Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 151 Are You Guys Blind?

Chapter 151 Are You Guys Blind?

Three people and one tiger jumped over the fence and landed on the wilderness outside the tiger park.

Listening to the sound of "squeaking" water in the distance, the two evolutionists of Qingshan City who followed the wolf bee were stunned and said:
"Is there a big river ahead? The water is so loud, it doesn't sound like an ordinary big river."

"Yes, there should be a bridge ahead, right?"

A river that can make such a loud noise, can you know how wide and how big the river is?And it's not far from them. If they want to go to the forest, they probably have to go there, right?

"There is indeed a big river ahead, but there is no bridge like the two of you think." The wolf bee walking ahead said with a smile after hearing this.

Behind the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain is a large piece of wasteland. Who has nothing to do when they are full?A bridge will be built here.

In addition, there are mountains and forests on the opposite side. Aren't ordinary people looking for death when they go there?
"Uh, then how do we get there?"

"That's right, shouldn't we still let us go through the water?"

The two people who heard this couldn't help but said in a daze.

There is no bridge built on such a big river, so they won't want to swim across it?If that's the case, there's something to play with.

The weather is not warm, and it is night, so the cold river water will probably freeze them to death.

"Although there is no bridge here, we can use another method to get across. I promise not to get everyone wet. Don't worry, everyone." The wolf bee said with a smile when he heard this.

"Is there another way? Could it be tightrope walking?" The female team member who heard this said weakly. She knew that there were slings in remote mountainous areas.

So what the other party said should be, let them go through the wire of the sling lock?
"Of course not, we will be there soon, and you will know soon." The wolf bee who heard this said with a smile, and led them to continue walking forward.

Seeing this scene, the two of them murmured in their hearts?I don't understand what kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd?

But he followed up obediently, and was about to reach the river, no matter how tight the other party was.

It's time to reveal the answer.

"This guy really likes to pretend..." Hearing the conversation of the three, he was speechless. What kind of lollipop did the other party put here?
Don't you want the big octopus to carry him over?Be careful that he keeps the big octopus from coming out, someone will cry when the time comes.

"It's such a big river." The female team member couldn't help but said as she looked at the huge river hundreds of meters wide.

If they were allowed to swim across such a wide river, they would probably die of cold, right?

"Yeah, I don't know if there are undercurrents and whirlpools in the water?" The male team member on the side nodded and looked at the wolf bee on the side.

It's time for the other party to use their means, so stop hiding them.

"Don't worry, you two, no matter whether there is an undercurrent or a vortex in this river, we will be fine." After hearing the voices of the two, the wolf bee couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Oh? Then we can watch Your Excellency perform."

"Yes, if you have any means, please use it quickly."

The two laughed and said that they looked at the wolf bee. The other party just kept saying that there is no bridge here, but they didn't disclose any information to them, so how should they get there?
"Big octopus, are you there? We need your help with a small matter." Under the curious eyes of the two, the wolf bee shouted towards the river.

"Big octopus?" The two people who heard this didn't hesitate, and quickly fixed their eyes on the river.

Is there a giant octopus in this place?This is really outrageous.



Under their gaze, the surface of the river was like a boiling pot, revealing a huge octopus.

"What a big octopus..."

The two people who saw this scene couldn't help showing horror in their eyes.

How could such a big octopus live in this river? Don't all octopuses live in sea water?What's going on.
"Puff~ (What's the matter with you calling me out?)" The big octopus that came out of the water asked with its big head tilted.

His eyes were full of scrutiny, as if he was thinking about why he was called out?
"Aww~(They want to cross the river now, so they called you out and asked you to help.)" Cheng Hao, who heard the words of the big octopus, took a step forward and explained.

Otherwise, when the old octopus communicated with these guys, it would be like playing the piano to the cow.

"Puff~(Do these guys want to cross the river? Isn't that just going to your territory? What are they doing in your territory?)" After hearing this, the big octopus asked, waving its tentacles and touching the river bank.

What are these humans going to do again?Why are you still running into the tiger's territory?

"Aww~ (Who knows this, I just brought them here according to my grandfather's instructions.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, stepped on the tentacles of the big octopus with a light leap, and landed on his big head above.

"Little Fat Ju is so amazing, he can actually communicate with the big octopus." The female team member who saw this scene felt very surprised.

Could a tiger communicate with an octopus?I'm afraid no one will believe this if I tell it.

A land-born and a marine-born, how do their languages ​​collide and form a resonance?

"Yeah, I don't know how the big octopus understands the tiger's language, and how the tiger understands the big octopus's words?"

"That's what scientists need to figure out. We didn't come here to figure this out." The wolf bee reminded, and stepped onto the tentacles of the big octopus. It was the first time he had done a big octopus. As for the river, I don't know if the big octopus is slippery or not?

"That's true." The two nodded when they heard this, and then followed with strides.

It was the first time for this big octopus to cross the river, and it was full of new and exciting things for them.

But in the next second, their faces became ugly. I saw them posing in weird poses, pulling the head of the big octopus, as if they were struggling to grab something.

"It's so slippery, how do you sit on this?" The female team member desperately tried to grab the head of the big octopus to prevent herself from sliding down, but she couldn't stop the falling trend in the next second.

"Yeah, I feel like I can't even stand up." The male team member nodded his head and said, he has already used his clothes to reduce the resistance of his sliding, but it seems to be useless so far.

He was still sliding down.

"Xiaoju, give me a hand." The wolf bee on the other side didn't get any better, he almost fell with a "squeaky" sound, and hurriedly asked Cheng Hao for help.

He didn't understand why this big octopus could be so slippery?This is simply too outrageous.

"Aww~ (Why are you guys so useless? I still need my help for all of this. I'm so blind for nothing.)" Cheng Hao, who heard the cry for help, said angrily.

Stretching his tail, he pulled the opponent up.

"Thank you." The wolf bee who was helped was grateful.

Sure enough, Xiaopangju is the most considerate, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come up?
"Aww~ (You don't need my help anymore, that's the best repayment for me.)" Cheng Hao muttered when he heard this, and grabbed the other party's clothes with one paw.

Seeing it, the pinched wolf bee quickly hugged Cheng Hao's leg, and then firmly stabilized himself in the position.

At the same time, he looked at Cheng Hao very curiously. He couldn't figure out how a tiger could keep itself in place.

Ming looks like him, and there is nothing special on his feet. Why is he not afraid of the smooth body of the big octopus?
"Help... help." The female team member yelled while pulling the big octopus, who was paddling extremely fast.

"Aww~ (Can't you save me a little worry?)" Seeing their appearance, Cheng Hao was speechless, turned around, stretched his tail, wrapped around the other's arm, and pulled him up .

"You are so kind, little fat orange." The female team member who was pulled up said gratefully, and quickly hugged Xiaoju's big head.

The whole person is hung beside his body, which looks like an oversized pendant.

"Aww~ (Can't you hug my legs like him? Why are you hugging my head?)" Cheng Hao who was being hugged was very speechless, the other party didn't give money, let alone meat of.

Why do you just hug his head?There is a fee to hold his head, and it takes at least twenty catties of beef to hold his head.

"Xiao...Xiaoju, why don't you pull me too." The male team member, who looked like a big frog lying on the rock, raised his head and asked tentatively.

He had already used the legendary Hama Kung Fu, but found that he was still sliding down uncontrollably.

"Aww~ (You guys are so useless.)" Cheng Hao said speechlessly, stretching his tail and pulling him up again.

"thank you"

The male team member who was pulled up was grateful, and quickly hugged Cheng Hao's thigh imitatively, and then he felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, the three of them together are not as good as a tiger. This is really embarrassing. Fortunately, no one else saw it.

"Puff~ (Tigers, are you seated yet? Can I start swimming?)" After waiting for a long time, the big octopus felt that the people on its head finally stopped sliding around, and asked.

They are too useless, why can't they sit on his head?Obviously the tiger and grandpa couldn't move his head while standing on it.

Aww~ (Okay, big octopus, you can swim.) Hearing this, Cheng Hao shouted, and the big octopus swam towards the other side of the river with its tentacles twisted.



The river water was splashing in the dark night, and the cool wind was blowing on the head of the big octopus, and several people were shivering.

Although it is more than March now, the weather at night is really cold enough.

Looking at the rushing river, several people couldn't help exhausting their hands, not daring to relax indulgently.

Fortunately, their tension didn't last long, and dissipated as the big octopus reached the river bank.

"Puff ~ (Come, come, let go of your hand a little, I'll put you on the river bank.)" said the big octopus, curling up the wolf bee's leg, so that the other party would not slip off as soon as he let go.

"Big... big octopus, what do you want to do?" The wolf bee whose legs were curled up couldn't understand what the big octopus said.

After being caught, he suddenly said in a panic.

Subconsciously thought that the big octopus was planning to attack him.

And just when he wanted to ask for help from the little orange he was holding, he suddenly found that the leg he was holding was pulled away.


There was a sound of breaking wind, and the world suddenly spun.

The tarantula only felt dizzy for a while, and the person was already on the ground.

And the legs wrapped around the tentacles of the big octopus are being slowly loosened.

"It turned out that they didn't want to attack me, but just wanted to put me on the shore." Seeing the big octopus pull its hand away, the wolf bee suddenly understood.

"Puff ~ (You should let go quickly, don't hold on, I have to go back to eat.)" The big octopus wrapped around the male team muttered, and then put the bag on the ground with the opponent.

Finally, she stretched out her big tentacles and came to the female team members.

"I... I don't need help, I can go down by myself." The female team member holding Cheng Hao's head said, let go of her hand and stepped on the tentacles of the big octopus, and landed on the shore.

When Cheng Hao saw it, he also jumped off the head of the big octopus.

"Puff... (Is there nothing else to do? Then I'll go back and continue eating.)" The big octopus, which felt empty on its head, asked Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (It's gone, you go.)" Cheng Hao waved his claws, and the big octopus waved its tentacles and sank to the bottom of the river. He just caught a big stupid fish, but it was enough for him to eat. It's been a while.

"Little Fat Ju and the big octopus seem to have a very good relationship." The female team member couldn't help but said in surprise when she saw the scene where a fish and a tiger waved goodbye.

"Yes, it's really a friendship that crosses races." The male team members also nodded after hearing the words.

Unexpectedly, there are so many magical animals in Hongtashan City, this time it really opened his eyes.

"Aww~ (Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up and follow me, I want to go back to sleep early.)" Cheng Hao said after seeing the river calm down.

He took a step and ran towards the jungle. When the three saw it, they shouted while running:
"Little Fat Orange, don't run so fast, we are not as familiar as you in the forest."

"Yeah, you're running so fast. You're throwing us off."

"Aww~ (Why are you guys so troublesome?)" Cheng Hao lost his breath when he heard this, and had to slow down, otherwise he would really put them here.

If they are met by unknown younger brothers, they will be beaten to death by the younger brothers.

Since these guys walk so slowly, they can't come here with their mechs. Why do they like to walk?It's really hard for a tiger to understand.

If he had such a handsome mecha, he would have been flying around in it.

"Baa baa~ (Wang, you are here. I saw you appear this afternoon. I just wanted to call Wang, but you ran away.)" Not long after entering the jungle, the flock of sheep appeared in front of Cheng Hao.

The head sheep lowered its head, showing respect.

"What a big sheep, are these sheep natives in the forest?" The female team members looked at these sheep that were bigger than Cheng Hao, and asked in surprise.

Such big sheep are really rare. It seems that these sheep are all evolved animals.

"A high probability." The wolf bee who was asked was also a little uncertain, after all, he was not very familiar with this mountain forest, and he hadn't been here a few times in total.

"Aww~ (I have something to do in the afternoon, so I didn't stop. Do you have anything to do with me?)" Cheng Hao looked at the head sheep and said, he ran so fast in the afternoon that he didn't even notice the sheep shouting him.

After all, the other party spoke softly, screaming like a mosquito, and he couldn't notice it.

"Baa baa~ (Reporting to the king, a lot of big trees have run away in our territory recently. I feel that these things must be reported to the king.)" The head sheep said, and the trees that had run away in various places Reported to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao, who had finished listening to the head sheep's report, nodded and said:
"Aww~ (These idiots don't care about them, they can run as long as they want, anyway, when they want to come again next time, it is impossible to let them come again.)"

"Aww~ (Remember to tell them, if you see these guys coming back next time, just deal with them directly, you don't have to show mercy, you know?)"

Come when you want, leave when you want.What do you think of him here?

"Baa baa~ (Yes, king.)" The head sheep nodded his head again and again when he heard the words, and immediately asked the flock to inform other animals.

Once the escaped trees are found to come back, it will be a brutal death for those guys.

"Aww~ (Well, if there is nothing else? You should spread out first, I have to take these guys to do something.)" Cheng Hao said, looking at the sheep blocking the road and waving paws.

These guys blocked the road, and they couldn't continue walking.

It's better for Ma Liu to get out of the way a little bit.

"Baa baa~ (All disperse and send the king away.)" The head sheep who heard this shouted, and the flock parted a way from the middle.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao walked over directly.

Seeing this, the remaining three immediately followed.

"Little Pangju is so powerful, just yelled twice, and the sheep retreated obediently." Looking at the two sharp sword-like horns, the female team members admired them very much.

Obviously Xiaopangju is a tiger, and these guys are sheep.

The sheep should have panicked and ran wildly when they saw the tiger, but they haven't appeared so far.

Not only did these sheep not run away, but they even communicated with Xiaopangju.

In the end, he even listened to Xiaopangju's words and made way for them. This was something that he had never thought about before.

"That's right, you are indeed a little tiger following Mr. Consultant." The male team member on the side listened and nodded his head.

Can't help but admire Mr. Consultant, his terrifying strength.

Only the strong prestige of the consultant can make these wild goats as obedient as they met him when they met Xiaopangju.

"That's right, Mr. Consultant is really too strong." After hearing this, Wolfbee couldn't help but agree.

This is the strength of the older generation of evolutionaries. It is really terrifying. Although the people are not here, the impact is still there.

"Aww~ (What the hell are you talking about? What does my greatness have to do with the principal's grandfather?)" Cheng Hao was speechless as he listened to the conversation of several people.

I don't understand what plane these guys are talking about?After he brought these people over, they were still praising the garden principal for being amazing.

Even a blind person can see this, obviously he is very powerful, okay?It has nothing to do with the principal's grandpa.

He doesn't know what to say about these guys?Said they were blind, but they could see their surroundings clearly.

Say they are stupid?One by one can enter the department of evolution, and there is no problem in terms of intelligence.

But it's just this kind of guy, but he can't tell who it is?Helping them is really outrageous.

"Don't stop, little fat orange, we are going to go this way next." The female team member looked around and said to Cheng Hao.

There are so few trees in that direction, there is a high probability that they are left by those plants that made trouble on the highway.

They are going to take a look now, what is going on?

"Aww~ (you blind guys. If it weren't for that, I would have agreed to the director's grandfather. I don't even bother to talk to you.)" Cheng Hao said unhappily, but the director's grandfather took all of his good reputation for his work .

This is simply outrageous, even though he has a good relationship with the principal's grandfather.

But it doesn't mean that he will pay silently.

Just thinking about it makes Hu very angry. The hateful bastard won't let you go home with limp legs tonight. What did he say?
Unexpectedly, dare to ignore Huhu's contribution.His little tiger is also not a benevolent and kind person.

"Ah Choo!" The female team members who were looking around couldn't help but tremble, looking around with vigilance.

At that moment just now, she felt so cold, as if something terrifying was staring at her.

But looking around, this feeling suddenly disappeared.

"What's the matter? You didn't just cross the river and catch yourself a cold, did you?" The male team member on the side asked with concern after hearing the voice.

"No, it's just that I just felt cold." The female team member said, and squatted down to observe the tree pit in front of her.

The pit appeared to be relatively recent, and the soil was a completely different color than the surrounding soil.

Looking at this direction again, it is very likely that the evolutionary plants that appeared on the highway probably passed here in the first place.

"Aww~ (What are these guys doing around the hole dug by the animals?)" Seeing the team member who was squeezing the soil, he subconsciously took two steps back, and these guys didn't smell any other strange smells ?
It's fun to hang out with animals, isn't it?In addition, there were small balls on the ground, didn't they find anything like them?

He really convinced them, a group of people who grew up in the city.

"By the way, have you noticed that there is something wrong with this mud?" The wolf bee reminded, and reached out to pick it up from the ground, small grains.

"It's really something wrong. I haven't seen such a complete small particle yet." The male team member nodded upon hearing this, holding the small black particle, and faintly smelled the fragrance of green grass.

I couldn't help but think about it, this evolutionary plant is so strong.

After leaving, he still left his own smell in the soil.

"I'm about to throw up. Did you really notice anything wrong?" Seeing what the three of them did, Cheng Hao felt his scalp tingle.

Is there really no problem with them holding the wild goat's poop like this?He looks creepy, okay?

If he could talk?He must be swearing now.

But he can't speak, so there's nothing he can do, he can only say that he won't get in touch with these guys, after all, it looks really disgusting.

"Okay, let's go to the next place to have a look."


After taking pictures here, the three of them finally stood up again, but the little tiger they hadn't noticed had already shown disgusted eyes.

He kept a distance from them all the time, and once they approached, he would retreat immediately.

And they didn't realize there was a problem, they just thought that the other party liked to play.

As they advanced for a certain distance, more and more pits appeared on the ground.

As if being hit by a meteor shower, the members of the Evolution Department of Qingshan City looked at this scene and said while taking pictures:
"Sure enough, our guess is correct. The large number of evolved plants that appeared on the highway this time all passed here."

"Yes, the pits left by these trees are the best proof."

Take a look at how many pits there are here?It's just like the crater on the surface of the moon, there's nothing wrong with it, those evolved plants definitely migrated from here.

"But here comes the question, why did they go there?" Hearing the wolf bee here, he asked with some doubts.

Even the evolved plants that appeared on the highway all went from here.

So the question is, why would they do this?

"It's very simple, because these plants feel the danger, so they will run away." The female team member said without thinking.

It is the instinct of animals and plants to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, why do they run away?It's not hard to guess at all.

"Is there any danger here? Aren't we all right here?" Wolfbee said, there is a danger of a hammer here, they have nothing to do here, where is the danger?
"The reason why we didn't encounter danger is because a consultant sent Xiaoju with us, but it's different for the evolutionary plants." The male team member helped him, and said with his glasses: "And I It is guessed that the reason why these plants ran away was probably because of Mr. Consultant. They found that Mr. Consultant was too powerful, so they left here."

Looking at the tree pits left behind, he could already imagine how frightened the plants were at that time, so they chose to do this kind of collective escape.

You must know that this place is not close to the highway, but even so, these plants also escaped.

"That means that the attack on the expressway this time is because of Mr. Consultant." Hearing this, the wolf bee couldn't help opening his mouth. If this is really the case, Mr. Consultant indirectly caused the incident. happened.

"That's right, that's right, everything like this was done by the garden director's grandfather. It has nothing to do with me. Your direction is right. If you think in this direction, you are right." Listening aside Cheng Hao kept muttering in his heart.

Hearing this, he finally knew what these guys were doing here?It turned out that they also discovered the escape of the plants, so they came to check the situation.

"The high probability is like this, but I believe that Mr. Consultant must have no intentions."


Hearing this, two people from the Evolver Department of Qingshan City said.

The consultant must be unintentional. If the other party knew that such a thing would happen, he would definitely not do it.

"You're treating them differently, aren't you?" Cheng Hao, who was sitting on the sidelines waiting to watch the show, couldn't help opening his mouth when he heard their conversation.

How can these guys behave like this?Shouldn't it be reported to the public to find trouble with the principal's grandpa?
At least you have to toss the principal and grandpa, running around.

Why did you find an excuse for the principal's grandfather so quickly?
"Then shall we continue to investigate now?" The wolf bee asked after hearing this. Now that he has seen it, there is a large tree pit here.

Is it still necessary to go on?If I go on, I'm afraid I'll have tomorrow morning if I think about coming back.

"Of course not." The female team member shook her head when she heard the words and said, "The truth of the matter has been found out. What are we doing if we have nothing to do?"

"Yes, we can go back now." The male team member nodded and said.

"Like this? That's fine." The wolf bee nodded after hearing this, and said to Cheng Hao beside him, "Xiaoju, let's go back, the matter has been investigated."

"Aww~ (If you have something to say, don't come close to me if you have nothing to do, you smell bad.)" Cheng Hao who heard this said, saw that the three of them still wanted to get close to him, and quickly ran away with small steps.

Are you kidding me, he is a majestic big tiger, what does it smell like when rubbed against him?

"What's wrong with Xiaopangju? Why is he so sensitive? He didn't run so fast when we approached him just now."

"Yeah, what's the matter, Xiaoju?"

Seeing this scene, the two team members expressed their doubts.

Obviously Chubby Ju was quite close to them just now, why did he turn his face and deny anyone in such a short time?

"Maybe Xiaopangju heard our conversation and felt unhappy."

"After all, Mr. Consultant still has a very high status in Xiaopangju's heart." Wolfbee said after thinking about it.

"That may be the case. Who would want to hear bad things about the person they respect?" The female team member nodded in agreement when she heard the words. It was unexpected that a little tiger would have such thoughts.

Sure enough, Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park did not hurt him in vain.

"Well, let's follow Xiaoju."

The wolf bee said with a smile, and the three quickly chased after them.

What if Xiaoju didn't lead the way?Then they are not very safe in the jungle.

"Puff~ (Tiger, why did you come back so soon?)" The big octopus, which appeared on the river again, looked at the three people and one tiger on the river bank and said.

"Aww~ (Of course you have to come back after investigating the matter? Big octopus, you should roll them over, don't put them on the head. They just touched the poop of the wild sheep, the smell is very exciting.)" Cheng Hao spoke, and jumped onto the head of the big octopus.

"Pfft puff~ (Why are they so dirty?)" The big octopus heard these words, and when they heard that these guys went to touch that thing, they tied them up with their tentacles.

As a big octopus, he wouldn't even touch that kind of thing. What kind of quirks do these humans have?

"Brother octopus, why did we change the way of carrying this time?" The wolf bee who was suspended in the air asked curiously. He thought that the tentacles of the big octopus could not carry them across the river, but judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not Not like this.

Since the big octopus can do this, why not just hold them like this at the beginning?
"Yes, I feel that crossing the river this way is much better than crossing the river just now." The male team member also said after hearing the words.

Being rolled by a big octopus, at least it won't slide down again.

Instead, it also has a leather sofa seat, which is much more comfortable than lying on the head of a big octopus.

"Puff~ (If it weren't for the strong smell on you guys, I wouldn't bother to remember you crossing the river.)" The big octopus said with bubbles when he heard this, and the remaining few big tentacles Frantically paddling the water.

In less than a minute, he took them to the other side of the river and threw them down.

Immediately got into the river.

"What is the big octopus going home for? Why are you in such a hurry?" The blue team patted the dust on their buttocks and turned off the fire. The big octopus didn't treat them like this just now.

Why did they let go of the tentacles before putting them on the ground?

"Maybe it's because fish have three urgencies?" The wolf bee guessed, seeing the way the big octopus wriggled its tentacles, maybe it wanted to go to the toilet.

"It's possible." The male team member nodded and said, turning around quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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