Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 178 Benhu looks like that kind of 25?

Chapter 178 Benhu looks like that kind of two hundred and five?
"Hypnosis? The question is, what are they doing hypnotizing these guys? Do they have other plans?"

"Yeah, just relying on these idiots, no matter how you look at it, it's impossible to kidnap Xiaopangju, right?" Hearing the weak voice of the team members here, these guys also want to catch Xiaoju?Are they a little too whimsical?

"Although they can't catch Xiaopangju, they can distract us. Maybe they want me to relax my vigilance." The team think tank looked at the subdued guys, rubbed his chin and said: "This matter The commander must be notified immediately, if these guys make other moves, it will be bad."

"Well, I'll call and report to the commander now." Xu Lele replied after hearing this, and took out the phone.Reported the situation here to the commander.

"Teacher, things here are going very smoothly. The evolutionary department has arrived at the hotel as we had guessed in advance."

"Teacher, the things on your side can now proceed."

On a rooftop around the hotel, a petite figure saw this scene.

Immediately dialed the phone and reported the situation here.

"Very well, I understand, we are ready to act now."

On the other end of the phone, the old figure in a top hat and a suit smiled.He hung up the phone directly.

"Teacher, isn't it just a little tiger? Let me go, I'll deal with him."

"Yes, teacher. Why do you need to do such a small thing? Just leave it to us."

Several people who heard this on the side spoke.

Said that this is nothing to fear at all, they can easily clean up this little tiger.

"Don't be impulsive, this little tiger is not that simple."

"Underestimate his words? It is very likely that you will suffer." The old man who heard this said, straightened his collar, shook his head and said: "This time I will do it myself, you just watch it by the side , don’t attack rashly.”

"Don't forget, our purpose is to bring this little tiger back alive. What if something happens to him? Mr. President will not spare us."

"Hmph! Isn't he just a president? Now he is the president, but it's hard to say the next one."

"That's right, what president? Isn't it just a puppet supported by several major groups?"

"That's right, give him face and call him president, but if you don't give him face, he is nothing in front of us."

Hearing this, Skill sneered and said, a guy who is not even an evolutionary dares to call the president in front of them?The other party will not think that now is the same as before, right?

In this era, as long as you are not an evolutionary, then you are the bottom guy.

Guys like this also want to command them, what kind of international joke are you talking about?
"There is nothing wrong with saying that, but he is still the president on the bright side. No matter what, you still need to give them some face." The old figure said with a smile, and took out a circle of rounds from his pocket. ball.

Throwing it towards the monitor of Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, the balls immediately touched the monitor.

"You guys are here to help me watch the wind, I'm going to trick this little tiger over here now."

The old figure who finished this step spoke.

"Yes, teacher." Everyone who heard this nodded.

The old figure in front of him easily jumped over the fence.He walked towards Cheng Hao who was sleeping.

"Xiaoju, wake up, wake up. It's already dawn, you little villain can't sleep anymore."

"Huh? It's dawn, why is it so fast?"

Cheng Hao, who heard the voice, opened his eyes and found that Sister Hong'er was squatting in front of him, greeting him.

And all around is the sunny sky. It seems that the big sun has been out for a while.

"Xiaoju, don't be in a daze, let's go out and play with my sister." Just as Cheng Hao was looking at her, sister Hong'er in front of her said with a smile.

"Ooooh~ (Okay, okay, I just got enough sleep and want to go out to play.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded his head, with a faint green light in his eyes.Claws clawed at the ground and got up.

In the distance, since he saw this teacher, he easily deceived the little tiger, and after making the other party wake up, he couldn't help showing a look of disdain in his eyes:

"Isn't it easy for this little tiger to be hypnotized by the teacher?"

"Yeah, that's all it seems. The teacher actually told us to be so careful. There's no need for that at all."

"That's right, with the teacher's current ability to deceive a little tiger, isn't it a matter of getting caught?"

As the oldest group of evolutionaries, the teachers and their abilities can be said to be used with great proficiency.

It has long been out of the point of using items to hypnotize people.

Just a look, a sigh, or even a movement can make people fall for it directly.

This is why the president personally invited the teacher to come out of the mountain.

"That's right, that's it, little tiger, relax. Don't resist. I'm your sister Hong'er, you have to be obedient, you know?" The old figure in front of the house saw him and easily hypnotized the little tiger. back.

A happy smile appeared in his eyes, and now the initial hypnosis has been established.

What he needs to do is to deepen the hypnosis, make the other party completely change his thinking, and turn the breeder in his memory into himself, so that the other party will listen to him honestly.

"Did you say that group of idiots were controlled and hypnotized?" The commander in the evolutionary department who heard this said, groping his chin.

"Yes, Commander. The spirits of these guys are a little abnormal, not like they should be at this age." Xu Lele nodded and said after hearing this:

"So we suspect that this may be the other party's trajectory. They may just want to lure us away, and then attack Xiaopangju."

"So I think we should hurry back to the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain and check the situation of Xiaopangju instead of wasting time on these guys."

"You don't have to worry about this, Xiaoju is not such an easy little tiger to deal with. If they really plan to do this? I think they still need to worry about themselves first." Hearing this, the commander couldn't help but said with a smile .

The idea was to hit Xiaoju, fortunately these idiots also came up with such a stupid idea.

They wouldn't think that they didn't prepare bodyguards for Xiaoju because they were big-hearted, right?
Then they made a big mistake, placing bodyguards next to a little tiger that could easily take down the tree king.

How stupid is this person?Things that can only be done?

"Uh, Xiaoju is indeed very powerful, but I think we should be more cautious."

Xu Lele said after hearing this, she admitted that Xiaoju was a little bit powerful.But it hasn't reached the point where it doesn't need protection.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Isn't Mr. Consultant still in the Tiger Garden?"

The commander who heard this said indifferently.No worries at all.

"Alright then." Xu Lele nodded after hearing this.

Now that the commander has said so, she has nothing to say.

"Well, relax, it's nothing, don't worry." The commander said with a smile, and the voices of the team members came from next to his ears: "Commander, the monitoring of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain has been abnormally disturbed. We suspect that someone It is invading, do you need to send team members to check it?"

"Is there abnormal interference in the monitoring? It seems that some guys can't sit still." After hearing this, the commander smiled and said:
"Notify the first team and the second team to dispatch. By the way, send a medical team to follow up, otherwise, it will be bad if we can't be rescued by then."

"Uh, Commander, are you worried that the enemy is too strong and the team members will be injured?"

The team members who heard this were stunned and then asked, is the commander really worried about the team members?Why did he hear the schadenfreude from the other party's words?

"Of course not. What I'm worried about is that the intruders will not be rescued this time. Have you forgotten what the guys caught by Xiaoju look like?" the commander said.

"What do the guys caught by Xiaoju look like?" The team members who heard this thought carefully in their minds.Immediately, the miserable appearance of those guys appeared.Immediately, one trembled and said, "It is indeed necessary to send someone there, otherwise they will probably be beaten to death by Xiaoju."

So far, who has benefited from Xiaoju's subordinates, anyway, he hasn't seen it.

"That's why I asked you to send someone there, otherwise it would be bad if these idiots were beaten to death."

The commander smiled, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let the team members go."

"Yes, Commander." The team member replied, and immediately went to inform everyone to work.

"Commander, is there something wrong with the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? Do you need our support immediately?" Xu Xu Lele in the hotel asked. She seemed to have heard something happened in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

So, do you need her to help?

"No, no, no, it's not that bad. You need to be dispatched together. Just bring those guys back. The first team and the second team will take care of other things." The commander said with a smile, Said that this is a small problem, the first team and the second team are just rushing to the ready-made, and there will be no danger at all.

So, don't waste this time on Lele's side.

"Is it like this? That's fine." Xu Lele nodded, and asked the team members to pack up and prepare to leave.

"Little Tiger, do you know who I am now? Do you have to obey me obediently? I am your breeder."

"You have been brought up by me since you were just born." In the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, the old figure smiled and waved to Cheng Hao.

It's like coaxing a kitten who hasn't had much experience in the world.

Hearing this, Cheng Hao walked slowly towards the other party.It seemed as if they were really close to each other.

Seeing this scene, the elderly figure immediately showed a smile on his face. Sure enough, this inexperienced little cat is easy to deceive.

Just a few words, and the other party obediently fell for it.

"It's done. The teacher has succeeded."

"Well. It seems that this little tiger has been completely controlled by the teacher, and our mission this time has been completed."

"That's right, I didn't expect that this mission would go so smoothly. It's really unexpected."

"That's necessary. This time, our teacher personally sent out a little tiger. Of course, it was easy to catch."

Seeing this scene, several people discussed in a low voice, and then a smug smile appeared on their faces.

But the smiles on their faces didn't last long when a scream interrupted their conversation.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"Yeah, why did the teacher make such a shrill cry?"

The few people who heard the voice were puzzled, and when they turned their heads, they saw a scene that terrified them.

They saw their beloved teacher was being slapped to the ground by the paw of a tiger cub they thought was harmless to humans and animals.

Their teacher's body was being pierced by a fluffy tail right now.

"Aww~ (You dare to lie to me by pretending to be your sister just because of your cheerfulness, how stupid do you think I am?)"

"Aww~ (Besides, you don't think that a guy of your level can hypnotize me, do you? You really imagined me too simply.)"

Cheng Hao said disdainfully while absorbing the strength in the opponent's body.

This idiot really imagined him a little too simple. With his little tricks, do you want to lie to him?
He just used his tricks to lure the other party to believe him, and then waited for an opportunity to give the other party good fruit.

I didn't expect this idiot to be fooled, thinking that I was really hypnotized by him.

It was the first time he met such a stupid guy.

"My power...power is disappearing, you..."

The old man, who was pinned to the ground and could not move, felt the disappearing power in his body.

With a look of fear on his face, this little tiger was able to absorb the power in his body.

How is this possible?He had never heard of someone being able to forcibly absorb the power in an evolutionary's body.

"No, save the teacher quickly."

The people on the other side finally came to their senses.Hastily opened the mouth to shout.Then he rushed towards the pen: "Teacher, don't be afraid, we are here to rescue you."

"You...you run away, this tiger can absorb the power of evolution. You are no match for him, run away." Hearing this, the struggling old figure shouted with the last of his strength.

These little guys have no idea what kind of terrifying guy they are facing?It was an enemy they had never known and had never faced.

No matter what their abilities are, they are useless in front of each other.

"Teacher, don't worry, we will definitely rescue you."

"Yes, teacher. The other party is just a little tiger. Even if it can absorb the power of evolution, it cannot be our opponent."

The few people who heard this didn't intend to stop, but rushed forward and used their abilities.

In their view, even if this little tiger can absorb the power of evolution, there is a limit.

It is impossible to absorb it from such a distance, their power must be close to the body, they just need to control the distance.It will definitely be the opponent's kite.

"Air cannon!" The short-haired man with red hair aligned his index fingers and thumbs, exposing a hole, and aimed at Cheng Hao and shouted.

There were faint ripples in the air, and the invisible fluctuations fell on Cheng Hao.

"Huh? What the hell? Just tickle me, is this an air cannon?" Cheng Hao muttered as he felt the air cannon hitting him.

Then he increased the suction, absorbing all the strength of the old man.

Anyway, he is not a local, and he wants to plot against him.It shouldn't be a big problem to kill them, but what about these little guys?He made sure the old guy was dead before cleaning them up.

"Why is this little tiger's skin so strong? After being hit by an air cannon, there is nothing wrong with it?" The red-haired young man's face couldn't help but change slightly when he saw this scene. He will punch a hole in the wall.

It still fell on the little tiger, and the opponent didn't even move.

"It's okay, I'm still here, look at my Cyclops." The black-haired young man on the other side said, and took off his glasses.

Immediately, the brilliant red light pierced through the darkness and landed on Cheng Hao's body, but it did not penetrate Cheng Hao's body instantly as the other party had hoped.

Instead, there was a fierce collision with Cheng Hao's hair.

"How is this possible? How can this guy withstand my attack?" Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes showed a look of horror. They never expected such a thing to happen. They are proud of it. The ability is useless in front of the opponent. Cyclops, who can instantly melt steel, can't penetrate the opponent's body.

"A group of guys can actually fire lasers, but don't think that this kind of gadget is useful to me. My ability is much better than you think." Feeling the heat from his hair, Cheng Hao's eyes were full of disdain.

Using his abilities, he directly absorbed the opponent's attack and entered his body.Gradually, there was a faint red light in the eyes.

"Damn it, don't be arrogant, you damn little tiger, I'm not a vegetarian either." After seeing the attacks of his teammates, they didn't work.

The fattest young man with spots and freckles on his face said.

The body became burly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in the blink of an eye, the whole person turned into a ten-meter-tall giant, swinging a fist as big as a tire, and rushed towards Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Can you still transform? You guys, it's really interesting.)"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao showed surprise in his eyes.The old guy whose tail was about to penetrate, threw it away casually, and greeted the big guy in front of him.

"Catch the teacher quickly." Several people who saw this scene shouted, and immediately ran towards the falling figure.

"Leave me alone, go and help him. This little tiger is not an ordinary little tiger, he can't deal with it alone." The old figure who was about to fall to the ground shouted, no one knew better than him that this little tiger How scary are tigers?

"Yes, teacher." The few people who were about to rush over heard this, and immediately turned around to help.

He heard the sound of the whole earth trembling, and that huge figure fell heavily to the ground, and on his back was a little tiger with its tail tightly strangling his neck.

"Aww~ (I thought there was something so great about this increased power, but it turned out that it was just a paper tiger that would break with a single poke. What a waste of my expression.)"

"Aww~ (However, your ability is very interesting. If I absorb it, it will not be so troublesome for me to grow bigger and smaller.)"

"Aww~ (so honestly hand over your ability to me, a useless guy like you doesn't deserve to have this kind of power.)" Cheng Hao said coldly, with a terrifying suction force emanating from his body, and started Absorb the strength in the opponent's body.

This time, not only did he want to absorb the opponent's evolutionary power, but he also wanted to absorb the opponent's ability.

"Hurry... save me, he is absorbing my strength, I can't hold on any longer." The little giant who had absorbed the strength returned to its original state in less than a moment, and moved forward like a sick tiger. The companions asked for help.

"William, don't be afraid, we're here to help you."

"Yeah, hold on. He's just a little tiger, there's nothing to be afraid of." Several people who rushed over said, and began to greet Cheng Hao with their abilities.

"Little Tiger, do you know how to let William go? Otherwise, I'll crush you with one paw." The girl who transformed into a four-meter-tall bear said, waving her paws at Cheng Hao, her big head full of melon seeds fell down.


After her paws fell, the surrounding air exploded.The whole bear was even sent flying by the force from the hand.

"How is it possible? How did you make this little tiger's head? Why is it so hard?" The giant bear who fell to the ground was stunned. defense.

"Aww~ (The ability to transform into various animals? I have to say that your ability makes me more excited, but I still have to deal with this little guy first. I'm not in a hurry.)" After slapping the opponent, Cheng Hao's eyes lit up.

The ability to turn into various animals is great. With this ability, I can sneak out to play.

It can also become a variety of animals and experience different animals.This guy is simply a gift from God.

Thinking of this, the whole tiger shook its paws happily.

"Save...save me." At this moment, the young man who was tightly strangled by his neck finally couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down directly after he finished speaking.

"William!" The people who saw this scene shouted.With anger in his eyes, he rushed towards Cheng Hao again.

"Aww~ (Well done, well done.)"

"Aww~ (I was afraid that you would run away, I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself.)" Seeing this group of guys rushing up again, Cheng Hao expressed his happiness. He likes this kind of self-sacrificing fool the most. .

Everyone is so stupid, and they haven't figured out what's going on until now?How dare he rush forward.

I have to say, these guys are really reckless.

"Bastard, I want you to die. How dare you hurt my respected teacher and my best friend William." The young man with Cyclops at its maximum power said angrily, as if he wanted to vent his anger to the fullest.

Completely wipe out this little tiger jumping up and down in front of you.

"Aww~ (I'm not very interested in your abilities, you rubbish get the hell out of here, you know?)"

"Aww~ (Don't look for trouble, you can live longer if you're honest.)" Cheng Hao snorted coldly. He was very disgusted with this guy who jumped out to stop him when he was full and had nothing to do, so he chose a The paw swung directly down.


Suddenly there was a loud sonic boom in the air, and a huge claw mark was as bright as day, directly crushing the claw of the young man who used the ability.


The hysterical screams and the rain of blood are the last proof of his life.

"No! Al!"

Everyone who saw this scene, their eyes were tearing apart.The loud sound of breaking wind sounded again, and then their world was only black.

"Aww~ (I caught you, little guy. Your ability is very good, I like it very much.)" Cheng Hao said that he was very happy as he curled his tail around the dying little mouse on the ground.

Because, he will soon be able to have flexible fingers.Just let him feel the power.

"The devil let go of my student, you long-haired beast." The figure crawling on the ground, holding the iron crutch beside him, knocked Cheng Hao's big head down.


There was a crisp sound, and then the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

"Aww~ (Get the hell out of here, you old guy is too lazy to care about it. Your ability is really terrible, that is, the power of evolution, which makes me a little interested.)"

"Aww~ (But now I have absorbed even your power of evolution, it's just a useless wreck.)"

"Aww~ (If you are sensible, just stay by the side. Just wait for death. If you have nothing to do, come up and dance for me?)" Cheng Hao said angrily, and threw the figure on his tail aside .

Hmm, not bad ability.It will be more convenient to be lazy and steal food in the future.

The most important thing is to finally be able to change his own image. To be honest, he is quite anxious to be honest with this stupid look all the time.

"Aww~ (Let me see, which little clever ghost has the ability that I haven't absorbed?)" Cheng Hao muttered, then looked at the red-haired young man who fell to the side: "Aww~ (That's right , and you two guys. Almost forgot about you two guys.)”

If he remembered correctly just now, this little guy seemed to be bombarding him with air, which is also a good ability.

You can't give up easily. After you have this ability, it will be easier for you to travel by yourself.

"Devil, hateful devil." Seeing this scene of the old figure, he wanted to get up again, but he lost any strength.

He could only watch helplessly as his students lost their lives under the chubby devil's claws one by one.

"Hey! Let the old man see who this is? Is this our famous Mr. Max? I haven't seen you for many years and you are still growing strong." At this moment, an old voice sounded.

The principal in blue flower pajamas appeared in front of the other party.

"You are the enemy of ten thousand..." Max, who heard this, raised his head to see clearly under the faint moonlight, and his pupils shrank behind the approaching figure.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that although you are old, Mr. Max, you have a good memory, and you still remember the old man." Hearing this, the director squatted down with a smile, looked at the other party with a look of embarrassment and said:
"Then can you please tell the old man. You are not staying in your own country in the middle of the night. What are you doing in the old man's little tiger garden?"

"And he actually did something to the old man's cute little tiger. This doesn't look like what a respectable old man would do."

"Your tiger garden?" Max was stunned when he heard this, and then a sarcasm smile appeared on his mouth: "Yeah, I almost forgot that this is your tiger garden. How dare you hide such a terrifying demon? Is this your secret weapon?"

"You can't hide what you can't hide. Once this demon's ability is exposed, you can't protect him."

How terrifying is a little tiger that can directly absorb evolution and the like?Among the evolutionaries, this is like a bomb, which can pose a danger to every evolutionary.

As long as the news got out, the little tiger would not survive anyway.

And possessing such a small tiger, the Xuan Kingdom will definitely be attacked by groups.

"I think you, an old fellow, have misunderstood a little. Xiaoju is stronger than the old man, but he doesn't need the protection of a tiger." The principal said with a smile when he heard the words, and raised Max with one hand: "In addition, Xiaoju is not Weapon, he is the old man’s family. Anyone who dares to do something to the old man’s family, the old man will kill him, you know?”


Max, who was pierced by the palm, vomited a big mouthful of blood."He is better than the old man, he is better than the old man" is still ringing in his mind.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why did you come to play with me? And don't kill him, I still want to have fun with the old guy.)"

Cheng Hao, who finished dealing with a few guys, jumped in front of the principal, and said with regret in his eyes after watching the principal leave Max with a big hole in his chest.

It's so boring in the middle of the night. It's not easy for a few people to play with him. Why did grandpa kill him?
If grandpa wasn't with him, this old guy could still live for at least a few hours.

"You little villain, you just want to play every day. At least respect the enemy, okay? Don't always hold the temperament of cats and mice."

The principal who tore off Max's clothes and wiped the blood on his arm cursed angrily.

As expected, this tiger is also a cat, obviously able to deal with these people, but it wants to hang them for fun.

Not afraid to play off, really.

Facing the enemy should be vicious and vicious, killing him with one blow.

It's very easy to have accidents with them like this.

"Aww~ (with these little mice, are they qualified to be respected by me? Cut!)" Cheng Hao said disdainfully after hearing this, as long as they have the strength of the tree king, he will give them a happy one.

But they still want to trouble him with this little strength, and they don't feel comfortable if they don't play with them too much.

"Don't talk so much, have you cleaned up those little guys? If not, grandpa cleaned them up for you." Looking at the figure lying on the ground.The principal rolled up his sleeves and said.

"Aww~ (Don't be so troublesome, grandpa and the others won't survive, I shattered their hearts, and let them dance for a few minutes at most.)" Cheng Hao said, his big tail stretched out.Like a roadblock, he quickly stopped the director.

Grandpa, the principal, don't kill all these people, he still wants to tease them.

"Don't keep thinking about jumping, they already know that you can absorb the power of evolution. To be on the safe side, you must kill them all." The director patted Cheng Hao's big tail and said, then turned towards the lying People are gone.

(End of this chapter)

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