Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 159 Huhu, I'm Almost Tired to Death

Chapter 159 Huhu, I'm Almost Tired to Death

"Mr. Chen, I'm too excited, I'm really sorry." The middle-aged man who heard this said hastily.

"You shouldn't tell me your sorry words, you should tell Doctor Xiaoju." Elder Chen stood up and said to the middle-aged man.

"I'm so sorry! Doctor Xiaoju. I was too reckless, and I hope you don't blame me," the middle-aged man bowed to Cheng Hao immediately after hearing this.

"Aww~ (For the sake of your apology, Benhu will not argue with you, but if there is a next time? Then don't blame Benhu for being rude.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao, waved his paw and said.

"Sir, Xiaoju doesn't take this matter to heart, so you don't have to take it too seriously." Sister Hong'er said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Really? That's really great." The middle-aged man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Dr. Xiaoju, thank you so much for treating this old man. I really don't know how to thank you." After hearing that the middle-aged man was forgiven, Mr. Chen smiled and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. Pass the paper to Cheng Hao and say, "This is the old man's contact number. If you have any troubles with Doctor Xiaoju in the future? You can call this number."

"Aww~ (I am the great king of beasts, how can I need your help? But since you are willing to give it, I will reluctantly accept it?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, his tail raised Get up, the other party to call the number.

He, the majestic king of beasts, still needs this thing?What are you kidding?
However, since the other party was interested in it, he reluctantly accepted it.

"Okay, since the old man has been cured, then the old man will not disturb Doctor Xiaoju's diagnosis and treatment here." Old Chen said with a smile when he saw this, and then said to the middle-aged man standing beside him: "Let's go, We should leave."

"Yes, Mr. Chen." The middle-aged man nodded upon hearing this, and helped Mr. Chen to leave.

"Aww~ (They are really weird guys, I don't know who they are?)" Cheng Hao jumped back to the table when he saw this, and handed the phone number he chose in the future to Sister Hong'er: "Aww~ (Sister, you Help me search for this thing, if you need anything in the future, just call him and talk to him, anyway, I probably won’t need this thing.)”

"It's hard to say, these two look very extraordinary." After hearing this, sister Hong'er looked at the phone number on the note and said.

She could see that these two people didn't seem to be simple.

"Aww~ (Really? But what does this have to do with me? Anyway, I don't need it, and no one can threaten me.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and then lay back on the chair again .

He was waiting for sister Hong'er to give him a massage, and by the way, he was also waiting for the afternoon tea to come.

"Old Chen, shall we go back immediately? Or should we go shopping in Hongtashan City for a while longer?" asked the middle-aged man who came out of the hall and returned to the car.

"Since you've come to Hongtashan City, let's go see some old acquaintances." Hearing this, Mr. Chen smiled and said, "Let's go to Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park and see how that old guy is doing now. "

"Okay, Mr. Chen." The driver nodded after hearing this, and drove away from the evolutionist department of Hongtashan City.

Headed towards Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Commander, is there any problem with this car?" Chen Min stood on the roof of the complex, looking at the leaving car and asked the commander beside him.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with the car. The problem is the people sitting in it." The commander said with a smile when he heard the words: "It is unexpected that such a big shot would come from Kyoto in person. It seems that the special medicine developed by the above, It’s really not very effective.”

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Chen Min asked curiously upon hearing this.

I understand that the commander who is always rigorous, why did he suddenly say this?

"If you think about it, even such a big man dare not use the special medicine, do you think this special medicine will be useful?" The commander listened, glanced at the disappearing car and said with a smile: "Let's go, this matter It’s good that you know it, don’t say it outside.”

"Okay, Commander. I understand." Chen Min nodded and followed the Commander downstairs.

"Run and move, you three little guys eat and sleep every day, eat and eat. Look at how fat you are?" In the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, the director kicked angrily, Xiong Er, Xiong Da, and Xiong San who were running said.

These three big stupid bears are full of food and sleep every day, and the fat on their stomachs is almost the same as tires. If they don't lose weight, what mother bear will like them?
"Aww~ (Sister, when are you coming back? We are in too much trouble, sister help me.)" Xiong Er, who was running, had tears in his eyes, full of nostalgia for Sister Hong'er who left.

Come back soon, sister, if you don't come back, they will be trained to death by the principal grandpa.

They are fatter, and there is no harm. Grandpa treats them, they are just three poor little bears.

"Aww~ (The three big stupid bears are so stupid.)" Beside the director, Pumpkin said very happily.

He didn't notice at all that the director who was staring at the bear had already looked at him.

And by the time he realized it, he had already been kicked in the buttocks.

"You little rascal, don't you have a good laugh? Grandpa, go for a run, hurry up. Look at your fat body, do you know how to move, grandpa?" The headmaster pinched the pumpkin's ears and said, this The little villain still likes to gloat.

In this case, let this little villain go for a run.

It happened to turn all the fat on his body into muscle.

"Aww~ (Don't, don't, I know I'm wrong, I don't dare to do it again.)" Pumpkin was shocked when he heard this, and wanted to run away, waving his short legs.

However, the disparity between the enemy and us is so great that the director just gently grabbed the back of his fate with his hand:

"It's useless for you little villain to sell miserably to grandpa. Hurry up and run with Xiong Daxiong Erxiong San, you know? If you run too slowly, grandpa will kick you, little villain, ass."

"Aww~ (Don't, don't.)" The pumpkin, who was stomping on the air desperately, struggled hard, but it didn't work at all.

Just when he thought he was going to finish the calf, suddenly a sightseeing car drove over.

"Mr. Director, Mr. Director. Someone is looking for you. He said he is an old friend of yours." The captain of the security guard who was driving a sightseeing car shouted loudly, and in a short while, he came to Yihu and Yiren.

"Oh? It's my old friend. This is really a rare thing." Hearing this, the director put down the pumpkin in his hand and looked at the sightseeing car and asked, "Where are they now?" Huh? Is it at the door or in the reception room?"

"Aww~ (That's great, that's great, I escaped, it looks like I'm lucky.)" Pumpkin, who escaped the claws of the director, felt very lucky today.

"Of course it's in the reception room. Since the principal is your friend, how could I let them stay at the door?" The security captain replied.

"Okay, I see. I'll go see them right away." The headmaster smiled and said, looking at the pumpkin on the side, and said, "You little villain, run away for grandpa, you know? Otherwise, when grandpa comes back, if you see If you don't run away? Grandpa will beat your ass by then."

"Aww~ (What? Grandpa, are you back?)" Pumpkin couldn't help but turn pale with fright at these words, turned around and ran away.

No, the principal's grandfather is too scary, he has to find a backer.

For example, ask the Tiger King for help and let the Tiger King protect himself.

"This little guy is so weak that he doesn't know how to exercise. Really, I have to worry about it." Seeing this scene, the director couldn't help but shook his head, and then stepped onto the sightseeing bus.

"Aww~ (Brother, the director and grandpa have left, can we stop?)" Xiong Er looked at the sightseeing car going away, tears were about to flow out.

Great, the principal's grandfather has finally left, and their hard life has finally come to an end.

So can they stop running now?This running is very tiring.

"Aww~ (Of course it's not allowed. Grandpa the principal asked us to run. It's all for our own good. You two guys have to figure this out.)" Xiong Da said, with eyes in his eyes. His solemn gaze was revealed.

That little tiger is much stronger than them now. If they don't work hard, they will definitely be surpassed by each other, so they have to work hard.

Only in this way, the principal's grandfather and sister will look at them with admiration.

"Aww~ (but running is so tiring, brother.)" Xiong Er said after hearing this, he just wanted to eat and not run, running is really too tiring.

"Huaohu~ (Yes, yes, big brother.)" Xiong San nodded after hearing the words.

"Aww~ (How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? If you two continue to be lazy like this, how can we keep up with that guy? Do you want to be compared by a tiger all the time? )" Xiong Da said, looking at the lazy two bears and encouraged: "Aww~ (we have to work hard, you know? Only in this way will my sister treat us like that little tiger? We have to let My sister knows us, not much worse than that tiger.)”

"Aww~ (Yes, big brother.)" Hearing this, Xiong Erxiong San immediately became motivated, walking with round limbs, like a small tank.

Rampage on the lawn, running hard.

"Let me see, which old friend is looking for me?" Before the sightseeing car stopped, the director jumped out of the car and said quickly towards the reception room.

After counting the time, it seems that he hasn't seen his old friends for many years. If you want to say who he is familiar with recently?That's probably the guys from the finance department above.

It is really strenuous to apply for a little more money from them for the tigers to use.

"Long time no see, old guy. It seems that you are living well, at least you don't have any missing arms or legs." Just as the director entered the reception room, Chen Laoshuang's laughter came from inside.

"Hey! Isn't this our squad leader, Chen, who manages a lot of things every day? Why did you come to play with me when you have time today?"

"Speaking of which, I asked you to help me last time, and asked the financial guys to allocate more funds to me. It seems that you didn't help me." After seeing the people in the reception room, the director said angrily.

Who did he think it was, it turned out to be this guy, it doesn't matter if he didn't see him.The relationship faded.

"Why do you hold grudges so much, old man? Although I have a good time here, I have no right to intervene in such matters." Hearing this, Mr. Chen smiled and said, "Isn't your Tiger Park well managed?" Is it? And the money distributed every year is based on the standard of being able to feed the breeder and the tiger.”

"No one dares to move this, we old fellows will keep an eye on it for you."

"It's all like this, is there anything you are not satisfied with?"

"Of course I'm not satisfied. Just look at how hungry the tigers in my tiger garden look like? They're all skinny and skinny."

"I can't even see the beef three times a year. What do you think the money is enough for?"

His eyes were fixed on the hardworking opposite, as if he wanted to give goosebumps off the ground before giving up.

Hearing this, Old Chen was very speechless and said:
"Can you blame me? Or blame you for being too extravagant and wasteful? Have you ever seen a tiger park that is as demanding as you? Live in a single room for the tigers, and build a large cat climbing frame for the tigers."

"That's all for nothing, you still give these tigers a pot of milk every day. No matter how much money is allocated from above, it's not enough for you to make it like this."

"Isn't this the first time I opened a tiger park and I don't have any experience? Now that I have experience, I won't do it?" The head of the garden blushed and said, "Besides, what am I building a tiger park for? Are you guys?"

"Don't forget, if the tiger hadn't saved our lives back then, how could we have survived to this day? We swore at that time that we would definitely repay it. And even if we couldn't repay it, we would definitely repay the whole Tigers."

"I remember, I haven't forgotten." Mr. Chen murmured after hearing the words: "Haven't I been keeping my original promise for decades? Look at the number of tigers in our country now. Isn't there a lot more tigers? Isn't it all my effort?"

The old guy said it as if he was keeping his oath, didn't they keep it too?
Before they retired, they had been working on protecting wild animals and combating tiger theft.

Otherwise, where would the tiger population recover so quickly now?
"Okay, I know you've worked hard." The headmaster said angrily, "So what are you doing looking for me this time, old man? I'm so busy right now that I don't have time to greet you."

"If you want to eat? Go to the cafeteria and eat by yourself. But remember that the food is not free, you have to pay for it."

"You guys are really ruthless, are you comrades treating me like this?" Old Chen said unhappily when he heard the words, leaning back on the chair and said, "I just went to the evolution department for treatment, and I saw you guys. A little tiger in the tiger park."

"Oh? Have you seen Xiaoju? How about Xiaoju? Is Xiaoju very powerful? Let me tell you, this is a little tiger I raised." The head of the garden said triumphantly: "If it weren't for my tiger garden, Why don't you easily take out the hyphae, it's almost like a dream."

"So when I applied for fees from above this year, please remember to say hello to those old guys for me."

"Don't worry, I don't need to say hello to you this time, and the higher-ups will take special care of Huyuan." Mr. Chen said, sipping his tea, "Xiaoju's ability is very important to the country, and the higher-ups attach great importance to Xiaoju and have already defined him It is a protected object at the sss level."

"Uh, you underestimate Xiaoju, Xiaoju doesn't need protection." The head of the garden who heard this was stunned and said, do they still want to protect Xiaoju?It's better to take care of yourself first.

Xiaoju will not be in danger unless she encounters a large missile or the like.

But they couldn't tell for sure, if they came again when Xiaoju was in danger, no matter how many people there were, it would be useless.

"It's not certain, there are exceptions to everything, isn't it?" Mr. Chen said with a smile, reaching out to grab a handful of melon seeds on the fruit plate: "Your way of raising tigers is really ingenious, it's the first time I've seen someone like this Son, I was almost taken aback just now."

"It's okay, the little guys are very honest. And they're smart, as long as you don't throw stones at them and kick them, they won't get angry." The visible tigers have long been familiar with it.

After all, this is one of the characteristics of their Tiger Park.

"It can be seen, but to be cautious, you should manage these little guys well. They surrounded me just now." Old Chen said, touching the hole in his clothes.

Who do these little tigers learn from?They can use their claws to pull people, and they even pick people's pockets to do it.

How about a fight with the monkeys in Monkey Mountain? What if we don't educate them well?But no.

"Yeah, I see. I'll deal with those little bastards later."

"Everyone who doesn't learn well, only learns bad things." Seeing this, the principal nodded and said.

"That's about the same. Now I want to see the development of Guyuan. Are you free to take me to have a look?" Old Chen asked with a smile.

"Let's go, for the sake of your coming, I'll take you there, so that you won't say I'm petty." The principal said, and stood up from the chair.

I took them to visit the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

"Aww~ (How many patients are there? I can't hold it anymore.)"

In the lobby on the second floor of the evolutionary department, Cheng Hao felt that he had never been so tired in his life.

He is just a little tiger, why should he encounter such tiring things at this age?

"Don't be lazy, Xiaoju, just hold on for a while, okay? Just hold on for a while." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "It's time to get off work soon. It's time, we can rest when the time comes, and you can bear it for another half an hour, okay?"

"Aww~ (I'm so tired, I'm so tired. Sister, can't you find a way to kill all these mycelia?)" Cheng Hao complained, moving his body like a big caterpillar. to run away.But it was quickly held down by sister Hong'er.

"Be good, Xiaoju, don't run away. We agreed to treat these people and it's fine. How can you think about running away? This is a violation of the agreement with my sister." Sister Hong'er lay on Cheng Hao's back, Suppressed with the weight of the body and said.

How can Xiaoju go back on what she says?He clearly promised to help treat these people.

"Aww~ (I can't stand such a boring life anymore, I'm going to regret it. Sister.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this, and moved his paws to the ground while pawing at the ground.

It's too annoying and boring, if he stays any longer, he will suffocate to death here sooner or later, so he has to run away quickly.

"Little villain's words don't count, how can you do it? Don't run, my sister doesn't allow you to run away." Sister Hong'er said while scratching Xiaoju's big belly.

His team members guarding on the other side saw this scene and came up to help, and they didn’t come up, and they couldn’t help but commit a crime:

"Uh, what should we do now? Our little orange doesn't seem to want to continue working."

"I don't know either, let's talk to the commander, shall we?"

"Good idea, let's report to the commander quickly."

After the two made a brief decision, they immediately went to report.

Soon the commander ran over with a lot of people.

"My little ancestor, didn't we make an agreement? Why did you go back on your word? Look at me, I've had people buy you so many delicious foods, so just bear with it, okay?" Okay?" said the commander, and asked everyone to bring up the food they brought.

Xiaoju ran away, what should they do?

Didn't you agree to give him what he wants?Now that they have all done it, Xiaoju must keep her word.

"Aww~ (I've been fooled, I've been fooled by you, this is a thankless thing at all.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, still planning to run away.

What a joke, I am just a tiger, and it should be their responsibility to save people.

He didn't repay his old benefits, and it was time-consuming and laborious. He would not do this drudgery, and he would not do it if he was given dozens of tons of tuna.

"Doctor Xiaoju, what game are you playing? Can you bring me one? It looks very fun?" Just as everyone was persuading, a small head with braids came out and asked road.

She blinked her small eyes with a look of curiosity, but the mushrooms all over her body made her look a little weird.

This made the somewhat chaotic consulting room instantly quiet.

"I'm so sorry, sirs."

"The child is not sensible, so he ran over. Did you disturb Doctor Xiaoju's meal?" A panicked voice came from behind the little girl, also a woman overgrown with mushrooms.

"No, Xiaoju is tired from sitting. She is stretching. You wait outside for a few minutes, and she will be fine soon. It will be your turn soon." Sister Hong'er, who was lying on Cheng Hao's back, said with a smile, He stretched out his hand and pinched Cheng Hao's ear:

"You little villain, can you bear to see such a cute little girl suffering from illness? Hurry up and sit down for my sister."

"Aww~ (My sister is unreasonable, she doesn't care about me at all. I'm tired too, okay?)" Cheng Hao muttered, the sister of the breeder saw how pitiful these patients were, why didn't she see him How pitiful it is, just look at him, he is so tired and thin.

"My sister knows, my sister knows. But now we can only rely on you, can you be a little bit tired?"

"When the work is over for a while, how about my sister promise to take you out to play? No matter what you want, my sister will buy it for you, okay?" Sister Hong'er scratched her hands while Cheng Hao coaxed her chin vigorously.

"Aww~ (Okay, for the sake of your sister, I will try my best to cheer up and help.)"

"Aww~ (But let's talk about it first, I don't want to work overtime? If I am asked to work overtime? I will leave immediately.)" Cheng Hao said, and reluctantly returned to the chair.

"There is no problem, you will never be asked to work overtime." Sister Hong'er assured, and said to the commander on the side with a smile: "Commander, please let people put the things aside first, Xiaoju will come back later." eat."

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the situation was finally under control, the commander couldn't help saying with a sigh of relief.

Immediately ask people to put the food aside, and then let them all come out.

"Okay, next patients, please come in." Sister Hong'er stood beside Cheng Hao and shouted, and the little girl and woman who had just left came in.

"Excuse me, sir, what do we need to do?" After waiting for a long time, it was finally my turn. After the woman came in, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked.

"Just sit on the chairs and put your hands on the table, Xiaoju will take care of the rest." Sister Hong'er said.

"Okay, okay." The woman sat on the chair and put her hands on the table, pulling her daughter.

The little girl sitting on the chair looked at Cheng Hao, blinked her big eyes and asked curiously: "Doctor Xiaoju, are you a real tiger? Why is it different from what you see in the zoo?"

"Aww~ (Of course I'm a tiger, and I'm still the fake one.)" Cheng Hao said, stretching out his paw and putting it on her hand, but what he didn't expect was his own paw. After being in the opponent's hands.

The opponent's hand drooped above his paw.

"Doctor Xiaoju, what game are we playing?" the little girl asked with her big eyes blinking.

"Aww~ (Yes, yes.)" Cheng Hao said helplessly, the other party is a little girl, so he can't argue with the other party, he should help the other party get rid of the parasitic mycelia as soon as possible, and let her leave early.

"Little sister, be good, don't move. The game has started. If you move, you will lose." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Yeah, I won't lose." The little girl who heard this said with a smile, and immediately remained motionless.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao activated his ability.

"Oh, oh. I feel much more relaxed. Doctor, your medical skills are really good." Said the aunt who had mushrooms all over her body cut off and her face was slightly rosier.

"Yeah, I knew doctor that your medical skills are the most reliable." The uncle on the other side heard it and followed suit.

What is Dr. Cheng Hao?That's completely used by the department to fool people. A doctor like this is a really powerful person.

"Just as long as you two are happy." The doctor who heard this said with an embarrassed smile.

They all said that his medical skills were good, but what they didn't know was themselves, and there was no way to completely solve their problems.

What if they want to get rid of the mushrooms on them once and for all?I still have to find Xiaoju.

"Hey! Isn't that the person who came from the same place as us? Why is he walking around?"

"Yeah, isn't he coming for treatment?"

At this moment, the uncle and aunt saw a person walking in the distance.

I recognized it immediately, didn't the other party come on the same plane with them?But what is the other party hanging around now?Shouldn't it be treated?
With a little curiosity, they greeted each other.And the other party came over quickly.

It wasn't until this time that they realized that all the mushrooms on each other had disappeared.

And it's still the kind that doesn't look like it's been cut off, it's gone directly from the skin.

Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Brothers, which doctor did you seek to solve it? How did it treat it so cleanly?" The aunt asked, and then looked at her burns here and there, and suddenly felt that the doctor she had chosen was not as good as the other one. Much.

Why is there such a powerful doctor in this department not invited out?Isn't this just kidding them?
"Yes, yes." The uncle on the side also followed suit, his eyes full of eagerness.

I really want to know which doctor the other party sees?
"Uh, didn't you two see Dr. Xiaoju?" The uncle who was asked this question looked at the two people in front of him in doubt.

Aren't they two in the first place?Why didn't you see Dr. Xiaoju?And ask him such outrageous questions.

"No, isn't Doctor Xiaoju a tiger?"

"Yeah, what is a tiger capable of? Or is it more reliable to ask an expert to look at it?"

The two people who heard this replied, they didn't find the problem at all.

A tiger is just a beast after all, how could it be better than a human?
"It turned out to be like this, then I understand what's going on with you two?" The old man shook his head and said, "I don't want to say anything, you two go to the hall to see Once you see it, you will understand.”

After finishing speaking, the two of them could not continue to talk, so they walked away.

For this kind of people who don't trust others, even if they talk about it, I'm afraid it won't have much effect.

Or do they have to go and see for themselves before they know how wrong they are?
Since the evolutionist department arranged for Dr. Xiaoju to diagnose and treat them, it must be thoughtful. They still don't believe it?It's really stubborn.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't have to suffer this kind of crime long ago?
Of course, it is impossible for him to tell them such words.

After all, I have no such obligation.

"He's really weird. If he doesn't want to tell us which doctor cured him, he won't tell us. It's true that he asked us to go to that doctor Xiaoju." Seeing the other party's back, the aunt Said angrily.

"That's right, we are all fellow villagers, and he is too rude." The uncle nodded after hearing the words, feeling very uncomfortable with the other party's trickery.

If the other party wants to say it, they can say it, if they don’t want to say it, they don’t have to.

And Doctor Xiaoju?What can that tiger do?

"The doctor, may I ask you, do you know which doctor that old man saw?" After seeing the other party leave, the aunt on the side quickly fixed her eyes on the doctor beside her.

If the old man refuses to say it, then the doctor in this department will definitely say it.Although it was bad to ask him about other doctors face to face, but for her own sake, she didn't care so much.

"Yes, doctor, please tell us." The old man at the side also followed suit.

"He already said it, Doctor Xiaoju." The doctor who heard this said, looking helplessly at the two people in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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