Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 202 This Must Be a Fake Tiger

Chapter 202 This Must Be a Fake Tiger
"Aww~ (If you have nothing to do, don't join in the fun, okay?)" Cheng Hao waved his claws fiercely when he heard this.

Why does the other party like to join in the fun so much?What is a dwarf tiger?It's just that his stomach is a little round and he looks short, okay?Originally, his feet were very long.

"Haha, Xiaopangju's paw looks like a big yellow mangosteen." Seeing Mai Mai, instead of being frightened, she seemed a little interested.

"Okay, you little villain, don't be so stingy, it means that your legs are a little short, why are you impatient?" Sister Hong'er saw this, touched Cheng Hao's big head with a smile, and said to Xiao Ran The others said: "Xiao Ran beauties, don't you go to eat? It seems that it's not too early at this time."

"It's really getting late now." Hearing this, Xiao Ran looked at his phone and said, "Is Xiao Pangju going to eat?"

"Yes, he's been talking about eating since a long time ago." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"Is it like this? Then, Miss Breeder, you can take the little fat orange to eat first, and I will come to thank you when I have time." Xiao Ran said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's go." Sister Hong'er waved her hand.

"Well, goodbye." Xiao Ran replied with a smile.

"Goodbye, little fat orange. I will visit you when I have time." Mai also said.

"Aww~ (Let's forget it, you short-legged person don't come here.)" said Cheng Hao, who was shaking his short legs, and followed Sister Hong'er with a "da da".

"Well, what a cute tiger." Xiao Ran said with a smile when he saw it.

"Yes, I really want to rub his head." Hearing the words, Mai Mai followed up.

"Robot [-], don't hang around there anymore, we should go now."

Sister Hong'er, who was about to walk to the parking lot, saw that she was still there, so she thought about the mechanical No. [-] robot and hurriedly shouted.

They are all leaving, why is this guy still staying there?

"Got it, got it." The frustrated No. [-] robot replied.Then he walked over unsteadily.

"Robot No. [-], what part did you lose? Why do you look downcast?" Li Hua asked with concern after seeing it.

"What we lost was not parts, what I lost was confidence." Hearing this, Robot No. [-] looked at the leisurely Cheng Hao.He couldn't help but clenched his fists and saw the running water of the waterfall in his eyes, saying: "Damn little fat orange, obviously I saved the person, but why everyone only sees you, it's really unfair."

"Aww~ (What does this have to do with me? It's useless for you to tell me. If you have the ability, go find them yourself.)" Seeing the tearful robot accusing him, Cheng Hao spread his paws, this What's the use of talking to him?He can't speak.

Obviously these people saw it for themselves, okay?

"Robot No. [-], you are the latest robot, do you think you only want to be famous? Have you forgotten the original intention of being created?"

Sister Hong'er opened the car door and said to robot No. [-] with a smile.

"Protect important human assets, and protect people's safety when needed." Robot No. [-] said weakly after hearing this.

Although he knows that he was created to protect human beings.But what if he still feels very angry?
"So as a robot with boundless love, you can't just care about your reputation, you should pay more attention to what you have done?"

"This is the quality that an excellent robot should have." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Yes, I understand." Robot No. [-] said weakly, and the other party was going to pour poisonous chicken soup on him again. Why do humans always like to do this?He's a robot who doesn't like chicken soup.

"That's right, don't keep thinking about these things and become the latest robot. You still have a greater cause to do."

"Come on with us and look forward to a better tomorrow." Sister Hong'er encouraged.

"Yes, yes." Robot No. [-] still gave a weak answer in response to Sister Hong'er.

At this moment, Hong'er sister was at her wit's end.

I could only sigh and get in the car. Robot No. [-] seems to be really useless. This kind of situation needs to be reported to the department. Robot No. [-] is not allowed to be so passive and sabotage.



Inside the peak crack city villa.The two who finally woke up, yawned and stretched before slowly opening their eyes.

"It seems to be getting late now, old cow. Why is the sun so big?" Zi Shi said, yawning and looking at the sunshine outside.

"Yes, it's past one o'clock now. I didn't expect us to sleep until this time."

Chou Shi, who also opened his eyes, nodded and said.

"Is... one o'clock?" The sleepy-eyed Zi Shi heard this, and his expression suddenly changed: "No, we overslept, at this time, Chubby Ju and Miss Breeder should go out to play. "

"That's right, damn it." When Chou heard this, he also reacted, and immediately jumped up from the bed, quickly put on his clothes and said, "Hurry up, hurry up and get dressed, you have to go out, Xiaopangju is probably here now Curse everyone."

"That's right, that's right, why didn't anyone call us? What's going on here." Zi Shi followed suit.

They slept through, but someone came to call them.

Why hasn't anyone come here yet? What's going on here?

"Drip drip"

"Drip drip"

Just when they were thinking this way, a loud siren sounded from outside. The two people who heard the sound ran out of the house quickly, and saw one mecha after another taking off into the sky.

Throughout the department, the team members also took action.

"What's going on here? Did something serious happen while we were sleeping?" Seeing this, Zi Shi asked in confusion, what's going on, can anyone tell them?
"I don't know, I have to ask someone to find out." Hearing this, Chou said, reaching out and grabbing a team member who was running past.

"Don't catch me, now is not the time to play, I'm going to perform the task." The team member who was caught thought that someone was going to play with him again.

He quickly opened his mouth and asked the other party to let him go.

"Brother, I didn't intend to arrest you, I just wanted to ask what happened, why are you so anxious?" Hearing this, Chou Shi asked.

"Yeah, what happened here? Why did the alarm sound?" Zi Shi also said.

"It turned out to be the two seniors. I thought someone was just joking with me and grabbed me." After discovering who was the person who grabbed me?The team member explained: "It's like this, two seniors. Our prison in Fengchi City was broken into by prisoners, and the prison guard was injured by them. We are rushing to deal with this matter now."

"What? Has the prison been breached? How is this possible? Are these prisoners so powerful?"

"Yeah, isn't the prison guard equipped with a lot of high-tech things? How can this kind of thing happen?"

The two people who heard this said in astonishment, but they did not expect such an outrageous thing to happen.

At this time in Xuanguo, there are still such things as prisoners escaping from prison, no matter how you hear it, it feels outrageous

"Because prisoners with supernatural powers are hidden in the prison, they usually lurk silently, and they seized the opportunity of the prison guards to change shifts today, and rushed out in one go."

The team member who heard this said: "Is there anything else for the two seniors? If not? I have to leave quickly. The captain is anxious for us to gather."

"Then you go to gather first, the two of us have nothing to do for the time being." Chou Shi said, and let go of the other's hand.

After the team members realized that they had been let go, they left immediately.

"Speaking of which has happened now, should we help?"

Seeing the leaving team members, Zi Shi asked.

"I don't know, we have to see if there is any need for the fault in Fengri City?" Chou Shi said, and walked towards the department's office.

"Have all the team members remembered clearly? Once the criminals are found, they must be brought to justice. If they are unwilling to cooperate? Allow them to be resolved on the spot."

"We have only one rule, and that is to complete the task and not tolerate crime." Commander Liu sat in the office and spoke to the team members.

"Yes, Commander."

The team members who were dispatched by the driver's mech vehicle replied after hearing it.Then move towards the destination.

"Hi Commander Liu! I wonder if we need our help with this matter?"

"Yes, if there is a need, we will spare no effort to help."

At the door of the office, the two people who arrived asked.

"It's not necessary. We can solve this little trouble by ourselves. You two go to have breakfast first. Are you tired yesterday?"

Commander Liu looked at the two and said with a smile.

"Fortunately, I'm not very tired. It's just that I overslept a little today."

"Yes, Commander Liu, do you know where Little Pang Ju and Miss Breeder have gone? We haven't seen any trace of them since we came together."

The two heard the words and spoke one after another.

"You mean Chubby Ju and the breeder? The two of them have already gone out, and they should have visited several places by now." Commander Liu said with a smile.

"Ah? So fast?" Upon hearing this, the two couldn't help opening their mouths in astonishment: "Commander Liu, can you give us a car? By the way, tell us, where are they now?"

"Yeah, if the superiors know that we followed and lost people, the two of us will be in trouble."

The task above was to let them follow Xiaopangju closely, but they turned out to be fine, they slept through today, and lost Xiaopangju.

If the above know this, they will probably be scolded to death.

"Of course there is no problem, it's just a trivial matter." Hearing this, Commander Liu said indifferently, and asked someone to prepare a car for the two of them, and then called Sister Hong'er to ask where they were.

"Where are we? We just came out of the barbecue shop. We are going to visit the Dajindu Temple." Sister Hong'er burped just after getting in the car and said.

"Aww~ (Let me state in advance, I'm not going to play, I'm so tired now. I just want to lie down and sleep, play or something? It's not suitable for me.)" Cheng Hao, who was lying in the last row, moved He moved his body and said.

It's so supportive, it's really supportive of him.

Now he doesn't want to move, he just wants to find a place to sleep well.

"Okay, okay, then you little villain can sleep in the car when the time comes, and sister can go in by herself?" Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, but remember to turn on the internal circulation before you leave, don't cut off the electricity completely.)" Cheng Hao said with his paw raised.

"Don't worry, I understand." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and patted Cheng Hao's big head.

"Miss Breeder, are you going to Jindu Temple? Then we'll go there and wait for you."

"Yes, please wait for us for a while."

Zi Shi and Chou Shi said when they heard this.

So they planned to go to Jindu Temple?Then they can just rush there to meet up.

"Okay, no problem." Sister Hong'er said with a smile: "When you arrive, just give us a call."


Hearing this, Zi Shi replied and hung up the phone.

"Commander Liu thank you, then we two will leave now." Chou Shi said.

"Okay, you two go." Commander Liu said with a smile.


The two of them ran outside while being grateful.

"This is the Jindu Temple? It looks really big." Sister Hong'er said looking at the huge gate outside the car window.

"Yes, it's really big here." Li Hua nodded with a smile, and said to Cheng Hao who was lying on the side: "Little Pangju, are you really not going to play with us? There are many interesting things inside, you If you don’t go? Be careful and regret it.”

"Aww~ (I can't regret it, I can't regret it, if I believe your words and go out to play with you, I will regret it.)" Cheng Hao turned over and said, the tiger was leaning against the back row.

On such a hot day, he would only follow him if he was stupid.

Isn't it uncomfortable to lie honestly in an air-conditioned room?Really.

"Forget it, Xiaohua. Xiaoju doesn't want to go out anymore, so let's not embarrass him." Sister Hong'er heard this, and pulled Xiaohua out with a smile.

Xiaoju is going to take a nap now, so she won't be willing to come out, it doesn't matter how the other party shouts.

"Okay. Then you little slacker, just stay inside obediently and don't run away." Li Hua said upon hearing this.

"Aww~ (It's okay to sleep in there, why run around? Isn't this why you're full and okay? Hurry up and go, you guys, don't worry about me.)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paws, and closed his tail The car door is gone.

"Okay, let's go." Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing and said, and the group walked towards Jindu Temple.Cheng Hao fell asleep in the car.

"This seems to be the Jindu Temple, what are we doing here?"

The clothes at the intersection were a little shorter and longer, the short-inch man said.

They rode stolen bicycles and ran so far to come to such a place, what's the matter?They ran to this place to become monks, right?

"Nonsense, of course you came here to steal a car, otherwise you really want to ride around on this broken bicycle, and you won't be exhausted by then. Fifth." The thin man on the other side tightened his grip, and there were some small bruises on his body. Shirt said: "Except for this place where there is no surveillance, there are surveillance everywhere. If we want to leave, we can only go here, you know?"

"I understand, I understand, but how do we steal cars in this place? I don't have this skill either. Sixth." Said Wang Wu on the side.

He knew they were escaping from prison and would definitely be wanted, but what's the use of them coming here?He won't steal a car either.

"Don't worry, it's very easy to steal a car. Have you forgotten why I came in?" Hearing this, Lao Liu said disdainfully, thinking that he stole all over the city relying on one person and one wire. King of cars.

It was just that he drank too much back then, and in order to show off his skills to others, he directly stole a police car parked on the side of the road. The problem was that broken van, who knew it was a police car?

There wasn't even a warning sign, so he thought who was there to pull the goods?
The result is good, the car was stolen at night, the person was caught in the early morning, and the bureau was seated in the early morning.

The point is that at that time, cars were still expensive.Steal a car and get 20 years in prison.

He stole so much, the floor of the prison was going to be worn through.Seeing someone escape this time, why don't you run out?Is it really impossible to go in for the elderly?

Anyway, if it's a big deal, I'll go back and do it again. If I can't catch him, can't he jump in the sea and let the birds fly?

After all, he was not the first one to escape from prison. He didn't beat the prison guards. Even if he was arrested by then, nothing would happen.

"It seems to be because of stealing a car, but Lao Liu, you have been in prison for so many years, can your craftsmanship still be reliable?" Wang Wu looked at the cars around him and asked, the cars here seem to be the same as the ones from ten years ago , are not a species, right?
Can the opponent's technology still be used now?He expressed doubts.

"Of course, don't look down on your sixth grandpa, I was known as the king of locks back then." Hearing this, Lao Liu said, took out a thin steel wire from his pocket, and ran towards a small sports car.

He has seen this car from a distance, not to mention how beautiful the bright red exterior is, and today, he is going to drive this car away.

"Really? Then I'll just watch your performance." Wang Wu said after hearing this, and followed him.

"Look, I'm not good at this skill." Lao Liu said, and walked around the sports car.

"You are walking around without unlocking the lock, what are you doing?" Wang Wu asked after seeing this scene, but the other party hurriedly unlocked it, and it would be over if someone saw it later.

"This car is too small for the two of us. Let's find a bigger one." Hearing this, Lao Liu said, and walked towards the next car.

Damn, this car is really strange, there is no keyhole on the door handle, how many years have passed, how did this kind of car appear?

If this is gone, how to open it?It's really strange.

"I think this car is pretty good, and it looks cool when you drive it out. Why is it so small?" Wang Wu, who was following, couldn't help muttering when he heard this, but he still followed.

There is no way, if he doesn't follow the other party's words, he doesn't have the ability to steal a car.

"This car is good. It's black and big. It suits me right away. Let me try it." After passing a few cars, a big and wide car appeared in front of Lao Liu.

Looking at the big round head of this car, and then at the keyhole on the door handle, Lao Liu felt that it must be safe this time.

So he stretched out the wire and went in to fiddle with it, but he found that the times were changing so fast that his craft was no longer good.

They could pry it open casually before, but they can't open it now. I don't know what kind of lock the lock cylinder has been replaced with now?
"How about the sixth one? Have you opened it? We're not here to play now, so be quicker with your hands and feet."

Looking at Wang Wu around him, he asked, can the other party do this?Give me a quasi-letter.

Don't dawdle here and get bumped by the owner of the car, they will have a lot of fun then.

"The lock cylinder of this car is broken, we can't pry it open, we have to change it." Hearing this, Lao Liu said, he didn't dare to say that he couldn't pry the car open for fear of losing face.

After all, I have already released my big words, what if I say this now?Don't you laugh your ass off?

"Then hurry up and change to another one, we're not here to play, can you be a little bit careless?" Wang Wu urged, continuing to look around, letting the other party feel the wind.

Fortunately, this place is a random parking place, there is no monitoring system, and no one is guarding here.

Otherwise, they have wasted so much time, someone else would have come to ask about it in other places.

"No problem, no problem, driving is a technical job, don't worry." Lao Liu said, changing another car and preparing to pry it.

But when the thin steel wire was stretched in, he realized that he had made a mistake, and it was so outrageous. The car in front of him could not be pried open by himself.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me that the car door is also broken." Seeing this scene, Wang Wu said, the other party shouldn't really take him for a fool.

The first time was an accident, the second time was a coincidence, and the third time the other party wanted to make excuses?

"No, what I want to say is that the wire is broken." Hearing this, Lao Liu broke the wire and took it out with force.

"Damn, why is it so troublesome to steal a car? Is there a problem here or there?" Seeing this, Wang Wu couldn't help cursing.

Today is really bad luck, why is there a problem here or a problem there?

"Don't be discouraged, give me some time, and I'll get it right." Seeing this, Lao Liu said, and went around to continue looking for a suitable car.

After Wang Wu saw it, he sat down on the steps.

I took out a cigarette from my pocket, and started to puff. Now I can't walk away, so I can only smoke here to calm down.

"I don't believe it anymore. All these cars are modern technology products. There must be one or two old cars? No matter how bad it is, there must be one or two who forgot to lock the door?" After seeing the smoke rings rising from the shade of the tree, the old man Liu muttered while pulling the door handle.

He couldn't believe it. There are hundreds of cars here, and everyone has locked the cars. There must be one or two unlocked, right?
At that time, will he not be able to open the door or turn on the power supply?That thing is very simple.

So, find a car to pull a car.In less than a moment, thirty or forty cars were pulled, and without accident, all of these cars were locked.

"Damn it, is this uncle's bad luck, or is it because the cars are so powerful now, how come one or two are all locked?"

Looking at the fewer and fewer cars ahead, Lao Liu couldn't help cursing.

And just when he walked to a large commercial vehicle marked "Evolution Department Special Car", he pulled the door handle.

The heavy-looking car door was pulled open immediately.The sixth child immediately froze in place. He looked at the door handle, and then at his own hand, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he hurriedly shouted to Wang Wu under the shade of the tree: "Old Wu, come here quickly, come here quickly, we should go."

"What? Is it on?" Wang Wu, who was smoking a smoky cigarette, couldn't help being excited when he heard this.

After pinching out the cigarette butt in his hand, he ran over.

"Lao Liu, you really did it, it's really amazing."

"That's right, I'm not telling you, opening this kind of lock is just like playing for me." Lao Liu sat in the driver's seat and said proudly, he was even happier when he found that the key was still inserted in the car Yes, there is really nowhere to find it, and it takes a lot of effort to get it.

Maybe that person went out to play and forgot to pull out the car keys, or maybe he was too anxious and didn't have time?
But it doesn't matter, he will take good care of this car for the other party, and guarantee that nothing will happen to him.

"Yeah, don't talk so much, let's go quickly." Wang Wu urged after sitting in the car.

"Okay! You sit down, let's set off now." Lao Liu said, and drove out of the parking lot.

Don't say that you have been in prison for so many years, the times have changed really fast this time, this car drives a lot better, and the feel is simply amazing.

No wonder the newcomers in the prison are saying that the times are changing.

"By the way, Lao Liu, why is there a key in this car? Where did you get it?" Seeing the scenery on both sides receding, Wang Wu was relieved a lot, and had time to look around, and he As soon as he entered his eyes, he saw the key inserted under the steering wheel, and asked curiously.

"This is the spare key in the car. I turned it out as soon as I looked for it." Lao Liu lied when he heard this.

Then I can't say that I was bragging for a long time, but I couldn't open a car. In the end, I was lucky and picked up an unlocked car. If he said this, he would lose all his face ?
"It turned out to be like this, then we are lucky." Wang Wu said happily after hearing this, and then looked at the entire commercial vehicle. I have to say that the appearance of this car is really luxurious enough.

Look at the interior here, and look at the decoration inside?How beautiful and how good-looking?

At first glance, it is a car of a wealthy family, especially the tiger skin mats in the rear row, you can tell that this family is not simple.

Wait a minute for the tiger skin mat?Thinking of this, Wang Wu turned his head and stared closely at the tiger skin cushion, never feeling that it was fake.

No matter how he looked at it, why did he feel that this thing seemed real?

"Lao Liu, Lao Liu, take a look, is there a tiger in the back row of this car?"

"Old five, are you crazy? I will return the old king to the tiger?" Hearing this, the sixth child said angrily: "Don't scare yourself, the tiger is a state-protected animal, how could someone privately Can it be raised? And look at how fat this tiger is, is there such a fat tiger?"

"This looks like a plush toy bought by a rich family, okay? I said you have lived such an old age, why are you so timid?" Hearing this, the sixth child looked back and said.

Can such a fat tiger walk?Don't be kidding, even a blind person can see that this tiger is fake, okay?Look how scared he was.

And tigers are such a powerful beast, if they really saw them coming in, would they not react?

"That's true. I should be too sensitive. How can anyone in China raise a real tiger?" Wang Wu, who heard this, saw the figure in the back row, and hadn't even moved since just now. .

I also think what the other party said makes sense. If this is a real tiger, will they still survive?
"So, don't scare yourself all the time, you know? Just sit down obediently." Lao Liu said, driving slowly with one hand and lighting a cigarette with the other.It looks so carefree.

Now that he has this car, for him, the sea is wide and the sky is high, and the sky is high for birds to fly. When he finds a suitable place, he can change into suitable clothes.

Sell ​​this car again, isn't that a happy life?
"Hmm? Why does it smell like smoke? My sister shouldn't smoke." Cheng Hao, who was lying in the car and fell asleep, opened his eyes in a daze after smelling the pungent smell of smoke.

He could feel that the car was moving now, and it was still driving somewhere?

But what happened to the two guys driving?Why is their outfit so inappropriate? It's like adults wearing children's clothes. Either the top clothes are too long or the bottom clothes are short.

It was the first time he saw someone wearing it like this. Could it be that this is the current fashion?
"Old... Lao Liu, I seem to have seen that tiger in the back row just now, and turned his head around." At this moment, Wang Wu, who was in the passenger seat, glanced behind him inadvertently.

The whole person trembled, and the hand holding the cigarette in his hand seemed to be shaking.

"Where is it? It must be your illusion. I guess it was shaken when I passed the pit just now. This is just a doll. How can you be so timid when you are so big?" Smoking a cigarette Xiaoqu's sixth child heard the words, turned his head to look at it, and then said indifferently.

How come there are so many tigers here? In his opinion, the other party's nerves are too sensitive, and they will be fine when they escape from here.

"But I really saw it, why don't we stop the car and run?" Wang Wu said, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, as if he had been fished out of the water.

There's nothing wrong with it, he really saw it just now, the tiger turned its head, and looked at them with a human-like gaze.

"Don't be kidding, let's stop at this time, do you really want to go back to the shift?" The sixth child said angrily, with one hand on the car window, and the other hand leisurely turning the steering wheel: "Let me tell you, I am a real Meeting a tiger is better than staying there forever, you know? Do you know what it means to stay there forever?"

"It means that my whole life is over, you know? I haven't married a wife yet, and I'm the only child in my family. As the saying goes, there are three ways to be unfilial, and having no offspring is the greatest. If my mother is still alive? Find a wife for the old man."

"If the one in the back is a real tiger, let alone marrying a wife, it will be a problem for you to go back to jail." Wang Wu said with a trembling voice.

If you still want to marry a woman and have a son, if you are a real tiger in the back, they will have no place to run, okay?

"Don't panic, don't worry, how can there be such unlucky things in the world? I think the two of us are in good fortune." Lao Liu said indifferently, not to mention stopping the car, but he didn't even think about braking lightly.

Think about their luck today?Just know how lucky they are today.

First, after encountering someone who escaped from prison, he arrived at Jindu Temple safely.Now they found another car with the key inserted, so their escape this time seemed to be arranged by God.

As the saying goes, God and it are not unknown.

If they didn't accept God's arrangement, they would definitely encounter disasters. For the sake of the safety of the two of them, he decided to accept it gladly.

(End of this chapter)

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