Chapter 222
"What nonsense are you kidding, there's no way Xiaoju will eat you, get off my sister obediently, you little rascal." Feeling the weight on her legs, Hong'er said angrily.

This little villain is really heavy, it almost deformed her pants.

"Meow meow~ (Don't, don't. I don't want to come down, he's too scary.)" Hearing this, the big fat orange said, holding Sister Hong'er's leg tightly but not letting go, only here he can feel Safety.

He doesn't feel comfortable anywhere else.

"Aww~ (I haven't done anything yet, and you say I'm scary. If I did something, wouldn't I scare you to death?)" Cheng Hao said speechlessly.

This big orange cat will take advantage of it, hugging her sister's leg and won't let go, does this little villain know whose territory it is?

If you want to hug your legs, he should hug you, okay?Where did this little bastard go to keep his house cool?

"Meow meow~ (Sister, help, he has spoken, he wants to eat me.)" Hearing this, the big fat orange became even more frightened, and the hair on his body burst into pieces.

It looks like a large orange kiwi.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, Xiaoju never said that she wanted to eat it, okay?" Sister Hong'er said helplessly, grabbing the big orange cat and said.

"Meow meow~ (Sister, did you make a mistake? I am Xiaoju. He is so big, how can he be so small? One mouth is enough to swallow two of me.)" Big Juju who was being hugged said the cat.

The face of this guy in front of him is bigger than a washbasin, his body is thicker than a tire, and his legs are as big as pillars. How small is it?Is there something wrong with my sister's eyes?

"He didn't grow up to this big all at once, he grew up gradually, okay?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help smiling when she heard that, "Besides, he's a big cat raised by my sister. Do you still want to go with my sister now? If you go with my sister, you have to follow him every day. "

"Meow meow~ (No, no, no, I will suffer if he is so big, I don't want to be eaten by him as dessert in the middle of the night.)" Hearing this, the big orange cat shook his head quickly, what a joke, he was with the other party Together, isn't that takeaway delivered to your door?The other party even worked hard to find food, and swallowed him in one gulp in the middle of the night.

"Aww~ (Let me make a statement in advance, I'm not interested in a guy with dirty hair, not much meat, and all fat on his body.)"

"Aww~ (Although I eat meat, I don't know how to eat any garbage.)" Cheng Hao, who heard the other party's words, said unhappily. How can this big orange cat tell that he looks delicious? Ah, his body is dirty and his big belly almost hangs down to the ground. It looks like a lot of fat, okay?
If he took a bite, it wouldn't make him sick for more than half a year, and the hair all over his body was removed, and his belly full of fat, what's there to eat?

It's better to find a big rooster to eat, at least the big cock doesn't have so much fat, and the feathers are few, and the most important thing is that the bones gnaw loudly.

"Meow meow~ (Sister, she must have eaten cats and cats, otherwise how can you be so clear? Sister, you have to protect me.)" The big orange cat became even more frightened when he heard this. The other party even knew how to eat it. food.

"You little villain, don't talk nonsense, Xiaoju don't talk about eating cats now, even if it's the first time he's even seen a living cat." Miss Hong'er said speechlessly.

"Meow meow~ (Really? What did my sister eat to grow up? Why did she grow up so big? Could it be that I followed my sister and you can grow so big?)" Daju who heard this The cat finally breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Cheng Hao and asked.

Everyone is an orange cat, why is the other party so big?This is simply outrageous. Is there anything special and delicious here for my sister?

"Of course it's impossible. The reason why Xiaoju grows so big is because he is the king of beasts, the big tiger."

"And you're just a harmless kitten, even if my sister feeds you again, you won't be able to grow so big." Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing after hearing this, the big orange cat thought it was a small kitten Do oranges grow so big by eating?
How is this possible?Even if cats evolved, they didn't evolve into such a big pup all at once, let alone food alone couldn't do this.

It still depends on the genes carried by the animals themselves. How can an orange cat become a tiger? It may take tens of thousands of years of evolution.

"Meow meow~ (It turns out that this is a tiger, no wonder it can grow so big, sister, do you have any way to make me grow so big too?)" The big orange cat suddenly realized when he heard this.

He also wants to have this kind of momentum, and also wants to become so powerful. Is there any way for my sister to help him?

"Of course not. If my sister wants to use such a powerful method, won't there be big tigers everywhere?" Sister Hong'er pinched the face of the big orange cat and smiled: "Tigers have the benefits of tigers, and cats have the benefits of cats." Good thing, you see that you are so small that you can be hugged, and then you can see if Xiaoju can be hugged? So don't always envy other animals, you know? You also have to pay attention to your own advantages."

Sure enough, kittens always have the heart to grow into big tigers, but tigers are not so easy to be.

"Meow meow~ (Yeah, I see.)" said the big orange cat rubbing Sister Hong'er's arm.

"Aww~ (The little guy almost got out of here. I've put up with you for a long time. Do you have to know the people you shouldn't touch when you shouldn't be there?)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao blew his beard and stared. eyes said.

If the big fat cat is sensible, just go back honestly, don't crawl around on the breeder's sister, you must know that place belongs to him.

"Meow meow~ (Sister, he's killing me.)" The big orange cat said hastily when he heard the words, his chubby head slipped into Sister Hong'er's arms, showing a pitiful expression on his face.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoju, why are you bothering with him when you have nothing to do? My sister is just hugging him now, and she doesn't plan to carry him home forever." Sister Hong'er said immediately when she saw this.

Why is Xiaoju so jealous?She just hugged the big fat cat, as for this look?
"Aww~ (You little stupid cat sleeps at night, you'd better not sleep too hard, otherwise? Be careful.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao curled his lips and said.

Turning around, he found a wall and lay down. The nasty little stupid cat dared to pretend to be pitiful.

When he is free, he can't play with this stupid guy to death.

"Meow meow~ (My sister wants to eat me, but my sister still wants to eat me.)" The big orange cat trembled when he heard this. The other party was completely different from what his sister said, okay?The other party wanted to eat him.

"Don't worry, Little Orange is just scaring you, he is too lazy to run so far to attack you, if you are really scared, later sister let you go home with a team member, okay?" Sister Hong'er touched The head of the big orange cat said.

Wasn't this little villain very happy to provoke Xiaoju just now? Why is he so scared right now?

Is the feeling he just pretended all the way?Sure enough, there are a lot of little kittens these days.

"Meow~ (Really? Then sister, you have to find me something better.)" The big orange cat said after hearing this. Anyway, he dare not go home with his sister, otherwise this big orange cat The cat is staring at him covetously, he dare not even eat, he will definitely be bullied.

"Don't worry, sister will definitely find you a good family." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Little Pangju, you can really run. You can say that if you think the snacks we give are not good, why go away if you have nothing to do?"

"Exactly! I'm almost exhausted from chasing, can't you stop?"

The team members saw Cheng Hao lying on the wall, and said out of breath, this little villain looks chubby, and even more chubby when he runs, like a big wheel, he disappeared immediately , can exhaust them to death.

"Aww~ (As I said, your little snacks are at most enough for the cat to eat, and you give me too little, and it's even more impossible to touch me.)" Cheng Hao, who was leaning against the wall, yawned.

"Big orange cat, how about taking a look at them? Is there any young lady you particularly like?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help but her eyes lit up when she heard the conversation here, and held up the big orange cat in her hand. asked.

These people ran after Xiaoju, so they must like big fluffy cats very much. It just so happens that the big orange cat is not small, and it is completely a miniature version of the little tiger.

"Meow meow~ (Do you really like that one? I just want to know which one of them is better for cats and which one is richer?)" Hearing this, the big orange cat sat in Sister Hong'er's arms, staring at the crowd surrounding Cheng Hao Said.

There are so many people here, which one is rich and good for cats? This is what he cares most about.

"You ask my sister, how does my sister know? Or can I ask them for you?" Hong'er sister heard the words and said, this little guy only needs to be nice to the cat, and he also needs to have a rich family. There are really many minds.

"Meow meow~ (Okay, okay, sister, please help me to ask, which of them lacks a cute kitten for food?)" Da Fat Ju nodded and urged, rubbing the palm of sister Hong'er.

"Little Fat Orange, just touch it for us, okay? We don't touch you for nothing. See? We brought snacks."

"Yes, yes, little fat orange, just touch it for us, it won't lose a piece of meat anyway."

The team members here surrounded Cheng Hao while talking, and Cheng Hao's face turned black when he saw it.

Just as he was about to get up and run, he saw Sister Hong walking over.

"Don't keep staring at the little orange. I still have a big orange here. Don't you want to touch it? This cute big orange is looking for a home. Which of you is willing to provide him with a warm new home?"

Sister Hong'er came over and said to them.

"Um, big orange? Breeder, you are talking about this big orange cat, right?"

"Yeah, his head is really round, I think it will slide down when the water drops on it."

After hearing this, the team members turned their heads, and soon noticed the big orange cat in Sister Hong'er's hand.

"That's right, it's him. The big orange cat wants to find a shit-shoveling officer. I think you all like cats. Does any of you want to raise him?" Sister Hong'er nodded, flipping the big orange cat over. Turning around to show them: "Why do you want to pet the cats chasing after Xiaoju? Look at this head and stomach, they are not worse than Xiaoju's at all."

"It's true, round and chubby, just like a big orange ball."

"Yes, yes, it's really cute."

Everyone who heard this said, their eyes lit up when they looked at the big orange cat: "Big fat orange, do you want to wait for me to go home? My house is very big, it is very suitable for playing."

"Yes, my family is not small, and I really need a house cat."

"How do you hear that? Big Orange Cat. Everyone likes you very much. Now is the time for you to make a decision. Who are you going to go home with?" Listening to everyone's words, Sister Hong'er patted her body. The big orange cat asked, let him make a decision quickly without hesitation.

"Meow~ (It's up to you, Miss Sister.)" After hearing this, the big orange cat picked among several people, and quickly noticed the girl with a round face among them, and directly Stretched paws to make a decision.

"Big orange cat, are you going home with me?"

Picking up the big orange cat stretched out its paws, the girl with oval face said.

"I think he wants to go home with me. You can see that his nails are shrinking. How could it be you?"

"No, no, I think he's talking about me, right? Big orange cat."

When the other girls heard the words, they all felt that the big fat cat should be chosen by their own guess.

"You want to follow this beauty, don't you?" Sister Hong'er asked after seeing this.

Unlike these arguing people, she was at the same angle as the big orange cat, so following the other's paw, she quickly knew who he wanted to follow.

"Meow~ (Yes, yes, that's her.)" the big orange cat said, nodding its head upon hearing this.

The other party has the same round face as him, and he looks like a good person, and the other cat smells like other cats, which proves that the other party often feeds other kittens.

"Then elder sister knows, elder sister would like to ask this beauty if she would like to take you back?" Sister Hong'er said, walking towards the round-faced girl beside her:

"My sister, it's not convenient for you to have a cat in your house? The big orange cat wants to go home with you."

"My house is convenient for keeping cats, big orange cat, is he really willing to go back with me?" the girl who was watching her companions argue happily said, she had always wanted to kidnap a kitten outside, but those cats were all Treat her like a big meal ticket.

None of them are willing to go home with her, seeing that everyone else has cats.She still didn't have one, and she was almost desperate.

She didn't expect a big orange cat to go with her today.

"Of course it's true. The big orange cat said it wanted to go home with you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and patted the big orange cat in her arms.

"Meow~ (Yes, yes.)" said the big orange cat, eager to try to jump on the opponent.

"Um, is this big orange cat going with Meimei?"

"Yeah, did I hear you right?"

"Congratulations, Meimei, you've become a cat owner all of a sudden."

The team members who heard this were stunned for a while.They congratulated one after another.

They have all heard the tragic experience of this sister being used as a meal ticket. It is great to have a cat willing to go back with her.

"Yeah, thank you everyone."

Meimei said happily when she heard the words, and immediately took over the big orange cat: "Don't worry big orange cat, you won't lose money if you follow me. There are boxes and boxes of canned food in my house."

(End of this chapter)

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