Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 167 Announcement 1 Paragraph

Chapter 167 Come to an end
"Did you hide the pot here?"

"Yes, I also hid the stove here. Besides, I also put other side dishes and mineral water here." After walking for a while, the two stopped.

What are you turning over in the grass beside you?They quickly revealed their goals this time, a mouthful of mandarin duck hot pot base, some beef and mutton slices, and a gas stove.

"Good guy, are you here to eat shabu-shabu at night? You two are really clever little ghosts." Cheng Hao, who was hiding in the darkness, was a little speechless seeing this scene.

What did he think the two guys were eating?The result is to eat hot pot, what is so delicious about hot pot?

Is it because the lobster in the cafeteria is no longer delicious, or is the mutton in the cafeteria not tasty?

"Hurry up and boil the water, I'll be in charge of cutting." The figure who brought the cutting board and kitchen knife said to the companion beside him, urging the other party to quickly boil the water.

"Got it, got it." The companion on the side nodded and said, and immediately followed suit.
And the figure who spoke originally also took out a black object from his arms at this time.

"Huh? This thing looks familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere?" Seeing what the other party took out, Cheng Hao felt inexplicably familiar.

This taste and this appearance, where did he seem to have seen it?
After thinking for two seconds, a clever idea suddenly appeared in his mind.Isn't this thing the big mushroom in the morning?It turned out that these two guys came here in the middle of the night to eat mushrooms, but it seems that this thing can't be eaten.

After all, such a tough thing, not to mention being used to cook hot pot, even if it is used to cook lava, it may not be able to cook soft.

"The water is already burning, have you cut it yet?" asked the figure who was biting the flashlight and lighting the fire.

Why did the other party take the fast mushroom and cut it for a long time?The other party cut it down a bit.

"I would like to cut this thing open, but this thing is too tough, there is no way to take him."

The figure who is trying to cut, said with a blue face, he has used his maximum strength, but there is still no way to hold the thing, this thing is like brown sugar, and the oil and salt will not enter, and it will not give any face he.

He was about to use up all his strength, but he still didn't get any results.

"I'm convinced. Get out of the way and let me chop a mushroom. It's really useless." Another figure who heard this said angrily, and did it himself.

If you let the other party go down slowly?He felt that it might not be possible to get it done until dark.

"Come here if you have the ability, I want to see how good you are?" The companion who heard this said angrily, and stood aside and waited.

"I'll go, what the hell is this thing? Why is it so hard, are you sure it's edible?" The figure who took the kitchen knife and cut the mushroom vigorously was taken aback by the tenacity of the mushroom.

"Nonsense, what if this thing is so easy to cut? Do you think I will cut it for so long." The companion on the side said angrily: "Now you know that this thing is difficult to handle? I am completely different from your thing. It’s just a piece of brown sugar.”

"It's not as good as I imagined."

"Then what should we do now? It doesn't matter if it's brown sugar or sugar brown sugar, it has to be disposed of." The figure who heard this said, they risked being kicked out of the department and came out to get this piece mushroom.

You can't get nothing, just go back like this, right?
"Since it can't be cut, we can only try it and put it on the fire. Anyway, no matter what? We must get something from it today."

"That makes sense, so let's do it."

After the collection, the two immediately took action and started to roast the big mushroom.

"These two guys are not very good, but they have a stubborn temper. Why do they want to eat this big mushroom? They also have to have such good teeth."

I saw the two change from shabu shabu to grilling directly on the shelf.Cheng Hao couldn't help laughing.

He just wanted to say that these two guys are a little outrageous, they want to eat grilled mushrooms in a whimsical way, and hope that the teeth of the two of them are hard enough, so they can really eat it.



Just when Chen Hao was thinking this way, there was a slight sound in the distance. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Chen Min leading a team of team members approaching secretly.

Judging from their appearance, they should have discovered the guy who came out to cook hot pot during these two big nights.

I just don't know what kind of punishment these two hard-headed guys will face next?
This made Cheng Hao a little curious, so his figure gradually became transparent.

"Captain, those two guys are there." In the darkness, someone saw the faint fire light in the distance and said.

"Well, I saw them. These two guys violated the rules at night, left the dormitory without authorization, and stole the pieces of the big mushroom."

"No matter from which angle you look at it, both of them have to accept severe punishment." Chen Min nodded his head when he heard the words, and said with anger in his eyes.

She never thought that there would be such an unruly guy in the department.

In the middle of the night, it's fine to run out to cook hot pot, but what made him and her think of these guys, the ingredients used for hot pot are nothing but pieces of big mushrooms.

Immediately realized that these two guys had picked up the pieces of the big mushroom, and there was nothing to hand in. This was what annoyed her the most.

As a member of the department, how can you be so unruly?
"That's right, they must be punished well." The other team members nodded in agreement when they heard this. They didn't dare to take out the big mushrooms and eat them in hot pot. It's really too much for these two guys to do that. Damn, don't take them with you.

A guy like this who eats alone must be cleaned up properly.

"Well, let's go there. Remember to be gentle and don't startle the snake." Chen Min reminded.

"Okay, captain." Everyone nodded upon hearing this, and then quietly moved towards the two of them.

But at this time, the two of them didn't know anything about it.Still slowly roasting mushrooms.

"Are we messing with cooking methods? This mushroom has been burnt for a long time, why is there nothing wrong with it? Even if the tire has been baked for so long, it must have melted." Seeing that it has been baked on the gas stove for a long time, there is no change big mushrooms.

Finally, he waited for a somewhat impatient figure to speak.

Even alchemy doesn't practice like this. What's the matter with this big mushroom?
"Don't rush and take your time. The more difficult it is to deal with this big mushroom, the less we can be impatient. If this big mushroom is easy to clean up? It won't be kept for so long, and no one can handle it yet." The companion on the side Hearing this, he comforted him, although he was a little impatient to wait.

But in order to become stronger, he is still willing to endure it a little longer.

"Okay, let's bake it again." The companion who heard this said, and continued to wait patiently.

"The two idiots are still roasting slowly here? Do you know that you are going to be unlucky soon?" Seeing how they squatted down again, Cheng Hao couldn't help shaking his head.Get ready to see these two guys get unlucky.

"Four three zero two, two three six zero, you two guys put up your hands for me."

Chen Min, who quietly surrounded the two of them, was sure that the two of them had nothing to do, and immediately jumped out and shouted after they escaped.

"That's right, the two of you made a big mistake, why don't you hurry up and catch them?" The other team members who heard the voice also jumped out immediately.


The two who were roasting big mushrooms were startled when they saw a group of people jumping out suddenly.

When he saw Chen Min who took the lead, he even trembled:

"Don't call me the captain. The department doesn't have any reckless guys like you two. Come back with me to accept punishment."

"Don't think about resisting, you should understand that you can't be my opponent with your trivial tricks." Chen Min said coldly, the blue arc on his finger kept jumping, emitting a dangerous light.

"Yes..." The two people who saw this scene sighed, don't just let it go.

Even if they can escape the pursuit of the people waiting in front of them, they still have no way to escape the pursuit of the entire department.The best way is to catch them without a fight.

"Take them back, and bring the stolen goods." Chen Min said when he saw this, and the team members pressed the two of them, took the ingredients on the ground, the gas stove, the pot and other items and returned.

"These two people are really stupid and stupid, so they can't be more patient, why don't they eat outside? It's strange if they eat here without getting caught."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao muttered angrily in his heart, these two people are really too stupid.

Otherwise, you won't be caught at all.It can only be said that they are really stupid.

But this has nothing to do with him anymore, after watching the good show, it's time for him to get down to business.

Taking small steps, Cheng Hao walked towards the cafeteria.

To be honest, seeing how delicious their food was, he was a little hungry, and now he just wants to hurry over to eat.

"Aww~ (Is anyone here? Is anyone here? If no one is here, I can take it myself.)" The cafeteria was lit in the middle of the night, but there was no one there.

I wonder if the aunt in charge of the cafeteria went to the toilet?Or dozed off?
Anyway, after seeing no one, Cheng Hao made a living by himself.

And after he was full, he walked away. As for the rest, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

So the next morning, when he came to the cafeteria, he heard about the thief in the cafeteria.

"Have you heard? There was a thief in the cafeteria? Last night, my aunt went out to take out the garbage, and all the food was gone after she came back."

"Really? Did the thief get caught?"

"Of course not. If you catch it? It has been announced a long time ago. How can there be no news yet?"

"Really? But isn't the cafeteria monitored? Why didn't anyone be caught?"

"You don't know about it. That guy is very cunning. He escaped all the monitoring and ran over secretly. That's why he wasn't found."

"Like this? Is the canteen a big loss?"

"It's not too big, it's just a few hundred catties of food lost."

"A few hundred catties, then this thief is a real one. Is there such an edible guy in our department?"

"There is a high probability that there is none, but it does not rule out that he stole food and sold it. After all, the food in our department is all high-end products."

"That's right, there's also tuna and big green dragon. It's worth buying these."

The team members were discussing while eating, not looking at the people walking around, as if they were looking for a possible thief.

"It turned out that the auntie went to take out the trash last night. I said why I didn't see anyone, but the speed of taking out the trash was too slow. I finished eating and left, but she didn't show up." Hearing the surrounding The sound of people talking, Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Xiaoju, you little villain, didn't you sneak out with your sister behind your back last night?" At this moment, sister Hong'er approached Cheng Hao, pinched his ear and asked.

This one-time stealing of hundreds of catties of food has not been discovered by surveillance, which sounds like something only Xiaoju can do.

"Aww~ (I'm a good tiger, sister, don't insult my innocence for no reason. After you went to bed last night, I fell asleep immediately.)" Cheng Hao, whose ears were pinched, said, As the saying goes, catching thieves and taking stolen goods.

My sister can't talk nonsense if she doesn't have any real evidence.

"Why doesn't my sister believe it so much? In fact, it doesn't matter if you stole the food."

"Sis won't blame you anyway, so you can tell the truth to me, okay?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Aww~ (The problem is that I really didn't steal it.)" Cheng Hao said with an innocent face, the breeder sister wanted to lie to him again, but he was not the ignorant little tiger back then, so he wouldn't be like that It's easy to be fooled by the other party.

What do you mean you won't blame him?Treat him to chestnuts later?

"You little scoundrel, you don't believe my sister." Seeing Cheng Hao's appearance, Hong'er sister knocked his head angrily and said.

This little villain got better at lying as he grew up, and now he even lied to her.

She was [-]% sure that all of this must have been done by the little villain Xiaoju.

Otherwise, how could Xiaoju, who didn't have supper last night, be so obedient?There must be a lot of tricks in this.

"Aww~ (I have always believed in my sister, when did I not believe it?)" Cheng Hao muttered, and after eating the food in a big gulp, he jumped down from his seat: "Aww~ (Sister, I am already full Now, I’m going to see a doctor first, you can eat slowly.)”

After finishing speaking, before Miss Hong'er could speak.Just ran away at a leisurely pace.

"The little scoundrel eats so little today, there must be something wrong." Seeing this, Miss Hong'er became more certain about her words. If this little scoundrel has something in her heart?How could he run away in such a hurry.What happened last night must have been done by this little villain.

"Aww~(Women's sixth sense is so scary, my sister almost discovered it, but luckily I'm smart enough to insist that I didn't do it, otherwise I might get beaten up. )" Cheng Hao, who hurried out of the cafeteria, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Then he ran towards the consulting room.

He had to go to the consulting room quickly, so as not to be seen by his sister again.

"Good morning, Doctor Xiaoju, are you here so early today?"

"Yeah, today's Doctor Xiaoju is still as handsome as ever."

Cheng Hao, who was walking in the complex, felt very comfortable hearing the compliments from the people around him. Although these people were not very strong, they still spoke nicely.

This made him feel much better today, and he has the strength to continue working.

"The commander doesn't need to investigate. Did the canteen be stolen last night?"

In the office, Chen Min handed the statements of the two team members to the commander.asked.

She heard this matter everywhere along the way, but the commander didn't seem to show any intention of pursuing this matter, which made her a little curious. Could it be that the department has caught the thief?

"Of course it's not necessary. Most of the food might have been eaten by some gluttonous little guy, right? Why bother to hold on to this matter?" The commander who heard this said with a smile.

Most of the missing food was eaten by Xiaoju.

After all, this is a way to evade all monitoring without a sound. Except for Xiaoju, he really doesn't know anyone who can do it.

"Oh? Like this?" Chen Min's eyes moved slightly upon hearing this.

Immediately understood who the little glutton the commander was talking about was?
"By the way, these two team members who steal mushrooms. How did the interrogation go?" The commander who picked up the confession sent by Chen Min asked.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a team member in the department.

Actually secretly hid the fragments of the big mushroom, and went to rinse the mushrooms to eat at night.It's a bunch of guys who don't follow the rules.

I told them that the mushrooms were so hard they couldn't eat them, and they didn't listen to them.

"Report to the commander, the two of them said that their own people took the mushrooms and wanted to eat them by themselves, and they had absolutely no other intentions." Chen Min replied: "In addition, the wolf bee went there to confirm that they were not lying. .”

"Really? It seems that they were not ordered by others, so this matter will end here."

"Let them write a tens of thousands of words of self-criticism and let them go. I think other people are also very curious about the taste of these big mushrooms. Just let them go out and explain to these guys." The commander put down his hands After the confession, he opened his mouth and said.

Since the wolf bee went to see it in person, then this matter is almost over.

"Yes, Commander." Chen Min nodded upon hearing this, and planned to leave with strides.

At this moment, the sitting commander suddenly shouted:

"By the way, Xiao Chen, after finishing this matter, go to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain to see what the director is up to?"

"By the way, bring some gifts and go over to thank Mr. Director, for his contribution to the safety of Hongtashan City."

"No problem." Chen Min smiled, then nodded and left the office.

"Mr. Principal, you can take me as an apprentice. I really want to learn from you, Mr. Principal."

"Yes, yes, as long as you agree to accept us as apprentices, Mr. Gardener, we promise that we will do anything."

"That's right, Mr. Gardener."

In the early morning, the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain should be quiet, but this morning is not so quiet.

Because someone brought a heavy gift early in the morning and knelt down in front of the director.

"You two children, have you worshiped the wrong person? I'm just a bad old man. How can I teach you anything?" Looking at the two young men who blocked their way in front of them, the principal He rubbed his temples with some headaches.

Originally, he was quite happy to come this morning, but now?Not very happy all of a sudden.

"Yes, yes. Mr. Director, you just need to teach us how to lift that big mushroom with ease." Hearing this, the young man kneeling a little ahead immediately said.

"Yes, yes, master. The two of us have very low requirements." The other person also nodded his head.

Yesterday, the two of them saw with their own eyes, how did the master clean up the big mushroom?As long as the master is willing to teach them, the two of them can definitely become masters like no other in a million.

"So it's because of this incident that the two of you pestered me? Let me tell you two, I was able to clean up that big mushroom because of my ability, not because I'm very powerful, understand?" When the two of them said this, the director immediately understood why he was being entangled?Hastily opened the mouth to explain.

He said where did this young man come from? It turned out that he came from here.No wonder he was able to find him in person.

"Then Mr. Principal, can you teach us your abilities?"

"Yes, yes, we don't have such high requirements. To be as powerful as you, Mr. Director, we only hope to have one percent of your strength, Mr. Director."

The two people who heard here continued to speak, with pleading eyes in their eyes.Their lifelong wish is to become Mr. Park Principal, this kind of superhero.Protect the future of mankind.

They finally found it today, and they will never give up no matter what.

"Then let me ask you, old man, are you evolutionaries?" Seeing the two guys pestering him, the director said with a headache.

Thinking about it, I left these two guys to the department to deal with.

He is an old man, how can he be in a leisurely mood, what kind of apprentice does he bring?Isn't this killing him?
"Report master, we are not." The two who heard this said in unison.

"Really? It seems that we have no destiny." The director couldn't help but sighed when he heard the words.

Good guy, no wonder you are so decisive in apprenticeship, it turns out they are two brats with no talent.

That's all right, they can just get out of here, they're not even evolutionaries, and God can't help them when they come.

"No! Master. We believe that man will conquer nature, even if he is not an evolutionary, he can still be as powerful as you."

"That's right, master, you must accept us."

While talking, the two flew to the director's feet and said while hugging the director's thigh.

"It's not that I don't help you two, it's because you two can't even help you as an evolutionary? And the man has gold under his knees, you two worship me here together, why don't you go home and honor your parents."

The head of the garden who was hugged by the two of them said helplessly that these two guys are not even evolutionaries.

How to help?Help me with a hammer, they'd better just go back and dream.

It is good to have a dream, but if the dream is too big, it may seem like a daydream.

And the two of them obviously belonged to this category of hundred-day dreamers.

If you are not an evolutionary?With their physical fitness, it is impossible to withstand the harsh training.

"No, today, Mr. Director, if you don't agree with the two of us, the two of us can't afford to kneel here."

"Yes, the two of us can't afford to kneel here."

The two looked at the head of the garden and said, with determination in their eyes, if the head of the garden didn't accept them today, they would kneel and die in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"You two brats play this trick for me, then you two can play slowly." The principal who heard this said helplessly supported his head.Looking to the other side, he said: "Xiao Chen, you have watched the drama over there for so long, have you seen enough? Is there anything for the commander? Let you come and find me."

"Haha, good morning, Mr. Consultant, I am ordered by the commander to visit you." Chen Min said haha, and walked out from the corner, while raising the gift he was carrying. road:

"And send some small gifts to show the gratitude of the whole city to you, Mr. Advisor."

She didn't intend to eavesdrop, she left only to find out that such a thing would happen to the principal.

So out of politeness, she didn't come to disturb her, but chose to wait aside.

"It's my job to protect the city. How can I be grateful?" The dean smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, since you're here? Come in and have a seat, and tell me something about it." When will Xiaoju come back?"

"Okay, Mr. Consultant." Chen Min nodded upon hearing this, and walked over with strides.

"Aren't you two brats letting go of the old man's legs?" The director who saw this scene said, looking at the two who were still hugging his legs.

Are these two guys still hugging?You're planning to drag him here to bask in the wind and sun, aren't you?

"Then...that master, have you agreed to accept us as apprentices?"

"Yeah yeah."

Hearing this, the two people let go of the hands holding the principal, and raised their heads and asked with hope in their eyes.

"Of course not. The old man asked you to let go. Dare to say that you are two different things as disciples. How can this be confused?" The principal asked, did these two brats make a mistake?He just let the two of them let go, but never said that they would be disciples.

"Ah?" The two of them froze in place without saying a word, and their faces were ashamed.

The reason why they dare to come here like this is because they have the belief that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

Now that their faith is shattered, they suddenly feel that they have lost the meaning of life.

"If you two really want to be my disciples, then show me some faith." Seeing the two of them like this, the principal said, "You two should have never been soldiers. Right? Go to be a soldier first and then come to me, if the two of you satisfy me, maybe I will make an exception and accept you."

"Really? Master."

Upon hearing this, the two people with gloomy expressions had hope rekindled in their eyes.

Sure enough, everything just now was the master's test for them, and now it's the highlight of the test.

"It's natural. Go ahead and embrace your youth at your best age." The principal waved his hands and said, his voice was so contagious.

When the two young men holding the gardener's thigh heard this, they immediately let go of their arms holding the thigh.He ran towards the gate, and while leaving, he did not forget to shout loudly:

"Look, master, we will not let you down."

"Yes, the two of us will definitely show you our determination."

After finishing speaking, the two of them completely disappeared from the director's sight.

"Mr. Consultant, are you really planning to accept these two guys of unknown origin?" Chen Min asked curiously after seeing this scene.

"Of course not, it's just to send them away. Otherwise, why would it be proper for the two of them to kneel in front of the old man's door?" the head of the garden said lightly.

"Well, what if they come back after joining the army?" Chen Min asked weakly, but he did not expect that the respected Mr. Advisor would actually lie to others.

"Then it's fine to fool them again at that time, at least it can make me quiet now." The director said indifferently.

If he doesn't send these two brats away now, he won't want to be quiet for a moment. When the two of them return to maturity after serving as soldiers, maybe they won't have such whimsical dreams.

"Okay..." Chen Min couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard this.

She could already imagine how dumbfounded the two of them would be when they came back.

They probably didn't think that this was just the director's words to fool them, right?Thinking of this, Chen Min couldn't help shaking his head.Follow the principal into the office.

On the other side, the two people who left the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain really ran directly to the conscription place.

They have always been very serious about their dreams, and they will let the master know how hard they work.

"Aww~ (There are no patients now, right? Then can I go back?)" Looking at the emptiness outside, Cheng Hao asked.

Finally, it's finally done, if it doesn't end, he will be exhausted.

"It's good to have no patients, but you can't just relax like this." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head and said, "We still have a lot of things to do, so you little villain can't leave yet."

"Aww~ (This has nothing to do with me, I'm just a tiger. Isn't it the department's people to deal with anything?)" After hearing this, he said that he was tired of staying in the department. Now he just wants to go back to sleep in the Tiger Garden, and no one can stop him.

"It's not wrong to say so, then you don't want to stay here, do you want to spend more time with sister?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and asked.

"Aww~ (Don't think about it anymore, I'm too tired to stay in the department, I'd better run away earlier.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, he was still wandering here, he was almost shaking Dead, who wants to treat this kind of thing, anyway, he is definitely not willing to stay anymore.

"Okay, okay, then sister, please ask the commander for you." Sister Hong'er sighed after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Sister, go, I'll wait for you here.)" Cheng Hao nodded and shook his paw.

Seeing this, Sister Hong'er tapped Cheng Hao's head.Then he walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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