Chapter 173

"What happened? Why are you making such a fuss? Can anyone tell me?"

At this moment, the director walked over and asked, he heard the loud noise from a distance, but he didn't know what happened here?Just come and see for yourself.

"Mr. Gardener, it's great that you are here. Please take a look at Miss Avril."

"Yes, yes, look, Director." The breeders who heard this said, pointing to Avril Lavigne.

"Eh? Ms. Avril, how did you become like this?" Looking at where they pointed, the principal was subconsciously stunned.

Is this really Miss Avril?Why does it look so different?How could the other party become like this?

How did it turn into an apple that was about to rot? Obviously, when he saw the other party last time, the other party was not like this.

This is really strange, the other party is really a bit unlucky, right?

"Mr. Director, you have to help me, there is something wrong with this room, it's weird." Avril said with a sad face when she heard this, if she could be given another chance, she would definitely not choose this damn room.

This room is absolutely exactly what they said, there is a problem with Feng Shui, and it doesn't match me, otherwise I wouldn't have turned into such a ghost.

"Is there anything weird about this house? No, didn't the people in the past lived in a good place?" The director looked at the room and said, there was nothing wrong with his room, and the people in the past were fine.

But why did things keep going wrong after arriving at the other party's place?He felt that the other party's problems were bigger than this dormitory.

"There is really a problem, Mr. Principal, look at me now." Avril could not help sobbing after hearing this, she had never been so unlucky.

It must, must be the problem of this place.

"Okay, Miss Avril, if you really think there is something wrong with this room, I can change it for you."

"But I suggest you go see a doctor now. After all, you don't look good right now." The director reminded him that rather than changing rooms, he felt that what the other party needed more was to go to the doctor quickly. Hurt it.

Otherwise, a face with pits and hollows is not good-looking.

"I know." Avril heard the words, two lines of tears couldn't help but shed tears, looked at the principal and said pitifully: "Mr. Principal, you will definitely help me, right? The only thing I can rely on now is you. You Can you help me find the best doctor?"

"I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee that I can find the best one." The director who was being stared at thought for a while and said helplessly, even if the other party might be a spy, it's really not good to treat a girl like this, Let him make an exception to help the other party.

"Great, thank you, Mr. Principal." Avril could not help crying with joy when she heard this.

Great, great, with the energy of the other party, I can definitely help her find a good doctor, right?In this way, her face will be saved.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. Ms. Avril, please follow me this way, and I'll take you there now." The principal said.

"Okay, okay." Avril nodded when she heard this, and hurriedly followed the director downstairs.

"Miss Avril, my goddess, what's wrong with you? My god, who the hell did it to you? This kind of thing that both people and gods are angry with?"

"Yes, yes. Miss Avril, you tell me, I will definitely avenge you."

When the male breeders who heard the sound saw Avril's appearance, they suddenly became angry, and they were about to explode.

How did their beautiful goddess become like this? Which bastard did it?

"I... I don't know, I just fell asleep, and I woke up like this. Woohoo." Hearing this, Avril covered her face and cried, and she also wanted to know why she changed In this way?But I just don't know.

"Miss Avril, don't cry, don't cry, even if you have become like this, you are still so beautiful."

"Yes, yes, we believe that you will definitely get better, so don't cry."

"That's right, Miss Avril. We can't help but want to cry when you cry."

The male breeders who saw Avril crying hurriedly spoke.

Even if the other party has become like this, crying is still so pleasing to the eye, pear blossoms with rain.

They believe that the other party will definitely be able to recover, and the other party must not give up on this.

"If you guys want Miss Avril Lavigne, if you really want Avril Lavigne to recover sooner? The most important thing you need to do now is to get out of the way as soon as possible." The principal standing by looked at the road blocked The breeders said angrily: "I'm going to take Miss Avril back to the department for a diagnosis to see what's going on. If you keep blocking the road here, you'll miss the best time for diagnosis. .”

"Ah? Let's get out of the way right now, get out of the way right away."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Director, you must cure Miss Marceline."

"That's right, that's right. Mr. Gardener, just for our sake, you must also cure Miss Avril."

The people who heard this quickly moved out of the way. Now that they are blocking the way here, they are blocking Miss Avril's reply, so they must move out of the way immediately.

"Don't worry, even if you guys don't say anything, I will do it. After all, the people happened in our tiger park. No matter what, our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park needs to be responsible to the end." The gardener who heard this said The chief said angrily, these guys are quite good at talking, and it's for their sake.

Some guys have to have this face.

"That's good, that's good." The breeders said with a smile, watching the director leave with Avril.

Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief, I hope Miss Avril can recover sooner.After all, for them, the motivation to work in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain now is to see Miss Avril's angelic face every day.

"Didn't the little villain Xiaoju say that the snake's venom is not powerful? How did it become like this? No, I have to ask this little villain to find out. I always feel that he has something to hide from me." Looking far away Looking at the back of the classic car leaving, Miss Hong'er murmured in her heart.

Then he walked downstairs towards the tiger house.

"Shusha~ (It's not good, Wang, please wake up quickly, we saw my sister coming this way.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, and it looks like it's angry.)"

The big black ants flapping their wings quickly landed after circling in the sky.

"Aww~ (Don't panic, don't mess yourself up, as long as we pretend we don't know anything, my sister will have nothing to do with us.)" Cheng Hao, who was woken up by the ants, yawned and said, as the saying goes, as long as I speak hard enough , I definitely did not do the thing, these little guys are too restless, what is there to be afraid of in such a small scene?
"Shusha~ (Then, take care of yourself, my sister is here, so we will leave first.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, Wang.)"

The ants who heard this said, and returned to the nest one after another.

The king is not afraid, but it does not mean that they are not afraid, they are very scared, so now they are running away

"Aww~ (A group of timid guys, really.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao continued to bury his head in his paws and put it out, as if he was asleep.

Let him stay the same and respond to changes, let's see what my sister is looking for him?Then figure out how to decide what to do next.

"You sleep soundly, you little slacker, don't sleep anymore, get up for sister quickly, you little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er, who stopped the sightseeing car, saw the big orange lying inside.

Said angrily, came to the front of the room and pushed Cheng Hao's big butt.

"Aww~ (Sister, good morning, sister, what are you doing running around so early in the morning?)" Cheng Hao, who was pushed awake, asked with a yawn.

There was a puzzled look in his eyes, as if he was saying that I slept soundly, why are you bothering me?
"Of course I came here to ask, what bad things have you, little rascal, done?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and asked, "After Avril woke up this morning, she was turned into a moldy apple , Did you, the little villain, send bugs to do it?"

The more she thought about it just now, the more something was wrong, the ants of Little Orange Pie eavesdropped on Avril, why would this happen to Avril?This is probably the good thing that Xiaoju, a little villain, persisted in stealing.

"Aww~ (Sister, what are you talking about? I can't understand why, I think sister, you may have found the wrong person, or you may have asked the wrong tiger. I am a good tiger, so I would not do such a thing. , Sister, did you make a mistake?)" Cheng Hao asked with a bewildered expression.

"Do you think my sister might make a mistake? You little villain, you haven't told the truth to my sister, and you are going to play charades with her. When will you be?" Sister Hong'er said angrily: "Avril got up early in the morning today. There are black spots all over Zhang's face, and he is about to be disfigured. If you say that this matter has nothing to do with you, do you think my sister will believe your nonsense?"

"Aww~ (I think my sister will believe it, after all, I'm just a good tiger.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and now he just bites to death.What can my sister do with him?

"You little bastard, you have a tough mouth, but don't think that just being tough is useful. My sister can't get any information from you, so I'll go find other little guys." Said angrily, and walked to the crack in the corner: "Little Ant, are you there? I'm my sister, and my sister has something to ask you, can you come out?"

Since Xiaoju, the bad guy, is unwilling to cooperate, then she will find the little ants who are willing to cooperate. After all, these little ants are much more difficult to deal with than Xiaoju.

"Shusha~ (What to do, what to do? My sister really found us, do you think we should go out?)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, after all, even the king is afraid of my sister. If we don't go out? Will I offend my sister?)"

When the ants in the ant nest heard this, they immediately became troubled.

If you go out?It doesn't seem to work, but if you don't go out, it seems that you can't.

No matter how you look at it, it is a dilemma.

"Shusha~ (I think we should not go out. After all, the king has already ordered us. If we go out rashly, we will not only offend the king, but also offend my sister.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, if we offend my sister, at most we can just ignore her, but if we offend the king, then we will have to walk away without food.)"

The big ants with bigger heads said, and they all nested inside, not going out.

Anyway, going out is offending my sister, and not going out is also offending my sister, so why don't they pick one, they can afford to offend them?

"Shusha~ (Not bad, not bad.)" Hearing this, the other ants nodded their heads in agreement.They all decided not to go out.

As long as they stay here, I believe there will be nothing wrong.

"Little ants come out obediently, okay? My sister has brought your favorite honey this time. As long as you come out, every little ants sister will have it." Seeing that there was no response from the crack in the wall, Hong The elder sister immediately took out the honey that she was carrying.

She couldn't believe it anymore, these little guys could still resist the temptation of honey.

You must know that she had made complete preparations before she came, and she had long expected that such a situation might happen.

"I'll go, my sister is so scheming, she actually brought honey here, I hope these little guys can withstand the temptation of honey. Otherwise, when the time comes, you will have to bear the blame yourself." Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes. He never thought that Sister Hong'er would actually carry this thing with her.

Then these little guys must persevere, and they can't run out just because they are greedy.

"Shusha~ (Did you smell it? It's delicious honey, this smells so good.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah yeah, I think I'm going to be burned to death.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, my sister brought such a good gift to see us, isn't it impolite if we don't go out? I think we should go out and see my sister.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, I think what you said is very reasonable, we can't let my sister go for nothing.)" Smelling the wonderful smell in the air, they couldn't help swallowing .

There is no way, the smell is so fragrant that they can't hold it anymore.

"Shusha~ (You idiots, don't think about eating after smelling this smell, don't forget what the king told you.)"

"Shusha~ (That's my sister, this is all to trick us out, it's time to ask us what happened yesterday, have you forgotten what we did yesterday?)"

Although they are also very greedy for the honey outside, they will never forget, why did my sister use honey to coax them out?

That's because they have done bad things, and my sister wants to ask them about it.

"Little ants, come out quickly, don't play hide-and-seek with your sister inside, okay?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, seeing that there was no reaction inside, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, she didn't expect this group of little ants They are so unwilling to come out.

It seems that these little guys must have made a big mistake.

Otherwise, why would you dare not come out inside?

"Aww~ (Sister, don't waste your energy, the little ants are not at home today, they ran out to find their wives.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the little ants didn't come out, and then walked up immediately Said.

"Oh? Aren't these little ants at home?" Sister Hong'er, who was thinking about how to lure the little ants out, couldn't help being stunned when she heard this.

No wonder she sprinkled honey all over their door. The little ants didn't react at all, so they weren't at home.

"Aww~ (Yeah, sister, that's why you don't waste your energy in vain. The little ants are not at home, no matter how you call them, it's useless.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, just wanting to get rid of the other party quickly.

Otherwise, with the concentration of this group of little ants, he can't guarantee whether they will jump out by then!After all, the stamina of these little guys doesn't seem to be very good.

"Well, since this is the case, there is no other way." Sister Hong'er said with a helpless sigh.

"Aww~ (sister, actually, I don't think you need to find little ants just because of that guy, that guy is not worth what you did, think about it, don't you think about it?)" Cheng Hao said while the iron was hot.

What's their relationship?And what does it have to do with the little ant, is that bad Avril comparable?There's no need to make them feel bad for a woman, right?
"It's not wrong to say that, but you little villain can't hurt people." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, she admitted that what the little villain said was indeed true, and there was such a grain of truth in it.

However, this is not the reason for Xiaoju to harm others.

"Aww~ (Who says I have harmed people, I punished all bad guys, okay? Let me tell my sister that Avril Lavigne is a spy from another country.)"

"Aww~ (It's natural to deal with her, you can't be merciful.)"

Is this guy a spy or a human?This simply cannot use human methods to judge whether they are good or not?
Therefore, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. To be a spy is to be a spy.And the only end of being a spy is death.

"Although I know that Ms. Avril has a problem, isn't there no evidence to prove it? So you, a bad guy, can't mess with her." Sister Hong'er said, so far, everything is just their speculation That's all, they don't have any substantive evidence, so they can't act rashly.

"Aww~ (Who told my sister that there is no evidence? Sister, come with me, and I will take you to see the evidence.)" Cheng Hao, who saw this, immediately thought of what the little ant told him, and rolled his eyes. Sister Hong'er got on her back.He ran towards the girls' dormitory.

"You little scoundrel, let my sister go, where do you want to take my sister? You little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er, who was suddenly put on her back, shouted.

I don't understand what Cheng Hao wants to do?Why did he memorize her all of a sudden?

"Aww~ (Of course I took my sister to see the evidence of that guy's crime. Don't you always want to see the evidence that that guy is a spy? I'll take you there right now.)" Cheng Hao replied, stepping forward The "da da" sound.

"Then you, little rascal, slow me down a little bit. You run so fast that I'm going to spit out my breakfast." Sister Hong'er, who was lying on Cheng Hao's back, said.

"Aww~ (It's okay, sister, you will be fine soon, you will be fine soon.)" Cheng Hao said, and continued to run.

Without much effort, he carried sister Hong'er to the girls' dormitory, and went straight to the door of Avril's dormitory.

"Xiaoju, are you sure? If we are not sure, we should not act rashly, otherwise it will be bad if we are passed on." Sister Hong'er, who got off Cheng Hao's back, said, like this It's not good to enter someone else's room without permission, right?
It's okay if the evidence is found, but if it is not found, it will be regarded as a thief by others.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't worry, don't be afraid, there is no one here, do you think so? So this matter, only God knows you and I know.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently, and slapped Opened the locked door.

"Xiaoju, you should be gentle, this door is going to be smashed by you." Seeing this scene, sister Hong'er couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from her forehead and said, how could this little villain knock on the door so hard ?If the door is knocked away, even the deaf will be able to hear it.

"Aww~ (Small problem, small problem, wait for us, the evidence that this guy is a spy has been brought back? Everyone will only remember how we found out that she was a spy, and no one will care about what we destroyed.) "Cheng Hao said indifferently, everyone only cares about the result, who will pay attention to the process?"

So sister Hong'er, just relax.

"It's not wrong to say so, but my sister still feels unreliable."

Sister Hong'er said, walking in with Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (That's right, it's this thing, sister, come here quickly.)" Cheng Hao, who walked into the room, looked around, and quickly locked the pink combination box under the bed.

He remembered that the little ants said that Avril Lavigne used this thing to communicate with others.

"This is the lockbox, Xiaoju, are you sure the XZ we're looking for is here?" Sister Honger said after hearing Cheng Hao's words, lifted up the lockbox.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Xiaoju was unreliable.

How can someone be so stupid as to put the evidence in the lockbox, isn't this just waiting for someone to come and get it?
"Aww~ (Of course, I heard the report from the little ants last night. You just trust me once, sister.)" Cheng Hao said, and then scratched the lockbox with his paw.

Then the scene inside the password box came into their eyes.

A transparent machine is inlaid in the center of the lockbox, although I can't understand what it is?But judging from the exquisite workmanship and complicated appearance, it is definitely not a cheap product.

"Aww~ (Sister, did you see it? Don't you have anything to say now? I've already said that Avril is a spy. Look, who would use this kind of thing?)"

"Aww~ (And it's still embedded in the password box, hiding such a hidden thing.)" Cheng Hao said, his beard raised very high, and his face was full of pride.

Even if my sister doesn't believe him anymore, after seeing the pile of things in front of her.You have to believe him, Avril Lavigne is a spy.

"Well, my sister has already seen it, but to be on the safe side, we still need to ask someone from the department to take a look." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the department's number, asking the department to send someone coming.

"Hi Avril, after my diagnosis, you are not a sequela after being poisoned by snake venom. Your face was corroded by formic acid." In the medical room of the department, the doctor looked at Avril in front of him and said.

There is nothing wrong with this appearance and this degree. The other party was not affected by the snake venom to become like this. The other party was corroded by leech.

"Is my face made like this by formic acid? But how could the acetic acid of ants be so corrosive?" Avril Lavigne was a little unbelievable when she heard this, as for the formic acid sprayed out by those little ants , can you make her like this?
"Of course these ants wouldn't be able to do it normally, but Miss Avril, don't forget that there are evolved animals and plants everywhere now."

"So it's normal for the formic acid of these ants to have this effect." The doctor explained with a smile, writing something on the pen: "I'll prescribe you some alkaline ointment, which should prevent your skin from further damage." Corroded."

"Then after applying it, can my face return to its original appearance?" Avril asked after hearing this.

Compared with her skin being corroded, she knows more about whether she can be cured. After all, this face is her most precious asset.

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult to get better, because the formic acid has penetrated into your subcutaneous tissue, and it may take some time for you to return to the original state." The doctor said while looking at Avril: "But in the future With the current level of medical care, if you just think about it, you can definitely do it with a little effort."

He is just a doctor, not a master of a beauty salon, how could he restore the other party to his original appearance?This is something you can imagine.

What he can do is to prevent the opponent's situation from getting worse. As for recovery?The other party has to take care of himself.

"Okay, thank you doctor. I see." Avril was grateful when she heard the words, as long as her face was saved.

As for spending more time or something?perfectly acceptable.

"Well, Miss Avril, you can go get the medicine now, I hope you can recover soon."

"Okay, okay." Avril nodded, ready to get the medicine.

And at this time.But dense footsteps came from the door: "Miss Avril, we will get your plaster for you. You don't have to worry, but you need to cooperate with us first."

"Seniors, I don't know what I did to make you so motivating." Avril couldn't help but change her face when she heard this, and suddenly felt that the situation was not good. These guys must have already found out what?

Otherwise, they wouldn't appear here to stop her.

"Oh? Miss Avril, don't you know about this?" Chen Min said with a smile, looking at the other party and shaking her head: "You said you are so beautiful, what you do is not good, why do you want to do something wrong?" What about being a spy? Isn’t this just asking for something?”

"Spy? This officer really knows how to joke, I don't even know what you're talking about?" Avril was startled when she heard this.

But there was still a calm look on his face.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter. You will understand after a walk with us. Of course, if you don't want to, we can only use other methods. After all, we have many methods to deal with spies." Chen Min said with a smile Well, the other party happened to run to their department today, so they didn't even have to go out and they could arrest people directly in the department.

Of course, if the other party has the ability to escape from the department, then they have nothing to say.

After all, the fact that so many people looked at her and made him run away only proved how useless they were.

"Really? Can you wait for me to finish taking the medicine before leaving?" Avril Lavigne showed a calm look on her face after hearing this.

It seemed that her identity had indeed been exposed, but what she didn't understand was when she was exposed?How was it exposed?Obviously she hadn't done anything.

The time to come to Hongtashan City is even more limited.

"Of course there is no problem, we are not in a hurry, Miss Avril, you can take your time." Chen Min said with a smile.

Now in the department, what does the other party want to do?It is all acceptable.

Anyway, they have this time and are not in a hurry.After all turn around, they can get to the place.

"Okay, thank you." Avril Lavigne smiled and walked outside surrounded by the team members.

"Xiao Chen, what's going on?" The principal looked at Avril and the team members going out.Said that he has not figured out yet, what is the situation now?So, is there anyone who is willing to answer him enthusiastically.

"It's very simple, Mr. Consultant, don't you understand?" Chen Min asked with a smile after hearing this.

"Yes, the old man is still confused." The director nodded and said, why do young people these days always like to ask such questions to old people like them?Let them guess everything, what can they guess.

"The thing is like this..." Chen Min heard the words, and told the story with a smile.

"Oh, so it was Xiaoju who exposed Avril." The headmaster nodded in a sudden realization after hearing this.

He said why he arrested people suddenly. It turned out that Xiaoju had the evidence, so it was no wonder.

"Yes, the suitcase carried by Avril Lavigne has been brought to the department, Mr. Consultant, would you like to take a look?" Chen Min asked with a smile.

"Of course you don't need it. I'm not curious about this thing anymore. Why should I watch him if I have nothing to do? I'd better go back and look at the little villain Xiaoju."

"To prevent this little villain from causing trouble to me again, in addition, I have to explain the matter of Avril Lavigne's arrest to the breeders in the Tiger Park, so as not to panic them."

Where does he have time to watch that thing here now?He is very busy now.

(End of this chapter)

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