Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 170 Are You Showing Off To Ben Hu Here?

Chapter 170 Are You Showing Off To Ben Hu Here? (Thank you brothers for the first time I saw a thousand monthly tickets, 555~)

"How is it? You little villain asked the little ants to investigate. Have you found anything?"

Not long after Miss Hong'er left the pen, the principal came over.

He looked at Cheng Hao who was lying sprawled on the ground and asked with a smile, and rubbed his round head with his hands, as if he was coiling something.

"Oh~ (So far, nothing has been investigated.)" Cheng Hao, who was coiled, patted the crossed hands of the director and said, "Oh~ (Grandpa, you are not careless about this matter.) Why? Why are you getting sad again now?)”

"Who told you that grandpa doesn't care?" Hearing this, the principal said angrily, "If grandpa didn't care, why would he come to you so early in the morning?"

"Aww~ (That's true, so why don't you check it yourself, Grandpa, in such a hurry?)" Cheng Hao asked with a yawn, since Grandpa is in such a hurry?Then make a move yourself, don't keep waiting for news from him.

"Who told you that grandpa didn't check it himself? Grandpa did it, but he didn't find any useful clues." Hearing this, the principal said in a bad mood, and reached out and knocked Cheng Hao's head : "That's why we have to invite our powerful Xiaoju to play."

"Aww~(Of course, it seems that you are quite resourceful, Grandpa? I will let the little ant continue to pay attention to her situation. If there is nothing else, you can leave, Grandpa.)" Cheng Hao said, closing the door Close your eyes and get ready to go back to sleep.

Such a beautiful time, of course, is going to have a hearty sleep, as for other things, naturally have to be discussed later.

"You little rascal, don't let grandpa leave. Grandpa came to see you for something." The director said angrily, and reached out to pat Cheng Hao's big butt.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, isn't your job just to ask me how that woman is? Why are there other things?)" Cheng Hao barely raised his eyelids and asked, why does grandpa have so many things every day? He can't Looking for another tiger?
"Of course there are other things. Otherwise, why did Grandpa come to you? Get up quickly, you little scoundrel. The department has sent someone over." The principal urged.

"Aww~ (Why did the department send people over again? Did something happen to them?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help showing a tired look on his face. Why are these guys so overwhelmed? ?There are things every day, and I need his help every day.

When will it grow into a department that relies on itself?

"Nothing happened to the department, it's just that someone needs to treat the infected people. Isn't it because you are not there? So the department sent them to the guard garden, and now they are waiting at the building What about you." The director smiled and pushed Cheng Hao's mouth: "So can you hurry up, you little villain? Don't keep everyone waiting."

"Aww~ (I knew the department was waiting for me every day.)" Cheng Hao got up from the ground when he heard this.

"You can't say that, who gave you this ability? As the saying goes, with great ability comes great responsibility." The principal said with a smile.

"Aww~ (forget it, I don't want to take on so many responsibilities, I'm just an ordinary little tiger.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and jumped on the sightseeing car driven by the director: " Aww~ (Grandpa, come up quickly, stop dawdling, didn’t you say you want my help? Why are you still dawdling?)”

"Okay, you little rascal." The director said with a smile, but he didn't get urged by Cheng Hao, so he immediately jumped into the driving seat.I drove the sightseeing car to the complex building of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

"Why do so many people come to the tiger park today? What are they doing here?" Avril asked the breeder beside her after watching one after another bus enter the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

She saw this situation when she came together today, and she didn't know what happened?
"Miss Avril, what are you talking about?" The breeders at the side said with a smile, "Those who were infected with mycelium were sent here, and they need Xiaoju's treatment."

They didn't know what was going on?But after just inquiring about it, I understood the cause and effect.

"Um, instead of sending these people to the Evolver department, are they sent to the Tiger Park instead?" Avril was a little surprised when she heard this.

But I didn't expect that the relationship between Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park and the evolution department would be so good.

"Of course, now that the department is changing and there is no way to deal with mycelium, Xiaoju has to deal with the troubles."

"So it would be easier to just send it to our Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?"

"Yeah, anyway, it's going to come to us in the end."

The breeders heard this and explained with a smile.

Is the final result of these seven twists and eight twists still the same?So why bother with nothing?Wouldn't it be easier to send people directly to them?

"It turned out to be like this." Avril nodded suddenly after hearing this, and said, "Then can I go over there to see Xiaoju's diagnosis and treatment process? I'm still quite curious about this kind of thing."

Xiaoju actually wants to conduct on-site diagnosis and treatment in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain?Then just take a look at the process of diagnosis and treatment to provide information for the organization.

She believed that after the organization had this information, it would definitely be able to deal with these mycelium better.

"We don't know about this, but we suggest Miss Avril, you'd better not watch it."

"Yeah, what's so good about this thing? It won't be good if it gets infected."

"That's right, when the time comes, these mycelium will crawl all over your body, turning you into a weird animal."

"That's right, let's go and see the little tiger. The little tiger is much more interesting than these." The breeders who heard this said.

Although they want to laugh at Pomeranians, they are not so stupid as to make fun of their own health. Who knows if they will be infected with these hyphae and have any sequelae?

At that time, they don't know whether they can apply for insurance or whether they can be cured well, so they think unnecessary risks are still unnecessary.

"But I'm really curious about this, can everyone help me?" Avril Lavigne said, blinking her big eyes and looking at the crowd, the sun shining on her made her look so pitiful, helpless and petite .

Seeing this scene, everyone's anger and blood surged immediately, and they couldn't help feeling the desire to protect, and immediately forgot everything just now.

"Okay, Miss Avril, please wait a moment, we will go and ask you for you."

"Yes, Miss Avril, just wait for us, we will be fine soon."

The breeders said, and ran towards the complex with strides.

They will definitely let the principal agree to Miss Avril's request, and Ms. Avril will just wait for their good news.

"This group of trash can be considered useful." Seeing the scene of them running away, Avril Lavigne's pitiful appearance disappeared immediately.

Waiting for these guys to give her good news.

"Dear breeders, you don't seem to be infected, right? What are you doing here?" The team members guarding the gate saw it, and asked the breeders who came over.

Some people don't understand what are they doing here?First, they are not infected, second, they do not belong to the department, and third, they do not know any medical methods.

Of course, the method of rescuing animals does not work well on humans.And even if it works, they dare not let them use it.

"We want to come over and ask, can we go in and have a look in person?"

"Yes, yes, we are very interested in this." The breeders who were stopped said with a smile, as if they were going to show them how sincere they were?
But obviously, the players don't like this.

They looked at the breeders in front of them and said, "Everyone, don't be joking. This job of rescue and treatment is not a fun thing. If one is not good, it is very likely to be infected."

"That's right, if something happens to everyone, we won't be able to explain it to Mr. Principal."

"Yes, I also hope that everyone can make things easier and don't embarrass us."

If this really puts these guys in?In case something happens, they won't be able to afford to walk around.

They put them in only if they have a hole in their brains. Isn't this just looking for trouble?
"Don't be like this, it's convenient to do it in one way."

"Yeah, yeah, everyone, if you don't look up or look down, just give it a face."

"That's right, that's right, don't be so rigid." The breeders who heard this said with a smile, trying to get away with it.

But the team members didn't intend to muddle through with them, and still blocked them outside.

This made the breeders a little anxious. This is obviously their place in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, but now they are stopped by outsiders.Miss Avril was still waiting for their return with good news.

"You guys don't go to work, what are you doing here when you have nothing to do? Is your skin itchy?" Just when they were in a dilemma, a familiar voice came over.

Immediately, they sensed that the savior was coming, and hurried to the director and said, "Director, we want to see how Xiaoju treats the patients. Just tell them and let us go in."

"Yeah, yeah, we promise we won't make trouble, just take a look."

"Yes, yes."

"The hobbies of you guys are really weird." Hearing this, the principal said angrily, "Want to see it? Are you afraid?"

"Yes, yes." The breeders who heard this nodded.Smile for the Pomeranians, they are also desperate.

"Then go, remember not to make trouble, let alone cause trouble to everyone. Otherwise? I will kick you out." The principal warned.

"Yes, Director." The breeders who heard this said happily, then turned their heads and ran in one direction.

"Are you bastards overjoyed? Where are you going when the gate is here?" Seeing this scene, the principal scolded angrily.

Where are these idiots going?The gate is right in front of them, why are they still going there?
"Mr. Principal, we know where the gate is. We are now notifying Miss Avril."

"Yes, Director. We'll be here soon." The breeders who heard this said, and continued to run towards the distance.

"Aww~ (This group of idiots are so happy after being taken advantage of by others, they are really stupid to death.)" Cheng Hao muttered angrily on the side, and he said how could this group of guys be curious about such things ?Sure enough, someone is playing tricks.

And this troublemaker is obviously the so-called Avril Lavigne.

"You can't say that, at least they still look a little bit smart." The director smiled and touched Cheng Hao's head and said, he was not worried that the other party made any moves, what he was worried about was that the other party did not move at all.

This is the most terrifying thing, and now that the other party has acted, it just proves that their previous guess is correct, and that the other party is indeed here with a purpose.

"Aww~ (Indeed, they all look very smart.)" Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said, from another perspective, they are indeed very smart.I almost wrote the words "great wisdom" on my forehead.

"Okay, you little villain, don't think so much, now is not the time to talk about this, we should go to work." The director reminded.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, and walked into the complex building.

"Miss Avril, let's go. We can go in and see Xiaoju for treatment now."

"Yes, yes, Miss Avril." The breeders who ran up to Avril said with a smile, their faces were full of complacency, as if they had completed some task.

"Really? Thank you all handsome guys." Avril said happily after hearing this.

I didn't expect these guys to really succeed after they went.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, Miss Avril, let's hurry over."

"Yes, yes, the diagnosis and treatment will start soon."

Everyone said, Avril Lavigne smiled and followed them to the complex.

In the complex building, Cheng Hao had already treated the infected patients.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, you have been cured, go down quickly, the next one will come.)"

Cheng Hao, who put on his white coat again, waved his paws and said, telling them to put down one of them quickly.

"The next patient, come here." The team members on the side shouted familiarly after seeing it.

They followed Chen Hao for so long, and as long as the other party waved their paws, they would know what the other party meant.

"Miss Avril is here for diagnosis and treatment. It seems that we are not too late to catch up with Xiaoju just in time."

"Yeah, let's go in quickly." The breeders who approached the diagnosis room said, and then walked towards the diagnosis room.

"Okay, okay." Hearing this love, I wanted to laugh until I gently touched my fingers, and a faint white light appeared on the glasses I was wearing.

He began to record everything around him, and prepared to record the things here.At that time, it will be transferred back to the organization.

"Two patients, please put your hands on the table, and leave everything to Dr. Xiaoju. You don't have to worry." The team member of the consulting room said to the patients who came in.

"Okay, okay." The patient who heard this nodded and replied, and then sat on the seat.

Then Cheng Hao put his two paws on their hands, and the scene that had been staged countless times soon happened again.

The mushrooms on these patients shrank all of a sudden.In the blink of an eye, it's gone.

"Is it solved like this?" Avril Lavigne couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw this scene, with a look of horror in her eyes.

What method did the other party use?Why can't I see it at all?It's really confusing.

"It's amazing, what's the reason for this?"

"That's right, that's right, what did Xiaoju do?" The male breeders on the side also nodded and said, showing a thoughtful look.

Although they couldn't figure out how the principle was going on, they were shocked.

After all, I don't understand this kind of thing.It still needs to be pretended, otherwise?Miss Avril thought they didn't understand anything.

"Aww~ (You guys know a hammer, please keep your voice down. Don't disturb this doctor's consultation, or you will be kicked out.)" Cheng Hao said unhappily when he heard their voices, and the group of guys pretended to understand Forget it, it's still noisy here.

"You guys, please keep your voices down. If you keep making noise, I'll throw you out." The director looked at the group of people with thoughtful faces and said. This group of guys also want to understand the principle of Xiaoju's diagnosis and treatment?Then they really thought a little too much.

If only they could all figure it out so easily?Then Xiaoju's ability is not precious.

"Yes, we will keep our voices low." The breeders who heard this said quickly, and then stood obediently in a row watching.

To be honest, it's boring to just stand here and look at it, they can't see anything, and they don't know what's so good about this thing?

But who makes the beauty like it?They can only watch it together.

"What method did Xiaoju use to help these parasitized people clean up the hyphae in their bodies? How did he do it?" Avril's eyes moved slightly, looking at the sitting patients very curiously, if not Because there were so many people around, she wanted to go up and experience Xiaoju's methods by herself.

After all, it is not as good as trying to experiment by yourself.

Only by experimenting for yourself can you understand the mystery.

Thinking of this, Avril could not help thinking carefully.

It is definitely not acceptable to contact Xiaoju for no reason, unless she is also infected.

Only in this way can she understand how the other party handles the mycelium.

Thinking of this, Avril could not help but move her eyes slightly.

A plan gradually emerged in my mind.Sometimes in order to obtain information, some sacrifices are necessary.

But where do these hyphae come from?Avril glanced at the waiting patients, and gradually came to an idea.

At night, after the day is dark.In the girls' dormitory, after Avril took out the mushroom she got, she drew a wound on her palm and stuck the mushroom on it. If such a close contact didn't infect her?Then this mushroom is really too bad.

"Shusha~ (What is this woman doing? Why did she cut her palm?)"

"Shusha~ (You ask me how do I know? Let's just report to the king at that time, and the king will definitely know.)" The two antennae on the heads of the ants who saw this scene rubbed and found that they were I really don't understand why the other party wants to do this?

But it doesn't matter, they are only in charge of monitoring, what is going on can be left to Wang to think about.

"It hurts so much, I hope my bleeding is not in vain." Avril Lavigne said after the wound was tied up, and then she put her back on the bed and lay flat, waiting for herself to be parasitized.

Then, the lights in the room were turned off.

The ants in the room quickly retreated to report the important news to Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (You little guys read it right, did that woman really cut her palm with her hand and put a piece of mushroom on it?)" Cheng Hao in the room heard the little ants After the report, he opened his mouth and said.

A pair of big eyes rolled away quickly.What is this woman trying to do?She's mentally ill, obviously not, she definitely has other plans.

After all, a fool can't be a spy these days.

"Shusha~ (Yes, Wang. We saw it with our own eyes, and there is absolutely no mistake.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, we were almost scared just now, I don't know why she did this?)" the ants said in detail, saying that what they saw was the information they said.

"Aww~ (Okay, this king knows.)" Cheng Hao rubbed his tail on his back and said, "Aww~ (No matter what tricks this guy has, it's useless in front of me, you go back to sleep first, I Go out first and give her something fun.)”

Regardless of what this guy is going to do?Anyway, he will be the one to treat the other party at that time, after all, he is the only one who can suck out the hyphae now.

Since this guy dared to plot against him, then he had to give the other party some serious information.

He remembered that there seemed to be some little spicy sticks living in the forest, right?He went to borrow some venom from these little spicy sticks, and give this guy a try when the time comes.

Let the other party know that it is not a good habit to calculate him, and being a spy is just the wrong thing.

"Shusha~ (Okay, Wang.)" The ants who heard this replied, and returned to the cracks in the wall one by one.

"Aww~ (Playing with me, right? Then I'll play with you, I hope you won't cry when the time comes.)"

After seeing all the little ants leave, Cheng Hao muttered.

He jumped out of the fence and headed into the forest.



Through the barren grassland, jump over the [-]-meter-wide river.

Cheng Hao came to the mountain forest and began to stomp his feet while walking: "Aww~ (Is there a snake? Is there a snake? If there is a "squeak", okay? My lord has something to do with you.)"

It's the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. Logically speaking, these little guys can't be still sleeping, right?He believed that they must have woken up from hibernation, so where did these little guys go now?
Wake him up quickly, he is still counting on these little guys to give him some venom.



After Cheng Hao walked all the way and took pictures, snakes came out of the ground soon one after another.

They twisted their slender bodies, raised their heads and appeared in front of Cheng Hao: "Shusha~ (Wang, what do you want from us?)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, what do you need us to do?)"

"Oooh~ (Of course there are, otherwise why would I come to you when I have nothing to do?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, looking at a group of snakes and said: "Oooh~ (Which snake is more poisonous? But it will make people feel particularly uncomfortable, right?)”

"Shusha~ (less poisonous?)" The poisonous snakes who heard this, look at me, and I look at you.Soon it gave way to a snake.

"Aww~ (You little guy is relatively mild in toxicity, but it will make people feel uncomfortable after being bitten, right? Very good.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head in satisfaction when he saw this and said: "Aww~ (Quickly drop Give me a few drops of venom, I need your venom.)”

"Shusha~ (Wang, are you serious? Let me give you the venom.)" Hearing this, the snake asked with some uncertainty.

Did it hear correctly, Wang actually let himself produce some venom?
"Aww~ (Of course it's true, I'm fine, why am I teasing you? Just give me the venom.)" Cheng Hao said, raising his paw.

Seeing this scene, the snake immediately followed suit.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao stretched out his claws.Absorbed the venom with the hairs on its claws.

"Aww~ (very good, sorry for your trouble, I've accepted your venom, you can continue to sleep.)" Cheng Hao who got the venom said with a smile, when that guy comes to him tomorrow for treatment, see He didn't give the other party any extra material.

"Shusha~(Yes, king.)" The snakes replied after hearing this, and left one after another.

And Cheng Hao, who got what he wanted, also returned to the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain.

Ready to wait for tomorrow, someone's performance.

He believed that the other party would definitely be surprised by his gift.

"Did it work? That's great." In the girls' dormitory in the early morning, Avril woke up and saw the mushrooms growing on her arms.

There was a look of joy in her eyes. Last night, she drew a stroke on her palm, and today she got the infection as she wished.

Now that I finally have a legitimate reason, I can approach Xiaoju to see why the other party can solve the mycelium mysteries.

Thinking of this, Avril couldn't wait to get up, and left the room directly, walking towards the outside.

All she needs to do now is to show everyone what she looks like after being infected, and then she can approach Xiaoju justifiably.

"Miss Avril, what do you look like?" Sister Hong'er, who was washing up, was not taken aback when she saw the other person's appearance.

I didn't know this, I thought it was a sika deer passing by the door.

"It's the same as what you saw, Miss Hong'er, I'm infected with mycelium." Avril replied with a smile, showing her arm.

"Really? But I don't seem to be in a hurry." Hearing this, sister Hong'er said weakly. She didn't know if it was her illusion. She felt that the other party seemed to be quite happy. If you don't come out, you don't panic, the expressions of those infected people are simply different.

"With Doctor Xiaoju here, what do I have to worry about? Doctor Xiaoju will definitely cure me, won't he?" Avril Lavigne said with a smile, her face still had that relaxed look on her face.

As if the current parasitic person is not her, sister Hong'er can't help but have black lines all over her head:

"It's not wrong to say so, but it's not okay to take it too seriously. It's unclear what potential dangers these mycelia are hiding after they parasitize the human body?"

"Miss Avril, it's better not to take it too easy."

"Really? It turned out to be like this, it's really scary, then I have to find Xiaoju for a happy diagnosis and treatment." Avril said after hearing this, as if she was really scared.

But Miss Hong'er felt that she was still not afraid, it was just talking.Of course, this may be her illusion, but it's not a good habit not to take these mushrooms seriously.

"Well, Miss Avril, you can go. Xiaoju should start working at this time." Miss Hong'er said.

"Okay, I'll go right away. Thank you, Miss Hong'er, for reminding me." Avril Lavigne said, and walked downstairs.

"Miss Avril, what's wrong with you? Oh my God, could it be that you are also contaminated with those mycelia?"

"Yeah, it's hard for this hateful mycelium to entangle you, Miss Marceline? It's really disgusting."

"That's right, we have to go to Xiaoju quickly and ask him to help. These mycelia are very nasty."

The breeders guarding near the door of the girls' dormitory immediately showed anxiety in their eyes after seeing the appearance of their goddess.

How could their goddess become like this after one night, this is really heartbreaking.

No, they must send their goddess to see a doctor immediately.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm planning to trouble Dr. Xiaoju now." Seeing the breeders who came up, Avril said with a smile.

"Really? Then let's go there right now, relying on my friendship with Xiaoju. Xiaoju will definitely punish Miss Avril first." Hearing this, a breeder said while patting his chest.

"That's right, we are familiar with Xiaoju. He likes to play with us the most." Hearing this, the others also followed suit and said that Xiaoju would definitely save face if they were to play the role.

"Really? Then I will trouble everyone." Avril said with a smile when she heard this, her eyes were full of contempt.

Are any of these guys familiar with Xiaoju?Don't be kidding, the other party ignores them at all.

"No trouble, no trouble, Miss Avril, please follow us this way."

"Yes, yes, how can this kind of thing be called trouble? We like to be helpful." The breeders said with a smile, and escorted each other into the complex.

(End of this chapter)

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