Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 219 The culprit turned out to be you

Chapter 219 The culprit turned out to be you
"You two little guys got into trouble and still haven't come out. Do you want grandpa to come in and invite you?" The principal scolded angrily when he heard this, and he came over in person. These two little guys are still hiding, Are you going to spend New Years there?

"Oh~ (Don't stop, we'll come out soon.)"

"Ah~ (Yes, yes, I won't bother you, grandpa.)"

The white lion and jaguar hiding in the grass quickly crawled out of it in fright.

If grandpa came in to invite him in person, then the two of them would not be able to think about it in the future.

"Hmph! You two little scoundrels seem to have quickly recruited them truthfully. Did you two scoundrels waste the eggs?" Seeing them coming out, the director asked, his eyes constantly sweeping over the two of them.

"Oh~ (I can guarantee that I didn't go anywhere in the morning. If you don't believe me, grandpa, you can ask my sister. My sister has been brushing my belly just now. Where do I have time to do such things?)"

The white lion raised its paw and said, indicating that he has witnesses.This matter has nothing to do with him.

"Really? Xiaohong." The principal asked Hongjie beside him after hearing the words.

"Yes, Xiaobai has been staying here before I came here. I have been here for so long, and he is still here. It should not be his fault." Sister Hong'er looked at the white lion's eyes asking for help, and nodded. Nod and speak.

These two little scoundrels are usually very happy doing sneaking around, but now that something happened, you know how to pretend to be pitiful?

"Oh~ (Thank you sister for helping me testify.)" Bai Shi said happily when he heard Sister Hong'er speak, and rushed to Sister Hong'er in three steps and two steps, rubbing against Sister Hong'er's trouser legs.

"Okay, okay, don't thank me? My sister is just telling the truth, you little villain, don't go stealing from now on, you can tell my sister what you want to eat, as for always stealing?" Sister Hong'er knocked angrily. Said while looking at his big head.

"That's right, you little lion is not allowed to steal, you know? You have to be obedient, as a big cat, you can't sneak around like this." The little orange powder No. [-] on the side also said, stretching out his hand towards him His big head was touched.

"Oh~ (what are you doing?)" Seeing the hand stretched out by the other party, the white lion quickly dodged.

He is not familiar with the other party, so the other party should not take advantage of the fire, okay?

"Little villain, don't hide, as long as you obediently let me touch your head? If you want to eat eggs in the future, how about my sister wrapping them all for you?" Seeing this, Xiaojufen No. [-] said.

Prepare to use food to make the opponent submit obediently.

"Did you hear that, little rascal? Obediently let the No. [-] sister of Xiaojufen touch it, and you will have endless eggs in the future." Sister Hong'er patted her head when she heard the words, and the big white lion said, The villain is still hiding, why don't you hurry over?
This is the real Miss Bai Fumei, she pretends to be good for 5 minutes, but she can enjoy a whole year's big gift package.

"Oh~ (If you say so, feel free to touch it.)" Hearing that, the white lion immediately moved its body and moved over like a caterpillar.

"Hmph, you little villain is quite sensible, and then you will have money for your meal." Seeing this scene, the little orange fan No. [-] said, and reached out to rub the other party's big belly. The villain is quite sensible.

That's right, a sensible cat has meat to eat.

"Then what about you? What bad things did you little villain do?" After looking away from the white lion, the director looked at the jaguar and asked. Now that a guy has been cleared of suspicion, then let's do it now. There is only one other left.

"Ah~ah~ (I'm the same, I'm staying here too, I haven't gone anywhere, Grandpa, you can check the monitoring, and I'm sleeping under the monitoring.)" The jaguar on the side also said.

He was sleeping where the surveillance could see him, and he slept honestly. They couldn't wrong him, he was a good cat.

"Really? Grandpa will find out about this matter. As long as you didn't do it, then grandpa will return your innocence." Hearing the director here said, he edited this text message for someone to investigate.

"Jaguar, come here, how about letting my sister touch it? As long as you let my sister touch it, then your egg sister will pay for it for you from now on." Here is the little orange powder No. [-] with a white lion Looking at the pitiful jaguar, he immediately waved and said.

Since you want to pet the cat, of course you have to have a good time, one for the left hand and one for the left hand. This poor little kitty, come here quickly.

"Ah~ (Really?)" Hearing this, the jaguar with its head drooping hurriedly came over, the other party couldn't lie to him.Otherwise, he would never end with the other party.

"That's right, little villain, why do you have to steal something delicious if you want to eat it? As long as you obey my sister obediently? My sister promises that you can't finish all the delicious food." Seeing the big jaguar stall The belly is the same as the big yellow pancake, Xiaoju Fen No. [-] couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Aww~ (How is it? Did Grandpa check it out? Did these two guys do it? If so, I suggest beating them both up and punishing them by not eating for three days.)" Cheng Hao saw After the situation here, he moved to the side of the director and proposed.

Did these two guys actually approach his fans in such a despicable way?It's really horrible, my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it either.

There must be something for them both.

"You little villain, why are you more anxious than me? Could it be that you have a ghost in your heart?" The director who was waiting for the security room to reply heard this and said, knocking Cheng Hao on the head.

"Aww~ (Of course not, do I still need to steal eggs with my ability? I will steal ostrich eggs too. Grandpa, don't look down on me too much, okay?)" Stealing such a small egg is not enough to get stuffed between your teeth. Not enough, what is he doing stealing that thing when he is full?
If you want to steal it, it must be worth stealing, for example, one as big as an ostrich egg.Steal a few and you'll be full.

"Okay, you little villain. So you have been thinking about ostrich eggs, tell me! Do you plan to follow their example and steal ostrich eggs next time?" Hearing this, the director immediately pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and asked road.

There are really a lot of thieves here, one after another, and if this continues, there will be all thieves in the Siberian Tiger Forest in Hongta Mountain.

"Aww~ (We don't have ostriches at all in the Tiger Garden. Where can I steal them? Grandpa, did you make a mistake?)" Cheng Hao, who was pinched with a big round face, asked, do they have ostriches here?Why is grandpa pinching him?He can steal if he wants to, okay?
"That's right, I almost forgot that we don't really have ostriches here. There are bred ostriches, and we don't need them in our zoo." Hearing this, the director couldn't help but puffed his head and said, he almost forgot about it.

"Aww~ (So grandpa, you have to let me go quickly, why are you knocking on my head?)" Cheng Hao reminded.

This matter has nothing to do with him, why is grandpa still grabbing his big head when he is fine?Let him go quickly.

"Understood, you little villain, what are you in a hurry to do?" said the director who let go of his hand, and saw a message on the phone.

"Aww~ (How is it? Grandpa. Did he steal it?)" Cheng Hao stood up curiously when he heard the voice of the text message, and saw the word "No" written on the phone screen.

"He didn't steal it, he is innocent." The director looked at the phone and said.

"Aww~ (It's really not, what a pity, obviously his behavior is quite suspicious.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

"Ah~ (Did I just say that I didn't do it? I'm a good cat and I wouldn't do such a thing. Grandpa, you have to trust me.)" Hearing this, the jaguar immediately crawled off the ground Come on.

You said he didn't do it, believe it now?

"You didn't do it, and he didn't do it, so who did it?" the director looked at the guys lying on the ground and muttered.

Except for a few of them little scoundrels, no one in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain would do such a thing, so what's going on?

"Aww~ (Grandpa, apart from the two of them, is there no other guy who can steal eggs in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden?)" Cheng Hao asked on the side, all the things in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden It's their property, which bastard stole it?It can't be a guy from outside, right?

"No, the two little villains are the criminals, and they are the two of them every time they steal eggs."

The principal shook his head and said, the biggest thieves are the two of them, besides the two of them, who is full and has nothing to do, and runs into the chicken coop every day?
"Aww~ (Since what happened this time was not done by a recidivist, it must have been done by someone from outside.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and looked at the golden pheasant on Sister Hong'er's shoulder : "Aww~ (Well, you little bastard, you've been stealing chickens and dogs since you came to Huyuan. How dare you steal eggs from Huyuan, so hurry up and spit out the eggs you ate.)"

"Googoogoo~(What...what?)" was burying his head and pretending to be "a golden pheasant that didn't see me." Hearing this, his face immediately changed, and he wanted to run away with flapping his wings .

"Aww~ (Grandpa, it's the bad thing that this chicken did. He wants to run away now, catch him quickly.)" Seeing the other party turn his head and run away, Cheng Hao was just guessing, but now he can see it immediately after seeing the other party. It is certain that this matter must have been done by the other party.

Running so fast, what would he do if he didn't have a ghost in his heart?Running around like this is because there is a ghost in my heart.

"Oh~ (It turns out that you, a nasty bastard, planted us, stop and don't run away)" The white lion lying on the side immediately jumped up after hearing this, and chased after the flying golden pheasant.

It's really disgusting, their majestic king of the grassland and the king of the rainforest will be played by this bastard.

"Ah~ah~ (Stop you rotten chicken, I'm going to swallow you alive.)" After hearing this, the jaguar immediately jumped up to a height of more than three meters and chased after it.

The hateful rotten chicken actually did such a bad thing, and even planted the two of them. The most important thing is that the other party actually stole the eggs they wanted to steal. It's such a jerk.

"Gugu~(What are you two doing? How do I know that you two are canned food? Besides, those eggs on the ground are just unwanted? I just picked up unwanted ones, and I didn't do anything bad. Stop chasing the two of you. Yeah.)" Listening to the movement from behind, the ghost of the golden pheasant was frightened.

He's thirsty and wants something to drink, but he doesn't know where the water is?I just saw eggs on the ground, didn't I eat some?

Who knew that these eggs were actually collected by the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, and what's more, he didn't know that these two guys were still criminals, and he didn't really want to plant them.

"Oh~ (Get off me, you bastard, no matter what excuses you make, it's useless, you actually stole the eggs we wanted to steal.)" the white lion cursed.

"Ahh~ (That's right, that's right, you still dare to waste it, it's really disgusting, get out of here quickly.)" the jaguar followed.

"Googoogoo~ (I was so stupid to listen to your words and stop. If I stopped, wouldn't I slap you to death?)" Hearing this, the golden pheasant said unhappily, he If you stop now, there will be a good end, and you would be a fool if you don't leave.

"It's wrong for a thief to steal something. It's wrong to run like this. You have to accept the punishment honestly." Just as the golden pheasant finished speaking, the director's voice came, and the flying golden pheasant heard it, I just turned my head to see who was so loud?

In the next second, the world suddenly spun, and the wings were grabbed by a pair of strong hands.

"Ah~ (Grandpa is amazing, he caught him right away, put him down quickly, let the two of us clean him up.)" Seeing the director who jumped up and caught the golden pheasant , the jaguar that caught up, immediately said happily.

"Oh~ (Yes, yes, Grandpa must not let this possible thief go, he dared to steal the egg that we two were eyeing.)" Hearing the words, the white lion followed suit.

Such a fat big stupid chicken must be delicious.

Now that the little guy stole it, which egg were they going to steal?Then stay and pay with your own flesh. Speaking of which, they haven't eaten such a delicious chubby chicken for a long time.

"Gu Gu~ (Sister save me, sister save me, I don't want to be eaten, I don't want to be eaten.)" After hearing this, the caught golden pheasant was frightened and asked for help.

These two guys actually want to eat, he is too scary, sister, come and save him, he promises that he will never steal it in the future.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't listen to his nonsense. As the saying goes, if there is one, there must be two. If he dares to do it the first time, he will definitely dare to do it the second time. I suggest killing him, so that there will be no future troubles.)" and When Cheng Hao who came up heard it, he moved closer to Sister Hong'er and said.

This guy is so good at planting, there is no guarantee that something will happen in the future, in order to avoid future troubles, it is better to kill him as soon as possible.

If my sister doesn't want to?He's willing to help out.

"Okay, you little villain, don't act like this. My sister never said that I would punish him, and she just stole things. As long as he knows his mistakes and can correct them, my sister is willing to give him a chance." Hong'er beside him After my sister heard this, she knocked on his head angrily and said.

This little villain really holds a grudge, and he can't do without the golden pheasant inside and out.

Isn't it just stealing a few eggs? As for being so ruthless?

"Googoogoo~ (That's right. Sister, I promise that I will never do this in the future. Sister, just trust me this time.)" The golden pheasant who heard this shouted, flapping its wings desperately to fly over , but was firmly grasped.

"Where do you want to go, you little thief? If you make a mistake, you have to admit it, and don't let me run away." The director said nonchalantly, does this little thief want to run away after making a mistake?There is no door either.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu~ (Sister, save me, sister.)" The caught golden pheasant hurriedly begged, he felt that his wings were about to be snapped off, what if the sister doesn't save him?He's about to die.

"Principal, for the sake of his arrival, just let him go. Let him find a way to earn money in the oval to compensate for the eggs he destroyed." Seeing this, Sister Hong'er said.

"Okay, for Xiaohong's sake, grandpa thinks you're a little scoundrel who spared you. But if you can't make any money? You'd better lay eggs for me, otherwise grandpa won't be able to spare you then." The director let go of his hand, looked at the eager white lion and jaguar and said, "You two little bastards, don't be too complacent. Although you two didn't do it this time, you two are habitual offenders. If Grandpa catches you next time, you two will just wait and get beaten up."

These two little rascals are taking pleasure in misfortune, aren't they?Don't be too happy, sooner or later it will be the turn of these two idiots.

"Oh~ (Don't worry, grandpa, the two of us will never do this kind of thing again.)"

"Ah~ (Yeah, yeah, we two are raised by someone now, so we won't be full, and we have nothing to do this kind of thing.)"

After hearing this, the white lion and jaguar on the side quickly asked, are they well-raised by someone now, they don't need to do it themselves at all, grandpa don't look down on them too much.

They wouldn't take the risk of being beaten up by the other party, and go to steal eggs when they are full.

"Oh? You two little villains, have someone adopted them so soon?" The director of the garden was stunned when he heard this, and said, are these two little villains adopted?Why doesn't he know?
"Oh~ (Of course, this sister said she would adopt us and give us delicious eggs every day.)"

"Ah~ (Not bad, not bad, and give us delicious meat every day.)"

The white lion and the jaguar said, and ran to the foot of Xiaojufen No. [-] to look at the director.

"Mr. Gardener, hello, from today onwards, all the expenses of the two little guys will be paid by me. If they want to eat eggs, they can draw from my name." Looking at the two big boys rubbing their legs Maomao, Xiaojufan No. [-] greeted the director.

"Who is this beautiful woman?" The director looked at the other party and asked curiously. He was confused by anger just now.

I didn't even notice that there are still people here, and I don't know if I was rash just now?
"I'm a fan of Little Fatty, and this time I'm here to see Little Pangju." Xiaoju Fan No. [-] explained: "By the way, see if other cute big cats need help, and now I think I've met Big cat that needs help."

"Oh~ (Yeah yeah, we need help, sister.)"

"Ahh~ (Yes, yes, yes.)"

The white lion and the jaguar who heard this quickly echoed, did grandpa see it?They also now have adopters.

So, grandpa can't beat them up in the future, otherwise, this sister will be unhappy.

"Is it like this? That's really great. Shall I tell you about the adoption process of our tiger park?" The head of the park directly ignored the words of the jaguar and the white lion, and happily said to the little orange fan No. [-].

If you take care of these two little idiots, the economic pressure on the maintenance of the garden will be relieved a lot. After all, these two little villains are also very edible, not fuel-efficient lamps.

"The process will not go away. Mr. Director, you can just help me adopt them. This is for their food expenses. If it is not enough, you can ask me for it." Xiaojufen No. [-] said, and took it from his pocket. A bank card came out to the principal.

And on this bank card, the password was written on a small note. After seeing it, the principal who took the bank card said very happily: "Okay, I will do it according to your wishes, beauty, you Just rest assured."

"Well, then I will trouble Mr. Director." Xiaojufan No. [-] laughed.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, it's all right, thank you very much for your participation in the animal protection work, and I will send the certificate later." The director said while putting the bank card in his pocket.

"Googoogoo~ (This beautiful big sister, you can also help and adopt me, I eat less. Not as much as these two guys. You only need to give a little money to adopt me. Now, look how beautiful my feathers are, if I fly out? They will have a longer face than them.)”

After seeing the golden pheasant standing on Sister Hong'er's shoulder.The eyeballs flew to Xiaojufen No. [-] and said.

If the other party is so rich, it must be easy to support him, so that the debts I owe can be paid off.

"Sister breeder, what does this chick want to do?" Looking at the golden pheasant cooing and shaking in front of her eyes, Xiaojufen No. [-] asked.

Compared to this thin and weak golden pheasant, she still prefers fluffy and chubby cats.

"He asked if you would like to adopt him, and said that he is easy to feed and doesn't need to eat so much meat, so you can rest assured." Sister Hong'er said with a wry smile.

This little stupid chicken has a very flexible mind. As soon as he heard that the other party wanted to raise Xiaobai and the others, he immediately went over to show his hospitality.

"Then I'm sorry, I like big, fluffy and chubby cats, and I'm not interested in adopting an animal like you." Xiaoju Fan No. [-] shook her head and said, rubbing her feet against her jaguar and saying: "Don't rub it anymore, if you rub it again? My sister's pants will be ruined by you."

"Ahhh~ (Then my sister's house is full of big cats who can only cook. I can help to go to my sister's house for dinner.)"

The jaguar asked, he can see that the other party is very rich, and the family must be very big, as long as he is the other party's big cat, the other party will definitely love him more.

"Oh~ (Yes, yes, my sister and I can go together too. I am amazing and will help with meals.)" The white lion on the side also said.

"You two little scoundrels are still playing with the wind, coveting the glory and wealth. Do you want to abandon the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden when you see this sister is rich?" Hearing this, sister Hong'er knocked on their hands angrily. Big head: "I don't even think about you two little villains, do others want to wow? I still want to go with others."

"Oh~ (The two of us are so good, my sister must like us very much.)"

"Ah~ (Yeah, yeah, we are that good.)"

The white lion and the jaguar who heard this said, isn't there a saying among human beings that those who know the current affairs are the best?The two of them are doing this kind of thing now.

"You two little villains want to go with me? I'm afraid not. My sister has to work every day, but I don't have the time to support you. At least I have time to come and see you." Xiaojufen No. [-] heard sister Hong'er translate After speaking, he patted the heads of the white lion and the jaguar and said.

These two big cats have gotten to know each other very quickly, how long has it been since they met?He was about to go with her.

"Oh~ (Like this? That's such a pity. We still want to help you eat meat to solve your problems. I didn't expect you to have no time.)"

"Ah~ (Yes, yes, it's such a pity.)" the white lion and the jaguar sighed.

"Gu Gu~ (I'm the most beautiful golden pheasant in the world, am I not as good-looking as these two fat guys? It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible.)" After hearing this, the golden pheasant on the side said disappointedly.

Look at his feathers exuding colorful light, can anyone ignore his beauty?How can this be?

"That's possible. You have to know that there are people beyond the human world, and you have never seen it in a bigger world. How do you think you are the most beautiful?" Sister Hong'er touched the lost golden pheasant and said: "It's useless to rely on beauty alone, beauty is just appearance. You have to get real strength from the heart. Look at who can cause danger to you. What's the use of your false beauty?" "

"Cuckoo~ (beauty is useless?)" The golden pheasant was stunned when he heard this, and then the feathers on his body began to fall off one by one.

Especially his most beautiful tail feathers fell off the ground directly.

"Aww~ (What's the matter, this stupid bird is not thinking about it, and wants to take the initiative to shed its hair and jump into the pot, right?)" Cheng Hao licked his lips when he saw this scene, and said, what if the other party is really thinking about it?That's great, and it saves him the trouble of plucking the hair.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and see what's going on with him?" Sister Hong'er said angrily after seeing this scene, she was in such a panic, she didn't know what was going on with this little stupid chicken?The little villain was still chatting on the sidelines.

"Aww~ (Don't worry about this little stupid chicken, the power of evolution has been withdrawn from the tail and continued to other places.)"

"Aww~ (From now on, this little stupid chicken will become stronger and stronger. It's no longer a vase.)" Cheng Hao said after being knocked on the head, looking at this little stupid chicken.

The reason why the feathers of this little stupid chicken are so beautiful and beautiful is that although this little pink chicken is a purifying animal, the direction of evolution is beautiful. What about a feather?

Now that the strength has been withdrawn from above, the feather will of course fall without the support of strength.

And the other parts of the body have been nourished by the power of evolution, and will become stronger in the future, and they will no longer be flashy and look like a beautiful big stupid chicken.

"It turned out to be like this. Elder sister thought that this little idiot was going to be overwhelmed and wanted to commit suicide." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this.

It turned out that this little stupid chicken finally saw it, which is really great.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo~ (The big roc rides the wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles.)"

"Googoogoo~ (This chicken must become the strongest from now on, let all the guys know that this chicken is the most powerful fighter.)"

Said the golden pheasant, whose feathers had lost most of its body, flapping its wings and growing feathers on its body again.

It's just that this time the feathers are black and gray, which looks like a gray chicken.It is no longer as gorgeous as it used to be.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. The most powerful bird in our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is a big goose. You can't beat him with just this ability." Sister Hong'er looked at the little stupid chicken and said, although the little chicken With all the flashy feathers gone, he looks stronger, but he is still not good compared to the big goose, he can only be the younger brother.

"Googoogoo~(That's just his luck, within a few months, I promise to beat him to crawl all over the ground.)" the golden pheasant kicked its legs and said, now that it doesn't need to raise those beautiful feathers, the whole chicken feels a lot easier Woolen cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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