Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 161 Isn't this tiger always smart?

Chapter 161 Isn't Ben Hu always smart?
"Sister Chen, what is the condition of this mouse?" Seeing the mouse being dissected, Hong'er sister came closer.

"This little mouse has been parasitized. Look, his body is covered with hyphae. These hyphae are connected to his posterior thalamus at the top, and connected to the spinal nerves at the bottom. They control its entire trunk nerves." Chen Min used The tweezers held the roots of the mushroom and said: "It's the first time I've seen a mushroom so powerful that it can manipulate a creature like a puppet."

It's really terrifying. These parasitic hyphae can't imagine that there is such a method. This is something that has never been thought of.

It seems that the reason why this mouse broke into their department was affected by these hyphae, and there are more terrifying things behind it.

This mushroom, or the manipulator behind this mushroom, is likely to be mycelium with IQ.

I just don't know if the other party exists like the tree king?If so, then the problem is serious.

"Looks like this? Does that mean there's a big mushroom behind these mushrooms planning all of this?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help covering her mouth in surprise when she heard that.

Since these mushrooms can control mice, they must have their own thoughts, and a "king" will definitely be born among the mushrooms that appear in pieces.

"From the current point of view, there should be nothing wrong with this, and the possibility is not small." Chen Min put the mouse's corpse into a sealed bag, took off his rubber gloves and said, "This matter is a serious matter." It's a big deal, we have to tell the commander quickly."

"Well, let's go to the commander right away." Sister Hong'er nodded and said, and patted Cheng Hao who was watching the glass bottle: "Small orange, don't look at me stupidly, we're going to see Commander, hurry up and follow me, you little villain."

"Aww~ (I'm not a member of the department, I'm just a little tiger, can you just go together?)" Cheng Hao, who was thinking about what was inside the glass bottle, heard this, Can't help muttering?

Why do you want him to go for such a trivial matter? Isn't it enough for them to be human?
This is to report to work, not to fight. What do you need so many people for?I really don't understand them.

"You little villain, don't you want to protect my sister personally? Now there are these animals that may be under control running around everywhere, so you can rest assured that my sister can walk around alone?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, pinching Cheng Hao's ears let him come over.

"Aww~ (Sister, stop pulling my ears, stop pulling. If you keep pulling, there will be one less handsome tiger and one more big donkey in this world.)" Cheng Hao walked forward with his head down. He said, sister, don't pull his ears, his small ears can't stand such pulling.

"Since you know, why don't you hurry up and follow my sister." Sister Hong'er laughed and cursed, then let go of her hand.

Tell Cheng Hao to follow up quickly, Cheng Hao is very helpless to run after seeing this.

"Hey, you guys are staying up so late, what's the matter here?" The commander, who was looking at the number of patients to be treated tomorrow, asked with a smile after seeing the two people and the cat who came in.

"We really want to sleep, but if we sleep, I'm afraid something serious will happen." Chen Min sighed and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Yeah, something serious has happened. Commander, I'm afraid we're in trouble." Sister Hong'er followed suit.

"So what's the trouble? Aren't you going to explain it to me?" Hearing the commander here ask, he was confused by what the two of them said, so tell him what the trouble is. ?
"A mouse came to the department just now." Chen Min said.

"Oh, what's wrong with this mouse? Why did you panic like this?" The commander asked, where are there no mice?This seems not surprising.

"This mouse has been parasitized, Commander." Sister Hong'er explained after hearing this.

"Well, mice live underground all year round, and it's normal to be parasitized." The commander continued.

Isn't it normal for mushrooms to grow in the burrows where mice live?So it's no surprise that they are parasitized.

"Then if this is a parasitized mouse, it's not a normal parasitism, but completely controlled by a mushroom." Chen Min said.

"What? Did you say that these mice were not only parasitized, but also controlled by these hyphae?" Hearing this, the commander's expression changed drastically: "Hurry up and tell me what you found, this matter Things matter."

"Yes, Commander." Sister Hong'er and Chen Min heard about the parasitic rats.

Tell the commander in detail.

"I didn't expect these to hide such terrifying methods. I really underestimated them. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't know about it." After listening to the commander, his face was extremely serious. He thought that Seeing that a parasitic human body is difficult to deal with is a very terrifying thing.

In the end, I didn't expect that what I thought was a little too good, can these mycelia still control the host?
"Yes, so what should we do now? Commander." Sister Hong'er asked.

"Naturally, we must try to eradicate all these mycelia, and we must not allow them to continue to reproduce." The commander clenched his fists tightly and said, now these mycelia can only control small mice.

If they wait until they can control people, it will be over.

"Inform all team members to prepare for a meeting, we need to take action on this matter."

"Yes, Commander." The two nodded and replied when they heard this, and they were ready to go to the conference room for a meeting.

"Aww~ (Since it's your meeting, it shouldn't be my business, so I don't have to go there.)" Seeing the two standing up, Cheng Hao muttered.

He is not a member of the department for a meeting, so he can't be called to go.

"Yes, you little villain, you don't need to go, you just wait here for sister." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and turned on the TV in the office: "Commander, I let Xiaoju stay in your office It shouldn’t be a problem to watch cartoons.”

"Of course there is no problem. He can sleep here as long as he wants, as long as he doesn't break anything." The commander who cleared up the documents on the table and got up said.

"That's good, Xiaoju, what do you want to see?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er asked Cheng Hao with a smile.

"Aww~ (Sister, just give me the remote control. I will release it myself if I want to see what I want, so don't bother you.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, he is already a big tiger, please put Give him the remote.Thanks.

He would put on whatever TV he wanted to watch, and he didn't need sister Hong'er's help.

"Okay, okay, it seems that our little orange likes to be self-reliant and self-reliant, so my sister will not bother you." Sister Hong'er gave the remote control to Cheng Hao and said, and then went to the meeting with Chen Min.

For the rest, Cheng Hao fiddled with the remote control with his paw in the office, switching channels up and down:

"Let me take a look at this time period, what is there to see?"

"Sports, I'm not interested in that. Next, next."

"Huh? Games? I'm not interested either. I can't even play games and hammers well with my current appearance."

"Huh? Urban love? Go away, labor and management don't look at this."

"Wait a minute, this show seems to be good, it looks pretty good."

Cheng Hao, who fiddled with the remote control with his claws up and down, was quickly attracted by the scene of cooking on the screen.

This show seems to be more exciting. The chefs are better than the show of cooking competitions. It is not boring, and they can learn something.

By the way, you can also get inspiration from it.Think about what to eat tomorrow?

While Cheng Hao was immersed in cooking, a very important meeting was going on in the evolutionary department.

After the meeting and deliberation, the entire Hongtashan City will enter a special alert state.

And from now on, all departments and units must cooperate to take comprehensive disinfecting measures.

Even if it is, a bughole cannot be let go.

"Listen clearly, this time we have to deal with not only the mycelium, but also the mice parasitized by the mycelium, so everyone will work very hard this time."

"Since everyone has chosen to join the evolution department, you must have the spirit of not being afraid of hardships or tiredness." The commander stood in front of the projector and said to the many team members.

"Yes, Commander."

The team members who heard this nodded.

"Okay, let's start the action now. Everyone is wearing the killing spray gun and ready to go." The commander waved his hand, so the team members started to act.

"Huh? Is the meeting over? Why did they run outside?" Cheng Hao, who was watching TV, heard the sound of a motor rumbling outside.

Jumped off the sofa, came to the window, looked up and saw the car lights in the dark area outside.

At the same time, there are many mechas in the sky, carrying a huge pot, I don't know where to go?



With the accelerator stepped on, all the vehicles set off.

"Xiaoju, what are you looking at at the window? You little villain."

Sister Hong'er walked in and saw this scene.asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (I'm watching these guys leave.)" Cheng Hao turned around when he heard this, jumped onto the sofa and said, "Aww~ (Sister, are you going to perform a mission at night?)"

"Of course, since you know the dangers of these mycelia, how could you let them survive the next day?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, looked at the time and said, "You little villain should almost sleep Well, tomorrow morning I have to continue to help people get up for treatment."

"Aww~ (It's only after eleven o'clock, it's still early. Sister, don't you worry? What kind of potion is in the big pot they are carrying?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this Dao, don't want to go to bed so soon, he has to figure out what we are going to do?

"Yes, it contains the special potion researched above, which can dispose of mycelium." Sister Hong'er nodded, and sat down beside Cheng Hao: "Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, so you little villain, go to bed quickly." .”

Some of this little villain can't sleep, but the team members who go out to act can't sleep if they want to.

"Aww~ (Got it, got it.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and replied, then lay down on the sofa.

Lay it out like I'm going to sleep now, I'm going to sleep now.

"Reporting to the headquarters, all 170 fire trucks of the fire brigade in Hongtashan City are all ready and ready to go at any time."

"Reporting to the headquarters, all the police officers have been arranged. Every household is notified to stay at home and not to move around."

"Report to the headquarters, all the intersections that the traffic police have controlled, to ensure that all vehicles can safely reach the streets of each community."

"Report to the headquarters, all ambulances have already dispatched. They are ready to transfer injured citizens at any time."


Continuous voices came from the liaison room of the evolutionary department.

"Very good, start the operation now, according to the plan." The commander said after hearing the words: "The extermination operation is now officially started, and all departments maintain communication. If there is a problem, respond immediately."


The units in various places in Hongtashan City replied, and the whole Hongtashan City was filled with a pungent mist.

"Report to the headquarters. This is the Nightingale team. We are currently above the urban area, and we haven't found any plants that are suspected to be large mushrooms."

In the sky above Hongtashan City, team members flying flying wings flew over the city one by one.Looking for large mushrooms that may exist.

"The direction you are now in is the bustling area of ​​the urban area, look for those remote places in the old city." The commander looked at the map and gave instructions.

"Yes, Commander."

After hearing this, the Nightingale team spread out around the city.

"Report Commander, we are now in the major tunnels of the city, and there are no signs of large mushrooms found here."

In the tunnels of various roads in the city, the voices of the team members came from the exaggerated large motorcycles of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park.

According to the commander's guess, these mushrooms probably existed in a certain corner of Hongtashan City, but they didn't find any trace of these guys when they arrived here.

I don't know what was said at the meeting, is the king of mushrooms there?

A super-large mushroom comparable to a tree king, this sounds a bit outrageous.

"Keep looking for me, and don't miss any place where mushrooms may be hidden." The commander said after hearing this, "If we found this guy so easily, we wouldn't need to look for it now." .”

"Cheer up, that guy must be hiding somewhere."

"As long as you find it, most of the crisis in the entire urban area can be solved."

"Yes, Commander." After hearing this, the team members embarked on a search journey again.

"Where the hell does this damn big mushroom grow?" After hearing the call on the other side hang up, the commander couldn't help but patted his aching head.

If these mushrooms didn't have the Mushroom King behind the scenes, he wouldn't believe that these mushrooms would have such smart brains.

He actually knows how to control the animals and let these animals help spread the mycelium.



There was a loud blowing sound on the side of the road, and the fire truck stopped aside and connected a large pipe to the sewer cover on the side of the road.

White smoke rushed in, and soon the inside was filled with mist.

And on another section of the road hundreds of meters away from the fire trucks, there was another car doing the same thing.



The mushroom that was touched in the dark sewer shaft quickly dried up and flattened, and soon turned into a black pockmarked mass.

And the mice living inside, with red eyes, slamming like headless flies.

But after hitting them for a while, they fell to the ground one after another, and after they fell, writhing hyphae emerged from their bodies.



In the silent sewer tunnel, a small car with a searchlight poking through the dark sewer cover, had a panoramic view of the scene.

And after the team members on the road watched this scene through the monitor.Immediately report to the department:
"Report to the headquarters. The situation is as expected. There are indeed many parasitized rats living in the sewers of the city."

"Well, I see. Continue to monitor, absolutely not let them escape." The commander who heard this said.

"Yes." The team member replied, continuing to stare at the screen.

At the same time, be careful around your surroundings, for fear that you will become the next victim.

"Aww~ (The weather is really good today, there are no mosquitoes and noise, let me see who is coming, it turns out that my sister came here.)"

In the evolutionary department, Cheng Hao, who had slept all night, yawned.Lying lazily on the ground, he opened his eyes to see Sister Hong'er bringing him breakfast.

Immediately, the whole tiger became more energetic.

"Little villain, don't go to sleep, get up and eat quickly, you little villain wants my sister to bring the meal to you in person, you are really lazy." Sister Hong'er, who patted Cheng Hao's head, said angrily .

"Aww~ (Who told me that I'm a doctor in the department now, and I still can't live without it?)" Cheng Hao said proudly, then poked his head out and ate his breakfast in the morning.

"Xiaoju, you may have to be a little more busy today. The team members who went on a mission last night have returned from their mission, so you have to help them see if there is any mycelium parasitizing in their bodies." Looking at Cheng Hao ate the beef leg, Hong'er sister said.

"Aww~ (Isn't it? Why should I care about them? Doesn't the department have special equipment?)" Cheng Hao asked weakly after hearing this.

It is already very troublesome for him to diagnose and treat a lot of patients. Tell him now, will he even take care of these people?

He's a kitten, not a big tentacle monster like a big octopus, okay?How can we manage so many people?

The department can't be more mature and stable, can't it figure out a way by itself?Don't try to get him to come.

"The department's equipment is not as fast as yours, so I think it's better for you to come here faster." Sister Hong'er coaxed with a smile when she heard this.

Xiaojuzi stretched out his paws, and it took a few seconds to see whether the team members were infected or not.

If there is any, you can help clear it with a "swish".

If it is replaced by the department's machine, it will not take a few hours to check step by step.

Therefore, it is best to let Xiaoju handle it.

"Aww~ (That's faster than my tiger, but I still have to help treat those patients.)" Cheng Hao said, the whole tiger was about to go numb.

"Soon, Xiaoju won't take much of your time." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and clapped her hands towards the door.

Then one after another, heads poked in: "Doctor Xiaoju, can we start?"

"Aww~ (It's okay, it's okay. I really admire you, won't my conscience hurt if I bully the kitten every day?)" Cheng Hao said angrily. Why don't you come over here if you ask these questions.

"Xiaoju said it's fine, come in quickly." Sister Hong'er greeted with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, Doctor Xiaoju." The team members who heard this said happily, and ran in in a hurry.

Although they didn't come into direct contact with the mycelia during their mission last night, it's hard to guarantee that they might get infected.

Therefore, it is more reassuring to let Xiaoju check it out.They don't want to become puppets like mice.

"Aww~ (Okay, let's go. Next.)" Cheng Hao said with his tail waving after paws were on the opponent's arm to talk about.

The team members who got the confirmation rolled out happily.The next team members immediately made up the diagnosis.

After a few minutes of effort, dozens of people had already left.

Looking at the gradually decreasing number of players in front of him, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, not many players came to him this time, otherwise he would be numb.

Hope, after the diagnosis and treatment of these team members.There will be fewer people coming to see the doctor today.

He was really fed up with this life.

"Commander, do you want to continue searching for the whereabouts of that mushroom?" Chen Min asked the commander in the office.

They have collected it for one night and searched all the places in Hongta Mountain, but they did not find those mushrooms, so are they going to continue their search today?

Could it be that the big mushroom doesn't exist at all?

"Of course we will continue to search. We must have missed something. We must find out, what exactly is missing?"

"I don't believe my analysis will be wrong. There must be something wrong in some aspect." The commander said, with a firm look in his eyes.

Those mushrooms must have an ant colony-like system, and there is a big mushroom directing everything, but they didn't find it.

But he believes that this big mushroom won't be hiding for long, and they will definitely be able to pick each other out.

"Okay, Commander. I'll tell the team members to continue looking." Chen Min nodded and replied after hearing this.

"Well, remember to tell them to be careful. Once you find the trace of the other party, report it immediately, and don't act alone." The commander warned that the team members are still too young now, and they tend to act impulsively. This is not a good thing.

Mushrooms that can command so many hyphae are definitely not easy, they have to be careful and careful.

"Yes, Commander." Chen Min replied after hearing this, and walked away.

The commander in the office was left behind, looking at the map of the entire Hongtashan City.

"I've searched the bustling city, but I haven't found any mushrooms. I've also searched tunnels, which are easy to hide."

"So, where is this guy going to hide?" the commander muttered while groping his chin and looking at the whole map.

This big mushroom must be in the community. There is nothing wrong with it. If it appears in the wild, it means confronting the tree kings. This is not a flattering thing for it. Sufficient and not suitable for mushroom growth.

Therefore, there will definitely not be too many places for this big mushroom to hide.

Only cities with few trees and lots of space are its preferred targets.

"Commander, are you still guessing the location of that big mushroom?" At this moment, Sister Hong'er brought Cheng Hao over.

"Yes, if I don't find out the location of that big mushroom, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

The commander who heard this nodded his head, then looked at Cheng Hao who was following and said, "Xiaoju Xiaoju, the commander wants to ask you a question. What if you want to hide in the city without being discovered? Where would you choose to hide?"

That mushroom is not a person, and Xiaoju is also not a person.But what they have in common is that they are all very powerful. If they were replaced by Xiaoju, where would Xiaoju hide?

"Aww~ (I'm here to discuss things with you, Commander, not to help you with advice.)" Cheng Hao said in a speechless voice, what is it all about? Why do you ask him this kind of question? ?He's just an imitation tiger who doesn't care about worldly affairs. If you want to find it, obviously you should ask someone else.

"Okay, Xiaoju don't complain. Since the commander asked you, our powerful Xiaoju will use his clever brain to think about it. Elder sister believes that Xiaoju will definitely be able to think of it." Sister Hong'er touched it with a smile He touched Cheng Hao's head and said.

"Aww~ (Of course I chose a remote place. Isn't there a brain hole when I'm full and go to a densely populated place?)" Cheng Hao muttered, what if a strong animal like him wants to hide?Ordinary people can't even see his shadow, okay?

"Hiding in a remote place is indeed a good choice, but the commander has searched all the remote places, but he still hasn't seen that big mushroom." Sister Hong'er said, Xiaoju, this little girl The bad guy is not stupid, he knows to hide in a remote place when he comes up.

But what he said was useless, the commander had already looked for it, but he didn't see it.Otherwise, there would be no trouble here.

"Aww~ (Have you looked for the old city and the underground parking lot? Or is it a large deserted shopping mall, or a place that is about to be demolished?)" Cheng Hao continued, the whole city is just that big.

If you want to hide, you can only hide in these places.

Unless this big mushroom can stay in the ground, it's almost the same if it doesn't come out.

Otherwise, no matter where he hides, he will definitely be found.

"Underground parking lot, abandoned shopping mall, and demolition houses?" The commander groped his chin and thought for a few seconds, then immediately picked up the phone and told the search team members.

Then, watching Cheng Hao continue to speak:
"Xiaoju continued talking, can you think of anything else?"

Don't say that Cheng Hao's words really reminded him that places like underground parking lots and abandoned shopping malls can indeed hide such big mushrooms.

Sure enough, you still need to use the other party's perspective to think about things, so that it is easier to think about where the other party may be hiding?
"Aww~(Let me tell you, if I'm that big mushroom and I'm not in a hurry to get out? It's safest to hide in the ground, no one will find it anyway.)"

"Aww~ (And destruction is not allowed in the city, how can there be a better place than this?)" Cheng Hao muttered, that is to say, he needs to eat to run around, if he does not need to eat like mushrooms If not, then he must be honestly staying underground.

The entire urban area is not allowed to excavate everywhere, where is there a better place to hide underground?

"Hiding underground?" Hearing this, the commander couldn't help but slapped his head and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think that this big mushroom was hiding underground? He doesn't need to show up by himself, and directs the mycelium to I can do what I want to do.”

"Hiding the body underground is the safest and most effective method. No one will dig it around in the whole city. It's not like a big tree. It must be exposed in the sun."

"It's the same as those matsutake mushrooms or the mushrooms that grow in the ant's nest. Xiaoju, you are so smart."

"Aww~ (I also know that I am very smart, so can we talk about other things? Commander.)" Cheng Hao said very speechlessly, isn't it obvious that he is smart.

So can they talk now about what's going on between them?Don't mention those damn little mushrooms, after all, his affairs are more important.

"Underground, underground. How should we investigate the situation underground?" After the commander finished speaking, he began to think about how to explore the underground, ignoring Cheng Hao at all:

"By the way, you can dig a hole in the ground and use a sonic detector."

"This kind of mushroom is not small. It must have a large area in the underground station. If it has such a large volume? Then there may be an extra pile of dirt on the ground."

"Very well, let's look for it in this direction."

"Xiaoju, how about we wait a little longer and then discuss with the commander about your compensation? Look, the commander is busy now." Sister Hong'er patted Xiaoju on the head and said, Xiaoju Tachibana was very dissatisfied with the situation where the commander asked him to do so much work only for food.

Decided to talk to the commander about the issue of remuneration again.

However, judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that they will not be able to talk.

After all, the commander is busy.No time to pay attention to them at all.

"Aww~ (The commander dared to ignore me, so don't blame me for raising the price later.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said angrily, and walked out of the office with sister Hong'er.

He went to work first, and then discussed with the commander about the reward after finishing the work.

Whose big doctor is so cheap?As far as this is concerned, food can solve it, and he solves troublesome things for the department.

The department must give him more remuneration, otherwise, he will not agree to continue helping.

In addition, is this how they treat a great doctor like him?Give him a hard wooden bed, and he strongly demands to change it to Simmons.

(End of this chapter)

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