Yes, boss."

Hearing this, Duoyan nodded and jumped into the water.

The two of them followed each other and soon swam to the opposite bank.

"Thank you, boss."

The woman on the shore said lazily, and jumped off the man in the sunglasses.

"You're welcome, we're a team." The man in the sunglasses said nonchalantly, looking at Sai Xiaotian and said, "Xiaotian leads the way, let's keep moving and catch up to that little tiger."

"Yes, boss."

Hearing this, Sai Xiaotian, who was bouncing around to warm up his body, immediately ran towards the direction Cheng Hao left.

Several people quickly followed after seeing it.

"Not here, nor here. Is it strange? Why is there only that big banyan tree in such a huge mountain forest?" Cheng Hao, who had been running in the forest for a long time, looked around with doubts in his eyes.

He has been running in this mountain forest for a while, not to mention running three hills, one and a half hills.

But along the way here, I didn't even see a stronger tree.

So where have all these guys gone?Can they have some backbone as evolutionary plants?You can't give up a large area of ​​territory just because of a small setback. It should be a joint defense of the territory with friends and friends.

"Where is this damn tiger going?" Yanu held her own skirt and fought against the trees, her eyes filled with uncontrollable anger.

They walked one hill and another hill in the mountain, but the little tiger had no intention of stopping.

And her beautiful floral dress has become tattered at this time, forming a sharp contrast with when she just came here.

"Xiaotian, is that little tiger still walking in?" The man with sunglasses on the side had his eyes hidden by his sunglasses at any time, but his words were also full of impatience.

When did they suffer this kind of crime, and they can let a prey play for most of the day.

"Yes, Boss." Sai Xiaotian, who was smelling the smell on the ground, nodded and said, looked at Ba Nu again, and carefully moved away from her with his tail between his legs.

In order to avoid the time, the other party will come to him suddenly.

After all, some people are so angry that they want to beat up a passing dog.

And among their team, he seems to be the best bully right now.

"Boss, shall we continue to go forward? If we go further, the situation will not be optimistic. We have already gone deep into the mountains and forests, and if we go further, we may meet the existence of tree king level." Duoyan looked around and said, At this time, the mountain forest was extremely dark, only the sparse moonlight illuminated the surroundings for them.

At this time, the plants around them were obviously not right, and they were much stronger than the plants that attacked them when they first came ashore.

If they chased this little tiger further into the mountains, they might break into the territory of the tree king, and by that time only a few of them would not be enough for the tree king to serve.

"Today we have to get rid of this little tiger. We have already gone so deep into the forest, you don't want to give up halfway, do you?" the man in sunglasses said after hearing this, looking at his torn clothes.

"That's right, I'm going to kill that little tiger and use his tiger skin to make a skirt." Yanu said, tearing off the tattered skirt, her eyes were scarlet as if they were about to bleed.

She was so angry, why couldn't this little tiger die obediently?Why do you have to run around?I have to run into this nasty jungle.

Her beautiful floral dress, her beautiful floral dress.

"Okay, since you've said that, Boss, let's move on." Seeing that both of them said that, Duoyan nodded and closed his mouth.

The two strongest members of the team have said so, so what else can he say?Go ahead.

He now hoped that the little tiger would meet the tree king running ahead, and then be slaughtered by the tree king, so as to save them from doing anything.

Otherwise, it would be scary to drill all the way into the forest.



The tree trunk as big as a millstone roared, waving and slapping on a yellow billowing body, but it brought up a lot of dust, but there was no sign of knocking down the figure.

So the strong tree trunk roared and became crazy.

The tree whiskers all over his body were like thin threads, wrapping around the ball biting on him and pulling desperately. No matter how he pulled the figure, it seemed to be growing together with his trunk and remained motionless.

"Come down, you bastard, come down to me, why are you staring at me when I have no vendetta against you?" The big tree, which felt the strength in its body was constantly flowing, conveyed its own voice to the figure biting its trunk .

He just stayed in his territory obediently and didn't do anything. As a result, the tiger bit him whenever it saw him like crazy.

He has never offended a tiger in his memory, why does this guy have to hold on to him?

"Do you have no grievances with me? Now we two have grievances." Hearing the voice of the big tree, the suction in Cheng Hao's mouth became stronger, and the tree trunk that was sucked by the grinding disc shrunk again.

Who cares if there is any hatred with him?He only knows that he is very angry now and needs to find a place to vent, and this big tree is very good, it is a good object to vent, and he can only blame himself for his bad luck today.

"Asshole, I want you dead."

Seeing the big tree whose negotiation failed, he once again frantically controlled the tree whiskers all over his body, and poked at the round body, which was bound to break the opponent's flesh.

"Ding Ding Ding"

The tree whiskers that cut through the air hit Cheng Hao's body, making the sound of metal colliding, and then a tree whisker burst open.

"Ah?" Big Tree let out a hysterical growl when he realized it.

But then the thick trunk became dry, the leaves on the body gradually turned into ashes, and the whole tree began to come to an end.

Until the last moment of its life, it couldn't figure out how it had offended the tiger, and made the other party bite it like this?
"Aww~ (It's finally comfortable, let me see if there are any guys around here who need justice, right?)" Cheng Hao, who fell into the ashes, smashed the remaining wreckage of the big tree in one breath. After blowing away.

I feel very comfortable all over my body, and even my breath is much smoother.

Sure enough, the way to transfer unhappiness is to make other guys even more unhappy.

This is the only way to make yourself more comfortable.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao continued on the road to find the unlucky tree.

In his current situation, he had to find a few more trees to clean up, so that he could be happy.

"This... what is this movement? What happened? Is the tree king in the forest angry?" Sai Xiaotian looked at the distance in horror and asked, his whole body prostrated on the ground, not daring to move.

I'm afraid that a tree whisker will come out from somewhere later, and it will take his tiny dog's life away.

"It seems that there is a tree king who is fighting some creature." The eyeballs with multiple eyes protruding from their sockets waved in the air, collecting the huge smoke and dust in the distance.

But he couldn't help being terrified in his heart, that he could make a tree king angry like this.

The enemies he encountered were probably very powerful.

"Boss, otherwise let's retreat, the front is too dangerous." Sai Xiaotian said tremblingly, he stopped when he heard the sound in the distance, but it seems that the tree king won't win, but the tree king. Horrible creature.

If they are moving forward?If it hits head-on, I'm afraid it's over.

"Of course I know the danger, but do you want to know what is in front of you?" The man in sunglasses, who heard what his teammates said, said with a greedy red light in his eyes: "A tree king that has been knocked down or a tree that is already dead The tree king who has died, as long as we can find his tree heart? Maybe we can become an evolutionary."

According to the information currently circulating on the market, every big tree that occupies various hilltops or occupies an area has a tree heart born in the trunk. This tree heart is the same as the human heart. Where the power of the king lies.

As long as one can swallow this tree heart, ordinary people can be turned into evolutionaries.

And the reason why their mutants choose genetic evolution medicine is because they are ordinary people who can't become evolutionaries, so they take this path.

Otherwise, why would they want to become such a ghost-like person.

Think about it, if he gets a tree heart, he will have the power of an evolutionary, and with his mutated and powerful physique, he can definitely become one of the biggest mutants in the organization.

At that time, mechas and the like will be completely vulnerable in front of him.

"Tree... the heart of the tree?" Everyone who heard this couldn't help but said out of breath. Even Sai Xiaotian, who was lying on the ground, trembled, but this time he was not because of fear, but because of excitement. .

"Yes, how about it? Do you want to fight with me again? If we can find the heart of the tree, our group can share it. If we are lucky, we may become evolutionists."

"After all, the evolutionary power of a Shuxin is too powerful. For those of us who are not evolutionaries, there is no way to swallow such a powerful evolutionary power." Looking at their excited appearance, the man in sunglasses said aloud.

The heart of a tree left after the death of a tree king is extremely powerful, and the power of evolution contained in it can tear ordinary people apart in an instant.

Even if they are mutants, they dare not say that anyone can swallow a whole tree heart, this is completely courting death.

The best way is to eat this tree heart step by step.


"Of course."

The few people who heard this shouted out of breath, if there is no strength in this era, what is the difference between them and ants on the ground?Once they have power, they will be able to cross classes and become real masters. Who will care what they look like then?

Moreover, the power of the evolutionary plus the mutant.

It's not as simple as one plus one. With two powers, they will definitely be able to gain a greater voice in the organization.

"Very good. Since everyone has the same goal, let's continue to set off now. As long as we can find the heart of the tree, our trip will not be in vain." The man in sunglasses said with a smile, walking towards the smoke and dust in the distance run away.

When the others saw it, they immediately ran after him.

In a trance, they have already seen the power, and they are waving to themselves.

"It's just that there is nothing wrong here. It's strange. Why is the smell of that little tiger also here?"

The few people who shuttled between the dense forests soon came to the location where the news came, and as the leader among them, Sai Xiaotian.

They found the smell of the little tiger they were going to track here, and they were surprised.

A battle of this level has just happened here, does that little tiger dare to run this way?

"Is that little tiger here too? Could it be that he also spied on this defeated tree king?" Duoyan said after hearing this, looking around.

It is said that the perception of evolved animals is very keen. Could it be that this little tiger has also discovered the situation here and wants to come to share a piece of it?
"Whether he's spying on the tree king over here or not, as long as he sees him? I'll kill him right away." Ba Nu raised her two guns and said coldly. It would be better to meet this little tiger here, just as the new enemy Count old grudges together.

Taking them around for so long in the mountains, and now daring to peek into their tree hearts is simply a way of death.

"That's right, what Ba Nu said makes sense." The man in sunglasses nodded with a smile and said, "You don't have to show mercy when you see that little tiger, just kill him."

After walking for so long, they didn't find the tree king standing up again. It seemed that the tree king had been seriously injured by the unknown creature.

Thinking of the tree heart that was about to be obtained, Sunglasses became excited all of a sudden.

In order to thank this little tiger for bringing them here to get such a great opportunity, they will quickly send each other on the road.

Passing through the dense bushes, several people soon came to a clearing.

"Strange, what's going on here? Where did the tree king go? Did he run away because he lost the fight with that unknown creature?" Eight girls looked at the empty surroundings and asked Looking for the possible tree king.

The other party is their hope to become stronger. Where did the other party go?
"It's very possible. Look here, the tree king left the tree hole he stayed in and ran away." Duoyan, who was standing in front of a big hole, said, and touched the hole with his hands.

It was found that it was full of tree slag, tree dust and tree ash.

Judging from the freshness of the soil, the tree king must not have left for a long time.

"Damn it! It looks like we came a step too late. The tree king must have been seriously injured, otherwise he wouldn't have lost his territory and escaped." Looking at the empty surroundings, the man in sunglasses couldn't help but said with a hammer.

Just a little bit, so a little bit, they will be able to get the heart of the tree.

But that little hope is now dashed.

"Boss, what should we do now? Should we continue to look for the tree king? Or should we chase after that little tiger? This little tiger has left its scent here." Sai Xiaotian listened to what they said, and looked at a broken bush Cong said.

Hearing this, the man in sunglasses took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said:

"Let's get rid of this little tiger first. Since the tree king has escaped, there is nothing in the entire forest that can threaten us."

"That's right, we've run so far, we can't just go back without doing anything." The woman with a twisted waist like a bone said, sticking out her forked tongue, sniffing the subtle changes in the air.

She didn't feel any large animals around, which proved that the existence that fought against the tree king had left.

In other words, these places are absolutely safe now, and no other guys will pop up out of nowhere.

"Which boss, in fact, rather than continuing to chase, I think we can just wait here." Sai Xiaotian, who heard what his teammates said, raised his furry paw and said: "That little tiger will definitely come back, no It might be said that he went deep into the forest like this and never returned.”

"I think it's much easier for us to hide here and wait for him to take the bait than to continue chasing him."

After running for most of the night, to be honest, he can't run anymore, unless someone is willing to carry him, but it is obvious that no one here will carry him.

So he felt that they might as well come back to the little tiger over here.

Anyway, since this little tiger is so smart, it must be in the habit of returning to the nest.

At least if it was a little tiger like him, it would be impossible for him to wander around in the forest for too long. Is it easy?

"The problem is that little tiger, will it come back in the direction it went?" The man in sunglasses said after hearing this. It is indeed a good way to sit back and wait, but the prerequisite is that this little tiger will not come from another direction. Back to Hongta Mountain Sierra Tiger Park.

Otherwise, if they stayed here, they would just be wasting their time here.

"In terms of the habits of animals, they will all follow the path they have walked before."

"Firstly, the roads they have traveled have less vegetation, which makes it easier to walk. Second, the roads they are familiar with are also familiar with the surrounding environment, which can bring them a sense of security." Duoyan rubbed his chin and said, " So, if we lay an ambush here, this little tiger will definitely come back."

"Since this is the case, then let the little tiger who was staying nearby come back." The man in the sunglasses said after thinking about it.

It's impossible for this little tiger to go away without returning at such a small age. He is obviously dependent on the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

"Okay, boss."

The few people who heard this quickly dispersed around the forest, so as not to be too human when they gathered together.

"Small, little sapling, Lord Tiger, I will chase you, so don't run away."

"If I catch you, you won't be able to run away."

In the wide forest, the earth trembled and the mountains shook.

A huge eucalyptus tree was running crazily, no matter whether it was a boulder or a tree in front of him, he kicked it away.

And behind him, a chubby tiger was chasing him.

After seeing the frantically fleeing Eucalyptus, he ran even faster.

It doesn't understand who it offended by staying in the forest honestly?Why did this kind of evil star suddenly appear and bite him at the root without saying a word.

If he hadn't discarded the root, he would have almost been unable to escape.

Facing such a vicious guy, he never thought of fighting him at all.

The opponent's weird ability is really scary, it just wants to run out quickly.

But what it didn't expect was that the tiger was actually chasing it.

It was so frightened that the whole tree went dumb, and ran away crazily.

But no matter how he ran, the tiger kept chasing him, and now he was getting closer and closer to his tree heel.

"Aww~ (You honestly stop and let me take a bite, don't struggle anymore, your life has stopped at that moment when you meet.)" shouted Cheng Hao, who was chasing the big eucalyptus tree. As soon as you kick your legs, it will pass seven or eight meters away with a "swish".

In his eyes, this running eucalyptus tree is just lingering.

It's better for the other party to accept their fate honestly, so what are they doing running around?Isn't this a waste of effort?
"Don't even think about it, I can't succeed for you." Hearing this, the big eucalyptus tree shook its body and dropped seeds one after another. These seeds fell on the ground and soon formed pieces of eucalyptus trees Lin blocked Cheng Hao from advancing.

"Aww~ (roll)"

Seeing these small eucalyptus trees that were not as thick as a fist, Cheng Hao opened his mouth and roared, and the huge sound wave was like a shock wave, directly smashing these eucalyptus trees to pieces.


Seeing this scene, the big tree was so frightened that the whole tree trembled.

He jumped hard, and then hit the ground directly.

"Boom" only heard a loud noise, and then the eucalyptus trees were inserted into the ground, building up a lot of soil.

"You guys are still playing with me to get rid of the golden cicada's sheath, you have played with me, haven't you?" Cheng Hao, who saw this scene, could tell at a glance that the eucalyptus tree standing on the ground is an empty shell son.

And its body has actually been crazily punched 30 meters underground.

He couldn't figure out whether this eucalyptus was the reincarnation of a pangolin?The speed of digging holes is so fast, which is really beyond his expectation, but don't think that they are the only ones who can dig holes.

His little tiger is not a vegetarian either, let's see him play tricks.


After flipping the trunk of the eucalyptus tree over with one claw, Cheng Hao jumped into the dark hole.



Then the sound of trees being broken came from the whole cave.

Then, a chubby little tiger rushed out, spitting out white eucalyptus bark and said, "Aww~ (I told you not to run away a long time ago, but it still hasn't changed, right?)"

I knew it would be like this, why is this tree running away?It's not good to wait for death honestly, it saves him from running so far.

By the way, how far has he traveled this trip?

Looking at the surroundings that I don't know at all, I am looking at the iconic mountain in the distance.

Cheng Hao couldn't help but sighed, it seemed that some of him ran away, but luckily he could return on the way he ran along the way.

Otherwise, if he was asked to drive another way back, he would be in trouble.

But after running so far, it is still very rewarding, at least I feel better.

Feeling comfortable all over, Cheng Hao staggered back. As for the long journey, he just ignored it.

"Ah~, it's almost dawn, will this little tiger come back?" The woman entangled in the tree asked, her eyes full of sleepiness.

They waited here for so long, and they didn't even see the tiger hair.

Will this little tiger really go here?Wouldn't it have already run back from somewhere else?
"Yeah, Xiaotian, did you guess wrong?" The eight girls sitting on the tree twisted their bodies and said.

"This... I'm just guessing, and the boss and you all agree." Sai Xiaotian was flustered when asked, but he still brought up the previous words.

"Okay, don't blame Xiaotian, Xiaotian is just guessing."

Hearing this, the man in sunglasses said, although Xiaotian said that his strength is not very good, but they still need each other's ability.

This is very useful for the whole team, whether it is tracking or detecting enemies.

"Thank you, boss." Sai Xiaotian said gratefully upon hearing the words.

He knew that the boss would not be the same as the eight girls, and indeed the boss was the fairest.

"Boss's little tiger appeared, and it was seven kilometers away from us, swaying towards us."

At this moment, Duoyan, who was lying on the tallest tree, said.

"Really? Is this little tiger finally here?"

Hearing this, the man in sunglasses who had just finished speaking couldn't help but smile and said, "Everyone get ready and wait for this little tiger to get close, and then deal with him so that he doesn't run away."

"Remember not to smash his head, we will rely on his head to go back and collect the money."

"Yes, Boss." Everyone who heard this nodded, and all hid their positions and waited for the prey to appear.

"Huh? How can there be a smell of dogs and seafood here? It smells more human? Is there anyone else coming here to barbecue?" Cheng Hao, who was walking home, sniffed the air smell later.

The whole tiger was a little suspicious, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, he wasn't the only guardrail in the forest. Is it normal to have other animals?

Besides, he is the king of beasts in the jungle.

There has always been a reason for other guys to be afraid of him, why is there any reason for him to be afraid of other guys?
Thinking of this, Cheng Hao ignored it even more.

He continued to walk towards the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain with unsteady steps. It was getting late now, and it would be dawn soon, so he had to go back early.

"Target appeared, ready to shoot."

Looking at the chubby figure that appeared, an order from the man in sunglasses came from the dark woods.

Then one after another bright sparks burst out in the woods.

"Huh? Gunshots, sneak attack?"

Feeling the subtle vibrations of the surrounding air, Cheng Hao, who was shaking his head and thinking nonsense, immediately came back to his senses, turned his body slightly to avoid the flying bullets, and slapped his paws again, and the bullets flying from other directions were shot out .

Afterwards, the tail swept the fallen leaves all over the sky and disappeared from their sight.


Seeing this scene, Duoyan's four eyes widened.

Not to mention that this little tiger dodged their bullets, did it even slap the bullets they fired with its paws?
Is this horse riding a tiger?Not some other monster?

"How about the multi-eyed situation? Did you hit him?" The man in the sunglasses asked aloud. He was blocked by trees and couldn't see the little tiger, but he believed in the multi-eyed eyes. Visible.

"He..." Hearing this, Duo Yan was about to say something when he felt scarlet blood dripping from his throat.

"What... when?" Duo looked at Fat Roll's voice behind him, only this sentence remained in his mind, and he fell from the tree.

"What's wrong with your eyes? Answer me what happened?" Hearing the dull voice from the other side of the walkie-talkie, the man in sunglasses suddenly realized that something was wrong.

And just when he was about to say something, another barking sound came from his ear.

Suddenly, my whole heart went cold.

In the deep pit on the ground, Sai Xiaotian's eyes were wide open, and his hands were tightly holding the soil.

There was a huge wound between his eyebrows, with white liquid bubbling.

"The second guy." Cheng Hao looked at the corpse on the ground, looked in other directions in the forest, and then hid in the darkness.

Although I don't know why these guys have nothing to do to attack him?It doesn't matter and he doesn't bother to care about it, as long as these guys all die.

He is a good law-abiding tiger. As long as others don't move him, he usually won't move others.

But you dare to shoot?That's embarrassing.

His Lord Tiger is not a vegetarian either, he grew up eating meat.

"Boss... Boss, something is wrong." The woman wrapped around the tree trunk was trembling as she smelled the smell of blood in the air.

In less than a minute, the smell of blood became stronger.

But Duoyan and Sai Xiaotian's voice never appeared again. What did she vaguely guess?But I still can't believe that the two of them will die quietly like this.

"I know, we can't disperse anymore. There is something wrong with the information given by that damn guy. There is something wrong with this little tiger." Hearing this, the man in sunglasses said with an ugly face. The bastard who issued the reward didn't mean that this little tiger just evolved. Is it just an animal?
It never said that this little tiger would be so powerful.

To be able to solve his two partners silently, this is an extremely terrifying existence in the entire team of mutants.

"Then...then I'll go there now." After the death of her two companions, Yanu panicked.

I no longer dare to be arrogant, let alone be alone.

She had a hunch that this little tiger would kill all of them alone one by one, just like playing with prey, making their remaining companions panic and panic until they went crazy.

"Well, you all come to my place." The man in the sunglasses nodded and said, holding two guns in his hand and looking around vigilantly.

"it is good……"

As soon as the woman wrapped around the tree trunk landed, a face that was so round that it exploded appeared in front of her eyes, but she couldn't appreciate the cuteness at this time.

Because a claw had already pierced her heart, she didn't even feel any pain at this moment, she just felt a little chilly in her heart.

"The third one, there are two more." Looking at the panic in the eyes of the guy in front of him, Cheng Hao flicked the blood from his nails, so as not to get himself covered all over.

He has to go back to see the breeder's sister. She can't get dirty, let alone blood.

So these guys don't struggle, let him send them away cleanly, anyway, they have become this kind of monsters who can't do anything wrong, and there is nothing to stay.

"Boss...boss, he has appeared, you have to be careful." Just as Cheng Hao was about to leave, the woman whose heart was pierced suddenly spoke.

"Huh? It's not dead?" Cheng Hao was a little surprised when he heard this. He turned around and was about to mend his claws again, when he saw the opponent's head drooping down, and the body wrapped around the tree fell due to the weight.

"It turned out to be the backlight. Let me just say, how could Ben Hu survive?" Cheng Hao muttered, and then dived into the darkness again.

(End of this chapter)

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