Chapter 190
"Aww~ (Is this the evolutionist department of Fengri City? It looks the same as Hongtashan's?)" Cheng Hao looked at the evolutionary department of Fengri City in front of him and muttered.

I don't know if all the departments of the evolutionary are designed the same?Even the position of the flower pots that entered the door did not change.

If it weren't for the different signs on it, he would have thought that he had returned to the department of Hongtashan City.

"Every place in the evolutionary department is similar, and it's normal to look the same." Sister Hong'er on the side said with a smile: "Forget about this matter, let's go to Commander Liu to ask what's going on first, shall we? "

"Aww~ (Okay, let's go and ask.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said after hearing this, and the three of them walked towards the office together.

Since the layout is the same?Then they are ripe.

You don't need someone to take it with you, you can find it yourself.

"Commander, Doctor Xiaoju and Miss Breeder are here." In the office, the team members reported to the commander sitting beside him.

"Really? Then please invite them in." Commander Liu said upon hearing this.

"I don't think so, Commander. They've already come in." The team members looked at the shadow at the door and said.

"Hello, Commander! We already know what we are going to do this time, just leave everything to us." Zi Shi said, picking the hat on his head.

"That's right, we brothers can do all the things. Upholding justice is what our two brothers are best at." Chou Shi followed up and showed everyone present his strong muscles in 360 degrees.

Look at this black and shiny steel-like texture, this is where he is so powerful, feel trembling for his muscles.

"Well... thank you two for being so active, but we didn't use force this time." Seeing this scene, the commander couldn't help but said with black lines: "We invited Xiaoju here this time because we hope Xiaoju Can help us find where the spies are hiding."

"As for the arrest operation, we have enough manpower, so we won't bother you two."

Although it is very good to have someone to help, but their department is full of manpower, and everyone is one of the best in a hundred.

There is no need for the two of them to work hard to help. If the two of them have the talent for tracking, they can give it a try.

"Is it actually just looking for the hiding places of these guys? Isn't that very simple? Just call out the surveillance cameras in the whole city."

"That's right, is it necessary for Xiaoju to do something like this? Commander, you just say one direction, and we brothers will go and arrest you immediately." Zi Shi and Chou Shi said when they heard this, Just chasing people, how simple is that?
In this information age, it is not something that can be done easily.

"If they were in the community they could have done it easily, but they went out of town."

The commander who heard this said helplessly: "In addition, there are guys in their team who can make human skin masks for camouflage. This also brings great difficulty to our tracing."

"It turned out that they ran out of the community and put on human skin masks again. No wonder it bothered you so much, Commander."

"Yeah, it's really a bit like this, it's not easy to handle."

When Zishi and Choushi heard the words, they suddenly realized the truth.

He said that if he could be in the urban area, why would it be so troublesome? Are there feelings?

"So, I hope Xiaoju can help me. The old horse said that Xiaoju is a good tracker, so if I really can't find it, I can ask Xiaoju for help, so I'm here to find Xiaoju." Commander Liu Said with a smile, squatted down and said to Cheng Hao: "Xiaoju will trouble you this time, just work harder and help me find it."

"Aww~ (No problem, little thing, I can just leave this kind of trivial matter to me.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw indifferently and said.

He is actually the best at tracking people or something. It's no problem to entrust him with such small things. He will find all these hiding maggots.

"Thank you so much, you guys bring your things here." Commander Liu, who heard Sister Hong'er's translation, said happily, and asked the team members to bring up the things left by those guys.

"Aww~ (What the hell is this? Does it smell a bit smelly?)" Looking at the hairy slippers in front of him, Cheng Hao couldn't help feeling sick.

Can't the other party find him something normal?How do you bring these things to him?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! We searched the hotel for a long time, and only found this little thing, and this little thing was taken out of the toilet after a lot of effort." Hearing the translation of Hong'er sister, Commander Liu couldn't help but She smiled sheepishly.

He also wanted to fix Xiaoju's clothes, but there was no problem, so he couldn't help it.

Although this guy left in a hurry, his hands and feet were handled very cleanly, without leaving many flaws.

"Aww~ (Then you can't let me tattoo these stinky things, right?)" Cheng Hao complained, his eyes were on these things, after a few glances, he waved his paw and said: "Aww~ (You can remove these rotten things I’ve gone down, I’ve roughly remembered what they smell like? Now hurry up and show me their photos, and see if I don’t beat them to death after I catch them.)”

The hateful stinky spy actually left such ghosts to disgust him, after catching them?Let's see if he doesn't give them a black tiger digging out his heart and a dragon wagging his tail.

Finally, let these guys eat all the things they left behind.It was really hard to cut off the hatred in his heart.

"Okay, okay. Hurry up and remove these things." Commander Liu said after hearing this, and the team members followed suit.

After all, the smell of this thing is really too exciting, they will be smoked to death just standing here.

Not to mention that Xiaoju has to smell it face to face, so they can still understand each other's feelings very well, if they were changed, they would do the same.

"This is a photo of them." After seeing the team members and taking their things down.

Commander Liu took out the portraits of several spies.

"Aww~ (It turned out to be a gorilla, a yellow-haired jellyfish, a red-haired jellyfish, and a big-headed doll.)" Looking at the vivid photos, Cheng Hao nodded and said, "Aww~ (There is no problem, now send Let me go to the place where they disappeared last, as long as I see these guys, I can spot them at a glance.)”

"Okay, then I will trouble you, Xiaoju." Commander Liu said, and arranged for the team members to send Cheng Hao and the others to Niujiaojian.

"Speaking of which, why is this place called Niujiaojian?"

"That's right, there doesn't seem to be anything strange about the road here?"

Inside the commercial vehicle, Zi Shi and Chou Shi looked around.asked some curiously.

"Because all the peaks here are like the horns of a bull." The driver explained with a smile.

Why is a place named like this?Mostly it's because the buildings or terrain here resemble something.

And here at Niujiaojian, that's what it looks like.

The surrounding mountain peaks are like horns, sitting on the ground.In the past, this place would be called Niujiao Mountain, but the name has only been changed recently.

"It turned out to be like this. I said, why is this place called Niujiaojian?" Everyone suddenly realized when they heard this place. Looking at the mountain peaks outside the car window, they found that these places really look like big horns.

"Yes, everyone." Said the driving team member, stepped on the brake lightly, and the car stopped slowly: "Everyone, we got off here, and those guys disappeared here. "

"Okay, we got it. Xiaoju, let's go down."

Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and patted Cheng Hao on the side.

Cheng Hao jumped down consciously and started working.

"Aww~ (Sisters, come with me, I can smell the stench of those guys.)" Cheng Hao, who was walking in front, poked his head and sniffed around, and soon found a familiar smell , he can be sure that it belongs to those guys.

"So fast? Xiaoju is awesome."

After hearing this, sister Hong'er said happily.

"Where are those guys? Xiaoju told me, let the two of us clean them up."

"That's right, it's time for him to see how powerful we are."

Zi Shi and Chou Shi who heard this said, staring at the surroundings with burning eyes, paying attention to all the actions around them, as long as there is any disturbance, they will immediately let each other know how powerful they are.

"The two seniors pointed out that the commander's order is ours, and we just need to find their positions. As for actions and the like? The higher-ups will take care of it." The seniors expressed their concern.

Those two don't know what kind of magic?It's simply too outrageous to want to kill and kill.

Could this be the killing machine cultivated by Kyoto?No matter how you look at it, their spirits are a little abnormal. Could it be that they have lost their minds during the long killings?
Thinking of this, he felt a burst of terror.

"How's the situation? Have you found any traces of the enemy around?" At this moment, the voice of the captain of the mech unit on standby came from the headset.

As the mecha troop of Peak Crack City, they will not reason with the enemy.

What they like most has always been talking about firepower with each other, and only those who survive under their firepower have the strength to reason with them.

"Report to the captain, Doctor Xiaoju has already found the traces of those guys, and is currently tracking them down. They should be found in a short time."

Hearing this, the team members quickly replied.

"Very well, keep tracking, and let me know if there is any news."

"We will rush there right away, and we will never give the enemy any chance of escape." The captain of the mech troop was delighted when he heard that, a tiger is a tiger, and its work efficiency is much higher than that of the police dogs in their troop.

Their police dogs are affected by the smell these guys are covering up.But they couldn't find any traces. I didn't expect Xiaoju to find it so quickly.

"Yes, Captain." The team members replied after hearing the words, and immediately followed up with the few people who entered the forest quickly.

"These guys seem to be veterans, but they actually ran into the mountains. This is your home field, Mouse." After entering the forest, Chou Shi said to Zi Shi while checking the ground.

These guys just ran into the mountains, so their luck is really bad.

Rats like to burrow in this kind of loose forest, and they might get out of this group of guys.

"I know this is my home field, but the premise is to find out where they are. You can't let me dig holes aimlessly, can you?" Zi Shi said when he heard this.

He is good at digging holes, and we are not aimless, at least we have to give him a goal, otherwise, if he digs through the entire mountain tomorrow, he may not be able to find it.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there me here? I told you that I will watch for you." Chou Shi said, the other party has nothing to be afraid of. They are two people, and there are problems with four pairs of eyes. ?
"You watch for me? I might as well count on the blind man. Last time you said to watch for me, right? You almost dug into the latrine of the headquarters." He said angrily when he heard this. What a cow, it's like having glaucoma at night.

The blind chicken gave him instructions, thanks to the fact that he could smell the smell in the mud.

Otherwise, if you drill in with your head?Then this smell will not be washed off next year.

"Aww~ (You two, keep your voice down, your anger will get closer and closer, don't let it out.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing the conversation between the two, can these two guys be quieter?He's working hard now, okay?

"Mouse, Lao Niu, you two, please keep your voice down, Xiaoju has smelled their stench, and they are about to arrive soon, please be quiet." Sister Hong'er said to the two of them.

"Yes, yes~" Hearing these words, the two who were arguing quickly shut their mouths and moved on quietly.

"Report to the captain, we are approaching the target and we will arrive soon, captain, you can prepare to come here." The team members who followed immediately reported to the walkie-talkie.

"Okay, let's set off now." The captain of the mech unit who told the news said.will be the first to start.

After seeing the other mechs, they followed up one after another.

In just a few seconds, the sky was densely packed with mechs.

"Aww~ (It's here, it's here.)"

Cheng Hao, who stopped halfway up the mountain, looked at the narrow black hole in front of him and said.

"Here?" Sister Hong'er, who heard this, asked vigilantly, looking around for suspicious things.

"Leave it to this robot, and this robot will handle it." The No. [-] robot on the side said after seeing this, it was finally his turn to go out, and he would let everyone know how powerful he is.

"Then I'll leave it to you. We are relieved to have you scouting the way."

"That's right, with your big iron bump in front, at least you can help us take some damage."

When they heard that the No. [-] robot had volunteered, they immediately nodded.

The most worthless life here is the No. [-] robot. Anyway, if the other party is finished, they can take it back and repair it. If something happens to them, it will not work. They have no way to repair it.

"Look at how cowardly you guys are, let this robot come." Hearing this, the No. [-] robot said contemptuously, and a faint light appeared on the two big eye bulbs.

Darkness is useless to him, because his eyes are the least afraid of darkness.

In his infrared scans, the place looked just like daytime.



In the pitch-black environment, only a series of footsteps sounded.

As they got closer, the space inside got bigger and bigger.

Soon, a metal door appeared in front of them. Looking at the metal door, several people couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

Of course, the team members who followed him were the most shocked. After all, he has lived here for so long, and he still doesn't know that there is such a place among the mountains with horns, and he doesn't know when it was built?

"Is there such a place here? Why didn't we know about it before?" the team members stroked the metal gate and muttered to themselves.

"It must be the entrance of this place, has it been hidden before?" said the mouse beside him, touched the ground and said, "It seems that it's my turn to perform now, there must be no way to directly enter through a metal gate like this." Right? Punching holes seems to be the best option now."

This kind of gate is probably made of very strong metal, and it is not known when these foreign spies were.Made this secret base?

But no matter how he explained the gate, there was one thing that could not be changed, that is, this place had soil.

This means that he can bypass the gate directly. Presumably the guy who built the gate didn't think about today's situation, right?
"As far as the current situation is concerned, it is indeed like this. The mouse is looking at you." The scandal at the side said.

He found a furry paw and pulled him aside.

"Aww~ (It's so troublesome to drill a hole. We came here to smash the field, not to sneak around and play with each other. You all step aside for me, and Ben Hu will deal with this broken door.)" Cheng Hao said, directly He showed his paws, they were dawdling here, and it would be annoying if they didn't bother him.

Isn't it just a broken door?What's so great, let's see him clean it up and throw it away.

"Xiaoju, what are you doing? Go to the back, the front is too dangerous." Chou Shi, who found himself being pushed aside, said, Xindao tiger is a tiger, and his physical advantage is much stronger than them.

It was so easy to pull him aside. You must know that he is a professionally trained evolutionary, not an ordinary guy.

"Xiaoju asks you all to get out of the way, just let him handle the iron door." Sister Hong'er at the side explained.

"Are you kidding? This is a door that Chun just built. What can he do with a little tiger?"

"Yeah, such a dangerous matter should be handled by professionals."

Chou Shi and Zi Shi who heard this said, a heavy figure fell directly on them.

"Why do you rely on us for nothing, you poor robot, don't you know how heavy you are?"

"That's right, you want to smash all your teammates to death first, don't you?"

The two cursed, and kicked robot No. [-] up in a hurry.

"Don't wrong this robot. This robot was pushed down by this little guy, Xiaoju." Robot No. [-], holding on to the wall with both arms, said.

"Are you joking and looking for a reason, can you find a better one? Xiaoju is just a little tiger, how can she have such terrifying power?"

"That's right, don't tease..."


Just as the two of them were talking, there was a clear sound, and then the whole cave was shaken. The steel gate in front of them began to slowly fall of slag, and then collapsed with a bang under their unbelievable expressions. .

"Aww~ (A group of guys who can only talk cannons are really annoying. I am the king of beasts. How could I get in like you?)" Cheng Hao, who blew on his paws, said unhappily, and stepped forward. Walked in at a pace.

"This... this iron gate must have been in disrepair for a long time, right?" Chou Shi, whose jaw was about to drop to the ground, said, what did he see?Was the iron door tens of centimeters thick smashed open by the paw of the chubby Tachibana?Should it be so outrageous, this must be an illusion.

"Yeah, it must not be that Xiaopangju is too powerful, it must be that the defense facilities in this place are too rubbish." Zi Shi echoed, raised his leg and kicked towards the iron gate, and soon his face was exposed The color of pain: "Damn it, this thing hasn't been in disrepair for a long time. Little Fat Orange really broke the iron door with one paw."

"What? Is chubby orange so powerful?" Chou Shi, who was also sticking his foot on the iron door, said with his feet hugged.

Good guy, this thing is really not in disrepair, kicking it up almost didn't crack his foot.

"You don't think Xiaoju is weak, do you? He was able to fight against the big mushroom with Mr. Consultant." Robot No. [-] walked by, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

He has collected all the information about Mr. Consultant's battle, including the scene of the fight with the big mushroom. How could these two idiots think that the little fat orange in front of him would be weak?
"Ah?" The two people who heard this couldn't help but let it go. They really didn't know about this matter. No wonder Xiaopangju ran so fast. The two of them had been wrong about their relationship before and underestimated each other's strength. Strength.

"What a powerful claw, can this really be done by a creature?" The team members who followed couldn't help but wondered as they looked at the claw marks on the iron gate.

How outrageous is this scene really?How outrageous is that?
"Aww~ (Where's the person? Where's the person? Why is it so empty inside, there's not even a hair?)"

After walking inside, I didn't find anything unexpectedly, only saw the empty ground.

"We seem to have made a fool of ourselves." Zi Zi said when he saw this scene, and saw that the inside was so clean, it was even cleaner than his face.

As soon as he saw the other party, he knew that he would be followed, so he just slipped away.

"Yes, but there is still a road here. Maybe this is the place we are going to." Chou Shi pointed to the dark passage and said. Maybe there was an ambush.

"It's possible, this robot will use sonar to detect it first." The [-]th robot opened its mouth and opened its mouth.

After a few people saw it, they waited quietly.

"No large obstacles were found inside. This passage is open, but it's hard to say whether there are other ambushes inside?" After a few seconds, the robot [-] who gave the feedback said.

The chest opened to reveal two muzzles, and two fist marbles were fired towards the passage.

"What are you doing? Robot No. [-]."

"Yeah, what's inside you?"

Everyone who saw this scene wondered, wondering what the other party was doing all of a sudden?

"This is the collision bomb carried in the body of this robot, which is specially designed to detect landmines and trigger bombs that may be placed in a small space."

The No. [-] robot explained that today's shocking noise came from the passage.

Immediately, the whole robot showed a look of pride: "How is it? Did you hear that? This robot is powerful, I knew there was an ambush inside, if it wasn't for this robot's foresight, we would all be blown to death now. "

"It's good that you have the foresight. The problem is that these bombs can be dismantled. You triggered them directly and blew up the passage. How should we find the next clues?" The team members on the side asked weakly. Admitting that the other party is really good, so what should they do next?


Hearing this, the smile on Robot No. [-]'s face froze instantly.

"Things have already happened, so don't say so much. In addition, the passage was bombed, so the passage inside may not necessarily collapse."

"Besides, aren't mice able to dig holes? We can still go in." Sister Hong'er said upon hearing this.

It doesn't matter if the hole is blown up, as long as the original passage still exists.

"That's right, this robot originally had the same idea." Robot No. [-] said, the electronic screen on his face was full of "a copy of the robot's expected appearance."

But it was obvious that none of the people present would believe his excuse.

"Mice, it seems that you still need to go out."

"Let's go, let's go down and see how serious the collapse is?"


The two chatted and then walked down first.

"Report to the captain, we are now in the cave. No enemies have been found, and they have already left."

"We are now searching along the passage that the other party left." After seeing the two people going down the passage, the team members reported the situation to the walkie-talkie.

"Very well, I understand. Let's land now." Looking at the map displayed on the screen and the red dot on it, the captain said, and directed the mechs to land.

Prepare to enter the cave and look for traces of the enemy.

"Good guy, this collapse is really serious. What kind of explosives did they install inside?" Zi Shi couldn't help muttering as he looked at the passage blocked by a hill in front of him.

"Who knows, anyway, if we dare to go this way? Now the collapsed passage is not the passage." Chou Shi said, moving a stone aside, and then made a "please" gesture when facing each other, meaning Obviously, let the other party do their work and stop talking.

When Zishi saw this, he started digging the hole very helplessly.

It didn't take long for him to dig out a big hole.

"Aww~ (You two guys don't seem very reliable, but the skill of digging holes is also good. Even if you are not a member of the department in the future, you will definitely not starve to death with only your ability to dig holes.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao said.

Good guy, the speed of this digging machine is comparable to that of a ground drilling machine. With their fast digging speed, it is estimated that they can dig an underground passage without much effort.

"You can come in now, I have dug through the passage." Just as Cheng Hao was muttering, the sound of a mouse came from the passage.

Upon hearing this, everyone walked in.

Soon came to an underground cave of some age, where many machine tool-like things and a lot of materials were displayed.

The most unbelievable thing is that there is actually an underground waterway in this cave.

"Aww~ (It seems that those guys have left from here.)" Looking for the last smell of these guys, Cheng Hao said, looking at the water surface with a faint blue light.

"There should be submarines in this underground cave. Otherwise, these guys probably wouldn't come here." Seeing the refurbished marks on the ground, Chou Shi said.

"Is there a submarine in here? This sounds really outrageous." Sister Hong'er heard this and said in disbelief. It sounds too appalling that a submarine can be placed in such a small place. .

Unless these guys are using materials to make the same thing under here, and obviously this submarine is not made by them now, it is very likely that it existed many years ago.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why they couldn't see the situation after chasing them for a few hours.

"This is a very normal thing. After all, the war has been fought for too long. It is also normal for them to leave some things here." The robot No. [-] on the side opened his mouth and put his hands into the underground river. Among them: "This river is connected to the big river near Niujiao Mountain. They should want to escape our tracking in this way."

"They want to leave along the river? I'll report to the commander and ask him to block all the nearby rivers." The team member who heard this said, and immediately reported the situation.

"Don't worry, we have built dams in various places. They want to leave in this way? I'm afraid it's a bit unrealistic."

"That's right, they must have someone to meet them, right? Otherwise, they just entered the river, and they must not be allowed to leave."

Zishi and Choushi said, the river in Fengli City is a big river.

There are many dams built on this river, and these spies want to leave this way?First of all their submarine has to be able to fly.

If not?That's embarrassing, they have to stop as soon as they should.

If you want to enter the sea from this river, there is no door.

"It makes sense. They must have driven the submarine to a certain port or a certain place. I will ask the commander to send team members along the river to search." The team members suddenly had an idea when they heard this.

"How's the situation? Have you found those guys?" At this moment, the mecha department also rushed over.

"How should I put it? It can be said that it was found, but it can also be said that it was not found." Robot No. [-] said, pointing to the underground river beside it.

"Are these guys running away again? These guys are really cunning." The captain who saw this scene gritted his teeth.

"Let's not talk about this, I think you should move these machines back first."

"In addition, it's best to fill in this space, so that no one will run away here next time." Zi Shi beside him said after washing his hands.

This digging is so good that he didn't use up his hands. It seems that he must reach the second stage of the evolutionary that the master said as soon as possible.

That's the only way he won't get his hands dirty all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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