Chapter 188
"You take Mingxing and Xiaoju together, but you think too highly of them, and they don't have such a big contribution." Commander Liu said with a smile, and greeted Cheng Hao who was walking towards him: "Hello! Xiaoju Orange, how are you?"

"Aww~ (No, who are you? I don't seem to know you.)" Cheng Hao, who was walking towards him, saw someone greet him.

Can't help but tilt his head in doubt, he doesn't seem to have seen each other with this appearance and this smell, right?Who is the other party?

"Who is this gentleman?" Sister Hong'er at the side also felt puzzled when she saw this.

"This is Mr. Commander of our Peak Crack City." The team member in charge of leading the way explained aloud.

"So you are the commander of Fengcrack City? Hello!" Sister Hong'er said hastily after hearing this.

"Aww~ (This is what the commander said, the guy with no good intentions?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing the words. He still remembered that the commander had a chat with him two or three days before he came here and told him The commander of Peak Crack City is not a good person or something.

In fact, the other party understands without saying anything, because the other party is also similar.

He only thought about letting him work, but didn't want to do him any favors.

"Yes, Miss Hong." Commander Liu said with a smile, then squatted down and greeted Cheng Hao: "Your journey has been smooth, isn't it? Doctor Xiaoju, are you hungry now? I The veal you like has been prepared in advance."

"Aww~ (I've heard of this buffalo beef and yellow beef, what is this veal?)" Cheng Hao tilted his head when he heard this, and asked curiously, the veal could not be the meat of a newborn calf Bar?
Otherwise, why is it called veal and not beef?

"Um, Miss Xiaohong. What is Doctor Xiaoju talking about?" Commander Liu asked curiously when he saw this. It shouldn't be difficult to understand what he said, right?Why did the other party look at him with his head tilted like this.

"Xiaoju wants to ask Commander, what kind of beef is the veal you're talking about?" Sister Hong'er said helplessly upon hearing that.

He reached out and tapped Cheng Hao's head, when they came.Commander Ma specifically told him not to communicate too much with the people in the local evolutionary department. If they invite Xiaoju to eat, they must have no good intentions and must not be fooled.

Although, I don't know why the commander would say that?But they still have to listen a little bit.

After all, they didn't stay long in Peak Crack City either.Still have to know Hongtashan City.

"It turns out that Xiaoju is asking this. I thought Xiaoju was asking what? In fact, the veal is our local cattle."

"They are not as big as ordinary cattle, and they weigh less than ordinary cattle. But the quality of their meat is not much better than ordinary beef, so we call it veal." Commander Liu explained with a smile.

"So that's what you mean?" Sister Hong'er suddenly realized what she heard and nodded, she couldn't help feeling that the country is really vast and rich.There is such a novel cow.

"Yes, so would you like to have a taste? The beef is very delicious." Commander Liu asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (Since you've come here, of course you have to try it.)" Hearing that there are such special cattle in the local area, Cheng Hao said without thinking.

It’s all here, what a pity if you don’t try the local beef?

"Thank you, Mr. Commander, but now we have to settle the matter in front of us. I'm afraid we can't eat beef." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this.

Since it is a unique local beef, there is no need to worry, anyway, sooner or later you will be able to eat it.

And now that so many fans are here waiting for them, they can't tell them to wait here forever, can they?
"Aww~ (I can sign for them and eat at the same time, there is no need to worry about this kind of thing.)" Hearing that Sister Hong'er refused directly for him, Cheng Hao said hastily.

How bad would it be to refuse directly when others sent them all over?Don't reject someone's kindness.

How hurtful is that?He can't do something like this.

"Xiaoju, you have to be obedient and obedient, you know? Let's sign the names of the fans first. As for the matter of your desire to eat meat, we will talk about it later." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big head and said, her eyes were full of " If you are disobedient, my sister will tell the principal."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, listen to my sister.)"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao said helplessly.He obediently closed his mouth.

"That's right." Sister Hong'er said with a smile upon seeing this.

"Since Dr. Xiaoju is going to have a meeting at the concert? Then I won't force it. Xiaoliang, you are responsible for protecting Dr. Xiaoju's safety. When will Doctor Xiaoju want to eat? You will go to Xiaoju immediately Is Doctor Ju going to know?" Commander Liu instructed the team members beside him.

"Well, Mr. Commander, interrupt your conversation a little bit. Xiaoju's safety is in charge of the two of us."

"Yeah, we followed here to protect Xiaoju's safety."

When Zishi and Choushi heard the words, they immediately interrupted.

If it wasn't for Xiaoju's safety, what were the two of them doing here?

Now that the other party has directly taken over Xiaoju's security, isn't their trip in vain?
"I'm sorry, sorry, I almost forgot that Xiaoju's safety is in charge of the two of you? But everyone has been exhausted for so long? You must be very tired."

"If they take over? You can let the two have a good rest. This will also make it easier for the two to protect Xiaoju better?" Commander Liu said with a smile, almost forgetting that the higher-ups had already sent someone to protect Xiaoju.

But it doesn't matter, this is his territory, everything is still up to him.

After all, as the old saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake.

What's more, the two of them are not the so-called strong dragons?

"It's not wrong to say that, but this is the responsibility of the two of us, so don't bother to command."

"Yes, the two of us can be protected." Zi Shichou refused with a smile when he heard the words.

"Since the two of you said that? Then I won't send any team members to protect Xiaoju's safety."

"However, the whole concert venue is so big, it's still easy for some strangers to mix in. I will arrange more players in the venue, and it shouldn't be a problem to maintain order, right?"

"After all, there are only so many of you in total. I'm afraid you don't have the energy to protect both the small and the concert." Conductor Liu said with a smile.

Just these people, if there is no team member he sent to help maintain it?It will be a mess soon.

"Then please trouble Mr. Commander." After hearing this, the two looked at each other and said.

"No trouble, no trouble." Commander Liu waved his hand indifferently and said, "Xiao Liang, follow the original plan and arrange all the team members."

"Okay, Commander." Xiao Liang nodded and went to work immediately.

When Commander Liu saw this, he waved to Cheng Hao with a smile and said, "Then Doctor Xiaoju, I'll be leaving first, and I'll see you later."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, remember to bring more meat when you come back later.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, nodding his head and waving his paws.

"Goodbye, Commander." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, reaching out to tap her big head.

Commander Liu turned around and left, walking towards the parking lot.

"Commander, this Xiaoju doctor looks very kind, but his breeder lady seems to be on guard against us." The team members following Commander Liu said.

"Isn't this a normal thing? I guess that bastard, Ma, said something before they came?"

"That's why they are very wary of me." Commander Liu said with a smile when he heard the words, but he held his hands tightly: "But it doesn't matter, they will stay in our city for a few days, and I will let them I know that what the old horse said is all fart."

"We can not only give the treatment that the evolutionist department of Hongtashan City can give, but we can even give it better."

"What they don't pay attention to, we pay more attention to."

The nasty old horse played tricks on him, didn't he?Then don't blame him for taking the edge of the sword.

"I'm afraid it will take a lot of energy, and it's hard to say whether it will succeed." The team members on the side heard the words and said.

Commander wants to compete with Hongtashan City?In his opinion, the odds are not great.

"It's up to people, how will you know if you don't try? And even if it doesn't work, it won't satisfy that bastard, Ma."

"Let Xiaoju and his breeders know that they are of great value. When they realize this and feel that Hongtashan City doesn't give enough preferential treatment, that's when we can go out."

Commander Liu said, isn't it a waste of money and time?As long as you can disgust that old horse guy.He can still afford the time and money.

"The commander is brilliant." The team members who heard this said in admiration.

"It's so-so, this is a conspiracy. It depends on whether Xiaoju will be fooled." Commander Liu said, with anticipation in his eyes.

"Can robot No. [-] hear you? I'm the commander. How's the situation now?" In the Electronic Information Department of the Evolution Department of Hongtashan City, the commander sat on his seat and said to the microphone.

"Report Commander, we just landed. Now we are signing autographs at the entrance of the Fengchuang City Stadium." At the gate of the Fengchuang City Stadium, robot No. [-] took out the photos and signatures he had prepared a long time ago. He replied while distributing it to the fans who came.

"Really? It seems that the speed is quite fast. Nothing happened along the way, right?" the commander asked with a smile when he heard the words.

"Report to the commander, the journey went very smoothly. Nothing happened." Robot No. [-] replied, regardless of whether the fan in front of him wanted it or not, he stuffed it into the opponent's arms, and held up the "No" with his left hand. Throw rubbish everywhere, or throw out the sign."

This made the fans who just wanted to sign and throw out the No. [-] robot quickly put away the things in their hands.

They managed to get to the front of the queue, so they didn't want to be thrown out just because they threw a piece of trash.

After seeing this scene, robot No. [-] nodded in satisfaction, and then took away the two trash cans nearby.

"Shameless and despicable stinky robot, I have never seen such a shameless guy."

"Exactly! I'm going to complain about this bastard. He didn't care whether we wanted it or not? He just gave us his stinky photo."

"That's right, the evil stinky robot, it's simply too hateful."

Fans who saw this scene, don't curse.

"Very good, after you landed. The guys from the evolutionary department of Fengchuang City didn't come to bother you, did they?" As for what No. [-] did here?The commander doesn't know, he is more concerned about their side now, isn't he being harassed by the evolutionary department of Fengcrack City?

"Of course there is, as soon as we land."

"People from the Evolution Department of Fengri City are waiting here, and that Commander Liu even came in person, and he wants to invite Xiaoju to eat beef." Robot No. [-] said, shuttling through the crowded fans Jumping from time to time, passing by the ground from time to time, the photos in his hand were quickly distributed.

"What? Lao Liu, a shameless bitch, actually did this? You're such a jerk." Hearing this, the commander couldn't help but slapped the table and cursed.

This bastard really wanted to make things difficult for him, so he used such a despicable method to snatch Xiaoju from him?

The other party wants him to go over with a mobile armor, so he should be dealt with, right?

Robot No. [-] heard the commander's scolding, and said:
"Commander, don't be angry. It's not good if you get angry. According to scientific research, getting angry can make people lose their minds, and..."

"Don't talk to me about it, I want to beat that bastard to death right now, or be beaten to death by him. Tell me, did that bastard succeed?" The commander didn't bother to listen to the other party's science, and asked the most important thing directly up.

"Of course not, under the dissuasion of the breeder lady. The other party's trick did not succeed." Robot No. [-] replied.

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Xiaohong can rely on her at critical times. It's not in vain that I value her so much." The commander couldn't help but said with a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Fortunately, Xiaohong was looking at Xiaoju.

Otherwise, he was worried that that bastard Old Liu would bring two carts of beef, so he would abduct Xiaoju for him.

"Yes, Mr. Commander." Robot No. [-] nodded and said: "Mr. Commander, do you have any other orders? If not, then I will hang up the call. I am still responsible for protecting Xiaoju safety. I'm afraid I don't have much time to chat with you."

"Do you have no time to chat with me, or do you mean you don't want to chat with me anymore? Robot No. 1." Hearing this, the commander looked at the No.[-] perspective of Robot No. [-] displayed on the big screen Said: "You guys don't think that the department can't see your every move, do you? If you harass fans again? Believe it or not, I will ask the information department to ban your account directly after a while?"

"Ah? Commander, can you see my side?" He was planning to sell his No. [-] robot to the fans, and he couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"Crap, if you can't see your side, how can you monitor your every move? Improve your behavior?" The commander cursed angrily. They just don't monitor much in normal times.

Robot No. [-] really thought that they didn't know, did they?
"Then why are you asking me why you are fine, Commander? Don't you know nothing?" Robot No. [-] said weakly. The Commander could see the situation on his side, so why did you ask him?
"Of course you have to ask. Your every move is only monitored in an emergency."

"When there is nothing to do, who is full and has nothing to do, and cares about what you are doing?" The commander said angrily. Robot No. [-] really thought that the department was free to work every day, did he monitor what he was doing?Who does he think he is?
"Oh, I thought you, Commander, are perverted all day long, looking at me every day." He was relieved to hear that the other party only occasionally monitored his No. [-] robot.

He said how could such a handsome robot be monitored every day?
Sure enough, the department is still very reassuring of him?
"Okay, don't play tricks on me, we don't have time on our side, so we look at your side every day."

"Keep an eye on Xiaoju. If the bastard over there has any bad thoughts? Remember to notify me immediately." Commander ordered.

"Okay! Don't worry, Commander. I promise to keep a close eye on Xiaoju and not let anyone get close to him." Robot No. [-] said.

"As long as what you say is reliable, it is not unreliable." The commander said helplessly when he heard the words, and hung up the call.

If it wasn't for connecting the other party's camera and sharing the perspective?He almost believed the other party's nonsense.

Even robots can deceive people these days, it seems that the doctor must be asked next time.Change the program for robot [-].

Let him not always lie when he speaks to his own people.

Although it is said that adding lies to the robot, the program is very useful when facing the enemy, but it is not applicable to the own people.

"Aww~ (Sister, how many people are still queuing up behind? I'm almost exhausted.)" In front of the gymnasium, Cheng Hao, who was pressing his paw like a money printing machine, asked.

He felt as if he had been working for a long time, why did this person still look like a Xuanxuan section?

"Not much, not much. If you bear with it, you little villain, there are still 80 or [-] people behind." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and looked behind her along the way: "You little guy, you have so many fans coming to you for autographs, aren't you happy? Look at the number [-] robot who wants autographs, but the fans don't want it."

"Aww~ (Can that idiot robot compare to me? Sister, you think him too highly, don't you? With his stupid appearance, how could anyone ask for his autograph?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help turning over when he heard the words She rolled her eyes and said, can my sister compare others with him?It's okay to compare this stupid robot with him. Isn't this directly reducing his price?Does this stupid robot also cooperate with him?
"It's not certain, maybe there are fans who like Robot No. [-]." Sister Hong'er said, looking at a figure wearing a straw hat approaching in front of Robot No. [-].

Xiaoju said that no one likes robot No. [-], but some of them are too one-sided.You see, there are fans here, are you looking for the No. [-] robot?

"Aww~ (Is there really someone looking for him? Sister, are you sure this person is a good person?)" Cheng Hao asked when he saw this, and someone would actually look for him with the exaggerated appearance of robot [-] ?No matter how you look at it, why do you think there is a problem?

"How can this elder sister be sure? But speaking of it, the person looking for the No. [-] robot seems to be a foreigner." Sister Hong'er looked at the very happy No. [-] robot and said.

"Aww~ (The person looking for him is a foreigner, this idiot must have been spotted by some kind of spy, right?)" Hearing that the person who was looking for him was actually a foreigner, Cheng Hao immediately became vigilant.

After all, foreigners these days either come to make trouble for him, or come to make trouble for him.

"Hey, this is my signature. You are really discerning, and you actually took a fancy to my signature. Let me tell you about my signature. It's not something ordinary people can get." Robot No. [-] will sign , Said to the fans in front of him.

I really didn't expect that there are still people who are so discerning and take a fancy to his signature.

Sure enough, gold shines everywhere, not just talking.

"Thank you, Mr. Robot, but I didn't come here to ask for your autograph. What I want to know more is about Doctor Xiaoju." Tommy, who was holding the big poster in his hand, said weakly.

He just came over to see if he could get any information out of the robot's mouth, but this guy started talking to him endlessly.

And even signed an autograph for him in front of him, what is the use of his autograph?He just wanted to know.

This signature can neither be eaten nor worn.

The point is that this signature is not worth a dime, and he saw a lot of it in the garbage dump at the door.

"I'll talk about Xiaoju's matter later, don't worry, let's take a photo first." Robot No. [-] said with a smile, finally met a fan who likes him, how could he not take a photo to commemorate it?

This is a very commemorative event, which means that the small step taken by his No. [-] robot is a big step for human society.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Robot." Looking at the opponent's mechanical arms, they were all on his shoulders.

Tommy could only nod helplessly in agreement, but he didn't even know what was going on?I was hugged by the other party and took a group photo.

If he knew this guy looked like this, he should have asked someone to take a photo with him.

He was so speechless, I don't know how to describe it?
"Come, come, read it with me. Eggplant." Just as he was thinking this way, the voice of a robot came from over there.

Forced to do nothing, he could only smile happily, and did as the other party said.

"Eggplant," Tommy said with a grin, his mouth wide.Looks like he's smiling very stiffly.


After a crisp sound, a photo was developed.

"The photo of Mr. Robot is also finished, can we talk about other things?" Tommy asked after seeing this scene.

"Of course there is no problem. We really should talk about other things." Hearing this, robot No. [-] said with a smile, and a few black iron rings appeared on his body, making him die is tied.

"Ah? Mr. Robot, what do you mean by suddenly arresting me?" Tommy was a little panicked when he was caught. He never thought that the iron bump in front of him would be so ignorant of martial arts and directly attack him.

"Of course it's because you are a suspicious person. You suddenly asked me about Xiaoju's information, and you are a foreigner who has become a professional bodyguard robot. I have reason to suspect that you have come from a wrong place." Robot No. [-], cold Said in a low voice: "Tell me, who sent you here, you guy? What's the purpose? Why are you asking me here?"

"Mr. Robot, you really know how to joke. I'm just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary. I don't know what you are talking about. Can you let me go?"

Tommy, who was tethered, said with a smile, the whole person was extremely nervous, is this stupid robot so smart?The truth is that he didn't expect it. He thought he had hidden it well, but he didn't expect this guy to be so sharp.

Which bastard said that the robots developed by the whole country are just decorations. He really wants to knock the other party's head. This thing is a decoration. What are you kidding?

He can't even break free from this robot, what kind of artificial mental retardation is there?
"Sorry! This is a special period, and this robot has reason to doubt everything, so I hope you will cooperate with this robot." Robot No. [-] said after hearing this, and did not intend to let the other party go.

"Da da"

"Da da"

"What happened to robot No. [-]? Do you need our help?" The team member responsible for guarding the safety of the gymnasium saw it and immediately came here holding a shield.

"This stranger is getting information about Xiaoju from me. I suspect that he is plotting something wrong. So he is interrogating him now." Robot No. [-] replied after hearing this, with blue arcs flashing on his body, which is It is specially used to deal with those who do not cooperate.

As long as the other party has the idea of ​​running away or fighting back?Then they will give each other a positive electric shock to dispel the other party's unrealistic thoughts.

"I'm just curious, and I have absolutely no bad intentions. Sirs, you have to trust me." After seeing so many people coming, Tommy immediately defended himself.

What if that's an excuse?He is likely to be finished.

"Since this is the case? Then I hope you will cooperate with our investigation."

"Yes, if you have any bad thoughts? Then we won't be polite." The team members said, taking off the special handcuffs from their bodies.

By the way, they took out a pair of iron vests from the bag they were carrying, which they specially used for the other suspects.

There is a motor device inside this vest that can instantly stun a cow, as long as the other party has a plan to escape?Then the opponent is finished.

"Okay, okay, I won't have such an idea." Tommy nodded when he heard this, and the corners of his eyes could not help showing a faint sly look.

If the other party wants to catch him so easily, there is no way. As long as the other party relaxes a little bit, he will immediately use his ability to escape.

But in this way, their plan was exposed.

It is not so easy to succeed at the concert.But now I can't care about these things, if I don't do it?So once he was caught?What awaits him is either imprisonment for life, or complete death.

In addition, this distance, if there is no big problem?Maybe I can take Xiaoju away with me.

Thinking of this, his whole body became excited.

It was not the captain, let alone the other seniors, who resolved this matter, but him alone.

He wanted to take a look, who would dare to look down on him then?

Just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly felt severe pain coming from his body, and every hair on his body was trembling.

"What... what's going on?" When Tommy was a little confused about the current situation?An electronic voice came from my ear:
"It was detected that the suspect had a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath."

"What kind of conspiracy is suspected that the suspect is brewing? According to Article 130 of the Robot Code, protect robots from harm. Robots are allowed to take the lead in using electric shocks and other attacks."

"What?" Tommy opened his mouth wide in astonishment. He never imagined that this damn robot could actually check out things from his heartbeat and breathing?
By the time he reacted, his consciousness had become increasingly blurred.

"Aren't you a little too fast?"

"Yes, yes, what if he has no problems? Don't you worry that he will sue you for hurting international friends?"

Seeing this scene, Zi Shi and Chou Shi asked.

"Of course I'm not afraid. According to the five rules of the Robot Code No.30, the robot is responsible for protecting the safety of the target and is not subject to any legal constraints. It is allowed to use various weapons." Robot No. [-] said, looking at the two people who had already posed Said: "You two, the one with the waist and horse in one is going to use the big cloak, and the one with the lowered dantian who wants to use the iron mountain to rely on."

"It seems to be ready to make a move? What qualifications do you two have to say about me?"

These two guys have already set up their riding gestures, and they just missed a shot. Who have the right to criticize him?

"Nonsense, you shot too fast. The two of us posed for a long time, but we couldn't make a shot. Don't blame you, who are you blaming?"

"That's right, you caught him. Anyway, let the two of us show off. Are the results of our training during this period good?"

The two people who heard this said angrily, letting each other out of the limelight.Neither of them caught anything.

The two of them are here together, playing tricks for a long time, right?
"Don't worry, you two did it, but now it's time for me to do it." Robot No. [-] said after hearing this.

Why are these two guys arguing with him about this?If there is really a guy who is going to make trouble, will the two of them worry about not having their chance to show it?
"Okay, okay, let's act."

The two murmured after hearing the words, and then walked away. There was nothing for the two of them, and it was time for the two of them to do other things now.

"Robot No. [-], can you hand over this prisoner to us? We are going to take him back for interrogation now."

"Yes, robot zero zero nine."

After seeing Zishi and Choushi and leaving, the team members asked robot No. [-].

"Of course there is no problem. I will leave this guy to you. This robot is going to sign for everyone." Hearing this, robot No. [-] said, and threw the fainted guy in his arms. On the ground, ran towards the fans.

"This robot is so casual..."

"Yeah, and no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look very reliable." The corners of the players who saw this scene couldn't help but twitched.

Helped up Tommy who had fainted on the ground, put handcuffs on his hands and feet, put on an electrode vest, and took him away from the scene.

"Be careful, everyone, this stupid robot is coming again, and he seems to be out of his mind."

"That's right, he still discharges. Be careful, everyone."

After witnessing the whole process, the fans on one side spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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