Chapter 187 Departure
"This robot has received everyone's opinions. Thank you very much for your opinions. I will think about it carefully, and then humbly refuse to accept it." Robot No. [-] said with a smile, wanting him to get out?There are no doors.

He is the strongest, most handsome and the newest robot, he deserves the attention he deserves, how could he leave so easily?

"So you stupid robot only wants our barrage, and you didn't think about changing it at all, did you?"

"That's right! You, a hateful robot, are really shameless."

"You are wrong about one thing. Robots have no face at all. The face we see may be his butt."

"That's right, nasty guy."

Hearing that the water friends here are cursing, they have never seen such a brazen guy, and he is also a robot, which is simply off the mark.

"It seems that everyone likes the robot very much, so I am so happy, so I am telling you some good news now." Seeing the extremely active barrage in the live broadcast room, robot [-] said very happily .

Whether everyone is scolding him or praising him for being handsome?One thing won't change.

That is, black and red are also red, as long as he can spread his reputation, other things are indifferent to him.

"What kind of tricks are you trying to play, you stinky robot? If you fart, let it go."

"That's right, otherwise be careful, I'll go to the Tiger Park and beat my face to pieces."

"That's right, let's talk about it." The water friend said impatiently, urging the other party to hurry up and tell them not to trick them.

"Okay, okay, I'll just say it." Robot No. [-] said with a smile: "To celebrate the tenth day of this robot's live broadcast, I'm going to start a live broadcast for everyone on the day of Xiaopangju's concert. .”

"In this way, even if you haven't bought a ticket, you don't have to worry about not being able to watch the live broadcast."

"Really? Is what you stinking robot said true?"

"Yeah, aren't you kidding us again?"

As the robot's words fell, it immediately caused an uproar in the live broadcast room.

We must know that there are many of them, either because they don’t have time, or they can’t go to the scene because they didn’t get tickets.

What if this guy could actually broadcast live for them?That's a good thing for them. After all, the other party is the bodyguard robot of Xiaopangju, which can be photographed at super close range.

Isn't this more comfortable than going to see them live?
"Of course, this robot's speech has always been spit and nailed. How can you distribute a robot?" Robot No. [-] said, "Do you know when you send gifts now? This way, the robots will be more divided." dynamic."

"Okay, okay, since you, a robot, have a conscience, we'll give you some gifts."

"That's right, but after we give the gift. If you don't broadcast live to us on the day of the concert, then you will be finished."

The water friends who heard this said that there was a danger in the words.

"I'm a well-known honest young gentleman, how could I lie to you? You are really overthinking."

"I'm definitely going to broadcast it live, everyone hurry up and swipe up the gifts." Robot No. [-] said, and the screen was full of gifts.

Robot No. [-] was very happy to watch. Finally, one day when he moved his mouth, he was able to get so many people to give him gifts. He was so happy.

He believed that this was just the beginning, and that one day these people would not come after Xiaopangju.It was directed at him.

The thought of turning all of Chubby Orange's fans into his own.Robot No. [-] laughed wildly.

"Why did this silly robot start giggling? Could it be a program error?"

"I don't know, maybe I fell ill suddenly?"

Seeing this, the water friends discussed and agreed that the robot in front of them was not normal.

It is very likely that the circuit was short-circuited due to excessive excitement. They suggested sending it back to the scrap factory for smelting.

In this way, it will not only solve the problem from the root, but also ensure that he will never get sick again in the future. It is a good way to kill multiple birds with one stone.

Of course, it is impossible for robot [-] to agree.

"You idiot, just chat slowly, I don't have time to play with you. I've been tired all day, I really worked so hard, I need to rest earlier." Looking at the giggling robot, Cheng Hao called yawned.He closed his eyes and got ready to sleep.

It's still early now, so he will sleep for a while before going to see his subordinates.

"Huh? Did this little fat orange go to bed so early? That's not okay." Seeing this scene, robot No. [-] muttered, and then continued to chat with the water friends.

The moon fell and the stars were like dark clouds, and the No. [-] robot that was on standby heard a "whoosh" sound, and the figure lying in the room disappeared.

"Huh? This little chubby orange. Why did you go out again after staying awake in the middle of the night? Should I go and see him?" Robot No. [-] muttered. In the forest behind the forest garden, you can see other animals.

So, should he follow?

Robot No. [-] thought for a while, then closed its eyes.

He didn't see anything, so this matter has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, this is not the first time this little fat orange has gone to the back mountain, and nothing will happen, so he just waits here honestly.

"Aww~ (This stupid robot didn't keep up this time, it's really weird.)" After finding out that the robot didn't keep up, Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering.

It's really rare that this stupid robot doesn't follow up, and it seems that the other party is also annoyed.

That's a good relationship, he felt troublesome all over.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa who to the king?) Cheng Hao entered the mountain forest, and he was still greeted by a herd of wild sheep.

It's just that the number of wild sheep at this time has increased a lot.Compared with the original, the quantity has increased by two-thirds.

Seeing Cheng Hao's disappointing tears, he almost shed down.

Fortunately, the night was relatively dark, otherwise, these wild sheep would have seen it.

"Aww~ (I'm going out these days, so I won't be here for a long time. If you have anything to do? You can tell the principal grandpa at that time.)" Cheng Hao licked the saliva from his lips , Said the business of coming this time.

He didn't really come here to watch them drooling, he came to inform these little guys about something important.

"Baa baa~ (Wang, are you going on a long trip?)" the head sheep asked after hearing the words.

"Aww~ (Yes, I'm going on a long trip, that's why I came to say hello to you.)" Cheng Hao nodded and looked at the younger brothers who were approaching in the distance.

Then he ran towards them and told these little guys the news.

Three days later, in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, a vehicle that looked like an airplane and somewhat like a passenger car appeared at the door.

"Do you want to be obedient and know about Xiaoju's concert this time? Don't cause trouble for grandpa." At the door of the car, the principal explained earnestly.

"Oh~ (I got it, I got it, I will definitely be obedient and improve every day, if there is nothing else, can you let me go, grandpa?)" Cheng Hao asked, and he was about to leave soon Well, can the principal, grandpa, stop chanting scriptures with him?If he read any more, his ears would explode.

"Of course it's fine, but remember to be obedient, you know? If I hear from Xiaohong about your disobedience, grandpa will run over and teach you a lesson." The principal said with a smile , but what he said made Cheng Hao shudder.

Are you kidding, does the other party want to run all the way to give him ideological education classes?Then his whole tiger will be Xie Te.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, don't worry, I will be obedient and be a tiger seriously.)" Cheng Hao nodded.

"That's about the same. You little guy can get in the car." The director said with a smile, and Cheng Hao quickly got into the car.I was afraid that the other party would talk to him again.

"Master, do you have any orders for us to leave this time?"

"Yes, master. How should the two of us train next?"

Zi Shi and Chou Shi, who were different from Cheng Hao, walked over excitedly, and asked in front of the principal.

Although during this period of time, he suffered a lot from being shaded by Xiaoju.

But at the same time, the strength of the two of them has improved very rapidly.

All of a sudden, the two of them fell in love with this painful and happy life. The two of them now want to know, what is their next mission?What kind of training plan did the master arrange for them?
"The two of you have worked very hard during this time, and I've seen it all."

"So, don't put so much pressure on you two this time, just treat it as a place to relax." The principal said with a smile when he heard the words, these two little guys really worked hard enough, if the two of them If it goes on like this, it won't work if you don't want to be strong.

"Relax, but we feel a little uneasy. Otherwise, you should assign some tasks to the two of us."

"Yes, master, the two of us are used to being serious, and we are not very used to this kind of relaxed life."

The two who heard this said, a new storm is coming soon, how can they stand still?They have to be very strong.

Let the other ten guys know how powerful they are.

"Since you two are so self-motivated? Then I'll assign you two some tasks, so as not to worry you two." Seeing the two of them like this, the director said.

"Yes, thank you master."

The two said happily when they heard the words, and looked at the principal with expectations in their eyes.

"Xiaoju, come down for grandpa, grandpa has a task for you to do." The director knocked on the bus and shouted.

"Aww~ (What's the matter? Grandpa. Didn't I promise you everything, will I be obedient?)"

Cheng Hao, who heard the director's voice, poked his head and asked.

Some people don't know what bad idea the director is playing?

"Grandpa has nothing to do with you, but there is something that needs your help."

The principal smiled and said, pointing to the two people standing beside him and said, "After arriving in Fengri City, you can play ball with them, okay?"

"Aww~ (Ah? Grandpa, are you serious about letting me play ball with the two of them? Can they catch up with the ball at the speed of the two of them?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this. Sometimes he really Yes, they can play ball, but can these two guys catch up with the ball?He was very skeptical of this.

"Don't worry, you just have to play to your heart's content. As for the two of them chasing after the game? It's the two of them's business."

"But when you little villain is playing ball, you don't need to use so much strength, you know that?" the principal said, what if Xiaojue used so much strength?This group of little guys can't be photographed in the sky.

"Aww~ (No problem, no problem, I will do what you say, grandpa.)" Cheng Hao nodded.

"Then there's no problem." After hearing this, the headmaster smiled and said to Zi Shi and Chou Shi: "Just play ball with Xiao Ju, you two, and don't think too much about other things, you know?"

"Yes, master." Hearing this, Zi Shi and Chou Shi replied, although the master only let them play ball with Xiaopangju, the two of them dare not think the matter is so simple.

You must know that this is a lesson learned from the past. They thought things were so simple, and they were almost killed by Xiaopangju.

This time they played ball, it is estimated that the reason is the same.

"Just understand, you two go up too." The director said with a smile.

"Yes, master." The two replied after hearing the words, and got into the car.

In the end, the director turned his attention to Miss Hong'er.

"Principal, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaoju and not let him make trouble. Besides, after the concert, I will let Xiaoju come back as soon as possible. If there is something else, I will call you right away." Waiting for the garden After opening his mouth, Hong'er sister spoke first.

"Okay, it seems that Xiaohong, you didn't stay by my side for nothing. I didn't say much, and you already understood what I mean." The principal said with a smile.

"After all, it's just those few words you said, Director, I can guess it all." Sister Hong'er sighed, and walked up the steps: "Director, remember to take good care of the little tiger , They eat a bit too much recently, they need to add more pots of milk."

"In addition, Xiong Da Xiong Er Xiong San, you also have to help them add more meat, they are growing recently."

"There are also wolf cubs who were born recently in the wolf pack. If you are free? Go over and check for them, have they opened their eyes?"

"A few deer's horns are about to fall off in the sika deer herd. Remember where to pick them up then."

"Recently, the elephant Nini seems to be a little unhappy. If you have time, director, you can go over and have a chat with it."

"Besides, hippos have some bad teeth recently. If you have time, see if you can help them fill them up?"

"And the little donkeys are going to have their hooves trimmed again recently, the gardener, you have to arrange for them as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad if their hooves get inflamed."

"Finally, the gorillas are fighting recently, you have to educate them."

"Eh? Headmaster, are you listening?" Sister Hong'er asked when she said this, looking at the headmaster who was stunned.

She's been talking about it for a long time, is the director listening?
"Yes... Yes, Xiaohong, is there anything else you haven't explained?" The director, whose head was in a mess, came back to his senses and asked.

Hearing this, Sister Hong'er's eyes rolled up, and after thinking for a while, she said:
"By the way, those few groundhogs are barking there every day. They may be looking for a partner. Director, you have to arrange it early."

"and also……"

"Okay, okay, I see, I will arrange other breeders to deal with this matter, Xiaohong, hurry up and get in the car, it's getting late, you should go." Before he finished talking about a bunch of things, the director hurriedly said.

He was just talking casually, but Xiaohong really has so many things to say.

"Oh, then I'll edit the matter in the car and send it to you, the principal." Sister Hong'er said to the principal after seeing that everyone in the car was waiting for her.

"Okay, okay." The director nodded, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"By the way, Miss Breeder is so amazing, I'm sweating the master."

"Yeah, too strong."

Zi Shi and Chou Shi in the car opened their mouths in shock.

They should have heard correctly, right?The master seems to be begging for mercy. It turns out that the master will be annoyed by someone one day.

"Well, we'll see the principal in a few days." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and the car door was closed immediately.

"Aww~ (Sister, you are really amazing, you are invincible. I suggest you chat with the director of the garden a few more days, let him know what it feels like to be nagged all the time?)" Seeing Sister Hong'er sat down, and Cheng Hao immediately came over and said.

He was annoyed enough by the principal's grandfather, and now that someone can finally annoy the principal's grandfather, he thought it was great.

Elder sister must not let the principal go like this, he must be so upset that he has no idea to bother others anymore.

"You little rascal, do you mean that my sister is more verbose than the head of the school?" After hearing this, sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said.

"Aww~ (Of course not, sister, why do you have such an idea? I mean, sister, you are reasonable, you are too strong.)" Cheng Hao explained, his claws slowly took Hong'er's hand Pulled it apart.

Sister, don't pinch his face all the time, his face is almost swollen from being pinched.

"Of course, you little villain, hurry up and make it for my sister, the car we're riding in is about to take off." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao quickly sat down on a chair beside him.

Waiting for the car to take off, he is also very curious about how the car takes off.

I don't know the Evolutionary Department, why did this kind of flying car be developed?Could it be that there are too many resources and I don’t know how to use them?

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Just as he was thinking this way, there was a huge roar from the car's engine, and then the whole car began to slowly leave the ground.

"Aww~ (It's really a car that can fly.)" Cheng Hao said in surprise as he watched the scenery outside the window gradually shrinking.

Sure enough, there are so many strange things these years, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Are there flying cars like this everywhere?

"Of course, this car uses the same engine and design assembly as the mech. It's normal to be able to fly." Sister Hong'er sat beside Cheng Hao and said, touching his head from time to time.

It's like touching a big walnut on a plate.

"Aww~ (so when can I turn on the armor?)" Cheng Hao asked curiously.

"Probably when you grow your hands." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, Xiaoju is a little tiger who thinks about the machine armor every day, but she really thinks too much.

As far as his paws and tail are concerned, he can't even control the console, how can he open it?

"Aww~ (Then I will be able to open it soon?)" Cheng Hao muttered, but he can turn into other animals.

"What's the matter? Are you going to evolve again, you little villain?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this, and she will be able to drive soon. Does Xiaoju think that he is going to turn from a little tiger into a tiger man?
"Aww~ (Of course not, I'm not a tiger who has been evolving. How could I become a tiger?)" Cheng Hao muttered. He wanted to tell Sister Hong'er that he could become an orangutan or a monkey, but he should How to explain his ability?

And he showed too many things, and it was easy to get himself into trouble.

It was very inconsistent with his idea of ​​just wanting to eat and wait to die, so he decided to give it a try.

"That's it, what are you mumbling about, you little villain?" Sister Hong'er said, squeezed Cheng Hao's little ear and said, "If there is nothing else, you little villain can go to sleep obediently. We will reach our destination soon, just by closing our eyes."

"Aww~ (Oh, I got it.)" Cheng Hao nodded, closed his eyes and went straight to sleep. He was indeed a little sleepy after doing this, so he just took this opportunity to take a nap.

By the time you wake up, you may have already reached your destination.

"Commander, according to information from Hongtashan City, Little Fatty Ju has already boarded the plane and is now heading towards us."

In the evolutionist department of Fengri City, the team members reported to the commander who was drinking coffee.

"Really? This is really good news. Do you know when they will arrive?" The commander who heard this asked with a smile, his face full of joy.

"According to the speed of the plane, they should be able to arrive in five hours."

"However, according to the information we have received. They should go directly to the stadium and will not stop at us." The team members reported.

"Really? It looks like we have to go there in person this time to meet our lovely Doctor Ju." Commander Liu of Fengchuang City said with a smile, and stood up from his seat.

"Um, Commander, are you planning to go there in person?" The team members who saw this scene couldn't help but said in a daze.

Although Dr. Xiaoju has a great reputation, he hasn't reached the point where their commander will pick him up in person, right?
"Of course, otherwise, would you still expect Doctor Xiaoju to come up by himself?" Commander Liu said with a smile, stretched his waist and said, "Let's inform our team members that if you have nothing to do, come with me to see Doctor Xiaoju." .”

"At least you have to have a familiar face, you know? Otherwise, if something really happens in the future, when you ask someone else? If you don't have this familiar face, you will cry."

"Yes, Commander." The team members who heard this said.

This is the legendary offend who?Don't blame the doctor either.After all, when it is critical, they have to rely on each other to save their lives.

In a few hours, the sky above the giant stadium in Rift City.

A car landed slowly, instantly causing the fans who had been waiting here to shout:

"Here it is, it's Xiaopangju. I wonder if he is as cute as advertised?"

"That's necessary. Let me tell you, I haven't seen a little tiger as cute as Little Pang Ju."

"That's right, and Xiaopangju is still not very photogenic. His real appearance is cuter than in the video."

"Wow! A lot of fans are waiting for this robot to go down. It seems that because of the arrival of this robot, the entire Fengchuang City will be lively." Robot No. [-] sat by the window and looked down, three floors inside and outside On the third floor, behind the watertight scene surrounding the entire sports center.

He couldn't help but sighed and said, sure enough, handsome people are easy to get into trouble.

Look at these fans, how desperate are they trying to see him?They must have been waiting here a long time ago, he couldn't wait to meet his fans.

"Robot [-], I suspect that something is wrong with you, it's best to check it."

"That's right, these guys are all here for Little Fat Ju, have you seen any of them holding your sign?" Zi Shi and Chou Shi said at the side.

Robot No. [-] has a really thick skin. Did any of his eyes see someone holding his sign?It's really shameless to say that it's aimed at him.

They just want to know what system this guy is installed as a robot?How can you be so shameless?
"Although they didn't hold my sign, I can still feel that they are waiting for me." Robot No. [-] said righteously.

Looking at the fans below, I couldn't help waving: "Everyone, don't be impatient, don't be impatient. This robot will come down soon, and everyone will get this robot's signature. Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

"Aww~ (When it comes to lying to yourself, no one can compare to you.)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard this.

I have to admire the face of this stupid robot, it is getting thicker and thicker, and it can actually say such nonsense when it opens its eyes.

"Okay, Xiaoju, don't worry about robot No. [-], don't you already know what he looks like?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, "Cheer up! Well, there are many fans waiting for you below, don't let everyone down."

"Aww~ (Got it, I'm very energetic now.)" Cheng Hao said, looking at the fans below, carrying big bags and small bags.

These fans are his loyal fans at first glance, look at the gifts they brought.

I don't know what's delicious in it?

"Ah Guang, have you seen it? Your popularity is a little bit lower than that of Xiaopangju." Seeing this scene, Brother Li said to Ah Guang beside him, and he wanted to ask Ah Guang if the other party saw them coming Is there such a battle to greet them when the time comes?
Anyway, he didn't see it, but there was such a battle when the little fat orange landed.

"Isn't this a normal thing? My popularity is not as high as that of Xiaopang and Xiaoju." A Guang who heard this said indifferently, he was not as popular as Xiaopangju.

You must know that most of the fans who bought tickets this time came for Xiaopangju.He still knows this kind of thing.

"Well, it looks like you are a salted fish." Hearing this, Brother Li said helplessly. He thought that after saying that.What harsh words will the other party say?Then work hard.I didn't expect that the other party didn't think about it at all.

Sure enough, he was still thinking a little too naively.

"There's nothing wrong with being a salted fish, at least I feel very happy."

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with being a salted fish." The bodyguards on the side heard this and said one after another.

"You guys who like to be a fool, go be a fool, don't be babbling here, honestly take me aside." Hearing this, Brother Li scolded angrily, he was educating Ah Guang.

These guys are quite troublesome for him.

"Xiaoju Xiaoju, I love you. Xiaoju Xiaoju is so naughty, Cheng Hao Xiaoju Cheng Hao is awesome. Xiaoju Xiaoju look here."

As the doors were opened, fans rushed forward.You said you blocked the car door.

"Calm down, everyone, don't block the car door. Let's go down, shall we?"

"Yeah, everyone, don't do this, let's go down."

Zishi and Choushi saw the rushing crowd.Hastily shouted.

"Fans, don't worry, this robot will come out soon." Just as the two of them blocked the fans, the voice of robot No. [-] came.

Then the fans who rushed inside saw the No. [-] robot in a suit and tie.

"You nagging broken robot, get out of here quickly? Otherwise, I'll treat you to a wrench."

"It's just that I've had enough, you nagging guy. If you stop us from seeing Xiaoju, we'll be rude to you."

After seeing the No. [-] robot in front of them, the fans immediately showed murderous eyes.

"Yeah, don't be like this. I know you love and hate me deeply, but you don't have to use this method to attract my attention. It's not good for everyone."

Robot No. [-] hurriedly took a big step back when he heard the words.

Are these people so vicious?He really didn't think of it.

"Fans, please let Doctor Xiaoju out calmly and orderly."

"We are staff members of the evolutionary department of Fengrift City, and we hope that everyone can cooperate with our work and don't make it difficult for us."

At this moment, the staff members of Peak Crack City stepped forward.Blocked the fanatical fans.

"Ah? Are the people from the evolutionary department here?" The crazy crowd immediately calmed down a lot when they heard this.

Immediately stepped back to make way for them.

After Zishi and Choushi saw it, they breathed a sigh of relief. They thought there was no help from the department, but now it seems that is not the case.

"Everyone, please calm down. After we have a rest, we will arrange a face-to-face meeting and an autograph session for everyone. Please be patient." Sister Hong'er said to everyone with a smile.

"Really? That's really great, I can't wait to see Xiaopangju."

"Yeah yeah, it would be great to have a meet and greet?"

The fans who heard this said happily, while holding the gifts in their hands tightly, they looked behind Sister Hong'er, and Cheng Hao, who had a big head, screamed again and again: "You are so cute, little fat orange, you are so cute!" so cute."

"Yeah, yeah. Chubby Tangerine is awesome."

"It seems that our Doctor Xiaoju's popularity is really high. How many people have come to see him?" Commander Liu couldn't help but smile and said after seeing this scene.

"That's right, the average star doesn't have so many people picking up the plane, right?" The team member who heard this said nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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