Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 210 Go!It's up to you, Archdruid

Chapter 210 Go!It's up to you, Archdruid

"Little villain, please shut your mouth obediently, that is to say, they don't understand what you are saying. If they do, they will definitely be pissed off by you." Sister Hong'er knocked on Cheng Hao's phone after hearing this. said the big head.

What is honesty?Xiaoju is called honesty.

As the saying goes, slapping people doesn't slap people in the face, Xiaoju immediately pointed it out after others finished speaking, just like standing in front of others and slapping someone, fortunately they didn't understand.

"Aww~ (It doesn't matter, I will run away.)" Cheng Hao shrugged and said, saying that they understand what they understand, and he doesn't panic at all.

Running alone is a good hand, and these people want to catch up with themselves?Do not joke.

"You still deserve a beating." Sister Hong'er said unhappily, patted Cheng Hao's big buttocks and said, "Stand up obediently, and don't run around. Otherwise, sister won't find you in here of."

"Ooooh~ (Don't worry, it's the same when I'm looking for my sister.)" Cheng Hao got up and looked around and said, it's a big forest.I don't know where the tree king is here?
It's been a long time since he cleaned up the tree kings, and he also misses them a little.



Just as Cheng Hao was thinking this way, there was movement in the surrounding trees again.

A yellow figure emerged from the emerald green forest.When I looked closely, I found that this yellow figure had small spots on its body.

"Xiaoju, look at the leopard on the tree." Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene, she looked at the leopard with a strange look in her eyes, it was the first time she saw a wild leopard outside What about leopards?

The opponent looks small and full of explosive beauty, completely different from Xiaoju.It can be said to be a shrunken version of Tiger Mini.

"Aww~ (I see, it's still being hugged by a mother.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard the words, sniffed his nose and said, "And it's an evolutionary creature, and it looks pretty healthy. What's the matter, sister, do you want to play with it? Then I can help catch it."

"What are you thinking? You little villain. My sister never said she would catch him, she just let you take a look." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao on the head angrily and said, "Sister is I hope you can become as thin as him one day."

"Aww~ (I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, I can't become so thin. But we can make it grow to be as fat as me from another angle.)" Cheng Hao said, what if he becomes as thin as the other party Live?

It's better for my sister to spare him, he is so skinny, if he falls from a tree, he will either die or be injured.

Only those who are full like him can survive in the face of danger.

"Aw~ow~ (Who are you? Why do you want to break into my territory?)" Just as Cheng Hao finished speaking, the leopard on the branch changed into a few jumps, fell from the tree, and appeared in front of the two of them.

As the owner of this territory, all the prey here belong to it. It doesn't know what the fat guy in front of him is doing here?
Could it be that the other party wants to challenge its position and snatch its territory?

"We're here to play, and we're not trying to be your enemy. Don't be so nervous, little leopard, we won't do anything." Sister Hong'er greeted her with a smile when she heard this, what a cute little leopard Leopard.

Looking at such a close distance, you can see the opponent's appearance more clearly than when there are a lot of people below.

This leopard is even more beautiful than it looks from below.

"Aw~ow (Is that so? Since you're just careless, I won't bother with you, but you'd better leave as soon as possible, this place is not for you to come to.)" Leopard who heard this sized up Hong'er Sister, after a little thought in her eyes, she opened her mouth and said.

The feeling of this person in front of him is very strange, it feels like seeing his mother, but he can be sure that the other party is not his mother.

"No problem, we will leave as soon as possible, but before that, I still need to disturb you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, squatting down, took out a bag of chicken jerky from her pocket, opened it, and grabbed a handful of meat from it. Put the jerky on the ground: "Little Leopard, would you like to try chicken jerky? You probably haven't eaten anything like this before, and it won't do you any harm if you try it."

"Aww~ (Wait a minute, sister, you seem to be holding my food, right?)" Cheng Hao, who was standing beside him as the captain of the security guard, said after seeing it.

Elder sister took her own lunch to seduce other kittens, how about this, it will be fine even if the other cat is hungry for a few days, okay?

On the contrary, if he does not get something to supplement, he will soon be starved and thin.

"What do you call your meal? This is what my sister prepared for the small animals on the road. Your food is stored in a box on the body of robot No. [-]." Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard the words.

This little villain is really a food protector. He only caught a handful. Is it necessary to be so excited?Those who didn't know thought she gave all the chicken jerky.

"Aww~ (Then this is mine too.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this, his eyes widened involuntarily.

He had just seen that Miss Hong'er wanted to give him jerky, okay, but when this guy got close to him, everything changed.

"Aw~ow~ (It turns out this is this guy's food, so I'm interested now.)" Leopard, who was not very interested at first, changed his expression immediately when he heard that the food he ate was someone else's. It's different.

After all, things are naturally more delicious if they are owned by others.

"Aww~ (little cat, you'd better not play with fire, you know? I'm not something you can afford.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Does the fledgling kitten actually want to provoke him?Does the other party know what the consequences are?

"Aw~ow~ (I'm going to provoke you, a big fat cat, what can you do? Don't think that being fat is useful, strength is the last word.)" Hearing this, the leopard licked his own flesh Pad.

How dare a big round ball say this to him, the other party probably can't even climb a tree?
"Aww~ (Really? Then you little cat, you have to be careful, I happen to have the strength.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but look dangerous, the nasty little guy dared to provoke him?The other party probably doesn't know how powerful she is.

"Aw~ow~ (You can't say your own strength, you have to get the approval of other animals.)" Hearing this, Leopard opened his mouth not to be outdone.

"Aww~ (Then you'll know soon.)" Cheng Hao said, he couldn't help lying down slowly, ready to rush out at any time.

"Okay, okay, both of you are cats and leopards, why don't you get along with each other if you have nothing to do?" Sister Hong'er saw the tense atmosphere, and immediately opened her mouth to adjust the atmosphere: "Sit down and eat obediently, okay?" Okay? Don't be so excited."

As he said that, he grabbed another handful of dried chicken from the bag and placed it in front of Cheng Hao to comfort him. Hurry up and eat obediently, and stop talking.

Xiaoju has such a big body, what's the point of having trouble with a little leopard?Isn't this a proper way to bully each other?
"Gu Gu Gu Gu~ (It's just the two of you who can't be quieter?)" The golden pheasant standing on Sister Hong'er's shoulder expressed that he was a little panicked now, what should he do?These two guys are so threatening, it can feel that the feathers all over its body are about to stand up in fright.

Once the two of them start a war, it thinks that it is likely that it will be unlucky first.

"Look, there is a leopard here."

"Yes, she is so cute and beautiful."

"Yeah, that's the beauty of wild animals, it's amazing."

Just when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, everyone who heard the movement here turned their heads, and after seeing this scene, they couldn't help saying happily.Immediately took out his phone to take a picture of the other party.

Wild leopard is such a rare animal, they are so lucky to see it now.

We must quickly record the beautiful moments of this moment.

"Aw~ow~ (You're lucky, I don't want to see you too much today.)" Leopard, who noticed the movement here, turned his head to see this scene, and his expression changed slightly.

He bit the dried chicken on the ground, jumped onto the branch, and disappeared into the bushes.

Although it is very powerful, the things carried by these two-legged beasts are also very dangerous. If it is not necessary, it does not want to be with these humans. If the legs and hands are injured, it will be fatal to it.

"Ah? Beautiful leopard, don't run away, take a few photos for us before we talk."

"Yes, beautiful leopard, come back quickly, don't run away, we are not bad people." The people who had just taken a few photos shouted after seeing the leopard disappearing in the forest.

Hope that the other party can come back amidst their calling.

"Aww~ (You speak so beautifully, but you're just a coward. I thought it was very powerful, but it turns out that you can only wear it like a mouse.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help but be contemptuous.

In other words, someone blocked it, otherwise?This guy has been packed into more than 800 petals.

Do you know who you are?If you dare to provoke him, don't think that hiding in a tree will be useful, even if it hides in grandpa's house, it may not be useful.

"Okay, okay, you little villain, stop talking so much, the matter is almost over here, don't make trouble anymore." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's mouth and said, then took out a piece of chicken Fuck, stuff it in his mouth.

This little villain's mouth is really broken, I hope something to eat can stop his chattering mouth.

"Aww Kaka~ (It's not too bad, for the sake of eating, I'm reluctant to bother with it.)" Chewing the jerky, Cheng Hao said.

This chicken jerky tastes really good, as expected it was specially prepared for him.

Sure enough, it was more suitable for a young tiger like him who was still growing.

"Yeah, that's right." Sister Hong'er smiled, then stood up and led Cheng Hao forward.

"Aw~ow~ (Humans? What an interesting character, we won't end like this, we will meet again.)" The leopard in the forest looked at the back of the group of people going away, and then got into the forest. The branches on the tree made a "rustling" sound after being grazed by its body.

"There are so many kinds of animals in this forest. I don't know what other animals we can meet in front of us?"

"Yes, my jungle is really looking forward to it more and more."

Everyone walking in the forest looked around, feeling that some other novel animal jogged out in the next second.

Maybe it's a beautiful rabbit or a rare animal.

"I think you may not like the animals we will meet next." The tour guide who was born looked at the black object in front of him and said to the excited crowd.

"Huh? Why is that? The animals we have encountered so far are quite docile, so the situation you mentioned won't happen."

"Yeah, any new questions?"

The people who heard this asked, looking around, and found nothing wrong.

"If I'm not mistaken, what the tour guide said is that we will encounter elephants soon?" After seeing the squatting tour guide, sister Hong'er also leaned up and said.

There's nothing wrong with this thing, it's elephant dung.

It means that this place is the territory of elephants. If they bump into an elephant with a cub, or an elephant with a bad temper, they will be in trouble.

"Well, this area is the territory of elephants. Generally speaking, they don't come so far, but our luck seems to be not very good today." The tour guide nodded, looked around worriedly and said: "Basically all the elephant herds in this area are evolutionary animals, and their strength is so terrifying that they can crush a bulldozer into scrap iron with one kick."

"If you charge in one direction, you can directly open a path in the dense jungle. The most important thing is that there is more than one elephant with this strength."

"Then what should we do now? If Mr. Tour Guide really can't do it, let's go back. I suddenly feel that this place is not so fun anymore."

"Yes, I still prefer the parks in the city." Hearing this, everyone expressed panic, and suddenly felt that the soup was not turned off at home, or that it was going to rain and they had to go back to collect their clothes.

After all, being bumped by a herd of elephants is not a fun thing. Those who are lucky will break their arms and legs, and those who are unlucky will have to see each other in the next life.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. The situation has not reached such a dangerous point. Maybe we are on the edge now, and we are not close to the elephant herd, or the elephant herd has already left." After looking around, the tour guide said to everyone.

There was no movement around them, which meant that there must be no elephants near them.

"That's right, you don't have to worry too much, even if there are elephants? We can solve them here."

"Yes, these elephants are not as scary as you think."

The team members nodded and said, the stun guns in their hands are not vegetarians.

Just give those elephants a shot, and these elephants will understand how powerful they are.

"I suggest that you better not use the stun gun. Animals will get angry when they feel pain, and the effect of you will only be counterproductive."

"The best way should be to evacuate slowly after discovering the elephant herd. Don't make them feel that we are in danger." The tour guide looked at the team members and said, although the stun gun developed by the department is powerful enough to bring down an elephant , but how strong are these evolved elephants against electric shocks?No one can tell for sure, if someone is not careful, there will be someone to play with.

"It's okay, it's really not. Don't we still have Sister Hong'er? As long as Sister Hong'er comes out, these guys will definitely be obedient." Hearing this, Mai Mai immediately walked to Sister Hong'er.Push the opponent out, isn't it just a group of elephants, what's there to be afraid of, there is a big Rudruid on their side.

"Yes, yes, with Hong'er's ability, these elephants will be very obedient as long as you wave your hand." Li Hua nodded in agreement.

Isn't it just a herd of elephants?As long as Sister Hong'er reaches out her hand, these guys will behave like obedient puppies.

"Don't flatter me, okay? I haven't offended you, have I?" Sister Hong'er said with a wry smile when she heard this.

Although she does have an affinity for animals, it's not as outrageous as the other party said.

"Where are we touting, we are telling the truth."

"Yes, Sister Hong'er. You must not misunderstand like this." The two who heard this said one after another, they had seen each other's strength with their own eyes.

So how could what they said be regarded as flattery?
"But you guys think too much of me. I just have a little affinity for animals. It's not as outrageous as you say." Sister Hong'er said weakly.

If they really regard themselves as life-saving straws, then they are not far from death.

"Aww~ (Sister, you don't have to worry, don't you still have me? It's no surprise that I'm here.)" Cheng Hao, who was on the side, patted Sister Hong's hand and said.

Sister, don't be so afraid, isn't he still here?It's just a small group of elephants, he can hit the opponent with a big slap and can't find the north.

"Sister knows you are still there, but you can't make fun of everyone's danger." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's head on hearing this, telling him not to join in the fun, then looked at the crowd and said: "I suggest that you should be careful when you encounter elephants It’s good, don’t worry about danger and hope, and I can’t fathom some animals.”

"That's right, what the breeder lady said makes sense, we'd better keep awe in front of the crowd."

"If you find a herd of elephants later, don't panic, let alone act aggressively. Just follow my arrangement." The tour guide said, looking around.Then he stepped forward and went to inquire about the situation on the road ahead.

"Then Mr. Tour Guide, you have to brighten your eyes."

"That's right, if you see an elephant, you must tell us." The crowd said after listening, and followed with some drumming in their hearts.

If they couldn't go back by themselves, they would all want to run away now.

"Aww~ (The surroundings seem quite peaceful, we should not encounter those elephants.)" Cheng Hao, who was following Sister Hong'er, looked around and spoke.

He didn't see any elephants around. These elephants should have gone to sleep somewhere.

"Really? Then sister can rest assured." Sister Hong'er couldn't help saying with a sigh of relief when she heard the words.Finally, I feel that the whole person is much more relaxed.

Since Xiaoju said something that was not around, it must be impossible for the surroundings to appear.

"Aww~ (I think sister, you are too happy. I said that there is no elephant here, but I didn't say that there is nothing else around.)" Looking at the figure rubbing against the tree in the distance, Cheng Hao opened the mouth.

"So, you little villain, did you see anything? Can you tell my sister about it, so I don't need to keep it a secret anymore." Sister Hong'er asked.

When did this little villain learn how to play tricks?

"Aww~ (It's not a big animal, it's just a little rhinoceros. He's leaning against a big tree and scratching it there.)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and pointed in one direction.

How happy is that little rhino?Rubbing against the whole tree wobbled.It seems that the bark of that tree should be very thick, otherwise, the other party would not show such comfortable affection.

"A little rhinoceros? Are you sure he's very young?" Hong'er sister was very suspicious when she heard this. If Xiaoju said that she really believed the little rhinoceros, she would be stupid.

"Anyway, I don't think it's very big." Cheng Hao looked at the rhinoceros that was being twisted and hugged and said.

"So how old is he? Can you tell my sister about it?" Sister Hong'er asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Xiaoju don't tell her about the little rhino, but tell her how big this rhino is, right?
"Aww~ (It's not that big, it's just a head smaller than the commercial car we often ride in.)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and gestured for a while before saying.

"Is this still a small rhinoceros? This is a super big rhinoceros, okay?" Sister Hong'er heard the words and said with black lines all over her head.Does Xiaoju know how big the car they usually ride in is?It was a commercial vehicle nearly eight meters long.

Where is the rhino that is smaller than that car?Anyway, she didn't see it.

"Aww~ (Anyway, it's a little rhinoceros to me, but it may be a little bigger for you sisters.)" Cheng Hao said, then looked again and said, "Aww~ (By the way, my sister forgot to talk to me.) Tell me, this little rhino has finished rubbing the itch now, and seems to have heard our voices.)”

"The little villain won't tell me. It's already coming towards us, right?" Sister Hong'er immediately became nervous when she heard this.

"Aww~ (That's right, sister, you are so smart that you can even guess this kind of thing correctly? He is coming to us now, and you can hear the sound of him breaking a branch soon.)" Cheng Hao He nodded his head and said, showing a look of "Sister, you are so smart and powerful."

"What's the use of my sister being powerful? No matter how powerful my sister is, how can I not be hammered?" Sister Hong'er said weakly when she heard the words, and hurriedly shouted to the people walking in front: "Everyone, be careful, there is a big rhinoceros in front of you!" It's coming towards us, if we just walk over like this? We will hit him directly in the face."

"What? A big rhinoceros?"

"Really...really? Where is it? Is it close to us? Should we run quickly?"

The faces of the people walking through the forest immediately changed when they heard the words.

If you don't meet an elephant in this kind of place, but if you meet a big rhinoceros, your luck will not be so good. The attack power of a rhinoceros is not lower than that of an elephant.

If they topped a rhino, they could enjoy a savage charge next.

"I think it may be too late." The tour guide who stopped looked ahead, his expression turned ugly in an instant.

Is this horse a rhino?If you tell him about this super-large armored vehicle, he will believe it. When did this horrible thing appear here again?

Obviously, this place has always been the territory of elephants.

"Yes, it's really too late. Why is there such a big rhinoceros here?" Zi Shi said weakly, and looked at Chou Shi who was standing beside him. With his big head, he felt that Lao Niu was not as strong as him. Do you have thick legs?
"Maybe it's because it's hotter here. Isn't there a saying? The hotter it is, the more it expands." Chou Shi said weakly, staring at the big rhino and swallowing subconsciously. Can they beat monsters?

"I said, Lao Niu, do you think you are very funny and humorous, is this the time for being so funny and humorous?"

Li Hua said very speechlessly, what time is this, and the other party is still joking with her here.

"Haha, didn't I want to adjust the atmosphere so that everyone wouldn't be so nervous?" Chou Shi said, clenching his fists involuntarily.

Of course, he didn't want to punch the opponent, he was always on guard.

"Mr. Tour Guide, should we run away now? Or should we run away?" Sister Li asked, holding the other party's arm firmly.

It's just that the whole person hangs on the other party.

"Madam, please don't be nervous. The situation has not reached such a dangerous point. And if we run away now, if he catches up directly, it will be troublesome. No one can guarantee what will happen by then. Yes." The tour guide who was firmly grasped said helplessly, can the other party stop being so excited?He just hangs on himself like this, there is no way to do it, is there still no way?

"Everyone, don't move around. Rhinos have very poor eyesight. Their hearing and sense of smell are relatively sharp."

Miss Hong'er whispered to everyone, and everyone who was about to run away immediately stopped after hearing this.

What if he was killed while walking?Then they are really wronged.

"Sister Hong'er, why don't you go and talk to this big rhinoceros, I don't know what it's doing, it looks like it's quite talkative." Mai Mai, who remained still, said .

This big rhino has stood here stupidly for so long, and doesn't know what it wants to do?
If the other party doesn't move until tomorrow, don't they have to move until tomorrow?

"Yes, sister Hong'er. You are so powerful, go talk to this little rhinoceros and see if it can walk away?" Li Hua on the side also said.

It's not a good thing for such a big rhino to stand in front of them.

"Then I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee success." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

She has never had much contact with rhinos, so she is not very clear about their personalities.

"It doesn't matter, as long as sister Hong'er is willing to try."

"That's right, if this big rhino really doesn't want to leave? Then there's nothing I can do about it." Everyone said, looking at Sister Hong'er with hope in their eyes.

Sister Hong'er sighed when she saw it, and walked towards the big rhinoceros.

After Cheng Hao saw it, he immediately followed with small steps.Just in case there's something wrong with this big rhino?I might as well wake him up in time.

"Do you think Miss Breeder can succeed?" asked the makeup artist who saw this scene.

"It's hard to say, if she is willing to try? At least it's better than doing nothing." The hair stylist said.

"That's true." Several people nodded after hearing this, and looked over there.

"Hi, big rhino, you are so handsome, can you make way for us, you are sitting here, a little blocking the place we are going." Sister Hong'er slowly approached the big rhino and found The other party didn't respond, so in order to prevent it from attacking him suddenly, he yelled first.

"Wow~Wow~(Well, who is calling me?)"

After hearing the sound, the dazed big rhino came back to his senses in an instant, and looked around helplessly.

He is in a daze, why did someone call him?This is how the same thing?

"I'm calling you, Big Rhino, can't you see me?" Sister Hong'er, who was standing in front of the other party, asked weakly. She said that the rhino was really blind, so she stood on the other side. In front of her, why can't the other party see her?
"Wow~ (Who are you, why did you suddenly appear in front of me? What do you want to do? Don't get close to me, I'm very good.)" Seeing the big rhinoceros waving at him, he was frightened As soon as he jumped, he immediately jumped to the back.

Why do humans appear here?It's simply too scary, it obviously remembers that it didn't have anything just now.

"This rhino seems to be a bit unintelligent."

"Yeah, he looked like that just now. If I'm not mistaken, he was taken aback by the breeder lady?"

"That's right, I was taken aback. Let me correct you."

Everyone who saw this scene expressed that they were a little surprised.

There is no one who can be startled by such a big rhinoceros. I have to say that the opponent's courage is indeed too small.

"Don't be so nervous. I didn't mean to hurt you. I approached you just to say hello to you. There is no other meaning." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this. To the great rhino.

The big rhino felt that the whole cow had relaxed a lot, and after taking two tentative steps forward, he said to Sister Hong'er, "Wow~ (Then are you here to pick me up? I'm already living here It’s been a long time, I don’t like living here, I want to go where humans live.)”

"Huh? Why do you want to come to a place where humans live?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she heard this. Did the rhino tell him that he didn't want to stay in the forest, but wanted a place where humans lived?No matter how you hear it, it feels a little strange.

"Wow~ (Because I used to live with human beings, but I don't know why I was sent here? Obviously I didn't do anything wrong, and I always did what they wanted.)" Big Said the rhinoceros, poked his head and approached Miss Hong'er.

To Sister Hong'er, it doesn't look like a rhinoceros, but a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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