Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 166 I Have No Interest in Fame

Chapter 166 I Have No Interest in Fame

"It's such a fat mushroom. If you want to eat this mushroom? Eat it with our department for at least half a year."

"I think it's enough for us to eat for at least a year. I'm afraid it will be difficult for half a year. I can't eat mushrooms every day, fried mushrooms, boiled mushrooms, roasted mushrooms, right?"

"Yeah, I think it makes sense."

Inside the purification department, a group of people looked at the huge mushrooms that had been sliced ​​and placed in the open space, and they all opened their mouths wide enough to stuff eggs.

Their mother-in-law, this is the first time they have seen such a big mushroom.Just don't go too far.

"You guys really want to eat this mushroom. Do you know the origin of this mushroom?" Chen Min said in a bad mood when he heard this. These guys are really greedy and can't understand anything. I just want to eat this big mushroom.Don't be afraid to kill them with medicine.

"I don't know, but what we know is that such a big mushroom must contain a lot of evolutionary power."

"That's right, it would be even more perfect if it had a mushroom heart in it."

"Yeah, take it to a hot pot, maybe you can absorb the power of evolution inside."

The team members who heard this said one by one.

It's not that they are crazy, nor is it that they are whimsical, but that the temptation given to them by this mushroom is really too big.

You must know that eating evolved animals and plants can make you stronger, and such a powerful mushroom is simply a treasure among treasures.

Taking a few more bites might give you the power of evolution. Isn't this better than waiting for the evolution potion every month?

"It's good to think about it one by one, but I suggest you take a look first, the chainsaw that was contaminated by this big mushroom." Chen Min said in a bad mood when he heard this. These guys think it is very beautiful. But if they take a look at the dot pitch that has not been corroded and rusted, I am afraid they will not be in the mood.

"Oh? What happened to the chainsaw?"

"Yeah, what does it have to do with the chainsaw?" The team members asked in confusion after hearing this.

So they walked and yelled at the mecha troops to carry the chainsaw and went, and all they saw here were scraps of copper and iron, how could there be any chainsaws?

"How did this chainsaw look like this?"

"Yeah, what the hell is going on here?"

The team members who saw this scene couldn't help being surprised, and they couldn't quite understand the situation in front of them.

These chainsaws can use high-strength steel, how did they become like this?

"Even a blind person can see that it's been corroded by the juice of the mushrooms. Why can't you see it?" The team members who jumped off the mechs said angrily when they heard it.

It's a weird question these guys are asking, haven't they seen the mech troop cutting this giant mushroom with a chainsaw?How can you ask such a stupid question?

"Why is the juice of this big mushroom so corrosive?"

"Yeah, how can you use it to cook hot pot?" Everyone here was stunned when they heard it.

This big mushroom is so corrosive, how can they eat it?

"Eat you big-headed ghost. We can barely cut him with a chainsaw. Are your teeth stronger than a chainsaw?"

"It's just that you don't want to be whimsical, okay?"

Hearing this, the members of the mecha troop said speechlessly, these guys didn't cut these mushrooms themselves, so they really don't know how tough they are, do they?To actually want to eat these mushrooms is really outrageous.

They are not afraid of chipping their teeth.

"Why is this big mushroom so hard? It's not right."

"Yeah, can't you make this big mushroom edible? This is a super powerful evolutionary plant. If you eat it? It will definitely make us all stronger."

"That's right, that's right, don't you want to become stronger? Hurry up and find a way, otherwise it will be too wasteful if all the evolutionary power of this big mushroom is gone."

"That's right, do you know any master chefs who are good at making such hard dishes? Hurry up and ask them what to do?"

As long as it is not made of iron, they believe that there will be a way to clean up this big mushroom.

Of course, they definitely can't think of it, and they must seek help from professionals, especially those who are good at cooking hard dishes.

"What are you guys doing making such a fuss here? Why don't you hurry over and disinfect a few times, if you get mushrooms from mycelium, you will be the ones to suffer." The commander who came over Officer, after hearing the noise here.He reprimanded him.

How decent is it for a group of guys to be so noisy?This is where the department is sacred, not the place for them to be loud.

They don't look like evolutionists at all, they look like a group of street vendors selling vegetables in the market.

"Yes, Commander." Hearing this, the team members immediately froze like frost-beaten eggplants.

They left the big mushroom one after another and walked towards the dormitory building.

"Commander, you came in a really timely manner. If you don't come again, this group of guys will be in a row." Seeing the commander coming, Chen Min said, and shrugged helplessly.

"What the hell are these guys trying to do? How did it become like this?" the commander who heard this asked. When he just came here, he only heard these guys saying that he was looking for something to cook. master.

As for the front matter?I didn't hear clearly at all.

"They all want to become stronger, they are going crazy, they actually put their idea on this big mushroom, and want to eat this big mushroom." Chen Min spread his hands helplessly when he heard the words and said, the team members have some plans to become stronger. Ideas are a good thing, but their ideas are a little unrealistic.

Just relying on absorbing the power of evolution without thinking about it, gaining strength through exercise is definitely not a long-term solution.

The players have gone into a serious misunderstanding.

"These brats really dare to think, this big mushroom also wants to eat, isn't it afraid that it will break their teeth?" The commander who heard this said angrily, these guys really don't know , Isn't this mushroom amazing?Still want to eat it?

"Of course, they've been researching to the end just now, and they need to hire some chef to deal with it." Chen Min nodded and said, his face full of helplessness.

"The next time I hear them talking nonsense, I will send them to the treatment room for treatment, okay? I feel that there may be some problems in their brains." The commander who heard this rolled his eyes and said.

He felt that it was necessary to rectify these dishonest boys. It was a good decision to send them to the treatment room for treatment, so that they would not know what to do all day long?

Knowing how to take shortcuts every day, not knowing how to suffer at all, just thinking about relying on medicine and the power of evolution to become stronger?

The department must kill their whimsical paintings and inject positive energy into them.

"Okay, Commander. Do you want to put them on the electrotherapy chair?" Chen Min continued to ask.

"If they are stubborn? It can be considered." After hearing this, the commander thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I understand." Chen Min nodded and ran towards the dormitory.

He wants to see which little clever ghost is still stubborn?Then send some little ghost to electrotherapy with love.

"It seems that I have to find something for these brats to do, otherwise, if I let them relax, I won't be able to relax." Looking at the back of Chen Min leaving, the commander muttered.

I began to think about it in my mind, what should I find for them to do.

"Aww~ (Auntie, you have nothing to do and you can leave, and please don't touch my paws anymore.)" Just as the commander was muttering about this matter, Cheng Hao on the other side was also in trouble. I never thought that one day, I would meet such an old cat-sucking crowd.

This aunt was holding his paw and refused to let go, just like the old lady who touched porcelain on the road, which made him very helpless.

"This aunt's treatment is over, please let go of Xiaoju's claws, please? Xiaoju still needs to treat other patients."

Seeing this, Sister Hong'er opened her mouth to remind, hoping that the other party can let Xiaoju go.

There are still a bunch of patients outside, waiting for Xiaoju's diagnosis and treatment.

"I know, I know, but just let me touch it for a while, I won't touch Doctor Xiaoju for nothing." The aunt in gold and silver said with a smile when she heard this.

From the bag he was carrying, he poured out a lot of money: "Doctor Xiaoju, this is my kindness. I hope you don't refuse. You see that your hair is split. It seems that you haven't seen it recently It's good to eat."

"And your paws are soft to the touch, but they often run around, and the hair gets caught in the gaps between the pads. Let me clean it up for you."

As she spoke, she didn't wait for Cheng Hao and Miss Hong'er to speak.He took the tools out of the bag he was carrying.

"Um, ma'am, are you in the pet industry?" Sister Hong'er said weakly when she saw this scene, it's fine for the other party to carry the money, why is she still carrying a tweezer for pets? ?
"No, I'm just a person who likes kittens." The aunt who was holding Cheng Hao's paw said with a smile, looking at Cheng Hao with pampering eyes.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao panicked a little, indicating that the whole tiger's goosebumps came out.

He just wanted to ask if anyone took care of this aunt?This aunt even pushed the doctor's hair with her own hands.

"Um, is that so? You can see it, you can see it." After hearing this, sister Hong'er was stunned, and then said: "I don't know why, what is your last name? I want to go back to the zoo." It's time to register for you."

"What are you doing to register this for me?" The aunt who heard this asked suspiciously, and opened her mouth to urge the hair on Cheng Hao's paws.

"Because everyone who loves to support the Tiger Park needs to be recorded." Sister Hong'er explained, telling the rules of the Tiger Park.

"So it's like this? Then I understand." Hearing this, the aunt took out a bunch of money from her bag and said, "You don't need to record my name for me, you just need to take good care of Doctor Xiaoju One sound will do."

"Look at how tired he is? His face has become thinner recently." After tidying the hair on the ladder, the mother said with a distressed face.

"Um, that's fine." Hong'er sister nodded helplessly when she heard this, and this aunt has said this, so there's nothing she can do about it.

"Well, Doctor Xiaoju. Auntie shaved the hair on your paws. Do you remember that you have to eat seriously? Otherwise, you won't grow taller." The aunt who finished everything said with a smile, and pushed Put it in your bag.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it. Thank you, auntie.)" Cheng Hao sighed helplessly when he heard this. He is a doctor, so why do he have to change his hair?
It always feels weird to say that.

"Yeah, that aunt is gone." The aunt smiled and stood up.

"Okay, Auntie, it's hard for you to leave." Sister Hong'er waved her hand and smiled, watching the other party leave.

"Aww~ (Finally, finally, this auntie has finally left. If she doesn't leave, I will die of pain.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the other party leave, with a look of relief on his face.

Great, the other party finally left.

Facing this guy who was familiar from birth, he was a little helpless.

"You little villain, don't get cheap and act good. This aunt didn't touch you for nothing. Didn't you shave the hair on your paws and leave you money for meat?" Sister Hong'er Said angrily, and collected the money on the table.

Although the other party did not leave a name, the department can definitely find out the other party's name through face recognition.

When the time comes, help her fill in the name among the people who love to support her, and there should be no problem.

"Aww~ (That's because she took advantage of it, okay? For a powerful little tiger like me, the other party has been groping for so long.)" Cheng Hao muttered, looking at the reporter who came over, and said: "Aww~ (My sister has another reporter running over, don't they all have to go to work? Why are they so free?)"

Why are these reporters running around all day, not this way?That's where it went.Don't be afraid to infect yourself.

"Is there a possibility, Xiaoju, that they are at work right now? Isn't digging around for news just what journalists should do?" Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's head and said, "You little villain, keep being yourself. Just ignore them, they're definitely going to take pictures of you little villain again."

During this period of time, many people came to take pictures of Xiaoju, and they were all promoting Xiaoju as a doctor, and this time it is probably the same.

"Aww~(It's really troublesome.)" Cheng Hao muttered when he heard this, he was going to be famous again now, he was already very famous, but what's the use of such a big name for a tiger?It's really a headache for tigers.

"Hi sir, hello doctor Xiaoju, we are reporters from Kyoto. May I have time to interview you two?"

The reporter who entered the consultation room looked at one person and one tiger, and asked with a smile.

Her gaze stayed on Cheng Hao who was wearing a white coat, her eyes were full of curiosity, she didn't understand how a little tiger became a doctor?

"Aww~ (Can I say that I don't have time? Why do you people focus on this point every day? Didn't you see that I was treating patients?)" Cheng Hao said weakly when he heard the words.

Which eye of the other party saw that he had time?He was almost surrounded by patients.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Reporter. We don't have any free time now. You also saw that there are a lot of patients on our side." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and looked at the patient who was receiving treatment. sick.

"Yes, Dr. Xiaoju is treating us. If this lady has nothing to do? I hope you can leave Dr. Xiaoju alone."

"That's right, it wasn't you who was parasitized. Of course you don't feel anything wrong standing here. We are very uncomfortable now."

The two patients who heard this said, what kind of reporter are these?Don't have eyes?Seeing the two of them being treated, I asked if Dr. Xiaoju was free?
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb everyone, I'm really sorry."

"Then I'll come back to interview Dr. Xiaoju later, sorry, sorry."

The reporter and others who heard this said in a hurry, and hurriedly ran away.

The embarrassment was so embarrassing, it was the first time she had encountered such a thing.

Before the interview started, they were scolded embarrassingly. The key point was that they asked for this scolding.

"Doctor Xiaoju, you must be on guard against this kind of guy, they don't have a good intention to do it one by one."

"Yeah, I said I was interviewing you, Doctor Xiaoju. In fact, it was just to catch up with you, Doctor Xiaoju."

Seeing the reporter and others fleeing with their heads in their hands, the patient said.

"Don't worry, we know." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this, the two of you should hurry up and put your hands away, Xiaoju is going to treat the two of you.

"Okay, okay." The two people who heard this quickly sat up straight and put their hands on the table.

"Unlucky, unlucky, I didn't expect that I didn't interview Dr. Xiaoju. Instead, I was scolded." The reporter who came out of the complex said, scratching his head with some headaches.

"Yes, yes, but if we don't bring some news back, I think we will definitely be scolded to death by the director."

"That's right, the travel expenses, accommodation expenses, and food expenses are all paid by the director. If we can't bring back the news, then we will be finished."

The sound engineer and videographer on the side nodded and said, and a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Then I would like to ask the officers, what will happen to this mushroom next? Does the department have any plans?" The reporter from Hongtashan City asked as he followed the team members.

"We will sample and analyze the mushroom, and then seal the mushroom."

"I'm going to enter the secret department of the department now. If you have anything else you want to know? Let me tell you when I come out."

The team member walking in front spoke, holding a section of the big mushroom in his hand, and headed to the underground research institute.

The group of reporters from Hongtashan City stayed behind in a daze.

At this time, a group of reporters from Kyoto joined together.

"Hello, reporters from Hongtashan City, are you coming to do interviews too?"

"Yeah, you guys are from Kyoto, right? It's really far enough." The Hongtashan City reporter who heard this said looked at the microphone held by the other party and smiled.

"There is no other way. There is a request from above, so we have no choice but to come here." After hearing this, the reporter in Kyoto spread his hands helplessly and said, "I don't know what breaking news you guys have got? I can share it with us. ? Let's go back so we can do business."

"Of course there is news like this, but we can't give it to you."

"Yeah, maybe you can chat with the director of our TV station and see if he agrees?"

The reporter and others from Hongtashan City said, they naturally captured the big news, such as the scene where Mr. Consultant and the big mushroom fight, which is their biggest harvest today, but they must not share it with the other party.

After all, they are relying on this to raise their salary with the director today.

"Really? Then I wonder if you can give us the director's phone number, maybe we can talk to the director."

"Yes, everyone. Just help."

The reporter from Kyoto and others who heard this said that as long as they can get the news back, they can be regarded as having a relationship with the director.

"Okay, then remember it." The reporter from Hongtashan City said, and reported the phone number to them.

The Kyoto reporter and others who got the call happily went to make a call.

"By the way, let's just give them the director's phone number, is there really no problem?"

"Yes, the director won't blame us then, will he?"

The cameraman and lighting engineer who saw this scene asked, feeling a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Anyway, we just gave a phone number, and it doesn't matter." The reporter who heard this said indifferently, and didn't care much.

Anyway, if the other party had a good talk with the director, it was their own business if the talk was not good. They didn't do anything, at most they just gave a phone call.

Just as she was thinking so, the phone in her pocket rang.

I took it out and saw that it was a call from the director, and it was connected immediately:

"Hello! Director? We are still in the evolution department. It will take a while before we can go back. What's the matter with you old man?"

"Xiao Lan, I should ask you this question, guess what? What the hell are you doing by giving them my phone number?" the director on the other end of the phone asked aloud. People from Jingdu TV asked them for news. Where do they have any news for them?Still looking for them.

"Director, don't be angry. We got big news this time. You should have heard about what happened on the Qianhu campus, right? We spent a lot of effort to follow the whole process." Hearing Xiao Lan replied with a smile.

"Really? You got such important news?" The director on the other end of the phone couldn't help getting excited when he heard this.

"Yes, Director." Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Then come back quickly. You have such important information, why are you still wandering around outside?" After calming down, the director urged.

Why don't you hurry up and send such important news back to the TV station?They can play it right away.

"Don't you want to get more news?" Xiaolan said with a smile: "Director, you see that we have made such a great contribution this time, can the salary be raised?"

"It's natural. As long as you do this well, I promise to give each of you a salary increase." The director said, his words were full of generosity.

"Thank you, director, thank you, director. After we finish processing the big mushroom in the evolution department, the interview here. I'll go back right away." Xiaolan said happily, she didn't expect the director to agree so happily this time.

"Don't worry, take your time to find out? Remember to protect the camera well." Hearing this, the head of the station urged, now that all of them together are not as important as the camera.

So the camera must be protected.

"Yes, yes, we will remember." Xiaolan nodded after hearing this, continued to say a few words, and hung up the phone.

He happily told the news to his companions, and everyone cheered when they heard the good news.

After staying in the TV station for so long, they finally got a raise, which is really great.

At night, when the whole world was immersed in darkness, a video uploaded on the Internet directly penetrated the darkness, shocking the people of the whole world.

They looked at the scene where the figure on the screen, who looked like the other half of the god, lifted up the huge mushroom with ease.

Immediately, everyone felt their blood boiling, and their hearts were greatly shocked:
"My God, I'm not mistaken, how can someone do such a crazy thing?"

"Yeah, is this guy still human?"

"That's right, I don't believe that the whole country must be lying to us, hahahahahahahaha."

"That's right, it's all fake, it's all fake."

Of course, some people saw this scene, completely lost their composure, and fell into madness.

Only their country is the most powerful, how could someone be so powerful?All of this is fake, all of this is fake, everything on the Internet must be fake, everyone has been deceived, everyone has been deceived.

But no matter how they disbelieve, how doubt?As for that powerful figure, he could never forget it, the other party was as dazzling as a star in the night sky.

They were all curious about the owner of this figure, what kind of person possesses such power to destroy heaven and earth?
"Did you see Daju? The director is completely angry now." Sister Hong'er was sitting in the dormitory, with Cheng Hao squatting in front of her.

It's just that Cheng Hao is not relying on his knowledge now, but acts as a computer stand for Sister Hong'er.

"Aww~ (Got it, I got it, so can I go to sleep? Sister, can't you care about me? I'm a little tiger, and not sleeping will affect my growth.)" with the laptop on his head Cheng Hao said helplessly, can my sister care about him?
He's not jealous of the principal's grandfather, he just wants to sleep, why is it so troublesome?Just such a small request has not been met.

My sister also asked him to come over and act as a computer shelf.

"Just sleep ten minutes late, twenty minutes won't affect you, you little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head and said, "From now on, our principal will be a super big He is a hero, and our little orange will be a super little hero by then."

"Aww~ (Not interested, not interested, I wish no one would know me, so I can save a lot of things.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently when he heard this.

What does he need such a high reputation for?This fame cannot be eaten or worn, and it is easy to cause danger.

You must know that the world is very turbulent now, and other countries like to make troubles. Once he becomes famous, maybe guys from all over the world will come to trouble him.

Right now, the principal's grandfather has attracted everyone's attention, and he can't wait for it.

At least he will be safe this way, who thinks how capable he is as a little tiger?
"You little slacker." Upon hearing this, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but shook her head and said, "I don't want to be involved in good things, and I don't want to be involved in bad things. My sister doesn't even know what to say about you, a little scoundrel."

As a tiger, Xiaoju looks a little bit like a tiger, okay?Why don't you want to fight for nothing? You look very lazy.

It's just a little orange cat that was raised and wasted.

"Aww~ (I just want to eat and wait to die, sister, don't pay attention to me.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, thank you for letting him be a waste who eats and waits to die. Don't look for him anymore.

"Okay, okay, you little slacker sister really convinced you." Sister Hong'er said unhappily when she heard the words, patted Cheng Hao's big head and said, "You little rascal, go to sleep, my sister has already It's all right."

"Aww~ (Sister has nothing to do, but I still have work to do. Sister, you have used me as a cushion for so long, shouldn't you give me some reward too?)" asked Cheng Hao, who raised his head.

Familiarity is familiarity, my sister can't go whoring for nothing, the benefits that should be given must be given.

Knowing about this laptop would crush his head.

"You little scoundrel really wants it from my sister. Didn't my sister just let you do the work for a while? You asked for something from my sister, didn't you?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's ear and said: "This little villain is getting fatter and fatter now, and I can't give you supper anymore. Go back to sleep in your own den."

"Otherwise, my sister will kick your ass."

"Aww~ (If you don't give it, you won't give it, why are you so fierce?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and walked towards the mat.

Does my sister think it will be useful if I don’t give him food?Feel sorry!He is now the doctor Xiaoju in the hospital, who would not give him some face after reading it?

If my sister doesn't give it, someone will naturally be willing to give it. As for who is it?Only when you get it will you know.

"You little scoundrel." Seeing this, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but shook her head. After continuing to look at her phone for a while, she also lay down. She was also a little tired today, but she couldn't hold on any longer.

"Aww~ (Is my sister asleep? Then it's my world now.)" Hearing the sound of even breathing from the bed, Cheng Hao rolled around like a lazy donkey and got up.

Now that sister Hong'er has fallen asleep, it's time for him, King Tiger, to go out. Let him have a look, what's there to eat in the department so late?

Leaving gently from the side of the mat, Cheng Hao walked towards the gate.After opening the door, he rushed out with a bang.

The current him can be said to be as wide as the sea, and as the sky is as high as the birds can fly.

Without Miss Hong'er looking after him, wouldn't he be able to go wherever he wanted?
Thinking of this, Cheng Hao went straight to the cafeteria.

"Do you think there is really no problem with us doing this? If we are discovered, I am afraid we will be finished?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. If you're found out, you'll be expelled and punished. Have you ever heard a saying that starves the cowardly to death? Do you want to become stronger?"

"Of course I want to become stronger, but is this hot pot really edible? I think it's harder than my grandma's shoe boards."

"Of course you can eat the ingredients, so why not eat them? It's just a matter of how many times you eat them."

"Let me tell you, you can just imagine this thing as a hairy belly, and you can eat it as soon as you open and close your eyes?"

"Huh? Is there anyone else at this late hour? And the two of them still seem to be eating something shameful. What could it be? This really makes Tiger curious?"

Cheng Hao, who was walking in the darkness, heard the conversation between the two, and his two little ears immediately stood up like cattail fans.

How could someone secretly eat delicious food behind his back?

Where is the law?Where is the morality?Where are the rules?And where is this delicious thing?

As the saying goes, those who see have a share, how can they secretly eat delicious food by themselves?As a righteous tiger, he felt that it was necessary for him to follow up and take a good look at them, and persuade them to return to the shore at the right time.

Of course, if the two of them forcibly refused to listen?He was able to use a little trick to warn them.

"Brother, do you feel that something is staring at us? Did the captain find us?"

The figure walking in the dark felt a prying gaze staring at him, and his heart suddenly panicked.

Could it be that what they did has been discovered?So now someone is watching them, ready to catch them at any time.

"My brother, since we have started, don't you want to know so much? You can't be timid." Another figure said decisively after hearing this:
"If you are really afraid, then give me the other half. If you don't eat it, I will eat it."

They have the movement of big mushroom fragments, so how can the concealment be discovered?The other party should not think too much, if he is really afraid?Don't eat it at all, give him the pieces of the big mushroom, and he will eat it.

"Forget it, I still want to try." The figure who heard this shook his head and said, although he said that he was afraid of being discovered, but what he was more afraid of was that he was weak, so he was willing to take the risk. To do this kind of thing.

"Isn't that enough? Don't you have a lot of courage?" The other person said angrily, and the two continued to walk towards the place.

"What kind of delicious food are these two guys talking about? Why are they so mysterious? This aroused my curiosity." Cheng Hao, who was following the two, heard this. , raised his paw and touched his big head, showing a puzzled look.

What kind of delicious food did these two guys steal in the department?It's really incomprehensible to be so mysterious.

But it's good like this, the things they want to steal out with such care, maybe they will be very delicious things.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but subconsciously licked his lips.Keep up with the two people who are drifting away.

(End of this chapter)

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