Chapter 171

"Aww~ (Everyone line up, one by one to know? Don't jump in line, or I will be rude to you.)"

Inside the complex, Cheng Hao raised his tail like a big flagpole, looked at the patients who were about to move from time to time and said.

There are really many people here, and I don't know how many people have been infected all over the country?In addition, the work of this department is a bit too unreliable. Is it just watching so many people get infected?I don't know how to do something, it's too chilling for him.

If it was him in front of the leader, he would definitely let his subordinates dig three feet into the ground to destroy these mushrooms.

But unfortunately not, I can only watch them do these useless efforts.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

"Let's give way, everyone, thank you, thank you." Just as he was thinking this way, the breeders had already brought Avril in.

"Aww~ (Those guys are really melon skins, and they are quite happy to be used.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help being speechless when he saw it. These idiots knew they were being used?Why do they all look quite happy, and they don't look like this when they are spare tires.

"Xiaoju, hurry up and take a look for Ms. Avril. Ms. Avril is infected with hyphae, and must be treated immediately."

"Yes, yes, Xiaoju hurry up and take a look for Miss Avril."

The breeders who rushed to Cheng Hao looked at Cheng Hao and said.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it, but even if we know each other a little bit, we still have to wait in line.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Not only did he know, but he knew it earlier than they did.

So, they can go to the queue now.

"Uh, Xiaoju, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and treat Miss Avril, don't make any more gestures."

The breeders who saw this scene were stunned, and then said.

Although they said they were breeders, they couldn't understand tiger language.So can Xiaoju treat her directly and not talk to them?
"Doctor Xiaoju means to ask everyone to line up." The team members at the side couldn't help but said when they saw it.

He already understood Doctor Xiaoju's gestures, why can't these breeders see clearly?He felt that he could be a breeder himself.

"Impossible, our Xiaoju is so familiar, how could he let us queue up?"

"That's right, Xiaoju, what do you mean?"

The team members who heard this said with disbelief on their faces, and asked Cheng Hao who was on the side.

"Aww~ (That's what I meant, so you guys hurry up and line up for me, don't waste my time here.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, these guys are still breeders?Even if he doesn't know what he means, it's better not to be a breeder, but to go home and farm honestly.

"Don't, don't, Xiaoju, please be more accommodating, no matter what you say, everyone is already so familiar, if you don't give us face, you will give Miss Hong'er a little face, right?"

"That's right, that's right, Miss Hong'er and Miss Avril have such a good relationship, you can't just leave them alone, right?"

When they heard that they still had to line up, everyone couldn't help but brag to Ms. Avril just now, how much is their relationship with Xiaoju?The result is now being slapped in the face.

Can they do it?Of course I can't, so no matter what I say, I have to find a way to win back my face.

"Aww~ (I didn't say no, I just asked you to line up.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw, and waved to the team members on the side, telling them to come over and deal with these guys quickly.

Seeing Chen Hao's team members waving their paws, they immediately started to act.Stop the crowd gathered around the diagnosis table.

"Everyone, what are you trying to do? This place is in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain."

"Yeah yeah."

The breeders who were surrounded, have they ever seen such a battle?Immediately became a little flustered.

"We just want to ask everyone to go out and line up honestly. There is absolutely no other meaning."

"That's right. I hope everyone can abide by the rules and don't make it difficult for us." The team members looked at them and said with a smile. Fu Fu touched the stun gun in his arms. The meaning was simple. Why don't these people become stone statues?
"Okay, okay. We're going to line up, we're going to line up."

"Yes, yes, it will definitely not delay everyone, please rest assured."

After the breeders swallowed their saliva, they backed away despondently, and they didn't forget to say to Avril next to her: "Miss Avril, let's go to the line first, so we won't disturb Xiaoju's normal diagnosis and treatment."

"Yes, yes, although we know Xiaoju very well, we can't do this, we must abide by the rules."

"Okay, okay, I can do it."

Avril laughed and said, these people have neither ability nor appearance, the only thing that makes her feel amazing is that these guys have thick skins, they are invincible in the world.

Do you really think she is deaf and blind, can't understand the current situation?

"Aww~ (Okay, now the clinic is officially opened.)" Cheng Hao patted the button on the side with his paw, and a pleasant electronic voice sounded in the general hall: "The next patient is invited to enter the consultation room."

The breeders who heard this came with Avril Lavigne, and said after waiting in the hall:
"Miss Avril, sit here, and I will help you get the sign."

"Yes, Miss Avril. You just need to sit here. I'll call Miss Hong'er over."

"Okay, thank you all." Avril said with a smile, and watched them leave.

Although these guys are a bit annoying, they are still quick to do things, at least they can save her a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, she felt a lot more comfortable.

"What's the use of asking me to go? I still have to wait in line to go to Ms. Avril. Although Xiaoju listens to me, she only listens." Hong'er, who was looking for potatoes, said to the man next to her. The breeder said.

These guys got up before dawn to feed the tigers, just to follow Avril.

But she is different, she doesn't get up so early.Therefore, there are still many tigers in the pen in charge, but there is no time to go with them.

Xiaoju didn't mean not to treat Avril Lavigne, but just asked them to line up. She didn't think there was any problem with it, everything was done according to the rules.

"Isn't it because Miss Hong'er is by your side that we feel more at ease?"

"Yes, yes, for the sake of our colleagues for so many years, Miss Hong'er, you can help out. As for these tigers, we promise to help you feed them from tomorrow on."

"Yes, yes, Miss Avril is still waiting for us to ask you to come over, so please help us out of kindness."

Hearing this, the male breeder clasped his fists and kept begging.

Miss Avril, if there is anything wrong with it?Then their mother's daughter-in-law will be gone.

So today I have to get the other party to testify in person, so that Xiaoju can treat Miss Avril well.

"I'm busy right now. I really don't have time. If you really want me to go there? Just help me feed the tigers first." Sister Hong'er touched Tuduo's head and felt a little uncomfortable. After rubbing its face, he said to a group of people.

These guys have the time to beg her, so it's better to help her, then the matter will be settled long ago.

"Okay, okay, we will help here. This will help." The breeders who heard this replied and started to help. For their beautiful goddess, this little difficulty and setback are nothing, they will definitely overcome .

"Is Xiaoju doing well this morning? Is there anything grandpa can help you with?" After walking into the complex building, the director went straight to the consulting room.

Xiaoju took the initiative to go to work today without his urging, he was really touched, so he decided to add two more eggs to Xiaoju.

"Ow~ (Of course, first of all, Grandpa, you should take good care of the breeders so that they don't follow that Avril around all day long." Cheng Hao, who was treating patients, said that he had had enough of those Guys, good people don't like to be, but they like to be a spare tire.

"Oh? What did these guys do to make our little orange angry? You told grandpa that grandpa would definitely not spare them brats." The director said, with curiosity in his eyes.

What are these brats doing again?Will it make Xiaoju react so strongly?

"Aww~ (I won't bother to talk about this, grandpa, you can ask the team members.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, he didn't even bother to talk about the cause and effect.

"Okay, okay, grandpa, let me ask what's going on here?" The principal said with a smile, and then walked towards the team members: "You are here, do you know what happened just now? Those brats What did you do again?"

"I know, I know." The team members who heard this nodded and replied, and told the principal what happened just now.

"It's just nonsense. These little guys are so lawless. It seems that we need to take care of them." After hearing the reason, the principal said angrily: "They treat this as their own playground somewhere. What? You can do whatever you want, and you don’t follow any rules.”

"You still want to jump in the line for treatment? It's too presumptuous."

"Yes, Mr. Consultant, I think it is really necessary to take care of them."

"That's right, they are really lawless, and this is not a good thing."

"That's right, that's right." The team members who heard this echoed, saying that the group of guys really should clean up.

Otherwise, those who cause trouble for them all day can easily cause trouble for them.

"Aww~ (I think the main reason is still that Avril. It's useless to clean them up.)" Cheng Hao, who was treating patients, muttered, what's the use of just taking care of those idiots?The main thing is to get rid of that Avril. The reason why they are like this is because of that Avril.

"But there is no real evidence, what can we do?" The director sighed. He wanted to deal with the other party, but he had to have real evidence, otherwise he would only follow the truth.

"Aww~ (Then take your time.)"

Hearing this, the title muttered, he really wanted to tell the grandpa of the garden director about his grand plan, but he was worried that the other party would not agree, so he didn't bother to speak.

Anyway, who cares about 3721, 28?Let's do things first, and then think about other things at that time.

"That's the only way to go." The director nodded and said, looking outside and saying, "Xiaoju, work slowly here, grandpa will come to see you later."

"Aww~ (Go, go, I don't care.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said indifferently, and the principal walked away.

And downstairs, Avril Lavigne, who was waiting, saw the director come down.Immediately came up: "Mr. Director, good morning, are you going to deal with business?"

"Yes, I'm going to deal with business now, Miss Avril, are you okay?" The head of the garden nodded when he heard this, looked at the mushrooms growing on the other party and said: "It's all my fault that I didn't pay attention to those gangsters. Brat, let him take Miss Avril and you around. As a result, Miss Avril, you are now contaminated with mycelium."

"I'm really sorry, I will definitely reprimand them later."

Although I don't know how Avril Lavigne in front of me got infected?But it's clear that this group of brats can't get rid of their relationship.

So he waited a while and had to reprimand these brats.Let them know what to do?what not to doThis day-to-day net caused him trouble.

"Mr. Director, don't blame them, it's all caused by my own playfulness." Avril heard this and said quickly, although she hated these guys, but without these guys to help her cover, things would be fine. It is impossible to proceed so smoothly, so it is of great use to keep them.

"Unexpectedly, things have come to this point, and Miss Avril is still speaking for these brats. I think if they know? I'm afraid they will die of happiness." The principal said with a smile when he heard the words, thinking in his heart that the other party's methods were indeed very good. Powerful, no wonder those brats are fascinated by it.

But if they thought they could have something to do with each other, they would be a little too naive. As the saying goes, donkeys look for donkeys, shrimps look for shrimps, and turtles look for big bastards.

With their little abilities, they also want to hook up with each other?It's kind of unrealistic to be true.

It's better to dream when you have this time, because dreams have everything.

"Where is it? Mr. Gardener really knows how to joke." Avril heard this, covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Okay, the old man won't talk to Ms. Avril anymore, the old man still has to deal with it, so let's go first." The director said.

"Okay, Mr. Director, go slowly." Avril replied with a smile when she heard the words, and the director left with strides.

"What a fascinating man. The more you look at him, the more curious you are about his past." Avril muttered as she stared at the back of the director, her eyes shining with a strange light.

"Sister Hong, do you think I can do it now? We have dealt with all this according to your instructions. Can we go to the complex now?"

"Yeah, we did everything. Time to go to the complex?"

The tired and panting breeders told Sister Hong'er that they should have done all the work they should do according to the other party's orders, shouldn't they also go?

"Okay, since we're done, let's go." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, these guys are working very hard for their sweetheart, how much work is this?It has already taken care of things.

Sure enough, the power of love is great.

"Okay, okay." The breeders who heard this said happily, and followed Sister Hong'er to the complex.

But before they could pass, a figure stopped them.It was the director who came out of the large complex. He was very angry when he saw the group of guys in front of him, and finally started educating them.

The educated people only felt a fly flying by their ears, and their whole heads were "buzzing".

"Principal, you should have nothing to do with me, I won't bother you to educate them."

Sister Hong'er on the side listened for a while, and felt a splitting headache, so she spoke hastily.

After listening to the headmaster's words, she felt that she would not be able to bear it any longer, and she had to leave immediately.

"Well, Xiaohong, go and get busy. It's true that you don't have anything to do here." The principal nodded and said.

"The director, can we go too? We have deeply realized our mistakes, and we promise that we will never take Miss Avril to such a dangerous place in the future."

"Yes, yes, Director, please let us go."

After hearing this, the breeders on the side also followed suit, blinking their eyes in pleading looks, they managed to persuade Sister Hong'er to go over, but they were stopped here, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?
If they didn't bring Sister Hong'er there, how would Miss Hong'er know how hard they worked?
"Let you go, it's impossible. Be honest with me, the old man speaks, and the younger generation should listen carefully, you know?"

"Old man, this is all for your own good. How can you waste your good years because of your beauty at such a young age?" The principal snorted coldly after hearing the words, and continued the ideological education class.

Ignore the sound of the breeders crying and howling wolves at all.

"It's miserable, it's so miserable. Fortunately, I don't have to stay."

Listening to the endless sound of monsters, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but rejoice.If this is the case, listen to the principal?Then the head will stop exploding.

Fortunately, she doesn't need it.But things are not absolute, I still need to be more careful, for example, I have to run farther now.

"The next patient."

"The next patient."

"It's weird, how come these guys haven't come back yet? What the hell are they doing?" Listening to the electronic sound coming from my ears, I looked around the empty surroundings.

Avril murmured with some doubts, she didn't understand where this person went?How come no one came back after such a long time?
This made her a little confused, and even had the idea of ​​wanting to take a look, but fortunately, he didn't really do it, he just thought about it for a while.

So she continued to wait for the call, those guys were just tools for her to use, and they hadn't reached the point where she could take her heart.

"Miss Avril, those guys asked me to tell you that they can't get away for now, but they will come to you soon." Just as she was thinking this way, Sister Hong'er's voice came over.

"Huh? Miss Hong'er, what did you say?" Avril Lavigne, who heard this, was stunned.

"I mean those guys who invited me over can't get away now, please let me tell you that they can't come here now, but they will solve the problems they are facing as soon as possible." Sister Hong'er explained, laughing Spreading his hands, a helpless expression appeared on his face.

"Really? Then they have nothing to do?" Avril Lavigne showed a concerned expression after hearing this. She said why these guys haven't come back yet, it turned out that they were in trouble.

"It's nothing, they're used to it anyway." Sister Hong'er shrugged her shoulders with a smile and said, it's not like they haven't received the education of looking for love, it's just a review now, nothing will happen.

"That's good, that's good." Avril nodded with a smile, and then said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, Miss Hong'er. I didn't think they would really go to trouble you. If they knew? I would definitely will prevent them from doing so."

"It's okay, anyway, they exchanged it with labor. Generally speaking, I took advantage of it." Sister Hong'er said, looking at the small mushrooms on the other party's body: "How is it? Miss Avril, infected How do you feel in the future? Do you feel that your body is numb and numb, and sometimes it doesn't look like your own?"

"It's indeed a bit of a situation like this. Miss Hong'er, have you ever been infected? How do you know this so well?" Avril nodded upon hearing this, then looked at Miss Hong'er and asked.

"Yes, I have also been infected with mycelium, so I know the feeling of being parasitized." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Really? Then Miss Hong'er, how did you solve this problem at that time? Did you ask Doctor Xiaoju to help?" Avril heard this, she couldn't help but pricked up her ears and listened carefully to the information.

"Yes, only Xiaoju can do it." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, looked up at the numbers displayed on the display screen, looked at the numbers pinched in the opponent's hand, and said: "Miss Avril, it seems that the It's up to you. How about we go up first?"

"Okay, let's go." Avril nodded after hearing this, and followed.

Everything she wants to know can be answered right here.Thinking of this really made her so happy.

"The next patient." Cheng Hao tapped the button on the table with his paw, and there was a pleasant sound at the door.

Then Sister Hong'er and Avril Lavigne walked into the consultation room.

"Aww~ (Why are you here too, sister?)" After seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was stunned, and then asked, what kind of ecstasy soup did this woman pour for her sister, why did she even run in?

"Of course I was entrusted by someone." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er smiled and walked to Cheng Hao's side, touched his big head and said, "You little villain, why don't you come to the clinic quickly, what are you doing here? "

"Aww~ (Of course I'm playing.)" Cheng Hao said angrily, patting the table with his paw: "Aww~ (Sit down quickly and put your paw on it. Or if it's too late? I But I don’t bother to talk to you.)”

"Miss Avril, please sit down, Xiaoju is about to treat you." After hearing this, sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's head angrily.

Did the little villain take gunpowder this morning?Why is it like this?Isn't she just going out with Miss Avril?As for this look?
"Okay, okay, I'll trouble Doctor Xiaoju." Avril said with a smile, and sat on the chair.He put his hands flat on the table, waited for the other party, and expelled mycelium for himself.

"No trouble, no trouble, I'll just find a way to kill you." Hearing this, Cheng Hao sneered in his heart, playing this game with him, right?Then don't blame him for playing the other party to death, he will let the other party know what the end is for pretending in front of him?

Stretching out his furry paws and placing them on Avril's arm, Cheng Hao began to use his ability, after sucking the hyphae in the opponent's body clean.

A hair full of toxins in his paw straightened up and pierced into the opponent's skin.It began to slowly release snake venom.

"Why does it hurt a little? Is it my illusion?" Avril, who was feeling the changes in her body carefully, muttered, and found the furry paws.It has been lifted from his own arm.

"Aww~ (The treatment is over, you can go down now.)" Cheng Hao, who withdrew his claws, spoke slowly, showing no signs of his having just done something wrong.

Anyway, as long as no one saw him, he hadn't done anything bad.

"Miss Avril, the treatment is over, you can get up now." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Really? Thank you so much, Doctor Xiaoju." Avril said after hearing this, and got up from the chair.Touching her arm from time to time, she always felt that something was wrong, which made her very uncomfortable.

He felt it carefully, but he didn't feel it, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Aww~ (You're welcome, you're welcome, remember to take a good rest when you go back. Otherwise, you can try and die.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and continued his diagnosis and treatment.

This guy is happy now, isn't he?Then she will be uncomfortable later.

"Miss Hong'er, what is Doctor Xiaoju talking about?" Avril who heard a series of tiger sounds asked curiously.

"Xiaoju told you to take a good rest and don't move around, otherwise something may happen." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile, rubbing Cheng Hao's big head along the way.

"It turned out to be like this, Doctor Xiaoju is really caring about people." Avril said with a smile, her eyes almost narrowed into crescent moons.

Sure enough, how could such a cute little tiger have such a nasty character?All this is false.

This little tiger only behaves like this to people who are not familiar with it.

"Yes, Xiaoju is very gentle." Sister Hong'er nodded and said: "Miss Avril, let's go out first, don't stay here, so as not to cause trouble to Xiaoju when it happens."

"Okay." Avril nodded and walked out.

I still scratched my arm when I walked, always feeling uncomfortable there.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help but gloat over his misfortune.

Someone is going to be having trouble sleeping tonight, but who is it?He didn't name them.

"It's strange, hasn't the mycelium in my body been cleaned up? But why do I still feel very uncomfortable? What's going on?"

Avril, who came out of the consulting room, kept scratching her arm, making the bloody mess there.

She didn't want to scratch it very much, but it was itchy, tender and numb, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Miss Avril, do you feel that something is wrong? Why do you keep scratching there?" Sister Hong'er asked after seeing this scene, with a puzzled look in her eyes.

"The arm is a bit itchy, I don't know what's going on?" Avril scratched her arm and smiled, the more she scratched, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she wished she could peel off all the skin on her body and scratch it.

"Then why don't you go to the hospital to take a look? After all, each mycelium is different, and it may be the sequelae left by these mycelium." Sister Hong'er said with concern.

Although she didn't know how the other party would have such a thing?But go and check to make sure there is nothing wrong, maybe there is something wrong.

Otherwise, according to the other party's scratching method, all the flesh on his arm will be scratched very quickly.

"Is it like this? Then I understand, I will check it out." Avril nodded and said after hearing this, this damn thing is still there, does it have any sequelae?No wonder I feel so uncomfortable now, it turned out to be the reason.

"Well, Miss Avril, it's good that you know. Then I'll go to work first." Sister Hong'er said.

"Okay, Miss Hong'er, you can go." Avril nodded and said, her hands were still clutching her uncomfortable arm.

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er felt relieved and left.

After Avril saw her, she immediately went to see her for treatment.

"Aww~ (It's pretty sloppy to run, and my sister is really good. It's okay to persuade this guy to go to treatment. Let her continue to delay for a while.)" Cheng Hao in the complex building leaned against the window and looked away. muttered from behind.

If he wants to deal with this kind of guy, he should use the most ruthless means. Why be polite to her?In other words, sister Hong'er would remind this guy, if it was him instead?He can't wait to see the other party have bad luck.

Now he hopes that the doctor in the hospital the other party is looking for is not good at medicine.

Otherwise, how bad would it be to free the other party so easily?

"Doctor Xiaoju, the patient has already arrived, should we continue the diagnosis and treatment?"

Looking at the patient who walked in, the team members on both sides asked aloud.

Although they didn't know what Doctor Xiaoju was looking at, they could tell that the doctor didn't seem very happy at the moment.

After all, a kitten's tail speaks for itself.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Hearing Cheng Hao's reply, he turned around and returned to his position to continue working.

(End of this chapter)

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