Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 172 Unlucky Why Is It All About Me

Chapter 172 Unlucky Why Is It All About Me
"Miss, do you know what kind of snake you were bitten by? If you don't bring the snake here or provide clues to the person, it may be difficult for us to rectify it for you."

The doctor in the hospital looked at the test results and said to Avril who was sitting beside her.

"Have I been poisoned by snake poison? Doctor, are you mistaken?" Avril was stunned after hearing this and asked, she had never even seen a snake, how could she be poisoned by snake poison?Is the other party teasing her?

"I may be wrong, but the test result is not." The doctor said, and handed the report in his hand to the other party: "If you don't believe me, miss, you can take a look for yourself."

"I don't need to look at it myself. I want to know if there is any way to remove all the snakes in my body? I feel so itchy and uncomfortable." Avril waved her hand and said, how can anyone watch her now? ?I just want to solve my physical problems as soon as possible.

As for what happened to the snake venom, she still hasn't figured out what happened?It is possible that I was bitten inadvertently, or it may be the toxin left by the damn mushroom.

But no matter what, it doesn't matter to her now, she just wants to solve the troubles in her body as soon as possible and get rid of this damn thing.

"This is a little difficult, but we will try our best to find a way. After all, there are so many snakes in the world, we are not sure. What kind of snake did you get bitten by?" The doctor who heard this said, he did not study this Experts in this field, how could they tell just by looking at the data, what kind of snake bit the other party?
"Look like this? Then I understand, and I hope the doctor can find out what kind of snake venom I have as soon as possible?" Avril Lavigne said, and now there is no rush for the matter, she can only hope that the other party can hurry up.

"It must be." The doctor who heard this replied.


"Aww~ (Sister, hasn't that woman come back yet?)" Cheng Hao asked while walking beside Sister Hong'er with small, leisurely steps.

"You haven't come back yet, what's the matter? Is the little villain trying to come up with something bad?" Sister Hong'er said after hearing this, and patted Cheng Haoyuan's bulging forehead.

Xiaoju, the little villain, has been a little nervous since this morning, and I don't know what he is doing?

"Aww~ (I didn't have any bad ideas, after all, I'm a good tiger, but others can't tell.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, looking into the distance.

He hoped that someone would have bad luck, the more uncomfortable the better.

"What's the matter? You little guy, have you found anything else? Why are you talking endlessly?" Sister Hong'er said while pinching Cheng Hao's face.

This little scoundrel has been chattering about, is there something she is hiding from her?Quickly tell her the truth.

"Aww~ (Sister, do you know how that woman got infected?)" Cheng Hao asked with his face pinched.

"Isn't it because I accidentally got infected when I visited the clinic yesterday?" Sister Hong said after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Sister, do you think this is possible? You have visited the clinic and other people have also visited the clinic, but why did you not get infected when you went to others, but you got infected when you came to her?)" Cheng Hao said with a smile.

"Maybe it's because of Miss Avril's poor physical fitness?" Sister Hong'er guessed after thinking about it.

Everyone's physical fitness is different, maybe the other person's physical fitness is relatively poor, so that's why it is like this.

"Aww~ (Sister, I don't know if that woman's physical fitness is bad, but I can tell you what the little ants reported yesterday. The reason why she got infected is because she scratched a wound on her hand yesterday .)" Cheng Hao said, and told Sister Hong'er what the little ant reported.

"What's the purpose of her doing this? Why is she infecting herself? Does she have a special hobby?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said in a puzzled manner. Everyone else wanted to stay away from the mycelium. .

The opponent is good, not only does not take precautions, but also squeezes up desperately.

He even committed self-mutilation by sticking mushrooms on it.

"Aww~ (I'm not too sure about this, anyway, she definitely has no good intentions.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, and the corners of his mouth should not be drawn, the arc of gloating.

"You little villain is so happy, do you have something else to hide from my sister?" After seeing her, Hong'er immediately felt that there was something wrong.

Since this little villain knows everything so clearly, why did he tell her now?Unless the other party has other ideas.

"Aww~ (Of course not, I'm a good tiger, how could I do bad things? Sister, don't think too much.)" Cheng Hao immediately restrained his smile when he heard this, otherwise, if he laughed too happily, it was really possible The problem was found out by my sister.

"Really? But why does my sister feel that something is wrong?" Sister Hong'er heard that, what immediately appeared in her mind?Grabbing Cheng Hao's little ear, he said, "Sister, I'm asking you, Avril suddenly felt itchy all over after seeing you after seeing her illness. Is this something you did?"

"Aww~ (Of course not, who knows why she is like this? Maybe it's caused by doing too many bad things.)" Cheng Hao muttered, he didn't expect that sister Hong'er would be so smart that she could even do this kind of thing. Can guess it all.

Sure enough, you still can't be too arrogant, don't you see that there is something wrong with this arrogance?It was almost exposed directly.

"Do you think my sister will believe your nonsense? Hurry up and tell my sister, what have you done, a little scoundrel?" Sister Hong'er felt something was wrong the more she listened, and she asked Cheng Hao's ear directly.

It was too naive for this little villain to lie in front of her.

He uses both toes.I could tell the little villain was lying.

"Aww~ (I didn't do anything bad, I just punished her a little and taught her a lesson. Sister, don't worry, she won't kill her.)" Cheng Hao said, didn't he just inject a little snake venom into the other party?It's not a big deal, he believes that the other party can't die.

"So what exactly is this little punishment of yours? Don't play sloppy with my sister. My sister warns you, tell me the truth quickly." Sister Hong'er said angrily, she knew that Xiaoju's stomach was full of bad water , as expected, it did not exceed her expectation, that's how it happened.

"Aww~ (It's just a little bit of snake venom on her, it's not a big deal.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently, what he was looking for was the closest snake venom, if the other party can't bear it, That can only mean that the other party deserves to die.

"What? Did you poison her, you little villain? How did you do it, you little villain?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help opening her eyes when she heard that.

Xiaoju is a tiger, how can he give snake venom to people?She really couldn't figure it out.

"Aww~ (It's like this and that and that, it's actually quite simple, not difficult at all.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and made a gesture of how he did it?

"Okay, you little villain is not very old, but you have a lot of eyes." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's head angrily:

"My sister is saying that you have treated so many patients without any sequelae, so why did you have a problem with Hong'er sister?"

"It turns out that you, a little villain, added a lot of ingredients when you were healing."

"Aww~ (It's not my fault, if you want to blame, you can blame this guy. It's too bad, and you want to plot against me, then I can give him a good look, of course I have to teach him a lesson.)" Cheng Hao was angry Said, the other party has hit his head with ideas, can he still be polite to the other party?
"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, what kind of snake venom did you, little villain, give her?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's face and asked, what exactly did this little villain give Avril?He hasn't said it yet.

"Aww~ (I don't know about this. Anyway, the poison won't kill her, it will only make her uncomfortable for a while.)" Cheng Hao said weakly, he didn't know what kind of snake it was?He just knew that the snakes were all weak poisonous.

"Really? Then you'd better tell the truth." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao on the head and said, "Besides, you must not let the director know about this matter? Otherwise, you will wait to accept it when the time comes." The principal's Hude education."

"Aww~ (I won't tell grandpa, I'm not stupid.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"That's right." Sister Hong'er smiled and said, "You little villain, stay here slowly, sister has to go back to eat, wash clothes and take a shower."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, goodbye, sister.)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paws, and lay down directly.

Isn't he just sleeping here?Besides this, can he do something else?

"What a slacker." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but shook her head when she saw this, and walked away.

"Miss Avril, where have you been all this time? We're dying of anxiety waiting for you."

"Yes, yes, Miss Avril, if you have anything to tell us, we will definitely find a way to help you. Don't just leave without saying a word."

At the gate of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, the breeders who were waiting for their hearts were almost broken. When Avril came back, she couldn't help but said excitedly.

After they were left by the headmaster to complete their education, they found that Miss Avril was missing, which made them anxious to death.

They also don't have Miss Avril's contact information, and they don't know where the other party has gone?This half day is simply a huge torture for them.

"I'm really sorry for worrying everyone. I have nothing to do, I just encountered a little trouble." Avril who heard this said looked at the crowd and smiled, her eyes were full of tiredness.

After working all afternoon, I finally got rid of the snake venom on my body.But this also made her mentally and mentally exhausted. I don't know what the hell is this Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden?

She was actually bitten by a snake, and she didn't know that it was spread, and I'm afraid no one would believe it.

But the fact is like this, she was bitten by a snake.

"Oh, Miss Avril, are you in trouble? I don't know what the trouble is? If you are in trouble? Please tell us, we will definitely find a way to help you solve it."

"Yes, yes. Miss Avril." Everyone who heard this immediately spoke with concern.

How could their beautiful Miss Marceline be in trouble?They must help each other solve this trouble.

"It's not a big problem, I just got a little bit of snake venom." Avril Lavigne said with a smile and waved her hands.

"What? Miss Avril, have you been bitten by a snake? What is this?"

"That's right, which damned snake is so reckless that you dare to bite even Miss Avril."

"That's right, don't let us catch it, otherwise, we will have good fruit to eat." The breeders cursed, then approached Avril and said: "Miss Avril, how is your situation now? It still hurts." Doesn't it hurt?"

"Yeah, yeah, is there anything we can do to help?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little uncomfortable, but it's all over now, thank you for your concern." Avril said with a smile, with a faint gleam in her eyes.

According to the doctor, she was bitten by a snake, and there is absolutely no sequelae of mushroom infection.

Therefore, she was full of anger at this little snake that caused her pain, and she wished she could find him and swallow him alive.

Now that someone is willing to do it for him, it is naturally the best thing.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, Miss Avril, do you know where you were bitten by a snake?"

"Yes, yes, we will definitely catch the culprit for you."

Everyone who heard this said, their faces were full of concerns.

"I don't know much about this, so I want to ask if you know where snakes often come and go in the Tiger Garden?" Avril asked with a smile, if he wanted to know where he was bitten?She had gone looking for that snake a long time ago, so why wait until now, she just didn't know where she was bitten.

Or she didn't realize that she was bitten at all.

"Yes, Miss Avril, don't worry, we'll look for it right away."

"Yes, yes, Miss Avril. We will definitely avenge you." After hearing this, the breeders nodded after thinking for a few seconds.

"Then I would like to thank you all, everyone, just catch that snake, but don't hurt its name." Avril still didn't forget to explain, what a pity they killed this snake, only Do it yourself.Only then can she relieve the hatred in her heart.

"Miss Avril, your heart is so kind, this snake even bit you, you treat it."

"Yes, yes, Miss Avril, you are really beautiful."

The breeders who heard this said in admiration, what is a fairy?Miss Avril before them is a fairy.

Not only is she beautiful, but she has nothing to say in her heart. Even if she was bitten by a nasty snake, she told them not to hurt the snake. Just ask, have you ever seen such a beautiful woman with a sweet heart?
"No, no more. Then this matter will trouble everyone, everyone must not let this snake hurt other people, I will go back to rest first." Avril said with a smile.

"Okay, okay. Miss Avril, you must pay attention to rest, and don't be too tired."

"That's right, if you have anything to do, just call us, don't do it yourself."

The breeders said, and watched each other leave.

Afterwards, they began to search in the source of goods. They wanted to see which snake, which did not know how to live or die, dared to bite their goddess.

"You brats, you don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?"

After dinner, the head of the park was strolling around the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

I just noticed that these guys are timid, not knowing what they are doing?All poked Xidong with a stick.

"Report to Mr. Director, we are looking for snakes." Everyone who heard this replied aloud.

"Looking for snakes? Why are you little fellows looking for snakes?" Hearing this, the director said speechlessly. They stayed up late at night just to play with snakes here?

Then they are really leisurely enough, and every brain circuit seems abnormal.

"Report to Mr. Director, we are here to prevent this snake from hurting people."

"Yes, this snake bit Miss Avril today. If we don't catch him, more people will be injured."

The breeders said, it's not that they are full and have nothing to do, they are all for the good of everyone in Huya.

"It turned out to be like this. I said what are you guys doing here?" The director suddenly realized when he heard this. He said that these guys usually push back and forth when they are asked to do a job. Why are they so active today? Live, so this is the reason.

No wonder everyone here is working hard this night.

"Yes, Director. Do you know where the snake might hide? We must find it."

"That's right, we can't let it continue to harm people." The breeders said, with a look of justice in their eyes.

They didn't do this for Miss Avril, they did it for the safety of the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park.

"How do I know this? I don't know these snakes." After hearing this, the director said angrily, "Don't waste your efforts in vain. Go back to sleep honestly."

This night, even if they searched the tiger ape all over, they might not be able to find it, let alone if they were not stupid, how could they be so stupid to find it for them?
"This is impossible. If we don't catch this snake, we can say that we will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"That's right, and we can't just sit back and watch this snake do whatever it wants."

The breeders spoke, with a look of determination on their faces.

"Okay, okay, then look for it yourself, remember not to hurt that snake." The director reminded that these snakes are all protected animals, and they don't want to bite people because of this snake. , just kill it.Snakes are all about protecting animals.

"Don't worry, director. We promise to only catch him and throw him out of the tiger park. We will never hurt him."

"Yes, yes. You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing, we will remember it."

In this way, since they have agreed that Miss Avril will protect the snake and not kill it, they will naturally not break their promise.

"Since you guys know, then I can rest assured. Take your time to look for it, I'll go back to sleep first." The director nodded and said.

"Okay, director." The breeders who heard this nodded and continued to work.

What to say tonight, they have to catch the culprit who bit Miss Avril.

"How is Avril Lavigne? Have you found anything?"

In the girls' dormitory, Avril Lavigne was taking out the password box she was carrying, and connected with the organization after connecting some odds and ends.

As soon as the call was connected, an electronic tone came from inside.

"Report to the organization, I haven't found anything yet. But Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park is indeed a bit evil, and I obviously didn't do anything."

"But I somehow got infected with snake venom." Avril replied, with an angry look on her face.

"Really? It looks like the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. There are still many secrets that we don't know. All you need to do is continue to monitor there."

"Don't reveal your identity. When necessary, you will be our trump card." Electronic Voice continued after listening.

"Yes, I understand." Avril replied after hearing the words, and continued to report the process of being treated this time.

"Shusha~ (Did you hear that? This guy dared to spy on the king.)" said the ant who heard their conversation. It turned out that this guy did what he did yesterday to get close to their king. Is the other party able to get close?

"Shusha~ (I heard it, I heard it, she is really not afraid of death, do you think we should find a way to teach her a lesson?)"

"Shusha~ (Of course, if you don't punish him, wouldn't she think we are easy to bully)"

"Shusha~ (That's right, you can't let her off so easily.)"

The other ants also followed suit. If they didn't clean up this guy, they would always feel a little uncomfortable.

"Shusha~ (Since this is the case, let's teach her a good lesson after she falls asleep.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, show her when the time comes, we're amazing.)" The ants were discussing in low voices, and they were about to make a plan to clean up each other tonight.

They waited for the other party to sleep, as long as the other party fell asleep, they promised to make each other's life very comfortable.

"It just so happens that your report is very detailed. I know about it. You can continue to lurk."

"Yes, I will follow the order of the organization." Avril replied, but there was no sound from the other end.

Only then did she hang up the phone in peace, and then lay down on the bed to sleep.

After waiting in the room, the other party's snoring sound could be heard clearly.

The ants slowly climbed up along the foot of the bed, pouted their bulging buttocks, and began to shake their bodies.

Then a graceful arc crossed the night and landed on the opponent's body.Bursts of white smoke rose.

"Shusha~ (Retreat, retreat, everyone, hurry up, don't wake her up.)" The ant who had done all this did not have the slightest nostalgia, and immediately shouted.

The entire ant colony retreated immediately, without a trace of memory, let alone a trace of lingering, they came and went without a trace like the wind.

"Aww~ (You said that guy can contact others after opening the lockbox?)" Cheng Hao in the barn said while rubbing his back with a big brush curled around his tail.

This woman is really capable of hiding, she actually hides and tucks herself in, and it took so long to expose herself.

"Shusha~ (Yes, Wang. This is what we saw with our own eyes.)"

"Shusha~ (That's right, that guy even mentioned you, Your Majesty.)"

The ants replied, pointing their big black heads.

"Aww~ (Really? Did this guy say anything bad about me?)" Cheng Hao asked curiously.

This woman actually mentioned him specifically?So what bad things did the other party say about him?

"Shusha~ (She said that you are very cunning, king, and you are not so cute.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, I also said that you are so arrogant that you won't let her touch you, my lord.)" the ants said after hearing the words, and recounted what they heard in detail.

"Aww~ (I'm afraid she is sick? Why should I touch him? What kind of novel brain circuit is this?)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard this.

"Shusha~ (That's right, that's why we avenged your Majesty.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, I guarantee that she will be shocked when she wakes up tomorrow.)" the ants said triumphantly, their big blinking eyes all full of complacency.

"Aww~ (What did you little guys do again? I won't be told by my sister again, right?)" Hearing what they said, Cheng Hao suddenly became ill. Don't the little guys pretend to be smart again?What if I get him into trouble then?
"Shusha~ (Promise not, this time we did a good job, and the other party didn't even know we did it.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, she didn't even wake up when we hit her in the face.)"

The ants said that they didn't do anything particularly bad, they just helped the king vent their anger, and they couldn't do bad things no matter how they looked at it.

"Aww~ (So what the hell did you guys do? Can you tell the truth, don't play charades with me here.)" Cheng Hao said in a bad mood. He couldn't hear clearly even now. What the hell did the guys do?
"Shusha~(We just did this...)" the ants said, telling what they did.

"Aww~ (You guys are really worse than me, how can you spray formic acid on other people's faces?)" Cheng Hao scolded angrily. These guys look small, but they are born bad embryos.

He didn't do anything but dare to do so, but these little guys dared.

"Shusha~ (Got it, got it, we got it wrong, Wang. We won't dare to do it again next time.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes.)" Hearing that the tone of the "king" was not right, the ants hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Aww~ (It's good to know it's wrong, don't be so bad next time, you know?)" Cheng Hao said, how could these little guys be so bad, he only allowed it this time.

"Shusha~ (Yes, king.)" the ants said happily when they heard the words. Although the king was very angry, it seemed that he didn't blame them very much.

In other words, the king really, really hates this guy.

"Aww~ (Okay, I already know the information you reported, go back and rest early. If my sister asks you tomorrow, you must be killed, do you know?)" Cheng Hao confessed , he can already imagine what kind of howls and howls the other party will make when he wakes up tomorrow?

At that time, the breeder's sister will definitely be alarmed. These little ants must keep their mouths shut, otherwise, they will be finished by then.

"Shusha~ (Don't worry, Wang, even if my sister kicks the door open, we won't escape.)"

"Shusha~ (That's right, that's right, even if we were beaten down by our sister, we wouldn't reveal a single word.)" the ants promised.

"Aww~ (That's fine, let's all go back.)" Cheng Hao waved his claws and opened his mouth, and the little ants left one after another.

"Ah~ my face, my face..."

The girls' dormitory in the early morning was quiet, but after the scream, it immediately became turbulent.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

The female breeders who were awakened by the screams ran out of their rooms one after another, and walked towards the place where the screams came from.

I saw Avril Lavigne with spots on her face that looked moldy, and she couldn't help covering her mouth subconsciously.

What if the original Avril Lavigne was a rosy apple?Now she is a crumpled apple covered with black spots.

At this moment, Avril looked at herself in the mirror, her fists clenched tightly, her veins bulging like an old witch, her whole body was trembling.

How did her face, her beautiful face, become like this?
what is this?Damn it.

"Miss Avril, what's wrong with your face?" Sister Hong'er who had rushed over looked at the other person's face, and couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Didn't the other party say yesterday that her snake venom has been removed?Why did it become like this the next day?

"I don't know, I don't know. I just fell asleep and woke up like this." Avril said, holding her hair with both hands, her eyes were bloodshot.

She has already expelled the toxin, why is she still like this?why?

She doesn't understand, she doesn't understand.

"I think Miss Avril, you'd better see a doctor."

"Yeah, you don't look good now."

"That's right, if it doesn't work, let's put it in a room. I feel that you are a bit out of touch with the room." After seeing the other female breeders, they said one after another. They had never seen such a hapless person. .

First, it was parasitized by hyphae and turned into a big mushroom.

Then, inexplicably, he was bitten by a snake and was poisoned by the snake's venom.

Now it has become like this again, if these are not related to metaphysics, then they don't believe it a bit.

After all, the other party is also a bit unlucky.

Moreover, their words are not nonsense.

You must know that they have lived here for so long, and they have never encountered a thing like the other party.

Isn't this enough to prove something?

(End of this chapter)

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