Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 201 Isn't this a leg?

Chapter 201 Isn't this a leg?

"Don't go down for the time being, if the rescue doesn't go well, you go again." The director thought for a while after hearing this and asked, what if the rescue team goes down again and something happens?
Then his whole body will be numb, maybe his career will be ruined after this time.

"Okay, director." Everyone in the rescue team replied after hearing this, and stood aside.Looking at the No. [-] robot flying over.

"Don't be afraid, beauty, this robot will rescue you right away." Robot No. [-] slowly approached and said.

"Then...then hurry up, I'm so cold, I'm dying of cold." Xiao Ran said, hanging under the waterfall, shivering.

"Okay!" Robot No. [-] replied, and shot out an anchor cable from his body, nailed it above the waterfall, and slowly approached Xiao Ran.



After getting close, the fingers of the No. [-] robot made the sound of the machine rotating.

I saw the nails of robot No. [-] spinning like a chainsaw.

The water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help exclaiming after seeing this scene:

"I'll go! This stupid robot, why are there weapons all over his body?"

"Yeah, it looks so dangerous."

"That's right, it's no wonder it's called the newest type of robot, it's because of this reason."

"Yes, it seems that we usually underestimate this guy."

I thought this stupid robot boasting that he was the strongest robot all day was just a joke, but now it seems that this guy is really capable.

At least from the point of view that every part of the body can be turned into a weapon, no other robot can match it.

"Wait a minute, what do you think is that? It looks like a brush, right?" While everyone was discussing the weapons all over Robot No. [-], someone noticed that behind the fluffy brush embedded in the stone wall , said immediately.

"Really! This is really a brush, so it's the one that nailed the steel wire just now?"

"Yes, yes, this can nail the steel wire. How fast can the brush fly over?" The people who discovered this couldn't help but exclaimed, and they were all surprised by this.

"By the way, do you find this brush looks familiar?" a water friend reminded, looking at the brush embedded in the waterfall.

"It does seem familiar. We seem to have seen this green and white color before."

"Yes, yes, I also have an impression." After being reminded by someone, everyone immediately followed suit.

Don't say they really have an impression of this style and this look.

But the question is, where did you see it?And everyone still has the impression, so it must not be anywhere else.

Thinking of the water friends in the live broadcast room here, after thinking carefully for two seconds, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.Finally remembered, where did I and others see it?

"I finally know why this brush is so familiar. Isn't this the bastard's brush that Xiaopangju is brushing his back?" A water friend said.

"Yeah, I said, why are we all so familiar? The brush of emotion has always appeared on the scene."

"That's right, our little fat orange is really powerful. It's really too strong to be able to hit it with a brush from such a long distance."

"That's right, our little chubby orange is really cute and good."

The other water friends in the live broadcast room heard the words and said, asking who else is such a powerful little tiger like Xiaopangju?
"Thank you, Mr. Robot No. [-]. I will definitely tell the special department about this, thank you very much." Xiao Ran said after the steel wire was cut and was carried down by Robot No. [-].

It was so cold to death that she finally came down after fishing on it for so long.

"You're welcome, who made this robot so good? It's the job of this robot to save people." Putting Xiao Ran down, robot No. [-] said indifferently, scanning the surrounding crowd, revealing a How about this robot looks very powerful, right?
But when he heard what the people around him were saying, he almost sprayed out a mouthful of engine oil.

"It turns out that the unknown object that just flew over and pinned the steel wire is a brush."

"Yes, yes, what did I say, it flew out with a whoosh?"

"That's right, and this brush was thrown so far from Xiaopangju, it's really outrageous."

"That's right, Little Fat Orange is really amazing."

After the recorded video was slowed down by dozens of times, everyone expressed emotion after unraveling the unknown thing that suddenly flew over.

"Hey, hey! It's this robot that saved people. How do you say that little tiger has gone? Is no one going to praise me?" Wen the No. [-] robot who handed Xiao Ran over to the rescuers He said, looking at the people present, why did these guys only pay attention to the little tiger, he was the one who saved people, okay?Don't take these people so blind.

Everyone who heard this looked at robot [-] and said disdainfully:
"Why are you praising you? If the little tiger hadn't nailed the steel wire, where would it be your turn to save people?"

"That's right, and you didn't even think about coming to save people in the first place, did you? Otherwise, it wouldn't be the chubby orange brush who arrived first, but you."

"That's right. Don't think we don't know what you're thinking, you overjoyed robot?"

"Damn it, you people are so stubborn that you try to figure out this robot with such bad malice." Robot No. [-] was so angry that it smoked.

He didn't get any benefits from saving people this time, let Xiaopangju take all of them?There is no such pit.

"Aww~ (Why did this stupid robot come down by itself, shouldn't you help me take down my brush too?)"

"Aww~ (Although it is said that if you hit it with such great strength, you may not get a good result after you take it off, but at least there is still a glimmer of hope.)"

Looking at his brush hanging on the wall from a distance, Cheng Hao couldn't help sighing, rubbing his back with his tail.Always feel not so comfortable, like something is missing?And what he lacks is obviously the brush.

"What are you doing here, little rascal? Why do you look sullen?" Sister Hong'er who came back asked Cheng Hao who was rubbing his tail with his back.

"Aww~ (Sister, can't you see that? To save someone, I put my brush on. It's too weak to take a shower without brushing.)" Cheng Hao raised his naked tail and said, My sister also asked him what was wrong?Doesn't his bald tail already say it all?

"Um, the thing that flew out just now is your little villain's brush? Elder sister thought it was something." After hearing this, sister Hong'er came back to her senses, and couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, you little villain!" Well, my sister still has a big brush here, I know you, a little villain, will lose the brush, so my sister specially prepared a few more for you."

"Aww~ (Really? Then quickly get me another brush.)" Cheng Hao said happily after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, big sister will get it for you now." Hong'er sister smiled, and took out another brush from her pocket as if she was doing a magic trick.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao rolled up the brush happily and began to scrub himself.

"Did you really throw that brush over there just now, Little Pang Ju? I heard that many people were talking about it." Li Hua, who came over, looked at Cheng Hao, and asked curiously with the brush wrapped around his tail .

Didn't everyone say that the brush was lost by Xiaopangju?Why is the chubby orange tail still curled up with a brush?Could it be someone else.

"Aww~ (Of course, besides Ben Hu who has this strength, who else do you think can save her in this place?)" said Chen Chenghao, who was brushing his back, and immediately handed the brush to the other party up.

The other party should stop talking, and help him rub his back quickly.He remembered what the other party said when he left. She went to watch for a while and then came to help him rub his back.

"What the hell are you talking about, you little bastard? I'd better answer my sister's words first." Seeing this scene, Sister Li Hua couldn't help but said with a smile, holding a brush and brushing Cheng Hao's back.

"Xiaoju said that the brush was indeed lost by him. You didn't notice the brush in your hand. What's the difference?" Sister Hong'er who was sitting beside her said with a smile, pointing to the brush in Li Hua's hand.

"What's different about the brush?" Hearing this, Li Hua looked at the brush in his hand, touched it and said, "This brush seems to be updated."

"That's right, because I just took out this brush, can you find anything about the color of this brush?" Sister Hong'er laughed.

"It seems to be true, this brush is actually red." Looking at the color of the bristles of the brush, Li Hua said.

I was sure in my heart that the brush embedded in the waterfall was really lost by Xiaoju.

After all, she remembered the color of the brush just now very clearly, and it was completely different from the one in her hand.

"That's right, because the brush Xiaoju used just now was nailed to the waterfall." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and then opened the bag she was carrying: "I know that this little villain brushes his back." It takes a lot of brushes, so I prepared a lot of brushes for this little villain early in the morning."

"It's really true! Unexpectedly, the brushes are still consumables on Xiaopangju's side." Hearing this, Li Hua looked around, and saw that there were colorful brushes in Sister Hong'er's bag.Looks a bit like someone selling brushes.

"Yes, this little villain's fur is thick and hard now. Don't you need to brush more? It will disappear after brushing." Sister Hong'er nodded and said, how can other cats spend so much time brushing?

I bought other brushes, but they can be used for a long time.But it won't work with Xiaoju. This brush can last for more than an hour.

If she doesn't prepare a little more brushes, she can only rub her hands.But for the hair on Xiaoju's body now, she rubs it with her own hands?Shouldn't it be the same as rubbing durians?
"No wonder I said how the brush gets shorter and shorter. It turned out to be like this." Li Hua said suddenly, she said how the more the brush brushes, the greater the resistance?The reason for co-authoring is because of Xiaopangju.

"Yes, so you know why I don't like to bathe him now, right? Bathing him is simply terrible." Sister Hong'er sighed, the bigger the cat, the harder it is to take a bath.

Especially not to mention a three-hundred-pound cat, which can make people collapse after washing.

Therefore, you need to be careful when washing cats.You have to be more cautious about raising cats, otherwise the irregularity is not as simple as two lines of tears.

"That's okay, I'm going to wash him now, and I don't usually need to come." Li Hua said happily after hearing this.

It is quite fresh for Xiaopang to wash once in a while, but what if it is washed too much?It's really a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, he doesn't have to wash Xiaopangju all the time.

"Yes, so now someone is willing to give Xiaoju a bath, I'm really looking forward to it." Sister Hong'er said, looking at Cheng Hao, whose tail comfortably became an antenna, and said, "How about you little scoundrel, is it comfortable now? Someone help me?" You've been taking a shower for so long."

"Aww~ (Of course, sister, if you don't help me take a bath, you can't stop others from doing it for me, right?)" Cheng Hao rubbed the sand happily and said, how comfortable it is to take a cold bath this summer. ?

And there are people rubbing his back for him, Husheng's greatest pursuit is nothing more than this.

"Don't worry, I won't stop you, as long as you, a little rascal, don't pester me to help you take a bath." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and continued to soak her feet.

"Ah! Ahh!"

Xiao Ran on the other side was sneezing and wrapped tightly in a towel.The whole person shrank his head like a big quail.

"What's the matter? Xiao Ran, do you feel okay? If it's really not good, let's go to the hospital?" After seeing it, the person on the side said very distressed.

"No, no, just let me warm up. There's no need to go to the hospital." Hearing this, Xiao Ran shook his head and rubbed himself with a towel, hoping to warm himself up quickly.

"But you just fell from such a high place and have been washed by the water for so long. I don't feel relieved if you don't go and take a look." Sister Li said.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll treat it as a jump, don't delay the progress of the filming because of this kind of thing." Xiao Ran said, reaching out for the hot water sent by the other party, the whole person still shrank his head.

"Okay, since you've said it like this? I won't say anything, but if you feel uncomfortable, you should say it as soon as possible." Sister Li said.

"Yes, yes, I will tell." Xiao Ran nodded and said, and Sister Li breathed a sigh of relief.

After walking out of the temporary tent, he went to curse people.

And when she came out, she realized that the director was scolding over there, and it was the prop team and the masters of the crane who scolded.

"One by one, you do this kind of thing here all day long, because you think that my work is too smooth, and you want to kill me, don't you?"

"I didn't pay you less than my salary, and I treat you well? Why do you think one or two of you are so vicious?"

The director looked at the prop masters and felt annoyed.

It's a good thing that nothing happened to the person, what if something happened?He had a great time.

"Director, don't be angry, we really know we were wrong, you just don't care about villains, don't be as knowledgeable as us."

"Yes, yes, we promise that this will never happen next time." The prop masters who heard this said repeatedly.

"Is there a next time? I was tricked by you once, do I dare to give you a next time?" The director was instantly happy when he heard that, pointing to a row of prop masters standing in front of him and said: "You, you, you! , and you get out of here immediately, don't let me kick you away personally, you know?"

"Then... what about our salary?"

"Yes, director." Everyone who heard this asked.

No problem telling them to fuck off.But they have to settle their wages to them.

"Your wages? I'll pay you as usual. Get lost." The director said with a sneer, and the prop masters ran away in desperation.

"Well, Mr. Director, don't be so angry. Anger can't solve any problems. It's indeed our fault this time. We'll give you a [-]% discount."

"That's right, Mr. Director. If we have something to discuss, we can discuss it properly, right? Everyone, don't make things so rigid."

Seeing the prop masters leave, the crane masters couldn't help being excited when they looked at the director's glance.

The other party must not look at them like this, they are a little flustered now, what can they sit down and talk about slowly, the other party shouldn't do this, right?
"Give me a [-]% discount? Have you guys forgotten what is written in our contract?" The director said coldly after hearing this: "Such a big safety accident happened, you guys can't believe it. What a big face, you dare to talk to me about money, it’s good that I didn’t ask you for money, and you’re asking me for it now?”

"I'll tell you, this time you can figure out what to do. After this kind of thing happened, you still think you're okay, don't you?"

"Then...the director, what do you want to do? We also work for others, and earn hard money. It's useless for you to tell us this."

"Yes, yes. Besides, didn't you ask people to check it? We didn't intervene. Now that something goes wrong, it can't be said that it is only our responsibility."

"Yes, yes, we are only in charge of opening the crane."

The faces of the masters who opened the crane turned black when they heard this. Who would have thought of such a thing, isn't it an accident?And these iron wires have been inspected by the other party, how can it be all due to them if there is a problem now?
Then the other party can't be so unreasonable, they are just a group of migrant workers.

"Don't be so nervous, everyone. I'm not an unreasonable person. I asked everyone to come here to solve this matter." Seeing them like this, the director said, and suddenly saw Sister Li who was standing on the side and immediately said: "I'll tell you about this matter later, everyone go back first, I still have important things to deal with here."

"Alright then." After hearing this, the masters looked at Empress Li who was standing beside her.They left one after another.

"It's not bad. You're a great director. It can be seen that you are a great director." Sister Li said after seeing the masters leave.

"No, no, how can there be such a thing, aren't you joking with me again?" The director said with a smile when he heard the words.

"I'm not here to joke with you. Xiao Ran encountered this kind of thing this time. No matter how you say it, you should give me an explanation, right? Just relying on a few words, do you want to dismiss me?" Sister Li said coldly soundtrack.

"Where is this? You didn't misunderstand, did you? I am also very uncomfortable for this kind of thing to happen, so what can I do to make up for it? Just say it, I will definitely try my best to find a way if I can do it." The director smiled Said, this scene has been filmed for this kind of sake, the other party should not tell him to quit.Then his whole body will be numb.

"This is going to be broken down..." Sister Li narrowed her eyes when she heard this.

Looking at the director makes one's heart skip a beat, but there's no way who can make something go wrong on his side now?He could only nod with a smile.

Otherwise, when the other party backhands a report, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

"Xiaomai, are you outside?" Xiao Ran asked inside the tent, feeling better.

"Yes, yes, Miss Ran. What do you want to order?" Mai Mai, who was playing with her mobile phone at the door of the tent, hurried in after hearing this.

"Help me see if Xiaopangju is still there? I want to take some things to thank him for saving me." Xiao Ran rubbed his hands and said.

"Okay, Miss Ran. I'll go out and have a look." Hearing this, Mai Mai replied, and walked out from the inside, looking into the distance.

When he saw a big yellow orange cake in the stream in the distance, he smiled and returned to the tent: "Sister Xiao Ran, Xiao Pangju is still bathing there, he is lying in the stream like a rhubarb pancake. "

"Really? That's good. You go to the car and take out all the delicious things, and we'll go there right away." Xiao Ran said happily after hearing this.

"Okay, I'll get it now." Mai Mai nodded and walked towards the car.

"Little rascal, are you comfortable? Is it about the same? We're leaving now." By the stream, Sister Hong'er looked at Cheng Hao who was bubbling.

After soaking here for so long, it's time to leave. What if I continue running?But it's about to grow pleats.

"Aww~ (It's almost there, but where are we going next? Sister.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao slowly stood up from the stream and said.

Isn't it time to enjoy a comfortable meal after taking a bath?
"Next? Of course the next step is to see the beautiful scenery." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, squeezing the hair on Cheng Hao's back with her hand.Pressed out large flakes of water.

"Aww~ (Why are you still looking at the scenery? Can't we go to eat?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering when he heard this.

He is not the kind of master who can get full just by looking at the scenery, can he go to dinner earlier without looking at the scenery?

"Of course there is no problem. If you don't tell me, you little villain, how do we know that you want to eat?"

"You have to tell us to know. If you say that you want to eat, we will definitely give you food." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's wet big round face and said.

"Aww~ (Stop, stop, sister, can you stop talking? My brain is starting to hurt from what you said.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao felt his brain go numb for a while.

When did the other party learn the tricks of the principal's grandfather?
"Okay, then let's stop talking. What do you want to eat, you little rascal?" Sister Hong'er took the towel handed over by Li Hua and asked, wiping Cheng Hao's hair.

"Aww~ (Of course it's big beef, veal, braised beef, steamed beef.)" Cheng Hao said, beef is the most famous here.

If you eat?Of course, you have to pick something with local characteristics to eat.

"Well, you little villain, eating beef every day is not enough? I think you have fallen into the eyes of the beef, right?" Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard this.

With so much beef, isn't he afraid that he will be full?
"Aww~(As a tiger, of course I have to eat beef, if I'm not a tiger? I definitely don't have beef.)"

"Aww~ (So there's nothing wrong with me eating beef, sister, if you don't want to give it to me, you can just tell me, I will always bother you.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"Okay, you little villain still intends to use his own way to punish him, right?" Sister Hong'er heard this, and tapped Cheng Hao's head: "I'll take you to eat beef, Let you, a little villain, eat as much beef as you want, so as not to be dishonest every day."

This man is a good learner, he can learn things very quickly if he doesn't know how to do other things, but let him understand the strangeness of yin and yang.

"Aww~ (Then what are you waiting for? Let's go eat quickly.)" Cheng Hao said, and he was about to start cooking.

"Wait a minute, you little villain, you haven't wiped off the water on your body, where do you want to go?" Seeing this, Sister Hong'er grabbed Cheng Hao's big tail: "You, just be honest. Just wait and wait until my sister wipes your big tail clean before leaving."

"Yeah, if you don't wipe your tail clean, you little villain? It's like a walking sprinkler." Li Hua echoed, holding the towel and getting angry.

"Beauty, did you take a gift to thank me specifically? If you want me to tell you, you don't have to be so polite."

"This robot is famous for being brave and likes to help others." Robot No. [-] was broadcasting live when he suddenly saw Xiao Ran bringing food.

Immediately straightened his tie, ran to Xiao Ran and said.

"Um, thank you Robot No. [-] for saving me. But I'm not here to deliver food to you." Xiao Ran said, who was startled by the sudden appearance of Robot No. [-] in front of him.

"What? Didn't come here to deliver food to me? How is this possible? This robot is so handsome, who wouldn't be confused when he sees it?" Robot No. [-] said while groping for his bare chin.

"Robot No. [-], you are really handsome, but I really didn't give you food this time. I came to see Xiaopangju." Xiao Ran explained with a smile, and started from No. [-]. The robot walked past.

"What? Why did you come here to see this little chubby tiger again? Isn't this robot worth seeing? It's really unreasonable." Hearing this, robot No. [-] couldn't help complaining. The word "anger" was written all over his big eyes.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room were all happy to see this scene:

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death, the stupid robot, I thought that others came here to thank him, but I didn't expect that others came here for Xiaopangju."

"That's right, that's right, I said it a long time ago, can anyone with a discerning eye see who saved it? This stupid robot still foolishly thinks that he can take all the credit."

"That's right, I almost died laughing, why is this thing so funny?"

"Aww~ (Sister, I seem to have heard that someone wants to come and thank me.)" Cheng Hao looked at the movement here and said.

"Yes, there are indeed people who want to thank you." Sister Hong'er nodded, smiled and said to Xiao Ran who came over: "Miss Xiao Ran, are you okay?"

"No, it's all thanks to the little fat orange nailing me with a brush, otherwise something will happen right now." Hearing this, Xiao Ran said with a smile, took the fruit basket carried by Mai Mai beside him and had something to eat. He walked up to Cheng Hao and said, "Little Fat Orange, thank you for saving me. This is a little bit of my heart, so don't dislike it."

"Aww~ (I don't dislike it at all. It would be even better if you could send me a few more brushes.)" Cheng Hao said, with his tail on the things, and started to eat without hesitation.

He was hungry and wanted something to eat, so someone brought it directly?It seems that his luck is really good.

"You little rascal, you have something to eat, so don't worry about the brushes, don't you still have a few big brushes here?" Sister Hong'er said angrily.

With so much to eat, the little villain can't keep his mouth shut. How much does he like his brush?
This bath thing can't be eaten as a meal.

"Aww~ (Can this be the same? We have it at home, so it's very different from the other party's gift, okay?)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this.

The brushes I have are quite different from those given by others, okay?You can't say that you don't want it because the other party gave it to you.This is a bad behavior.

"Well, I can't see that you are quite frugal, you little rascal, but it's useless for you to be frugal? You eat less, do you have money to buy some brushes?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing when she heard this Said.

"Aww~ (Tigers are iron and steel, so if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. How can you eat less?)" Cheng Hao said.

How much is a brush?He still knows how much a meal of meat costs.

The other party shouldn't think about stealing and tricking him, a little tiger.

"Why can't you eat less? You little rascal, can't you just eat less? Take a look at your big belly." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's drooping belly and said, this is not Those who knew thought this little guy was pregnant with a big baby, look at how fat he is.

"It's not a big belly, it's a time when there's no food. There's hidden energy in the back of an emergency." Cheng Hao put away his big belly and said.

Don't underestimate his big belly, it's a good thing.If you have no food to eat, you can consume the fat inside to fight off.

"What you said, little rascal, is really interesting. If you don't have food from other guys, how can you eat without your food?" Sister Hong'er said angrily. If you are greedy, you will be greedy. Why are you making so many excuses for nothing? ah?

"Look at the fat little rascal, he can't even see his legs."

"Aww~ (Nonsense, the legs are growing on both sides of the stomach, so what can't be seen? It's obviously my sister, don't you want to see it?)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this.He also raised his own legs to let the other party see clearly what it means to have no legs?

Not only does he have legs, but he also has long hairy legs. Although he is a bit short, he can definitely see the legs.

"Well, I saw a plump, short wax gourd." Seeing this scene, sister Hong'er said with a smile, stretching out her hand to pinch it to show that it is fat.She could barely hold it with her hands.

"It really looks like a fat wax gourd. No wonder people call it a dwarf tiger. I know what it means now?" Mai Mai, with her chin in her hands, echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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