Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 189 Sure enough, I still want to make a move

Chapter 189 Sure enough, I still want to make a move
"Don't worry everyone, this robot is a fair and good robot. I won't shoot you. The reason why that guy was arrested just now."

"It's entirely because he didn't understand Xiaoju's information and dared to come up with it. That's why this robot punished him with justice." Seeing that the fans misunderstood him, robot No. [-] quickly explained, expressing that he Affable and a good robot, he would never attack innocent fans.

But what he doesn't know is that fans don't like him because of this incident.

"You don't need to explain. No matter how you explain, you can't hide the fact that you are a criminal robot."

"That's right, hurry up and stay away from us, don't come closer, or we won't be polite."

The fans who heard this said that they didn't want to hear the other party's explanation.

The other party should just get out of here, they are already very unhappy just seeing each other.

"Really, really. Everyone has to believe in this robot. This robot is a good person." Seeing that they didn't believe him, Robot No. [-] expressed his injustice, and wanted to explain more to the fans, but was framed up.

"Robot No. [-] don't explain redundantly here, they won't believe you."

"That's right, if you have the time, you'd better do something else."

Zishi and Choushi said that they had accepted each other's shameless spirit, it was simply too outrageous.

Where is this robot?What if all the guys produced in the Hongtashan Evolution Department were like this?They felt that it was necessary for them to report the situation here to the headquarters in Kyoto, and then immediately stop the operation of the robot assembly line.

After all, this robot is produced.It can only cause trouble for them.

"You two guys put me down quickly, I still have to persuade these fans to trust me, can you please don't disturb me?" Robot No. [-] shouted after being picked up and left.

"Of course not. You have already had an irreparable impact on the image of the department. You can't be allowed to do this kind of thing again."

"Yes, if you want to lose face, don't bring us along."

Zi Shi and Chou Shi said, don't they care what Robot No. [-] said?He picked up the opponent and left directly.

"Great, finally someone like us can't look down on this stupid robot and took him away."

"Yeah, yeah, it should have been done a long time ago, and a stupid robot like this should not keep him."

The fans who saw this scene were very happy, if it wasn't for the city's ban on setting off fireworks?They all want to celebrate here.

"Aww~ (Sister, take a look, how happy are you all? I think if the No. [-] robot is cremated? Everyone will definitely feel like Chinese New Year.)" Cheng Hao listened to the happy voices around him, and said to Hong My sister suggested.

So many people are happy just taking the robot away, so what if the robot is rebuilt?
I'm afraid everyone will celebrate for three days and three nights.

"Stop fanning the flames here, there are still dozens of fans waiting, hurry up and sign." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao on the head angrily and said, this little villain is quite good at fanning the flames Do you have a set?Not working hard.

"Aww~ (I've been signing, haven't I? I've never been lazy.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, his paws on the ink pad, and he kept pressing it.

In order to sign autographs for these fans, his paws haven't stopped yet, okay?Where are you not serious?

"Commander, this is a foreign spy caught in the gymnasium. Commander, please give instructions."

In the evolutionist department of Fengchuang City, the team members who brought him back reported to Commander Liu in the office.

"It appeared so soon, foreign spies? These guys really can't bear their temper." Hearing this, Commander Liu said with a smile, with a faint blue light shining in his eyes: "Wake up this guy , let me personally ask him what he is doing here?"

"Okay, Commander." The team members who heard this immediately took action, squeezed open the mouth of the fainted Tommy, and poured a small jar of blue liquid into his mouth.

Tommy's face twisted immediately in a coma, as if he had eaten something horrible.

"Cough cough~"

"What are you doing? What do you want to do? I am an international reporter. I am here to interview Dr. Xiaoju. You have no right to detain me. I want to see your highest officer." Tommy woke up and spat Drooling, while speaking.

What the hell did this evolutionary department give him to drink? He almost vomited out his gall.

"Whether you are an international reporter or not is not important to us. Tell me the purpose of your visit this time." Commander Liu said with a smile. down.

"I'm here to interview Xiaopangju. What's the purpose? Let me go quickly." Hearing this, Tommy said, trying to activate his ability, but soon came the "Zhi" from the vest. The sizzling electric current instantly disrupted his concentration.

"Don't waste your energy, try to use your ability to escape. You must concentrate on using your ability, right? The electric vest you are wearing is releasing electric current every second."

"In this environment, it may be difficult for you to use your abilities with peace of mind." Commander Liu said with a smile as he looked at the flashing blue arc on his vest. Why do young people nowadays not like to cooperate so much? He just wanted to ask It's just the purpose of the other party's coming, as for resisting like this?
"I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm just an ordinary international reporter." Tommy's face changed slightly when he heard this.

"You don't know, it doesn't matter, and I won't make it difficult for you. There will always be a time when you will definitely be willing to explain." Commander Liu said with a smile, and asked his team members to escort him down.

"Damn evolutionist department, it's really a bastard that you don't get oil and salt. I don't know if the captain will come to save me?"

Tommy, who was pushed into the prison by the team members, had complicated eyes in his eyes.

He originally thought that if he came out to inquire about information with his own ability, even if he was exposed, he could escape with peace of mind, no matter how bad his identity was, he used it as a means of saving his life.

But he didn't expect that the evolutionist department would directly ignore his identity, and even put on an electric shock vest on his body as a preventive measure, making it impossible for him to concentrate on using his abilities.

This method is simply too despicable.



Just as he was thinking this way, a shrill siren suddenly sounded outside.

Then there were exclamations one after another: "The enemy attacked the enemy and someone attacked the department. Everyone immediately dispatched. Someone attacked, and everyone dispatched immediately."



Following this sound, a series of footsteps came from outside.

"Is there a sneak attack? Could it be that the captain and the others came to rescue me? It's really great, I knew the captain and the others would never stand by." Hearing this, Tommy rushed to the front of the railing.

Holding the railing with both hands, his eyes were full of excitement.

That's great, with the captain and the others dispatched, he will definitely be safe and sound this time.


"boom boom"

Just as he was thinking this way, there was a sudden loud noise from the cell wall.The prison cell, which was originally like an iron wall, broke a big hole in the next second.

"Tommy, what the hell are you stinky little Zhi doing? Didn't you warn you not to act alone? Our plan to rescue you this time has been completely ruined."

Bright sunlight shone into the cell, and at the same time, there was a rough voice.

And the owner of this voice was a big man more than two meters tall, and he was cursing with his eyes wide open.

"Sorry! Captain. It's my problem this time, and I will definitely review it properly." Tommy immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake when he heard this.

Seeing this, the big man was about to say something when he heard footsteps in the distance rushing back.Hastily said:
"Stop talking so much nonsense, we have to leave quickly, the movement outside won't attract them for long."

"Yes, Captain," Tommy said, and ran out immediately.

Soon he saw the people who were waiting for him.

At this time, among the people standing there, none of them looked at him with eyes full of anger.Immediately, Tommy lowered his head.

"Tommy, you brat is really going to cause us trouble. We'll take care of you when we go back."

"That's right, you brat, hurry up and drive us, we'll settle the score with you later."

Several people who saw this scene cursed and threw the key to him.

Tommy, who took the car keys, asked cautiously: "Captain, and seniors and sisters. Where are we going now?"

"Of course I went back to where I stayed, otherwise where else do you want to go?" The red-haired foreign woman scolded angrily.

"But I was arrested, they will definitely squat us at the place where we are staying?" Tommy said after hearing this, they finally ran out now, and if they go back to the place where they are staying, they will be arrested again live?
"Do you think they won't squat us somewhere else if we don't go back?" The big man who heard this said angrily: "So we have to kill them by surprise when they think we will leave .”

"Yes, since they don't have time to take care of it, we might be able to change your face during this period of time. In this way, the risk of our exposure will be reduced."

"That's right, don't forget about us, what means do you have?" Several others asked.

"So it's like this, I understand." Tommy suddenly realized when he heard this, and immediately started the vehicle and headed towards the place where he was staying.

Along the way, they walked through busy streets.Go straight to the goal.

Soon they arrived at their foothold, a hotel located in a dark alley.

"The two of you take him up to change his clothes and change his appearance, and the rest of you will detonate the city's electrical equipment for me."

Looking at the big characters on the hotel, the strong man said.

"Yes, Captain."

Everyone who heard this nodded and replied, and quickly followed suit.

"Senior, tell me, is the captain angry this time?" Tommy, who was changing the human skin mask, asked, he felt that the captain was very angry this time.

I don’t know how I will report to the higher authorities then?

"Of course I'm very angry. After all, you caused a lot of trouble this time, forcing the captain to use his backhands lurking in Peak Crack City."

The woman with yellow hair said, what is drawing on his face with an eyebrow pencil?
"Like this? Then it seems that I have caused quite a lot of trouble." Tommy muttered, and suddenly felt a pain in his back, and he was a little groggy, before he wanted to ask why the two seniors Shoot yourself?Then came their voices:
"Not good, the guys from the evolution department are chasing you, so I can only knock you out and hide you first."

"Yeah, otherwise you would be exposed too easily when you are awake."

"Stun me and hide? What kind of operation is this?"

Before he fainted, Tommy's mind was full of doubts, and he passed out.

"Commander, are you okay? You don't look very good."

"Yeah, Commander, do you want the doctor to come over?" In the evolutionary department of Fengchuang City, the team members surrounded the office to guard against sneak attackers.

Seeing Commander Liu's pale face and his whole body covered in cold sweat, he immediately became nervous.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, I have overused my abilities, and my physical strength can't keep up."

"I'll be fine after I drink two bottles of energy replenishing potions. Now you guys hurry up and let the painters come over. I've already found their place of immortality, and I know what each of them looks like." The conductor wiped his forehead with cold sweat The official said, using the ability to drag the opponent into the illusion of the subconscious is indeed very exhausting.

But the benefits are also obvious. The other party is addicted to his subconscious, unable to see through the illusion.

I can only honestly show all the things and people I know to him.

And he, as the first third-party perspective, is God’s perspective.Can see more clearly the cause of things.

"Yes, Commander."

The team members who heard this immediately called for someone to come over, and the others took out their needles and injected medicine into Tommy who passed out to prevent him from waking up halfway.

"Call me the surveillance camera of the Beautiful Hotel, Bingjiang Avenue, Fengchuang City." Commander Liu said after drinking the energy replenishing potion and feeling a lot more relaxed.

"Yes." The team members replied, and immediately went to the information department.

"Commander, are you looking for me?" After they left, the painter who had been waiting for a long time came in immediately.

"Well, I already know all the appearances of these guys. Now I will pull you into the illusion and show their appearances in front of you. You can draw them for me immediately." The commander said .

"No problem, but Commander, is it really okay to use your ability again in your current state?" The painter nodded after hearing this, and then asked the commander who was sweating profusely and pale.

"Of course, you can remember them immediately with your memory. I can only use my ability for two or three seconds at most, and it won't have any effect." The conductor said, with blue light in his eyes.

The world in the painter's eyes became completely different, and strange faces appeared in front of him.

Seeing these faces, the artist immediately understood that this was the person he was going to paint this time, and quickly took note of their appearance.

"How is it? Have you written it all down?"

At this moment, the commander's voice rang in his ears.

"Yes, I've written it all down." The painter nodded and said when he heard the words, and found that the figures in front of him disappeared one by one, and he returned to the office.

"Very well, then I will leave this matter to you. I hope that in 10 minutes, you can draw their portraits." The commander said.

"I'll do my best." The painter nodded, and walked away to paint.

Seeing this scene, Commander Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

"The commander is not good. We called the surveillance of the Meili Hotel and found that there were no foreigners inside."

"Yes, Commander."

And at this moment, the team members who had been dispatched to monitor came back.Returned with bad news.

"What? Didn't you see any foreigners in the hotel?" said the commander who had just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Commander." The team members who heard this replied.

"Looks like this? It seems that after they got the wind, they started to move immediately, otherwise they wouldn't have left so soon." After hearing this, Commander Liu fumbled for his chin and opened his mouth, his eyes showing bursts of coldness.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a cunning enemy.

Once he found that something was wrong, he ran away immediately, and he didn't even want his teammates.

"Then what should we do next? Are we still singing with this guy?"

"Yeah, the clues this guy provided are useless."

The team members on the side asked.

"Of course we have to play with them, but this time we have to change it a little bit. Do you two do what I tell you?" the commander who heard this said, and told them what to do. up?

"Okay, okay, we will follow your instructions and send this guy to the Beautiful Hotel." Hearing the reply from the team members here, they set off immediately.

Take the comatose Tommy out of the department, bring him to the beautiful hotel, and act according to the command of the commander.

After removing all the electric shock vests and handcuffs on the opponent, and then installing a series of positioning equipment on the opponent.

Then he left the hotel quickly, waiting for the other party to wake up naturally.

"Commander, can this guy really lead us to find other spies?" In the evolutionary department, the team members looked at Tommy lying in the hotel and asked curiously.

No matter how you look at it, this guy should have been abandoned. Why does the commander think he can find someone else?

"Of course, I believe there must be a special way of contact between them." The commander looked at the camera, and Tommy who was slowly waking up smiled and said:

"Besides, even if this guy can't be contacted? We won't have too much loss. At most, we can catch him again."

If these guys don't have any special means of contact, he doesn't believe that these guys dare to come to them.

After all, these spies sometimes take their lives very seriously.

"That makes sense." The team members who heard this nodded and continued to watch the big screen.

"Senior sister, where are you?" Inside the hotel, Tommy felt dizzy after waking up.

Then I looked around and found that there was no one, and I suddenly became nervous.

The senior sister and the captain are all gone. What happened to make them leave in such a hurry?
Thinking of this, he immediately thought of the word "attack".

There's nothing wrong with it, senior sister and the others left in such a hurry, they must have been attacked by the Evolver Department.

That's why he was thrown here.

No, he has to go to the senior sister and the others right away. With his ability, he will definitely be able to help everyone.

So Tommy left the hotel.

"All units pay attention, all units pay attention."

"The target has already left the hotel. It seems that he is looking for his accomplices. All the team members should be careful not to expose it. Once they find the target, they will report it immediately."

After the team members of the Information and Liaison Department saw it, they immediately notified the team members lurking around the hotel.



The team members who heard this replied and followed Tommy one after another.

"Report to the commander, there is news about those guys who left. We have lost the monitoring of the whole city, and finally found their whereabouts."

While Commander Liu was looking at the big screen, some team members reported.

"Really? Find out where these guys are going?" Commander Liu asked with a smile after hearing this.

"Report to the commander, they left the hotel two hours ago and headed towards the suburbs."

"Then an hour ago, it disappeared near Niujiaojiao. The preliminary judgment is that there should be some kind of their base in that place." The team reported and handed the photo to the commander.

"Well, it looks like these guys have been active in our country these years." The commander flipped through the photos and said, "Notify all team members to pay close attention to strangers appearing in this area. There are some skilled people in their team." The guy in the leather mask."

"They left the community for a while, most likely looking for a quiet place to re-make up and then come back."

"Okay, Commander." After hearing this, the team members immediately went into action.

"Report to the commander, Commander Ma of Hongtashan City has called." At this moment, the voices of the team members sounded in the Information and Liaison Department.

"Why is this old guy calling here? Don't you know I'm busy?"

"Forget it, connect it for me first, let me see what nonsense he wants to say?" Commander Liu felt very tired after hearing this, but still asked his subordinates to help him connect.

"Yes, Commander."

The team member replied and switched the line in.

"You old guy, who wants to kidnap people from our department, you still don't want to answer my phone, do you? You really know how to behave." As soon as the call was connected, Commander Ma cursed.

For this guy, he doesn't want to answer his phone, he just gets angrier the more he thinks about it.

"I know you are very angry, but please bear with me a little bit, I am doing business here." Hearing this, Commander Liu said, he was speechless at the other party's rogue behavior, which eye of the other party saw him very Empty?

One must know that he is almost on all fours now.

"What business do you have? Isn't it just to interrogate the guy caught by robot No. [-]?" Commander Ma said angrily after hearing this.

Interrogating such a small character is not easy considering the other party's ability. Is it necessary for this guy to give him this trick?

"In theory, it should be easy, but I have encountered some problems here." Commander Liu said helplessly upon hearing this.

Tell the horse commander what happened.

"I thought you were in some kind of trouble, so it turned out that you just met a group of spies who were a bit cautious? This is old and simple, let me teach you."

"Go to the gymnasium and bring Xiaoju out now. Within half an hour, I guarantee that Xiaoju will find everyone for you." Commander Ma said, looking for someone is such a thing, Xiaoju Best at it.

Whether these guys are going to be ever-changing?As long as Xiaoxiaoju uses his small nose, he can find them all by sniffing twice.

"Old Ma, are you serious? Xiaoju is now on a protection mission. Do you still want him to come out to work?" Commander Liu said with black lines on his face. There was indeed a little truth in what the other party said, but In this way, wouldn't it appear that their department is incompetent?
Xiaoju, who was going to hold a concert here, went out to arrest people.

"Is there any problem with this? Who made the people in your department so useless that they can't even do such trivial things well? Otherwise, what's the matter?" Commander Ma said gloatingly.

"You make it sound like your people are very useful." Commander Liu said angrily upon hearing this.

"That must be more useful than your people. Did you go to an unknown place?" Commander Ma said proudly: "If you don't believe me, I will ask Xiaoju and Xiaohong to help you, and you will know that I have not Bragging with you."

"The efficiency of the people in our department is amazing."

"Okay, then do as you said, I hope you didn't lie to me." Hearing this, Commander Liu said, since there is no good way now?

Only the dead horse can be regarded as a living horse doctor, or the other party will go straight into the forest by then?Then it's not so easy to find the other party.

"Don't worry, Xiaoju is amazing at her job." Commander Ma said with a smile, and Commander Liu asked the team members to invite them.

"Aww~ (What? I need to go to the evolutionary department here to find someone?)" Cheng Hao, who was cooking, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the news.

How useless are the guys here?Why is there such a thing as a little tiger?

"Yes, because the spies that appeared this time came after you, so there is nothing wrong with us helping in the past." Sister Hong'er nodded when she heard the words. Speaking of which, the reason why these spies came back was because of their arrival. .

Therefore, they have an inescapable responsibility to help Feng Cleft City catch these spies.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I thought it was just for singing, but I didn't expect there to be so many troubles.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, and swept the food on the table in one gulp: "Aww~ (Then let's go over and take a look now, what's going on, right? I actually have to deal with such a trivial matter myself.)"

"Okay, Xiaoju is the best." Sister Hong'er smiled, and led Cheng Hao out of the dining area.Go outside.

"Miss Breeder, Doctor Xiaoju, hello, I'm here to pick you up according to the commander's order."

As soon as one person and one tiger came out, the team members who had been waiting at the door for a long time greeted them.

"Okay, thank you."

After hearing this, Miss Hong'er nodded with a smile.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, this time we are going to trouble Miss Breeder and Doctor Xiaoju to dispatch, we should be the ones to say thank you." Hearing this, the team members said quickly.

He didn't dare to thank him for picking up someone alone, otherwise the commander would find out later, and he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

"After all, this incident happened because of Xiaoju's arrival. Speaking of it, we should say it's troublesome." Sister Hong'er said, it should be what it should be!It is better not to shirk this responsibility.

"Nothing, nothing. Protecting local law and order is what we should do. How can we say that?" The team members waved their hands quickly and said.

"Aww~ (It's really interesting that you are being polite to each other. If you continue like this, do we still have to leave?)" Cheng Hao yawned boredly and said after seeing this scene.

He was really fed up with that meaningless polite process, he just wanted to go over and see what was going on?Then come back.

"Xiaoju, are you going out?"

"Yeah, we just came back from buying a ball, why are you going out?"

He came back with a big leather ball, Zi Shi and Chou Shi said.

What happened?Why is Xiaoju going out again when they're not around for a while?
They are planning to have a happy dribble while they have nothing to do at night.

After all, this is the way the master taught them to practice.

"The accomplices of the guy caught in the afternoon left Fengcrack City. Commander Liu suspects that they have other actions, so we hope we can help find them." Sister Hong'er explained after hearing this.

"So it's like this? Then let's go together, just to see if we can be of any help."

"That's right, and by the way, it can protect Xiaoju's safety, in case something unexpected happens." The two people who heard this said, they didn't expect Xiaoju to be dispatched so soon in Fengri City.

"No problem, then let's go together, you two can be of great help." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, it would be great if someone is willing to help.

What if there is any danger in this way?It's good to have a care.

"Of course, our two brothers are no longer what we used to be."

"That's right, we are what we are now after transformation."

Upon hearing this, the two immediately performed their signature move "Tiger and Crane Walking Together".

"Okay, okay, it shouldn't be too late, let's start early." Seeing that the two of them were about to perform their stunts again, sister Hong'er quickly said.

If you let the two of them continue to compare?They can draw all the poses they can think of.


Hearing this, the two replied, followed the team members, and got into the car heading to the department.

They also want to take a look at the evolutionist department of Fengren City, what is it like?

Look at what spy again?Actually want the two of them to dispatch together?
(End of this chapter)

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