Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 209 The forest is big, it really has everything

Chapter 209 The forest is big, it really has everything

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I won't eat it for now. But if it hits my mouth by itself, it's none of my business.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing sister Hong'er's threat, didn't he just refuse to eat it?no problem.

But what if it was the stupid big bird who ran into him?Then don't care about him.

"What are you kidding, little rascal? He was full and had nothing to do, so he bumped into you. Is there something wrong with him?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, stood beside Cheng Hao, and grabbed his back directly. neck.

"Aww~ (I said my sister doesn't need this, right? Why are you catching me?)" Feeling the strength from his neck, Cheng Hao turned his head and asked weakly.

Can there be a little trust between people? Why doesn't the other party trust you?
"Of course it's to prevent you, a little villain, from doing anything. You don't think that sister doesn't know what you're thinking, right? You must be thinking of some bad idea." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

What does it mean that this bird is sent to his mouth, and he doesn't care about his affairs. She has not forgotten this little villain, but he can suck things over.

If you use the ability for this little villain, wouldn't the bird be the same as flying to his mouth?

"Aww~ (Sister, guess what I'm thinking now?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing the words.

"Big sister knows that you must have itchy skin right now." Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this.

"Aww~ (No, no, I just took a shower yesterday, and I don't feel itchy at all now.)" Cheng Hao shook his head when he heard this, and ran away with his tail curled up with sister Hong'er.

"Little villain, quickly let my sister down, where do you want to take my sister? You little villain." Sister Hong'er who landed on Cheng Hao asked.

"Aww~ (Of course I went to pick fruit.)" Cheng Hao said, looking at the fruit hanging on the branch.

Unexpectedly, there are wild fruits on the mountain at this time. It is so rare, so I just went to pick one and eat it.

"You little scoundrel, you don't know anything else, but you eat very diligently." Sister Hong'er scolded angrily when she heard the words.

"Aww~ (Of course, if you don't eat actively, you have a brain problem.)" Cheng Hao said, and stopped in front of a bayberry tree.

Seeing this, Sister Hong'er got up from Cheng Hao's back.He stretched out his hand and pulled the branch and said, "You little rascal, are you sure you want to eat it? This red bayberry is so small that it doesn't have much flesh."

"And it looks very sour, it will make your big teeth sour."

These red bayberries have big cores and little flesh, and they look very young.Even if there is a red one next to it, looking at the gnawing marks on it, you know that it has been patronized by other animals long ago.

If this little villain really ate it, it would really make his front teeth sore.

"Aww~ (It's okay, if it's really bad? I won't eat it. Let's try it first.)" Cheng Hao said.

This is the mule or the horse coming out for a walk. If this thing is really bad, it’s fine if you don’t eat it then?

"Okay, since you, a little rascal, want to eat it, my sister will pick it for you." Sister Hong'er sighed, then picked a bayberry from the tree and stuffed it into Cheng Hao's mouth.

Cheng Hao, who felt something entered his mouth, started to chew subconsciously, but then his whole face became painful.

"Aww~(sour~咖咖~)" Cheng Hao vomited the things in his mouth frantically while talking, it really made him so sour, how could there be such unpalatable things?

"How is it? Is it delicious? You little rascal, I told you it's unpalatable, but you just didn't listen." Sister Hong'er couldn't help covering her mouth with a light smile when she saw it.

"Aww~ (Who knew the temperature here is so high, these things are not cooked yet?)" Cheng Hao said with his tongue out, turned and left.

This red bayberry is really unpalatable, he can't take it anymore.

Even though it's this month now, these things are still so unpalatable.

"Of course, do you really think that things in the wild are so delicious?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, and stretched out her hand to pat Cheng Hao's bulging back.

"Aww~ (I won't eat it next time. It's not as good as the mushrooms on the ground. I'll go find mushrooms to eat next time.)" Cheng Hao chewed the grass and rinsed his mouth, and a voice came from his ear:

"Googoogoo~ (Look here, look at me, and bless my beauty, I am a beautiful golden pheasant.)"

In the forest, the golden pheasant held its head high and strode forward to show its beauty to everyone.

In its view, it is the whole world, no!The most beautiful golden pheasant in the world.

"Aww~ (It's really beautiful, especially when you serve my table, you will bloom your most beautiful moment.)" Cheng Hao licked his lips and said, look at how powerful the thighs of this little chubby chicken are , and look at its big wings that are no more than ordinary chickens.It's definitely sizzling and oily in one bite.

"Did you forget what my sister said, you little villain? Don't do anything to it." Sister Hong'er heard the words, knocked Cheng Hao's head and said.

After this little villain found out that the red bayberry was not tasty.Eyeing this chick again.

"Aww~ (Aren't I just talking? I didn't do anything to him.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

He just thinks about it, isn't it enough to think about it?

"That's not allowed, you little villain, let me go quickly." Sister Hong'er said, pushing Cheng Hao and walking towards the side.By the way, he shouted to everyone who was still watching: "Okay, everyone, stop watching, let's move on."

"Okay, we'll be right there."

The people who heard this replied, and walked forward slowly while taking pictures.

After a short time, he left here.

"Googoogoo~ (Don't go away, come back quickly and continue to watch me, why run away if you have nothing to do?)" Seeing this scene, the golden pheasant immediately gave up, flapping its wings and chasing after it.

How can a golden pheasant as beautiful as his be unappreciated?No, these people had to stop and admire his beauty.

"Aww~ (Sister, look at that big stupid chicken is here again, he must have come to give me warmth, please let me go, I will help this little stupid chicken.)" Seeing This golden pheasant flew on top of them, Cheng Hao said.

As soon as he saw it, he knew that this golden pheasant wanted to enter his stomach very much, sister Hong'er let him go quickly, he was going to fulfill this little chick right now.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Leave it to my sister to be honest." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said angrily, and walked towards the golden pheasant that was chasing up: "Little golden pheasant, hurry back and stop wandering around. , otherwise? The one next to me will not spare you. "

"Googoogoo~ (Isn't it just a big stupid tiger? What is there to be afraid of? He can't catch up with me, what can he do with me?)" After hearing this, the golden pheasant flew over with fluttering wings, Disdainfully opened the mouth and said, in his opinion, the other party is nothing more than a collapsed dog, as long as he can't touch him?It can't pose any threat to him.

"You little chicken is really arrogant, then if you get caught later, don't cry." Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard this. How dare this arrogant little chicken That being said, he will definitely suffer later.

"Googoogoo~ (Then let him come, I want to see what they can do?)" The golden pheasant that fell on the branch disdainfully, with a proud look on its face.With head held high, You called out again.

"Aww~ (I said sister, I can eat this guy, right? He doesn't seem very smart. Instead of taking advantage of others, I think it's not cheap for me.)" Cheng Hao asked beside him.

The other party heard it. It was this guy who provoked him first, so it is only natural for him to eat the other party.

"Even if it's like this, you can't eat it." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and said.

This kind of beautiful golden pheasant is rare, if Xiaoju eats it, won't it become extinct?

"Ow~ (Okay, okay, I won't eat him and let this idiot eat it for others.)" Cheng Hao, whose ears were pinched, muttered.

Such a stupid chicken must be eaten, and I don't know which animal is cheaper.

"That's more or less the same." Sister Hong'er said, she didn't care about this talkative golden pheasant anymore.

"Googoogoo~ (Don't go, where do you want to go? You haven't praised me for being so beautiful.)" Seeing the golden pheasant leaving one by one and one tiger, they immediately chased after them with flapping wings. Did you leave without praising it?

He is so beautiful, he is unique in the forest, how can these two guys ignore his beauty?

"Okay, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, you go back quickly, don't chase after me, you know?" Sister Hong'er said helplessly after hearing the voice, what this stupid bird and Xiaoju really said Same, some people don't look very smart.

That is to say, if they don't want to pay attention to it, otherwise, if they meet those harmful people, it will be finished.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu~ (What you said is very perfunctory, don't think I didn't catch it. You must have not seen my beauty, right?)" Hearing this, the golden pheasant said, expressing that he was not so easily dismissed of.

The other party has insulted him a bit by saying that. He must let these people know how beautiful he is?

"So what do you little stupid chicken want to do? Do you know that your appearance is dangerous?" Sister Hong'er grabbed the golden pheasant that flew down and said, reaching out her hand and knocking on his head.

What the hell is this stupid little chicken trying to do?If you're full and have nothing to do, you don't want to live with them, do you?
"Googoo~ (Beauty is eternal. As for life, I have already put it aside.)" Hearing this, the golden pheasant said, with a look on his face that the chicken can die forever.

Today the other party is not aware of their own beauty?He would rather die.

"Aww~ (Sister, I suggest that I fulfill his wish. Anyway, this idiot doesn't want to live anymore, it's better for a good person to do it to the end and fill me up.)"

When Cheng Hao heard this, he immediately poked his head and said, does this guy not want to live?That was good enough for him to eat.

"Do you think it's possible? You little villain." Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard the words, grabbed the golden pheasant and said, "Did you hear that, you little stupid chicken? If you don't leave, you will really be eaten. Hurry up and leave, don't get overwhelmed."

"Cuckoo~ (No, I won't leave today if I don't hear your sincere praises today.)" Hearing this, the golden pheasant said, standing in Hong'er sister's hand, indicating that it would not be easy leave.

"Aren't you stubborn? You little idiot." Sister Hong'er said helplessly after hearing this.

"Sister Hong'er, why did this golden pheasant come to you? What's wrong with it?" Mai Mai asked curiously after seeing this scene.

"I don't know why this stupid chick is crazy. We must think she is beautiful. I don't know what to say?" Sister Hong'er shrugged and handed the little stupid chicken to the same person. Li Hua, who was watching the excitement, said, "Xiao Hua, take this little idiot, with his IQ? I'm really worried that he will starve to death in the forest one day."

"It's better to take it back and protect it, so that its beautiful feathers will not disappear."

"Okay! Little stupid chicken, you can eat public meals from today." Li Hua, who took the golden pheasant, looked at its beautiful feathers and smiled.


"Googoogoo~(Let go of me, I don't want you to catch me, I want him to catch me.)" The pheasant caught by Li Hua immediately resisted, flapping its wings and trying to jump out of the opponent's hand.

"What's the matter with you little stupid chicken? Don't struggle so violently, okay? Be careful that you'll lose all your feathers later." Feeling the wind blowing against her face, Li Hua immediately said.

"This little rascal doesn't like people grabbing him, Xiaohua, you can give it to me." Sister Hong'er stretched out her hand and said.

"Okay, okay, sister, be careful, this guy is broken." Li Hua said, letting go of his hand, and the golden pheasant flapped its wings and landed in Sister Hong's hand.

"Yes, I will." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing this, and reached out to catch the golden pheasant that was thumping over.

After this golden pheasant fell into Sister Hong'er's hands, it didn't jump or jump. It seemed how many times more honest than just now?
"You scoundrel was jumping up and down on my side, why did you become like this when you came to sister Hong'er?" Li Hua said angrily after seeing this scene. Even a golden pheasant has such a double standard these days. The truth is unexpected.

"Isn't this a very simple matter? Our red sister is an archdruid, isn't it normal for you to be pawed?" said Mai Mai, who leaned her head to look at it.

Has the other party not figured out the difference between himself and sister Hong'er?She actually thought that these guys would honestly touch her. This is simply wishful thinking. These guys also recognize people.

"Damn little golden pheasant, that is, you are protecting animals. If you are not, I must make you look good now." Li Hua said fiercely when he heard the words. Turned into roast chicken.

"Googoo~ (Don't scare me, I won't be frightened by you.)" The golden pheasant who heard this said disdainfully, with a very calm expression on his face.

But his body still shrank into Miss Hong'er's arms, it seemed that he was not as calm as he appeared, and was still a little scared.

"If you're really not afraid, then don't get into my arms, you little rascal, aren't you still afraid after all?" Sister Hong'er said unhappily when she heard this, but she didn't push this guy out. pull.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu~ (Where is it? Where is it.)" the golden pheasant clawed at Sister Hong'er's clothes and said, before flapping its wings, it landed on Sister Hong'er's shoulder.

Like a colorful, radiant big red flower.It doesn't believe that it is standing in such a conspicuous position, and there are still people who haven't seen its beauty.

"Aww~ (little stupid bird, come down quickly, you know that is not a place you can stay in?)" said Cheng Hao who saw this scene.

Does this little stupid bird know what class it is?He dared to stand on Miss Hong'er's shoulders, and be careful of the wet and dry separation that he gave it with his paws.

"Gu Gu~ (Why can't you stay? I'll just stay here. What can you do to me?)" Hearing this, the golden pheasant said triumphantly, turning back and forth on Sister Hong'er's shoulder, That's as arrogant as you want.

It doesn't believe in the big stupid cat in front of it, how dare it do anything to it?
"Aww~ (This is what your little stupid bird said, so don't blame me for being rude.)" Seeing that this little stupid bird was so rampant, Cheng Hao waved his tail.

The golden pheasant, which was standing on the shoulders one second, flew up uncontrollably the next second, and screamed in a panic:
"Cuckoo~ (Help, help, someone is bullying the bird, someone is bullying the bird.)"

After Sister Hong'er saw him, she grabbed him and said:

"How is it? You little stupid bird knows how to be scared now, right? I told you earlier not to mess with Xiaoju and you still didn't listen. Fortunately, he didn't intend to eat you, otherwise, you wouldn't even have a bone scum now." left."

"Googoo~ (I know, I know. But I believe that you will protect me, sister, right?)" Hearing this, the captured golden pheasant rolled its eyes "slickly" , said immediately flattering.

"Then let's see if you are obedient, little stupid bird? If you are obedient? My sister will naturally protect you, but if you don't listen, you will have to ask for more blessings." Sister Hong'er patted After patting its small head, he said.

"Googoo~ (Be obedient, I promise to be obedient, sister, don't let this big bad cat eat me.)" Golden Pheasant said, and immediately rubbed Sister Hong'er's palm in favor.

"It's good to be obedient, and obedient to be obedient. Since you are obedient, my sister will naturally protect you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, and said to Cheng Hao, who was still wagging her tail, "Okay, Xiaoju .Don't scare him anymore, he knows you're good now."

"Aww~ (I hope he really knows, otherwise I have to talk to him.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and turned his eyes away.

Because he heard that the people in front were shouting that a big turtle appeared.

"Look at the big tortoise here, do you think it is a land tortoise or a tortoise in the water?"

Sister Li squatted on the ground, looked at the turtle in front of her and asked.

This big dark green tortoise shell and these short limbs are like a mound. I don't know how this tortoise dares to walk like this in a forest full of bears?
"From the shape of his turtle shell, I think he should be a turtle in the water." The hair stylist said after looking at the legs and feet of the turtle.

The tortoise's legs and feet still look like this, so this tortoise doesn't need to look to know that it must be a water turtle.

"That's right, if he was a tortoise on land? He shouldn't look like this." The makeup artist on the side agreed.

"So this big tortoise came out, where is it going?" Xiao Ran asked curiously, if this big tortoise lived in the water, then there must be a reason for it to come out.

So where does it want to go out of the water?

"How do we know that? We can't understand the turtle's speech either?"

"Yeah, and this tortoise doesn't seem to want to communicate with us, you see his head is retracted."

The people who heard this said, Xiao Ran asked them this question, and they had to know it too.

"Aww~ (What a big tortoise, there are so many things in this forest, if it is stewed with that little stupid chicken, it will taste like nothing else.)" Just as they muttered At that time, Cheng Hao ran over with small steps, and he saw the big turtle shrunk into the turtle shell at a glance, and knocked on it with his claws outstretched.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

"Aww~ (little turtle, are you at home? Can you just stick your head out when you are at home? If you don't stick out, I will find a way to go in and play with you, little turtle.)" Cheng Hao said While knocking on the turtle shell, he said, looking at the retracted legs of the big turtle.

The sharp claws popped out involuntarily, and this little turtle dared to shrink inside and not come out to meet the guests, it was really rude.

At first glance, it was because the weather was too hot and he was suffering from heatstroke. Let him get it out as a kind person and go to the river to take a bath and cool off.

"Xiaoju don't knock anymore, if you little villain knocks again? The turtle's shell will be broken." Sister Hong'er who came over saw this scene, and immediately stopped her.

With the strength of your little villain, how many times can this turtle shell withstand his knocks?

"Aww~ (I'm not knocking on the turtle's shell, I'm saying hello to him, but this little turtle is a little scared and doesn't want to come out, I'm trying to get him to come out to meet guests.)" Hearing this Cheng Hao immediately retracted his paw.

"You are standing in front of his tortoise shell so viciously, it's strange that he is willing to come out." Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard the words, walked to Cheng Hao's side and took his claws off the tortoise shell.

He squatted down and knocked on the shell of the turtle and said, "Don't be afraid, big turtle. We are not bad people and will not hurt you. Can you tell me? Where are you going? We can help you, otherwise you are still in the woods. I don’t know, when should I climb to?”

"Oh~ oh~ (I'm moving to another place, the place I stay has no companions, I'm really bored, so I want to find a place with companions now.)" Hearing the voice of Sister Hong'er The tortoise slowly poked its head out and replied.

When he caught sight of a set of heads that were staring at him like a tiger, he immediately shrank back in fright.

Terrible, really terrible.He has stayed in the forest for so long, and he has never seen such a terrifying animal, and he doesn't know where the other party came from?
"It turned out to be like this, so is the place you're going far away? Shall we help carry you there?" Sister Hong'er heard the words, stretched out her hand and pressed Cheng Hao's big round head back, and asked with a smile road.

Cheng Hao, who was pressed on the head, expressed that it was outrageous. He didn't do anything, can't he just look at it?It doesn't look like this.

"Oh~ (No need, thank you for your kindness, but I can go by myself.)" Hearing this, the big tortoise immediately shook his head and declined politely. What if he really followed the other party back?Who knows if it will appear directly in the pot? For his own safety, he thinks it's better not to agree.

"Well then, since you've said it like this, I won't make it difficult for you. If you need it, you can tell me again." Seeing her big turtle was still so frightened, and Sister Hong'er was also very scared. It was helpless, so he could only stand up and say to everyone:

"Okay, let's go, don't disturb this big tortoise, let's go to another place to have a look."

"Yeah." Everyone who heard this nodded and continued walking.

"Oh~ (It's so dangerous, so dangerous.)" After seeing the figure drifting away, the big tortoise dared to poke his head out, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the figure going away.

These two feet are really scary, but fortunately these people are not staring at him, otherwise he will be finished.

But now is not the time to be happy, he has to run away quickly, otherwise it will still be a troublesome thing if he is watched.

"Aww~ (Sister's little turtle has run away, let alone he runs very fast, just like a big mound cart with wheels.)" Cheng Hao, who was watching this side, looked at the place where he disappeared. The big mound in the forest opened the way.

Look at how fast this little guy runs?It's obviously a big tortoise swimming in the water, but it's outrageous that it can run so fast on the ground.

"Isn't this a normal thing? What if you, a little villain, ran for your life? My sister saw how much faster you ran than him." Sister Hong'er said angrily, patted Cheng Hao's big head and said: " Well, you little rascal, don't worry about this big turtle, let's move on now."

"Aww~(ohhh.)" Cheng Hao nodded upon hearing this, and looked at the direction where the big tortoise disappeared, with some reluctance in his eyes. It's a pity that such a big tortoise let him run away like this.

It seems that this trip to the forest, he is destined to not get any benefits.



In the forest, the sounds of various animals are very noisy.

There are quite a few animals walking through the forest, and their figures cannot be seen clearly.

But there were also some animals that stood there and stared at them blankly. For example, the chameleon on the branch in front of him turned into the color of the leaves, and its eyeballs looked at them "tick-tock-tick" like a robot.

It seemed that he had disguised himself very well, as if the group of people in front of him could never see him.

"This chameleon is really interesting, with two eyeballs rolling around."

"Yeah, and we didn't leave even when we walked in front of it. It seemed a little silly."

"That's right, you said if we put an apple next to him, would it change the color of an apple?"

The people standing in front of the chameleon looked curiously while discussing.

It seems that he really wants to take out things of various colors to verify whether this chameleon will change or not.

"It's better for you not to get too close to this chameleon. He is also an evolutionary animal. Although I don't know which aspect he has evolved, if you approach him like this, it will be very dangerous." Seeing them This move, the tour guide reminded.

Although the vast majority of animals have become evolved animals and have relatively gentle personalities in the future, it does not mean that they are not aggressive. It is too dangerous for them to be so close to these animals.

What if these animals are frightened and use their abilities?Then if nothing else, they will be unlucky.

"Ah? Is this little lizard actually an evolutionary creature?"

"Yes, why are there so many evolved creatures along the way?"

"Yes, but we are not, which is really annoying."

When everyone who was taking action heard this, they immediately stopped what they were doing.Although they were curious, they didn't want to lose their lives. If they played like this, what would happen?But some of them cried.

"There's no way around this. Who let these animals and plants live in the wild. It can illuminate more moons. If you do this, it will definitely be possible."

"Yeah, the main reason is that the light of evolution that came down is not fixed, and there is no way to predict it."

The team members who heard this also said helplessly that when they were ordinary people, they also understood the feeling of being aggrieved, but there was nothing they could do about it.

If human beings can predict the emergence of the light of evolution?That's already the urban evolution of the whole people.

How can there be so many ordinary people? It's just that everything depends on fate. Maybe you meet when you go out for a stroll late at night, or maybe you meet when you go out all night at night.

"So, we think this is the most abhorrent."

"Yeah, obviously we also want to be a good part of the defense of human beings. But we are not given this opportunity."

"Yes, we want to work hard for the great revival of mankind."

A group of people listened and spoke.

"Aww~ (Everything you say is better than singing, if you really believe you, then it's the real hell, right?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering when he heard the words.

After these guys simply enjoy the power, can they be lawless and unrestrained?Any excuse for human revival and efforts is completely deceitful.

What if you really believed their lies?Then some of them are fools.

(End of this chapter)

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