Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 142 Call Me Tiger, Okay!king

Chapter 142 Call Me Tiger, Okay!king

"Baa baa~ (Listen up, all the animals, the king called all the animals to gather.)"

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaala~ (All animals listen up, the king called all animals to gather...)"

In the forest, sheep shouted as they walked.

After a while, many animals showed their heads from the trees, bushes, and the ground.

"Hmm~ (Xiao Yang, is what you said true? Do I want to see us?)"

"Moomoo~ (Yeah, you have to know the fate of lying to us.)"

The animals surrounded the little wild sheep and asked, with three points of inquiry and seven points of doubt in their eyes.

Wang is extremely powerful, how could he find a weak guy like Wild Sheep?

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?? what I say is true, if you do not believe, follow me to know.) " the wild goat that is surrounded does not panic at all, say with head held high.

It is sent by the king now, who of these guys dare to touch it?

"Moomoo~ (Okay, let's go and see.)"

"Uh huh~ (But if you dare to play tricks on us, you will be finished.)" Seeing the appearance of the little wild sheep, the beasts said.

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? (Come with me.) " the wild goat that is threatened does not take it seriously, take them to go toward the destination.

Along the way, they saw many other animals, and they were all coming this way, and they gradually believed in the words of the wild sheep.

As more and more animals gathered, in a short while, the entire open space was crowded and blocked.

After seeing the evolved plants growing around, they couldn't help trembling and hugged their helpless self.

They can't walk and can't walk, and their strength is too weak. It's really miserable to be caught in this kind of place now.

Now I just hope that these animals gather together, not for them.

"Aww~ (Have all the evolved animals in this area come here?)" Just as they were thinking this way, a loud voice spread throughout the open space, and the terrifying aura suddenly frightened them to the waist. All bent down.

"It's him, it's him. It's that scary guy who showed up."

"555~, he is so scary, last time I saw Lord Tree King being dealt with alive by him."

"Yeah, he's too strong. I don't know what he wants to do?" The tree whispered, and the whole tree was about to be buried in the soil.


"Baa baa~ (Yeah, yeah, we don't know if there are any fish that slipped through the net.)" Ye Yang walked up to Cheng Hao and replied respectfully after passing through the dense line.

"Moomoo~(Meet the king.)"

"Um, ho, ho, (I've seen the king.)"

"Hmmmm~ (Meet the king.)"

After confirming the figure standing on the stone, the beasts couldn't help saying respectfully.

Is this the terrible king of their region?It's really too powerful.

The terrifying aura made them tremble, and a casual glance seemed to kill them casually.

"Aww~ (Call me Lord Tiger, don't call me Wang. This name is weird.)"

Seeing the densely packed animals calling him king, Cheng Hao couldn't help saying with a black line on his head.

Kings come and go all day, those who don't know think he is a bastard?Besides, there are so many guys who are called kings, it is nothing new for him to be called this name, he still prefers the name Tiger Lord.

"Ho Ho~ (Okay, Wang.)"

All the beasts who heard this replied in unison.

What does the king say?Everything the king said was right, and they would always act according to the king's words.

"Aww~ (I said I'm calling me Lord Tiger, not the king.)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard the words, those guys have long ears, isn't it for venting their anger?He said he called him Lord Tiger.

"Ho Ho~ (Okay, Lord Tiger. We understand, king.)" All the beasts nodded when they heard this.

"Aww~ (You know a hammer, you know.)" Cheng Hao cursed angrily after hearing this.

These guys' ears are used to vent their anger. Does that one seem to understand?

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, we understand a hammer. King.)" All the beasts echoed.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense with you guys, and I don't want to waste time with you.)"

Hearing that these guys are stubborn and unrepentant.

Cheng Hao felt a little tired, so he went straight to the topic and said:

"Aww~ (Now I want to know, all of you have come to this area from various places for the information on all the tree kings in the forest outside this area, you should know something about those guys, right?)"

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, king.)" All the beasts nodded and said, they naturally knew very clearly about the tree king where they came from.

"Aww~ (That's good, from now on, choose a representative from each of your groups, and then tell me all the things you know.)" Cheng Hao looked at all the animals and said, "Aww~ (Act now.)”

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, Wang.)"

The beasts who heard this said happily, great, is the king finally going to attack those hateful guys?This is really an uncomfortable and happy thing, and the luck of those guys has come to an end.

"Aww~ (All the trees, listen to me, if you choose to stay here, it means that you want to be my subjects, if any of you dare to leak information from inside and outside, then don't blame me for punishing you Huh?)" After seeing the animals discussing, Cheng Hao said to the surrounding trees that lowered their bodies.

These guys are still here now, he doesn't care whether these guys can't leave or don't want to go, anyway, as long as they stay here, it means that these guys are his little brothers. You have to follow his rules.

Staying on his territory and still dare to eat inside and out?He can only send these guys to die.

"Hoho~ (Yes, you trees must be loyal to the king, otherwise we will destroy you all.)"

The beasts who heard this said immediately, if these trees dare not be loyal to their great king, then they will deal with them first.

Wang's men don't need disobedient guys, especially these guys are still a bunch of trees.



Upon hearing this, all the trees immediately bowed their heads and lay down on the ground, expressing their submission.

Run and can't escape, hit and can't beat.

Is there a third way for them to go besides surrender?
"Aww~(Very good, it seems that you are very acquainted.)" Cheng Hao said with satisfaction after seeing this scene: "Aww~(From today on, I want you to cooperate well and not fight each other. If I find out that you have If there is an infighting behavior, no matter who provokes it first, I will punish it together.)”

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The beasts and the trees who heard this replied.

"Aww~ (Well, let's continue talking now. Gather up the information I want to know as soon as possible and give it to me. I don't have much time to play with you here tonight.)" After Cheng Hao saw that they all expressed their opinions , and then urged with satisfaction.

The beasts who heard the words continued to discuss, and after a short meeting, they had sorted out a lot of information and reported to Cheng Hao what they knew.

"These guys' respective territories are far away, and they don't communicate with each other? This is good news." After listening to the younger brother's report, Cheng Hao's eyes moved slightly.

Soon he had an idea, he looked at the sitting animals and said: "Aww~ (I already know what you reported, now I'm going to check whether the information you said is true? You can go back and do it now I did it myself.)”

"Aww! (Wang, are you going to deal with those guys now? Do you need our help?)" After hearing this, Huabao asked.

"Moo~ (Yeah, or let's go help, I can help the king open the way and smash them into pieces.)" the buffalo said.

"Hmm~ (Yes, yes, I can help Wang Ning knock them down.)" Wild Boar followed suit.

Those nasty evolutionary trees have harmed them a lot, and now the king intends to avenge them, so naturally they won't sit still.

"Aww~ (You don't need to intervene, your strength is too weak, if you go, you will only hinder me.)" Looking at the active younger brothers below, Cheng Hao said.

Bringing these guys over, does he still have to work?

He didn't have time to take care of these guys, he was looking for the strongest tree king, but he didn't have time to take care of them.

"Ho Ho~ (Then we won't go, king.)" All the beasts lowered their heads when they heard this and replied, they were too useless and dragged the king's hind legs.

"Aww~ (Well, just stay calm, I'll be back soon.)" Cheng Hao said, and jumped up from the rock.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed hundreds of meters.

After all the beasts came back to their senses, where was Cheng Hao?
"Baa baa~ (The king is so strong, I believe that when the king comes back, he must have dealt with all the guys.)"

"Moomoo~ (Of course, the king is omnipotent.)"

"Hmph~ (That's right, that's right.)"

All the beasts said what I said, and they all looked at Cheng Hao's leaving direction full of respect.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many tree kings around this mountain forest. This is good news. I hope these guys won't run away when I pass by." He showed a happy look.

With the information provided by his younger brothers, he can feel at ease to trouble these guys.

I hope these guys are still staying in their respective places honestly and don't run away.

Otherwise, finding them would be a very laborious task.



A strange wind blew in the forest, and in the blink of an eye, a black shadow passed through the forest.

"It seems that something flew over just now, did you see it?" The tree brushed by the black shadow raised its thick roots and asked, patting the companion on the side.

"Are you sleepy? I didn't find anything. Don't think too much. Go on to sleep. How can there be such things?" The tree that was woken up said, shaking the roots, Then continue to sleep.

Where did the movement come from?Don't be too suspicious of the other party, there is no movement at all, okay?
"Really? But I obviously found that something has passed by just now?" The tree said when he heard this, and he couldn't help scratching his trunk while lifting the roots.

"Don't be so suspicious. If there is anything wrong, Lord Tree King will take care of it." Said the tree beside him, and fell asleep again.

They are all under the command of Lord Tree King, if there is any danger?Could Lord Tree King ignore it?
"Okay." Seeing his companion say so, the tree who spoke could only believe it.

He no longer cared about the situation outside, and regained his mind.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

And just when he was about to fall asleep again, the ground suddenly shook, and a familiar voice came from afar:
"Stop all the trees for me, and stop this guy for me."

"It seems to be the voice of Lord Tree King." Hearing this, the tree opened its eyes and muttered.

Then he saw a scene that he would never forget, the strongest and most powerful tree king in their hearts, now his body was gone, and he was running away in panic.

And behind the tree king, a chubby figure was chasing after him, swiping his claws down and the air made a sonic boom, smashing all the trees that dared to block the way into powder.

Then rushed to the back of the tree king and bit it down. Their extremely strong tree king slowly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a pile of tree dust.

"This this"

Seeing the unbelievable faces of the trees here, they never expected that their great tree king would fall down in this way in the end.

"You...don't be dazed, run away quickly." The tree on the side that pulled its roots out of the ground reminded, moved in small steps, and fled in a desperate manner.

Now this place is obviously going to change owners, and this is not a good thing for them. A powerful animal gathers here, and it is very likely to destroy them all.

They must seek refuge with the new Lord Tree King immediately, and only the new Lord Tree King can protect them.

"Oh oh~"

Hearing this, the tree nodded, and got up from the ground to get its roots, taking small steps like its companions, and ran "rustling" under the cold moonlight.

"Why are these guys like hermit crabs? They run pretty fast." Looking at the running trees, Cheng Hao, who had cleared the forest of roads, was speechless.

How on earth did these guys think he had time to deal with them?Nothing to run, what to run?After he cleared the surrounding area, he wanted to see where these guys could run to?
Under the cold moonlight, there was a tremor in the endless mountain forest.

The evolutionary plants running around are announcing the changes in the entire forest.

And the commotion did not dissipate slowly until the sky became brighter.

"I'll continue cleaning you up tomorrow, let's call it a day." Cheng Hao, who blew away the sawdust on the ground, murmured. After looking at the vast forest, he turned and left.

If I don't go back, I won't be able to catch up with the meals made by the chef in the cafeteria. He has to go back earlier, so I can't waste time here.

Anyway, I can take care of this group of guys slowly, and these guys will not easily leave the place where they are staying.

The trees who saw this scene couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then started discussing in a hurry:
"It's great that this horrible guy is finally gone."

"Yes, yes. He killed from the north to the west, and from the west to the south. He has killed many tree kings."

"That's right, he's absolutely terrifying. I don't even know where else is safe in this forest?"

"That's right, I'm too lazy to run now. I've already run a long way, but it doesn't make any sense to run if I still meet him."

"Well, don't run away. Let's just stay here."

The trees who had already looked down on life and death made up their minds not to run away again.

They have been running all night, and neither escaped the other.If you continue running, the result will not change in the slightest, so just stay here and wait, right?If the other party wants to kill them, they will kill them. If they don't kill them, they will live here.

"Baa baa~ (It's the king, the king is back.)"

The sun passed through the fallen leaves, and the waiting sheep shouted happily after seeing the back of the returning from a distance.

After the animals who heard this turned around, they also made excited voices:

"Moo~(I know, the king is the strongest.)"

"Uh huh~ (Yeah yeah, great king.)"

"Aww~(Stop making noises, you guys, I'm a little tired now and I'm going to go back to sleep. I'll come back tomorrow night, you don't have to all nest together now, just scatter a little around, I'll put the tree kings around It's almost done.)"

Seeing the happy faces of the beasts, Cheng Hao yawned and said.

Don't you feel panicked when all these guys are crowded together, let him spread out a little and act as his eyeliner.

"Moo~ (Did you kill all the tree kings around you? It's too powerful.)" Buffalo couldn't help but said after hearing this.

Their king is really too strong, did they wipe out all the tree kings around them in one night?

"Baa baa~ (Yes, yes. The king is too powerful.)" the head sheep jumped happily, being the first one to follow the king.

The stronger the king, the happier he will be.

"Ho Ho~ (Praise the great king.)"

The other evolved animals heard it and couldn't help roaring.

The king solved the surrounding tree kings, then they can move around as before, and they don't have to stay in a certain place anymore.

"Aww~ (Don't bother me. I'm going back to Tiger Garden to sleep.)" Cheng Hao glanced at them, then walked away.

"Moomoo~(Xiao Yang, where is the tiger park that the king mentioned?)"

"Hmm~ (Yeah, why doesn't Wang live here?)"

Seeing Cheng Hao leaving the back, the beasts asked curiously.

"Baa baa~ (How do I know this, we just need to follow Wang's words.)"

Hearing the words, the head sheep said, "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)"

"Ho Ho~ (Rush, rush...)"

The beasts who heard this roared and rushed towards the distance.

They could feel that the threat in the distance had dissipated, and this was all done by their king.

"Aww~ (What are you staring at me for? Hurry up and take me there.)" Cheng Hao looked at the big octopus on the bank of the river and said, why is this big octopus so dazed?Hurry up and take him there.

"Puff~ (Didn't you say you would bring me food? Why did you come back empty-handed?)" the big octopus looked at Cheng Hao who was empty-handed and asked. Didn't the other party say that he would bring food back for him? of it?Why didn't he see anything?
"Aww~ (Those prey have made me king, I can't kill my little brother, I still need them to help me guard the territory.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao explained, jumping up It jumped over a ten-meter-wide river and landed on the head of the big octopus.

"Puff~ (Have you actually become the king of this area? Then you will have a lot of troubles in the future. Maybe there will be many challengers.)" The big octopus was surprised at first and then said.

He has never heard of any animal king in the mountains?As the first one in this neighborhood, the tiger may have to accept the challenges of many tree kings.

"Aww~ (If those guys come to your door on their own initiative? I'm so happy. It saves me looking for them everywhere.)" Cheng Hao laughed and jumped off the big octopus head.

Does the other party know how far he ran today?If these guys would honestly come to challenge him one by one, he would be very happy.

"Puff~(Like this? Then I wish you good luck.)" The big octopus waved its big tentacles and said, anyway, he can't help the other party, as long as the other party is happy.

"Aww~ (Okay, goodbye.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, and ran towards the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain in the early morning sunshine.

I hope that Uncle Chef has already prepared breakfast, he is very hungry now, he can eat anything.

"Bastard, idiot, idiot..."

Inside the small black room, the middle-aged man wearing glasses cursed, and he had long since lost his original glamorous appearance.

On the other side of his room, a person was huddled in a corner silently. It was the secretary who followed the orders of his boss.

It's just that the situation of both of them is not very good, and now they are lying in the small black room of the evolutionary department.

And all the plans they thought were foolproof were also exposed, and the evolutionary department found out their addresses along the network cable, and dug up the whole black along the way.

It can be said that the two of them are one of the indirect figures who destroyed the entire black market. The black market existed, and the higher authorities didn't bother to take care of it.

But when these guys stretched their claws too long and finally made it impossible for the above to bear, the above directly grabbed its claws and pulled it out, and gave it a knife by the way.

"Don't make noise, just stay here." The team members of the evolution department who heard the movement opened the door and said to the middle-aged man inside: "This is not a place for you to run wild, we don't treat criminals so gently. "

"So what if you are not gentle? What dare you do? I am the chairman of a listed company, and I control a large company worth hundreds of billions." The middle-aged man said disdainfully: "A little guy like you, Do you believe that I can kill you with a backhand?"

"If you said this in the past, I might believe it, but as for now, I think it's better for you not to provoke me anymore." The team member took out the stun gun he was carrying with him and spoke.

Now is not an era of peace. In this chaotic time, the higher authorities allow the use of heavy codes.

So if the other party is unwilling to cooperate, he can only ask the other party to suffer.

"Could it be that you want to hit me with your stun gun? I'm standing here. Hit me if you have the ability. Believe it or not, my lawyer team bankrupted you and sent you to jail?" Middle-aged Seeing this, the man couldn't help but mocked, "If you're a man, shoot. If you don't dare to shoot, don't sell it in front of me... ah~"

Before he could finish speaking, an electric arc flew across the air, and then the middle-aged man began to tremble and foam.

"You guys are really naughty. This is the first time I've seen such a request." Seeing this, the team member who released the trigger said angrily, "How is it? Does electrotherapy feel bad? Be honest, Don't be an asshole again."

"As for your legal team? Sorry! Your legal team is here, better hope they don't have anything to do themselves."

"Otherwise, they will have to stay and accompany you to lie in the little black room."

"When did you guys think that you guys are allowed to act against each other?"

The team member said angrily, and after taking the copper wire back, he closed the door.

"But... Damn..."

The middle-aged man who fell on the ground cursed and got up from the ground.

He didn't expect that this guy would actually dare to attack him, his lawyer team?His legal team?

"Is there anything for you more than 20 people to come?" At the reception of the Evolution Department, the team members who were drinking tea raised their heads slightly and looked at the more than 20 people in suits and shoes in front of them.

The lawyer team of more than 20 people who were asked shrunk their heads and smiled:

"No, no more."

"We only came here to ask questions after receiving the entrustment of the group. Since bail is not allowed, let alone meeting, we will leave now."

"Yes, yes, let's go."

"Don't be in a hurry to leave so quickly. You should sign all your names first. This is a special period, and we need to check your identities one by one." The team members who heard this took out paper and pens and handed them to They said: "We will call you in the near future, and I hope you can answer it, don't pretend that you haven't heard it, otherwise it will be bad for us to find you offline."

"Ah? No, we just came here to inquire. Do we have to go through so many procedures?"

"That's right, and we are all serious lawyers." The more than 20 people who were filling out the information did not have a lump in their hearts. Could it be that the boss they worked with sold them?
Otherwise, why did the evolutionist department talk to them and call them?
"It doesn't matter if you just say it right or wrong, you have to go through our review." The captain said, picked up his phone and took a picture of the lawyers who were filling out the information: "This is for keeping , everyone, don’t worry or be nervous.”

"We weren't nervous at first if you didn't say it, but now you say we're not nervous. Did we really not commit any serious crimes?" The lawyers who heard this thought silently, regretting it very much. Why are they running here?Isn't this killing yourself?

Thinking of this, they quickly finished filling in the information, and then ran away in despair, for fear that these things would have something to do with them.

"These guys are usually quite arrogant, but now they run away like a group of mice with their tails between their legs." Looking at the fleeing lawyer team, the team members on the side said with a smile.

"Naturally, that's because they are lawyer teams belonging to major consortiums, and the people our evolutionary department wants to arrest, these lawyer teams are not eligible for bail." The team member who put away the form said, and put the organized The form was handed to the companion: "Now you can send these to the Information Department and see if they can find out something?"

"Our commander is really angry. If we don't chop off the roots of this big consortium this time, and frighten the other guys, I'm afraid it's impossible to stop."

"Well, I see. I'll send the things over right now." The team member smiled and took the form away.

"Aww~ (Today's food is really delicious, the fish steak is even better, it would be even better if there is a glass of milk.)"

In the cafeteria, Cheng Hao shook his paws and hummed, shaking his head and sitting on the chair happily.

After almost a year, he finally ate fish steaks and noodles with fried sauce.

Although it is a bit strange to say that this fish steak is paired with fried noodles, but he likes it very much.

The cooked food is much more delicious than the food taken out of the cold storage.

"Xiaoju, you little glutton, grandpa already knew you were here." After walking into the cafeteria, the director of the garden looked at Cheng Hao, who was shaking his paws, and said.

"Aww~ (What's the matter? Grandpa.)" Cheng Hao asked, shaking his head.

"Grandpa came here to tell you that the guy who offered you a reward on the black market has already been caught by the department." The director said with a smile, sitting next to Cheng Hao and rubbing his big round head, and found a large piece of sawdust along with it. The hand fell down, and the hand that couldn't help rubbing became a clapping:

"Hey! You little rascal, where did you go to sleep in the pile of wood last night? Why are you covered in wood scum?"

"Aww~ (I just went for a walk in the forest yesterday, and I didn't roll around in the tree residue. Grandpa, you must have misunderstood.)" Cheng Hao said after his tail lifted the sawdust off the chair.

It seems that the next time I come back, I have to shake off my body a little bit.

"Then you have to pay attention to hygiene. You are a tiger. A tiger is a clean animal. If you can't come to your side, you will break the fine tradition." Don't like to be clean?She was so neat when she was a child.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, "Aww~ (Grandpa, what else do you have to do? If not? I have to go back to sleep in the nest.)"

"Aww~ (I didn't sleep all night last night, now I have to go back and have a good rest.)"

"Go, go, you little glutton." The principal shook his head and said, originally he wanted to ask why Xiaoju didn't come back until daytime?It seems that there is no way to ask, so I can only go out with Xiaoju at night to see, what is he doing?

"Aww~ (Goodbye, Grandpa.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws and walked away.

On a dark and windy night, after a figure passed through the fence, the security guard in the security room dialed the director's phone number, and then a figure came out of the dormitory and drove a sightseeing car to the pen.

"Xiaoju, the little villain, leaves on time every day." The headmaster who arrived at the pen said with a smile.

He jumped over the fence, and then jumped over the fence separating Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden and the outside, and ran in the direction Cheng Hao left.

"Wow! The head of the park is so amazing. You can jump over such a high fence." In the monitoring room of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, the security guard couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

"Naturally, our headmaster is very capable." The security guard at the side said with a smile, and stopped taking care of it.

"Xiaozhang, are you there? If you are here, can you show your head? Grandpa wants to cross the river, and now I need you to take me there." The director who ran for a while and arrived at the river shouted into the river. His strength is very strong, but he doesn't have the ability to jump over a river hundreds of meters wide in one leap.

"Puff~ (Grandpa, I'm here, I'm here.)" After sending Chen Hao to the other side, the big octopus that had been lying in the river for a while heard it, and immediately popped out of the river.

He remembered this voice, it was the voice of the grandpa in Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, who had given him a lot of delicious food some time ago.

"Xiao Zhang is so obedient, grandpa knows you are the most obedient." Seeing the big octopus popping out, the head of the garden said with a smile.

"Puff~ (Grandpa, you haven't come to see me for a long time.)" said the big octopus that popped up from behind and stretched out its tentacles.

"Yes, grandpa is a little busy recently, so I don't have time to see you, but grandpa promises that he will definitely find time to see you this afternoon." The director said with a smile when he heard the words, touched the tentacles of the big octopus and said: " What is Xiaoju busy with recently? Do you know?"

Xiaozhang and Xiaoju have contact every night, so they should know something, right?

"Puff puff puff~ (Grandpa, are you talking about a tiger? He is busy these days being king.)" The big octopus who was asked replied.

"Being the king?" The head of the garden couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

"Puff~ (Yes, the tiger has become the king of this mountain, and he manages a lot of animals under him.)" The big octopus nodded and said, when he took the tiger with him yesterday, he could smell the tiger's scent very much. Messy, smells of everything.

"Xiaoju is already so powerful now?" The director couldn't help but sigh a little when he heard that, Xiaoju has become a king at only a young age?

The road ahead is simply limitless.

"Puff~(Yes, the tiger is very powerful. Several tree kings in the forest were killed by him.)" The big octopus nodded and said, "Puff~(Otherwise, how could it become this mountain? The tree king in the forest? Grandpa, be careful when you enter the forest, or you will be easily spotted by the trees.)”

"Puff~ (The trees in this forest are all under the tiger now. If you go in, grandpa, they will definitely report to the tiger.)"

Since grandpa didn't come with the tiger, it means that grandpa followed secretly.

If so?Grandpa just be careful.

The plants and animals on the bank were all integrated by the tiger. When he got close to the river bank, he could hear these plants whispering about how powerful the tiger was.

"Don't worry, grandpa isn't stupid. Let's see you later." The director smiled while touching the big octopus's head, and jumped to the bank of the river.

"Puff~ (Okay, goodbye, Grandpa.)" the big octopus waved its tentacles and said, watching the director enter the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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