Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 221 Animal Management Office

Chapter 221 Animal Management Office
"Eh? There are still animals in custody? Did these animals make any mistakes?" Sister Hong'er was a little surprised when she heard this. Logically speaking, if some animals made a big mistake, they should be killed on the spot. Well, why are some animals still imprisoned?

"Yes, most of them accidentally injured humans, or accidentally invaded humans' homes, causing property damage. Among them, there are more cats and dogs." The team member explained.

After these stray dogs and stray cats have become evolved animals, they often break into human homes to look for food, and they will run away in a hurry after being discovered by humans.

Then they will commit crimes in the next place. For this kind of harmless human beings, but the evolutionary animals that have only caused an impact, they have no other choice but to catch gambling?

What if hunting?This is likely to cause stray cats and stray dogs to fight back together, which is not good, but what if they are left alone?It will also form factors of instability in the city.

Therefore, it is the best way to imprison these stray cats and stray dogs for education, and it would be even better if they can join the evolutionary department and contribute their abilities to the department.

"So you invited me to give ideological education classes to these little guys, so as to help them undergo labor reform and ideological transformation?" Sister Hong'er asked, she never imagined that one day she would be able to receive such a job.

But don't tell me, this job is quite interesting, but I don't know how these cats and dogs are doing?
"Yes, that's probably what it means. It would be even better if you can let these cats and dogs work for the department, Miss Breeder." This mission came.

"Well, I'll try my best to tell them, but you can't just talk, you have to prepare some delicious food, at least canned cat food, chicken jerky and other small snacks." Miss Hong'er reminded .

Cats and dogs like to eat snacks, especially those stray cats and dogs that have not eaten much.What if the department wants them in?It's not enough to just talk about it.

"Don't worry, Miss Breeder. We have all the preparations, and we'll just wait for you to teach these little animals."

"Yes, we also specially prepared small toys such as cat scratching boards, frisbees, and plush balls in the prison to help them improve their impression of humans."

The team members replied with a smile that the commander was prepared for what the other party said, but since they didn't understand the language, they still couldn't communicate well with them, so they had to ask the other party to come forward.

"Well, then the things you have prepared are quite complete. Then there shouldn't be any big problems." Sister Hong'er laughed.

"Well, I don't know, Miss Breeder, are you free to come with us now?"

After hearing this, the team members asked.

"Of course there is no problem. I'll go with you now." Sister Hong'er said, stray cats and dogs like this are actually not bad in nature, and most of them are poor furry children abandoned by humans.

They should help them.

"Okay, then please come with us." The team members said, and they were about to get up and leave.

"Aww~ (Did I say you forgot something important during your conversation? I'm still here.)" Cheng Hao, who was eating fish at the side, was about to abandon himself and run away when he saw them.Immediately opened his mouth to remind.

He's a big cat here, didn't they see it?And those stray cats and stray dogs need love, so does he, okay?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! My sister almost forgot that you little villain is still here." Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head and said, "Sister, go ask the head of the garden to cut fish fillets for you. My sister has something urgent to do now." Go out for a while, but I can't accompany you."

"Aww~ (I'm not talking about this matter, I'm talking about why don't you take me with you? I can still be a bodyguard.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard this, when did it happen? ?The fish can be eaten later, he is not in a hurry, he is talking about going with the other party.

"Are you going with your sister? That's not good, you are a tiger after all, aren't these cats and dogs surprised when they see you?" Sister Hong'er said, looking at Cheng Hao.

Xiaoju is a big tiger now, he is no longer such a small tiger, he is a natural deterrent to other animals, especially these cats, cats and dogs, will they not be scared to pee when they see him?
"Aww~ (but I can also take the lead with me, let them know that you have a bright future with my sister.)" Cheng Hao stood up immediately after hearing this and said, "Aww~ (and sister, don't you think so? Are the words of a tiger more convincing than theirs?)”

He is the majestic king of beasts, as long as he passes by, will there be any need for my sister to say anything?These little guys still don't show their submission?

At that time, they will be incorporated together, and they should directly join the evolutionary department.

Take a look to see if there are any good things hidden in the department that are not given to him.

"Uh, what you said seems to make sense." Sister Hong'er nodded after hearing the words.

What if you just give thought lessons to the little animals and don't show them a role model?Indeed something was missing.

"Oh, oh, oh~ (So sister, you have to take me there, don't you? Let me say some words of encouragement to these little guys, and this thing will be done?)" Cheng Hao continued.

Let the department pay to raise these little guys, and then these little guys will serve as internal support for themselves, it is a perfect batch.

In this way, I have eyeliner in the city and in the forest, so I don't have to worry about any big things happening.

"Okay, okay, since you're such a rascal, I'll trust you." Sister Hong'er nodded, then patted Cheng Hao's head and said, "Let's go. Let's go together." Take a look."

"Aww~(Mmmm.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head, bit the fish and walked to Sister Hong'er.

It shouldn't be that fast to go to the prison, just let him have a meal.

"You little villain, do you still want to take fish with you? At that time, the car was full of smells?" Seeing this, Sister Hong'er grabbed the fish Cheng Hao was biting and said, "Be good, little villain, let's come back Eat again. Don't dirty the inside of the car."

"Aww~ (The problem is that I'm a little hungry now, and I don't have the energy to work when I'm hungry.)" Seeing his fish being taken away, Cheng Hao said.

Haven't you heard of people who have to work and not be given food?And the taste of this sea fish is so small, it doesn't matter if you eat it in the car, right?

"My sister knows that you are hungry, and she never said that she won't give you food, but you can't eat fish in the car." Sister Hong'er put the fish in the foam box, pushed the small trolley and said, "Sister, go and feed it to me." You take fresh beef, the taste of beef is less, so you can eat it in the car."

"Aww~ (Fresh beef? That's fine too.)" Cheng Hao, who was about to snatch the fish back to eat, stopped when he heard this.

As for the beef, that's okay, it just so happens that the No. [-] sister of Xiaojufen sent him delicious beef, which can be eaten in the car.

"That's right, a good cat must be obedient." Sister Hong'er smiled, and went to get the beef.

The team members on the side drooled enviously:

"By the way, Xiaopangju's food is really good. I have only eaten such good food since I joined the department in my whole life."

"Isn't it? Where do you usually eat beef every day at home?"

"That's right, as expected, being a tiger is the happiest thing. Some people say it's cute when it's fat, and no one blames it for making mistakes."

"Yeah, being a tiger is awesome."

People are not as good as tigers these days. Tuna and beef are all delicious food.It's like none of them have ever been treated like this.

"Okay, Xiaoju, let's go, my sister has already settled the matter." Just as they were discussing, sister Hong'er walked up to Cheng Hao and said.

"Aww~ (Oh, let's go then.)" Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this, and followed Sister Hong'er.

"Don't be envious, Miss Breeder has done it, let's hurry up too." The team members who saw this scene said to their companions, and hurried over.

"Okay, okay." The other team members quickly followed after hearing this.

"Little rascal, you just stay here and eat meat slowly, you know? Don't jump up and down, or you will mess up this place." Sister Hong'er, who got in the car, confessed.

Let this little villain eat as much as he likes, so don't let her run around.

"Aww~ (I get it, I get it, I'm not a child. I don't need my sister to teach you this kind of thing.)" Sitting in the spacious business car, Cheng Hao rolled his big tail around the seat while eating beef. .

The design of this car is too impersonal, and I don't know how to give him a whole fruit plate or something delicious.Does this make him uncomfortable?
"That's fine, you little rascal, eat slowly." Sister Hong'er smiled, and touched the back of Cheng Hao's big head.I sent a message to the principal.

In case the director doesn't know about their departure, he will be scratching his head in a hurry.

"Miss Breeder, you and Xiaopangju are seated, we are going to drive soon." The team member who got in the car reminded.

The little fat orange sat while eating, don't wait for a while and fly out, it will be bad then.

"Don't worry, we've already done it, you can just drive it, and nothing will happen." Sister Hong'er laughed when she heard this.

"Alright then." The team member nodded upon hearing this, and stepped on the accelerator.The car rushed out with a "whoosh".

"Aww~ (Slow down, don't drive so fast, I'm eating, it's not good to drive too fast.)" Cheng Hao, who was eating meat, muttered after feeling the force coming from behind.

How do people drive so violently these days?It's slower.

"What are you talking about, little fat orange? What's the matter? You have to eat the meat in your mouth first before we can hear you."

"Yeah, little fat orange, your mouth is full, we can't hear you clearly."

The team members sitting next to him asked with a smile after hearing it.

The little fat orange is so cute, with two ears pricked up.Eat cut meat to scream.

"Xiaoju told you not to drive. He was driving too fast. He said he was having dinner and he didn't like other people driving so fast." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile after hearing this.

"So it's like this. Did our driver hear that? Little Fat Ju asked you to drive slower."

"That's right, otherwise Xiaoju will give you a paw if she gets angry later."

The team members said with a smile.

"Understood, I'll drive slowly. Don't worry so much, little fat orange. My driving skills are very stable. Don't worry if nothing happens." The driver who heard this said, stepping on the accelerator Still a lot looser.

"Aww~ (all drowned people can swim, so it's better to be careful when driving.)" Cheng Hao muttered, this driving is no joke, what's the use of the other party just saying that his car drives well, That has to be really good.

And if something really happens?Anyway, he doesn't have any problems, but what about the other party?But it's hard to talk about it.

"Okay, okay, you little guy has a lot of safety awareness, but I will let you know that my driving skills are not for fun." The driver who heard this said with a smile.

"Aww~ (I hope so.)" Cheng Hao said with a yawn.

As long as he doesn't drive fast or fast, he doesn't really care much about what the other party's car looks like.

Even if he crawled slowly at a speed of ten yards, it didn't matter if he went back, he was afraid that the other party would give him a sudden blow.

Let him break through the big glass and fly out, then he will really know how to thank you.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Powerful and powerful motor that roars on the road.It didn't take long for the car to come to a remote place, where dogs barking, cat barking and some strange barking sounds came from here.

"There should be more than stray cats and dogs locked here. I seem to hear the sounds of foxes and other animals inside." Looking at the jungle slowly opening a long passage, Sister Hong'er explained and said.

The department is really good at picking places, and actually established a base in such a place.

Moreover, under this large forest, there are rolling shafts and the like.People who don't know really think this place is just a forest, right?

"Yes, people raise a lot of animals. So there are a lot of abandoned ones. This time we also found creatures such as golden pythons, crocodiles, and large lizards."

"Yeah, we were shocked when we caught it. I don't know how there is such an animal in a place where humans live." The team members nodded upon hearing this.

Professionals are professional, and you can tell that there are more than just stray cats and dogs imprisoned just by their barking.

"Normal! Humans often raise some strange animals in order to satisfy their own preferences or selfish desires, and when their curiosity is over, or when the novelty is gone, they will abandon these animals." Sister Hong'er looked Looking at the closed door, he said: "Even so, most stray animals still believe in humans, which makes people feel very uncomfortable."

From the voices of the little animals, she heard the loneliness and panic, as well as a wounded heart. These animals need comfort and care.

It takes love to heal these broken hearts.

"Yeah, but there is no way, we can't change anything."

"Yes, the main thing is to improve pet protection."

The team members sighed, regardless of this kind of thing, there is nothing they can do about it.

It can only be said to help if they see it, but if they can't see it, then they can only hope that the other party will be lucky and meet a kind person.

"Aww~ (but no one dares to abandon it now, right? After all, it's just an evolved animal.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

Animals nowadays are not stupid. If they were abandoned, they might give their excrement shoveler a cat punch or something.
"That's true, but if someone wants to abandon it? There is still a way." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

These people have no bottom line at all. It cannot be said that because their pets have become evolutionary animals, they can be contained.

They will still find ways to abandon their pets.

"Aww~ (Then there is no other way, there is nothing you can do when you meet this kind of scum.)" Cheng Hao sighed.

Small animals can't choose what their own shit-shoveling officer looks like, so there's nothing they can do if they encounter one.

"That's right, so the law on the protection of pets must be perfected." Sister Hong'er said, looking at the team members at the side, she said, "Please open the door, let's go and take a look at these poor little guys."

"Okay." The team members nodded when they heard the words, and opened the door, and soon the noise of animals came from inside.

"Wow woof woof~ (Let us go, don't lock us up here, we didn't do anything wrong, you can't do this.)"

"Wow woof woof~ (That's right, let us out quickly.)"

"Meow meow~ (Let me out, you bad guys, why are you locking me up? I haven't done anything bad.)"

After entering the prison with a clean environment, the figures of the animals came from inside, and it could be heard that they were very unhappy about being locked up.

They just wanted to survive and did nothing wrong.

"It's so noisy. I said you can't send these little guys to other places. Why do you keep them here? My head is about to split open from their noise."

"Even if we are guilty, you can't punish us like this. We would rather go to the judge than listen to their quarrel here."

"That's right, let us go to another place quickly, we don't want to stay in this ghost place any longer."

The prisoners staying in the prison feel like they have a splitting headache and their spirits are not good. Why should they be tortured like this?God, they feel like their heads are going to split.

"Give me more peace, don't make noise, what's there to make noise, you will fall to this point. It's all self-inflicted, and now this is just the first step of your redemption."

"That's right. We know that you are bored in the prison, and let some cats and dogs accompany you. They have already taken care of you. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

After the team members patrolling around heard it, they spoke.

How nice are these kitties?Listening to their voices can relieve boredom, these guys are so uninterested, you know, no one in other prisons wants to hear these kittens.

"Then replace the other guys, anyway, we don't want to hear these cats' meowing anymore."

"That's right, this is simply a kind of torture. Do you know how we got here during this time?" The other prisoners said painfully after hearing this. Do they know how he got over this time?

These animals barked during the day, and kept barking at night when they fell asleep, and also barked when they woke up.

"Isn't this the meaning of imprisoning you? If it makes you comfortable, how do you know how heinous the crime you committed is?"

"This is the meaning of imprisoning you. Enjoy it honestly. How can this be?"

The team members said angrily, and knocked in front of each cage where the animals were kept: "Little guys, don't make a fuss. We have invited very powerful experts for you this time. To educate you little guys .”

"Yeah, I guarantee that you will be absolutely happy when you see it. Come out honestly, little ones."

"Wow~(You are lying to us again, we will not be fooled by you again.)"

"Wow woof~ (That's right, you guys are so bad, you lie to us every day.)"

The stray dogs who heard this said, their eyes full of suspicion.

These human beings locked them together and didn't let them out, how could they be at ease?Must be lying to them.

"They didn't lie to you this time, because my sister came here to help you. If you have any problems, you can tell her, and she will help you solve them." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing what they said.

These little guys are very anxious, and they seem to be very angry staying here.

"Wow woof~ (Our problem is to get us out quickly, we don't want to stay in this place anymore.)"

"Wow woof~ (There's nothing wrong, let us out quickly, we didn't do anything wrong.)"

Seeing someone who could understand their speech, the animals immediately spoke.

"Okay, okay, my sister knows that you are very anxious and want to come out to play. But only dogs with excellent performance can come out. From now on, whoever performs best among you can come out."

"If they don't behave well, dogs with a bad temper can't come out." Sister Hong'er looked at them and said, and the noisy prison fell silent in an instant.

These animals all looked at Miss Hong'er eagerly, their eyes full of expectation.I am very yearning for the outside world.

"That's right, a good dog is a dog that is quiet and obedient." Sister Hong'er smiled and said after seeing it: "As a reward for a good dog, everyone has good food to eat." .”

"Wow woof~ (Good food?)" The dogs all opened their eyes wide when they heard this.

I saw the team members walking over with boxes in their arms, and began to distribute ham sausages and big bones to them.

"This is just the first wave of rewards. If you perform better? My sister will give it to you." Sister Hong'er laughed.

"Bow woof~ (We will be obedient.)" The dogs gnawed on the ham and bones nodded.

"Then eat obediently. After a while, my sister will come to give you an ideological education class." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, then turned and left.

"The breeder, Ms. Yan, is really amazing. When seeing these little animals, they become honest in an instant."

"Yeah, it's better than seeing them, I don't know how many times?" The team members who followed couldn't help admiring.

As expected, one thing falls one thing. As soon as the breeder lady came, all the little guys stopped. This is a rare thing.

"It's okay, I just understand their speech, so it's more convenient. If you have the ability? You can do it." Sister Hong'er said indifferently, looked at the cell inside and said: "The rest Are all the animals below staying inside?"

"Yes, I separated them because I was afraid they would fight." The team member nodded.

"Then take me to the other animals, let me see how they are doing?" Sister Hong'er said.

"Okay, Miss Breeder, please come this way." The team member said after hearing this, and took Miss Hong'er to the place where the stray cats lived.

"Aww~ (there are so many animals living in this place.)" Cheng Hao leaned against the wall and yawned.

At present, the situation is going well. It should not be his turn. He can stay here and have a good rest.

"Little Pangju, are you sleeping here? Can I touch you?" Just when Cheng Hao stretched his waist and was about to fall asleep.

A female voice came from beside him, and when he looked up, he saw a figure looking at him.

Judging by the clothes on the other party, it should also belong to the department. As for the person?I haven't seen it, maybe it's a new player.

"Aww~ (Of course not, you didn't honor me with delicious food, do you think I've touched it for nothing?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao waved his paws and said, shaking his head.

Do you still want to touch him?How can there be such a good thing, it's fine if you don't prepare any gifts before you want to touch him, but you don't even prepare meat.

"Can't it? I'll just touch it, okay?" Seeing that his request was rejected, Human Shadow was a little disappointed, but he refused to give up.They continued to discuss.

"Aww~ (Don't talk about touching it, you can't even touch it.)" Cheng Hao continued shaking his head.

"Is it still not enough? Little Fat Orange, you just touch it for me, okay? I promise to touch the paws, not even your big head." Hearing this, the human figure knelt down and clasped his fists in begging.

"Xiao Lin, if you want to touch Xiaopang Tangerine, you can't just rely on your words. You have to bring a gift."

"Yeah, this little villain is notorious for not touching his flesh. Even if you talk about next year, he won't let you touch him."

"Yeah, go to the cafeteria and get some meat."

Just as she was begging bitterly, someone else's voice came from one side, it was the other team members here.

As people who knew this little glutton better, they knew very well that if they wanted to touch this little villain, they had to do it empty-handed.

At least keep some snacks or something else in your pocket.

"Little Pangju, do you want to eat delicious roasted chicken legs? If you want to eat it, can you touch the paws for me?"

"Yeah, Xiaopangju, do you want to eat beef jerky or not? If you do, just let me touch the other paw."

"You two touch Xiaopangju's paws, I'll be a little bit wronged, and I'll just touch his big round head."

The team members holding the food surrounded Cheng Hao and said, they brought delicious food for this little glutton, so this little glutton should be touched by them.

"Aww~ (You guys just want to touch me with this little thing, let's put it here to send beggars, at least ten times the amount, okay?)" Cheng Hao raised his head slightly, and glanced at the food they were holding in their hands.

Immediately, I felt that they came here to feed the cats. Who would eat this little food?

"Pangju, do you agree? Then we won't be polite."

"Yes, yes, we touched it."

The team members who heard this said happily, with an unconscious smile on their faces, and stretched out their hands to touch Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Don't hit me.)" When he saw them coming up, Cheng Hao dodged them with a backflip.

"Um, it seems that you don't give snacks, and he doesn't seem to touch them." Xiao Lin on the side said weakly after seeing it.

They also asked themselves to get the meat, but they didn't want to see Xiaopangju.

"It's impossible not to touch it, there must be something wrong."

"That's right, maybe the snacks we brought didn't meet his wishes."

"Yes, this little villain is so greedy, there is no reason not to be touched."

The team members who heard this chattered and discussed, wondering what went wrong?
"Aww~ (Is this tiger so greedy? And you use this amount to feed the cat to tempt me, do you think I'm stupid?)" Cheng Hao said angrily when he heard this.

After looking left and right, he ran towards the direction where sister Hong'er left. If he continued to stay here, he would definitely not be able to sleep. He had to find someone to help stop him.

"Don't run away, little fat orange, you don't like chicken legs, I'll get you duck legs."

"Yes, yes, we can discuss everything, so don't turn around and run away."

The team members who saw this scene said, and chased after them.

"Meow meow~ (Sister, you smell so sweet, can you take me home?)" Big Fat Orange lay down at Sister Hong'er's feet, holding Sister Hong'er's shoes, and asked eagerly.

As a social butterfly among cats, he is a natural social cow.

"I don't have a problem, but you have to ask him if he agrees." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er pointed to Cheng Hao who came over and said, this Sheniu kitten is really a When I came up, I started hugging my legs and begging for support.

You must know that he hasn't said anything yet. Sure enough, this round head, round brain and round belly looks a bit like Xiaoju, and he ate it out of his own ability.

I don't know how many innocent passersby believed his trick and voluntarily paid for it.

"Meow meow~ (he?)" Hearing this, the big fat orange turned his head, and saw a big cat whose body was many times bigger than it was approaching, and immediately jumped up in fright , hugged Hong'er's leg tightly and said: "Meow~ (Sister, hurry up and protect me, it's so big and scary, I think he's going to eat me.)"

(End of this chapter)

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