Chapter 212

"Family, who knows? Who did I provoke? Why did a tiger climb up on my head?"

As for the big tree under Cheng Hao's paws, ten thousand horses ran past in his heart at this moment.

It's just a big tree with a little bit of strength. I don't understand why this kind of thing happened?Obviously he hasn't done anything yet.

As a result, I ran into a big tiger. The opponent's claws were very hard, and it was painful to grab him.

But it didn't dare to do anything, rationally told him that if he dared to do anything, there would be no good fruit to eat later.

Therefore, he could only silently endure the pain in his body, and prayed that the other party would leave as soon as possible.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

Thoughts on the big tree beneath your feet?Cheng Hao didn't know.

At this time, he looked at the swarm of bees flying in front of him, and couldn't help but lick his saliva.

This wild honey is fragrant, even if it is so far away, you can smell its delicious smell.



And when he discovered the honey, the little bees who were working hard on the branches also discovered him,
For this uninvited strange tiger, the little bees are not very happy.

But Cheng Hao doesn't care what these little bees think, is he really unhappy?
He only knew that if he came here today, he would definitely not be able to go back empty-handed.

"Buzz ~ (You intruder, leave quickly, otherwise? Don't blame us for being rude.)"

"Buzz~(Get out! Intruder.)"

The little bee net incited the wings and issued a warning around Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Don't be so stingy, I just want to ask you for some honey. As long as you give it to me, I will leave naturally.)"

After hearing this, Cheng Hao said to the little bees.

"Buzz~(There is no door, these honeys are the fruit of our hard work, how could I give them to you?)"

"Buzz~(That's right, you should give up your heart, these honeys are impossible for you.)"

After hearing this, the little bees said in unison, the other party wants the fruits of their labor for so long, why?

"Aww~ (Since you guys don't want to give it to me honestly? Then I can only do it myself.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and continued walking forward.

These little bees are so ignorant, I try to persuade them, since they don't give themselves this face

Then there is no other way, he has to get it himself.

"Buzz~(Damn intruder, brothers sting him.)" Seeing that the other party didn't stop, and still ran towards the hive, the bee in the lead yelled, and stinged Cheng Hao's nose first.

"ding ding"

It's just that what it didn't expect was that after its own needle was stuck.There is no feeling of stinging skin.Instead, it was like being stung on steel.

"Aww~ (Are you here to scrape for me? With your little ability, how could you hurt me? You should go back honestly.)" Looking at the little bee that was thrown out, Cheng Hao couldn't help but smile Said.

Then he continued to run towards the hive. The smell of honey was so delicious that his mouth watered.

"Buzz ~ (Brothers fight this nasty intruder away together, we must not let him destroy our home.)" shouted the bee whose whole body was a little numb after being shaken.

Hateful intruders, don't think that this will scare them away, they will not admit defeat like this, they must let the other party know how powerful they are.

"Buzz~(Rush, rush. Give it to this guy, he knows how good we are.)" Hearing this, the bees rushed up in a swarm and began to attack Cheng Hao ferociously.

First ran under his stomach and attacked his stomach, then attacked his back feet, and finally as long as they saw some naked places?He rushed forward in a rush, pouted his buttocks frantically.

Facing their crazy behavior, Cheng Hao, who was stung, expressed his indifference.

I enjoyed the feeling of tickling again today, it was really great, but it's a pity that these guys are a little weak and can't tickle him at all.

Otherwise, how comfortable is it that there is honey to eat and a full set of tickling services?

"Buzz ~ (No way, captain. This guy's skin is too hard to pierce. We stick it on him, just like sticking to the bark of a tree.)"

"Buzz~(Yeah yeah, Captain. We can't do him any damage, this guy's skin is too thick.)"

The bees who had been stung for a long time said a little tiredly that they had never seen such a thick guy.No matter how they sting, they will not move.

"Buzz~ (Even if it's like this, we have to do our best to defend the hive, and we will never let this bad guy get it so easily.)" The bee shouted after hearing this, and continued to attack Cheng Hao's eyes.

"Aww~(Don't scrape, don't scrape, it's useless for you to scrape for another year, I just took part of your honey, and I didn't say that I would take all of your honey, use this to dig and search Did you search for it? Can you be more generous as a bee?)”

Hearing the sound of "Ding Ding Dong Dong Bang Bang" coming from his eyes, Cheng Hao was speechless.

They play knocking on the glass here, one by one can't do any harm to him, but they like to scratch here, as for this appearance?
He didn't knock all the honeycombs out for them, he just took some of them away, wouldn't it be good to just give them to him honestly?What are you doing to make things so stiff?
"Buzz~ (Don't even think about it, you nasty intruder, listen, we won't give you honey, you should die.)"

"Buzzing ~ (No mistake, such a nasty way like you should be punished after hearing it.)"

The bees who heard this said angrily, although they can't scratch each other, it doesn't stop them from being angry.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, then you can get angry slowly, anyway, I won't care about you.)" Hearing what they said, Cheng Hao said helplessly, why are these little bees so overwhelmed and anxious? ?
Then let them sting slowly, he has already arrived at the hive anyway.It can be opened and torn right away. I have to say that the hives of these evolved little bees are just as big.

Look, how magnificent is this beehive like a big bed, at most he just broke off half of it, these little bees still have the other half to eat, as for fighting him like this?
Although the needles on the buttocks of these little bees are really fierce, but I am not a vegetarian in this fur coat.

It would be better for the two of them to reconcile, why bother to work so hard, right?

"Buzz ~ (Knock down the intruder, absolutely don't let him harm the hive.)" Seeing the big tiger getting closer to their hive, the bees became completely angry, stinging wildly like bullets.

But it still didn't achieve any results, and under their watchful eyes, the abominable intruder had already started to enjoy honey.Angrily, their voices became louder.

"Aww~ (Yeah, the taste is really good. This wild honey is sweet and delicious.)" Cheng Hao stretched out his claws and hooked a little honey from the hive, and after licking it again, his eyes lit up .

This honey is delicious and tastes really good. My sister and the others will be very happy after tasting it.

It happened to be my sister's birthday soon, and she must be very happy to bring that half of the honeycomb home.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao immediately started to act.There was a faint red in his eyes, and a laser shot out from his eyes.Cut directly on the huge hive.



The honeycomb emits a wonderful fragrance under the laser cutting.And under the action of gravity, it falls towards the bottom.

"Buzz~(Damn intruder, you are going to die for us.)"

"Buzz~(Go to die.)"

The bees who saw this scene couldn't help cursing angrily, it's really disgusting that the hateful guys waste their hard-earned honey like this.

But just when they were about to stab each other crazily, they suddenly found that the furry figure standing on the branch had disappeared, which made him puzzled for a moment. They looked around, only to find out when?The opponent had already fallen into the tree.

Immediately, one by one shouted happily:

"Buzz~(It's good to fall, you will be killed if you fall, you bastard.)"

"Buzz~(That's right. If you dare to steal our honey, this is what happens.)"

"Aww~ (I'm just afraid that the honey will fall and break. How do you idiots think that I will fall to death?)" Cheng Hao muttered while rubbing his paws on his chin in mid-air. In order to chase honey, why are these little guys so whimsical?

But it would be a good thing for him if these little guys stopped chasing him now, at least he wouldn't have to be entangled by these little guys anymore.

Delicious big honey, go back with him.

Looking at the honey that was about to fall to the ground below, Cheng Hao's figure disappeared with a "shua".

When it reappears in the next second?It has already appeared under the tree holding honey.

"Aww~ (I can't keep holding this honey like this, it's easy to expose my ability. I have to find a banana leaf or a branch.)" Cheng Hao controlled the honey to go up and down without touching the ground.I muttered secretly in my heart.

He doesn't want people to know that his ability has been developed to this extent. He is a low-key tiger. If this kind of thing is exposed, it will not be a good thing for him, so he has to find some banana leaves now And so on to pack the honey.

Otherwise, what if Sister Hong'er sees her using her claws or getting dirty?Not necessarily willing to accept.

Let him think about where he is, have he seen banana leaves and the like?
"It's strange, Xiaoju, the little villain, did he fall in the toilet? Why hasn't he come back for so long?"

Sister Hong'er, who had thawed the meat by the stream, found that the chubby figure hadn't returned yet.

The patient couldn't help muttering in his heart, logically speaking, Xiaoju should have come back early, right?How could it take so much time?
Are you lost in the forest?Obviously this is impossible, and it didn't rain?Xiaoju's nose is so sharp, no matter how far she runs?You can still go back the way you went.

So this little villain probably just fell asleep while going to the toilet, right?

Sister Hong'er was thinking in her heart, so she was going to go and see what was going on?

But before she left, she heard the voices of the team members from the side.

"Little Fat Orange, where did you go? Why are you carrying something on your back?"

"Yeah, little fat orange, what the hell is such a big thing?"

The team members looked at Cheng Hao who came back with a big semicircle wrapped tightly in banana leaves, and asked curiously.

Little Fatty went out with oranges, why did he come back with a big bag on his back?What is he doing out here?
"Aww~ (Do you want to know? It's very simple, and the answer will be revealed to you right away.)" Cheng Hao, who was walking, said to everyone while holding his things on his tail.Then he came to the second sister Hong.

"You little scoundrel, what are you doing upside down? Why are you wrapping it up so tightly?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she saw Cheng Hao walking in front of her.

"Aww~ (This is a birthday present for your sister, guess what's inside?)" said Cheng Hao, who slowly put down the green semicircular object with his buttocks and tail pouting.

"Is it a birthday present for me? It's still in the forest. You must have caught an animal somewhere, right?" Sister Hong'er said with some uncertainty as she looked at the hefty semicircle thing.

"Aww~ (Wrong guess, it's not, keep guessing, sister.)" Cheng Hao shook his head and said.

"Isn't it filled with animals? Could it be that it's filled with some kind of plant?" After hearing that she guessed wrong, Sister Hong'er continued.

"Aww~ (No, no, it's not a plant either.)" Cheng Hao continued shaking his head after hearing this.

"It's not an animal or a plant, what's in there?" Sister Hong'er murmured when she heard that.

This little villain catches animals but not plants, so how can he give himself a birthday present?

"Could it be that there are mushrooms in it?" Mai Mai, who was watching, guessed. She remembered that Xiaopangju ate mushrooms when they left, maybe there were mushrooms inside.

"No, no, why would sister Hong'er give this kind of gift? Since it's a birthday present for sister Hong'er, it should be something rather special. I think it might be flowers." Li Hua said after hearing this.

Although they couldn't understand Xiaopangju's words, they could still tell that what this little villain brought was a gift for Miss Hong'er after listening to Miss Hong'er's words.

Since it was a gift for Sister Hong'er, how could it be a mushroom?

"It's also possible. Now is the time for the flowers to bloom. It is very possible that Xiaoju will bring flowers."

"That's right, I also think it's a flower, do you want to wrap it in so many banana leaves?"

Xiao Ran, Sister Li and the others also agreed after hearing the words.

"I don't think it's possible. As far as this weight is concerned, how could it be the flower you mentioned?"

"That's right, if it's a flower, it should have a scent, but we haven't smelled anything yet."

Zishi and the others looked at the words and said, anyway, they don't think what's inside should be flowers, if they are flowers, the smell will definitely not be able to cover them.

"It makes sense, if it's a flower? We should have smelled it a long time ago." Xiao Ran nodded in agreement.

"So what's in it? I'm a little itchy to hear it."

"That's right, we can take it apart and have a look. It doesn't matter what's inside? As long as it's taken apart, I think we can figure it out."

"That's right, can we take apart the little fat orange?"

As they spoke, they asked Cheng Hao who was at the side.

"Aww~ (Let's take it down, let's take it down, but remember to lay something on the bottom, don't make it dirty.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws and warned.

"Okay, no problem, we'll put a clean tablecloth under it."

"Yeah, don't worry, little fat orange, we won't destroy the gift you prepared."

Everyone who heard the second sister Hong's translation laughed, and carefully placed the semicircle wrapped in banana leaves on a clean tablecloth, and opened it layer by layer, just like peeling an onion. However, when the onion is peeled off, it is white.

And after the green banana leaves were peeled off layer by layer, what was exposed was honey with a sweet taste.

"I'll go, this is wild honey, right? It's a big piece." Looking at such a large hive, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

"Otherwise, have you ever seen domesticated honey in this kind of forest? This is wild honey."

"There's nothing wrong with it. You can see that the honey is dark in color and has a slightly sour taste. This proves that the honey should have been stored for a long time and has been fermented."

The tour guide said after dipping his fingers in honey.

Based on his years of knowledge about wild honey, he can't be wrong, this is the best wild honey.

"You little rascal, don't you think you've picked up all the honey from other people?" Sister Hong'er was a little moved when she saw it, and at the same time pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and asked.

It's not easy for these little bees, Xiaoju won't poach all other people's honey, right?

"Aww~ (Of course it's impossible. Am I that kind of tiger? I left a lot of honey for them. After all, I also know the principle of sustainable development.)" said Cheng Hao, whose face was pinched. How could a good tiger do such wicked things?What did the other party imagine him to be like?

"Really? That's good." Hearing this, sister Hong'er breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if this little villain didn't dig up all the people's honey, otherwise?Don't those little bees cry to death?
"Aww~ (Don't talk so much, sister, how about you taste this honey? I found this specially for you.)" Cheng Hao urged, pulling sister Hong'er's hand with his tail.

"Okay, okay, don't be so anxious, my sister is going to taste it now." Hearing this, sister Hong'er smiled, squeezed the honey in a plastic bag and started eating, and then her whole face twisted together.

Looking at the people next to him who were also about to try the taste, he quickly stopped what he was doing.

"What's wrong? Does this honey taste wrong?" When Mai Mai just stretched out her hand, it immediately stopped in mid-air.asked with a nervous face.

"Yeah, is this honey too bitter?" Li Hua on the side also said the same thing. He saw that the other party's facial features were all twisted together. I'm afraid this is not ordinary bitterness.

"No, it's too sweet. It's already reached the point of sweetness." Sister Hong'er felt that the taste in her mouth had finally faded a little, looked at the crowd and said, "If you want to eat it? Pinch a small piece and taste it. It's best not to take a big bite, or I will end up like this."

She originally thought that this honey with beeswax would not be sweet, but after taking this sip, she knew how wrong she was. This sip did not make her go to heaven, it was too sweet the honey.

"It turned out to be like this. We thought the honey was bitter."

"Yes, yes, we will definitely eat slowly."

Hearing what the people here said, they carefully picked up a small piece and put it in their mouths, and pain masks appeared on their faces.

"My God, what's the matter with this honey? Why is it so sweet?"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten anything sweeter than this honey, I feel like my throat is stuck."

While talking, everyone squatted "Dundun" and drank water. They were already very careful, but they didn't expect it to be like this. It turned out that this stuff was too sweet.

"Wow~ (What delicious food are you eating? Is there any for me? Give me something to eat too.)" When everyone was drinking water frantically, the big rhino came up and said.

What delicious food are they sneaking behind their backs?You should bring yourself too.

"Big rhino, do you want to eat it? Then I'll give you something to eat. Remember to eat well and don't spray it on us." Hearing this, sister Hong'er said, and grabbed a piece of honey and handed it to the big rhino. When the big rhino saw it, it just took a bite.

"Ah? Big rhinoceros, don't swallow it in one gulp. This is very sweet." Sister Hong'er was astonished when she saw this scene.

He was also worried that the big rhino would be stuck in the throat with honey and spit it on them, but he didn't expect the other party to eat it in one bite.

"Wow~ (No, I think it's just right. Is this honey? It tastes really good.)" After the big rhino licked his lips, he felt very satisfied.

It's such a wonderful taste, I didn't expect such a good thing to exist in the forest, it's really delicious.

"Is it like this? You should eat more of the big rhinoceros." Sister Hong'er said after hearing the words.

Anyway, so much honey is not easy to take back, since the big rhino likes to eat it?Then let him eat more.

"Ah wow~ (Really? Sister, you are so kind.)" The big rhinoceros said happily after hearing this.

My sister is such a good person, she gave him bread and honey.

"Although my sister is really good, you still have to thank Xiaoju for having so many delicious foods. If Xiaoju didn't bring the honey, you wouldn't be able to eat it." Sister Hong'er pointed to the Cheng Hao said.

"Ah wow~ (Really? Thank you so much, little tiger.)" The big rhino said to Cheng Hao after hearing this.

"Aww~ (You're welcome, eat slowly if you like, this thing is really too sweet.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws indifferently, and looked at the honey with some disgust.

It was fine after just a few mouthfuls, but the more he ate, the sweeter it became, almost covering the barbs on his tongue.

Sure enough, this thing should be used for soaking in water, let alone eating it like this.

"Wow~ (Little tiger, you are so kind, I will share with you next time I have delicious grass.)" The big rhino said happily, saying that the furry little tiger in front of him looks really pleasing to the eye .

"Oh~ (Forget it, I don't like eating grass that much. If you have grass you like, you can eat it yourself. Don't bring it to me.)" Cheng Hao immediately refused: "Oh~ (I am a meat eater, not interested in grass.)”

He is a tiger who can eat some grass occasionally to recuperate his stomach, but if he eats grass often, who can bear it?He still prefers good meat.

"Wow~ (Really? That's such a pity, I know there are many delicious grasses.)" the big rhinoceros said regretfully.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Xiaoju eats meat, so just eat your grass obediently." Sister Hong'er said, looking at the opening on the side: "If you want honey, please take more. I'm going to take the leftovers. The big rhino ate everything."

"Then miss the breeder, take it quickly, we can't eat this stuff."

"Yeah, it's too loud."

The people who heard this waved their hands again and again, expressing that they are waiting for others, but they can't eat such a sweet thing. If they go on with this mouthful, they won't want it.

"Okay." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile, and let the big rhino come over to cook. The big rhino was very happy after seeing it, and started eating while shaking its head.

"Aww~ (By the way, sister, are we really going to take this guy back to Huyuan? He looks a little big, so he won't make grandpa cry by then?)"

Seeing the big rhino eating with banana leaves, Cheng Hao asked.

This rhino is not small, so the conclusion is that the other party will not eat less.Then if he was brought back to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, wouldn't he be poor?
"Even you little fellows haven't exhausted Tiger Garden, do you think it has the ability?" Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard this.

This little villain is ashamed to say that the big rhino will make the Tiger Garden poor, so he doesn't think he has no risk of making the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden poor, right?

"Aww~ (I think there is a high probability that there is no such thing.)" Cheng Hao said weakly after hearing the words.

"Isn't that enough? What are you afraid of? Anyway, you won't lose your food." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big head and said, when she saw a few big rhinos who had eaten up the honey came over:
"Wow~ (Sister, this honey is so delicious, I want to eat bread again, have you rested yet?)"

"Wow~ (If we rest well, let's continue playing.)"

It's time to play early, it's good to go out to eat bread with everyone early, it's fed up with staying in this kind of place.

"This elder sister has to ask them. Don't be in a hurry." Sister Hong'er comforted her with a smile.

"Wow~ (Then sister, go and ask them.)" said the big rhinoceros, looking at everyone.

"What's the matter? Big rhino, what's the matter with you? What are you doing looking at us all of a sudden?"

"Yes, yes, if you have something to say, please don't rush over."

The people who were nibbling on the apples saw this and said.

Doesn't this big rhino want to eat apples again?Then don't rush over suddenly.

They don't want to feel what it feels like to hit the ground.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. The big rhino just wanted to ask if you have rested well? If you have rested well, he wants us to move on." Sister Hong'er explained when she saw this.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought what was he doing here? Rest is a good rest, but should we really be in such a hurry?"

"Yeah, we're here to play, don't you need to be in such a hurry?"

Everyone who heard this breathed a sigh of relief and said.

It didn't feel like they were out to play in such a hurry, but it was a bit like urging them to die.

"Actually, we don't need to go deeper at this time. It's not too early now. I think we can exit now." The guide who listened to everyone's words said.

It's already afternoon, what if we continue walking?It will take time to come back, and the best way is to stop moving forward now.

"Not bad, let's go back now, there's no need to go any further, and I don't think it's very meaningful."

"Yeah, I've been walking for a long time, don't go inside anymore, it will be dark."

As soon as they heard what the tour guide said, everyone immediately echoed.

That's right, you should hurry back now.They didn't want to walk in here, and if it was night, they would be eaten by mosquitoes.

They didn't forget how ferocious those mosquitoes were just now.

"Since everyone has said so, let's go back." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"Yeah." Everyone who heard this nodded and got up from the stone they were sitting on.

"Wow~ (Sister, can we go now?)" Asked the big rhinoceros when everyone got up, he heard it just now, everyone is going back.

"Yes. Let's go now." Sister Hong'er nodded and patted the big rhino's head.

"Wow~ (That's really great.)" The big rhinoceros said happily after hearing this, rubbing the palm of Hongjie's hand, and then embarked on the way home.

"Commander, we have checked all the information, but we just can't find any information about this big rhino. I think he was probably released by other countries." After searching for a long time in the evolutionary department, we couldn't find any clues. The team members said.

They searched for a long time, but found no clues.And that place is on the border with other countries, so it is not surprising that the rhino was released by other countries.

"Don't talk nonsense. These animals are free. They have the right to live wherever they want. How can you define where they come from? This is a very bad behavior of yours." Hearing this Commander Liu taught: "Rhinos are rare wild animals, and even more so, treasures for all mankind."

"Treasures like this should not be divided into national boundaries, so when he arrives in our place, he will be our protected animal, you know?"

"Go and arrange a car for me right away to bring back this poor little rhino living in the forest. It's too dangerous for such a precious wild animal to stay in a chaotic place."

"Yes, Commander." The team member replied after hearing this, and immediately went to suggest that the big trailer should go out.

(End of this chapter)

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