Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 157 Who Am I?Doctor Xiaoju

Chapter 157 Who Am I?Doctor Xiaoju
"You let my sister eat three tree hearts in one go, do you want to support her to death?" Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard this, just one tree heart could blow her up, this little villain actually Also let her eat three.

Does this little villain know how much energy a tree heart can have?
"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister. I'm still here? Just swallow it with peace of mind. I'll take care of the rest for you.)"

Cheng Hao let go of the claws that were pushing the cart, jumped to Sister Hong'er's side, wrapped his tail around Sister Hong'er's arm and said:

"Aww~ (Sister, hurry up and eat, this thing can't be kept for a long time, it will easily dissipate energy if left for too long.)"

"Aww~ (Hurry up and eat them while they are fresh.)"

"You help sister?" Sister Hong'er looked at Cheng Hao after hearing the words, and saw the other party's eyes.She nodded and said, "Okay, since you, a little villain, have said so, then sister chooses to trust you once."

"Aww~ (Yeah, hurry up and eat.)" Cheng Hao urged, and Sister Hong'er brought the heart of the tree close to her mouth and bit it off.

Immediately, the green heart of the tree, like ice cream, slipped into her mouth.

Faced with this situation, Miss Hong'er didn't panic, after all, she had eaten tree hearts before, but it was just an unformed one brought by Xiaoju.

Like this formed tree heart, it was the first time for her to take it.

"Sister Hong'er, what does the heart of a tree taste like? Is it delicious?" Sun Xiaoyi, who was at the side, saw it and asked very curiously.

But the strange thing is that sister Hong'er didn't answer her, but panted heavily with her face flushed.

"Xiaoyi, don't disturb Xiaohong, she is absorbing the powerful energy of the tree heart now." The commander said when he saw this, staring at Sister Hong'er whose face was as red as a boiled prawn, he couldn't help frowning .

The power of evolution contained in a formed attribute is not a small amount. If Xiaohong swallows it like this, there may be problems. Now let's see how Xiaoju will help Xiaohong deal with it.

"Aww~ (Very good, sister, take it easy. Don't panic, I'll sort out the power of evolution for you, so you can digest it better.)"

Cheng Hao said, the hair on the tail stood up.

Help guide the power of evolution contained in the heart of the tree, and go towards Sister Hong'er's body.

In just a few seconds, sister Hong'er, who was as red as a prawn, began to look better.

"How is it? How do you feel, Xiaohong?" The commander who saw this scene asked.

"I feel very comfortable all over, and a steady stream of strength is emerging from my body." Sister Hong'er said when she heard this, and couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly.

The power of evolution contained in this formed tree heart is how many times stronger than the unformed tree heart?
Just by eating it, she felt that there was a steady stream of energy in her body, which was pouring out.

"Really? That's good." Hearing that the other party had taken the tree heart without any problems, the commander was relieved.

At the same time, he looked at the remaining two tree hearts with some greed.

These two tree hearts are the essence of the life of the two tree kings, if they can swallow this tree heart?Their growth will definitely save a lot of detours.

But right now, this idea is just a dream.

Xiaoju on the side obviously wouldn't give them the heart of the tree.

"Aww~ (Sister, keep coming, your body can still bear it.)"

Cheng Hao felt that the power of evolution was in Sister Hong'er's body, and there was no abnormality.Open your mouth and say.

"Okay." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing this, and then swallowed a tree heart again.

In fact, being watched by the commander and Sun Xiaoyi made her a little embarrassed.I always feel guilty as if I was stealing something.

But the heart of the tree was obtained by Xiaoju with great effort, so it must not be given to others as Xiaoju's face.

Therefore, the commander and Xiaoyi could only watch her eat.

After taking the second tree heart, sister Hong'er's condition this time is much better than before.

His face was obviously not as red as before, and he was no longer panting.

But what hasn't changed is that she can still feel that she has become much stronger.

"Aww~ (How does sister feel? Has her ability become stronger?)" Cheng Hao asked curiously, and the two hearts went down.

Sister Hong'er should also change a bit, right?I just don't know what new abilities will emerge from the stronger sister breeder?
"I didn't feel this, but I seemed to hear other voices." Sister Hong'er said, looking at the bed board.

She heard other voices from under the bed board, shouting hard to eat hard.

The voice was very weak, but it was extremely loud in her ears.

"Aww~ (another voice?)" Cheng Hao heard this, and his fingernails popped out and aimed straight at the bed board, just poking hard.


As his nails fell, there was a painful sound from the bed board.

"Xiaoju, what are you doing, you little troublemaker?" The commander's eyes widened involuntarily at this scene. Did this little villain tear down the bed boards of the department in front of him?

Even if this little villain is very powerful, he must be given an explanation today.

"Commander, don't be angry, Xiaoju seems to have discovered something." Sister Hong'er said hastily upon hearing this.

"Discovered? You little villain, how are you going to find out? If you don't give me an explanation, I won't let you, little villain."

Hearing this, the commander clenched his fists and said, making a threatening gesture.

But in fact, he didn't dare to do anything in his heart. After all, he didn't have the ability to deal with the tree king alone.

What if he really dared to fight Xiaopangju?Then the department can announce the opening of the meeting later.

And it takes more than ten days to eat the kind.

"Aww~ (Sister, did the voice you heard belong to this little guy?)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and ignored the commander's words, but said to Sister Hong'er.

In his eyes, the commander of the area is nothing to worry about, and it's just a matter of wagging his tail to clean up the opponent.

"Huh? Little guy?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help being stunned when she heard that.

The voice came from the ear again, but this time the voice was clearer and more urgent:
"Shusha~ (You big villain, let me go quickly. If you don't let me go? I won't be polite to you.)"

"Aww~ (Yes, that's the little guy.)" Cheng Hao said as he spread his paws, revealing a chubby bug.

At this time, the chubby bug was constantly moving its body, trying to escape from Cheng Hao's claws.

But it was pinched by Cheng Hao all of a sudden, and he could only twist his fat body desperately.

"What a big fat bug, sister, why is there such a big guy living in your bed?" Sun Xiaoyi leaned over and looked at the bug thicker than a thumb and said in surprise.

The bed board here is not that thick, why is there such a big bug hidden?

"It's possible that this worm was inside this piece of wood when it was an egg. And when it's time to hatch, the wood has already been made into a bed board." The commander looked at the wriggling worm He said that he was very disappointed with the procurement of the department.

What bed boards do the guys in the department buy?They actually took this kind of unsterilized bed boards for them to use. If these boards were contaminated with fungi, wouldn't it be troublesome?It seems that we have to discuss it with the director.

"It turned out to be like this. Then this little bug is really pitiful. It was caught by Xiaoju." Sun Xiaoyi hugged Xiaohua's upper body, looked at the bug together and said, "What is Xiaoju going to do with it? Fry it and eat it? I heard that big fat bugs like this one taste very good when fried."

She watched many programs on online TV that had fried bugs. If such a big fat bug exploded, it must make a "squeak" sound, right?

"Shusha~ (Huh? Are you going to eat me? It's too scary, it's just too scary.)"

"Shusha~ (I have to run away immediately, just run away right away.)"

When the moving bug heard this, he panicked immediately.

Like a frowning fly, it was scurrying about desperately on its paws.

"Sister, this bug seems to understand our speech, and it thumps very hard when it hears that it is about to be blown up." Sun Xiaoyi said after seeing it.

This bug seemed to be unusual. Hearing their conversation, he suddenly struggled very hard.

"Normal, he's probably an evolutionary creature too." Sister Hong'er pinched Xiaoju's paw and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I was just teasing you just now. We didn't mean to hurt you .”

"Shusha~ (really?)" the big fat worm rubbed its paws, and said nervously with three points of suspicion.

"Of course it's true. Don't be so scared, you little brat. Be more courageous, just like you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, stroking the fat bug's head with her fingers.

"Shusha~ (You're so kind, you're a good human being.)" Hearing this, the fat worm said, stroking Sister Hong'er's nails with his small paws.

"Sister Hong'er, are you communicating with this big fat bug? How does it talk? Why can't I hear anything?" Sun Xiaoyi, who was at the side, felt very strange when he saw this scene.

Even if it was a bug, it should be able to make a sound, but why didn't she hear anything?What is going on?

Is it because of her bad ears, or does the bug talk in other ways?

"It's because you and I have different abilities." Sister Hong'er smiled and explained, raising the big fat bug in her hand to look at it, and found that the big fat bug is quite cute.

It is white, tender and round, except that it is not as fluffy as Xiaoju.

The hand feel is also very good, the most important thing is this big fat worm.

IQ is not low, and can communicate with people.

"So it looks like this?" Sun Xiaoyi nodded and said, looking at the big fat bug, and said, "Then sister, what are you going to do with this little guy? Did you let him go?"

"Of course, we still need them to help manage those trees." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and put the big fat worm on the table: "That little guy, you can stay here first, we Go and get you fresh wood to eat. Also, I need to check you so you don't get mycelium."

"Shusha~ (Ok, ok.)" The big fat worm rubbed its paws and nodded, then stayed obediently on the table.

"Xiaohong, can you understand the words of the bug now?" The commander at the side said excitedly when he saw it.

It turns out that Xiaohong's ability is only effective on animals, so she doesn't understand what the bugs are saying, but now she seems to be able to understand even the bugs' words.

"Yes." Sister Hong'er nodded her head and said, stretching out her hand to stroke the big round head beside her: "This is thanks to the tree heart brought to me by Xiaoju. Otherwise, I would not have been able to do this step."

"Aww~ (You're welcome, who told me to be brought up by my sister?)" Cheng Hao said, rubbing his big head against Sister Hong'er's arm.

The tail stealthily poked into Sister Hong'er's pocket, and seemed to have seen a pack of soft candy in Sister Hong'er's pocket just now.

Speaking of which, he hasn't eaten fudge for a long time.

"Xiaoju, you little villain, you are fumbling your tail into sister's pocket, are you trying to steal something?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's big tail and asked, this little villain probably thought that she didn't notice his little trick Bar?
"Oh~ (Sister, don't get me wrong, I'm doing this for your own good. Look at you and you're sick, how can you eat sugar? It will make your condition worse, so let me eat it. )" Cheng Hao, who was being pulled by the tail, said confidently, he didn't stare at this thing because of his greed.

He was doing it for the sake of the breeder's sister, otherwise, what if he got sick after eating this thing?

"So according to what you mean, my sister has to thank you, right?"

Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and asked, it's only natural for this little bastard to talk about stealing food.She's really thick-skinned, but she wants to see how thick-skinned this little bastard really is?

"Aww~ (I don't need to say thank you, sister, you will encounter this kind of thing in the future. Just call me again.)" Cheng Hao said, pulling the fudge that fell on the bed carefully to his own Under the body.

Although the young lady discovered his actions, from the current point of view, he has already got what he needs, which means that he is not at a loss.

"Okay Xiaohong, don't talk about these things with Xiaoju, we have more important things to do." The commander at the side reminded after seeing it.

"That's right, I almost forgot about it." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's head and said, "You little villain, it's time to help the citizens deal with those parasitic mycelia."

"Aww~ (But the problem is that sister, you haven't eaten this yet.)" Cheng Hao pointed to the last tree heart and said, pawing furtively at the packaging bag of the fudge.

Taking advantage of sister Hong'er's lowering of her head, she swallowed the soft candy into her mouth with a twist of her tongue, and then urged her as if nothing had happened.

"Then sister eats it, right?" Sister Hong'er stuffed the heart of the tree into her mouth and said, showing Cheng Hao her empty hands.

"Aww~ (Okay, let's go and take a look at those guys.)" Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the other party, Cheng Hao nodded his head and said.

It seems that after the breeder's sister ate two tree hearts, not only her ability has been greatly improved, but her physical fitness has also become much stronger.

After swallowing another tree heart, his face didn't turn red and he couldn't breathe.

"Well, let's go." Sister Hong'er nodded and said, standing up with the big fat worm.

When the commander saw them, he immediately led them the way.Take them to the surrounding isolation wards.


There was the sound of the door being pushed open, and a weak voice came from the dark room:

"Excuse me, is the officer here? Is there anything for the officer?"

"We are here to help you treat, is it convenient for you now?" The commander knocked on the door and asked.

"Of course there is no problem. Come in, officers." The other party's voice came from inside the room, and then the whole room lit up.

A somewhat old face was revealed, and the face was covered with mushrooms.

"That's fine, Xiaoju and sister come in." Sister Hong'er said, and patted Cheng Hao who was standing beside her.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it. Sister, don't rush me.)" Cheng Hao said, and followed Sister Hong'er into the room.

Sun Xiaoyi saw it and was about to follow in.

He was stopped by the commander on the side:
"Don't go in, just watch outside with me."

Although it is said that Xiaoju can suck out mycelium, it is hard to guarantee that this thing will not leave any sequelae in the body?So it is better not to be contaminated if you can avoid contamination.

"Okay." Sun Xiaoyi, who originally wanted to see Cheng Hao with his own eyes, how he sucked out the hyphae, heard the commander say so.All I could do was stand at the door and watch.

"Are you the one who wants to treat me, sir? That's really troublesome, and I asked you to go there in person on this big night."

The old man in the ward looked at Sister Hong'er who came over, smiled and supported himself.His eyes scanned Cheng Hao again: "This is the little tiger you raised, sir. It looks very cute, and it's smooth and smooth."

"Yes, but it's not just a little tiger. He is also the doctor who treated you, Grandpa."

"Grandpa, don't be afraid, Xiaoju, he won't hurt anyone."

Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and gave Cheng Hao a look.

Cheng Hao, who received the command from Miss Honglou's eyes, immediately walked towards the old man.Stretching out its claws, it drooped on the opponent's hand.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid, and he doesn't look like he's going to hurt anyone."

Hearing this, the old man waved his hand indifferently and said.Looking at Cheng Hao and saying hello:

"Hi, little tiger, I'm going to trouble you this time."

"Aww~ (No trouble, as long as you cooperate with me well.)" Cheng Hao said, and his claws began to use their abilities.

The mushrooms that were entangled with each other soon became shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in less than a while, only the smelly mud remained.

"That's it, are you going to get rid of all these troublesome mycelia?" The commander couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this scene, his face was full of disbelief, he never thought of such a difficult thing to deal with , it will be so easy to solve in the opponent's hands.

This is Xiaoju's ability?It's just too scary.

"Aww~ (Okay, the mycelium in your body has been cleaned up, you can take a shower and get ready to go home.)" Cheng Hao said, retracting his claws, and turned his head to Sister Hong'er who was standing beside him.

Indicates that they can go to work in the next ward.

"Grandpa, you can get up and take a shower and get ready to go home. These mushrooms that bothered you have been eliminated." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this.

"Really? Then our Little Tiger Doctor is really amazing?" After hearing this, the old man looked at the rotten mushrooms on his body, and felt that his physical condition was much better.said with a smile.

"Of course, it's our Doctor Xiaoju after all." Sister Hong'er nodded with a smile, "Our Doctor Xiaoju has to go to the next ward for treatment, so I won't bother Grandpa you rest here. .”

"Okay, sir, go slowly. Doctor Xiaoju is going slowly." The old man said with a smile and waved his hands, watching one person and one tiger leave the ward.

"Xiaoju, how did you manage to get rid of the mycelium?" Sun Xiaoyi leaned on the door, looking at Cheng Hao who was swaying over and asked.

"Aww~ (You just need to do this and do that.)" Cheng Hao, who was asked, raised his paw, and said balala.

"Sister Hong'er, what is Xiaoju talking about?" Sun Xiaoyi, who saw this scene, scratched her head and asked Sister Hong'er.

It seemed that Xiaoju was talking to him, but what exactly?But she couldn't understand a word.

"You don't need to pay attention to him, he's saying something weird." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, "Stop playing around, little villain, and go on to the next ward with sister."

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and replied, and came to the next ward.

After going back and forth hundreds of times like this, Doctor Xiaoju's name spread throughout the department.

"Aww~ (Is there any patient to be treated now? If not, I will be leaving.)" Cheng Hao, who came out of the last ward, asked, scanning the sky outside, preparing to go back to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain I went to sleep.

This time, he came out from the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.I haven't said hello to the principal and grandfather yet, so I can't stay outside for too long, I have to go back early.

"It's almost dawn, where do you want to go, you little villain?" Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's round head and said, it's almost dawn, and Xiaoju is still planning to leave?

In case someone bumps into someone along the way, why not scare them to death?

"Aww~ (Of course I went back to the Tiger Garden to sleep, and I went to the cafeteria to eat fish noodles.)" Cheng Hao yawned and said, no matter how good and spacious the evolution department is, it is still not home.

What's more, everything here is made of reinforced concrete, without the fragrance of soil and grass.

Therefore, he is even less interested in staying here.

"You little villain, you just want to eat noodles, don't you?" Sister Hong'er was annoyed when she heard that, she tapped Cheng Hao's head and said, "When can't you eat noodles? Why do you want to go back to the Tiger Garden?" What about eating? Elder sister still wants you to stay and help."

"Aww~ (Didn't I already help with the treatment of mycelium? What else can I do?)" Cheng Hao looked at Sister Hong'er and muttered.

He has helped the evolutionary department, such a big favor.The evolutionary department also needs to learn to handle things by itself, don't ask him for help if you have any troubles, he is just a little tiger.

There are limited things that can be done, and it is impossible to stay in the evolutionary department to help every day.

Also, if you want his help?The evolutionist department can't afford this salary. He is a big star and he is very busy.

Tens of millions per second, if the evolutionist department doesn't offer him a salary of several hundred million a month, it's better not to ask him for help.

"Of course you are a doctor. Although you have cleaned up all the mycelia on the patients in the department, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no other parasitized people, so you have to stay here." Hong Sister Er rubbed Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "As long as you stay here, no matter what department you want, they will buy it for you immediately, and you will never be made to wait for more than two hours."

"That's right, Xiaoju can stay and help the commander, okay?" The commander on the side asked with a smile, the department needs Xiaoju's help so much now, Xiaoju has to stay.

"Aww~ (Then I want to eat delicious bluefin tuna in the morning, as well as fresh milk and fresh beef that has just been slaughtered.)" Cheng Hao immediately said, shaking his paws.

This is what they said, not what he specifically requested.

Let's see if they are sincere now.

"Commander Xiaoju said..." Sister Hong'er heard it, and repeated Cheng Hao's words to the commander.

After listening to the commander, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "No problem, no problem, as long as Xiaoju is willing to stay, all these requests can be fulfilled."

"So what do you want to eat at noon and night? Can you finish talking? In this way, the commander is also preparing for you."

Xiaopangju is a small villain, but he has quite a lot of experience. He just wants to eat tuna or fresh beef when he opens his mouth.

"Aww~ (Caviar, plump oysters, and fresh lobsters are enough for lunch.)"

"Aww~ (As for the evening? Just two or three roasted whole lambs will be fine.)"

Cheng Hao licked his lips and said, recently he has been hanging out with sheep all the time, he is almost starved to death.

Now that the commander is willing to provide him with any food, of course he has to seize this opportunity to satisfy his hunger, otherwise he will not be able to bear it one day and will attack his subordinates.

"Okay, okay, the food will be here soon, you stay in the department obediently first." The commander said after hearing this, and immediately asked someone to do it.

Although Xiaoju's ingredients are a bit expensive, who would let them ask for Xiaoju now?He could only reluctantly agree.

"Aww~ (Okay, ok.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, and then lay down on the ground: "Aww~ (I feel very tired now, quickly find eight people to get eight stretchers to carry me to sleep .Otherwise, I won’t be able to stay here.)”

"You little villain, you don't think you're a bride, do you? Give me back eight stretchers, can my sister treat you to a big slap?" Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard the words, Xiaoju is really a little villain. Use chicken feathers as arrows.The commander dares to say that he really dared to mention it.

"Aww~ (Slaps and the like are fine, I'm full of slaps in the Tiger Garden.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao shook his head and got up from the ground.

The breeder sister just said, why do you have to do it when you have nothing to do?We are all civilized people, don't always be like this.

"Just know, come here obediently with my sister. My sister will take you to sleep, if you are disobedient? My sister will continue to reward you with chestnuts." Sister Hong'er said, and left the isolation ward.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately followed up with steps.

"Then Commander, I took Xiaohua to rest too." Sun Xiaoyi saw it and said.

"Well, you go." The commander nodded with a smile, and Sun Xiaoyi took Xiaohua and left.

"I'll go, does Xiaopangju have such a good breakfast? I'm so envious."

"Yeah, it's so good to eat early in the morning. Can Xiaopangju bear this?"

In the cafeteria in the early morning, when the team members were eating noodles and steamed buns with soy milk.

In front of a figure that didn't fit in with them, there were tuna, fresh beef and milk.

And Chubby Ju, who was the object of everyone's attention, was shaking his paws and enjoying a luxurious meal leisurely.

And beside him, there is a special cut of tuna meat.It seems that it is called a carefree life.

"It's delicious, you little villain. You little villain needs someone to serve you specially when you eat tuna." Sister Hong'er angrily held a knife for cutting salmon and said, knocking on his head.

This little villain has a real knack for enjoying and knows that tuna needs to be cut.Instead of hugging and chewing directly.

"Aww~ (Sister, please show some respect and don't beat me up. I only stayed here because of your face. If you treat me like this? I'll go back.)" While eating Cheng Hao, who was humming a ditty, said.

He is now the only tiger who can deal with these parasitic mycelia. If the breeder's sister beats him again, he will leave. After all, he is a little tiger with a temper.

"Do you dare to go back and try? If you dare to go back, my sister will knock your head out of the bag." Sister Hong'er said angrily, holding a long blade and talking to the tuna: "Quickly finish breakfast for my sister , After eating, I have to go with my sister to treat new patients."

"Aww~ (Didn't you just finish the treatment? Why do you need to treat someone again?)" Cheng Hao muttered while eating the beef after hearing this.

He treated all the patients last night, why are there still?

"Because these are not local patients, they are patients transported from all over the country." Sister Hong'er explained.

Don't you know how big the country is?It is true that Xiaoju has treated all the patients in Hongtashan City, but there are still patients across the country waiting for him.

"Aww~ (It's really troublesome.)" Cheng Hao complained, hoping that the country would quickly produce special medicines.

He also wanted to go back to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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