Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 179 About Me and My New Wronged Bodyguard

Chapter 179 About Me and My New Wronged Bodyguard
"Aww~ (Don't worry, they're all going to die anyway, so the news won't get out.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao murmured that he had broken them and all their communication equipment just a few moments ago.

And it's far away from their country, even if they can fly, they can't convey the news.

The grandfather of the garden director is too cautious, why is he more cautious than his tiger?
"Then we can't keep alive." The head of the garden who dealt with a few people casually said, looking at the flying mecha in the sky: "Did it come so fast? It seems that the department has also received the news."

"Aww~ (If the problem can't be found, I think the department can be withdrawn earlier.)" Cheng Hao, who heard this, muttered.

How long has he been playing here?Even if all the people in the department are dead, they should have discovered something is wrong here.

You must know that he is now a key figure in the department, no matter how they say it, they should have a clue.

"That's true." The principal nodded and said: "You little slacker, continue to rest here, and leave other things to Grandpa to deal with."

"Aww~ (Even if I don't want to rest, I have to say it, they can understand me.)" Cheng Hao murmured, and lay down directly.

Grandpa said that he seemed to lean over and explain this to these guys, so that the guys could understand what he said.

Isn't this bullshit?They don't even have the ability to be proficient in a language, how can they understand his words?

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

While Cheng Hao was muttering, the mechas in the sky began to descend slowly, and the huge air waves raised smoke and dust all over the sky.

"Mr. Consultant, is Doctor Xiaoju okay? We came over right away after we found out that the monitoring of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain was disturbed. I wonder if he was late?" The team leader asked, looking at the ground, The messy wreckage froze for a moment: "Ah, it seems to be late."

Looking at the appearance of these guys on the ground, it is estimated that it is useless to save them now. Did the medical team bring it for nothing?

It seems that every time he gets involved with Xiaoju, the intruder will be disabled even if he doesn't die.

"These guys wanted to do something wrong with Xiaoju, and the old man has already solved it on the spot." Hearing this, the head of the garden said lightly: "You guys deal with their corpses, this matter will come soon." That's it, if you have any questions, you can talk to the old man at any time."

"Yes, Mr. Advisor." The team who heard this nodded and said, and then asked people to deal with the corpses on the ground. They still have to take these corpses back to deal with the commander.

I hope that the faces of these guys have not been distorted, otherwise, with a disfigured face, they really have no way of identifying who is who?
"What happened to the director? What kind of guy came to attack Xiaoju in the middle of the night?"

Sister Hong'er, who received the news at this moment, came belatedly and said.

"An old guy who didn't know how to live or die in a foreign country, brought a group of little guys who didn't know how to live or die for an internship. He wanted to take Xiaoju away, but they were unlucky and were slaughtered by the old man on the spot." The principal smiled when he heard this. Said, looking at Cheng Hao, who was lying dead beside him, and said, "Are you still pretending to be deaf and dumb, you little villain? Why don't you get up quickly."

"Aww~ (Isn't this grandpa asking me to stay cool and stay somewhere? I'm just doing what you said.)" Cheng Hao who was lying down said, and got up from the ground.

"It would be great if you were so obedient, little villain, but it's a pity that you are pretending to be obedient here."

He started talking nonsense in front of him, and he just let him pretend that he didn't know anything.When did he let him cool off, and where did he stay?

"Xiaoju, you little villain, are you not injured?" Sister Hong'er ignored the quarrel between one person and one tiger, and walked up to Cheng Hao to check.

"Ooooh~ (Of course not, just relying on those few rotten garlics to want to hurt me? They think it's beautiful.)" Cheng Hao said, rubbing his big head against Sister Hong'er's arm: "Ooooh~ (Sister, Let me tell you that these guys are so cunning, they still want to hypnotize me and pretend to be you to lie to me. Fortunately, I am smart and smart, and I am not fooled by them at all, otherwise sister, you will not see me now Me.)"

"Does this group of guys still have such means?" Sister Hong'er was a little surprised when she heard that, and said, "Then how did you, you little villain, tell that they are not my sister's?"

"Aww~ (Of course it's because of Benhu's smart head, they just want to deceive me with their stupid looks? Is it possible? Of course it's absolutely impossible.)"

"Aww~ (Ben Hu saw their trick at a glance, and then planned to kill them. Those idiots were dumbfounded in an instant.)" Cheng Hao said proudly, showing Sister Hong'er that he was full of blood. Bloody paws.

Did Miss Hong'er see his claws?Those idiots were stunned by his paw.

"That sister's Xiaoju is really amazing." Hearing this, sister Hong'er praised, and stretched out her hand to stroke Cheng Hao's big head.

"Aww~ (Small meaning, small meaning. There is nothing to be afraid of such a small character.)" Cheng Hao said proudly:

"Aww~ (Okay, sister. Now these troublesome guys have been solved, sister, you should go back to sleep.)"

"Aww~ (It's time for Ben Hu to take a good rest, being disturbed by these guys, my dream is really not good.)"

"Well, then you little villain, go to sleep slowly, and my sister will leave first." Hearing this, sister Hong'er said to Cheng Hao, looking at the mecha troops who had cleaned up the venue.

"Aww~ (Bye bye sister, see you tomorrow.)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paws, and closed his eyes to sleep.

"Mr. Consultant, then let's go first." The team leader who saw the situation on the other side of the house said.

All the wreckage and these guys, the things left behind have been collected, and it's time for them to go back to do business.

"Well, you go back. If the commander asks about the identities of these guys? You tell the commander Max, and the commander can find out their information." The director said, if he didn't remind ?The department checked the identity of this old guy, and some of them probably did.

"Okay, Mr. Advisor." The squad leader nodded upon hearing this, jumped on the mecha and led the team back.

When the headmaster saw it, he also walked away.He was covered in blood, and now it was time to go back and take care of it.

"How's the situation? Is the matter at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain settled?" Not long after the mecha troop took off, the voice of the commander came from the communicator.

"Report to Commander Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park that it has been dealt with, but there are no survivors left."

"When we arrived, all the guys had been dealt with." The team leader who heard this reported.

"Have these guys been dealt with so quickly?" The commander was stunned and said, "Then have you found any information related to these guys?"

"Reporting to the commander, we didn't find any useful information. But Mr. Advisor said that if we only need to find the name Max? We will definitely gain something." The team leader continued to report.

"Max? Okay, I understand. If there is nothing else? You can prepare to come back." Hearing the commander here nodded, he sent someone to search for relevant information.

Since he is someone the consultant knows, he must not be an unknown person. Maybe they can get the information they want from the military.

"Teacher, William, Al. Are you back yet?" In an underground base in Hongtashan City, a girl returning from a hotel asked in a low voice.

I lay down and looked around, but I didn't see a single person, and my heart sank to the bottom of the valley. The teacher didn't come back, and William and the others didn't come back either.

So what happened?Did something happen to the plan?

Thinking of this, she took out her satellite phone and dialed a number.

Soon there was an angry voice from the opposite side:
"What's the matter? Did something happen to little Irene? Could it be that the plan succeeded and the little tiger was brought back."

"Are you planning to come back now? Do you need my help?"

"No, no. Mr. Ambassador, something has happened on our side."

"I lost contact with the teacher and the others, so I would like to ask you, Mr. Diplomatic Ambassador, if there is any news over there?" Irene said, her words were full of anxiety. If anyone can find the teacher and the others now, Then only the diplomatic ambassador.

"What? Did Mr. Max lose contact with you? Damn, how is this possible? Mr. Max is the top evolutionary in the country, how could he miss it?"

"Irene, don't move around, I'll ask my relationship to investigate now." The diplomatic ambassador on the other end of the phone stopped laughing immediately when he heard this, and quickly ordered.

What if something happened to Mr. Max?This time the matter is serious, in the words of the people of Xuan Kingdom, it is to steal the chicken and lose money, pay the rice to the wife and lose the army.

"Okay, okay, I won't wander around. Mr. Diplomatic Ambassador." Irene replied, and the sound of the phone hanging up came from her ear.

"Mr. Max, please don't have any accidents. I will be unlucky if you have an accident." The ambassador in the embassy hung up the phone.

Then he started making phone calls to look for acquaintances in Xuanguo, and asked about Max's whereabouts.

"Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, may I ask if you have met Mr. Max from our country? He is traveling in Hongtashan City, but there is no news recently. Can I trouble you to find out for me?" The ambassador's first call, he dialed I contacted the more familiar Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But what the other party said next made his whole heart go cold.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Ambassador. I can't help you with this matter, and we are not very familiar with each other. I hope you don't call me that."

"Like this? Then I know." The ambassador said with a bitter smile, and there was a knock on the door: "Mr. Ambassador inside, I know you are at home, and I hope you can cooperate with us to open the door."

"Now we have something here and we need your help."

Outside the embassy, ​​the team members with live ammunition surrounded the place, and the leader of the team shouted with a loudspeaker.

The mecha in the sky aimed its cannon at the window of the embassy.Once there is any change inside, they will rush in and teach each other a lesson.

"Don't shoot, I'm coming out."

After the ambassador opened the door, he raised his hands and smiled wryly.

"Very good! Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for your cooperation. I believe we will have a very pleasant cooperation." The captain who saw this scene said with a smile, and the team members walked to each other's side and controlled the ambassador.

The restrained ambassador looked at the people surrounding him and said with a helpless smile:
"You don't need to be so nervous, I'm just a powerless person, and I won't pose any threat to you."

"I just want to know Mr. Max in our country, what is the current situation?"

Judging from the way it is now, things must have been brought to light.

I just don't know it's Mr. Max. How's their situation?

"They? Of course it's very unfortunate. They were all dealt with. If you dare to attack our country's protection members, you should have thought of this." The captain said with a smile, but his words were full of coldness.

The ambassador's face changed drastically, and then he said with a wry smile: "It really is like this, so I don't know how your country plans to deal with me?"

"It's not up to us to decide, we have to listen to what the higher-ups say." The captain said, opened the bulletproof vehicle and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Ambassador, please, our chief is waiting for you, and I hope you don't let him go." It's hard for us."

"Okay, okay." The ambassador replied, and stepped into the car.

Afterwards, the mechs and many other large machines slowly dispersed.

"Mr. Ambassador asked the teacher, are they whereabouts?" Irene in the underground base looked at the passing time on the phone.

There was a nervous look in his eyes. What should I do? I always feel that something bad has happened, but what kind of bad thing is it?She couldn't tell, and she didn't know what to do?Do you continue to wait, or do you take the initiative to leave to search?
Irene immediately hesitated in her heart, but at this moment, a deafening sound came from outside, which quickly interrupted her hesitation.

"Little girl hidden below, listen to that we are in the evolution department, your plan has been exposed, don't make unnecessary resistance."

"Otherwise? We can only kill you. I hope you can understand our painstaking efforts and come out from below honestly."

On the ground, after teams of mechas landed on the ground, they surrounded the entire area.

"How could I be discovered? It's so hidden here, could it be that the teacher and the others have been arrested?" Hearing this, Irene's eyes showed panic.

Then, he carefully opened the manhole cover of the underground base and walked out:
"I surrender, please don't shoot, can you let me see the teacher?"

"Yes, but you have to cooperate a little bit." The captain who heard this said, looked at Irene in front of him and nodded.

The team members took special handcuffs and walked up?

Seeing this, Erin stretched out her hand obediently.

"Okay, call it a day."

Seeing this scene, the captain shouted, and the team members left with Irene.

Soon, the mechs left here one after another.Fly towards where the department is.


After they left, the manhole cover of the underground base that had just been closed was opened again, revealing Irene's figure.

"It seems that the teacher was not arrested, it is very likely that the ambassador was arrested. Otherwise, it is impossible for them not to know my ability." Irene looked at the sky and murmured, and then looked around, looking for In one direction, he immediately set off and fled.

The teacher said before separating from her, if they can't be contacted once?I must leave immediately according to the coordinates he left.

But now is obviously the time, she can't let people from Xuan Kingdom catch her.

"So that's the way it is? It's really a powerful ability to be able to clone yourself." In the evolutionary department of Hongtashan City, the commander couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the team members who came back with no one in handcuffs.

He doesn't even know how to criticize him, the team leader is gone, do you think he is careless?He didn't rush into the underground base or anything like that.Do you think he is cautious?But he didn't check clearly, so he let someone run away.

"Commander, how do you want to punish me, just do it directly, I will definitely have no objection." The team leader shrank his head like a quail and said.His face was full of remorse.

At first, I thought that if I put special handcuffs on the other party, nothing would happen, but I didn't expect that, after all the calculations, I still missed a step.

From the very beginning, they arrested fake people.

"Okay, don't talk about such things here. Since you didn't let her go on purpose, the punishment will be waived this time." The commander said, took out a stack of documents from the drawer, and handed To the team leader: "You go to rest first, after the rest. According to the address above, arrest all the people who should be arrested for me, you know?"

"Remember, don't be so careless this time."

"Yes, Commander. I will definitely complete the task, and I will definitely not disappoint your expectations." The squad leader replied after hearing the words, took the documents and went to work.

"Commander, that little girl who ran away, do you want someone to continue chasing her?" Chen Min asked after seeing the team leader leave.

"It must be too late to go after him now, who knows where he has already gone? Let's save some energy and focus on what's going on right now." The commander who heard this said, looked at the document in his hand and said: " This kind of thing is definitely not an exception, and there will be many guys who will put their ideas on Xiaoju's head in the future."

"To be on the safe side, from now on, I need someone to stand by Xiaoju's side 24 hours a day, and keep an eye out for these guys who pop up out of nowhere."

"Since it is to protect Xiaoju? Then leave this task to me." Chen Min said after hearing this, she felt that no one was more suitable for this task than her.

After all, her strength is not weak.The most important thing is that she rides fast and can stun the opponent in an instant, so that the opponent has no strength to fight back.

"No, this task cannot be entrusted to you. The role of you staying by our side is far more important than being by Xiaoju's side." The principal shook his head and rejected Chen Min's offer.

"Then commander, who do you plan to entrust this task to?" Chen Min immediately asked when he heard that he was not the one to protect Xiaoju.

Although she admits that what the commander said is indeed very reasonable, she feels that there are so many talents in the department, so she is not necessarily necessary.

"Of course it is the latest super robot developed in our base. Not only is it powerful and quick to respond, but it will not be emotional."

"As a powerful law enforcement robot, no matter how you look at it, he is very qualified. I am very relieved to have him on the mission." The commander said, and named his favorite candidate.

"Commander, are you serious? That guy is not a reliable robot, right? And according to the team members in the department, he often follows the female robots in the department in a mean way." Chen Min heard this. , said with black lines all over his head.

I don't know how the doctor and the others made such a wretched robot?This guy is either hanging shoulders with the team members in the department all day long, or is a female robot who runs to peek at the work.

Because of this incident, this robot is about to be blocked.

"So, isn't it just right to send him out? First, it can solve the bad influence he caused in the department. Second, it can give him something to do, so he won't be so boring." The commander said with a smile, and put his hand The document inside was handed over to Chen Min: "This task is entrusted to you, you are responsible to inform him."

"Okay, Commander." Chen Min sighed, and went to inform the department about the newly developed robot.

"This beautiful lady, are you free in the evening? Can I have a drink?" In the underground base of the department, there were robots wearing suits and ties, with metallic textures on their bodies.

He showed a very gentlemanly understanding to a passing female robot, and then he got the most sincere answer from the other party.


"Okay, beautiful lady, I won't bother you." The robot that got the reply said with a smile, and then slowly stepped aside.

He continued to speak without shame, looking like a very gentleman at that time.

Seeing this scene, Chen Min was speechless, and said:
"Machine [-], I have the latest mission from the commander here. You need to complete it."

"Really? I don't know what the mission is?" Hearing this, the No. [-] machine immediately put on a very cool posture and said, "Please Captain Chen, please tell the commander, old man, no matter how difficult the mission is, As long as my machine No. [-] is involved, it is guaranteed to be completed."

"It's better like this. This is the mission for this time. You should go and have a look first." Chen Min's eyelids twitched, and he handed the document to Unit [-].

"Yes, Captain Chen." Machine No. [-], who took over the document, nodded, biting a toothpick and walking away with cheerful small steps.

It seemed that he was very happy because he got the task.

"I hope this guy is really reliable." Chen Min sighed, and walked away.

So the next day, Cheng Hao looked at a robot in a black suit and a black top hat walking beside him after waking up, and said speechlessly: "Oh, you are just a robot, why are you dressed so coquettishly?" Are you angry?)"

"Aww~ (Can you look like a robot?)"

"Sorry, cute little tiger, I am a noble robot, and I don't understand your tiger language."

"If you need anything? Please let the beautiful breeder lady tell me, thank you."

"Besides, from today onwards, my No. [-] robot will protect you. No matter what enemies are in front of me, they will be wiped out, so you can rest assured." The No. [-] robot who heard Cheng Hao's voice said Said.

In front of Cheng Hao again, he fiddled with his handsome posture.

"Aww~ (What are you doing in such a coquettish pose in front of my little tiger? You are going to burn newspapers to fool the devil, I said.)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw this scene, Some wonder if the robot in front of him has a serious brain problem?Otherwise, how could he do such outrageous things in front of his own little tiger?

"Xiaoju, how are you getting along with robot No. [-]? Robot No. [-] is the latest research result of the department. Not only is it proficient in various languages."

"It is also equipped with the most advanced weapons in the department. The most important thing is that he has super-wide-range hyperopia. As long as he finds an enemy approaching, he will immediately sound the alarm." Sister Hong'er, who came to deliver food, looked at the chatting One person and one tiger, laughing and yelling, came over and said.

"Aww~ (Sister, I suspect that the department sent this guy here with no good intentions, just to embarrass me on purpose, I have never seen such a stupid robot.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao sighed and said.

"Miss the beautiful breeder, do you get up so early to deliver food to the little tiger? It's really hard work, and it's easy to cause wrinkles from lack of sleep. Just let me do such small things in the future." Robot No. [-] has arrived, Hong'er sister said in front of her.I didn't know where to take it out of my hand, a rose.

"Really? If you are willing to help, that would be really great." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said happily, and handed the bucket in her hand to robot No. [-]: "After that I'll leave this matter to you, and there is also the work of helping Xiaoju shovel the excrement, and the cleaning work will bother you."

With that said, sister Hong'er also gave the broom to No. [-] robot.

"Uh." Looking at the broom handed over by the other party, Robot No. [-] couldn't help being stunned. The situation seemed to be different from what he had imagined. Why is Miss Hong'er so proficient in everything?
According to what he knows, it should be that he and the other party are polite to each other, and the other party will give up in the end.

How did you get to Miss Breeder?It's completely different, isn't it?
"Aww~ (You stupid and stupid robot, you are holding a bucket to install statues over there, right?)" Robot No. [-] fell into silence, and there was no Cheng Hao on the side. He only knew about his breakfast this morning , was held in the hands of this stupid robot and kept carrying it.

The other party just asked him to stand here and drink the northwest wind foolishly, right?Then he will really be very thankful, and will treat the other party to a nine-day shining merciful thunder.

"Robot No. [-], don't stand here stupidly. Now it's time for Xiaoju to eat. You have to give Xiaoju the food in your hand. Also, remember to clean Xiaoju's room well."

Sister Hong'er, who heard Cheng Hao's words, explained with a smile.Turning around, she said to Cheng Hao: "Xiaoju, do you know that you have to get along well with robot No. [-]? From now on, robot No. [-] will follow you every step of the way."

"So my sister won't come to work during this time, and has to take care of the newborn tiger cub."

"Aww~ (What? Is there another newborn tiger cub in the Tiger Garden?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but wondered, what's going on?Is my full-time breeder sister going to run away?Is it the turn of this stupid robot to take care of himself in the future?

"Yes, it's also a little male tiger. Although it's not as round-headed as Xiaoju, it's still very cute." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and got up from Cheng Hao's side: "Okay, I won't be with you. The little villain is talking too much, my sister is going to work."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao sighed helplessly.

Taking care of the little tiger is the other party's responsibility, what can he do?I can only say that I hope Miss Hong'er will come over to see me when she is free.

"Here! Little Tiger. It's time for you to eat." Robot No. [-] put the bucket full of meat on the ground, and then cleaned the room with a broom.

Thinking that the most high-end, most fashionable, and most handsome robot in his majestic department actually has to clean and shovel shit.It's really miserable when you think about it, but who made him agree to the breeder's lady, he has no choice but to bite the bullet and do it.

"Aww~ (You idiot robot, you better understand the current situation. Benhu is the object of your protection. You don't want to serve me. Be careful when I go to the commander to sue you. I'll tell you .)" Cheng Hao said dissatisfiedly as he saw the other party throwing the bucket violently.

Every plant and tree in the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is his property, okay?If this stupid robot breaks the barrel, believe it or not, he will give him electrotherapy?

"Hey! I have such a handsome robot, but I waste my time here, I really have no eyes!" The No. [-] robot, which was cleaning the tiger house, sighed.

Originally thought that when he came here, he would be greeted by a hail of bullets and enemies surrounded from all sides, but he didn't expect that he would have to take care of a little tiger that seemed to be growing too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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