Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 156 I am an Honest and Trustworthy Tiger

Chapter 156 I am an Honest and Trustworthy Tiger
"Why are you chasing me, you bastard? I have nothing against you. Get out of here, or I will be rude to you."

An angry voice came from the dense forest, a tree shining with white awns was frantically running away.

And behind him, a furry tiger, with four short legs showing afterimages, was about to catch up to it in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the trees were terrified, and the leaves immediately released a "creaking" electric current, hitting the little tiger chasing them.



The electric current fell on the little tiger, making the little tiger extremely pale.

But in the next second, the current disappeared.

"Aww~ (Is your old tree a lightning strike wood? How can you still discharge it? If you put more, put more, I feel that I will use electricity.)" Cheng Hao who was shocked by the electricity muttered, and his mouth burst into tears. There was a whistling electric current.

No matter how hard this old tree that can discharge electricity struggles, it will be futile. It is impossible to save it when Jesus comes today.

It can be discharged, and it is still a tree king.

Help yourself do electrotherapy exercises, and at the same time bring back a tree heart for the young lady.

There aren't many old trees that are as helpful as this one.

"You bastard, stop now..."

The old tree screamed when he saw that his attack hadn't achieved any results. It was like this and this again. The other party didn't know what kind of weird method was used to directly erase his own things. It had never seen such an outrageous things.

Why are you so unlucky today?Obviously I have never done anything, heaven and earth, who can come and save it?
"Aww~ (If you tell me to stop, I will stop, so I don't want to lose face? If you are a wise old tree? Just hand over the heart of the tree.)" Cheng Haoda who was chasing Shouted, indicating that it was impossible for him to stop unless the other party took out the tree first.

"If I give you the heart of the tree, wouldn't I die? You think I'm a fool, don't you?" Dashu, who was running desperately, heard this, and continued to run while cursing.

Ask him to hand over the heart of the tree honestly, the other party can really say that, if he hand over the heart of the tree, isn't that the same as giving up his life?
"Aww~ (Give me the heart of the tree, and I will let you go, otherwise, if I do it myself, you will not end well.)"

If the other party honestly handed him the heart of the tree, he would still be alive, but at most his strength would drop a lot.

But if he didn't give him the heart of the tree, he would have to skin him alive.

"Even if I hand over the heart of the tree to you, you won't let me go. Don't take me for a fool." Dashu said after hearing this, and continued to run with his head buried.

Originally, he couldn't run away from the other party, so if he gave the tree heart to the other party, wouldn't he be at the mercy of others?He will be such a fool, and his life should always be in his own hands.

"Aww~ (why don't you listen to Hu's persuasion, you old tree?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao was very helpless. Don't blame him for being cruel.

Thinking of this, the speed under Cheng Hao's feet suddenly accelerated a lot.

In less than a blink of an eye, he bit the big tree.

"Don't come here..."

The bitten tree trembled all over, and a voice of despair came out.

The white light shining all over his body dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a moment, he staggered heavily and fell to the ground.

"Let me go, let me go, okay? Let me live, I want to live, I want to live."

Dashu, who was lying on the ground feeling the loss of body strength, said, his heart was full of despair.

He is an ordinary tree in the forest, neither taller nor stronger than other trees, he just lives long enough.

And when it was more than 700 years old, it was struck by lightning.

The lightning directly penetrated its entire trunk, but luckily it didn't kill it.

It just left wounds on its body, and since a ray of light hit him more than half a year ago, it found a slight change in the wound it was struck by lightning, as if it had merged with the lightning.

Since then, I can use the power of thunder and lightning. I thought I could soar into the sky and no longer be afraid of any enemies, but I didn't expect to be taught a lesson today.

An unremarkable little tiger found him and taught him a lesson in a very strange way. No matter how he fights, he is no match for the opponent, and now he is about to die.

"Aww~ (I'm not going to kill you, what the hell are you screaming about?)"

Cheng Hao, who was digging the heart of the tree, was speechless. What the hell is this guy talking about?He just wanted the other party's tree heart, and he didn't intend to kill him, so why was he so scared?

"You...you really don't want to kill me?" Hearing this, Dashu couldn't believe it.

The other party knocked him down, just take its tree heart and not kill it?

"Aww~ (This is nonsense, tigers have always said what they say. Hurry up and put the roots in the soil, otherwise if you play yourself to death, it's none of my business.)" Excerpt Cheng Hao, who broke the heart of the tree, said, why is this stupid tree so stupid?He said he wouldn't kill him if he didn't kill him.

After all, these tree kings have been eradicated too much by him, so is this bad for the forest?How can he become stronger without a stable tree heart?
He also discovered that these trees would not die on the spot after their cores were dug out.

As long as their root system is intact, they can re-grow. This is simply a big leek that can't be cut.

If he could not kill these tree kings, of course he would have slaughtered them all. This is his own way out.

"You...why did you let me go?" The tree king, whose roots had been rooted into the ground and was crazily absorbing nutrients, asked a little puzzled.

The other party actually just really wanted to take its tree heart, not his life.

So, what is the purpose of the other party doing this?

"Ooooh~ (Of course I can't hurt life anymore, after all, it's not easy to be as big as you.)" Cheng Hao said perfunctorily, with his tail curled up around the heart of the tree, he looked around and said, "Oooh~ (you Do you know where there is a tree king like you around here? I need a tree heart to save people.)”

"You...you still want the heart of the tree?" The big tree was shocked when he heard this: "Although you let me go, I can't betray other tree kings. You should die of this heart."

"Aww~(You treat them as brothers, they may not accept your kindness.)" Cheng Hao walked into the side of the big tree, knocked on the trunk of the big tree and said, "Aww~(Look at your current It looks like a tree king whose heart has just been hollowed out.)”

"Aww~ (Do you know how attractive it is to other Beastmasters? Believe it or not, if they know the news, they would like to come over and swallow you right away?)"

"Aww~ (After I help you take out the tree hearts of these guys, then you are on the same starting line, and no one can do anything to each other.)"

Don't think that there is no competition among evolutionary plants. These plants are similar to animals, and they will try their best to swallow each other whenever they have the opportunity.

This old tree is so weak now, even though there is no heart left, it is still a piece of fat exuding an attractive aroma.

When other tree kings saw it, their saliva would drip.

At that time, this old tree will not be able to meet such a good hunter as him, and those tree kings will swallow him even the scum.

"This..." After hearing this, the old tree hesitated for a while, pointed two strong vertical forks in two directions and said: "There are two guys like me in that place, but remember not to say yes I told you."

Although it is a shameful thing to betray the same kind, he does not want to become the guy who is turned into nourishment in the other party's mouth.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I won't betray you. Believe me, those two guys will become like you soon, and you will be able to live in harmony again.)" Cheng Hao said, and turned towards The old tree ran in the direction pointed.

"Am I doing this right or wrong?" After watching the chubby figure leave, the old tree couldn't help but fell into the city,
But then he put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, everything he did was for himself to live well, if things were really as the other party said, then he would be in danger, so what he did was not anything wrong.

As the saying goes, if a tree is not for itself, it will be destroyed by heaven and earth.


"Sister Hong'er, are you feeling better? I ordered tremella and lotus seed soup."

Outside the isolation ward, Sun Xiaoyi pushed the cart, knocked on the door and said.

By the way, he kicked Xiao Hua who was next to her, telling her to stay away from her so close.

You must know that being parasitized is a very troublesome thing, and this little flower has been leaning over.

"I'm already healed. It's nothing serious. Come in." In the room, Sister Hong'er who was sitting in the room said with a smile.

She has already cleaned the room again with ultraviolet lamps and anti-virus water. Now there should be no hiding place for these mycelium, and Xiaoyi and Xiaohua can also come in.

"Uh, sister Hong'er, are you sure? You're not kidding me again, are you?" Sun Xiaoyi asked weakly after hearing this, isn't sister Hong'er making fun of her?What if she goes in?The next morning it will become a fawn too.

"I'm fine, why are you teasing you? Come in, you're really fine." Sister Hong'er in the ward said with a smile when she heard this, and pushed open the door with her hand:

"Just now Xiaoju came to help me get rid of all the mushrooms on my body. I've healed now, and I'll be fine."

"Really! Sister, your complexion is much worse, and all the mushrooms are gone."

Seeing Sun Xiaoyi who opened the door, he said in surprise.Sister Hong'er has really recovered.

"Yes, why am I lying to you when I have nothing to do? Look at your appearance." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and walked in with Sun Xiaoyi.

Being pulled, Sun Xiaoyi looked at the empty room and said curiously: "Sister, didn't you say that Xiaoju is here? Why didn't anyone see him? Where did he go?"

Xiaoju usually clings to her sister like a piece of brown candy, why is the tiger gone now?
"Xiaoju helped me get rid of the mushrooms on my body and said he was going to get me some nutritional supplements. I don't know what kind of tricks he wants to play?" Sister Hong'er said, reaching out to touch Xiaohua's head: "Xiaohua you It's been a long time since I saw Xiaoju, do you miss Xiaoju?"

"Aww~ (I don't want that big villain.)" Xiaohua shook her head when asked. What does that big villain who often steals other people's food want him to do?Thinking of him makes me angry.

"Okay, okay, it looks like our Xiaohua still has a temper." Sister Hong'er rubbed Xiaohua's head and said, holding her on her lap: "Well, Xiaohua, you have grown up so fast recently, Is it more than 100 catties now?"

"To be precise, it's 110 catties." Sun Xiaoyi handed the bowl to Sister Hong'er and said, "I just got on the scale today."

"Really? Now it's as heavy as half a small orange." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and put the bowl in front of Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, do you want to eat this?"

"Aww~ (I'm a ferocious tiger, so I don't want to eat this. I want to eat meat, delicious meat.)" Looking at the white fungus soup in the plate, Xiaohua shook her head and replied.

She is a tiger, she only likes meat.How could you like to eat this kind of thing?

"Really? It's still Xiaohua, you are a little bit like a tiger, and Xiaoju is here instead. I'm afraid he will eat all of these." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and touched Xiaohua's cheeks. head.

"Xiaoyi, why did you run in? Come out quickly, the inside is an isolation ward, you can't go in, it will be bad if you get infected."

While the two were talking, the commander's deafening voice came from the door.

He looked at the two people and the cat sitting in the ward, his pupils dilated.

Xiaohong was parasitized by mycelium, and he already felt very guilty. If Xiaoyi was also parasitized because of his ineffective supervision, then he would really have no face to see Mr. Consultant.

"It's okay, Commander." Sun Xiaoyi waved his hand and said.

Sister Hong'er is already well now, so why should she worry?Besides, even if it is really parasitized by mycelium, isn't there still Xiaoju there?Xiaoju can help her heal.

"What do you mean it's okay? It's a serious matter. I know that you sisters are deeply in love. But you can't make fun of this kind of thing." Seeing that Sun Xiaoyi didn't plan to come out, the commander took a deep breath and said.

So he planned to go in himself and slipped her out.

But as soon as he entered the ward, he found something was wrong.

"Xiao...Xiaohong, are you alright?" The commander couldn't help saying in surprise, looking at the red-faced sister Hong'er who had no mushrooms on her body under the light.

Is the other party okay?He read it right, could it be said that the doctor's treatment plan is useful?

"Yes, Commander." Sister Hong'er nodded and said, then looked at the Commander's astonished expression and asked:

"Isn't it Commander that you let Xiaoju in?"

"I... did I let Xiaoju in?" The commander was a little confused when he heard the words: "Xiaoju came in? No, when did Xiaoju come?"

Xiaoju has been here?No one told him, let alone he knew.

"Just two hours ago, after Xiaoju ran over to help me get rid of the mushrooms on my body, she said to help me get some nutrition."

"I thought you discussed it with the director, Commander, didn't you?" Sister Hong'er asked after she passed.

Don't you know about this?Then how did Miss Hong'er run into the ward in such a grand manner?He always thought it was the commander and the director who agreed.

"How is this possible? Xiaohong, you can't let Xiaoju know what you said. I never asked anyone to tell him." The commander said, took out a phone from his pocket, and dialed the supervisor on duty in the surveillance room. Telephone.

"Commander, please instruct."

When the team members on duty in the monitoring room heard the phone ringing, they answered immediately after connecting.

"I asked you two hours ago, did you find Xiaopangju on the surveillance camera?"

"He came in through the main entrance, and came all the way to the intensive care unit. The surveillance along the way should have captured him, right?" the commander asked.

"Uh, Commander, did you make a mistake? From two hours ago to now, I haven't even seen a single fly." The team member who heard this said with a confused face.

What fat orange?He didn't even see Chubby Orange.

He was watching the surveillance here, almost falling asleep watching it.

How could he not know if a little tiger appeared?

"It's absolutely impossible. You can turn back the monitor to me now and watch it again carefully. You won't fall asleep while watching the monitor, right?" the commander said.

Since Xiaohong said that if Xiaopangju came, it must have come, and most of the team members in the monitoring room fell asleep again.

"No, no. Absolutely not, Commander." The team member on the other end of the phone said hastily.

"How did that little chubby orange get in? Can it still fly in?" The commander said angrily, "Be more serious when you work, don't be lazy, or let me find out next time." If not, punishment is inevitable."

"Yes yes yes." The team member on the other end of the phone nodded his head and said, although he said he was wronged, but what can he do?Can you still confront the commander?

"Okay, don't be lazy. This is the first time." The commander said, and hung up the phone.

The grievance-faced team members in the monitoring room were left behind. He still hasn't figured out when Xiaopangju came in?Obviously he has been staring at the screen.

"Um, Xiaoju really wasn't the commander who let him come here, so he didn't come here by himself, did he?" Sun Xiaoyi said in astonishment, following the commander's instruction, he looked like a team member, as if I really don't know about the little fat Juju.

"It's possible, I'll call and ask Mr. Advisor." The commander said, and dialed the phone again.

After a while, the director's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Commander, what's the matter? Call me at such a late night, is it because the special medicine has arrived?"

In the dormitory of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, the director leaned against the wall and asked.

"Uh, the special medicine hasn't arrived yet." The commander who heard this was stunned and said, "Mr. Consultant, you sent Xiaoju to help Xiaohong deal with mycelium?"

"Of course not. I promised Xiaohong not to tell Xiaoju." The director who sat down said, suddenly thought of something and opened his mouth in shock: "Wait a minute, you said that Xiaoju helped Xiaohong take care of it." Mycelium? Did he run off to the department?"

"Yeah, I came here two hours ago. Then I went to get nutrition for Xiaohong. If there is no accident, I will come here later." The commander nodded and said: "I thought Xiaohong Tachibana was sent by you, Mr. Consultant, but now it seems that it is not."

From Mr. Consultant's surprised look, it can be seen that it is not much less than when he just knew Xiaoju came here?

"I knew I couldn't hide this little clever ghost. Xiaoju, a little villain, has gone to the department not once or twice, and it's reasonable to be able to touch it by himself." The director talked and sighed, and then continued: " By the way, how is Xiaohong's situation? Have all the mycelium been processed?"

"Yes, it has been completely cleaned up at ordinary times, and my complexion has improved a lot."

"However, to be on the safe side, it's better to check it out." The commander said, very worried that it only looks good on the surface, and there are mycelium hidden inside the body.

"Well, then you can take Xiaohong to check again."

"As for Xiaoju, you don't have to worry about him. He's very smart. If he sneaked past, he probably didn't want us to know about it." The director said.

"I understand this, but there is one thing I don't know whether I should inquire about it or not?" the commander said with a little hesitation.

"Commander, you should be talking about Xiaoju's ability, right?" The head of the garden who heard this, quickly guessed what the other party wanted to say.

Since the other party knows that Xiaoju can handle mycelium, they must be very curious about Xiaoju's ability.

The commander nodded his head upon hearing this and said:
"Yes, I always thought that Xiaoju was a brain-evolving animal, but recently I realized that I was a little wrong."

"Recently, I saw information about Xiaoju's ability to grow bigger. I thought he had the ability to change his size, but now I seem to be wrong again."

At first he thought he had seen it clearly, but he didn't, and then he saw it a little bit more clearly, and then he was wrong again.

It was the first time for him to make mistakes again and again.

"Xiaoju's ability is very simple. If you usually see him gobbling up food, you should guess it." The director smiled and said after hearing this: "His ability is to absorb, the reason why he is better than others The tiger is stronger and stronger simply because it can absorb more nutrients."

"Similarly, these hyphae are also nutrients in Xiaoju's eyes. So after he absorbed all the nutrients of these mycelia, these mycelia lost their life."

"Like this? But now most people's abilities should only be used on themselves, right? Isn't Xiaoju's ability a bit too strong?" The commander said in surprise after hearing this, never expecting Xiaoju It would be this ability.

But at the same time, new doubts arose, because as far as he knew, such an ability should only work on himself.

How could Xiaoju absorb the mycelium in other people's bodies without harming them?
"This will involve the second stage of evolution." The director explained with a smile: "I remember I told you about the conjecture of the three stages of evolution?"

"Of course I remember, I remember Mr. Consultant, you said that the first stage of evolution is to produce abilities and be able to use them familiarly, the second stage is to develop abilities, and the third stage is to have abilities that can affect the surrounding things It is." The commander said, his face changed slightly: "Mr. Advisor, you don't mean that Xiaoju has reached the third stage?"

Hearing this, the principal shook his head again and again and said:

"Of course not. Xiaoju is now in the second stage, which is the stage of releasing her abilities."

"If Xiaoju has really reached the third stage, you should know what kind of existence that is."

"I know, that's a god." The commander nodded seriously and said, the only ones who can change the characteristics of the surrounding things and affect the surrounding environment are the legendary gods.

"So, Xiaoju definitely hasn't reached the second stage, but Xiaoju's use of abilities is definitely not comparable to yours." The director said with a smile while holding the phone:

"The reason why he can change his body shape is because he can absorb air to change the size of his body. This time he entered the department and was not discovered by you, probably because of the use of his ability."

"You probably didn't notice Xiaoju's arrival, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have called me at this time."

"Yes." The commander listened, and said with a wry smile: "If I hadn't come here to make rounds? I wouldn't have known about this kind of thing at all. Xiaoju in our department is simply in and out of no one's land."

Originally, he thought he was watching the surveillance, and the team members didn't post Xiaoju because they were asleep, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Xiaoju is a bit too good at mastering and developing her own abilities, and I don't know how Xiaoju avoids so many cameras?

"That's why I told you to be careful. Although Xiaoju is a little tiger, he is a genius."

"I have never seen an evolutionary creature that can develop such abilities in just a few months." The director sighed, if there are geniuses in this world?Then Xiaoju must be one of them.

"I can see it." The commander said with a wry smile. If he can develop his abilities to this extent in less than one year old, if this is not considered a genius, then how can he be considered a genius?



Just as he finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps around him, which quickly attracted his attention.

"Huh? Is someone coming outside? But I don't seem to see anything." Sun Xiaoyi looked around curiously and said, the sound was clearly nearby, why couldn't she see it?

"Xiaoju, you little villain, sneaked in, what did you want to do without showing your figure? Could it be that you wanted to sneak attack on sister?"

After hearing this, Miss Hong'er spoke.

"Aww~ (Sister, you are so smart, you discovered all of this, I am the one who came back.)"

Following Hong'er's words, there was a sound of a tiger in the ward.

"Where is it?" Hearing the words, the commander followed the voice, trying to see where Cheng Hao was hiding?
But when he looked left and right, he didn't see anything, and his eyes couldn't help showing horror.

He didn't know how Xiaoju managed to be invisible like this?But there is no doubt that Xiaoju can not only deceive people's eyes.

Even electronic devices can be spoofed, which is why they didn't find out.

Just as the commander was looking around, a chubby figure appeared beside Sister Hong'er.

The commander who saw this scene was even more shocked. How could this be possible? Even though the voice was still next to him just now, why did it appear there in the blink of an eye?

And he didn't even feel the air flow around him.

"Aww~ (Sister, what delicious food are you eating here?)" Cheng Hao poked his head and asked curiously, with scrutiny in his eyes.

Staring at Miss Hong'er's empty bowl, trying to find any clues.

"What's the matter with my sister just drinking tremella and lotus seed soup? Do you want it?" Hong'er knocked angrily, and Cheng Hao's big round head said: "You little villain said to get nutrition for sister, how to get it?" How long has it been?"

"Aww~ (There is no way, those nutritional supplements are not very cooperative, so it took a little bit of effort.)"

Cheng Hao said, lifting his drooping tail.

Three heart-like green solids were revealed.

"This is? Tree Heart?" Sun Xiaoyi, who was at the side, couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

I rubbed my eyes in shock, this is the shaping mentioned by the commander, right? Where did Little Pang Ju get three of them?

"Aww~ (You have some knowledge.)" After Cheng Hao glanced at Sun Xiaoyi, he continued to focus on Sister Hong'er: "Aww~ (Come on, sister, eat these three to replenish your body first, wait for me Go see how many old trees there are in that place tomorrow? I’ll go over there and get some more for you. I’m in a hurry tonight, so I didn’t run too far.)”

"Aww~ (But sister, don't worry, I can get some more tomorrow night.)"

"You little rascal wants to kill all the tree kings in the forest, and you should get some more tomorrow night." Sister Hong'er heard this, knocked Cheng Hao's head angrily and said: "These trees As long as the king doesn't come to harm humans, you don't need to kill them all, after all, they haven't done anything bad."

When these trees met Xiaoju, it was really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister. I did my best, and I didn't beat them all to death. I just took their tree hearts, otherwise, if I kill them all, who will provide me with tree hearts?)" Cheng Hao said, and greeted Xiaohua who was beside him.

But all he got was the other party's white eyes, and he was speechless immediately. He greeted the other party kindly, but the other party ignored him, which was really speechless.

Didn't he just snatch a few pieces of meat from her when she was a child?As for the narrow-minded grudge?

"Xiaoju, can you suck out these parasitic mycelia? Then can you help the other victims to get rid of the mycelium now." From Cheng Hao's shock when he took out three tree hearts, he returned The overwhelmed commander walked up to Cheng Hao with a smile and asked.

Now in the entire department, there are hundreds of citizens who have been tortured by mycelium.

What if Xiaoju actually has this ability?Then presumably it won't be too much trouble to deal with this kind of thing.

"Yes, Xiaoju. Just before you left, you promised that your sister would help you." Sister Hong'er also said after hearing the words, looking at Cheng Hao who was pulling the cart.

"Aww~ (I didn't say I'd go back on it, sister, eat the heart of the tree before you talk about it.)" said Cheng Hao, who was playing back and forth while pushing the cart.

(End of this chapter)

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