Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 211 The Big Rhino Loves Bread

Chapter 211 The Big Rhino Loves Bread
"Eh? Didn't you live in the jungle all the time, but you were released here?" Sister Hong was stunned when she heard this, but she didn't expect that such a big rhinoceros was not wild, or was raised for a period of time released.

"Ah wow~ (Yes, yes, I'm bored staying here, can you take me back?)" The big rhino nodded and rubbed Sister Hong'er's hand flatteringly.Sister Hong'er, who was rubbing against her, was staggering all over her body, and she was about to fall down.

Fortunately, a big fluffy tail directly supported her, otherwise she would fall down.

"Okay, okay, let me confirm your identity first, don't be in a hurry to rub against me, I can hardly stand up because of you." Sister Hong'er supported Cheng Hao's head to regain his footing Said.

Since it is a free-range rhino, it must be able to find it.

"Wow~ (Then hurry up.)" The big rhino said happily when he heard it.

"Yeah." Sister Hong'er nodded, then dialed the number of the department, planning to ask the department to check for her.

"Is it a zoo or conservation organization that has released large rhinos in recent years? Then you have to wait a little bit." Commander Liu, who received the call from the evolutionary department, said:
"Did you find any markings or marks on this rhino? Generally speaking, wild animals released must have collars or special markings."

"I didn't see me on its neck with a collar, and there's no collar to put on a head as big as it is, right?" Sister Hong'er heard the words, reached out and patted the smelly big rhino's head and looked at its neck. Go and find that the other party's neck is empty and there is nothing.

"Wow~ (I have a collar, but I broke it because I grew too big.)" The big rhino said after hearing this. It turned out to have a collar, and it was still beautiful. The collar, but when it grows up, the collar is too small.Finally the strangle broke.

if not?It should still be worn around the neck now.

"Really? Then can you tell my sister where is your collar now? If you can tell my sister where is your collar? And if you can't find it? Then my sister can find out your identity and find a way to put You took it back." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, she said that she couldn't find the collar of this rhinoceros, it turned out to be broken by it.

But it's hard to think about its size. No matter how big the collar was made back then, you never thought it would grow so big, right?

"Wow~ (I'm also looking for it now, because I don't know where I lost it, so I'm looking everywhere.)" the big rhinoceros said, looking around, feeling like I fell here, and I felt as if I fell there.

"Uh, so you were in a daze here just now, were you thinking about this matter?" Sister Hong'er who heard this asked weakly.

This rhino seems to be a bit really not very smart. Why did the collar fall off his body? I don't know where it fell?
"Wow~ (Yes, sister, you are so smart that you can even guess this kind of thing.)" The big rhino nodded and replied, indicating that the other party had guessed him right, and was just thinking about how to get the collar. Where did it go.

When Sister Hong'er heard this, she couldn't help but feel very tired, she looked at the big rhinoceros with eyes full of joy and said:
"Well, it looks like it's impossible to find your collar. You little villain, don't move. I'll take a photo of you and send it over to have a look. Can I find your data in the database?"

There should be reports on the release of rhinos or large and precious wild animals, so we need to show their photos?Comparisons should be available soon.

"Wow~ (No problem, I'm posing right now, sister, you can take pictures as you like.)" The big rhino nodded, then raised its head and raised its neck.

"Um, don't raise your big head so high and look at the camera. You don't need to do anything. You just need to cooperate well." Looking at the big chin that appeared on the screen of the phone, Hong'er said.

Why is this big rhino taking pictures like this?It's so weird, how could she find it with just a big chin, and what organization released it?
"Wow~ (Okay, okay.)" The big rhinoceros, who was looking up at the sky with his head up, quickly put his head down when he heard this.

This time, the other party's face finally appeared on the screen.Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, and directly took a photo and sent it to Commander Liu.

After asking for the photo of the big rhino, she believed that the other party would be able to find out the identity of the other party.

"What a big rhinoceros, it looks like a big city wall at a close distance."

"Yeah, yeah, look at his thigh, it's as thick as a big pillar, if it is stepped on, I'm afraid it will be over soon."

Just after Miss Hong'er sent the text message here.Mai and others came together.

While looking at the big rhino, they couldn't help sighing.Some of the brave ones even reached out to touch the big rhino, wanting to touch the opponent's skin is it rough?Or some other material.

"Wow~ (A lot of humans, are you all here to pick me up this time?)" Seeing so many people suddenly appearing beside him, the big rhino felt very happy, but he hadn't seen such a person for a long time. There are many people, are these people here to pick it up?
"If your identity is confirmed, they are here to pick you up." Sister Hong'er said with a smile. Even being touched like this by a stranger, the big rhino didn't have much reaction. It seems that the other party has a very good temper. .

"Wow~ (That's really great, so did you bring some delicious food? I haven't eaten delicious bread for a long time.)" The big rhino was even happier when he heard this. Shaking his head, he asked Miss Hong'er.

When it lives with human beings, the other party will give him delicious food every day.One of his favorite things is bread.

Until now, it can't forget the delicious taste.

"So you like to eat bread, so let me ask if anyone brings bread, okay?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said with a smile, so this little guy is also a glutton just like Xiaoju. , no wonder seeing her so excited, it looks like it must have been a long time since I ate bread, right?
"Wow~ (Okay, okay, sister, please help me to ask, I really want to die for big bread.)" Hearing this, he couldn't help saying happily, the other party quickly brought it big bread, it can Really want to eat.

"Got it, got it, look at how excited you are?" Sister Hong'er laughed, then walked up to Mai Mai: "I remember Mai Mai, you seem to have bread, don't you?"

"Yes? Sister Hong'er, do you want some bread?" Mai Mai, who was taking a photo with the big rhinoceros, asked, and took out a large oatmeal brown bread from her bag. This was the bread she specially prepared for this trip.

According to the boss who sells her bread, the bread is strong, not only can be used for self-defense, but also can be sat on to rest when tired.

The most important thing is that if she gets lost, this large piece of bread is enough for her to eat for a week, and she only needs to grind a little flour from the bread to cook a pot of porridge.

"Of course I didn't want to eat it, I gave it to this big guy." After looking at the bread that Mai took out, Hong'er couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

Is this bread?Those who didn't know it thought it was a big black stone covered with moss by the river.

"Oh? It turns out that this big rhino actually likes to eat bread. This is really rare." Hearing this, Maimai was surprised. This was the first time she had heard of a rhino that liked to eat bread.

By the way, how does this rhino eat bread in the wild?Could it be that there are savages out there doing it for it?
"It's rare in the wild, but if he is released artificially? It's not uncommon." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er smiled, took the bread and walked towards the big rhino: "Big rhino, have a taste." Taste it and see if you like the taste?"

"Wow~ (As long as it's bread, I like it no matter what it looks like.)" Looking at this big piece of black bread, the big rhino's eyes lit up instantly.

After confirming the smell, there is nothing wrong with the big black bread it likes.

"That's good, hurry up and eat it. Judging by your appearance, you probably haven't eaten it for a long time."

Sister Hong'er smiled and handed the bread to the big rhinoceros and said, the big rhinoceros saw it, and took a bite of the bread with one mouth and began to gnaw it.

What a delicious bread, it tastes exactly like the one it used to eat.finally!It can finally live with humans again, woohoo~ It always misses delicious bread.

"Aww~ (Isn't it just eating a piece of bread? As for being happy like this?)" Cheng Hao was a little speechless after seeing this scene, saying that this scene is really rare enough.

You can cry after eating a piece of bread. How hard is it for this big rhino to live in the forest?

"Is this bread so delicious? Why is it still suffering?"

"Yeah, does this bread have onions in it?"

After seeing this scene, the people who took the photo also raised questions.Both felt incomprehensible to each other's behavior.

The bread looked hard and dry, how could it make this big rhino cry?

"The reason why the big rhinoceros cries is because the taste of this bread reminds it of the time when it lived with humans." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile after hearing this.

"Oh? Isn't this big rhino wild?"

"Yeah, I thought it was a wild rhino, but I didn't expect it to be a free-ranging rhino."

Everyone who heard this was very surprised. How much feed does such a big rhino have to eat?No wonder it was sent out, it must have scared the zoo, right?
"Wow~ (Sister, do you have any delicious bread? I'm not full and need more bread.)" The big rhinoceros that ate up all the bread came up to Sister Hong'er and blinked loudly. asked the eye.

Just such a little bread, there is no way to fill its hungry stomach, so it wants more bread.

"No more, my sister has already given you the biggest bread. If you still want to eat it? You have to come back to the city with us." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er patted the big rhinoceros on the head and said, It is so big, it is not enough to eat ten breads of this size, it is estimated that hundreds of breads are needed to make it feel a little bit.

"Wow~ (Then let's go back quickly, sister.)" the big rhino urged after hearing the words, and began to rub his big head against sister Hong'er's arm again.

I hope the other party will take it away as soon as possible. It is going to eat a lot of bread.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be bread, I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Sister Hong'er pressed the big rhino's horn and said, "It's just not now, we will continue to play here for a while now, and wait until We'll go back when we're done playing."

"Wow~ (Really? Where do you guys want to go, sister? I am very familiar with this place. As long as you tell me, I can take you there.)" After hearing this, the big rhinoceros said immediately .

He is very familiar with this place, where do they want to go?Talk to it quickly, and when it's over, they can go quickly.

When the time is over, you can take it home with you.

"It depends on our tour guide's arrangement. Our itinerary is all according to him." Sister Hong'er pointed to the tour guide who was taking pictures.

"Wow~ (Really? Then let me chat with him.)" After hearing this, the big rhino walked up to the tour guide.He raised his huge head and looked at him.

"Um, Miss Breeder. What's wrong with it?" Looking at the big rhino staring at him, the tour guide expressed a little panic.Hastily asked sister Hong'er.Why is this big rhino staring at him?Doesn't he seem to have done nothing?
"It's nothing, it wants to take us to play. But I told it that we want to be with you, so it decided to talk to you about this matter." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile.

"Ah? The breeder didn't take you to cheat me like this. How could you tell him like this?" Upon hearing this, the tour guide said that he was almost numb. He said why this big guy kept staring at him It turned out to be the reason, he was so unlucky.

"Wow~ (I'm going to lead the way now, do you have any opinions? If you don't, I'll just take everyone away.)" Did the big rhino ignore what the other party said?He stared at the guide with wide eyes.

White mist spewed out of the nostrils, looking very unfriendly.

Seeing this scene, the tour guide's expression changed, and he quickly smiled and said, "Big Rhino, you can do whatever you want? Don't pay too much attention to my opinion, really."

"Actually, I am very happy that someone helped me."

"Wow, wow~ (Really? That's really great. Sister, did you hear that? He is willing to let me lead the way, let's go play quickly.)" After hearing this, the big rhinoceros was immediately happy, sister Hong'er Said, this is what the other party said is okay, so they hurried to play.

"Okay, okay, my sister knows, my sister will tell everyone first, so I can go play with you?" Sister Hong'er patted the happy big rhinoceros and said, what she can be sure of now is that this big rhinoceros The rhino has somewhat of Erha's genes, otherwise it wouldn't be so happy.

"Wow~ (Then sister, hurry up and tell everyone.)" said the big rhinoceros, and approached the wheat standing on the side.

It just remembered that its sister got the bread from the other party, maybe the other party still has bread.

"What do you think you are doing when you come close to me, big guy? Let me tell you, if you are like this, I will not be polite." Seeing the big rhino close to her bag, Mai Mai threatened.If the big rhino was so close, she would just start masturbating.

It was the first time for him to meet such a big rhino that leaned so close to him and wanted to interact with him. If this didn't push the other party out, how could it be worthy of the other party's being so close?

"Wow~ (I'm very good at what you want to do. Let me tell you, you'd better think about it before you do it.)" The big rhino who was sniffing the bag heard the words, and hurriedly ran to the side, watching It looks very ridiculous.

"Huh? How timid you are, a big rhinoceros?" He stretched out his hand to touch the empty wheat and said a little speechlessly.

How can such a big rhino be a mouse gall?She ran away before touching it.

"Want to play with the big rhino? Yes, yes. He must know a lot of interesting places living here."

"Yeah, with him leading the way? We don't have to worry about getting lost." Everyone who heard this said.

It's good to have a big rhino leading the way. First, you don't have to worry about getting lost, and second, you don't have to worry about being blocked by people on the road. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

"Since everyone agrees, then I'll go talk to the big rhinoceros?" Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

"Yeah, miss the breeder, you can go." Xiao Ran nodded.Sister Hong'er walked up to the big rhino and said, "Let's go, big rhino, everyone agrees, shall we go with you?"

"Wow~ (Really? That's really great. Sister, follow me quickly.)" said the big rhinoceros, and then ran towards the distance like a joy.

"Big rhino, don't run so fast. If you walk so fast? We won't be able to catch up." Mai Mai, who was about to touch the big rhino, groped again after feeling empty again.

The big rhino can't cooperate with her, let her touch it, why does it always run so fast?

"Wow~ (Can't catch up, let me slow down a little.)" The big rhinoceros trampled on the mud replied, and the speed became much slower.

Mai Mai, who was following behind, saw it, and immediately chased him dishonestly.He came to the head of the big rhino: "You are tall, big rhino, can you let me sit on your back and rest? I have walked for so long, and I am so tired now. If you can carry me on your back, I will feel better. a lot of."

"Wow~ (carrying you?)" The big rhino looked at the other party when he heard this, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The other party actually asked me to recite it. It doesn't sound like a very good idea.

"How about it? Big rhino, can you carry me on your back? If so, I will bring you a lot of delicious bread after I go out." Seeing the big rhino, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes showing a look of thought.

Wheat said while the iron was hot.

"Wow~ (Okay, okay, since you've said that, I'll just trust you for once.)" Hearing that the other party is willing to provide him with delicious food, the last thing in the big rhinoceros' heart The worries were completely gone, didn't he come out just to eat delicious food?Now that someone is willing to give, why not accept it?

Thinking of this, the big rhino stopped.

"Big Rhino, do you agree to carry me on your back? If you agree? But you can't go back and change your mind midway." Seeing this scene, Mai Mai was very happy, but her clothes still showed a warning: " Otherwise? I won't buy bread for you to eat."

"Wow~ (Don't worry, since I agreed, I won't go back on my word. Come up quickly, and just buy me some more bread." The big rhino lowered its head and slowly got down on the ground. Body, let the opponent come up quickly.

"Okay! Although I don't understand what you are talking about? But I agree with you by default." Xiaomai said with a smile, and stepped on the head of the big rhinoceros and climbed onto it.

"What are you doing, Mai? Hurry down and climb so high, be careful that you will fall later and break your butt into more than 800 petals."

"Yeah, although this big rhino has a good temper, you can't step on his head like this. Be careful that he gets angry."

After seeing this scene, the people who followed behind couldn't help persuading.

The other party was so skinny, he actually stepped on the big rhinoceros's head and climbed onto the other party's body. If he fell off the top and was stepped on, wouldn't he die on the spot?
"Don't worry, this big rhino has a gentle personality, and nothing will happen, so you can rest assured." Sitting on the big rhino's tall back, Mai Mai adjusted his posture and said to everyone: "And I and The big rhino has negotiated the price, as long as he takes me away honestly, I will buy him bread when the time comes."

"You girl really know how to talk about business, you actually talk about this kind of business with the big rhinoceros."

After hearing this, Sister Li couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said.

"Of course, he wants something to eat and I don't want to walk. Don't we all agree?" Mai Mai said after hearing this, looking at the walking crowd and saying, "Just walk slowly this way. Ah, I won't invite you to come up, if you want to come up, you have to find a way by yourself."

"Well, you really only care about yourself." Everyone who heard this shook their heads and said, but they didn't intend to go up and talk.

Sitting so high, it would be terrible if they fell, and they didn't want to die young.

"Aww~ (It's really spineless to sit for others just for a little bread. As a tiger, I despise his behavior.)"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao curled his lips and said, how can there be such a shameless guy?For a little bread to eat, people actually grow up so big by sitting like this.

"So you little villain, what face do you have to say that he neither steals nor robs, and eats on his own, and it doesn't hinder you, and you little villain, you don't think you can be better than him Let's go?" Sister Hong'er at the side heard Cheng Hao's words, knocked his head angrily and said, "And don't you, a little villain, do this kind of thing often? You still have the face to say that he is coming." ?”

"Aww~ (Nonsense, this is nothing at all, how could I do such a thing?)" Cheng Hao retorted when he heard this.

"Then can you explain to my sister what's going on with your behavior of letting people touch you, little villain?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and asked.This little villain still dares to call a big rhinoceros, isn't he himself similar?
"Aww~ (I did it to take care of Huyuan's business and make Huyuan great again. How could this situation be the same?)" If Huyuan didn't have his hard-working employee, it would have died more than 800 times up.

Can sister Hong'er compare herself with the other party?He is doing it for everyone's benefit, what if Huyuan goes bankrupt?It is also unknown how many breeders will lose their jobs.

"Why is it different? You little rascal, stop laughing at half a hundred steps, and obediently go and do your job well." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's head angrily and said.

"Aww~ (Isn't my current job just to hang out with you?)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, what else could he do?Isn't it just here to accompany a group of them to wander around?
"Then have a good time shopping, don't talk too much about nothing. Be careful, sister treats you to eat big chestnuts." Sister Hong'er said, and then walked up to catch up.

"Aww~ (Are you on my sister's side? Or the big rhinoceros on your side? Why do I feel that my sister is always facing him?)" Cheng Hao muttered when he heard this, and just wanted to move on Walking, suddenly the eyeballs rolled away.

How does the smell in the air smell so sweet?It seems that there are hardworking bees nearby.

That relationship is good, and it just so happens that he is tired from walking.You can properly replenish your energy and let him take a look, where are these little bees?

"Little villain, what are you dawdling around in place? Hurry up and catch up, don't think about being lazy behind."

"You are so old now, even if you stay behind, my sister can't possibly be able to hug you." Sister Hong'er, who was walking in front, realized that Cheng Hao hadn't followed, she paused and shouted towards him.

What is this little rascal hiding behind?What fun is there in the back?Hurry up and catch up.

"Aww~ (I said sister, we've been walking for so long, shouldn't we also find a place to stop for a meal and rest?)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao followed up and said.

"Take a break? It's really time to stop at this point." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er took out her mobile phone to check the time, and found that it's getting late now, it's past one o'clock.Then he said to everyone: "Everyone stop and have a rest, it's getting late now, let's find a place to have dinner and talk about it."

"Okay, okay, after walking for so long, we haven't stopped to rest much yet."

"That's right, there is a stream in front of it, it looks very nice, let's go and have a sit." Xiao Ran and the others said after hearing this, and they didn't want to continue walking in this sweltering jungle.

"Then let's go and sit down, Xiaomai, you and the big rhino stop, don't run any longer." Sister Hong'er heard the words, and shouted at the big rhino running ahead.

"Okay, big rhino. Let's stop." Mai Mai, who was sitting on the big rhino, said, and patted the back of the big rhino.

"Ah wow~ (If you stop? Does that mean I have food too.)" Hearing this, the big rhino immediately stopped the car under its feet. Since it was a meal, he must have a share.

I don't know what delicious food everyone will prepare for him?This made the big rhino look forward to it.

"Little rascal, didn't you say you want to rest? Come and sit down quickly, sister will bring you some meat to eat." Sister Hong'er found a rock and sat down, then shouted to Cheng Hao who was standing beside her.

This little villain has been clamoring for a rest, why did he stop now and wander around?

"Aww~ (Sister, help me take out the meat first, I have something to do now, I have to go out, and I'll be back soon.)" Cheng Hao looked around and said.

There is no mistake, this sweet smell is nearby, there must be bees nesting nearby, he has to visit these little bees.By the way, pack some souvenirs and come back.

"You little villain, do you have something to go out? That's really weird, you little villain, do you have something to go out?" Sister Hong'er, who asked robot [-] to put down the box, asked curiously.

"Aww~ (Of course there are some private matters that need to be resolved, sister, do you want to come with me?)" Cheng Hao, who said this, looked at Sister Hong'er and asked.

"Forget it then, you little villain, go and come back quickly, my sister doesn't want to stand guard for you." Sister Hong'er heard what she said, and seemed to have guessed something?Hastily shook his head.

"Aww~ (Then I'll go first.)" Cheng Hao said, and ran towards the forest.The creek water that I stepped on made a "squeaky" sound.

"Sister Hong'er, where is this little villain Xiaoju going?" Li Hua asked curiously after seeing this scene.

It's almost time to eat, why is this little villain running around without stopping?

"You said that little rascal, that little rascal went to the bathroom and will be back later." Sister Hong'er, who was opening the box to take out the meat to defrost, explained.

"Oh, I said why did he leave in such a hurry? So he was going to go to the toilet." Hearing this, Li Hua said suddenly, and didn't pay any attention to it.

"Aww~ (There's nothing wrong with it, I can already smell the smell of honey above this place.)" After Cheng Hao came to a big tree and sniffed it, his eyes lit up involuntarily.

Delicious honey is here, the breeder sister is waiting to eat honey.

"dong dong"

Pulling the big tree with his paws, Cheng Hao slowly climbed up. This big tree is more than [-] meters high and it is also an evolutionary plant, but at present he is not interested in the other party. He only has honey in his eyes. The tree didn't want to fight him either.

(End of this chapter)

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