Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 169 I'm Numb, Completely Numb

Chapter 169 I'm Numb, Completely Numb
"Aww~ (That's fine, Grandpa, go to bed early. I have to cross the river.)" Cheng Hao said, then turned and left.

"Go, go, you little rascal." The director smiled and watched Cheng Hao leave the room.



After leaving the room, Cheng Hao went straight to the forest behind the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

He still wants to talk to his younger brothers, but he has no time to delay here.

"This little guy..." Seeing the figure fading away in the dark night, the director could not help but smile and closed the door.

The night is cool and dark.

Cheng Hao turned into a cat cat balloon, which floated across the river bulging.It landed in the forest on the other side, and ran towards the place where the younger brothers usually gather.

He had to check to see if the younger brothers had been contaminated with something that shouldn't be contaminated because of yesterday's battle, such as the damn mycelium.

The death of the big mushroom does not mean that the mycelia will die, so we still need to check it carefully.

Don't let his little brother be sucked up by the mushrooms.

"Baa baa~ (Wang, you are here, I knew you would definitely come.)"


As soon as Cheng Hao entered the forest, a large herd of wild sheep surrounded him happily.

The shaking little head and shaking little feet mean that they are very happy now.

"Aww~ (Since I said I would come, I will come.)" Cheng Hao, who heard this, waved his paws indifferently and said, "Aww~ (How is it? Are you all okay? ? Nobody got the damn mycelium.)”

"Baa baa~ (Report to the king, everyone is in good condition, and there is no mycelium contamination.)" The head sheep who heard this replied.

"Aww~ (That's good. You can continue to watch your subordinates here. I'm going to take a look elsewhere. See if they have any problems?)" Cheng Hao said, and walked away The territory of wild goats.

"Baa baa~ (Yes, king.)" The head sheep replied after hearing the words, and continued to patrol with his flock of sheep.

They are Wang's most solid subordinates, and they will work hard to protect the safety of the entire mountain forest on the front line.No matter who wants to move this territory, they have to ask their opinions.



The wind blew the woods, and the night passed unknowingly.

And Cheng Hao also quietly returned to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain when the sky was getting dark.

After spending a whole night patrolling in the forest, he returned to the house.Just entered the dream directly, looking for the paradise of meat.

And when he fell asleep, a group of ants in the girls' dormitory were also busy at this time.

"Shusha~ (Come on, work hard, work hard.)"

The ants moved an object with a lace border on the butterfly festival, climbed down from the window of the dormitory, and headed towards the enclosure of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

They searched each other's dormitory for a long time, and the only thing they found was that the other's thing was a little abnormal, so they were going to take it back for Wang to have a good look at.

Look at what the "Wang" is looking for, is this the thing?
"Huh? What kind of smell is this? Who put the dirty things next to me?" Cheng Hao, who was sleeping, smelled a bad smell, and then woke up from the dream, when he saw the thing next to his head.

The whole tiger's head was about to explode, why did this thing appear here?

"Shusha~ (Report to the king, we have been lurking in that guy's room for a long time, looking for all suspicious things, and finally let us find this thing.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, Wang. This thing is so evil, it looks transparent, but no one can wear it.)"

After seeing Cheng Hao waking up, the ants spoke one after another.

Inside the big black eyes, there was a look of asking for credit.

This time they brought back this suspicious thing, isn't Wang very happy?
"Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I asked you guys to bring it back, and it's not mysterious, okay?)" Hearing that, Cheng Hao's whole body was almost numb.This group of ants brought him other people's private things, and when the other party checks and monitors, won't he lose his fame for the first time?
No, he must not allow himself to suffer such infamy, and he didn't let these ants bring them here, so he must get rid of this thing as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao looked at the ants and said, "Aww~ (You came all the way, didn't you get caught by surveillance?)"

"Shusha~ (Of course not, we have always followed your instructions and acted carefully.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, we are amazing.)" the ants who heard this said, their faces were full of pride. They are just great.

"Aww~ (That's good, that's good.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and looked at the ants waiting for their compliments and said, "Aww~ (You little guys, give me this thing quickly Send it back, this thing is not a suspicious item.)”

"Shusha~ (Impossible? Wang. We haven't seen this kind of thing before. This thing must be a suspicious item.)"

"Shusha~ (That's right, Wang, you see, this thing is so powerful, it looks like it's transparent, but we can't get through it.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, we've never seen anything like this, it must be a suspicious item.)"

As soon as the ants heard the king asked them to bring back the things they brought, they immediately told the reason why they brought this thing here.

This thing is obviously very suspicious, didn't Wang see it?
"Aww~ (Are you the king or am I the king? You little guys have stiff wings and are disobedient, aren't you?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao cursed with veins on his forehead, these little guys Why are you so stubborn?
He said that this thing was either a suspicious item or not, but these little guys dared to talk back, and it seemed that they had never been beaten.

"Shusha~ (No, no, no.)" The ants shook their heads and replied, each of them kept silent.

I don't understand why the king is so angry?
"Aww~ (Okay, you guys find a way to send this thing back to me, get it done as soon as possible before dawn, and don't let anyone find out. Understand?)" Seeing the trembling of the little ants, Cheng Hao said in a calm tone.

To be honest, I can't blame these little ants. After all, they are just some ants. How do they know what can and cannot be picked?

These things that are commonplace for human beings may be those things full of novelty for them.

"Shusha~ (Yes, Wang.)" The little ants who heard this nodded their heads, and then said:
"Shusha~ (But this thing is a bit difficult to move, if we want to move it back? I'm afraid it won't be that easy, can we put it somewhere else?)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, yeah, and it's already more than half of the daylight now, we must be easy to be spotted on the way back, and the dormitory building is so tall.)"

It’s impossible to go back now, after all, the sky is already bright like this, and the people in Huyuan will wake up soon, but it shouldn’t be a big problem to put it in other places. Now it depends on whether Wang Tong agrees with them. Done?

"Aww~ (As long as you can take care of this thing, it doesn't matter where you put it.)" Cheng Hao didn't care when he heard this, and waved his paw?

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly thought of something and said: "Aww~ (I remember, don't throw it at the door of the principal's grandpa, do you know? You can throw it at the door of other guys.)"

If these little ants throw this thing at the gate of the garden director's grandpa at that time, it will be a lot of fun to watch.

Although he really wanted to see the principal's grandfather suffer bad luck, it's better not to do this kind of thing, after all, it's a bit too wicked.

Maybe the principal's grandfather will be so angry that he will have a cerebral hemorrhage when the time comes.

"Shusha~ (We know Wang, don't worry, we will have no problem doing things.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, yeah, you just take care of it.)" The little ants replied, carrying the items and leaving along the corner of the wall.

"Aww~ (Finally, this big trouble has been solved, but who will be so unlucky then?)" Cheng Hao muttered, looking at the direction where the little ants left.

Then he lay back in his nest and went to sleep.

"Shusha~ (Do you think this thing is so bad? Why is Wang Jian so angry?)"

"Shusha~ (I don't know either, but since the king said so, there must be a reason.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, let's get rid of this thing quickly, and don't leave any trouble for the king.)"

The ants carrying the objects "swipe" forward, discussed, and disappeared outside Cheng Hao's pen after a few steps.

After a while, they will already run a long distance. Although they are small in size, their speed is not slow at all, even much faster than humans.

Only when they were advancing, the sun also slowly climbed up from the bottom of the mountain, gradually driving away the fog with an orange light.

"Shusha~ (It's not good, it's not good, the sun will come out soon.)" Seeing the light gradually catching up behind him, some ants panicked.

At this point in time, it would be bad if they bumped into the breeder who came out.It will expose all the king's plans.

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, what should I do now?)" The other ants were also a little anxious after hearing this.

"Shusha~ (Don't worry, where are you looking.)" The big ant looked at the figure in the distance.

A pair of dark eyes could not help but emit a sly light.

"Shusha~ (Hey, there is actually a person waking up so early, what do you mean?)" The other ants immediately understood what the other ants were thinking when they heard the words.

"Shusha~ (Yes, I mean this, how do you say this?)" the big ant asked out loud.

"Shusha~ (There is no other way, so I will do as you said.)"

"Shusha~(That's right, that's right.)"

The other ants also said, although I can't say anything about this guy, but who made him unlucky?Appeared in front of them, and they didn't have time to rush to the dormitory.

The ants who made the decision quietly approached the breeder who was feeding the tiger.

Then he put the items into the opponent's bucket, and then ran away against the weed-covered wall without looking back.

At this time, the breeder who was feeding the tiger while humming did not know that he was singing enthusiastically:
"Ah! My love. My Avril, do you love me? Do you know?"


"Aww~(I said can you stop singing, you sing so badly, don't force me to beat you, you know? My fist is not a joke.)"

The tiger, who was eating meat, said with a distorted expression, although he is a good tiger and usually does not beat people, but what he wanted to say was.

This guy in front of him is really about to piss him off. The other party's singing is really terrible, it's almost like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

And this guy is not even a little conscious.

Just when he was about to use his claws, he suddenly saw what the little ants were doing, and the whole tiger stopped moving immediately, but showed a sinister smile.

If you want to ask him why he showed such a smile, the reason is very simple, because the things these little ants put in this guy's bucket, he has seen in the city, seem to be the private items of female humans, if this guy is found If he didn't, the opponent would be beaten violently if he didn't make a move.

Thinking of this, the tiger was very happy.

Standing, even the chaotic voice of the other party was subconsciously blocked.

The other party sang slowly, just sing casually, how happy is the singing now?It will be so miserable when the other party cries.

"Little Chestnut, you've finished feeding your meat. The rest of the meat belongs to other tigers." The breeder who put the meat away said, then turned around and left the pen to go to the next pen.

Then take him to close the door and prepare to carry the bucket.

I saw the things in the barrel, and suddenly my whole person became short of breath:
"This...this is?"

The breeder blushed, carefully took out the contents of the bucket, then looked around nervously, but found no one around.

Suddenly, a look of ecstasy appeared.

Could it be that this is God's revelation to him?Let him pursue love bravely. Thinking of this, the breeder couldn't help but get excited.

Immediately carrying the bucket, happily went to find love.

"Aww~ (This guy, what's going on? Why does he look so happy? Could it be that his brain was kicked by a donkey?)" Seeing this scene, the tiger in the blue couldn't help muttering to the other party. Shouldn't the time be frightened?Why do you look so happy?Tiger really can not understand it.

"It's strange, where did the thing go? I put it here yesterday, how could it disappear? Could it be that I saw a ghost?" In the female dormitory on the other side, Avril Lavigne woke up and started Ready to do laundry.

But no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find her private items.

All of a sudden, she felt bad, she clearly remembered that her things were here.How could it be gone after waking up?

This made her very puzzled, but no matter how puzzled she was, it was obviously impossible to spread this kind of thing to the outside world, so she could only wash other clothes.

"Miss Avril, are you coming out to do the laundry too?" When she walked to the special laundry room, she saw someone else inside, and she took a closer look to see that it was Sister Hong'er.

"Yes, Miss Hong'er. Did you also get up so early to wash clothes?" Avril Lavigne said with a smile, and walked to another faucet.

And at this moment, what did she suddenly remember?He asked Miss Hong'er next to him, "Miss Hong'er, may I ask, has anyone lost anything in the dormitory before?"

"Did you lose something? No. What's the matter! Ms. Avril, did you lose something?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she heard the words, how could things be lost in the dormitory for no reason?What did the other party lose?
"Yes, I can't find something. I don't know if I forgot where I put it? Or was it stolen by some small animals? So I want to ask Miss Hong'er, do you people who live here often know ?” Avril said, everyone is a woman, she thought the other party should not talk nonsense, so she dared to ask with confidence.

"Like this?" After hearing this, Miss Hong'er thought for a while and said, "Miss Avril, wait for me a little bit, I'll help you to ask."

Since it was lost in the dormitory building, maybe they knew about it.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble Miss Hong'er." Avril said with a smile, and saw Hong'er sister walked to the window sill and shouted: "Yu Ya, are you there? Can you come here? My sister wants to ask you something .”

"Wow~ (What's the matter? What's the matter with my sister?)"

"Wow~ (Yeah yeah, sister just ask.)"

After the crows standing on the branches outside heard the shout, they immediately flew over with their wings and landed in front of Sister Hong'er.

"It's like this, crows, this sister lost her things, I want to ask if you have seen anything suspicious?" Sister Hong'er pointed to Avril at the side and said to the crows.

The crows who heard this looked at Avril and said:
"Wow~ (No, it's been quite quiet in the dormitory recently, we haven't seen anything.)"

"Whoah~ (Yeah, not even the big fat mouse.)"

"Really? Then my sister knows, you go back first, and later my sister will eat in the cafeteria, so you come with me." Sister Hong'er smiled and said while stroking their heads.

"Wow~ (Ok, ok.)" the crows replied, and left with flapping wings.

"Miss Hong'er, did you find out anything?" Avril on the side asked with a smile after seeing it.

She didn't show any surprise, after all, she knew the opponent's ability before she came.

"I'm very sorry, it's not there. The crows said they didn't see any suspicious people entering the dormitory, so Ms. Avril, I'm afraid you have to look for it more carefully." Sister Hong'er said embarrassingly.

"It's okay, it's okay. Maybe I forgot where to put it?" Avril Lavigne smiled and continued to wash clothes.

Seeing this, Hong'er couldn't help rubbing her chin.As he was thinking about it, the words he heard yesterday afternoon suddenly appeared in his mind.

Immediately remembered that fluffy figure.

Xiaoju, the little villain, could it be that he stole Miss Avril's things?But it shouldn't be, what is Xiaoju doing stealing Miss Avril's things?This is obviously not quite right.

But if it wasn't Xiaoju who did it, how would he explain the disappearance of the other party's items?It seems that it is still necessary to go to Xiaoju to ask for clarification.

Thinking of this, sister Hong'er continued to wash clothes.

When I was about to feed Xiaoju after washing, by the way, what happened?

The sun was shining, and it was so lively outside.

When Cheng Hao was still wandering in the dreamland, he found that his little ears had been lifted.

"Aww~ (Sister, what are you doing waking me up this early in the morning? I haven't had enough sleep yet.)" Smiling at the familiar scent, even if Cheng Hao didn't open his eyes, he didn't know who it was Tired of him?

"Are you still in the mood to sleep, you little villain? My sister asked you. Why are you stealing Miss Avril's things, you little villain?" Sister Hong'er, holding Cheng Hao's ear, said angrily. This little villain slept soundly. Ah, the loud sound of snoring is like drumming.

"Aww~ (What stealing? I've been sleeping here since yesterday. Sister, don't slander me for no reason, okay? I'm a really innocent tiger.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao I couldn't help but panic, but still very firmly stated that I didn't know anything after asking three questions.

"You little villain hasn't touched, but the little guys under your command may not be sure." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and said: "You little villain, do you still want to play tricks on your sister? Hurry up." Tell me the truth about the bad things you did."

"Otherwise, sister will make public what you did."

"Aww~ (Don't, don't. This matter is really none of my business, I just let the ants watch him.)"

"(Who knew that the little ants would bring out her personal belongings? Elder sister, if you want to find them, go to the little ants, don't embarrass me, a little tiger.)" After hearing what the red sister said, Cheng Hao Immediately panicked, knowing that sister Hong'er might have caught the little ants, she begged for mercy.

Why are these little ants warriors so careless? Didn't he tell them not to disturb everyone?Why they just can't understand, now it's good, he's implicated too.

"Okay, so it turns out that you, a little villain, did this thing. My sister only wanted to try you, but I didn't expect you to be a little villain." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and couldn't help pinching Cheng Hao's ear. I used a lot of force: "Tell my sister quickly, you little villain, where did you put Miss Avril's personal belongings?"

Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this, pawed his paws on the ground and said angrily:
"Aww~ (Sister lied to the tiger, I was fooled, I was fooled.)"

I didn't expect the breeder's sister to cheat him like this, it was too insidious and despicable.

"Stop talking nonsense here, hurry up and tell my sister where you little scoundrel did Dong XZ?" Sister Hong'er said angrily upon hearing this.

"Aww~ (How do I know this? I asked the little ant to send her things back the same way. As for where they were sent, I don't know.)" Cheng Hao replied, lifting his stubborn head.

"Nonsense, Ms. Avril. I haven't received her personal belongings at all. If you let those little ants come out, my sister will ask them in person, where did they send the things?" Hong'er sister said angrily, He tapped Cheng Hao's head.

"Aww~ (It's no problem for me to call the little ants out, but sister, you can't hit them.)" Cheng Hao said, as the big brother of the little ants.

He has the responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of his younger brothers.

"Got it, got it, my sister just asked where they sent the things, and she won't do anything to them, why are you so nervous?" Sister Hong'er said unhappily, Xiaoju, the little villain himself It's hard to guarantee, and I'm still pretending to be garlic here. Believe it or not, she gave him a big chestnut meal?
"Aww~ (That's good.)" Cheng Hao said, got up from the ground, and walked to the gap where the ants were sitting with small steps.

"End to end"

Cheng Hao raised his paw and knocked on the wall and said, "Aww~ (All the little guys come out of the wall, I have something to ask you.)"



After Cheng Hao's words fell, the sound of intensive footsteps came from the corner of the wall.Soon one after another big black ants ran out.

"Shusha~ (Wang, what do you want us to do?)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, yeah, do you want us to accompany you to dinner?)"

The big black ants that ran out looked at Cheng Hao in front of them and asked.

Hearing this, Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said:

"Aww~ (The king asked you to come out, not to let you eat, I ask you, where did you send that thing?)"

"Aww~ (Didn't I tell you where to get it and where to send it back?)"

"Shusha~ (Report to the king, we sent the things back according to what you said.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, Wang.)"

The ants who heard this nodded and replied.

"Aww~ (Nonsense, you guys didn't follow my order to send the things there at all, tell me quickly, where did you send the things?)" Cheng Hao scolded angrily when he heard the words, these little guys They also sent things back, and sent back a hammer.

If it was really sent back, my sister would not have found him.

"Shusha~ (We sent it back, but we didn't send it back the same way.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, yeah, it was too late at that time, we couldn't move on. So I gave it to the breeder who was feeding the tiger.)" the ants explained, and they sent it back That's right, it's just that it wasn't delivered to the right person, but they believed that the other party would definitely deliver it for them.

"You didn't send the things back, but just handed them over to other breeders? Who did you hand them over to?" Sister Hong'er asked after hearing this.

From this point of view, Xiaoju really didn't lie to her, he really asked the little guys to send the things back.

"Shusha~(A male human breeder.)" The ants who heard this replied.


Immediately, Miss Hong'er heard the words.

The whole person was speechless for a long time, this group of little ants really knew how to work, and sent that kind of private item to the male breeder, even if the male breeder got it, he would not dare to return it to Miss Avril.

If this is paid back, wouldn't he be regarded as a male thief?
Cheng Hao was also shocked. It was outrageous that this group of little ants handed over such a thing to the male breeder.

"Shusha~(What's wrong? Wang. Did we do something wrong?)"

"Shusha~(Yeah, Wang.)"

Seeing a man and a tiger who were speechless at the same time, the little ants expressed a little panic. Although they didn't understand what was going on, judging from the current situation, they seemed to have caused trouble.

"Aww~ (Sister, do you want to go to that guy again and get the things back.)" Cheng Hao ignored the little ants, but asked Sister Hong'er at the side.

Since it was sent by mistake, then go and get it back, it is reasonable to say that it is about the same.

"Let's forget it, otherwise everyone in Tiger Garden will think it's haunted." Sister Hong'er shook her head when she heard this.

The little ants have already done this kind of thing once, what if they do it a second time?Getting caught is bad.

Forget it, let this matter pass like this.

"Aww~ (Okay, sister.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard the words, and said to the standing ants: "Aww~ (You guys don't do this next time, you know? I'll let you go Monitored her, and didn't let you move things back. If you are found out, you will all be finished.)”

"Shusha~(Yes, Wang. We won't do it next time.)" the ants who were reprimanded said, saying that they would never make such a mistake again next time.

"Okay, Xiaoju. Don't be too strict with them. They are just a group of ants. How can they know so many things?" Sister Hong'er stroked their little heads and said, "You little guys Don't do this kind of thing next time, you know?"

"Shusha~ (Yes, sister.)" The ants whose heads were rubbed replied, a pair of big black gem-like eyes revealed a strange expression.

This is my sister?It's really gentle.

"Is that right? You little fellows can go back." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and the ants turned their heads and left.

"Aww~ (Sister, did you see it? This matter really has nothing to do with me, I am also a victim.)" After seeing the little ants leave, Cheng Hao said.

He said he was innocent, sister always believes now, right?
"Understood, sister understands. But you little villain will explain clearly to the little ants next time, do you understand? They don't have such a high IQ, how can they understand what you are going to do?" Sister Hong'er stroked Cheng Hao's big head reminded.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister, I will definitely make it clear to these guys next time.)" Cheng Hao nodded and replied.

"That's fine, you little rascal, eat breakfast slowly, my sister is going to work now." Sister Hong'er got up and said, patted Cheng Hao's big buttocks.

Tell him to go to breakfast quickly and don't sleep anymore.

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Cheng Hao nodded and went to eat with small steps.

And in the boys' dormitory, the breeder who put away the things also came out refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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