Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 226 I'm Going!A man's dream

Chapter 226 I'm Going!A man's dream

"Sister Hong'er, little fat orange didn't disturb our study."

"Yes, yes, you don't have to drive him away, we think it's good to have Little Pang Ju."

The two people who saw this scene quickly said, it was not easy for Xiaopangju to touch them, now that Xiaopangju is gone, they are not interested in reading.

"I know you guys like Xiaoju and want to say good things for him, but if you are wrong, you are wrong." Sister Hong'er heard the words, looked at the two of them and said, "You guys study hard, I will take care of Xiaoju and won't let you He interrupted your study."

After finishing speaking, without giving the two of them a chance to continue talking, they walked towards the door: "Xiaoju, you little villain, don't run away, stop quickly for sister, don't come to the library to disturb everyone's study next time, you know?"

"We seem to have caused trouble for Xiaopangju." Hearing the voice outside, the girl said.

Hearing Hong'er's tone of voice, she seemed quite angry, it's over now, Xiaopangju probably won't come to the library after being scolded.

"Yes, right now, I just hope that Chubby Orange will have a thicker skin, so that he won't take it to heart when he is scolded." Another girl also said.

Why did the cute little chubby orange leave?They haven't touched enough yet.

"Aww~ (I said you've been chasing me, are you annoying? I'm about to go to sleep. What does it look like for you girls to chase after me?)" who ran out of the library After Cheng Hao found a small tail behind him, he stopped and spoke to him speechlessly.

This guy looks like a follower and an annoyance at first glance.

He just wants to find a place to sleep well, can this guy not bother him like this?
"What are you talking about, little fat orange? I don't understand, please lie down and let me touch it, okay?" Li Xing'er said with a smile after hearing this.

"Xiaoju said that you are annoying, and asked you not to follow him." Sister Hong'er who came out followed said, reaching out her hand to grab Li Xing'er's body that was about to be attached to Cheng Hao.

If Xiaoju slaps her at this time, the other party will be half-crippled even if he is not dead.

"How is this possible? Little Fat Orange is so cute, how could he say such cruel words? My sister knew you were fooling me when she heard this." Li Xing'er heard the words, and rushed Seeing Cheng Hao, he smiled and said, "Little Fat Orange, do you know who I am? I'm my sister's younger sister."

"So rounding up is your sister breeder. What should you do with sister breeder? You should lie down obediently and show your big belly so I can understand?"

"Aww~ (Sister, are you sure this guy is not very smart? Is it your sister? I think she picked it up, right?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said.

He is really lucky, such twisted words can be gathered together, right?
"Although Xing'er's brain is indeed a little problematic, but she is indeed my younger sister." Sister Hong'er sighed helplessly upon hearing this.

Xing'er is so old, she is not stable at all, and she is still like a child, which is really a headache.

"My good sister, you are the one who talks about these sisters like this. Our blood is thicker than water, won't my heart hurt when you say that?" Li Xinger immediately covered her chest, revealing a smile Looks uncomfortable.

It's a long life, I didn't expect my sister to backstab my sister for the sake of chubby orange.It's really not about Wude.

"No, she's not her own sister anyway, so what's so distressing about it?" Sister Hong'er said angrily.

Blood is thicker than water, blood is thicker than water, they are not relatives, they are just cousins.

"Aww~ (Let me just say, my sister is smart and unparalleled, how could she have a real sister with a brain?)" Cheng Hao nodded, saying that if this is the case, then everything will be explained It worked.

"You little villain has a sweet mouth. It looks like you didn't sleep in the library for nothing." Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing when she heard this.He let go of Li Xinger's hand and said, "Next time you want air-conditioning and want to sleep? You can sleep in the complex. I've already told the principal that central air-conditioning will be installed in the complex for you guys." The little ones escaped the heat."

It's not a problem for Xiaoju to run into the library every day, what if a bookcase is knocked down?That can be busy.

Therefore, if he wants to sleep, he should go to sleep in the complex. There is a spacious place where one or two thousand tigers can lie down without any problem.

"Aww~ (Are you going to install air-conditioning in the complex? It's a good idea, but we have so many animals here, is the complex enough?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this, and they were in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. .Not to mention that there are hundreds of tigers, but the total number of other animals is more than four or five thousand, right?
And everyone is not small. How can such a small complex really allow all the animals to escape the heat?
"Of course it's not enough, so isn't it building a large swimming pool and other places to escape the heat?" Sister Hong'er said, pointing to a place in the distance where the light of electric welding is shining.

Robot No. [-] has been very busy recently. One robot is being used as an engineering team, and it is speeding up the construction of a factory shed to escape the summer heat.

"Aww~ (Sister, you were talking about the place where the idiot robot was repairing. I thought it was a new animal house. So it was a place to escape the summer heat?)" Cheng Hao suddenly realized.

This idiot robot is really stupid. He heard from his sister that the garden director and grandpa hired someone to give this idiot a gift. He wanted to see if he could build a big factory shed?

As a result, this idiot robot was really fooled, and now he is building a factory shed while broadcasting live every day.

Whenever someone rewards him with a gift, he is very happy.

It can be said that the grandpa of the garden director used less than a hundred yuan a day, but let this idiot work for a thousand yuan a day.

"Yes, after the construction is completed, animals like rhinos, elephants, and giraffes can escape the heat inside." Sister Hong'er nodded, and stretched out her hand to pat Li Xing'er's drooping body: "If you want to talk, just say Speak well, sit well if you want to sit, and don't lie on me in such hot weather."

"I don't lie on you, will Xiaopangju be willing to touch me?" Li Xing'er who was being patted said, Xiaopangju is really obedient in front of her sister. It's like seeing a fly, can she succeed without using her sister's cover?

"If you don't come empty-handed, Xiaoju will definitely touch it for you. Don't you know how to bring some gifts for Xiaoju?" Sister Hong'er said angrily upon hearing this.

This little girl knew that Xiaoju was greedy, so she came here empty-handed.Xiaoju was willing to let her touch her to call the ghost.

But how many catties of beef does he bring?Xiaoju wouldn't avoid her like this.

"My good sister, I'm poor. Where can I find the money to buy Xiaopangju a gift? Or you can lend me some." Hearing this, Li Xing'er said, turning all her pockets inside out.

Let the other party listen to it, is there not even a sound inside?
"I heard from my uncle that he gives you tens of thousands of dollars every month. Where did you hide the money? Where did the money go when you don't wear makeup, don't buy luxury goods, and stay at home all day?" Hong Seeing this, Sister Er stretched out her hand to touch the other person's body.

It was found that there was really nothing on the other party, except for a large mechanical beetle.

"Of course it's for inventions, creations, and scientific research. How can there be inventions that don't cost money?" Li Xing'er raised her hands and said, she didn't get sponsorship from the company, and she didn't have support from the school.

Doesn't it cost money to research your own beetle armor?How can these tens of thousands of dollars a month be enough to burn?

"So you have burned so much money, what achievements have you made?" Sister Hong'er sighed helplessly upon hearing this.

It's not that she looks down on this younger sister, it's that the things he's researching now are outdated, like those developed in the department long ago, she's just following the old path of others, it's useless at all.

For example, his unmanned detection drone and the like can be bought on the mobile phone for a few thousand yuan, but she has to invest tens of thousands of yuan to develop it herself.

She felt that such a thing was really unnecessary.

"Of course I have. I have developed a very powerful armor this time." Upon hearing this, Li Xing'er said proudly, "This is definitely an epic invention of mankind. It can not only fulfill the dreams of mankind, but also greatly improve the To enhance the ability of individual combat, the most important thing is that as long as I use this set of inventions, ordinary people can have the same fighting power as an evolutionary, I call it a bug armor."

"Aww~ (sounds like Kamen Rider and Armor Warrior, so where are your real ones?)" Cheng Hao asked curiously.

Why is the thing that the other party said so similar to an armor transformation device, so where is the real thing of the other party?

"Then have you researched the sample yet?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously.

"Of course, if I don't come up with any research results, what are you doing looking for my sister?" Li Xing'er said, took out the mechanical beetle, pressed down the big eyes on the beetle's head and shouted: "Aritos giant horn fairy is out, Ready to combine."

"Aritos Giant Horn Received." The mechanical beetle replied, and stretched out its mechanical claws to hug Li Xing'er, wearing a black belt around her waist.

At the same time, the trunk of the car parked outside the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongtashan suddenly opened.

Then a steel beetle the size of a lockbox flapped its wings and flew in towards the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"I'll go! What is it? What a big one, is it the black swan in our park?"

"It doesn't look like it. I have never seen a black swan that is so flat."

The keeper who was feeding the animals in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain couldn't help shouting and discussing as he watched the large mecha beetle flying in.

"Aww~ (You can't transform directly?)" Seeing the other party's words fall, the beetle climbed onto the belt, but there was no reaction.Cheng Hao couldn't help being disappointed.

What the hell, he thought he could really transform, but it turned out to be just a show.

"Xing'er, are you just fighting with people like this?" Sister Hong'er asked weakly, that's it, is this the end?

"Of course not. My exoskeleton armor is on its way. Wait a minute, it's already here." Li Xing'er looked into the distance and said.

Of course her transformation won't stop there, my sister will wait patiently, and soon she will let them know how powerful she is.

"Oh? Like this?" Sister Hong'er heard the words and said, she was relieved in her heart.

What if the other party's research is really nothing more than that?The uncle knew that she had been tossing around for so long and had spent so much money, why couldn't she cry to death?
"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Right after Miss Hong'er's voice fell, the giant beetle also appeared in sight.

"Aww~ (I'll go, the whole thing looks like that, is this your armor?)" Looking at the big beetle shining with metallic light, Cheng Hao couldn't help but be surprised.

Good guy, I didn't expect someone to actually make such a thing?

"What a big beetle." Sister Hong'er saw this.I couldn't help but marvel at the fact that this size is comparable to a password box, right?

"Yes, but this is not its strongest point." Li Xing'er said with a smile, and shouted towards the sky: "Aritos giant horn fairy is ready to merge."

"Aritos received, the armor form is changing."

The giant horned fairy Alitos in the sky shouted, and there was a "click" sound coming from her body.

Then, under Cheng Hao's gaze, it gradually took on the appearance of armor.

"Dress!" Li Xinger yelled, and the Aritos Giant Horn Immortal transformed into a humanoid armor suit landed on Li Xinger.



Immediately, the sound of armor came from everywhere on Li Xing'er.

"The fit is complete! The Aritos Armor is here for you." The black armor looked radiant under the sunlight.

This made Cheng Hao call out how handsome he is, so it turns out that this thing can really be made.

"It looks very powerful, but Xing'er, don't you feel a bit heavy in this suit?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously after being astonished.

This armor doesn't look light, she is like this, is there really no problem?
"Of course not. My armor uses hydraulic power and powerful mechanical support. The purpose is to allow humans to obtain superhuman strength and defense."

"With this armor, no matter whether it is a grenade or a bullet, it is impossible to cause harm to me."

Li Xing'er's voice came from inside the armor.

"Is it so powerful? Could it be that you have tested it yourself?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously upon hearing this.

"Of course not. I'm a good citizen who abides by the law. How could I do such a thing?" Li Xing'er said confidently when she heard the words. If she really tried?She should go and sit in the bureau now.

Guns and grenades, are these things that ordinary people can get?

"That means you haven't been exposed to actual combat, so your armor can only take damage?" Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

Since it has not been tested, it means that Xing'er's armor is not equipped with powerful weapons at all.

"That's more than that, after putting on this armor, I'll be Little Superman." Li Xing'er said, jumping lightly to a height of more than two meters.

If the armor really only has such a little ability, then it's a shame, okay? Elder sister looks down on her too much. Does her invention seem to be such a useless thing?
"It seems that it is indeed a bit powerful." Seeing this scene, sister Hong'er couldn't help but muttered.

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, but why is there no armor I'm wearing?)" Cheng Hao said around Li Xing'er.

Such a handsome armor, it should be equipped with a set for him.

He felt that he could also wear this kind of armor, and it would fit him better.

"Of course, my armor can't be equipped with some prohibited weapons, but other weapons are still allowed." Li Xing'er said with a smile, and patted the beetle on her waist.



The wings on the armor immediately closed up and turned into a large shield.Then the giant-horned fairy's head split open, revealing a big sword inside.

"Aww~ (I'm going to use a cold weapon, sword and shield? Good guy.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao opened his mouth wide in shock.

"Yes, and it doesn't look like a fake." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"The weapon is charged, and the defense is opened." Just when one person and one tiger were muttering.Li Xing'er shouted again.

"Dididi! The weapon is charging."

The big bug on the belt said, and the big shield and big sword Li Xing'er was holding lit up.Flashing with dazzling electric light, it looks both beautiful and dangerous.

"Aww~ (Good guy, you even made this. How's the power of this thing?)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was very curious.

"How is it? Sister, am I powerful? Have you never seen this kind of armor?" Li Xing'er, who was holding a big sword and shield, said proudly.

"It's true that I haven't seen it before. How is your weapon's destructive power after it's fully charged?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously.

"Of course it's very strong, if you don't mind? I can show you a live demonstration." Li Xing'er said.

"Then you should be a little more careful, don't cut down the electric poles here." Hearing this, sister Hong'er said, seeing that Xing'er is already ready to go, let's test the power for him. A weapon made with the opponent's ability should not be too strong.

"No problem, big sister, you can take care of it." Li Xing'er said, holding the big sword and slashing heavily at the stone statue beside her.

The entire statue burst into dazzling sparks, and then split in two with a loud noise.

"What a powerful destructive power." Seeing this scene, sister Hong'er was a little surprised, and saw Li Xing'er holding a shield in front of her.Block the flying stones.

"How about sister, am I good?" Li Xing'er asked proudly. The other party had doubts just now, and now it should be gone. The armor she developed is not to catch fire, but something that is really useful from time to time.

"Aww~ (Very powerful, it would be even better if you could make another set of armor for me.)" Cheng Hao pulled the armor on the opponent's body and said, this armor is really good, it makes him a little greedy They are all such good things, the other party always makes a few more and give him one too.

"You little rascal is no worse than these things. Why do you need armor? These armors should be given to those who need them." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

The skin of this little villain is much harder than steel, what kind of armor does he need?
"Aww~ (This armor is handsome, I think I will be even more handsome after wearing it.)" Cheng Hao said.

His body is indeed very hard, but it doesn't affect his armor, does it?
"Be careful that it will make you sweat all over, you little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er said angrily when she heard the words, this little scoundrel, who thinks about being handsome all day long, is not afraid of making him sweat all day long.

"Aww~ (Sweat all over, everything is worth it for being handsome.)" Cheng Hao muttered, surrounding the armor Li Xing'er was wearing.Touching the east and rubbing the west, there was an expression on his face that he had never seen before. The price of this armor is really great.

"Commander, take a quick look, we found something good here."

Inside the evolutionary department on the other side, the wolf bee pushed open the commander's door and said.

"Oh? Did you find anything good again? It actually made me have to take a look." The commander who heard this asked curiously.

"Of course it is a very good thing. This thing can enhance the strength of our department. Commander, you will understand after reading it." Wolfbee put the tablet on the table and said.

"Then I have to take a good look at it." The commander said, looking at the screen.

When he saw the huge flying beetle, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "Someone really developed this kind of thing. This is a rare thing."

"That's not enough. Commander, if you look down, you will know how powerful it is?"

"The breeder's younger sister is something special." Wolf Bee said with a smile.

Their department has to recruit the other party. A person as powerful as the other party can't be left in the hands of other departments.

"It's not uncommon for people to brag like you. I want to see what's going on?" the commander said, and continued to read.

After a while, a horrified look appeared on his face: "Exoskeleton armor? What a great invention, it's really powerful."

"Yes, but I think it would be better to call it another name armor."

"Things that can transform at any time are the dreams of all men. Commander, we must recruit her." Wolffly said.

If their department has this thing, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to attract people?Think about it, only their side can get these things, and they can't get them anywhere else.

"Well, I think so too." The commander nodded and stood up from the chair: "Go to the warehouse and bring me some good gifts. It's not too late. Let's set off now to visit the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. "

"We must recruit the opponent. As long as our team members wear this equipment, even if their physical fitness cannot keep up, they will still have the ability to save their lives."

(End of this chapter)

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