Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 160 I Will Not Spoil You

Chapter 160 I Will Not Spoil You

These two didn't seem to understand what he said at all, and besides, is it really good for them to ask this kind of question in front of him?
He's a doctor too, aren't they taking him a little too lightly?

"Impossible, that Doctor Xiaoju is just a little tiger."

"That's right, how could it be the doctor who cured someone?" The uncle and aunt said, their eyes full of suspicion.

"Uncle and aunt, since you don't believe it? Why don't you go and see for yourself, I think seeing is believing is more convincing than anything else." The doctor who heard this said, he was convinced by these two. .

It's a good thing they signed a waiver of liability before the treatment, otherwise?He really didn't dare to show these two.

"Is that so?" After the uncle and aunt heard it, they looked at each other and said, "Then why don't we go and have a look?"

"Well, let's go have a look."

After the conversation, the two opened their mouths and walked towards the complex.

After seeing this scene, the doctor couldn't help shaking his head.I don't care about them anymore.

For him, it is a good thing to send these two away.At least the other party won't bother him anymore.

"Doctor Xiaoju is really amazing. I have never seen any doctor as powerful as Doctor Xiaoju."

"Yeah, yeah. Just lightly put your hands on our arms, and all the mushrooms on our bodies fell off."

"That's right, and Doctor Xiaoju is so cute. It's nice and comfortable to put his big paw on my arm."

"Yeah, Doctor Xiaoju's meat pads are really soft."

The uncle and aunt walked in the complex, and the voices of men and women came from their ears.

It could be heard from their voices how much they admired Doctor Xiaoju.

"Could it be that we really chose the wrong doctor? Which Xiaoju doctor is really so good?" Hearing this, the aunt couldn't help but wondered whether what she had done was correct?After all, judging from the appearance of these people, the mushrooms on their bodies have indeed been completely wiped out, and there are no traces left.

"Yeah, he's obviously just a tiger." The uncle on the side also doubted himself.

So the two continued to walk forward, looking like they would not give up until they reached the Yellow River.

Under the watchful eyes of the two of them, the patient who was covered with mushrooms entered the consultation room.

In a few seconds, all the mushrooms on his body were gone.

The whole complexion also turned rosy, and the skin on his body was not as bumpy as theirs.

Immediately, the two became excited and rushed into the consulting room immediately.

"You two old men, what are you doing? I haven't called you yet, you have to queue up at the back."

"Yeah, you can't jump in line. How can you jump in line?"

The patients, who were very happy watching the people in front of them come out, suddenly lost their joy when they saw the two people who rushed in.

Why are these two people still jumping in line?They've been in line for a long time.

"Young people should know how to respect the old and love the young, don't you know that?"

"Yeah, you are still so young. If your body can hold it, we old people can't."

"That's right, and we were at the front of the queue, but we left because of something." The uncle and aunt who heard this said, looking very confident.

They were originally ranked first, although they said that they were not diagnosed here, but when they came back, they should be the first.

In addition, why are young people nowadays so uneducated, they don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all.

"They really have no quality..."

The patients who saw this scene, although cursing, did not dare to go in.

Instead, he waited quietly outside, waiting for the call in the consulting room.

"Doctor Xiaoju, Doctor Xiaoju. Hurry up and give us a diagnosis and treatment."

"Yeah, yeah, we just didn't know Taishan with our eyes, we knew we were wrong, please help us treat it now."

The uncle and aunt who walked into the consulting room said loudly and rushed straight to the consulting room.

"Uh, why are you two back again?" Looking at the grandpa and aunt who appeared in front of her, Sister Hong'er asked in a daze.

What are these two crazy about?Why are you back again?Didn't they distrust Xiaoju just now?

And looking at the wounds on their bodies now, it is obvious that they have undergone laser cutting and hemodialysis.

"Didn't we know we were wrong?" The aunt said with a smile, and sat down directly.

"Yes, yes, and I hope Doctor Xiaoju doesn't care about villains, and don't care about us old people." The uncle said with a smile, and put his hands on the table.

He heard it just now, this doctor Xiaoju can only put his hands on the table for treatment.

Then the mushrooms on their bodies would fall off, and even if the treatment was over, if they had known that the other party had this kind of ability, they would not have gone to that doctor.

"Aww~ (Sister, I can't cure these two guys, and they seem to be jumping in line, anyway, sister, you can figure it out yourself.)" Looking at the smiles on the faces of the two of them, Cheng Hao felt sick.

He hates this kind of people who know their mistakes and don't correct them, and who make mistakes and still smile on their old people.

Today he won't help the two of them heal, where are the two of them cool, where should they go back?
"Xiaoju, don't be angry, my sister will take care of it. My sister will take care of it." After hearing this, sister Hong'er quickly comforted her.

Looking away, the expectant uncle and aunt said: "Uncle and aunt, we need to queue up for diagnosis in our department. Please go to the queue."

"The two of us have already lined up, and we are still the first."

"That's right, girl, haven't you met the two of us?"

The uncle and aunt asked and said, why do young people nowadays have such poor memory?Didn't the other party see them at the beginning of the morning?I recognized them just now, why do I need them to line up?

"I know that the two of you queued up in the morning, but that was in the morning, and you didn't watch it in the morning, so the number of times you queued up in the morning is considered invalid."

"If you two still want Xiaoju to watch it, you have to abide by our agreement." Sister Hong'er explained, looking helplessly at the two in front of her.

These two can be regarded as a bit rambunctious people. Xiaoju was going to treat them in the morning, and the two of them left without trust.

Do you know what happened suddenly now?I trust Xiaoju again.

But how can something that was invalidated in the morning be useful now?

If all of this is useful, wouldn’t it break the rules of the department? You must know that there are many people waiting outside. Once this precedent is set, wouldn’t many people come running over?

"Boy, we are two old people." The aunt said immediately when she heard the words.

"Yes, and the treatment only takes a few seconds? We won't delay for long. With this time, Doctor Xiaoju has cured us." The uncle nodded and said, the community doctor treated Isn't it just a few seconds?What's wrong with helping them heal?Why do you want them to line up?Isn't this embarrassing people in disguise?

"I didn't decide this. I hope you, uncles and aunts, can understand. This is Xiaoju's meaning."

"He wants you two to line up, otherwise, he won't treat you two." Sister Hong'er said, she naturally knew that it would not take much time for Xiaoju to treat the two of them.

But the problem now is that Xiaoju doesn't want to save them.

Otherwise, Xiaoju would have done it directly.

"How is this possible? Girl, you can't talk nonsense. The so-called doctor's parental heart. Doctor Xiaoju, you must not mean that?" The aunt looked at Cheng Hao and said, with a flattering smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, Doctor Xiaoju, just treat us two, and we will be fine soon." Hearing the words, the uncle also followed suit.

"Aww~ (Don't go in line, if you want me to treat you? I'll treat you big headed ghost. Do you want to kidnap me with moral kidnapping? I'm not human, so get the hell out of me.)" Cheng Hao scolded angrily, kicking With a kick, he jumped down from his position: "Aww~ (Sister, I won't pay attention to these two guys, I'm going outside to save other patients now, you two can figure it out.) "

"Okay, Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er nodded helplessly upon hearing this.

Xiaoju didn't want to be treated, and there was nothing she could do. Fortunately, Xiaoju didn't stop to save the people queuing up because of the two of them.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome.

"Doctor Xiaoju, don't leave, at least help us treat before leaving." The aunt shouted when she saw Cheng Hao who jumped off the chair.

"Yes, yes, just show mercy and save us, poor old man." Hearing this, the uncle immediately followed suit.

But all that was left to them was Cheng Hao's wagging tail.

Cheng Hao didn't talk to them anymore, he didn't even bother to look at them now.For fear of dirtying my eyes.

"Girl, you are familiar with Doctor Xiaoju, hurry up and persuade Doctor Xiaoju for us."

"Yes, yes, girl, at our age, you won't have the heart to look at us like this, will you?" The uncle and aunt who saw this scene immediately said to Sister Hong'er.

The other party is so familiar with Dr. Xiaoju, they believe that as long as the other party helps to say a few good words, Dr. Xiaoju will definitely be willing to treat them.

"I'm sorry, there's really no way around this. I've said good things just now, but it's useless." Sister Hong'er spread her hands and said helplessly. It's not like she hasn't said good things, hasn't she already said them just now?
But Xiaoju is very angry at the distrust of the two of them, and she will not soften her heart at all.

Moreover, Xiaoju has such a stubborn temper, the things that have been decided will not be changed, even if she speaks good things, it is useless.

"Impossible, impossible, girl, help us try again."

"Yes, yes, just give it a try."

The uncles and aunts who heard this said.

"It's useless, Xiaoju won't listen to me." Sister Hong'er shook her head and said.

"Ah? Everyone, come and see, come and see, the department is bullying the elderly. The department is going to die."

"Yeah, the department is so cruel, it doesn't care about us old people."

As soon as they heard that the other party was not going to help, the two immediately sat on the ground and said in a rolling voice.

Anyway, the other party helped the two of them today, so I have to help this favor, and I have to help if I don’t help this favor.

Otherwise, the two of them would not get up.

When the time comes, they will have to take a look at the huge evolutionist department, is there any justice?Can't bear to see them two old people here?

"I'll go! These two uncles and aunts are really powerful. You can't use soft ones, and now you're starting to play rascals."

"Yeah, yes, if you ask me, the Evolutionary Department shouldn't be used to them. As the saying goes, no rules, no rules, everyone is queuing honestly, how can they jump in line just because they are old?"

"That's right. They did it like this. Isn't that chilling the hearts of others?"

The patients who were startled by the two voices poked their heads, and after seeing the situation inside, they couldn't help but speak one after another.

What is old but a thief?They have learned a lot today.

Sapodrolling, the two of them didn't miss a single thing.

"Doctor Xiaoju, do you really care about these two? They are arguing fiercely inside." The current patient asked curiously towards Cheng Hao in front of him.

"Aww~ (They can make trouble if they have the ability, anyway, I won't pay attention to them.)" Cheng Hao said, and continued to diagnose and treat everyone.

"What should the breeder do now?" The team members on the side saw this scene and asked.

This is the first time they have encountered a situation where someone is throwing a tantrum.

And there are still two elderly people of this age.

"Let's deal with it as harassing public order, destroying public property, and picking quarrels and provoking trouble." After hearing this, sister Hong'er said after thinking for a few seconds.

Since these two like to make a fuss so much, they can only find a place to calm down.

"Um, is there really no problem doing this? Breeder."

"Yeah, this will have a bad impact on our department, right?"

The team members who heard this were stunned.

"Don't worry, it won't. What if we can't handle this matter well? This will be the biggest impact." Sister Hong'er said.

The two of them have made a fuss to this extent. If they haven't taken any action, the most serious impact will be the most serious impact, right?

They can't treat them extrajudicially just because the other party is an old man.

"Okay, we got it." The team members who heard this nodded and said, and followed Sister Hong's meaning.

Go up and lift the two of them up, and take them outside.

"Help, help, the evolutionary department is bullying the old man."

"Help, help, everyone, come and comment."

The uncles and aunts who were lifted up never expected that the evolutionary department would not play cards according to common sense.

He hurriedly shouted and shouted around, hoping to use the power of everyone to put pressure on the evolutionist department.

But all I got was ridicule from the crowd:
"These two old people just jumped in line, didn't they have fun? Let me see who is being carried out now?"

"Oh, so it's these two, I thought they were very powerful."

"That's right, I'm really chilling for their children and grandchildren if they don't obey the rules at such a large age."

"That's right, I don't know which unlucky family it is that has these two old people at the stall?"

Regarding the uncle and aunt being carried away, everyone said that it was really great.

Next time you meet this guy, please do it this way.

We can't let them go because of their age.

It is precisely because of such a precedent in this world that there are such unruly people.

"Xiaoju, come in quickly, grandpa and aunt have carried it away, now no one will bother you anymore." Sister Hong'er walked out of the consulting room and shouted to Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (I'll be right here.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this, and ran over with small steps.

That's the right thing to do, you must not let this kind of guy jumping in line, you should use this method to deal with this kind of rascal.

"Please come here for treatment in an orderly manner, and don't jump in the queue like those two old people, otherwise, the department will take compulsory measures against everyone." Seeing Cheng Hao walking in, Miss Hong'er turned to the people in line Said.

"Okay, sir." The patients who heard this nodded and entered the consulting room in an orderly manner.

The bright moon hung high in the sky at night, and Doctor Ju, who had been working hard all day, began to enjoy his dinner.

"Aww~ (Not bad, this beef tongue tastes really good.)" Cheng Hao chewed the beef tongue that had been lightly roasted over charcoal fire, shaking his paws in satisfaction.

"Of course, in order to keep you, the little villain. The department is a specially hired chef." Sister Hong'er put a pot of milk on Cheng Hao's table angrily and said.

The life of this little villain is really enjoyable. There are special people who cook and serve, just like the ancient emperors.

"Aww~ (Is that so? Then ask the department if they can send him back to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain with us? This will relieve the pressure on our Uncle Tiger Garden chef.)" Cheng Hao said, continuing to shake his head paw.

This is as comfortable as it is, and as arrogant as it is.

"You guys really dare to think about it, and that requires others to be willing." Sister Hong'er heard this, knocked Cheng Hao's head angrily and said, "How much salary can you give him? How dare you pay him?" Saying such shameless things."

"Aww~ (Why did I get paid? Isn't the department in charge of paying him?)" Cheng Hao, who was chewing on a medium-rare steak, was stunned. Didn't Miss Hong'er say that he hired a chef specially for him? ?So why should he pay?
That's obviously something wrong, okay?

"The department will give him a salary, that's because this chef will help cook for the whole department besides cooking for you." Sister Hong'er poked Cheng Hao's head and said, "If you want him to If Huyuan cooks? But you have to bear the wages yourself."

"Aww~ (like this? Can I ask the department for reimbursement?)" Cheng Hao asked, although he is also a big star, but the money he has is limited, and there is no way to pay a chef salary, so the department simply reimbursed him a piece of it.

"You little rascal thinks really beautifully, why don't you just go to sleep and dream about it." Sister Hong'er said, removing the empty plate from the table: "How is it? Little rascal. Eat enough. Are you done?"

"Aww~ (Sister, what do you think of me? Who can eat that little food? Of course I'm not full.)" Cheng Hao patted the table and said.

"You little villain's appetite is really getting bigger and bigger. My sister is here to help you get something to eat. You little villain stay here obediently and don't run around, do you know that?" Sister Hong'er heard the words Said, and pushed the cart to get the food.

"Aww~ (Got it, I won't run around.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and jumped down from his seat.Look around the room.

By the way, check the entire room to see if there is any unsafe place here.


At this moment, he heard the sound of a mouse and raised his head to look out.

I saw a mouse with a canopy on its head, looking at it strangely, as if it was looking at something.

"This mouse is a bit strange, why does it look weird?" Cheng Hao looked at the mouse, and the mouse also looked at Cheng Hao.

It's just that his eyes are dull.Doesn't look that smart.

A little unexpectedly silly, not like what normal creatures should be.

Just when Cheng Hao was thinking about whether to go up and check one side, he found that the mouse seemed to have suddenly sensed something? "Whoosh" and ran away.

"Small, are you so timid?" Cheng Hao couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this and said, he lost interest in this mouse. It's just a stupid mouse, not enough to make it chase interest.

And he still has big things to do now, which is to pack a delicious dinner.

"Xiaoju, what are you doing sitting at the window? Come here quickly, my sister has brought the food for you." Sister Hong'er pushed and walked in, and said when she saw Cheng Hao who was leaning on the window sill.

"Aww~ (This is coming, this is coming.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao replied, and ran over with strides.

"Little villain, take a guess, what delicious food do you want to eat now?" Sister Hong'er pressed the stainless steel vegetable cover, smiling and pretending.

"Aww~ (If it's not lobster, it must be delicious meat, right?)" Cheng Hao looked at the vegetable cover and said.

The food that the department prepared for him was just these kinds of food, if it wasn't this one, it must be that one, anyway, it was just those few things that were turned over and over again.

"You're so clever, you actually know it." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words, and revealed the mystery behind the veil.

It turned out to be a large roasted leg of lamb with a golden and attractive color, and honey was spread on it, exuding a delicious fragrance.

"Aww~ (Honey leg of lamb? I really like it.)" Cheng Hao licked his lips and began to enjoy this delicious meal.

"As long as you like it, this is prepared for you by the department." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, sitting on the side and looking at Cheng Hao who was eating with her chin resting on her chin.

"Aww~ (By the way, sister. I don't know how you got mycelium. Doesn't the department have special protective clothing?)" Cheng Hao, who was eating the leg of lamb and shaking his paws, was very happy, and started I asked Miss Hong'er about being parasitized by mycelium.

It stands to reason that such a large department as the evolutionary department cannot have any protective measures, but why is it still taken advantage of by mycelium?This made him a little confused.

Especially Miss Hong'er is still in the department, and belongs to the relatively high-level team members.How could there be no protective measures at all?
"This sister is not too clear about it. My sister wears protective clothing according to the department's regulations, but I don't know why the protective clothing doesn't play a big role." Sister Hong'er said, holding her chin, "Maybe My sister's luck is not very good, I happened to meet those cunning mycelium."

"Aww~ (Like this? Sister, when you were on a mission, did you encounter a mouse with a mushroom on its head?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao asked, and the cowering mouse just now appeared in his mind. .

"A mouse with mushrooms growing on its head? I haven't seen it before." Sister Hong'er smiled and said, "You little scoundrel, why do you ask such a thing? Have you ever seen a mouse with mushrooms growing on its head? "

"Aww~ (Of course, I just saw another mouse with mushrooms on its head running away from the window.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and pointed his tail outside the window.

"Really? It looks like a poor mouse was infected." Sister Hong'er heard the words and sighed, "I hope nothing will happen to this poor little fellow."

"Aww~(I don't think something will happen, but you have to be more vigilant.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this: "Aww~(That little mouse doesn't feel right to me, I think He has a problem. Sister, you'd better go and see what's going on with him, so as not to cause accidents in time.)"

Although it is said that a little mouse is not to be feared, as the old saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles collapses at the point of an ant's nest.

It's better to be cautious, the most important thing is that he doesn't need to do anything about this matter, he can say whatever he wants.

"Okay, my sister will inform the team members, be careful, you can eat at ease." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, Xiaoju is really free enough.

He couldn't control his mouth even when he was eating, and he kept chattering non-stop.

However, she didn't see a parasitized mouse when she was carrying out the mission. This matter is indeed a bit strange, and she needs to investigate it carefully.

It is not certain that the culprit who is afraid of being infected with mycelium is these infected mice.

"Aww~ (If it wasn't for the good of my sister, I wouldn't bother to worry about it.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, with a look on his face that I almost broke my heart for this family.

"Got it, got it. My sister's Xiaoju is the best, the best." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big head and said, "So Xiaoju shouldn't be hungry any more, hurry up and eat. After eating My sister will take you to watch cartoons."

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard this.Then he drank the leg of lamb.



But at this moment, there was a sound of electricity passing by outside, accompanied by a few screams of mice, which immediately attracted the attention of Sister Hong'er and Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Sister, it seems that some mice have turned into roast mice directly.)" Cheng Hao said, smelling the smell of barbecue in the air.

If he didn't guess wrong?This little mouse was probably going to sneak into the department, but was hit by the current gun in the department, right?
After all, the department is full of weapons.

It would be very dangerous if you wandered indiscriminately.

"Yes, I just don't know if it's what you said, a mushroom with a canopy growing on its head?" Sister Hong'er said, and stood up from her seat in a daze.

The sound is not far from them, it should be near them, can you go over and see what's going on?

"Aww~ (Who knows?)" Cheng Hao muttered with a leg of lamb in his mouth, and followed Sister Hong'er to watch the fun together.

He wanted to see which unlucky little mouse bumped its head on it?

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"I don't know, the department's current gun was triggered, maybe some animal was hit?"

"Is it a mouse? Or a wild cat? I thought I heard a mouse cry just now."

"I don't know, I have to take a look to find out."

After the team members who heard the voice met, they talked in a hurry.Then came to the destination.

And as soon as they came over, they saw the roasted rat on the ground.it
It looked so miserable that they were stunned for a moment.

"I'll go, this mouse is really unlucky, it looks like it was roasted badly." The team member who saw this scene said, cruel tears flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although they know that now is not the time to think about it, what they want to say is that the smell in the air is so delicious.

They almost forgot, what did I come here to see?
"Yeah, but what is that thing on his head? It looks weird." Some team members saw the black thing on the mouse's head and asked curiously.

"I don't know, or let's take a look." A team member suggested, isn't it easy to know what's on the mouse's head?Take a look and it will be clear.

"That makes sense." The other team members who heard this nodded, and just as they were about to reach out to touch the thing on the mouse's head, Hong'er's sister yelled, "Don't touch those mushrooms. It's a parasitized mouse."

"What?" The team members were startled when they heard this, and quickly withdrew their hands.

Although the community can help treat them, they don't want to be contaminated with this thing, after all, these mycelia don't look like good guys.

"Aww~ (This little mouse is so pitiful, it's charred on the outside and tender on the inside.)" Cheng Hao sighed as he ate the leg of lamb with his tail curled up.

What a poor little mouse, he almost cried when he smelled it.

"Do you seem to think he is very pitiful?" Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard the words, and knocked on Cheng Hao's head: "You can't eat this stuff indiscriminately, do you hear me? You little boy Badass."

"Aww~ (I see, I'm gluttonous but not stupid. I can't eat it just by looking at it.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, looking at the appearance of this little mouse, his brain must have been sucked dry All.

He's fine to eat this stuff, isn't he out of his mind?

"Just understand." Sister Hong'er smiled and said, looking at the team members standing there, she said, "Go find a trash can or bring it in isolation, and send it to the laboratory to have a look. what's the situation?"

"Okay, breeder." The team members who heard this replied, and immediately went to work.

(End of this chapter)

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