Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 177 Enthusiastic masses

Chapter 177 Enthusiastic masses
"Aww~ (Next, next.)"

Cheng Hao's voice came from inside the complex.The patients came in one after another.

The foreign ambassador who saw this scene couldn't help saying in amazement:

"This doctor Xiaoju is really amazing. It only takes a few seconds to heal people. This is something we didn't expect."

This mycelium is obviously such a troublesome existence in their country, but here it is like playing. The doctor Xiaoju worked hard to clean up all these mycelia.

It's simply breathtaking, an eye-opener.

No wonder Mr. President specially asked them to fly over for treatment.

"Yes, after all, there is a specialization in surgery, and that's what Xiaoju is good at." The commander who heard this said with a smile.

He glanced at the patients in foreign countries, always on guard against spies who might sneak in inside.So as not to be disturbed by them in the diagnosis and treatment process.

"Hey, is it so lively here?" Xu Lele, who was carrying a big travel bag, walked into the complex and couldn't help but wondered when he saw the crowded scene.

"Yes, Captain Xu has a lot of people here. What if you want to find Doctor Xiaoju? He's upstairs now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to find time to see you." The team members on the side nodded after hearing this.

It is normal for there to be a lot of people now, after all, this is a country with critically ill patients.

"It's okay, I can go see that little villain." Xu Lele said with a smile, and walked upstairs. I haven't seen this little villain for a long time. I really want to kill her, and I don't know this little villain. Did the villain miss her?

"Hey, Lele, did you come back so quickly? I thought it would take a while for you to come back." Sister Hong'er, who was acting as an interpreter, couldn't help showing surprise on her face when she saw the figure coming.

"I miss Xiaopangju so much, so of course I don't want to stay for a moment, so how could I be willing to wait for so long?" Xu Lele said with a smile when he heard this, and walked straight to Cheng Hao's side, with both hands directed towards Cheng Hao. His big head beckoned:

"I haven't seen you for a while, the little villain, your head is more rounded, and it feels great when you touch it. Does the little villain miss your sister?"

"Aww~ (I'm in treatment, I don't have time to play with you, I advise you to be kind and don't make me angry.)" Cheng Hao said, wrapping his tail around the other's wrist.

Does the other person know when to joke and when not to?Don't you see how busy he is now?And ran to him to bother him.

"Okay, Lele, what's the matter, let's talk about it later, don't bother Xiaoju, let him treat him well." Seeing this, Sister Hong'er stepped forward and pulled Xu Lele over directly, so as not to The opponent is in the way here.

"Oh oh oh, that little chubby orange. Elder sister will come to play with you sooner." Xu Lele said with a smile when she heard this, and she and sister Hong'er went to the side to count the things they brought back this time.

"This is the little red robe you brought for Sister Hong. How about it? Looks good."

"This is a big dried fish for Xiaopangju. Laoxiang is here. I heard from the locals that this big dried fish has been dried for 49 days."

"Yeah, this red robe is very pretty, I like it very much, I think Xiaoju will also like this big dried fish." Sister Hong'er who was squatting on the side said with a smile, looking at the little one in her hand. red robe.

"What fun are you two watching here? Do you have my share with the old man?" The director who came over to check the situation saw this scene, and immediately came up with a smile.

"Of course I have. These are the bracelets in the River God Empress Temple of Baishui Temple. I specially asked for you, Mr. Director." Xu Lele, who heard this, immediately took out a bunch of bracelets.

Since she is going to work, then naturally everyone has a share, and no one will be short.

"It's really something from the temple, and the fragrance is really long-lasting." The director who took the bracelet smelled it, and said with a smile: "Thank you, the old man, I won't be polite."

"Don't be polite. These things were originally given to you, the director. If you are polite, I will find it difficult." Xu Lele said with a smile.

"That's really great. Keep talking, and I won't disturb you." The director said, and walked away.

Seeing this scene, Miss Hong'er said:

"Lele, you even have gifts from the director, so you must have brought gifts from other people, right?"

"It's natural. Can I come back empty-handed?" Xu Lele said with a smile, and patted the bulging backpack: "Everyone has it, and everyone has gifts."

"Really? But now is not the time to look at your gifts, we have work to do."

At this moment, the commander's voice came over.interrupted their conversation.

"What's the matter? You're so anxious. Didn't Lele just come back?" Sister Hong'er asked suspiciously when she heard this.

No matter how urgent this is, let Lele take a break. Why are you in such a hurry to work?
"Don't be in a hurry, what if it's late? Maybe those guys will run away." The commander who heard this explained.

They managed to catch the lair of these spies, what if they get away like this?What a pity, it is natural to hurry up and catch them all before they react.

"Okay then, Lele, go to work first. As for the dried fish, I'll leave it to Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

"Okay, sister Hong'er." Xu Lele replied after hearing that, put down the bag, and left with the commander.

"Aww~ (The annoying guy is finally gone, and I can live in peace for a while.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Then continue to work.

There are a lot of people today, and he will have to work hard to get it done.

"Lele, you should understand the situation this time, right? Our mission this time is to wipe out all these guys." The commander who came out of the complex said as he led Xu Lele towards the direction of the car. .

"I understand. Commander, just tell me what you want me to do? I promise to complete the task." Xu Lele said after hearing this.

"Well, then there is no problem." The commander nodded, and the two entered the car.Go to the department.

The night sky is full of stars.

Doctor Xiaoju, who had been busy all day, was just about to go to bed when he was woken up by the light.Dang even scolded fragrantly:

"Aww~ (What the hell are you guys doing? You don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?)"

"Xiaoju, please don't be angry, my sister came here this time to ask you to help save people." Immediately after his words fell, Sister Hong'er's voice came, and then one after another, the team members carried Several stretchers came over.

The person being carried on the stretcher was pale at this moment.He looked as if he had met a vampire, as pale as he could be.

And on their bodies, there are tree vines that have been cut off one after another.These vines stuck in their flesh and blood, skewering them like kebabs.

"Aww~ (What's the matter with these guys? Don't play like this when you play on the swing, you will kill yourself. Do they know?)" Cheng Hao, who came to them and looked at them, muttered .

"Xiaoju, you're mistaken. They didn't become like this because they were playful. They fought against evolutionary plants and were attacked by evolutionary plants to become what they are now, so they need your help now, Xiaoju. .”

Sister Hong'er heard the words, and explained with black lines all over her head.

Xiaoju's imagination is really rich, how could he think that these team members made him look like this because of playfulness?
"Aww~ (Since they are injured like this, they should be sent to a big hospital. Why are you looking for me? They haven't been parasitized, and they all look healthy.)" Cheng Hao muttered, like them In such a situation, no matter how you look at it, you should be sent to the hospital for a bandage, right? Why did you come here to find him?Isn't this rushing to the doctor in a hurry?

"It's good that they don't seem to be parasitized and are healthy, but the problem is that the place where they were stabbed is not good." Sister Hong'er, who heard this, told the whole story of the incident.

Especially emphasized, how dangerous is the place where these team members were impaled?How difficult is it to perform surgery?That's why I didn't ask him to help.

"Aww~ (So that's the situation, these trees have caused them a lot of damage, but the operation is easy to cause bleeding, so you found me?)" Xiaoju muttered after listening.

He just said, how could my sister and the others go to his Three Treasure Hall without incident?It turned out that something happened and I asked him for help.

"Yes, Xiaoju. So do you see if you can use your ability to take out these vines without hurting them?" Sister Hong'er nodded, with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Aww~ (I can only say try my best, but will it succeed? I have no idea, so sisters, you'd better not have too much hope.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this, and he said He can't guarantee that these guys can be rescued, he can only say that he can try his best to see if he can get these vines out.

"It's fine, it's fine, as long as you are willing to try hard, Xiaoju, no matter what the result is? At least we've worked hard, right?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Aww~ (Okay, you guys put them down. I need to take my time for this kind of delicate work.)"

"Aww~ (You carry him like this, I can't treat them.)" Cheng Hao said, beckoning them to put him down.

The treatment for these guys is different from the usual treatment. The usual treatment is not like this. If you are not careful, you will bleed profusely.

"Is it okay for Xiaoju to be like this? Is there anything else we need to do?" Sister Hong'er asked aloud when she saw this.

"Aww~ (No more, you just need to be quiet.)" Cheng Hao put his paw on the team member's arm and said, feeling the situation in the opponent's body.

Using his ability, he sucked out the vines that penetrated the opponent's body.Of course, it must not be directly transferred and sucked out. What he did was to molecularize the structure of the entire vine, avoiding those fragile blood vessels and their hearts and lungs.

Only in this way can the vines be completely removed without hurting them.

As time went by, the vines that passed through the player's heart and lungs moved obviously, and they were still slowly retreating outwards, but there was no blood dripping from the player's wound.

Seeing this scene, the other team members immediately said happily:

"Come out, come out, the vine is pushed out."

"Really, I saw it too."

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb Xiaoju's treatment. You are so noisy, what if Xiaoju is distracted?" The commander who came to check the situation heard their noise.Immediately reprimanded aloud.

"Yes, Commander." The team members immediately shut their mouths when they heard this, and did not dare to speak loudly again.

At this moment, Cheng Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the first time for him to use such a delicate ability. Fortunately, his ability was relatively proficient, and there were no major problems.

"How is Xiaoju's situation? Can you handle it?"

Sister Hong'er saw Cheng Hao retracting his claws, and asked aloud.

"Aww~ (It's been done in sevens and eighties. Next, you can help him deal with the end of the vine.)"

"Aww~ (I've already dealt with the piece pasted into the internal organs.)" Cheng Hao said, and walked up to the next team member with small steps.

"Hurry up and ask the doctor to come over and help remove this last part." Sister Hong'er said to the standing team members who heard this.

"Okay, breeder." The people who were looking at here heard the words, and immediately went to ask the doctor to come over.

"Doctor Xiaoju, how is my condition? Is there anything I can do to save me?" asked the female team member whose paw was being pulled down by Cheng Hao, stroking Cheng Hao's fluffy paw dishonestly.

"Aww~ (There must be some help, but if you mess with me again, I can't guarantee it.)" Cheng Hao, who was being touched, said a little speechlessly.

The paw moved the hand that the other party was holding, and moved it aside.

"Doctor Xiaoju, don't act like this, let me touch it."

"Take it as my last request before I die." The female team member who was pulled away said pitifully.

It looks as if it will hang up directly in the next second.

"Aww~ (Stop making noise, I don't know if you have pornography or not? It's okay to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf with me here? It will be fine if you just stay honest.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao didn't With a good air, there was a burst of suction in the heart of the paw, which directly calmed the other party down.

Since this guy doesn't behave himself, don't blame him, but help her behave in a small way.


Just as she was about to continue harassing Cheng Hao, the female team member felt the suction force, and immediately went limp.

I couldn't raise my hands anymore, and I didn't even have the strength to speak, and my whole person seemed a little dazed.

"Aww~ (How about annoying me when you're full and have nothing to do? My methods are very powerful?)"

Seeing that the other party's tongue was tied, Cheng Hao couldn't help saying proudly.Then he began to deal with the opponent's injuries.

"Ah, ah, ah ~"

Feeling the strangeness in her body, the female team members panicked, but apart from this messy and indistinct sound, there was no other sound coming out of their mouths.

"What are you talking about, Kobayashi? We can't hear you clearly."

"Yeah, yeah. Take it easy, you'll be fine soon."

The other female team members who heard the voice leaned closer to each other's ears and said.

"I can't move, my body is losing strength, do you know that?" Xiao Lin roared in his heart when he heard this.

She didn't understand the situation, how could it become like this?Obviously it wasn't like this at first.

"Xiaoju, what did you do to Xiaolin? Why does she look dazed?" Sister Hong'er at the side asked Cheng Hao after noticing Xiaolin's situation.

"Aww~(It's nothing, she's a little too noisy, let me calm her down.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, and retracted his paw: "Aww~(It's done, let's call it a day. Sister, you can let her The person has dealt with her, and I will continue to look at the injury of the next person.)”

"So fast?" Sister Hong'er was stunned when she heard the words.She didn't expect Cheng Hao's speed to be so fast this time, so fast that she couldn't believe it.

"Aww~ (Yes, her injury was not serious in the first place. Of course the treatment will be quick.)" Cheng Hao said, and walked towards the next waiting team member.

Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er shouted to the doctor at the side: "Doctor, please come and pull out the remaining vines for her."

"Sir, you're being polite. With my humble skills, how can I dare to call myself a doctor in front of Dr. Xiaoju?" The doctor who was clearing the vines said hastily.

What is a medical miracle?The scene in front of me is called, Dr. Xiaoju can remove this thing completely without surgery, let alone any equipment.

"Okay, doctor, don't underestimate yourself. You should understand that some things are incomparable." The commander who heard this said with black lines all over his forehead.

He asked the other party to come to see a doctor, and also destroyed the other party's self-confidence?This is not a good thing.

"Yes, yes, after all, I will never be able to achieve such an achievement as Doctor Xiaoju's in my life." The doctor who heard this sighed, and the commander on the side became even more speechless.

After cooperating, you are stuck in this alley, and you can't get out, right?Can't you cherish the warmth of the sea and the flowers blooming in spring?

As for the death reason of being full and holding on?

"Aww~ (It's all done, you can go to bed now, don't bother me anymore.)" At this moment, Cheng Hao's voice came from the side.

"Is it all done so quickly? Xiaoju, do you want to check it again?" Sister Hong'er, who followed Cheng Hao and watched closely, asked.

Xiaoju just stretched out her claws and retracted her claws to get it done?It also looks too fast, which is really a bit dreamy.

"Aww~ (There is no need for this at all, sister, you just have to trust me, and the rest can be left to God's will.)" Cheng Hao yawned, and got into his warm nest.

Now it's time to go to bed at this point, otherwise he won't have the energy to get up and work tomorrow.

"Xiaohong, Xiaoju, is everything settled?" the commander who saw this scene asked.

Xiaoju ran back to sleep, theoretically it should be solved, right?
"Well, Xiaoju said it's done." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing that.

"That's good, everyone carry the injured team members back to the car. We should go back to the department." The commander who heard this ordered.

"Yes." The team members replied, and they carried the stretchers one after another and left.

The entire pen also ushered in silence again.

And in the hotel not far from the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, a group of thick-eyed people were looking at the map of the Hongta Mountain Sierra Tiger Forest Park.

"Have you seen this location? This location is the barn where Doctor Xiaoju lives. As long as he doesn't go to sleep in the breeder's room, then we have a [-]% chance of succeeding." The burly man headed by Pointing to a point on the outskirts of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, according to their surveys these days, this is where Doctor Xiaoju lives.

As long as they come to this place to do something, they can definitely succeed in taking away Doctor Xiaoju.

"But the problem is that Doctor Xiaoju is under strict supervision in the evolutionist department. If we want to succeed? I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

"Yes, and once we are discovered, we will definitely be hunted down and beaten. I think this matter needs to be reconsidered."

The people who heard this said that it is a good thing that the community doctor's pen is on the outermost edge, but being on the outer edge does not mean that the precautions are loose.

You know, the current international price of Dr. Xiaoju has been fired to 20 billion.

Every country wants Dr. Xiaoju, but can they really do this kind of thing?They were very suspicious, and they were beaten to death before they even made a move.

"As the saying goes, those who are bold and timid are starved to death, and those who are afraid of wolves and tigers like you, when will they reach the pinnacle of life?"

"As long as we succeed in this vote, each of us will share [-] million, where can we not be happy?"

The burly man patted the table and said, his face was full of tiredness, why are these guys so afraid of wolves and tigers?As long as they do this vote, their future is very bright.

"I don't know where you can go to have fun, but obviously you can't be happy now."

At this moment, an electronic horn sounded from outside, and huge mechas surrounded the hotel, aiming their guns at their positions.

Xu Lele jumped into the hotel and kicked open the hotel doorway.

"Who? Who?"

Hearing this movement, the people in the hotel.He suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Of course, the person who took you back to jail." Xu Lele said angrily, pointing to the burly man in the room and said, "You, you, you, and you. If you dare to draw attention to Xiaopangju's head, I think you are looking for death by lighting the lamp in the toilet."

"Do you know how important Xiaopangju is to the country? You actually put your hands on Xiaopangju's head."

"Be obedient and get caught, don't force me to take action, you know? Just you two garlics, I really don't want to deal with you, lest I beat you to death in time."

Originally, at this time, she should have gone to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain with Sister Hong'er, and happily licked the chubby tangerine.

As a result, the department received reports from enthusiastic people.

Said that there was a group of guys in their hotel planning to kidnap Xiaoju.

Can she bear it?After all, even she didn't think about it, so she tied Xiaoju home and masturbated well.There are still people who have such an idea, it is simply life-or-death.

It is completely the behavior of old birthday stars eating arsenic.

"How could our plan be so perfect, how could there be mistakes?"

"Yeah, can't it be that there are traitors among us?"

Hearing these words, the big man Baoxin and the others couldn't help showing a look of shock in their eyes.

At first you looked at me, and I looked at you.

Trying to figure out who is the mole hiding among them.

"You don't need to look around, there are no traitors among you." Seeing this scene, Xu Lele said very speechlessly, why do these guys feel that they are not very smart?
She just said clearly that it was reported by enthusiastic people, right?
"Absolutely impossible. Our plan is very thorough. If there is no traitor, how could you know our battle plan?" The big man with an expression opened his mouth when he heard the words. With such a smart head, how could there be any mistakes?Someone must have betrayed them.

"That's right, there must be a mole among us. Who the hell is it? I usually see you sneaking around, big blackie. Did you betray us?" The thin man beside him also said, this time the plan is It was thought up by him, and the actions were done in a very secretive manner. There must be a traitor who betrayed them.

"Don't be kidding, what good will it do me if I betray everyone? Then can I still receive the reward?" Big Heizi said after hearing this, are they crazy?He has nothing to do when he is full, so what's the benefit of reporting them?

"Then which bastard betrayed us?"

"That's right, don't let me know, or I'll be the first to let him go."

A group of people cursed and said, their eyes were full of anger.Their plan was going to succeed soon, and now it turned into this damn thing.

"Captain, this group of people seems to be a little mentally retarded, why don't we just take them back and stop talking nonsense with them."

"Yes, Captain. They don't look too smart." The team members who followed Xu Lele said.

Mentally retarded people are common these days, but it's very rare to be so stupid.

They can't use words to describe the speechlessness of themselves and others.I feel like I'm insulting my IQ when I talk to these guys.

"Then let's take action, remember not to kill. After all, caring for mentally handicapped children is everyone's responsibility." Xu Lele waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Captain." The team members nodded after hearing this, and rushed into the room.

The group of burly men who saw this scene put on various poses and said:
"What do you guys want to do? Let me tell you, Grandpa, I am not easy to mess with. Don't think that having a broken gun is powerful, we are not ordinary people."

"That's right, let you see how powerful we are."



Just after their words fell, the sound of electric current rang out in the room, followed by the four people who had just posed.

At this time, he was lying on the ground with white gas coming out of his mouth and black smoke coming out of his body.From time to time, he murmured:

"How could this be? How could this be? It shouldn't be right."

"We should be invincible, invincible."

"Niu Bold, 31 years old, male, from Yingzuigou, Baishi City, ability: sound wave."

"Miao Cuifen, 32 years old, female, from Qingshi Town, Jiuling City, ability: control Qi."

"An Baoyuan, 29 years old, male, from Mati Township, Beiben City, ability: control things." At this moment, the team members tied them up and said:

"Do you idiots still want me to continue to report? Discuss this kind of bad things one by one. You are still making loud noises here and there, for fear that others will not hear you. If you are like this, others will be called ghosts if they don't know."

"In addition, guys like you who do bad things and have to register their abilities. Don't you know that when you come out to act, you shouldn't reveal your identity information?"

"Even if you do bad things, you have to look like you are doing bad things, okay? You are a little too unprofessional."

When they heard the new masses say that there are people on their side who are going to do this, they still didn't believe it.

After all, in their opinion, only a fool would be so brainless, right?How can there be such a noisy person who wants to kidnap Xiaoju after registering with his ID card in the hotel?

Later, after they came over, they realized that the world was really crazy.

They were shocked that even such a fool would think of kidnapping someone.

They all don't know how to describe it?As the old saying goes, reality is far more dreamy than fiction.

"It turns out that there is a mistake in this place. I understand. We will definitely pay more attention next time."

"That's right, I didn't expect to do bad things, but I still have such great knowledge? Now we know."

"Yeah, next time we will definitely plan, more perfect."

Several people who heard this said in a murmur.

"I said you guys, don't you think you can still come out?"

"Yeah, according to your situation, you have to be locked up for at least 80 years."

"That's right, the most important thing you should do now is to reflect on yourself."

The team members were immediately speechless when they heard the words. Guys like them must have serious brain problems.

How could anyone still look like them after being arrested?Could it be that he escaped from some mental hospital?
"There seems to be something wrong with these guys, captain." The team members on the side looked at them and said.

"What's wrong? Did you see anything?" Xu Lele asked after hearing this.

This is the think tank of their team, a brain power evolutionist.It is very good at analyzing things and observing things. Now that I have said that, I should have discovered something.

"Captain, look at the eyes of these guys, isn't there something wrong?" the team think tank said, pointing to a group of people who were tied up.

"It seems that something is really wrong. Do these guys have glaucoma? Why are all the eyes green?"

"Yeah, I've heard of people with glaucoma. That's what it looks like."

After the other team members heard it, they spoke.

"It's not glaucoma. I suspect they were drugged or hypnotized."

"Or a kidnapping plan full of loopholes, how could they do it at their age?" Hearing the team think tank here, he said speechlessly, did he mean this?Why would they want to come here?

One must know that even a person who has graduated from elementary school, and has struggled in society to this point, would not think of things so simply, but people like him who are about to enter middle age will do this.

It's weird to think about it, especially when they are still like this after being electrocuted.Obviously something is not normal.

(End of this chapter)

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