Chapter 228

"Aww~ (With your meager ability, you still want to compare your importance with me? I'm really laughing at you.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but said with a smile.

He admitted that the other party can develop armor to turn things in this kind of film and television works into reality, which is indeed very powerful.

But compared with Gundam, it is still far behind.

Those experts and professors who study Gundam just don't have time to study it. If they really want to study it?It can also be made quickly.

So the other party should not take herself too seriously, she is not that important.

"Kids don't interrupt when adults talk, do you know?" Sister Hong'er covered Cheng Hao's big mouth when she heard the words.

You had such a good laugh, you little rascal, you almost rolled on the spot.

But before he laughed so happily, he should also consider other people's feelings.


Cheng Hao, who had his mouth caught, immediately let out a whimper.

He was just talking, why wouldn't my sister let him speak like this?This is a serious violation of tiger rights, he protested.

"Can't you be with Xiaopangju? Then it's not interesting." Li Xing'er said with some disappointment when she heard this.

She thought that this season should be very popular, but she didn't expect to get this kind of answer, which really made her a little bit unbearable.

"Although you can't let Xiaopangju be with you, you can choose other tigers in the Tiger Park, and other tigers can also accompany you very well." The commander said, why does Xiaoju have to be with you?There are many other tigers in the tiger park, isn't it the same with other cubs?
"But they are not as cute as Xiaopangju, how can they be the same?" Li Xing'er, who heard this, muttered.

Is this the same?It's not the same at all, okay?
Other tigers can be replaced, only the chubby orange cannot be replaced.

"So are you going to join or not?" Sister Hong'er at the side said angrily after hearing the words: "The commander personally came to invite you, so don't be so ignorant."

"Ordinary people don't have this kind of treatment. You have to think about it carefully, and don't regret it when the time comes."

Xing'er is almost done, don't make conditions all over the place.

Otherwise, the commander would not accept it, but would she cry?
"Xiaohong, don't say that. Our department recruits people voluntarily, not by force."

"If he really doesn't want to join, there's nothing he can do." Seeing this, the commander said with a smile.Said they would not force people to join.

"Did you hear that, little girl? Hurry up and express your opinion." Sister Hong'er urged.

Although the commander is now playing hard-to-get tricks, the other party should not go too far, it is correct to accept as soon as it is good, otherwise she will really offend the commander at that time, and she will cry.

After the commander saw it, he was very satisfied, and clicked on the computer. As expected, he was the person he was looking for, and he was oriented towards him when he started working.

"Oh, got it. Got it."

Upon hearing this, Li Xing'er replied, and said to the commander, "Then I'll join. Commander, you can't cheat me, and you can't hold back funding for my research."

"Of course not. For special talents like you, we have always paid as much as we have, and we don't have enough to add money to death." The commander said with a smile: "Welcome to join the special department, starting today You are part of the department."

"Yes, yes, Ms. Li Xing'er quickly summoned your big beetle and let us have a look." The wolf bee on the side saw that it finally had a chance to intervene, and hurriedly said.

He was getting impatient waiting, and the other party hurriedly showed them the big mechanical beetle.

This is real armor, not that fake armor.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Aritos the Great Horned Immortal just came out once, and it has consumed a lot of power. The current battery may not be able to support his arrival. If you want to see it? You have to wait for it to be fully charged." Upon hearing this, Li Xing'er said that she had no choice but what if there was no electricity?Unicorns can't fly at all.

Even after being combined, it's just a pair of armor and has no other use at all.

And without the electronic drive, the whole armor would be too heavy to die.Ordinary people can't wear it at all.

"Is the power consumption so serious?" Hearing this, the wolf bee said in surprise, why does this thing consume so much power?

After coming out for a short while, I told him that the battery had run out.

"Yes, because I don't have the money to develop a new type of energy storage device, so I can only use this stupid method to get by first."

"What if a new type of energy storage device can be used? According to my original expectation. The battery life of the Aritos giant horn fairy should be able to meet the full power battle for more than half an hour."

Li Xing'er said, spreading her hands helplessly.

He said that he is just a poor man, how can he have so much money to do research, it would be nice to be able to make Aritos the Great Horned Immortal fly and fit together.

"Then according to your design, can it be used for more than a few hours? If there is only half an hour of combat life? I'm afraid it's not enough." The commander who heard this said rubbing his chin and said, half an hour, although It sounds quite long, but half an hour is definitely not enough for a long-term task.

"The problem is not a problem, but we need to design more powerful energy devices. We also need to solve the problem of too large energy devices."

"According to my envisioned plan, radioactive elements are used to use their energy to drive the entire armor."

"However, in order to reach this stage, I still have many technical difficulties and materials that have not been overcome." Li Xinger said.

She also wants the armor to be as durable as the steel suit in the movie, but there are still big problems in converting the energy in the movie into energy in reality. It took a lot of effort and technical problems to overcome.

"If you have any problems, you can tell me. I will invite professors and experts from all over the country to help? As for what materials? You write a list to me, and I will send someone to get it immediately." Hearing the commander here said, as long as If it can be solved, then the problem is not a problem. What he worries most is that there is no way to solve it.

"Okay, since you said so, Commander, then it's not a big problem. With their help, I'm confident that within three years I can develop an armor with a long battery life." Li Xing'er said happily.

If the other party is willing to support so much, then her Aritos Giant Horn Battle Armor can definitely be completed.

"Well, it's good if you have confidence." The commander said with a smile when he heard the words, and a familiar voice came from outside: "Hey! Isn't this the commander? Why did you come here? Do you know that I am here?" Do something good here?"

Robot No. [-] walked in dirty, looked at the commander and said.

"I don't know about this, but robot [-], are you going to dig coal?" The commander who heard this said, looked at the other party and said.

How did robot No. [-] make himself so dirty? Those who didn't know thought he went somewhere to dig coal.

"Of course not, I'm helping to set up a factory in the Tiger Garden." Robot No. [-] explained.

He was working just now, and suddenly found the department's car coming, why don't he come over right away to have a look?
"It turned out to be like this. I thought you were going to dig coal." After hearing this, the commander nodded and said.

"The robot is also a high-tech intelligent robot." Li Xing'er, who was on the side, saw it, and came up to him as if she saw some precious species.

"Yes, this robot is the latest and most handsome robot in the department. You stared at this robot because you were fascinated by its handsomeness, right?" Robot No. [-] said proudly when he saw people surrounding him.

This person is quite discerning, and he immediately noticed his handsome self.

"No! I just want to disassemble your body and see what your energy device is like?" Li Xing'er smiled and took out tools when she heard this.

She could tell that the robot energy device in front of her was very high-end, what if she could take it apart?It will be of great help to her research.

"What?" Robot No. [-] was stunned when he heard this, and then immediately jumped aside: "You want to dismantle me? You are dreaming."

"I'm not dreaming. I know your structure clearly. Let me take it apart quickly. I'm sure I can take you apart." Li Xinger said with golden eyes, holding a screwdriver and a wrench at No. [-] Poked the past.


Immediately, there was the sound of screws falling off robot No. [-].

"What? Can you really dismantle me?" Seeing a screw fly out, Robot No. [-] was so frightened that the soul of the dead screamed.

"Of course, I'm a professional in dismantling robots. Don't mess around. I promise I'll just take a look at your energy device and I'll install it for you after dismantling." Li Xing'er said with a smile, waving a screwdriver wrench Just leaned over again.


"Don't come near me, I told you that you are approaching me, I will fight back." Hearing this, robot No. Does he cooperate?

How can there be such a reason?

The fish is disassembled and then closed for him, who knows how good his craftsmanship is, may it be dismantled by mistake, and can it be really closed by then?

"I'm a member of the evolutionary department now. What if you attack me? You have to ask the commander if you agree?"

"Besides, you are making contributions to the department, and you are not demolished for no reason. You have to learn to understand it?" Li Xing'er said with a smile when she heard it.

Step by step, he pressed towards the opponent.

"What? Are you also a member of the department?" Robot No. [-] said involuntarily after hearing this.

If the other party is a member of the department, then he has no way to help the other party.

"Yes, if you don't believe me, you can ask the commander, the commander is here." Li Xing'er said with a smile, the screwdriver in her hand was shining under the sunlight: "So you should cooperate with me honestly. Study it, I promise I won't hurt you, just lightly touch it."

"I don't want it." Hearing the No. [-] robot here, he turned his head and ran away.

He can't do anything to the opponent, so why can't he run away?There is no problem for him to run, right?
"Don't run away, why run away if you have nothing to do, I won't do anything to you, I promise to restore you to your original state as soon as I take you apart." Seeing this scene, Li Xing'er chased after her while shouting. , why don't the other party run away if they have nothing to do?

He just wants to see the other party's personnel assembly, and promises to put it back on the other party after the dismantling is completed. The other party should not be so resistant.

"I believe you have a ghost." Robot No. [-] said cursingly, with a light blue spray spraying from behind.

The entire robot jumped up and flew directly towards the sky.

It seems that only the wide sky can give him a sense of security, and the ground is no longer a place for him to stay.

"Big robot, come down quickly and let me have a look, don't run away." Seeing the No. [-] robot rising from the sky, he disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye.Li Xing'er immediately shouted and said.

Now her Aritos Giant Horn Immortal is charging, there is no way to chase the opponent at all, the opponent should come down quickly.

"I'll go down? That would be stupid." Hearing this, robot No. [-] cursed in his heart, making up his mind not to go down.

"Miss Breeder, your sister is really amazing. This is the first time I saw this guy frightened like this."

Seeing this scene, the wolf bee said in admiration.

Robot No. [-] is notoriously shameless and fearless, it is really rare to be scared like this by people.

"Indeed, it seems that no matter what kind of animal or machine is afraid of the doctor." The commander on the side nodded and said.

The current robot No. [-] looks like an animal that is afraid of the veterinarian.

It's just that he's not an animal now, he's a limit, Li Xing'er's identity is just a mechanic.

"It is indeed like this." Sister Hong'er shrugged and said.

Judging from the current situation, the situation is indeed like this.

Unexpectedly, robot No. [-] would be afraid of this, which was something she had never thought of before.

It seems that you don't have to worry about the other party in the future, you will be buzzing like flies in your ears.

"Aww~ (It's all right now, no annoying guy will bother us.)" Cheng Hao said very happily.

I thought there was another poltergeist coming, but what if the other party can scare the No. [-] robot away?Then don't worry about it becoming real.

"Xiao Xing'er, just let the No. [-] robot go for now. If you really want to study it, I'll take you to the department's base to take a look."

"In the department's base, there are robots being assembled." The commander saw Li Xing'er who had pulled out a slingshot and said, the other party was really whimsical, and was going to use the slingshot to shoot down the No. [-] robot.

What if Robot No. [-] is really shot down by a slingshot?That's not the latest robot developed by the department.

"Oh? Are there any robots being assembled in the department? That's a good feeling, so I won't have to shoot him down to study." Li Xing'er, who was loading the slingshot, immediately put down her hand that was about to pull the rubber band.

"Well, quickly put away the slingshot, I'll take you back to the department now, you can look at the energy device if you want." The commander said, and shouted at the No. [-] robot flying in the sky: " Robot No. [-], don’t run around in the sky, come down quickly, I won’t tear you down.”

"Commander, can you guarantee it?" The No. [-] robot flying in the sky yelled and asked after hearing it. Did the commander want to trick him into going down and then take him apart?

"Of course you dare, you idiot, I'm full to lie to you, why come down quickly, don't stay in the sky, be careful to fly so high and get struck by lightning." The commander said angrily.

This stupid robot, doesn't he know that it's the season of frequent thunderstorms recently?He flew so high, be careful that a thunderbolt will strike him directly later.

"How is this possible? There is not even a cloud in this clear sky, no matter how hard you chop, you can't hit me." Robot No. [-] said.

I have never heard of a cloudless sky, and thunder will strike on a sunny day.Isn't the commander just talking nonsense to him?
"Aww~ (The idiot robot is quite proud of flying, then I will help you with that tiger.)" Cheng Hao, who was standing beside Sister Hong'er, muttered, with his tail curling up the gravel on the ground, Aiming at the No. [-] robot flying in the sky is just a miss.


After the messenger flew out, he immediately flew towards robot No. [-], which was floating in the sky, with an ear-piercing sound of breaking the wind.

Just hear something coming from your ear?In the next second, there was a loud sound from his air vent.

The whole person immediately fell from the sky.

"You little rascal, why did you drop him? Hurry up and catch him, won't he fall into scrap iron after flying so high?" Seeing the black dots in the sky falling down, Hong'er The sister said angrily.

This little villain is full and has nothing to do, why is he attacking robot [-]?Now it's all right, beat him down, right?

"Aww~ (Wouldn't it be better to turn into scrap iron? You won't be able to see him like this.)" Cheng Hao said, but still rushed out.


"Which bastard is attacking this robot? Fly, fly up for me?" The No. [-] robot, which was falling quickly, looked at the ground getting closer and closer, and after calculating the fate of its own fall, He yelled in panic.

If he had a close contact with the ground, he would have to change some body parts if nothing else happened.

"Strange, why did this robot fall down? I haven't done anything yet, but it has nothing to do with me. Commander." Seeing this scene, Li Xing'er said to the commander standing beside her, and showed it to the other party by the way. Looking at the steel ball in his hand, he said that he didn't hit it.

"I know you didn't do it." The commander waved his hand indifferently and said.

The dumb robot told him not to fly so high and wouldn't listen.

Now it's all right, Xiaoju beat him down, right?
However, throwing stones so powerfully was something he hadn't thought of. Could it be possible to throw them at a height of several hundred meters?

"Aww~ (You idiot robot, don't bark, it's too noisy, won't you just fall to the ground on your face? What's there to be afraid of?)" Cheng Hao, who jumped up, bit the zero that was about to fall. After the No. [-] robot arm, throw the opponent on the ground.

Fortunately, the other party claimed to be the latest type of robot, so he was terrified at this height.

"You robot is injured, do you want me to fix it for you? I am a professional in repairing machines, and I don't charge any money." Robot No. [-] just landed, and when Li Xing'er, who was next to her, saw it, she immediately held a screwdriver The wrench came running.

"No, I can fix it myself." Looking at the smiling face of the other party, Robot No. [-] only felt a chill down his spine.

If you really let the other party cultivate?Then how many pieces he will be repaired, it is hard to say.

"But your jet has burned out, are you sure it's repaired well?" Li Xing'er asked as she looked at the jet vent emitting black smoke behind her.

This thing is burnt, can it be repaired?
"If it can't be repaired, I can go back to the department to replace it myself. I don't need your help, thank you." Robot No. [-] whose arm was switched to a fire extinguisher said.

The other party still has the face to say, if it weren't for her, how could he fall from the sky?

"Are you going back to the department too? That would be great, and I'm going too."

"Isn't this money? Then let's go back together, just to see how your robots are produced." Li Xing'er said with a smile.

"Ah? Are you going to the department too?" Robot No. [-] couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

In this 37-degree day, why does he feel so cold?

"Yes, the robot." Li Xing'er said with a smile, grasping the arm of No. [-] robot with both hands: "Okay, your injury is very serious, don't mess with him, I'll take you to the car."

"Ah? No, no."

Hearing this, Robot No. [-] panicked, twisted his body and wanted to break away from the opponent's shackles and leave, but when he moved, he realized that his body could not move.

"Stop struggling, little robot. I said that I am very good at dismantling robots. I know how to deal with robots like yours best." Li Xing'er said with a smile, and took out a folded trolley from her backpack, and dragged the Robot No. [-] left.

The little robot still wants to fight him, no matter how the energy and system are upgraded?The material of the body is still the same.

She only needs a small shot, and the opponent is completely unable to move.

"Commander, save me, Commander, save me." Robot No. [-], who was dragged away, didn't understand what happened at all?He hurriedly asked the commander for help, he felt that if he really went to the car with the other party, he might never see this beautiful world again.

"Xiao Xing'er, what are you doing?" After hearing No. [-]'s call for help, the commander immediately walked over and asked.

How should I say the current scene, it is a bit like the scene when the New Year kills pigs.

"I'll take him back to the department, Commander, don't misunderstand me." Hearing this, Li Xing'er turned the No. [-] robot around and said.

She promised that she was just taking the other party to the car, and would never perform major surgery on the other party.

"Commander, don't listen to her nonsense, she clearly wants to tear me down." Robot No. [-] tremblingly said.

(End of this chapter)

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