Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 218 Fat Pig Paradise

Chapter 218 Fat Pig Paradise

"Hey! What a big golden pheasant, is this golden pheasant also a member of the Tiger Garden?"

"There should be nothing wrong with it. If you look at it like this, you will know that it will definitely not grow in the wild."

"That's right. He doesn't panic at all when he sees people. It should be the animals in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain."

After seeing the fallen golden pheasant, the people standing aside forgot to turn their eyes.

There is no way, the feathers on this golden pheasant are so gorgeous that people can't forget it at first sight.

"Googoogoo~(Are you only concerned about this kind of thing? Don't you see the beautiful feathers on my body? Look, how beautiful are the feathers on my body? You should pay attention to this.)" heard The golden pheasant who was talking to everyone stepped on the fence and said to everyone, showing them their beautiful feathers.

These guys, look at his feathers quickly, and praise him quickly.

All the compliments, all the praises he can afford.

"What does this golden pheasant want to do walking around in front of us? Does any of you know?"

"Not sure, maybe it's just wandering back and forth."

"Yeah, after all, you can't figure out what he wants to do with a creature like a chicken?"

The people who saw this scene were all confused, what was this golden pheasant trying to do walking up and down the fence?Could it be that his mental state is not very good, and he wants to stroll around here, and wake up his head?
"Googoogoo~ (Do you guys have eyes that grow to your buttocks? I walk around, but in order to let you better appreciate my beauty, do you only pay attention to these things?)" heard Their golden pheasant couldn't help cursing, its feathers spread out like a cattail fan.

"I'll go, does this golden pheasant still have fried hair? This is really rare."

"Yeah, I can't tell that this guy has such a big temper." Looking at the angry golden pheasant, everyone said in surprise.Is this chicken still fried like this?It's rare enough.

"Googoogoo~ (Did you only see this kind of thing? Can't you praise my beauty? Is my beauty so unsightly?)" After finding out that this group of people still didn't praise themselves, The golden pheasant became even more angry.

This group of bastards didn't take themselves seriously at all. It's really disgusting. He must make these bastards look good.

"Okay, okay, you little golden pheasants, why are you so angry? Did everyone treat you like this?" Just as the golden pheasants were cursing in anger, Sister Hong'er from a distance came over.

Didn't the little golden pheasant go to drink water?Why did he make himself so angry while drinking, it looked like a big egg.

"Googoo~ (Sister, you are here, hurry up and scold these bastards for me, they dare to ignore my beauty, it is too abominable.)" Seeing this, the golden pheasant immediately flapped its wings and landed on the red Sister Er began to sue.

"Why do you always ask others to praise you? You little villain is too unreasonable." Sister Hong'er knocked on the head of the golden pheasant angrily and said: "As a polite evolutionary animal, you should learn to speak It’s reasonable. You can’t always get angry because of this kind of thing.”

"Aww~ (That's right, so I suggest that my sister beat him up, so that he can remember.)" Cheng Hao who followed him said, expressing that he should beat up this idiot quickly, so that the other party can remember.

"Aren't you a little villain who is good at stirring up flames? Are you happy that sister hit him?" Sister Hong'er said unhappily when she heard this.

"Aww~ (Where is it! I'm not happy at all, but I think beating him is a must.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, he did have such a little bit of happiness, but it must be Can't show it.

Otherwise, my sister will have to give him a kick at that time.

"But my sister sees that you are a little gloating, what's the matter?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and said, "You little villain, don't even think about making trouble here, hurry up and accompany Xiaojufen for a while." Go, younger sister. It's rare for her to come to see you, how can you leave her in the cold like this?"

"Aww~ (Big sister, remember to beat him up.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao reminded, then shook his body and ran towards the little orange powder No. [-] who was still sitting on the sheep.

The other party is sitting on the sheep, and he seems to be very happy.

Do those sheep sit that well?Anyway, he couldn't see it at all.

"You sheep, can you go faster? Slow down, okay? I feel a little unbearable." The little orange powder on the sheep who sat like a cloud of cotton balls said.

The truth is that these little guys ran too fast, making her feel dizzy all over, and she felt that she needed to take a break.

At least these sheep can't run so fast and have to stop for a while.

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa service)"

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is yes, sis, you can tell us some stories, we like listening to stories the most.)"

Hearing this, the sheep slowed down.I was still waiting for the other party to tell them a story, but after waiting for a long time, I still didn’t find that the other party had the intention to speak, and the Yang Yang immediately became guilty: "Baa baa~ (Sister, tell us a story quickly, don’t say a word Not issued.)”

"Baa baa~ (Yes, yes, we are all here waiting for you to speak, sister, you can just say something casually.)"

"Aww~ (You idiots, do you have your brains on your ass? This sister can't understand you at all. What's the use of you talking so much?)" Cheng Hao, who came over, heard their words After that, he said angrily.

These idiots thought the other party was Hong'er sister?I still want the other party to tell them stories, and I am really full.

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat was like, I almost forgot that she's not a sister, she couldn't understand us."

"Baa baa~ (Yeah, what should I do then?)"

The sheep who are leading here finally understand why the other side ignores them. It turns out that they cannot understand the language. If this is the case, how should they communicate with each other?

"Aww~ (Don't worry about what to do, you little fellows, I'll let you carry sister Xiaojufen No. [-] on your back. You just have to be obedient.)" Cheng Hao said, trotting to the side of No. [-] Xiaojufan .

"Little Fat Orange, what are you talking about with the goats? Are you whispering something?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaoju Fan No. [-] asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (No, I'm explaining to you, sister.)" Cheng Hao shook his head when he heard this, and looked at the sheep.The tail stretched directly towards Xiaojufen No. [-], curling up the opponent's waist and getting off the sheep's back.

These sheep are chatty and neurotic one by one, for the sake of safety.It's better to let the other party come down, otherwise it will be bad if something happens.

"Where are you taking your sister, Little Pangju?" Xiaoju Fan No. [-], who was suddenly rolled off the sheep's back, asked suspiciously, why did Xiaopangju carry her down? Is this where you want to take her?

Or did Xiaopangju get jealous after seeing these sheep carrying her, and wanted to carry her away by himself?
As soon as he thought that he would be able to sit on the back of Xiaopangju, Xiaojufan No. [-] suddenly felt that it was really good.

"Aww~ (Of course to take you away from danger, these lambs are not good guys.)" Cheng Hao said, putting the opponent on the ground.

After all, if something happens to the other party, then I will lose a rich and loyal fan.

Just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly found himself sinking.It seemed that there was an extra hundred catties of weight, and when he looked up, he found that there was an extra person on his body.

"Little Fat Ju, don't look at my sister, let's go quickly." Sitting on Cheng Hao's back, Xiao Ju Fan No. [-] urged with a smile.

It can't be seen that Xiaopangju is only as tall as her waist, but after sitting on it, the quilt is so firm that no grain of rice is free.

"Aww~ (Sister, did I ask you to sit in the wrong place? I asked you to come down to let you be careful about those guys, not to let you stay on top of me.)" Hearing this Cheng Hao said in a daze, he thought the other party must have misunderstood him.He mistakenly thought that he was going to take the other party on a gallop.

In fact, he didn't have this plan at all, and the other party really thought too much.

"Why didn't Little Pangju leave?" After finishing speaking, Xiaoju Fan No. [-] found that Cheng Hao had said a lot to herself, but she still couldn't understand, so she couldn't help asking in doubt.

Could it be that her posture is not right?Otherwise, why did Little Fat Orange not move?

"Aww~ (I didn't let you come up at all, why did you tell me to move?)" Cheng Hao said helplessly after hearing the words.

But he still started to move. After all, he was talking to the other party, and the other party couldn't understand what he said. It's better to let someone who can speak clearly.

"Little Pangju is awesome. Xiaopangju is so handsome. You can carry your sister on your back so easily. My sister knows that you are the best." The little orange fan No. [-] who felt the movement around him said happily.

Is this what it's like to be a tiger?It's really amazing.

"Aww~ (Even if you praise me like this, you can't make me recite it like this.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, and looked around for Sister Hong. It took only a while Where did my sister go when I was working hard?

The other party should not play peek-a-boo with him, come out quickly.

"Little Pangju, are we going to leave here and go somewhere else to play?" Xiaoju Fan No. [-] sitting on Cheng Hao's back asked with a smile, rubbing Cheng Hao's big round head with both hands.

Sitting on Pangju's body is good. Not only can you look at the surrounding scenery, but you can also rub Pangju's big head. Ordinary people don't have the opportunity to experience such a good thing.

I just don't know where Xiaopangju plans to take her to play now?

"Aww~ (Sister, where did you go? The little tiger is in urgent need of your help now, the little tiger is in great need now.)" Cheng Hao was not in the mood to pay attention to the voice from his back at all.

He is now looking for Miss Hong'er, and he doesn't know where Miss Hong has gone, and he can't even find her shadow in just a short while.

"Come on! Little Pangju, go forward boldly, my sister will protect you from behind. Little Pangju." Sitting on Cheng Hao's back, No. [-] little orange fan, um, shouted with fists.

"By the way, is this our lady? Why don't I recognize her a little bit?"

"It's true that our lady is not wrong, but it seems that she is a little excited."

"It is indeed, but this should not be considered hyperactivity, but too happy."

The bodyguards who saw this scene glanced at each other, it was the first time they saw their young lady playing so crazy, it seemed that the other party was really happy.

I have begun not to pay attention to my own image.

"Huh? What's the noise?" Hong'er, who was brushing the lion's belly, couldn't help but stop when she heard the sound coming from around her.

She seemed to hear someone laughing like a silver bell.

"Oh~ (What happened to my sister? Come and help me brush my belly. I feel a little itchy recently.)" The big white lion who was lying down said.

Didn't my sister give him a big belly?Why did it stop after brushing?Recently, his belly has grown a little bit more fleshy, and it's wrinkled, and the sweat left in it makes him itchy.

You need someone to help you brush it and clean it up.

"Okay, sis, I understand. Don't worry." Sister Hong'er patted the belly of the big white lion and said:
"It's so big, it's time to learn to find a place to rub it by yourself. Don't we have a lot of lawns in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain? Just find a place with hard grass to rub it on. Don't bother my sister all the time. Come to serve you."

"Oh~ (I am the noble king of the grassland, how can I rub my belly on the grass?)" the big white lion said coquettishly after hearing this.

"Your tone of voice still looks like this. You have a seven-point resemblance to Xiaoju. Are you a group of lazy bad guys who are all wholesaled out of the same mold?" Sister Hong'er heard the words and said in a bad mood. .

It's obviously a lion but it's lazy like this, and its tone is very similar to Xiaoju's. Who led them to be spoiled?

"Oh~ (Sister, you said that little tiger, he obviously learned from me, okay? When did I learn from him, sister, don't forget that I am two years old this year.)" The big white lion As he spoke, he pawed and pulled the grass to play.

"Yes, it is Xiaoju who imitated you, a big villain, so you are all like dogs." Hong'er sister scolded angrily. One day, the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park will become a paradise for gluttons and lazy ghosts.

"Oh~ (I'm not that kind of small animal, I'm the great king of the grassland.)" The big white lion argued, with another paw on his body.

"What's the matter? Our cute little chubby? You didn't sleep over there, why did you come here?" Seeing the jaguar on Baisi's body, Sister Hong'er said with a smile, stretching out her hand to pinch the other's chubby big belly.

Speaking of belly, these guys are getting fatter than each other.When put together, it will soon become a chubby paradise.

"Ah~ah~ (Sister, don't bother with this guy, hurry up and help me brush my belly. My belly is also very itchy recently.)" said the jaguar with its paws on the white lion's head.

This guy actually came here to enjoy it. No wonder he just searched around and didn't see this bastard.

He obviously agreed to bask in the sun together and then go to steal eggs, but he ran over alone.

"Oh~ (You bastard, get off me, you have to know that everything comes first.)" The big white lion cursed after hearing this.

If this bastard speaks well, why should he be pressed on him?What is his bad habit?
"Ah~ah~ (This is to punish you bastard for coming here to play by yourself, instead of taking me to play.)" the jaguar said, not intending to get up from the opponent's body easily, and kept shaking its body. The weight of the body is pressed towards the opponent.

"Oh~ (You bastard is looking for a beating, I'm going to shake you down and beat you up.)" said the big white lion who heard this, with a green gleam in his eyes.

"Ah~ (Come here if you have the ability, I want to see which of us is heavier?)" Jaguar said indifferently, he has never lost in terms of weight.How could the opponent be his opponent?

"Oh~ (bastard bastard)" Hearing this, the white lion shook violently.

"Ah~ (It's too slow, too slow, you can't shake me down at all, you should give up your heart.)" The jaguar sneered, pressing the white lion and not coming down?
"Okay, okay, you two little guys calm down, don't play Ermaozhuan here, you know? My sister still has business to do, but I don't have time to play with you here." Sister Hong'er said , and got up directly.

I've been here for a long time, I don't know how Xiaoju is doing?
"Ah~ (Don't, don't, why did I just come here, sister, you are leaving, do you hate me?)"

"Oh~ (Yes, yes, sister, don't leave, as long as you don't leave, we promise not to fight anymore.)" The jaguar and white lion who heard this said.

It's a good time, why is my sister leaving?

"Aww~ (I said why I couldn't find where my sister is after searching for a long time? It turned out to be a good thing you two bastards did.)"

Just then, a voice came over.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Hao appeared in front of them dragging a weight of nearly five hundred catties, of course, if the weight on his body was not counted.

"Oh~ (Why did you come here, you tiger? Usually you receive the most care from your sister. Now it's time for us to enjoy it.)"

"Ahhh~ (Yes, yes, if you are sensible, you should leave quickly, you know? My sister is going to give us two big bellies today, so I don't have time to pay attention to you.)"

Seeing Cheng Hao approaching, the jaguar and the white lion immediately turned outward, after all, the other party was the biggest threat.

"What a fat big white lion, what a fat jaguar." After seeing two fat lions and a fat jaguar that looked like gourds, Xiaojufen No. [-] got off Cheng Hao's back very strangely.

She has seen jaguars and lions before, but she has not seen this new breed of jaguar pigs.

You have to take a good look at this opportunity.

"Oh~(What do you want to do? I can't stand you sitting on my thin body, don't you get close to me, you know? Otherwise, I will call someone.)" The big white lion saw the other party getting off Cheng Hao's back , walking towards him with a smile on his face, a nervous look appeared on his face, and he began to move his chubby body back.

He is not familiar with the other party, it is best for the other party not to think of him, especially not to sit on him.

He doesn't like to back people, he is a lion yearning for freedom.

"Ah~ah~ (What are you looking at me again, I tell you that we are not familiar with it, so don't look at me, okay?)" The jaguar also ran away quickly after this scene.He doesn't want to have much interaction with the other party.

"You big cats, don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you, I'm very friendly."

"Look how little fat orange is not afraid of me, you should know that I'm a good person." Little orange fan No. [-] said.

These big cats are so big, why are they so timid?

"Oh~ (Don't come here, my paws are not vegetarian, if you come closer? I won't be polite.)" the big white lion roared, writhing like a large worm , twisting.

In the next second, it will disappear directly, and it will be twisted into the jungle.

"Don't be like this, I'm not that bad, why did you scare me away when you saw me?" Xiaojufan No. [-] who saw this scene muttered, and looked at the jaguar next to the bushes.

Under her gaze, the jaguar also ran away in a hurry.

"Isn't it, are these little guys so timid?" Looking at the swaying bushes, Xiaojufen No. [-] said helplessly.He walked towards Cheng Hao who was chatting with sister Hong'er.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately stretched out his paws and pulled Sister Hong'er to tell her to speak quickly.Tell the other party not to move yourself all the time.

Especially don't always sit on his back, obviously that's not what he meant.

"Okay, okay, my sister will tell you. Don't pick my sister's pants anymore. These are beautiful new pants that my sister bought. Your claws are about to make a few holes." Sister Hong'er said.

"Aww~ (Then sister, you should hurry up and talk, don't stand here and say nothing.)" Cheng Hao urged.

What he just said to the other party, the other party will not forget it!Hurry up, sister, hurry up.

"What's the matter? What is the breeder's sister, Xiaopangju, whispering to you? You still have to push and pull like this." Xiaojufan No. [-] asked curiously after seeing this scene.

Is Little Fat Orange still so shy?Pulling Miss Hong'er's trouser legs like a child, his appearance is so cute.

"Xiaoju said, don't sit on him casually next time. He just wanted to get you off the lambs, and didn't mean to take you for a ride." Sister Honger explained after hearing this.

"So that's what Xiaopangju meant? I thought he wanted to take me for a ride." The little orange fan No. [-] was surprised when he heard this.

Didn't Chubby Ju let her sit on his back just now?She thought the other party meant that.

"If Xiaoju wants you to sit on his back? He will take the initiative to say hello, such as waving to you or sitting on the ground and pulling you with his tail." Sister Hong'er walked up to Cheng Hao's side, pawing and pulling him demonstrating.

"Oh, it turns out that Xiaopangju still has this action, then I understand, I won't be so reckless next time."

The little orange fan who seemed to be late for this scene nodded No. [-], touched Cheng Hao's big head and said, "Don't worry, little fat orange, my sister won't mess with you next time. When you want to recite it, I will definitely With your prior consent."

"Aww~ (That's pretty much the same, does it sound plausible?)" Cheng Hao nodded, looking at the jaguar and the big lion hiding in the grass, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

These two guys are so cowardly, they dared to refuse such a rich sister. Their whole life is just a life of eating chaff and swallowing vegetables.

"Sister breeder, what do you say to Xiaopangju?" Xiaojufan No. [-] who heard the voice asked.

"Xiaoju said yes." Miss Hong'er smiled.

"Really? It seems that the little fat orange is not really angry with me." Xiaoju Fan No. [-] said happily after hearing this, and rubbed against Cheng Hao's head: "Little fat orange is the best, the best Yes, my sister likes the chubby orange the most."

"Aww~ (If you like it, you like it. Don't rub your face against me anymore. If you rub your face again, you will almost lose my hair.)" Cheng Hao, whose face was deformed by the rubbing, said helplessly.

His hair, which was already precarious, would be even more precarious if it was rubbed off.

"Sister, stop rubbing Xiaoju, he is complaining that you are going to rub his hair off." Sister Honger reminded after seeing this.

"Ah? Xiaopangju, why is your hair so fragile, it will be rubbed off, is it not well maintained?" Hearing this, the little orange fan No. [-] was surprised, and quickly moved away from her face , began to touch Cheng Hao's big head.

"No, no, sister, you misunderstood, this little rascal, it's not that he doesn't have maintenance problems." After hearing this, sister Hong'er smiled without covering her mouth: "His hair is very thick, but he has eaten too much recently and his body has bloated It's too powerful. So it looks like it has a little hair loss."

"As long as he is willing to lose weight properly, it will definitely not be like this."

"Oh, it turns out that Xiaopangju is so cute that she swells up, and she stretched her hair. I said how could Xiaopangju be bald at such a young age? Sure enough, I was thinking too much." Xiaojufen No. [-] smiled and touched Cheng Hao's big head: "Don't worry, little fat orange, even if you are really bald, my sister will spend money to repair your head for you. You don't have to worry about losing your hair. From my sister's point of view, even if you have no hair, you are still very cute."

"Aww~ (Bare look, cute hammer?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said.

His handsome hair, if it is gone, he will be very sad.

"Okay, don't worry about your hair, Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er stroked Cheng Hao's head and said, "We should do other things, don't keep thinking about your hair, you know? Believe me, sister, you are now It’s still growing, even if it’s gone, it will definitely grow back.”

"Aww~ (It's better like this, I don't want to be naked.)" Cheng Hao muttered.The tail scratched his big head, feeling like he could count how empty his head was.This is not good news.

"Little Fatty and you, the little stupid lion, come out to grandpa. You two little villains are good and don't learn to be bad, aren't you? You're stealing eggs for grandpa again."

"The eggs are used to hatch chicks. Why are you two little rascals so greedy?"

As soon as Cheng Hao's words fell, the director's angry voice came from outside. He was really going to be pissed off by these two little villains, and he was full every day to support the things he stole.

Wouldn't he go out and fish for things like Xiaoju?What kind of skill is it to keep stealing from your own house?

"Oh~ (What's the matter with you guy? Didn't I say it? We're going to steal it secretly when no one is around, why are you doing it now?)" Hearing this voice, the head of the white lion, He retracted directly into the grass and said to the jaguar beside him.

Why did this guy leave himself to eat alone?Didn't we agree to act together?Why did the other party suddenly not abide by the agreement?
"Ah~ ah~ ah~ (Don't blame me, okay? I didn't go out of the gate today, how could I do such a thing?)" Jaguar was anxious when he heard it, he did it He will admit things, but he didn't do this thing at all, how can he admit it?
"Oh~ (Didn't you do it? That's weird, who would do it? Obviously I didn't steal the eggs either.)" The white lion who heard this said in doubt, it wasn't the other party who stole it, and He didn't steal it, so can the egg run on its own?

"Ah~ (How do I know this, you ask me, I don't know, okay?)" the jaguar said weakly, and continued to hide behind the bushes.

Whoever stole it anyway?Anyway, since the dean's grandfather came here?Then they must be in trouble now.

So let's get over the crisis in front of us first.

"Principal, why are you so angry? Did these two little guys steal a lot of eggs this time?" Sister Hong'er asked when she saw the principal coming.

Although these two little guys usually do petty theft, they have never seen each other so angry. How much did these two little villains steal this time?
"If those two little bastards steal it, it's fine. As long as I eat it clean, I'll just turn a blind eye and close one eye. But those two little bastards didn't do that at all. They just threw all the eggs away. Don't eat it when it's broken." The headmaster said angrily.

These two little bastards usually finished eating secretly, so he just pretended not to see them, but this time they were so bastards that they actually wasted food.

"Uh, principal, did you make a mistake? Although the two of them are usually a bit naughty, they wouldn't do such a thing." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

With the greedy mouth of these two little villains, can it still be wasted?Then she didn't believe it.

"That's why I came here to find these two little bastards and ask them clearly." The principal said, scanning his surroundings and saying, "How long are you two little bastards going to hide? Come out and explain your crimes to Grandpa. "

"Oh~ (The two of us didn't do it at all, what are you explaining?)"

"Ahhh~ (That's right, we never waste anything, just by hearing it, you know we didn't do it right?)"

Soon, the voices of two beasts came from the bushes.

(End of this chapter)

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