Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 143 You Can't Bully a Tiger Like This

Chapter 143 You Can't Bully a Tiger Like This

"Ho Ho~ (Praise the great king!)"

In the dark night, all the beasts shouted in unison.

He looked at Cheng Hao standing on the boulder with adoring eyes, his face was full of excitement.

It's him, it's him!It is their great king who has come.

"Aww~ (Don't tell me what's going on, how is the situation now? Other tree kings run to my territory.)" Hearing the flattery from the younger brothers, Cheng Hao asked.

These guys don't give him the skin, he doesn't want to hear that.

"Baa baa~ (Report to the great king, the tree kings in other places have moved back thirty miles after knowing how powerful you are.)"

The head sheep said, his eyes were full of little stars.

This is their king. Although he didn't move out, he used a name to frighten the other guys to flee in embarrassment.

"Moo~ (Yes! Those cowardly tree kings, when they heard your name, they wanted to bury their heads in the ground.)" the bison followed suit.

"Hmph~ (Yes, yes, you are as dazzling as the sun, and wherever you go, your brilliance fills the earth. How dare those guys face up to your brilliance, of course they are going to run away.)" The wild boar followed suit As he looked, his eyes were full of flattery.

"Aww~ (Don't say any more about flattering, I don't want to hear this shit.)" Seeing these guys flattering endlessly, Cheng Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Aww~ (These guys are so cowardly, It doesn’t look like it’s going to work, and I need to go to their territory to chase them by myself.)”

These tree kings are also real, why run away if they have nothing to do?their words?Isn't he going to chase again?
If you have nothing to do and run an extra [-] miles, don't you want to exhaust him to death?

"Xiaoju, this little glutton, really looks like the king of beasts now."

On the top of the big tree in the distance, the director looked at the situation here, with a smile on his face.

As expected of a tiger from the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, even a small tiger can overwhelm other animals and make them unable to lift their heads.

As the head of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, he felt that he had a lot of face.



"No, there are intruders here, I have to tell the king as soon as possible." The tree whose branches were bent by the garden manager stepped on it, and moved the roots with difficulty to spread around.

Tell the other trees about your situation.

The other trees did not dare to neglect after hearing the news, and immediately reported to the evolved animals.

In less than a few seconds, the news reached the beasts. When they heard that there was an intruder on their side, all the animals immediately started to act.

"Huh? What's going on here? Is the meeting over?" Seeing the animals dispersing one after another, the director was full of doubts in his eyes.

Can't figure out what's going on here?Why did the animals all disperse?
And in the next second, after squirrels and other animals appeared on the surrounding trees, he finally understood what was going on?
"Baa baa~ (Intruder listen, come down from the tree, we've seen you, if you don't come down, we're welcome.)" After the head sheep rushed to the scene with the flock, Looking at the threat of the director on the treetop.

"Moomoo~ (Hurry up, get down. How dare you invade our territory, come down quickly.)"

After the buffalo herd arrived, they immediately surrounded the surrounding area.

"Ho Ho~ (Get off quickly.)"

Then the other animals arrived one after another, and surrounded the place tightly.

"It seems that this place is already monolithic." After seeing it, the director couldn't help but smiled and said, "What are you doing hiding in the dark, little orange? Don't you dare come out to see me?"

The little villain Xiaoju stayed in a dark corner, maybe he wanted to sneak attack him?

"Aww~ (I just don't know why you secretly followed me, Grandpa.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao slowly walked out from the shade of the tree.

Unexpectedly, the intruder would be the director of the garden.

I don't know why the principal's grandfather is sneaking after him in the middle of the night?
"Baa baa~ (Is this the human being Wang knows?)"

"Hmm~(Sounds like it is.)"

Upon hearing this, the beasts quickly moved out of the way.

Since they were human beings that Wang knew, they were no longer enemies, and they couldn't continue to surround each other like this.

"Hahaha, grandpa just wants to see what you, little guy, are doing when you go out early and come home late every day?" the director said with a smile, and fell from the treetop.

"Aww~ (Of course I'm doing business, look, I've integrated all these animals and plants together.)"

"Aww~(It is to make this forest a safe rear of the tiger garden.)" Cheng Hao said with his head upright, looking at the animals watching this side, he said: "Aww~(This is my grandpa, please see clearly .Don’t bark next time.)”

"Ho Ho~ (We got it, Wang.)"

All the beasts who heard this replied, looked at the director with their eyes, and sniffed carefully with their noses, trying to remember the smell of the other party in their minds.

But after smelling it for a while, I found that the other party didn't have any smell at all.

They couldn't help but opened their eyes wide in doubt, and they said why they couldn't find each other, so it turned out that the other party didn't have any human touch?This is really strange.

It's obvious that no matter what it is, it has the smell it should have, but the other party doesn't have it, which is a bit outrageous.

So he looked at Cheng Hao:
"Hoho~ (Wang, Grandpa has no smell on him, we can't tell him, and we won't know it's him next time we meet.)"

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, Wang. We have no way to recognize it.)"

"Aoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Cheng Hao, who heard the words of the beasts, sniffed it carefully and found that the grandfather of the garden director did not have the unique smell of a human being. Don't reveal a curious look in his eyes: "Auaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Grandpa, how did you manage to suppress the smell on your body? I can’t even smell the smell on your body, it’s outrageous.)”

It is obvious that the smell of grandpa is usually there, why is he suddenly gone today?Could it be Grandpa's special ability?No, grandpa doesn't have this kind of ability.

"It's very simple, as long as you wash yourself thoroughly, don't use any shower gel, and then wear cotton cloth." The director said with a smile, and patted Cheng Hao on the head.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, although I haven't read a book, I'm not stupid. What you said should be useless.)" Cheng Hao said speechlessly. People who have no smell in the morning.

"Hahaha, sure enough, Xiaoju has become smarter, and she can't help fooling Xiaoju." The head of the garden said with a smile: "Okay, grandpa will tell you the real method, you just need to shrink the pores, so that the pores do not follow the skin. When the sweat glands sweat, the body odor will naturally not come out."

"Of course, this method can only be used for a short time, and it cannot be used all the time, otherwise it will be harmful to the body."

"Aww~ (It turns out that the pores are closed and the sweat glands are not allowed to sweat. No wonder there is no smell.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded in a sudden realization.

There is such a powerful concealment method, what a waste and unexpected, but it's a pity that his smell is too strong to use this method.

Otherwise, if it is combined with this method of sneak attack?Wouldn't that be right from head to head?
"Yes, but breathing and exhaling will still have a smell. It's not really possible to keep the smell." The director said with a smile, he can be so hidden from being discovered by the animals.

That's because he had done enough homework before he came, not to mention changing into clothes with herbal sprays, he even used herbs for bathing, and even changed into cotton shoes for his shoes.

He's not one of those industrially produced things, otherwise?How could he hide his figure for so long?

"Aww~ (But it's already very powerful, at least it can be hidden from my nose.)" Cheng Hao sniffed and said, waving his paws and said to the beasts: "From now on, what grandpa says will be mine, If I'm not around? You can go to the Tiger Garden to find grandpa."

"Ho Ho~ (Understood, Wang.)"

When the beasts heard the words and replied loudly, they looked up to the sky and roared excitedly.

Circles began to circle around Cheng Hao and the principal.

"These little guys are really interesting." The director couldn't help but smiled and said: "Okay, little guys, don't go around in circles anymore, be careful to knock your head out."

"Come here and smell my scent."

As he said that, he opened the pores on his body to release his own smell.

The beasts who smelled this smell deeply remembered this smell in their heads.

"Ho Ho~ (We remember, Grandpa.)"

"Hoho~ (Yeah yeah, I won't forget next time.)"

The beasts spoke, and looked at Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Okay, now that you've remembered it, and if Wei Wei has reported the situation to me, you can disperse now and go back to your respective territories.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw and said.

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, king.)" The beasts replied, and then scattered and ran towards their respective territories.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, have you read what I'm doing? Can I go back? I still have things to do next, so I can't stay here any longer.)" Seeing the younger brothers, Lu After leaving one after another, Cheng Hao spoke to the principal.

Now he was going to run hundreds of miles to chase those tree kings who were running away.

If the principal's grandfather followed him, he was a little bit tied up.

"What's the matter? Are you going to do something bad, you little rascal? Do you still want to accompany grandpa?" The principal asked with a smile when he heard the words, and reached out to pat Cheng Hao's head.

He saw that Xiaoju should be fine after the meeting with the beasts.

Why are you coming back later every day now?

"Oh~ (I'm going to do something serious now, but what a bad thing.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao explained: "Oh~ (Grandpa, if you don't feel tired, you can follow me. But if you can't keep up My words? I won’t leave behind your grandfather’s back.)”

"Oh? You little villain actually look down on grandpa? You don't think grandpa is the kind of guy who can't carry his shoulders or hands?" Hearing this, the principal knocked Cheng Hao on the head angrily. Did the little guy think he would not be able to keep up with him?
Does he think he is an old man with poor physical strength?
"Aww~ (Grandpa, come with me, I'm going to deal with those tree kings.)" Cheng Hao said, and jumped out.

"Clean up those tree kings? Grandpa wants to see how you clean them up?" The head of the garden said with a smile when he heard this, and Sheng Sheng rushed out after him.



The two figures passed by the forest at an extremely fast speed, causing a terrifying sonic boom.

The trees living in the forest, only feel something flashing around them?I looked around suspiciously, but found nothing.

"Huh? Is the grandfather of the principal running so fast? Two legs are faster than mine?" Cheng Hao, who heard the movement behind him, was secretly shocked while running.

He knew that grandpa was very powerful, but he didn't expect that the other party could catch up with his speed at such an age. This is really a bit outrageous.

Obviously, grandpa is in his seventies and eighties now, why is he so strong?

"Xiaoju, this little rascal, can really run. He can run so fast. I can't hold on anymore." When Cheng Hao was secretly startled, the head of the garden was also shocked.

He didn't expect that what the little brother said was actually true, and if he chased him any further, he might really lack physical strength.

This little villain was running really fast, almost reaching the speed of a car on the highway.

If he hadn't borrowed most of Xiaoju's strength, he wouldn't have been able to catch up at all.

But even so, he was a little tired.

You must know that his abilities are not without flaws, and his physical strength is his greatest weakness.

He can gather most of the strength of his teammates, but cannot share the physical strength of his teammates.

This means that the greater the strength he obtained, the more energy he will consume.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, are you okay? Why are you panting heavily now?)" After running for a while, I heard the panting sound getting louder and louder, and the distance from me was getting farther and farther away.

The pace under Cheng Hao's feet gradually slowed down. He felt that if he ran again, the grandfather of the principal would be thrown by him until he lost sight of his tail.

"You little rascal, grandpa is as young as you?" Hearing this, the principal said out of breath, "And you, little rascal, walk on four legs, while grandpa walks on two."

No, no, no, old, old.

He really couldn't compare to Young Tiger. If he had caught up with this little villain when he was young, he would have no problem at all, but now he can't.

People still have to submit to their old age, but it won’t work if they don’t obey their old age.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you want to follow me, I told you, don't follow me, I run fast.)" Cheng Hao looked around and said, sniffing.

I didn't find any tree kings here, so I didn't plan to stay here.

His goal tonight is to deal with the Four Tree Kings before returning home, hoping that this wish can be fulfilled smoothly.

"Who knew you, a little villain, could run so well?" the director said, looking around, his expression became vigilant.

There is no tree king around here at any time, but there are relatively powerful trees.

It is very likely that there are plants that condense the heart of the tree.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, if you can't keep up with me? Just rest here. I have to continue to trouble the tree king, so I can't just stop here.)" Cheng Hao said, planning to Run away.

"Wait a minute, you little rascal, are you going to leave grandpa here alone? Don't you think it's dangerous here?" The principal said, what if Xiaoju walks away?He couldn't borrow Xiaoju's strength anymore.

When the time comes for him to wander alone in the forest, the danger will be great.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you are so powerful, you can't see that it will be very dangerous.)" Cheng Hao, who was about to run away, said, what joke is grandpa playing with him?The other party can catch up with him, and still be afraid of these guys around?
As for these guys, he slapped him one by one, and it must be the same for grandpa.

"Really, grandpa didn't joke with you." The principal said seriously after listening to this: "The reason why grandpa can catch up with you, a bad guy? That's because you borrowed most of your strength, but your physical strength can't keep up, otherwise Grandpa won't run so hard anymore."

"You little villain, if you leave grandpa here? Grandpa can't borrow your power anymore, and he will definitely be in danger."

"Aww~ (so grandpa, you are the legendary debt king?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help blurting out.

Grandpa's power is all borrowed, isn't this the legendary debt king?
"What is the king of debt?" Hearing the words, the director couldn't help asking in a daze.

He, an old man who is over fifty years old, can't keep up with the thinking of young people today.

"Aww~ (meaning people who have borrowed a lot of things.)" Cheng Hao said, looking at the surrounding trees and opening: "Then I will help grandpa get rid of all the guys around you. You can stay here in peace.”

Since, grandpa thinks there is danger here?Then he can help grandpa get rid of the surroundings.

It just so happens that on this site, the younger brothers are also coming.

Just take care of these restless guys, so that the little brothers don't get into trouble.

"Then I'll leave it to you. You should be careful not to scratch the heart of the tree, you know?" The director reminded after hearing the words, what if the heart of the tree is scratched?But it would be too wasteful.

"Aww~ (Shu Xin? What is that?)" Cheng Hao, who was about to make a move, heard this and couldn't help but pause and ask.

There is such a thing as a tree heart?What is that?

"Uh, Xiaoju, you hunted and killed the tree king everywhere, but you didn't know the tree's heart?" The head of the garden was also stunned when he saw Cheng Hao's question. Xiaoju didn't know about the tree's heart, so why was he chasing and killing the tree king so hard? Isn't it for the heart of the tree?

"Aww~ (I'm just a little tiger, how could I know so many things, I just don't like to see these guys appear in my territory and show off to me.)" Cheng Hao said, He is just an ordinary little tiger, how can he know so many things?
Did the headmaster think too much of him?

"Well, it turns out that you little villain doesn't know. Grandpa thought you knew." The head of the garden said with a smile: "Then grandpa will explain to you what is a tree heart? A tree heart is a powerful evolutionary plant." The thing that condenses the strength of a lifetime, it is the same as the heart of our human beings, providing them with continuous strength."

"When they feel they can't escape? They will abandon their clumsy bodies and run away with the heart of the tree."

"Because the heart of the tree contains all their power and their true consciousness. As long as the heart of the tree is still there, they have the possibility of making a comeback."

"And if the evolved plants and animals get the tree heart? As long as they swallow it, their strength will be greatly enhanced. Grandpa thought you knew about it."

"Aww~ (So that's how it is? Then I understand, I'll pick and kill two more powerful trees now to see if they have hearts?)" Cheng Hao, who heard this, finally understood. What is the heart of a tree?
It turns out that it is the essence of a tree, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Because when he met these tree kings, he just mouthed them when they met, and the weakness set ignited directly turned them into fly ash.

But if the tree hearts of these guys are so powerful?Instead, it can be taken back to the breeder's sister, at least it is much stronger than that evolutionary potion.

"Go, go, remember to pick a tree with a stronger breath to clean it up, the stronger the tree, the more likely it will be born in the heart of the tree." The head of the garden reminded with a smile.

"Aww~ (OK.)" Cheng Hao nodded, and then looked at the tall tree not far away.

The moment the tree found itself being targeted?Immediately, it slammed into the ground fiercely.

As one of the few trees who had seen the tiger in front of him fight with the tree king, he deeply understood that once he was touched by the opponent, he would not even have a chance to escape.

"Huh? I haven't taken it seriously yet, so you run away, what's the matter?" Cheng Hao, who noticed the movement of the tree, was speechless, and rushed towards the tree quickly.

Want to sneak under his nose?What do you take him for?

"Xiaoju's movements are really fast. It looks like this tree is going to be captured alive." Looking at Cheng Hao who cut off the trunk with one claw and rushed into the ground, the head of the garden couldn't help but said with a smile, and then sat beside him. Rested on a small rock.

In just a few seconds, Cheng Hao jumped out of the hole holding a tree trunk, trotted to the director, and revealed a green mass hidden in the tree trunk: "Aww~( Grandpa, help me take a look, is this the tree heart you mentioned?)"

"Yes, this is the heart of the tree." The gardener took the trunk, dug out the heart of the tree and said:
"It's just that it hasn't been formed yet, but he is a tree heart in every respect."

"Aww~ (That's good, grandpa, please take it for me, and send it to my sister later, and I'll catch a few more guys.)" After getting confirmation from the head of the garden, Cheng Hao looked at the other trees around him. , The eyes couldn't help but light up with a green light.

These guys actually have the heart of the tree, even if it is not formed, it is an extremely precious resource, so we can't let them go away.

"Go, go." The principal said with a smile, and Cheng Hao rushed into the forest.

All of a sudden, there was a bloody storm in the whole forest, and the strong trees were crying to meet their own death.

On the contrary, Cheng Hao was very happy. He counted the tree hearts one after another with his tail and said:

"With these tree hearts, my sister doesn't have to drink those rubbish things. When my sister becomes stronger, she can give me a massage."

As he is now getting stronger and stronger, he may hurt the breeder's sister with every gesture.

This made the distance between him and the breeder's sister more and more distant, but as long as the breeder's sister became stronger, he believed that this situation would definitely improve gradually.

"You little villain is really easy to be satisfied." The director who put the heart of the tree in his pocket patted Cheng Hao's head angrily and said: "You are so strong now, don't you have any other ideas? For example About building a kingdom or something?"

"Aww~ (I'm just a little tiger, but I don't have such a great idea. My idea is to stay in the tiger garden and eat and die.)"

"Aww~ (How tiring is it to build a kingdom or something?)" Cheng Hao shook his head without thinking when he heard this.

"Then you are too lazy." The principal said with a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

It's great that Xiaoju doesn't have any ambitions. If he has ambitions, there are not many people who can stop Xiaoju.

"Oh~ (Lazy will make me more comfortable, so of course I have to be lazy.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently: "Oh~ (Grandpa, you can rest here slowly, or you can go back first Yes, I still have things to do, so I can’t continue chatting with you here.)”

He was delayed here for a while, almost causing him to forget what he was going to do.

No, he has to work quickly, otherwise he will not be able to complete today's plan.

"You little guy, are you planning to leave grandpa behind like this?" The principal said angrily after hearing this, "Could it be that Xiaohong can sit on your back, but grandpa can't sit?"

This little guy only let Xiao Hong sit on his back?He is such a big old man, this brat has the heart to let him walk back, right?

"Aww~ (Of course not, the main reason is that you are heavier, grandpa, and sister is lighter, so you can carry it on your back.)"

Although he wanted to say that he was here, he thought it would hurt the old man's heart, so he changed his words.

"You little villain is so strong, and grandpa is focusing on it, can you still carry it?" The director said angrily, and sat on Cheng Hao's back: "Okay, you little villain, move more quickly, Carry grandpa back, don't play tricks on grandpa, you know?"

"Grandpa watched you grow up, if you hurt grandpa, you can figure it out yourself."

"Aww~ (But I still have to trouble the tree king, grandpa, you are not safe on my back.)" Cheng Hao said, feeling the increased weight on his back.

Why is grandpa still clinging to him?He still wanted to clean up the tree king.

"Don't worry, grandpa will take care of himself. Besides, you are so strong now, can't you still protect grandpa? Grandpa believes that you can." The principal smiled and patted Cheng Hao on the head, urging him to hurry up Get moving.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Cheng Hao said helplessly after hearing this, and could only continue on the road without the principal behind his back.

"Xiaoju, go faster. Although grandpa is old, he hasn't reached the point where he can't move. Don't think about dawdling here." Sitting on Cheng Hao's back, he looked around The director of the scenery urged, it's comfortable to have someone carry it, you can play while watching the beautiful scenery.

"Aww~ (Got it, grandpa, don't rush.)" Cheng Hao, who was running, replied, his squatting short legs speeded up a lot, and grandpa really did, why bother him so much when he has nothing to do, he It's just a little tiger.

If you feel that what he did is wrong or there is something wrong, you can just say it directly, there is no need to beat around the bush and punish him.

"It's good to know, let's run quickly." The director smiled, leaning on Cheng Hao's big head, looking a bit like an outsider.

After a while, the surrounding woods began to become denser, and the environment gradually changed.

The principal, who was leaning on Cheng Hao's big head with Cheng Hao on his back, gradually became serious, and he was no longer playing around like before.

"Xiaoju, you have to be careful, the surrounding situation is not quite right, I'm afraid there are some big guys here."

"Aww~ (Grandpa, if you can get off my back? I think no matter what kind of guy it is, it will be a catastrophe for me.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this. We have reached our goal this time.

A huge tree in the virgin forest, this tree goes straight into the sky, the huge trunk is as thick as a house, it looks like a tall building straight into the sky and the earth.

Covering the surrounding clouds and mist, one can tell at a glance that it is no small matter, it is definitely a very powerful tree.

And he likes powerful trees the most, the stronger the tree, the more benefits it can bring him.

Like such a thick tree, I am afraid that one tree is worth several tree kings.

"Then Xiaoju, you have to be more careful, Grandpa is rushing by the side."

When the principal heard the words, he jumped off Cheng Hao's back.

"Aww~ (No problem, grandpa, just watch how I deal with this guy. I promise he will cry loudly later.)" Cheng Hao, feeling a lot lighter on his back, said, Grandpa finally It is down.

Next, he should also be good and play with this guy.

"Well, let's go, Xiaoju." The director smiled and nodded, and a piercing sonic boom sounded in his ears.

On the huge tree in the distance, there is an extra round figure, which is directly embedded in it.

"Aww~ (What's going on here? Why is this tree empty?)" Cheng Hao, whose head crossed from the left to the right, had doubts in his eyes.

What happened to this tree?Obviously the aura looks so strong but it is made of paper, and it came over as soon as it was worn, let alone the heart of the tree, he didn't even see the trunk.

There is only a big shell left here.

"This...how is this possible?" The headmaster who saw this scene, his eyes were full of disbelief, and hurried over.

How could such a huge tree be empty?What exactly is going on?

"Aww~ (Grandpa, this tree is not right, it's actually empty.)" said Cheng Hao, who pulled his head out of the boulder. He hit too hard just now, and one of the brakes didn't stop, and the whole tiger died. It flew right in.

"Well, grandpa saw it." The headmaster nodded and looked around the tree carefully. He wanted to know why the tree looked like this?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be right. How could such a big tree become hollow?
After walking around the tree a few times, the doubt in his eyes deepened, and he didn't seem to find anything wrong with the tree.

It seems that there is a living tree in this place, but the other party is obviously hollow, and there is also an aura of rapid speed, which is very strange no matter how you look at it.

"Aww~ (What the hell is going on with this guy, Grandpa? The one in the middle is clearly empty, but he can still maintain this appearance.)" Cheng Hao asked curiously behind the director, and the situation in front of him was a bit beyond him. It was unexpected, he didn't even understand what the hell it was?

"Grandpa doesn't know too well. This matter needs to be investigated." The head of the garden said solemnly. There are only two possibilities that the trunk is empty now.

One is what strange ability has this tree trunk evolved?The second is that the trunk of this big tree has gone away, and only this body remains.

And the evolutionary plants that can do this step, don't even think about how terrifying it is?

"Aww~ (like this? Then I destroyed this thing, shouldn't it matter?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this. Although the big tree was said to be hollow, it was filled with a very strong The power of evolution.

How could it be possible to return empty-handed when you came to Baoshan?This is obviously not his style.

"It's best if you have the ability to destroy it, otherwise grandpa would think it's dangerous if you put it here." The head of the garden said with a smile after hearing this, although he didn't know what was going on with the plant ?But if you continue to let it go, something big will happen one day.

It would be great if it could be destroyed.

"Aww~ (Then I'm not polite, Grandpa, stand aside for a while.)" Cheng Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this, he opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up around, and all the gravel and weeds on the ground rose from the ground.

Countless leaves are flying all over the sky, covering the entire sky.

The light from the giant tree emitting white light was immediately absorbed into Cheng Hao's mouth.

And his huge body was also turning into tree dust at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short while, the giant screen that shot straight into the sky turned into a bald head.

"Is this Xiaoju's ability?" Seeing this scene, the director couldn't help muttering, it was the first time he saw Xiaoju showing her true ability.

With the appearance of Xiaoju, it can be said that it can be eaten like a hair.

No wonder Xiaoju can grow so fast. It turns out that it is this powerful ability that can directly swallow the evolutionary power of evolutionary plants.

"Aww~ (Not bad, good taste.)"

"Aww~ (This tree is quite strong, but it's a pity that its body is not there, otherwise, it can make me stronger.)" Sucking up this strange tree in one breath, the power of evolution Cheng Hao said.

There is an intoxicated look in his eyes, which is really the power of every second.

It was so refreshing for Tiger.

"Yes, but if it is here, if it sees you destroying its bark? I'm afraid it will go crazy." Looking at the big tree that has turned into fly ash, the head of the garden said.

A person depends on his face, and a tree depends on its bark.The bark of this big tree was completely destroyed by Xiaoju, I'm afraid I wish I could kill Xiaoju.

"Aww~ (I wish it was here, if it dares to be here, I won't let it go today.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently, looked around and said, "Aww~ (Grandpa, let's go down A place. The guys in this place can't get up, I can't waste time here.)"

"Well, let's go."

After hearing this, the principal said, he sat on Cheng Hao's back and told him to leave quickly.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you are so strong, shouldn't you go by yourself? Look, your hair is all black.)" Cheng Hao said weakly after realizing that he might have to carry his grandfather on his back again.

Grandpa is almost fine, don't let him carry it all the time, he is still just a little tiger, what if grandpa wants to carry it like a tiger?You can find other big tigers.

"But grandpa is old, you little villain, run away quickly."

"Otherwise, Grandpa will stop the kitchen from preparing delicious food for you when the time comes." The director said, patting Cheng Hao's big head.

Cheng Hao continued to run away with a bitter face. Grandpa is bullying Tong Hu.

Where is the Humane Society?He wants to apply for animal protection.

"Ah... ah, who is it? Who broke my body, who is it?"

And just after one person and one tiger left, a hysterical roar came from an unknown distance in the jungle.

A figure covered in blue, the figure kept switching between the human body and the tree body, and finally turned into a terrifying giant tree in the sky.

As soon as it appeared, it crushed large areas of trees, and countless vines grew from the trunks, ruthlessly inserting into the ground.

Suddenly, the fertile land became dry and cracked.

The yellow yellow rushed out from the ground, turned into a terrifying sandstorm and hit the distance.

"What is this guy going crazy? What are you doing with such a good life?" In the distant valley, a few trees whispered:

"I'm not sure. He said he came to discuss important matters with us, but he went crazy first."

"It seems that we have to stay away from him in the future. His spirit seems to be unstable again."

"That's right, it's probably because I've been away from the body for too long. Is there something wrong?"

They all knew that the root of this tree was a guy who liked to leave his body in one place and run around.

It seems that there is a big problem now, but fortunately they all took their bodies with them.

(End of this chapter)

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