Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 152 The little cat likes to play tricks the most

Chapter 152 The little cat likes to play tricks the most

"Have you finished investigating the matter?" The director looked at the few people who came back and asked with a smile, reaching out and stroking Cheng Hao's big round head.

"Yes, Mr. Consultant. We have finished our investigation." The three who heard this replied with nodding heads.

There is a light called admiration in his eyes. Mr. Consultant is really too powerful, but with a human body, he can shock the whole mountain.

"That's good, just finish the investigation." The director smiled and said, "Go back early after the investigation is over, it's getting dark now."

"Yes, Mr. Consultant. Let's go then."

"Well, let's go."

"Okay, goodbye Mr. Advisor."

The three of them replied after hearing the words, and walked towards the mech.

A few seconds later, the tall mecha sprayed dazzling flames and left.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you are still so happy, do you know that you are about to face disaster?)" Looking at the mecha going away, Cheng Hao rolled his eyes a few times and said.

"Oh? Did the little guy say that grandpa is going to be in trouble? Why is grandpa going to be in trouble?" The head of the garden who heard this said knocked Cheng Hao's big round head and asked, why is this little guy suddenly frightened? Did you wake him up?

What ups and downs has he never seen in his life?

"Aww~ (I followed them just now and heard their conversation, so I know why they came to investigate.)" Cheng Hao revealed a mysterious look when he heard this.

"Oh? Why did they come to investigate?" the principal asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (Because they suspect that the plants that appeared on the highway came from our side.)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paws vividly, and told the dean about the situation at that time.

"But what does it have to do with grandpa's catastrophe? It's not that grandpa sent these evolved plants over there." The garden manager said angrily. If this little villain said that catastrophe is imminent, then it really has nothing to do with him relation.

After all, those plants were not sent by him.

"Aww~ (Although those plants were not sent by grandpa, they were all scared by you, grandpa.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"You little villain are you teasing grandpa, aren't you? Those guys were scared away by grandpa, obviously you were scared away by this little villain." The director said unhappily. The evolutionary plants are all scared away by this little villain, what does it have to do with him?

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you know this, but the three idiots who came to investigate didn't know. They all thought it was you, grandpa, who scared those evolved plants and ran off to the highway.)"

"Aww~ (So when they report back to the higher-ups, they will definitely report back in this way.)" Cheng Hao said, showing the look of grandpa, you are finished.

"So you're talking about such a trivial matter. Grandpa thought it was such a big event that the sky was about to fall." Hearing the director here, he patted Cheng Hao angrily and said, "Even if they are really like this Report to the higher-ups, the higher-ups will not do anything to Grandpa after learning of his great strength."

"Besides, you little villain really has no conscience. Grandpa helped you take such a big pot, and you actually gloat."

This little villain knows how big a pot he helped him?Still gloating over here.

Look, how happy is he when he says he's going to be unlucky?
"Aww~ (What's the matter with me? I did this for the Tiger Park.)" The man whose head was slapped argued that everything he did was for the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park.

If it wasn't for him, where would Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park have such a stable rear now?
See how safe their tiger park is now?Advancing, attacking, retreating, or defending, there is no better place than theirs.

"You little villain obviously said that for the convenience of hunting the tree king, and you still talk about the tiger garden all day long." The head of the garden said angrily, this little villain is for the tiger garden, okay?He obviously did it for the convenience of hunting.

Otherwise, how could his little brain come up with such a way?
"Aww~ (Grandpa, just say, now our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park is very stable in the back?)" Cheng Hao said, no matter what his original thoughts were?Grandpa just said whether the current situation is very beneficial to them.

"Yes, yes." The principal scolded with a smile when he heard the words: "Grandpa can't compete with you, a little villain, and I don't bother to continue fighting with you. Go back to sleep."

"Aww~ (Grandpa, don't you care about what these guys reported?)" Cheng Hao said, wanting to see how busy the director is.

"This grandpa will take care of it, you don't need to worry about it, you little villain." The principal said, patting his big buttocks.Tell him to get out of here quickly.

"Aww~ (Grandpa really bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know the heart of a tiger.)" Cheng Hao said after being slapped on the buttocks, and ran away with small steps.

Although it didn't make the principal's grandpa very busy, but at least it troubled the principal's grandfather, so he didn't do it in vain this time.

"This little rascal really doesn't look like a tiger any more." Looking at Cheng Hao's leaving back, the director couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

The current Xiaoju Xiehouyu is very slippery, it doesn't look like a tiger, it is clearly a person.

"That's the way it is, Commander."

After arriving at the base of the evolutionist department in Hongtashan City, the evolutionists of Qingshan City reported the situation to the commander of Qingshan City immediately after getting off the mecha.

"Would you have thought that this consultant in Hongtashan City would have such terrifying strength? It really exceeded my expectations."

"You guys rest there for the night and come back early tomorrow morning. As for this matter, there is no need to investigate it."

In the base of the Evolution Department in Qingshan City, the commander who heard the results of their investigation said.There was a serious look in his eyes.

Can just one person frighten hundreds of miles of mountains and forests?This is simply unheard of unseen things ah.

An evolutionary of this level can only be wooed and not offended.

Otherwise, with their current strength, there is really no way to guard against each other.

Killing them with the opponent's strength is probably similar to crushing a grass.

"Yes, Commander." The two nodded and replied when they heard this, they thought that the matter was indeed similar to what they imagined, and the Commander did not intend to continue to pursue it.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved. An evolutionary of this level is not something that ordinary people can offend.

"So you investigated and investigated, and you only investigated this matter?" The commander who heard the wolf bee's report held his forehead, feeling a little tired.

Why are these idiots investigating in the wrong direction? After investigating for a long time, they found Mr. Consultant?
As for the little fat orange next to him, they really didn't pay attention to him alone.

Although Mr. Consultant is very powerful, how could it be possible without the assistance of Xiaopangju?
"Yes, that's what we investigated." Wolfbee nodded his head and said, looking at the commander's appearance, he asked a little guilty: "Could it be that our investigation was wrong?"

"It's not that your investigation was wrong, it's just that the investigation missed." The commander who heard this said, looking at the wolf bee in front of him, "You haven't thought about Mr. Advisor, why did you let Xiaopangju go with you?" ?"

"Uh, isn't it that Little Pang Ju is familiar with us and Mr. Consultant?" After hearing this, Wolfbee thought for a while and said.

Xiaopangju often comes to their department, and he is very familiar with them.

And they often stay by the consultant's side all the time. Isn't it the reason that Mr. Consultant sent Xiaopangju to follow them?

"Of course it's not just for this reason. Haven't you thought about one thing? If Xiaopangju is not strong, how can Mr. Consultant trust him to go with you?" Looking at the wolf bee in front of him, The commander said slowly:
"And if the little fat orange can deter the forest? Do you think that if Mr. Consultant doesn't go, the evolved plants and animals in the forest will give him face?"

"Also, have you ever thought that it's not Mr. Consultant or Little Fat Orange that can shock the entire mountain forest?"

"This...Is this impossible?" The more the wolf bee listened, the more sweat dripped on his head, and it almost turned into a trickle waterfall in the end.

Little Fat Ju is just a little tiger less than one year old, how could it be possible to have such terrifying strength?This is simply a fantasy.

The commander must be joking with him, no, the commander is definitely joking with him.

"Everything is possible. Mr. Advisor told me that the chubby orange can destroy the tree king." Seeing him like this, he took a few tissues from the table and handed them to him: "In addition, The real leader of the entire mountain forest is Little Fat Orange. Otherwise, if only you guys went? Even the bones would have been swallowed by those animals long ago."

"How is this possible?" Hearing the wolf bee here, he couldn't help but open his mouth in astonishment: "Commander, could this be a joke that the consultant is playing with you? Little Pang Ju doesn't look like That's great."

"Do you think it's interesting if Mr. Consultant is joking with me?" The commander couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Although I don't know how much Mr. Consultant contributed to the matter of Little Fat Orange becoming king, I do know What's more, you think of Xiaopangju too simply, and this is the deadliest mistake."

"To underestimate the enemy or underestimate the teammates is not a good thing."

"Especially a little tiger looks harmless, but it may kill you at any time. Have you forgotten how many people have suffered under the mouth of the little fat orange?"

If you only suffer a loss but don't have a long memory, you are talking about people like Wolfbee.With so many mutants and evolutionaries under Xiaopangju's claws, how could he still think that Xiaopangju is just an ordinary evolutionary tiger?
In his opinion, Chubby Orange is a more terrifying existence than Mr. Consultant.

After all, Mr. Consultant is a person, and everyone will guard against him.

But under Xiaopangju's dull, cute and cute appearance, there is a gluttonous beast hidden.

If you don't pay attention?You will be beaten to pieces.

"Little Pangju is really scary." The wolf bee who heard this remembered, and those who were planted behind Xiaopangju's frightening scene couldn't help but shudder.

He seemed to have heard these guys talk about the chubby orange, and when they mentioned the chubby orange, they all had a very common feature, that is, they saw something terrifying.

They all said that chubby orange is not a tiger, but a devil or a devil.

It is the scariest thing in the world, even if they die immediately, they never want to see Xiaopangju again.

"Yes, so in the future you have to pay attention not only to people, but thank you for being harmless to humans and animals." The commander said, and handed a photo to the wolf bee.

Wolfbee looked at the photo after receiving it, and couldn't help but wondered: "What a big tiger, is the breeder on this tiger's back?"

"It's Xiaohong, can you tell who the tiger under her is?" the commander asked as he poured himself a cup of tea.

"There are absolutely no more than three tigers of this size in the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. And they are close to the breeder. It should be the king tiger of Xiaopangju's father." Wolfbee heard this. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and gave his own answer.

"Just take a look at the pattern on the tiger's body." The commander who heard this said, sitting in his seat.

He knew that the wolf bee would guess wrong, and the result was exactly what he thought.

"Uh, isn't this tiger the King Tiger? But his body looks similar." After checking the wolf bee again and again, he said, since the commander said so, then this tiger must not be the King Tiger.

"The body looks a bit similar, but it's definitely not the Tiger King." The commander said while drinking tea, "This is the little fat orange."

"Huh? When did little fat orange grow so big? No, when I saw little fat orange, he was not so big at all. Is there something wrong?" The wolf bee was scared when he heard this. Everything has changed, and I can't believe that the big tiger in the photo is a little fat orange.

"It's true, if you don't believe it? You can confirm it with two team members in Qingshan City, and everyone in Qingshan City knows about it." The commander put down the teacup in his hand and said, "We guess that the little fat orange The ability, at least for now, we are very wrong. It is absolutely impossible for Xiaopangju to be a brain-evolving animal, it must be some kind of powerful ability."

"Strong ability? Is it changing body shape?" the wolf bee said after hearing this.

"This is not very clear. The ability to become bigger or smaller is not limited to changing body shape." The commander said with a smile: "It's like being able to turn water into ice. Can you say his ability is ice? Actually His ability is only super low temperature."

"Besides, those who can easily rub out flames, will they be purified by flames? In fact, he can only release marsh gas."

"You can't look at the surface in everything, but look at the deeper things. If you can learn this? Then you can be regarded as a real senior evolutionary."

"Yes! Commander. I will not disappoint your expectations." The wolf bee who heard here replied seriously.

"Well, as long as you know it." Looking at the wolf bee, the commander smiled and said:

"It's getting late now, go back and rest first."

"Yes." Wolfbee nodded and left the office.

"Xiaoju wake up, don't sleep late."

In the early morning when the birds were still singing, sister Hong'er came to Cheng Hao's Danhu Villa and patted his big butt.

"Aww~ (Sister, good morning, what's the matter?)" Cheng Hao, who was woken up, turned over lazily and asked, without any intention of getting up.

If a tiger gets up and works on time, is he still called a tiger?Of course, he should sleep in for a while, only in this way can he know that he is a tiger.

"Of course there is. Someone is here to shoot a MV for you, you little scoundrel, get up quickly." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and took a look at the cameramen waiting outside the fence.

Xiaoju, this little idiot, did she forget what she said yesterday?Didn't she say that Xiancha was broadcasting live, and she wanted someone to come over and reset the MV for him?
"Aww~ (Why did they come so early? How about sending them to the cafeteria after asking them if they have eaten?)" Cheng Hao asked with his paws drooping on his eyes, expressing that he didn't really remember.

The bed was so comfortable, he had a disease that was sealed by the bed.

"They all had their meals, and they came here early in the morning." Sister Hong'er broke Cheng Hao angrily, covered her face with her paws and said:

"Get up quickly, or else my sister will use a secret weapon against you."

"Aww~ (Is my sister going to bully the poor little tiger too?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this, shrinking his big round head, looking at Sister Hong'er eagerly, like a wronged kitten.

"My sister won't bully you. I don't know if you put your appearance away. I thought my sister abused you." Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er was full of black lines. Who learned this trick?Why are you still pretending to be pitiful now?

"Aww~ (Then sister can't use a secret weapon against me.)" Cheng Hao said, and then slowly straightened up.

"Are you sure you don't want my sister to bring out the secret weapon?" Sister Hong'er's face was full of weirdness when she heard that, this little glutton knew what secret weapon he went to the cafeteria, so she said no.

"Aww~ (Could it be that the secret weapon is something delicious?)" After realizing something was wrong, Cheng Hao immediately asked.

If my sister's secret weapon is food, then please don't be polite, please quickly take out the secret weapon to deal with him.

"Of course, otherwise what does your little villain think?" Hong'er sister said angrily: "You little villain, can't you get up? If you don't get up, my sister won't give you marinated chicken legs."

"Braised chicken legs?" Cheng Hao licked his lips and stood up immediately.

If you have stewed chicken legs, you should have said it earlier. If my sister had said it earlier, wouldn't he just get up?Where did it take so long?

"Yes, you little glutton, do you want to eat? If you want to eat, get up quickly and cooperate with work." Sister Hong'er said, and took out a lunch box from the bucket she was carrying.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately put his face on it.

He said that his sister was so close to him, why couldn't he smell anything?It turned out that the other party put the chicken legs in the lunch box and sealed it.

"Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat?"

Sister Hong'er, who took out the chicken legs from the lunch box, asked while shaking the chicken legs.

"Aww~ (want to eat, want to eat.)" Cheng Hao, who followed the movement of the chicken legs, said repeatedly nodding his head.

"Then get up quickly, there will be something to eat after the filming is over." Sister Hong'er slowly backed away holding the chicken leg, and Cheng Hao came out with his big head stuck out.

"It's Xiaopangju, it's the big singer Xiaopangju who came out."

"Really, he actually got up so early today."

The waiting staff couldn't help cheering when they saw Cheng Hao who came out with Sister Hong'er.

He quickly took out the white clothes he had prepared and ran over, ready to sign.

"Aww~ (The taste of this chicken leg is not bad, but the taste of aniseed ingredients is a bit heavier. Next time, sister, you can tell the chef in the cafeteria and ask him to add less star anise and less chili.)" Cheng Hao, who just ate the chicken leg with a strong nose, said, he is a tiger, not a human being, can the uncle be a little lighter when he prepares the big ingredients?Don't put so much weight on it.

This almost covered up the original taste of chicken legs.

"You little scoundrel, these stewed chicken legs are not made for you, a little guy, how could it be changed just because of your taste?" Sister Hong'er was annoyed when she heard that, she patted Cheng Hao's head and said: " Hurry up and finish eating the chicken legs, the filming is about to begin."

"Aww~ (Don't be impatient, let me have some breakfast to pad my stomach first.)" Cheng Hao said, chewing slowly, not in a hurry at all.

"The big singer Xiaopangju will sign for us."

"That's right, big singer, please sign for us."

The staff who rushed into the pen surrounded Cheng Hao and said.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, don't worry, everything will be there, everyone will have it.)" Cheng Hao, who was surrounded, gnawed on a chicken bone and said, see if it is, this is his popularity, everyone is all for it He came.

"Don't be so anxious, everyone. I'll sign for you when Xiaoju finishes feeding. Everyone, please calm down, please calm down." Sister Hong'er said to the surrounding crowd, and the crowd calmed down. Watching Cheng Hao wait for him to finish eating the chicken legs.

"Aww~ (Don't you just want to sign? Hurry up and bring the ink pad here, and I will sign for you now.)" Cheng Hao, who was eating a chicken leg, looked at their impatient looks and said.

He won't run away here again, why is he in such a hurry?If everyone has a signature, there is no need to be so nervous.

"Everyone can line up for Xiaoju's signature now. Xiaoju said that everyone will have one, so don't worry if you don't have it." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, took the ink pad they brought, and pressed Cheng Hao's paw down.

Afterwards, the fans who asked for autographs began to click.

"Thank you, Miss Breeder, thank you, Xiaopangju." The staff who got the clothes were grateful, turned around and showed a smile that couldn't be concealed: "Great, I got the paw prints of Xiaopangju." .”

"Yeah! This is signed for me by the little chubby orange singer. I will keep it well."

"What a big plum blossom seal, the little fat orange is so cute."

The other people who got their signatures couldn't help laughing.The joy in the eyes is about to overflow.

"Aww~ (Isn't it just a paw print? As for being happy like this?)" Cheng Hao, who heard their happy voices, yawned bored.

His autograph is worthless, do these guys need to be so happy?
Anyone who came to Huyuan to ask him to sign, how many of them did he not sign? It can be said that his signatures are already rotten.

"The meaning is different. You little villain won't understand." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's big head with a smile.

Xiaoju, a little glutton, wants to eat every day, how could she see the meaning of getting the autograph?

"Aww~ (I didn't think it was meaningful at first, but you guys think that's all.)" Cheng Hao yawned and walked towards the cameraman.

If you want to shoot him, do it quickly, so that he can go back to sleep after the shoot is over.

"Little Fat Orange is here, everyone get ready, we will start shooting soon."

"Okay, Director."

When the staff of this scene spoke up, all the cameras were aimed at Cheng Hao and started filming.

"Aww~ (Don't you need a rehearsal, don't you need a script?)" Seeing everyone staring at him, Cheng Hao was full of question marks. This rehearsal was a bit different from what he imagined.

I don't know what kind of plane they are doing?This really made Hu Mo puzzled.

But fortunately, this is not something he needs to care about. What he needs to be responsible for is cooperation.

As for the effect of the final MV shooting, it has nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao walked indifferently.

It looks like walking in a garden.

On the other side of the computer, apart from Cheng Hao taking a walk in the courtyard, the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Sometimes he walks in the Jiangnan Yuxiang, and sometimes walks beside the beautiful blue and white porcelain.

As if blending into the times, it looks so elegant, calm, classical and simple.

"Little Fat Orange matches this scene unexpectedly harmoniously." The special effects artist looked at the scene on the screen and said in surprise.

I thought it would be very abrupt, but I didn't expect the effect to be much better than they imagined.

"Indeed, Xiaopangju's casual look is really suitable." After looking at it, the director nodded with a smile.

"Aww~ (What the hell is this? Mushrooms? When did the mushrooms come into my territory?)" Cheng Hao, who was walking, was clattering when he saw the mushrooms protruding from the ground in the corner.Immediately, he came up with small steps.

Where did this wild mushroom come from?Dare to run near him.

Did you pay the protection fee and get his consent?
"Huh? Xiaopangju seems to have discovered something." The cameraman who was following the film saw this scene and immediately came up to him.

Soon a clump of white mushrooms was found. These mushrooms were very large, and the canopy was as thick as a human hand.

At this time, they were clustered together, like a nomadic pack.

"There seems to be something wrong with this smell." Cheng Hao, who was close to the mushroom, felt the smell of the mushroom, which had a certain pungent smell, which made him very uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his paw and slapped it down.

The whole piece of mushroom was slapped by him, and it was smashed into pieces.

But what was displayed on the computer was Cheng Hao, who was fiddling with Xiaocao.

But at this moment, the whole screen began to shake a little.

"Hey! Old Chen, you have been a videographer for so many years, you should keep your hands steady."

"Why do you still make low-level mistakes that rookies make?"

The director who was watching here immediately spoke after seeing it.

"Yes Yes……"

The cameraman, who felt a little dizzy, shook his head hastily after hearing this, and then he felt a lot better.


"Get out of here." Cheng Hao, who felt the smell of mushrooms was unpleasant, opened his mouth and blew gently.

Then a gust of wind blew and shook the ground, and the tattered mushrooms rolled around.

"Okay, okay. It's almost here, and the filming is over."

Looking at the misty rain that filled the sky at the end.They all disappeared under Cheng Hao's mouth, and the director in charge of filming shouted to stop.

The principle of his shooting is to be natural and casual, coupled with suitable scenes.

The video he shot now is very much in line with his wishes. He thinks there is no problem with this video, it is simply a perfect work of art.

Coupled with the old-fashioned music, it will definitely become the best MV.

"Yes, director."

The staff who heard this replied, and removed the shade of the fill light.

"Is it over so soon?" Sister Hong'er, who was waiting at the side, asked with surprise on her face.

She didn't expect it to end so quickly, she thought she would have to wait for a while before waking up.

"Yes, our team has always been known for its work efficiency and high degree of completion of finished products." The editor on the side said with a smile, took out their business cards from their pockets, and handed them to Sister Hong'er: "If Miss Breeder If you also want to release an MV, you can find us anytime and anywhere, and we guarantee that the price quoted is the most affordable and cheapest among the peers."

"Should I release the MV? How is that possible? I don't know how to sing very well, and besides, I'm not a singer either?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile after receiving the business cards. There were a lot of business cards with a few gold-plated characters on them.

"Miss Breeder is wrong. I have watched you and Xiaopangju sing, and I think that if you enter the music scene, you will definitely be a very good singer." The editor smiled and said: "You Don’t underestimate yourself too much, I believe that as long as you want to do it, you will definitely be better than others.”

"Really? Thank you for your compliment." After hearing this, sister Hong'er touched her face in embarrassment and said.

Let her shoot the MV to release songs, forget it, she is not good at this.

"You're welcome." The editor looked aside, and said to the colleagues who were packing up the tools: "I won't babble here, now the work is done. We have to go back and reprocess the video soon."

"Okay, Miss Editor, let's go slowly." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, watching the group get into the car and leave.

"Aww~ (Sister, there's something wrong with those mushrooms.)" Cheng Hao came to Sister Hong'er with his tongue out and said.

"What's the matter? Did you eat those mushrooms, you little villain?" Sister Hong'er, who heard this, turned her gaze back from the car that was leaving, and asked Cheng Hao's appearance.

"Aww~ (I'm not stupid, how could I eat such a shit?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said angrily, what does my sister think of him?Is he like the kind of tiger that eats things indiscriminately?
"Since you didn't eat it, how do you know that those mushrooms are not good things?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, stretched out her hand and opened Cheng Hao's mouth to check carefully.

Obviously, he didn't quite believe what he, a glutton, said.

In her opinion, Xiaoju has to take two bites of everything except what she can't eat.

"Aww~ (Because the smell of this mushroom makes my nose feel a little uncomfortable. So I think sisters, you better be careful about these mushrooms recently.)" Cheng Hao explained and pulled his tongue out of Second Sister Hong's hand go back.

Check it, just check it, what are you doing if you have nothing to do with his tongue?
His tongue was almost torn off by his sister.

"Okay, okay, sister understands. Our Xiaoju is the most careful." Sister Hong'er, who checked the side of Cheng Hao's mouth, smiled, and she didn't find any traces of mushrooms in Xiaoju's mouth. Didn't eat these things yet.

"Aww~ (Well, sister, you just need to remember, then I will continue to go back to sleep now, if there is nothing else, please don't disturb me.)"

Cheng Hao said, turned around and walked towards his own room. After walking with those idiots for so long yesterday, he should take a good rest now.

"My sister knows. Go, you little villain." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and closed the iron door.

"Aww~ (Sleep, sleep.)" Hearing the sound of the door closing, Cheng Hao lay down.



And the mushroom rhizomes that he destroyed were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in less than a moment, they had grown into a forest of mushrooms.

And it spread in the dark underground at an even faster speed, forming mushroom forests one after another.

And Cheng Hao, who was sleeping, didn't know all this. He was swimming in the sea of ​​meat in his dreamland, chasing the octopus balls, stinky tofu, and the fried pork with chili and let out a happy laugh.

These foods that he couldn't even eat in the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain, but in his dreams, he could eat large chunks wantonly.

"Why are there so many mushrooms?"

"Yes, and they are poisonous mushrooms that cannot be eaten. The weather is a little too humid, isn't it?"

Sister Hong, who drove back to the dormitory in the shopping car, listened to the voices of the uncles and aunts on both sides.

I couldn't help but look around, and I saw piles of mushrooms inside the garbage truck they were driving. These mushrooms looked colorful and bright, and people couldn't forget them when they saw them.

Seeing this, Miss Hong'er muttered:

"It's really a lot of mushrooms. I hope there is nothing wrong with these mushrooms."


Just after her words fell, the uncles and aunts who were cleaning suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ah?" Sister Hong'er opened her mouth wide open after seeing this scene, and hastily stopped the sightseeing car.

He ran towards the fallen grandparents: "Auntie and uncle, are you okay? Wake up quickly, what's wrong with you?"

"Can you hear me?" Sister Hong'er helped the nearest aunt up and asked, putting her hand on the middle of the other party.


The drowsy aunt regained consciousness a little bit after being pinched, but she only had time to say a word before she fell down again.

"Dizzy?" Sister Hong'er's expression changed drastically when she heard this, but what did she remember?He quickly covered his nose, ran to the side and shouted to the tigers in the pen: "Everyone help me carry all the uncles and aunts back, and be careful of those mushrooms. There is something wrong with those mushrooms."

"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister will leave it to us.)"

"Aww~ (Yeah, yeah. It's just some small mushrooms, what effect can it have on us?)"

The tigers who heard this said, and jumped out of the fence.

(End of this chapter)

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