Chapter 184 Pit

"Commander, robot No. [-] has caused trouble for us again. There have been [-] calls to complain about him since just now." In the evolution department, Chen Min walked into the commander's office with a stack of documents. .

"Oh? What happened? What did he do?" The commander, who was drinking tea by the window and enjoying the scenery outside comfortably, asked with a smile.

This is really interesting, robot No. [-] was sent by him to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

Someone still complained, did the complaint come to him?

"I don't want to say anything more about this. You can see for yourself, Commander." Chen Min said with a sigh, and put the document on the table.

He is really convinced of the robot No. [-], and he really finds things for them too much.

"Like this?" After hearing this, the commander held the teacup, returned to his desk, and began to check. What's going on?
After a while, the commander's laughter came from the office:

"What big thing happened to me at the time, it turned out to be just such a small thing, there is no problem with the robot's live broadcast, so let him play?"

"But the problem is that it is Xiaoju's live broadcast room, and he directly uses Xiaoju's live broadcast room as a stage to show himself." Chen Min said after hearing this, feeling very helpless about the commander's big heart.

To be honest, he understands the feelings of the audience in the live broadcast very well, because if it was her instead?She also wanted to rework the No. [-] robot.

Talkative arrogant and narcissistic, who would like such a guy?

"Isn't this very good? It suddenly added a new topic to the live broadcast room. I think it's pretty good." The commander said with a smile, and put the file aside: "You don't have to worry too much about such trivial matters. Forget about them, it's not these guys we need to focus on now."

"It's spies from other countries. These guys don't know how to keep themselves safe. We need to be careful and careful."

"According to the recent international information, Xiaoju's worth has now risen to 40 billion. There is even a country offering it in the black market. Whoever can bring Xiaoju back will give him the shocking temptation of being the vice president."

"What? Xiaoju's reward has increased again?" Chen Min couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

40 billion is an attractive figure, and the position of vice president is given back. It seems that these countries are determined.

"Yes, after all, the number of deaths in these countries is increasing by hundreds or hundreds every day." The commander nodded, and took out a document from the drawer to Chen Min: "So the country has decided to send Twelve hours to protect Xiaoju."

"No way, the twelve o'clock was sent to protect Xiaoju? Wouldn't that be a bit too grand?" Chen Min was shocked when he heard that, the country's twelve o'clock.

She knows it, and it is said that she is the twelve most powerful evolutionists cultivated by the country so far.

These people's strength is very terrifying, they can fight against the tree king without losing the wind, and they are people that the country has piled up resources to cultivate in the early days of the light of evolution.

The country will release them only when something important happens.

"It's not grand at all. You have to know that the reason why nothing happened in our country is because Xiaoju's ability can deal with mycelium."

"And in those countries that don't have Xiaoju's ability, so many people die every day in the whole country, which has already caused a serious impact there."

"Otherwise, the top will not send Twelve Hours down." The commander said with a smile. It is good news for them to send people down. In this way, the pressure on their side will be much less.

There is no need to assign team members to worry about the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden.

"Then which team members from Twelve Hours are they sending out?" Chen Min asked after hearing this.

It is impossible for the higher authorities to send all the twelve people from the twelve o'clock, so it should be some people, but I don't know which ones from the twelve o'clock will be sent?

"At present, it is confirmed that it is Zi and Ugly." The commander said with a smile, while looking at the time in his hand, he said: "calculate the time, they should be getting off the plane soon, just go and pick them up .”

"Boy, two ugly people?" Chen Min said after hearing this, "Are they the two who can dig holes and have the strongest strength in twelve o'clock?"

"Yes, it's the two of them. Speaking of which, Choushi's ability is similar to Lele's, but he has become bigger." The conductor nodded.

"That's a good relationship. When the girl Lele comes back, I guess I'm going to find someone to break her wrist again." Chen Min listened, and said with a smile: "Then I'll pick up these two first."

"Go, go, pay attention to safety on the road." The commander waved his hand and said, Chen Min had already walked out of the office door.

"This is Hongtashan City? It looks like there are so many trees, and I don't know who will pick us up?" On the plane above Hongtashan City, a thin figure in a suit said, looking at the lush green scenery outside the window.

"If there is no accident, the person who came to pick us up this time should be someone from the Evolution Department of Hongtashan City." The tall man on the other side crossed his arms and looked at the scenery below with longing on his face. In Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, there is still Mr. Wandi, an evolutionary of the older generation."

"It was he who got rid of that big mushroom last time. I don't know how he trained? He actually has such terrifying strength? If I can learn it? This has an extraordinary effect on my strength improvement. significance."

The reason why he took the initiative to ask Ying Maozhu to recommend himself for the task of protecting Xiaopangju was because he knew that there was such a strong person here.

And the opponent's way of fighting is similar to him, if he can learn the opponent's training method?He will definitely become the strongest person in Twelve Hours.

"That must be taught by others. Didn't you listen to what our instructor said? This Mr. Enemy is an incredible figure, and he was a first-class strong man in the past."

"In the early days when the Light of Evolution appeared, the higher-ups wanted to ask him to be our instructor, but he was rejected without accident." Zi Shi stroked his beard and said, if it was really so easy to hire him ?He has long been their instructor.

Why is their current instructor someone else?
"So this shows how powerful this senior is. No matter what he says this time? I must make him agree to accept me as an apprentice." Chou Shi said, clenching his fists, what did he say this time? You have to get what you want, and you must not take a trip in vain.

"Then I'm here to wish you the best of luck." Zi Shi said, and quickly sat back in his seat. It seemed that the plane was about to land soon, and he couldn't stay here any longer.

Otherwise, he might hit the ground with his face on the brakes later.

"Thank you very much." Chou Shi smiled, looking at the ground.

He couldn't help touching his chest, feeling very nervous.

"Captain, I have inquired about it. It is about to land. The person sitting in this plane is the person we are waiting for this time." Hongtashan City, inside the international airport.

The team members who came back from the front desk went to Chen Minsheng's side to report.

"Very good, then let's go to pick them up." Chen Min said, and stood up from his seat. The team members followed after seeing them and entered the pick-up channel.

As the plane landed, the passengers on it got off one after another, and soon the two figures caught the attention of the team members, and they approached Chen Min and said.

Chen Min walked in front of the two of them: "The two must be Mr. Zishi and Choushi, right? I was sent by the department to pick them up. Please come with us."

"Okay, thank you very much." The two nodded after hearing this, and then left the airport with a group of people, and took the special car back to the department.

"You don't need to take such trouble to send us to the department, just send us to the destination directly." Seeing the airport getting smaller and smaller behind him, Chou said.

This fell from the sky, and immediately went to visit that senior.It seems that they are satisfied. How insincere are these procrastinators?

"The two of you are really dedicated, and you plan to carry out the mission just now?" Chen Min couldn't help laughing and said, "Follow me to meet Mr. Commander, and Mr. Commander will tell the two about the current situation in Hongtashan City. Case."

"And the spies we caught here, I believe this should be helpful to everyone."

"Is it like this? Well, it won't hurt to know more about the enemy." Hearing this, Zi Zi said after thinking about it.

Anyway, sooner or later they will go to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, and it will be a short while, so let's find out how the situation here is now, shall we?

"Okay then, let's go to the department first." Chou Shi said when he heard what Zi Shi said.

"Okay, those two please take a rest in the car first, the department will be there soon." Chen Min replied, and the car headed to the suburbs and headed straight for the department.

Two hours later, when it was almost dark, the department's car stopped at the gate of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

Afterwards, Chen Min opened the car door and walked out first.

Then, Zi Shi and Chou Shi also came out.

"Come with me, both of you. I'll take you two to see Mr. Director. Mr. Director should be sitting in the office at this time." Chen Min said.

"Okay, it's troublesome." Chou Shi replied, and he couldn't wait to follow. It's really great. I can see the respected senior soon, and I don't know what kind of person the other party is?
"Xiaoju, take a look at what this is? Doesn't its color resemble the color on your body?"

As soon as he entered the complex, he heard the voice of the director, who was holding an orange in his hand.Said to Cheng Hao sitting on the ground.

As for Cheng Hao on the ground, his whole body is about to go numb now. Did the garden head grandpa tell him this kind of melon skin thing, and fool him?

Does he look like one of those easy-to-fool little tigers?Is this the delicious food the other party said?Isn't it just that an orange tastes like a hammer?

"It seems that Xiaoju has understood what Grandpa said, which is very good." Seeing this, the director said with satisfaction: "Give me this orange and eat it. Oranges at this time are very precious."

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you fooled a little tiger like this, your conscience won't hurt, right? What I want is not what you should know.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help it when he heard this.

Send him off with an orange?Was he such an easy-to-satisfy little tiger?Today, if the garden manager and grandpa don't bring out a basket of oranges for him, he won't finish with the other party today.

Even if Jesus came, it wouldn't change that, he said.

"Xiaoju is a little tiger, you have to be sympathetic to Grandpa's difficulties, you know? Look, how can there be oranges in this season? It would be great if Grandpa can find them for you, so just take them and leave obediently, okay?" ?” said the director, and put the oranges in front of Cheng Hao.

He planned to lift his legs and run, but how could he outrun a four-legged little tiger weighing more than 300 jin?
Before taking two steps, Cheng Hao hugged his thigh: "Aww~ (Grandpa, I will give you two choices now, you can either obediently give me a basket of oranges, or I will give you a bite of your leg, you Pick one.)"

He had never seen such a stingy grandpa, he dismissed him after giving him an orange, he thought he was so foolish, didn't he?
Moreover, is there any difficulty in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park now?Don't think he doesn't know, all his money is hidden by his grandfather, not to mention hundreds of millions, tens of millions, okay?In the end, did the other party use this to fool him?

"You little villain, if grandpa doesn't give you a basket of oranges, do you really dare to bite grandpa? If you bite and bite, what will grandpa see you do?" , but put his hands on his waist and urged him, he wants to see this little villain, does he have the guts to bite him?

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you told me to bite you.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao pointed his mouth wide open at the leg of the principal's grandfather, ready to go down.

And there were hands that were faster than his mouth, holding his big open mouth.

"You little rascal, you really dare to talk." The director who pressed Cheng Hao's mouth said angrily, if he was really bitten by this little rascal, then he was really murdered by someone, he was a fish. .

This little villain can absorb the power of evolution, and if he is bitten, it will be like seeing a ghost.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you asked for it. I'm just helping to fulfill your wish. If you don't want to be bitten, quickly hand over a basket of oranges.)" Cheng Hao retracted his mouth and said.

"I don't have a basket of oranges. Grandpa will give you ten at most."

"Aww~ (two hundred.)"

"No, twenty."


"No, thirty."


"Aww~ (Seventy oranges.)"

"No, I'll give you forty at most."

"Aww~ (That's forty. Hurry up and give me the oranges. I want all of them this big.)" Cheng Hao said with oranges that looked like big meat buns wrapped around his tail.

Discuss with grandpa nicely, but the other party wants to play tricks with him, now you know how to be honest?

"Understood, you little villain is really greedy, and you want forty oranges if you ask, be careful that you will get angry when you eat them." The director knocked on Cheng Hao's head angrily and said, turned around and was about to get the oranges, but I saw three figures standing stupidly at the gate:
"Xiao Chen, what are you three doing standing at the door?"

"I... We are waiting for you, Mr. Consultant. We have finished haggling with Xiaoju." Chen Min replied, it was the first time she had heard of bargaining with Little Tiger like this.

"Yes, Mr. Consultant." Zi Shi and Chou Shi beside him also said after hearing the words.

It was also the first time they saw someone cheating the little tiger. Although they didn't know what was going on, it was really too much to just give the little tiger an orange.

"Really? That really made you laugh. This little villain gave him an orange. He is still unwilling, and wants to ask me for a basket of oranges." Hearing this, the director said with a smile, and reached out to pat Cheng Hao's big He opened his head: "Grandpa is going to do business now, as for your oranges, I have to help you get them later. You go back to sleep first, okay?"

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you take care of your business, I'll take my orange. Our affairs don't conflict.)" Cheng Hao said, continuing to stay where he was.

If he goes back now, what if grandpa doesn't give him oranges then?
"Okay then, you little rascal, just stay there, someone will disturb grandpa's business." The principal said.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, grandpa. I'm not interested in your so-called business. I'm only interested in eating.)" Cheng Hao said, and put the orange in front of him with his tail curled up, ready to bite it open with his teeth.

"Little fat orange, you little rascal, do you want to eat oranges?" Seeing this, Chen Min appeared in front of Cheng Hao with a stride and asked.

"Aww~ (Of course, why did I take out the oranges not for eating?)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, the other party really knew how to ask this question.

If he is not for eating oranges?Why take out the oranges?

"Then why don't you give the oranges to my sister? My sister will peel the oranges for you, otherwise you will have to bite them with your mouth? But it will be very bitter." Chen Min said with a smile, and stretched out her hand.

"Aww~ (Since you said that, I will forcefully believe you. You'd better not lie to me.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and handed the orange to Chen Min.

After Chen Min took it, she began to peel the skin.Seeing this, Cheng Hao stared at the other party closely, for fear that the other party would eat his oranges.

"You two are what the commander said, Zishi and Choushi?" The dean looked at the standing one and asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Advisor, we are Zishi and Choushi."

"Mr. Consultant, hello, we have heard of your name in Kyoto." The two said respectfully.

"I don't dare to be a big name. The old master is a bad old man. I can't stand up to your flattery." The head of the garden said with a smile, pointing to Cheng Hao who was squatting beside him, and said, "Let me introduce to you two, this is Xiaoju .It is also the target of your mission protection.”

"Yes, Mr. Consultant. We already knew about it before we came here." Zishi said.

"That's fine. Since you guys have already understood it, I won't talk nonsense. Go and get to know Xiaoju well." The dean said with a smile.

"Don't worry about getting acquainted with Xiaoju. Anyway, we have plenty of time here. In fact, the two of us have a personal matter that we want to ask Mr. Consultant." Hearing this, Zishi said seriously.

"Huh? What's a personal matter?" Hearing this, the head of the garden asked in a daze, wondering what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds?

"It's Mr. Consultant, do you accept apprentices?" Chou Shi said, and knelt down with a "plop".

The speed made Cheng Hao, who was eating oranges, a little dumbfounded. He wanted to know if these people were serious?He actually asked the principal's grandfather to learn from him.

"Yes, Mr. Advisor, we have heard your name from the instructor"

"When I saw you today, I found that you are indeed extremely powerful, and I immediately felt admiration in my heart. I hope you can accept the two of us as apprentices, and we promise that we will live up to your expectations."

Zi Shi said, and also knelt down.Pay homage to the teacher.

"I said, can you two not be like this? I haven't finished talking yet, and I, an old man, can teach you something. You really think highly of me, but your instructor is a thousand times better than me. It's ten thousand times bigger." Seeing the scene of kneeling on the ground again after a disagreement, the director said that his whole body was almost numb, how did these guys kneel so proficiently?
Can they ask whether he will accept it first or not?There's no need to give him such a big job as soon as he comes up, right?
"Mr. Consultant, you are so humble. Our instructor didn't say that."

"That's right, Mr. Instructor said that Chief of Staff, your strength is the strongest he has ever seen in his life. There are few people in the world who can compare with you, so don't be humble."

"That's right, Mr. Consultant, don't be humble, just accept us." The two people who heard this said, stretched out their hands and hugged the director's thigh.

"You two, don't hug the old man's thigh. Even if you hug it, it's useless? The old man is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't have the skills you two said." The dean who was hugged by the thigh was very angry. He said helplessly, why are these people so thoughtful?Does he seem like someone with that kind of ability?This looks like a fake, okay?

I don't know which guy they were deceived by, and they actually thought he had such a powerful ability?
You must know that all his strength is borrowed, and he is just a scumbag on his own.

Why do people always think that he is very strong, and come to him again and again to learn from him?

"Sure enough, it is exactly as the instructor said, Mr. Advisor, you are so humble."

"Yes, Mr. Consultant, we are not greedy, as long as you teach us how to do things in one way, we will be satisfied."

Hearing this, the two people believed even more that the consultant in front of them was a hermit.

"Don't you two have the strength to deal with the tree king alone? Why do you want to learn from the old man?" The head of the garden said helplessly.

"Because the two of us can only deal with it alone, but we can't deal with the tree king."

"Yes, Mr. Consultant, don't listen to those guys' nonsense. The two of us don't have that kind of powerful means to deal with the tree king alone." Zi Shi and Chou Shi said, their strength was actually exaggerated.

They can only deal with the tree king for a while relying on their ability.

What if there is really a one-on-one ability to kill the tree king?Then they still use it like this?
"But don't you have instructors to train you? What are you doing pestering the old man? I don't know much more than him?" The principal said helplessly, and stretched out his hand to break Choushi's hand away.

"How is it possible? Mr. Consultant, don't be too modest." Feeling the power from the opponent's hand, Chou Shi said.

Sure enough, just as the instructor said, this senior is really amazing, he can break his hand away with ease.

"I'm really not being modest, you really don't want to be like this." The principal said, slipping away from time again.

These two guys are so tightly bound, he doesn't know what to say.

How could it be like this when he came up, he was convinced by these two people.

"If you don't agree, Mr. Consultant? The two of us won't be able to kneel forever."

"Yes, Mr. Consultant. The two of us are very sincere, so you can accept the two of us."

Hearing this, the two stretched out their hands again to hug, but the director in front of them disappeared with a "swipe".

"You two little ones should be fine, don't keep embarrassing me, an old man." In the aisle on the second floor, the director said helplessly.

Fortunately, he jumped fast. These two guys jumped up as soon as they moved, otherwise they would have almost grabbed their legs. These two little guys are really good.Why are you so sloppy?
"Mr. Consultant, just promise us, the two of us are really sincere."

"Yes, the two of us are sincere."

After the two heard the direction of the voice, they became more determined to apprentice.

The strength of this consultant is really unpredictable, and his speed is unpredictable.

"Even if you two really want me to teach? You don't need to be a teacher. I can teach you a little bit, but I will never accept you as an apprentice." Seeing the two of them stalking , the principal said:
"If you two agree? Just get up from the ground, if you don't want to? Then keep kneeling."

"Promise, promise, the two of us will listen to everything, master, old man."

"Yes, master. What do you say? The two of us will do it."

When Zishi and Choushi heard the words, the figure of the principal appeared in front of them again.

"That's enough, both of you get up." The principal said: "Get acquainted with Xiaoju first, and I'll teach you how to exercise later."

"Okay, master." The two replied when they heard this, and stood up with a "shua".

He ran towards Cheng Hao, ready to say hello to him.

"Aww~ (You two don't come here, I don't know you well, we don't need to be so friendly.)" Cheng Hao said when he saw this, and jumped upstairs directly with a kick.

"So fast."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that even the little tigers in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain are so strong."

The two people who saw this scene couldn't help saying in amazement that they never expected this scene to happen.

"Why are you two still standing there stupidly? The first thing you have to do is catch up with Xiaoju and pluck a tiger hair from Xiaoju's body. If you can do this step, then your entry training It can be regarded as completed." Seeing this, the director couldn't help showing a smirk.

These two boys want to be apprentices, right?That's very simple, just pluck out one of Xiaoju's hairs first.

If they can do this step?Then even without his teaching, their strength will be very strong.

"Yes! Master, let's pluck the hairs off Xiaoju's body." The two said after hearing this, and rushed upstairs quickly.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you bastard, you cheated on me? It's really disgusting.)" Seeing the two people chasing up, Cheng Hao cursed and ran quickly.

He has never seen a worse person than the garden principal's grandfather, who actually bullies the little tiger like this. Is there anyone like him?

"Xiaoju, you can stay with me in peace of mind, let's play with the two little guys." The principal said with a smile when he heard the words, and stopped taking care of it.

With Xiaoju stopping these two little guys, he should be able to live a comfortable time, and hope that he won't meet Xiaoer fool to bother him again.

"Xiaoju, don't run away, we are not bad people, we just want to borrow a few hairs from you for a while." Zi Shi shouted and said, he really didn't know if he didn't chase him, he was startled when he chased him.

Can this little tiger run so fast?In the past few months, I have been drinking the evolution potion as water every day.

In the end, he could barely see the tiger's shadow clearly?Do you want to be so outrageous?
"Yes, Xiaoju, just give us a hair." Chou Shi heard the words and shouted.

They chased from the complex to the free-range area, from the free-range area to the tiger house, and from the tiger house to the ostrich area.

In the end, they didn't even meet the other party's shadow, and the training task given by the master was too difficult, but it was precisely because of this that they were more motivated.

"Aww~(Give you a hair? Are you kidding me? I have one hair today, but tomorrow you will have a pinch of hair.)" Cheng Hao, who was running in front of him, said unhappily, and disappeared in a flash He got in the line of sight of the two of them, let him chase these two idiots slowly, and he will find a safe place to hide first.

Really, if it weren't for these two guys who couldn't clean up, he could slap the two of them so that they couldn't take care of themselves.

"Mice, did you see the little tiger running over there?" Chou Shi asked after realizing that Cheng Hao who was following him disappeared.

"If you knew? I told you a long time ago, you old black cow." When Zizi heard this, he looked around and said.

Where did this little tiger go?How come the speed is faster than the speed of the master?This is simply too unscientific.

If they can't catch a hair from each other, how can they learn more powerful things from the master?

No, they have to find a way to find Xiaoju.

So, he turned his attention to the cameras scattered all over the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

He couldn't believe it anymore, no matter how fast Little Pang Ju ran, he couldn't stop to rest?

"Xiaoju, you bad bastard, what are you doing in your sister's dormitory in such a hurry?" Sister Hong'er, who was watching the video on the bed, heard the sound of the door and window closing, and an orange figure fell into her dormitory. up.

"Aww~ (Don't talk about it, the grandpa of the garden director is short of virtue. Let two guys chase me and try to pluck a tiger hair from me. Can I succeed with both of them? Of course not.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, and opened the refrigerator door with his tail.

After rolling up the half of the watermelon inside, I gnawed it.

After running around the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, he was really thirsty to death.

"Oh? The two of them are chasing you to play, why do you still want to pluck your tiger hair?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously, did the director come up with another bad idea to trick Xiaoju?

"Aww~ (Of course, it's because of these two idiots that they want to worship the grandfather of the garden as their teacher. I have completed the task assigned by the grandfather of the garden.)" said Cheng Hao, who licked the skin of the melon with his tongue and scraped off a lot of flesh. The ears are erected with a "rustling".

(End of this chapter)

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