Chapter 227
"ding ding"


Cheng Hao stretched out his paws and tapped on the armor, the more he likes it.

"Little Pang Ju, you like it too, right? I knew my vision was right." Seeing this scene, Li Xing'er squatted down with a smile and said, "Come! Lie down, Pang Ju. Sister, come and touch her." Touch your big belly."

I didn't expect Xiaopangju to like armor so much, and she was right to bring armor today.

"Aww~ (I'm interested in armor, but it doesn't mean I'm interested in you. You just want to touch me. You're thinking too much, right?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this. White wolf wants to touch him?The other party did not make a mistake.

He just looked at the armor, never said that he wanted to touch it, let alone liked her.

That's not the way to be self-indulgent.

"What's the matter, little fat orange, didn't you hear what my sister said clearly? My sister asked you to lie down obediently, can you cooperate?" Seeing that Cheng Hao didn't respond at all, Li Xing'er said again.

She has said so much, why doesn't Chubby Ju not cooperate with her?
"Xing'er, I advise you not to think so much, Xiaoju is not interested in you, so it is impossible to cooperate with you." Sister Hong'er heard the words and said.

"How is this possible, Xiaopangju likes me very much at first glance. Sister, don't lie to me."

"You see, Xiaopangju has been looking at me, and he has no intention of leaving at all." Li Xing'er pointed at Cheng Hao and said.

If Xiaopangju really didn't like it, it would have been a long time ago. How could she be here honestly waiting for her?I like Xiaopangju very much after seeing her, okay, sister don't lie to him anymore.

"Does he like you? This little villain likes the armor you wear. Don't confuse these two things." Sister Hong'er said beautifully.

This little girl really thinks that this little heartless person likes her?
Then she was really wrong, this little heartless, the only thing she liked from the beginning to the end was the armor she was wearing.

As for the other party?It is impossible for him to like it.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Unless I hear Xiaoju say it personally, I won't believe it."

Li Xing'er said, and said to Cheng Hao: "Isn't it? Little Fatty Sister knows that you are the most obedient and the best, so you will definitely not be so heartless."

"Aww~ (Then you guessed wrong, I'm just so heartless.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

He has no interest in the other party at all. The only thing he is interested in from the beginning to the end is the armor on the other party. It is better for the other party to die.

"You little rascal, you know yourself quite well." After hearing this, sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and said.

"Aww~(Of course, I'm a very persuasive tiger.)" Cheng Hao said, and approached Sister Hong'er with his big head: "Aww~(Sister, help me make me look handsome. The big armor. As a reward, I will pick delicious wild mushrooms for you when the time comes.)”

"Are you trying to repay my sister? I think you, a little rascal, want to poison my sister to death." Sister Hong'er heard this, and patted Cheng Hao's head angrily and said.

Can mushrooms be eaten indiscriminately this season?If he ate it, he would not have been given medicine and died.

"Aww~ (Don't be afraid, sister. You can eat what I can eat, sister, you don't need to worry so much.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

What he can eat, the other party can definitely do too. With him to test the poison, what is my sister afraid of?

"Big sister is not afraid, I've seen a ghost, anyway, my sister doesn't know how to eat, if you little villain want to eat it? Take it easy yourself." Sister Hong'er said angrily, looked at Li Xing'er's dishonest hand and said: "Don't move your hands, be careful that Xiaoju will hurt you."

"It shouldn't have happened just now, but sister, it will be difficult after you say it now." Li Xing'er puffed her mouth and said after hearing this.

Seeing that she was about to succeed, it turned out that her sister had nothing to talk to him.

"Don't think about it, even if I don't tell you, you won't be able to touch it. Xiaoju has [-] minds, do you compare with him?" Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"Aww~ (Nonsense, I only have [-] big-hearted minds at most, how could it reach [-]? It doesn't sound like me, okay?)" Chen Hao retorted after hearing this, don't worry about everything. Let's talk about him, how can he have so many big eyes?

It sounds like you are wronging him, okay?He is a simple tiger.

"Don't others not know my sister? You little villain, do you really think my sister is a fool?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and stood up: "Okay, don't follow me." You little rascal, you're rambling, we should find a place to sit now, don't stay on the road all day, it won't be good for people to see."

"Also, Xing'er, take off the armor on your body, don't walk around in this thing, it's not good for people to see."

Although the armor she was wearing looked pretty, but they weren't at the Comic Con, and they weren't at the product launch event, so she just wandered around like this, and the impact was too bad.

"Got it, got it." Hearing this, Li Xing'er said, she patted the big beetle on her belt and shouted: "Aritos Giant Horn Fairy disintegrates and returns to armored form."

"Aritos Giant Horn Fairy has received it!" Upon hearing this, the big bug's eyes glowed blue.

Then, there was a "crack" sound from the armor on Li Xinger's body.

First, the armor of the limbs came off, and then other parts.

And these detached parts soon turned into a big mech beetle.

"Aritos Giant Horn, go back to the car to charge, if necessary, I will call you again." Li Xing'er said, and Aritos Giant Horn flapped its wings and flew away.

"Is your mecha insect driven by electricity?" Sister Hong who was at the side asked curiously.

"Otherwise, I can't burn gasoline. A gasoline engine that big won't fit into my Aritos giant horned fairy."

Li Xing'er, who put the mecha on her shoulder, said.

"So, why did you come to see me?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously.

If she remembers correctly?Did Xing'er say that she had something to do with him?

"Of course I hope you can lend me some money, sister. I'm developing a new type of energy device."

"As long as the research and development is successful, Aritos Giant Horn Fairy won't have to run to recharge frequently." Li Xing'er said with a smile, she heard that her sister made a lot of money.

Surely there is money to lend her?As long as she gets financial support, she can research a new type of energy conversion device.

"I can't lend you much money, I can still find a way for you." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this, she could see that the research and development of the other party was a bottomless pit.

Just rely on her words?How is it possible to block this hole?

It must be the support of the department. If the department knows the news, it will definitely be willing to support her.

"The way? Elder sister, what good way have you found to get rich recently?" Li Xing'er asked curiously.

"Of course not. If I really had such a good way to make money, I would have already made my own money, okay?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, "The introduction method I mentioned is to introduce you to the commander of the evolutionary department , if he sees something you invented, he will definitely be willing to help."

"Oh, so it's the path of the evolutionary department? That's okay, sister, when are you going to introduce me?" Li Xing'er asked.

She really needs money now, and the energy conversion device of Aritos giant horn fairy has reached an imminent level.

Otherwise, if the battery runs out soon after the battle, no matter how strong the defense is, it will be useless.

"Wait a while, I'll introduce you to you later, don't worry." Sister Hong'er said, thinking about what to say?
"Yeah, I knew my sister was the best." Hearing this, Li Xing'er hugged Hong'er's arm and said.

With my sister's help, I'm sure I'll be able to ask for a lot of money, right?That's pretty cool.

"Aww~ (Sister is the best, does it need to be said? You don't mean it at first glance.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

The other party only knows about my sister now, okay?What did you do just now?At first glance, it is perfunctory.

"Really? Since you know how good my sister is. You little villain, then be more obedient. Do you know that you have caused so much trouble for your sister?" Sister Hong'er said while pinching Cheng Hao's ear.

What's the use of this bad guy pretending to be obedient to her?You just need to be more obedient to him, and don't always give her a hard time.

"Aww~ (I get it, I get it.)" Cheng Hao replied, twisting his head and breaking away from Miss Hong'er's hand.

Sister speaks as soon as she speaks, don't always do it.

How do you put your hand on his ear?
"Little Fat Ju, come by my side, I won't pinch your little ears like my sister, I will treat you well, come here quickly." Seeing this scene, Li Xing'er said immediately.

Sister is also true, if you put such a heavy hand on the cute chubby orange, chubby tangerine's ears must be pinched and hurt, right?

Little Pangju hurried over and let her touch it, and let her comfort the cute little Pangju.

"Aww~ (People who refuse to bring gifts, I believe you are a ghost.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

The other party refuses to pay even a small amount of money, and it is foolish to believe the other party's words.

"Don't think that Xiaoju will pay attention to you. He only cares about gifts. If you didn't bring a gift, he will be very angry and won't believe you for a long time." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Damn little chubby orange, actually only recognizes money and meat but not people. It's really disgusting. One day I will let you know how good I am." Li Xing'er couldn't help gritted her teeth when she heard this.

The hateful little chubby orange doesn't want to be touched by him. One day she will bald all his hair.

"Aww~ (That's what you have to do. Wouldn't you be talking nonsense if you didn't have it?)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this.

Who doesn't know how to just say nice things? You have to do it if you can, okay? What's the use of saying that you can't do it?

"Okay, you little villain, you haven't finished talking yet, have you?" Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and said, "Be obedient and don't cause trouble, you know? Only obedient cats and cats will There is a pot of milk to drink."

"Aww~ (If you have this drink, it's not okay.)"

Cheng Hao muttered, and stopped talking to the other party.Who made him a civilized tiger?

"Where did Xiaohong and the others go now? Do you know?"

Ten minutes later, the commander who arrived at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain asked the wolf bees on the side.

"Uh, I have to ask you to know." The wolf bee said weakly. He is not clairvoyant, so how can he only know where the other party is?It would be great if he really had the ability.

I wanted to say that I definitely couldn’t say that, so I smiled and said:
"Commander, since we're here, can't we just go there and look for it? Why bother?"

"Because I can't find it." The commander took a deep breath and said, if he could find it, he wouldn't have asked.

Was the opponent's head kicked by a donkey?How can you ask such a stupid question?

"Um, let me ask." The wolf bee was speechless after hearing this, picked up the phone and called the department, asking them to send the location.

"Little Pangju, please don't wake up, Xiaopangju has a round face, so cute." Li Xing'er's voice came from inside the rice cooker-shaped complex.

At this time, she was very happy, and she touched Cheng Hao, who looked like a large plush doll, with her hands.

"You're almost fine, don't be so complacent, and be careful that Xiaoju will give you a claw." Seeing this scene, Hong'er sister said unhappily, this little girl is almost as good as she can touch, don't be too late here .

Otherwise, when Xiaoju wakes up, she will feel better.

"No, Xiaopangju sleeps so deeply, she doesn't know about it at all." Li Xing'er said indifferently when she heard this.

Look at how sleepy Xiaopangju is, how could he know what he was doing?If you think about it, you know it's impossible, so my sister doesn't have to worry about it.

"I think it's better for you not to think so well, Xiaoju is not so easy to deal with." Sister Hong'er said helplessly.

Although Xiaoju slept soundly, it doesn't mean he slept soundly, Xing'er is so noisy here that it's easy for Xiaoju to do it.

"Since when was Xiaoju easy to deal with? Isn't this very obvious?" At this moment, the commander walked in with someone.

"Commander, why are you here?" Sister Hong'er, who heard this, looked at the person who came in and asked curiously.

She was about to call the commander, but the other party came over first.

"Of course it's for our great inventor." The commander who heard this looked at Li Xing'er who was having a great time masturbating a tiger and said, "Miss Li Xing'er, are you interested in joining us? As long as you If you are willing to join us, we can provide you with a lot of resources, which will allow you to go further in research.”

"Joining the evolutionary department, how much can I get paid? After all, a fledgling girl like me still cares about the issue of compensation."

"As for talking about ideals with me, it's still too far away." Hearing this, Li Xing'er said with rolling eyes.

It was something she didn't expect that the other party would look for her first, but it didn't affect her willingness to raise the price.

Where is the bottom line of the department?If you know you can get better treatment, who wants to only have enough food and clothing?
"For a talent like Miss Xiaoju, the salary is naturally much higher than that of ordinary team members. It is said that 10,000+ a month, but at least [-] to [-] are definitely available, and your research expenses are definitely indispensable. In our In a professional laboratory, as long as you want, we can provide you with everything."

"The most important thing is our department, and there are many excellent scientific researchers, you will definitely be able to collide with more sparks together." The commander said with a smile.

"It's okay for me to join, but I have one condition." Li Xing'er couldn't help but feel a little moved when she heard this.Then he spoke.

"Oh? I don't know what the conditions are?" the commander asked after hearing the words.

"That is, I want to be with Xiaopangju. I want Xiaopangju to stay with me in the laboratory for research. As long as you agree to my request, I will agree to join." Li Xing'er said while rubbing Cheng Hao's big head.

Research is a very hard job. If you don't decompress, you will go crazy sooner or later, so for her research plan, she must take Xiaopangju with her.

"Xing'er, I advise you not to want to fart." Sister Hong'er at the side said with black lines, "Xiaoju's priority is much higher than yours, do you still want Xiaoju to accompany you?" ? Even if you want to accompany Xiaoju, it depends on whether the department agrees."

Why does Xing'er feel that her status is higher than Xiaoju's?She also wanted Xiaoju to accompany her into the research room, she just let it go and dreamed.

"Um, isn't it? Is Xiaoju so important?" Li Xing'er, who thought she was the only one with scorpion shit, said in a daze after hearing this.

"Although it hurts to say it, Xiaoju's status and priority in the department are indeed a little bit higher than yours." The commander nodded and said, opening his index finger and thumb .

As for the distance between these two fingers, it is not clear whether it is a little bit or a billion bit.

(End of this chapter)

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