Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 168 Not like a good person

Chapter 168 Not like a good person
"Xiaoju, don't run around after you go back, you know? You must stay in the tiger garden honestly." In the office, the commander looked at Cheng Hao in front of him reluctantly and said.

It's fine for Xiaoju to go back to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, but don't run around, otherwise if he runs away, another patient will be sent over, and no one will treat him.

"Aww~ (It's almost done. I'm just going back to the Tiger Garden. I'm not saying goodbye. Are you like this?)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw the other party's appearance. Those who didn't know thought that he was about to hang up.

"Commander, don't worry, Xiaoju and I will stay in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, and won't wander around." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao, chattering.

"Okay, okay." Hearing this, the commander breathed a sigh of relief.

They sent one person and one tiger away from the office.

"You little villain, please be polite when you speak in the future, you know? Otherwise, my sister will give you a big chestnut." On the way out of the office and walking towards the parking lot, sister Hong'er said to Cheng Hao.

No matter what the commander said, he still cared about them. How could Cheng Hao be so rude?

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao held his head and said perfunctorily, but he didn't say anything, why is he being rude?Miss Hong'er is too sensitive, right?

"That's about the same. This is what a good tiger should do." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, opened the car door and shouted to Cheng Hao: "Come in, little rascal. It's time for us to go home."

"Aww~ (Chong Chong.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao jumped into the car directly.

He couldn't wait to go back, he really had enough of staying in the department.

"I'm so anxious, do you miss Huyuan so much? You've only been out for a few days?" Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing, and opened the door of the driver's seat and got in.

"Mr. Director, this is Ms. Avril Lavigne, an international tiger protection expert. She came to Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest this time to get in touch with tigers."

"Investigate the living habits of the tigers and the influence of the light of evolution on them. I'm afraid I will trouble you, Mr. Gardener, for a while."

In Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the director had just sent Chen Min away, when the president of the Animal Protection Association came to the door.

As soon as the other party came, he said straight to the point that the purpose of coming this time was to send someone to the director.

"Hello, Mr. Principal, I'm Avril. Please take care of me next time." The blond woman on the side said with a smile, and greeted the principal with the newly learned etiquette.

"Uh, Mr. President. It seems that the old man hasn't agreed yet?" The head of the garden who heard this said weakly. He hasn't said a word until now. How did the other party see that he agreed?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I haven't heard from you, Mr. Director, but I believe that you will definitely agree to it." The president laughed when he heard the words, and walked to the side while pulling the director.

"Hey, I said, what the hell are you doing, why did you put a foreigner on my side?" The headmaster who walked to the side didn't bother to continue pretending, and asked directly.

This blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner has an impure purpose, okay?What is the other party trying to do by stuffing people into him?

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, we haven't known each other for a day or two, can I cheat you?" The president comforted him, looked around and said, "I told you that you are not in vain Said, as long as you take her in, you can apply for research funds from above."

"Also, if she stays at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? It can also help you attract international funds."

"Really? That sounds really good." Hearing this, the director of the garden immediately lost most of the impatience on his face.

If you give money, then it's another matter.For the sake of money, this matter is not so non-negotiable.

"That's why I told you, don't worry. We have been in a relationship for so many years, can I still cheat you?" The president said after hearing the words: "How? Now you are willing to accept this person."

"Willing is willing, but is it the money?" The head of the garden rubbed his head and said, as if he would not scatter the eagle if he didn't see the rabbit.

"Don't worry, you won't be missing, as soon as she moves into the Tiger Garden, the money will come right away." The president said with a smile.

"If this is the case? Then there is no problem with this matter." The director nodded his head and said, no matter what purpose the other party has for coming to Tiger Park?Anyway, when it comes to his side, the dragon will lie down for him, and the dragon has to lie down for him.

"Well, can't you just say that earlier? I'll go and talk to Miss Avril, you can find a dormitory for her to live in." The president said, and walked towards Avril: "Miss Avril , I have already talked with the principal, he is very happy to have you here."

"The dormitory will be prepared for you soon. If you need anything here, just ask Mr. Principal."

"Really? This is really great. Thank you, Mr. President." Avril said happily upon hearing this.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." The president didn't care, waved his hand and said: "Then Miss Avril, you should have a good communication with the principal, and I will go back first."

"Okay, Mr. President, please go slowly." Avril was grateful when she heard this.

"Yeah." The president smiled and nodded, then waved to the two and left.

"Mr. Principal, where will I live next?" Avril saw that the president had left, and walked to the principal with a smile and asked.

"Miss Avril, please come with me, the old man will take you to the place where you live." The principal said, and led the other party towards the girls' dormitory.

At the moment, I don't know what the other party wants to do, so I can only take one step at a time. I hope the other party didn't come to beat Xiaoju's attention.

"Okay, Mr. Director." Avril nodded and followed the director with her luggage.

When he looked at the headmaster who was advancing, there was a strange look in his eyes.

This is the superhero of Xuan Kingdom, the evolutionary known as the enemy of all people?Now it looks no different from ordinary people. Could it be that this is the hidden method of the strong?

But it doesn't matter, she will dig out the other party's hidden things step by step.

"Aww~ (Why is the Tiger Park so deserted today? Is our Tiger Park on holiday?)" After entering the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park in the little red car, Cheng Hao raised his head and looked around, muttering.

Why is Tiger Park so deserted?I can't even see a few living people. Is this a holiday in Huyuan?But it doesn't look like it.

"What is this little idiot talking about? Our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park gates are all open, how could it be on vacation? Mostly everyone is busy with other things." Sister Hong'er laughed and cursed when she heard this, her eyes widened. Looking around, you will find that today's Tiger Park is indeed a bit strange, and the desertedness is a bit too much.

I don't know what happened?I saw two figures running past quickly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I heard that our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park is here, a very beautiful Miss Avril."

"Really? Why don't I know? Is your news reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable. I just saw with my own eyes that Miss Avril examines the little tigers. Is this still fake?"

"Let me tell you that Miss Marceline is beautiful, with blond hair, blue eyes and creamy skin."

"Really? Then I have to see it with my own eyes." Upon hearing this, the breeder who had never seen it before said.He quickly followed his companion and ran forward.

"Aww~ (Sister, we have found the reason why there are so few people in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain. It turns out that some Avril has come here.)" Cheng Hao, with his small ears pricked up, listened to the conversation between the two, and said to Sister Hong'er. Said.

"Well, my sister heard it too." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this.

"Aww~ (Sister, why are you still smiling so happily? This Avril is here to grab your popularity. You must know that you are the number one beauty in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain."

"Aww~ (I don't know what kind of Marceline ran out from somewhere now, sister, are you not afraid?)" Cheng Hao said when he saw this, the breeder sister is too worried, this guy who jumped out suddenly , maybe she just came here to grab my sister's popularity.

Why is my sister still smiling so happily?A little sense of crisis, okay?
"Although my sister is very happy to be called the number one beauty in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain by you, a little villain, but I don't want to compete with others for such illusory things." Sister Hong'er smiled and patted Cheng Hao's The big head said: "Let's go and put the things down first, and talk about other things later."

"Aww~ (That means, sister, you still have to see what your opponent looks like, right?)" Cheng Hao asked. As expected, my sister just said that she didn't care, but she still cared in her heart.

"What is an opponent? It's obviously a colleague. You little villain." Sister Hong'er said with a smile and cursed, then walked towards the dormitory with her things.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao followed up with small steps.A look ready to watch a good show.

"Wow, this Miss Avril is really beautiful." When the breeder arrived outside the tiger house, he saw a figure shining in the sun.

Don't open your mouth wide in surprise, this Miss Avril is really beautiful.Just like the legendary elf, it was the first time he saw such a beautiful person.

"Yes, yes. I told you that this Miss Avril is very beautiful, just like a big star, do you know now?" The companion on the side spoke to his face, showing a smug look color.

When he pulled the other party over just now, the other party was still unwilling.Now that you have seen the real person, do you know how good he is?
"Got it, got it." The breeder who heard this nodded and said, "When did this Miss Avril come here? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"You've seen a ghost before. Let me tell you that Miss Avril just came here. I heard from the director that she came from the Animal Protection Association." The companion said proudly, telling what he got. intelligence.

"It turned out to be like this. The people from the Animal Protection Association are really lucky to be with such a beautiful beauty every day." The breeder heard the words and couldn't help saying enviously.

If he had known that the Animal Protection Association still had such beauties, he should have jumped ship regardless.

"Who said no?" The companion on the side shrugged, and then said with a gloating smile on his face: "But now that Miss Hong'er has come to us, the situation is different, those grandchildren may be in the toilet now crying."

Thinking about such beautiful beauties, they would cry if they left their side, not to mention those guys who get along with Miss Avril day and night.

"That's right, that's right, I immediately became happy when I heard that." The companion nodded in agreement after hearing the words.

"It seems that the people here are quite easy to fool." Hearing the voice from outside, Avril could not help showing a confident smile on her face.

The breeders who saw this scene laughed even more idiotically.

"Aww~ (Sister, everyone is here, I've already seen them.)"

At this moment, Cheng Hao's voice came from a distance. He walked in front and sniffed the smell on the ground, and said to Sister Hong'er behind him?It's quite like a dog's leg leading the way.

"Why are you so happy, you little villain? What kind of bad water are you holding back?" Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, she felt that Xiaoju seemed very happy, and this was not his illusion, she just wanted to know about Xiaoju What is the little villain happy about?
"Aww~ (You can eat food indiscriminately, but can you talk nonsense. Sister. I am an honest and good tiger. What do you mean holding back bad water?)" Cheng Hao said righteously, he did not hold back bad water.

In this way, elder sister Yuan can't wrong him, he is a super invincible tiger.

"Come on, sister still doesn't know how bad you are, little villain?" Sister Hong'er got annoyed when she heard that, she tapped Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "Let's go, let's go over and see our new colleagues. You Do you know that a little villain is not allowed to make trouble?"

"Aww~ (Why haven't I done this yet, sister, how can you wrong me?)" Cheng Hao said after being hit on the head, hiding the bad thoughts in his heart.

"If you, the little villain, really do it, then it will be too late." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and walked towards Hushe.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately followed.

"Huh? Is this the tiger mentioned in the information?" Avril Lavigne, who was in the tiger house, saw Cheng Hao walking outside, and she couldn't help showing something strange in her eyes.

"Look, look. Miss Avril is looking at me." The breeder standing at the door saw Miss Avril looking here, and said excitedly.

"Nonsense, you're not the only one standing at the door, I think it's right to be looking at me." The breeder who heard this looked at the other party, and immediately opened his mouth where his eyes glanced.

What is looking at each other?This is obviously looking at him, okay?Take a look, isn't it him who is looking at him?

"No, I think they are looking at me." The other breeders standing in the same row said one after another, thinking that Miss Avril was looking at herself.Instead of looking at other people.

While they were arguing, Miss Avril stood up from the ground and walked towards them.

The breeders who saw this scene immediately became excited. They knew that this was a test. Who was Miss Avril looking at?

Miss Avril walked past the first person, and No.1's eyes suddenly revealed a look of unwillingness.

When the second person saw it, he immediately became happy.

But before he was happy for two seconds, the other party walked away from him.The smile on his face froze in an instant.

The faces of the next few people were also full of hope, but in the end they only got disappointment.

Just when they wondered if the other party was going to leave?Avril has already walked up to Sister Hong'er and said hello to Sister Hong'er and Cheng Hao: "Hello! You must be the Miss Hong'er and Xiaoju that Mr. Gardener mentioned."

"Yes, hello! Miss Avril." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er nodded with a smile, and glanced at the other party's elf-like face with a little surprise. Does such a person really exist?

It was like a dream, no wonder everyone said she was beautiful.

"Aww~ (He looks pretty good, but he doesn't feel like a good person.)" Cheng Hao, who was also looking at Avril, muttered.

He admitted that the other party is indeed very beautiful, and to some extent, he has surpassed the breeder's sister.

However, he felt that the other party was not as pure as his appearance, but carried a certain kind of careful thinking.

"Hi, Xiaoju! I'm Avril, nice to meet you." Just as Cheng Hao was muttering, Avril came over and said.

What a cute little tiger, is this the famous Doctor Xiaoju from the Evolution Department?If she hadn't got the information, she would have thought it was just a cute little tiger.

"Aww~ (I don't know you very well, thank you, please don't get so close to me. Besides, if you keep staring at me like this, I will reward you with a paw.)" Cheng Hao, who was suddenly pressed against his face, backed away Open your mouth.

As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.The other party must have conspired against him.

"Calm down, Xiaoju, don't be so nervous." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er hurried forward and hugged Cheng Hao's big round head.And said to Avril: "Miss Avril, please don't get so close, Xiaoju doesn't like someone suddenly like this."

"Is that so? I'm so sorry. I saw him so cute, so I thought he wouldn't be afraid." After hearing this, Avril immediately apologized.

"It's so beautiful, even if it's a mistake. It's so pleasing to the eye."

"Yeah, Xiaoju is really incomprehensible. If there is such a beautiful person in front of me, I will be so happy."


Everyone who saw this scene said with a little envy.

Isn't it tempting for such a beautiful beauty to stick to your face?How can there be someone who backs off and threatens like Xiaoju?

"Aww~ (A group of people who are not at all wary, be careful that your kidneys are stolen from you, and you are still helping to count the money over there.)" Cheng Hao, who heard these breeders' words, said in a bad mood.

Seeing the beauties one by one, I can't walk. Can this blonde girl look like a good person?Be careful that your waist was stolen by you?

"Xiaoju be good, don't swear." Sister Hong'er said close to Cheng Hao's ear, pinching his nose.

Although she was very happy to hear that Xiaoju, whom she had raised since she was a child, did not bend her elbows like these breeders did.But swearing is not a good habit.

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and closed his fragrant mouth.

Later, he is going to ask the principal of the garden, what is the origin of this woman?
"Xiaoju, you are so cute, can I touch you?" Avril squatted down and asked with a smile.

"Sorry! Miss Avril. Xiaoju is very shy and doesn't want to communicate with strangers." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, the other party wanted to communicate with Xiaoju, but Xiaoju just wanted to give him a big hug.

Of course, it is impossible to say such words, otherwise it will affect Xiaoju's image?

"Okay, then I hope we will have a chance to be friends in the future." Avril said with a smile, then she stood up from the ground and said to Sister Hong'er, "Sister Hong'er is here to watch little tigers?"

"No, I just heard that a new colleague has arrived in Huyuan, so I came here to take a look." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, but she didn't mean to hide anything.

"Really? Then I'm really lucky. I don't know if Miss Hong'er plans to observe the little guys with me?" Avril said with a surprised expression when she heard this.Then he invited sister Hong'er to join him.

"Forget about it. I just came back, and I still have a lot of things to deal with. I have to help Xiaoju clean the house. Let's talk about it later when I have time." Sister Hong'er refused with a smile. She just came to take a look at the other party. .

But it is not intended to work with each other.

"Okay, okay, then I hope to have the opportunity to work with Miss Hong'er in the future." Avril Lavigne smiled, then turned and walked towards Hushe.

When Sister Hong'er saw it, she patted the vigilant Cheng Hao: "Let's go, little scoundrel. It's time for us to clean your house."

"Aww~ (Let's go, let's go.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, then bit the bucket and followed Sister Hong'er and left.

I haven't been home for several days, so I need to clean up the hygiene of the house.

I hope the house is not too dirty, otherwise I will be busy.

"The little tigers who are not very friendly, some people who are difficult to deal with. It seems that they are the biggest obstacles this time." Looking at the back of one person and one tiger leaving, Avril muttered.

"You little villain, you just stay there honestly, you know? My sister is going to work now, but I don't have time to play with you." Sister Hong'er came to the house where Cheng Hao lived, and while cleaning it, she said to her Cheng Hao at the door said.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister. You can just clean it with peace of mind.)" Cheng Hao replied, and tapped the concrete pier with his paw.

Soon, nest after nest of ants ran out of it.

"Shusha~ (Wang, what do you need to ask us?)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, Wang.)"

The big ants that ran out rubbed their paws and asked, raising their big shiny black eyes.

"Aww~ (Go and watch for me, that guy who is new to Tiger Park. If you have any information, you can inform me or my sister, you know?)" Cheng Hao said, putting a big piece of jerky on his tail. on the ground.

"Shusha~(Yes, yes, Wang.)"

The ants who heard this nodded their heads and replied, looking at this big piece of jerky, they looked very greedy.

"Aww~ (Well, go to work quickly after eating.)" Cheng Hao said, and walked away.Do not disturb them to eat.

After the ants saw it, they happily enjoyed the jerky.

In a short time, he ate up the jerky, then got into the gap of the concrete pier and headed towards the dormitory.

"Xiaoju, how much underground power have you developed?" Sister Hong'er asked after cleaning, looking at the dried meat that was gone.

Xiaoju, the little villain, really has a lot of animals under him.Even the cement pipes hide his subordinates, what is he trying to do?
"Aww~ (Not much, not much, it's just that these little guys are seeking my protection. I recruited them along the way.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao explained, sweeping the ground with his tail.

Use leaves to cover the gaps where the ants come out, so as not to be flooded when it rains later.

"The little villain is not very old, but he has a lot of eyes." Sister Hong'er couldn't help shaking her head when she heard this, and then continued to work.

If Xiaoju sent the ants to spy on each other, what information could they get?Nature is the best.

If you can't get it, you have nothing to lose.

Thinking of this, sister Hong'er relaxed and continued cleaning.

"How is Xiao Chen? Is there any improvement in the matter I asked you to check?" In the director's office, the director asked Chen Min on the other end of the phone while holding the phone.

"I checked Avril's information and found that she is indeed a member of the International Animal Protection Organization. Moreover, there is no sign that she is a spy of another country." Chen Min looked at the information exported from the computer and said, the other party Everything about his background and educational experience is normal, and there is nothing suspicious about it.

"It's like this, maybe I'm too suspicious?" The principal said when he heard the words, and even the department didn't find anything wrong with the other party?It seems that I may indeed be too suspicious.

"It's also possible that we haven't found anything wrong with her for the time being. Don't worry, Mr. Advisor, we will continue to investigate her." Chen Min who heard this said, the suspicion of Mr. Advisor is probably not groundless.

This Marceline definitely has a big problem, otherwise, she wouldn't have come here at this point in time.

"Well, I'll trouble you then." The headmaster smiled.

"No trouble, no trouble, Mr. Consultant, I will hang up the call first." Chen Min said, ready to ask some people about the identity of this guy.

"Okay." The director smiled and put away the phone.



And in the girls' dormitory, a group of ants are entering the dormitory where the other party lives along the crack of the door and the smell.

At the beginning, they settled in the cracks of the door and the corner of the wall, and waited for the other party to come back to conduct eavesdropping operations.

"These guys are really annoying, they entangled me one by one, so that I couldn't find any information." After getting rid of a group of breeders, Avril lavigne returned to her dormitory with a sigh.

As an excellent agent, she often relies on her identity as a zoologist to scout for intelligence everywhere.

Of course, this will also cause her a little trouble.

For example, no matter what she was doing this time, she was surrounded by a group of flies, which made it impossible for her to work properly.

I hope it will be better after a while, when these guys are familiar with her.It won't bother her like this anymore.

As for now, let's wait and see what happens, don't make any small moves,

Otherwise, it would be bad to reveal your identity.

Thinking of this, Avril went to take a shower.

The ants began to search the entire room, looking for suspicious objects carried by the other party.

When the time comes, I will ask the "king" for credit.

"Aww~ (Grandpa Director, are you there?)" After night fell, I met a figure and knocked on the door of the Director's room furtively.

"Of course it is. What are you doing here so late, little guy? Do you want to sleep with grandpa?" The director who opened the door asked with a smile, letting Cheng Hao slip in.

"Aww~ (Of course not, I own a house myself. I don't want to sleep with you, grandpa.")
"Aww~ (I came here to ask you, grandpa, what's the matter with that foreigner?)" Cheng Hao asked after he walked into the room, holding the door with his tail.

"You mean Ms. Avril? She is from the International Animal Protection Organization, and she has something to do here. What's the matter, do you have any bad thoughts about her, you little villain?" Handed it to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he took a bite of the walnut cake.


"Aww~ (I'm not interested in her, I just don't think she's a good person.)" Cheng Hao said while sitting on a chair, holding a walnut cake in his two paws.

Sure enough, as the old saying goes, there is something to eat when you come to grandparents' house. It seems that you have to get closer to grandpa in the future.

"Oh? You little villain, can you tell that she is not a good person? Then you tell grandpa that she is not a good person?" The principal immediately became interested when he heard this, and asked with a smile.

Even Xiaoju could see that Avril's purpose was not pure, and it seemed that his intuition was right.

"Aww~ (Intuition.)" Cheng Hao licked the scraps on his paws and said, "Aww~ (Although I don't know the details, but I have sent little ants to monitor her.)"

"Aww~ (Grandpa, remember not to let anyone else put insect repellant in the tiger garden again. Also don't put rat poison, I still need to rely on these little guys to monitor her.)"

"Okay, our little orange is the smartest, grandpa will do it." Hearing the director here said with a smile, he didn't expect that Xiaoju would be one step ahead of him and send small animals to monitor Avril.

(End of this chapter)

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