Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 232 Xiaoqiang, I'm afraid it will be over

Chapter 232 Xiaoqiang, I'm afraid it will be over

"Aww~ (I am an evolutionary tiger, you are an evolutionary human being. Everyone is an evolutionary creature, I believe you can handle it.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, and followed the opponent with steps. .

The other party is not an ordinary person, how could he be so easily injured?And he didn't use much force, okay?
"What are you talking about, little guy? It's really hard to talk to you." Chef Xu couldn't help sighing when he heard this.

Everyone lives in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. Why does Xiaohong evolve differently from his evolution?What is wrong with this?

If only he could understand what Xiaoju said.

"Aww~ (I said there is a possibility, it's not that you listened too hard to me, but you couldn't understand me at all?)" Cheng Hao followed.

He responds to the other party's speech, okay?Is it so hard?The only thing they find it difficult is that the other party can't understand his speech at most.

"Stop talking, you little scoundrel, I don't understand you anymore, so just keep your mouth shut." After hearing this, Chef Xu took a big watermelon and put it in front of Cheng Hao. He's chattering away.

If you want to eat watermelon, go eat watermelon quickly, and get out of bed when you finish eating, and don't disturb his sleep again.

"Aww~ (He said he would give me watermelon, but he didn't open it for me. It's not sincere at first sight."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. I'll go to my sister and ask her to open the watermelon for me.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao muttered, biting the watermelon vine and hanging the watermelon, he left.

"This little scoundrel really leaves after taking it, and he doesn't even want to keep it. Here you are, little scoundrel, if you eat watermelon, you just take it and leave, right?" Seeing Cheng Hao leaving with his tail wagging, Chef Xu was annoyed Said.

Then he walked back to the chair with strides, the little rascal ran away after eating, he didn't even stop.It looks like a heartless cat.

"You little guy won't go to the kitchen to steal things again, why did you bring a watermelon?" Sister Hong'er, who was sitting in the office, didn't care when she saw the big head poking through the door. Said angrily.

Isn't this little villain going to dig a hole?Why did you dig and bring this to her?

She didn't remember that watermelons could grow on the mountain.

"Aww~ (Rice can be eaten indiscriminately. Can you say this nonsense? What is stealing? I brought this watermelon from the kitchen, and it was given by the chef himself.)" Cheng Hao said.

He is an upright king, can he steal it?Sister, don't slander him, he is a good tiger.

He got the watermelon by virtue of his handsomeness, okay?
"Oh, why is he giving watermelon to you when he has nothing to do?" Sister Hong'er still asked in disbelief after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Of course it's because he let go of my watermelon, so it's normal to compensate me for the watermelon. What's the fuss about it?)" Cheng Hao said, and told Sister Hong'er about the matter again.

"It turns out that someone gave you watermelon, you little villain, you took it out on uncle if you didn't eat it." After listening to the explanation, Miss Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's little ear and said, this little villain's feelings are like this, and he got it Is it watermelon?

"Aww~ (Sister, don't go too far, what I neither steal nor snatch is what he is willing to give to me, how can you pinch my ears?)" Cheng Hao muttered.

It's clear that the other party compensated him, sister, don't be too outrageous, okay?
What does it mean to take out your anger on the other party?He doesn't have it at all, they have to be conscientious when they talk and behave.

"Nonsense, you little villain will of course be beaten up for doing this, who else will you beat up if you don't?" Sister Hong'er educated: "Don't do this next time, do you understand? Let my sister know that you do this , my sister will beat you up."

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it, sister, let go quickly, I have something important to report this time, eating watermelon is just a second thing, if it delays my big event, sister, you can't afford it.)" After Cheng Hao patted Hong'er's hand away with his claws, he told Hong'er that the big octopus had to return to the sea because of the heat.

"Now the temperature is so high that the big octopus has to go back to the ocean to escape the summer heat? It really needs to be told to the department, otherwise with his current size, everything he passes will be turned into ruins." Hearing this Sister Hong'er spoke, picked up the phone and reported to the commander.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao gave Xigua a brain break.


The watermelon that had been crushed by the brain suddenly split into five petals.

"Aww~ (Sister, do you eat watermelon? I opened it up. If you don't eat it, I'll eat it myself.)" Cheng Hao asked, smelling the wonderful smell of watermelon.

You can talk about this kind of thing later, so why talk about it now?

Don't my sister think eating watermelon is the most important thing?
"You little villain, eat slowly, I have to report the big octopus, but I don't have time to eat watermelon." Sister Hong'er waved her hand when she heard this.

It's already past two o'clock in the afternoon, when will we go later?You have to tell the commander in advance and ask the commander to notify the dam along the way.

"Aww~ (Then I'm not impolite. I've already said it. It's my sister who didn't eat it yourself. Then you can't blame me for eating alone.)" Cheng Hao said, and he opened his mouth and began to gnaw on the watermelon.

It is comfortable to eat watermelon in the air-conditioned room this summer, and eat watermelon every day with the air conditioner.He can't go out this summer.

"What's wrong? Xiaohong. Do you have something to report?" The commander who received the call from the evolutionary department asked.

At this time, it was really rare for Xiaohong to call.

Could it be, is there anything else to report to him?
"It's like this, Commander. The big octopus is going to go back to the ocean to escape the summer heat, so I'll tell you something here, let you inform the dam along the way, and let him leave when you see the big octopus coming." Sister Hong'er replied directly to the commander's question.

"Is the big octopus going back to the ocean? When does he plan to leave?" The commander asked after hearing this.

What the other party didn't say?He had really forgotten that there was a big octopus behind the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

"The big octopus is going to leave tonight when the night is cool." Sister Hong'er replied.

"Tonight?" After hearing this, the commander nodded and said:
"Then I know, I will call the hydropower station along the way and the water police to tell them not to panic when they see a big octopus."

"Okay, thank you Commander."

"Then I don't have anything to do now, so I'll hang up the phone first." Sister Hong'er said, now that the big octopus is leaving, she has to see it off before the other party leaves.

"En." The commander nodded, and picked up another landline on the table.

He had to inform the team members of the department that along the distance from the river behind the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain to the mouth of the sea, he had to call all relevant personnel to notify them, so that they would not think that the evolutionary animals had started to attack again.

"You little villain, do you eat watermelons so quickly?" Sister Hong'er, who had just put down her phone, couldn't help but said in a daze after seeing the sweet melon rinds.

How can this little villain eat watermelon in pieces?

"Aww~ (I eat watermelon, not the rind, so I can't swallow the rind together, right?)"

"Aww~ (Besides, I have such a big mouth, and this melon is so small. If I don't break it open to eat, how can I eat it?)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, "Eat melon without leaving the watermelon rind, so can't you eat the melon rind together?"
"That's right, my sister won't talk to you anymore. My sister has to say goodbye to the big octopus. Are you going with me, you little scoundrel?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er quickly stretched out her hand and pressed Cheng Hao's mouth. It looks so cute, why is it a chatty little tiger?She just said one word, and the other party could keep talking.

"Aww~ (Forget it, I just came back and I won't go there, sister, if you want to go, you can go with Xiong Daxiong Er and the others by yourself.)" Cheng Hao rubbed the cool floor and said, although it is already afternoon, But the outside is still the same as a sauna.

So if my sister wants to go, go by herself, he won't follow anyway.

He had to enjoy the air conditioning in the office and see if anyone came to feed him by the way.

After all, he recently smelled a smell in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain that didn't belong in the cafeteria. It seemed that a breeder went here to play and came back with delicious food.

"That's all right, my sister will go with the director to give away the big octopus. You little villain, remember to stay honest and don't run around, you know? Especially you can't go to the library." Sister Hong'er who heard this told me .

"Aww~ (Don't worry, there are prostitutes there, so I won't go.)" Cheng Hao said, he stretched out his paw and waved: "Aww~ (Sister, if you want to give a big octopus, you can do it quickly. , he set off as soon as it got dark, maybe he is planning to leave now.)”

"Got it, you little rascal." Sister Hong'er knocked on Cheng Hao's head, then stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately bounced off the ground.He ran towards the other party's desk.

"Aww~ (I just smelled the smell of peanuts. My sister always eats alone. It's true that I don't take one with me.)" Cheng Hao, who stretched out his claws to open the drawer, muttered, and soon found the peanut in the drawer. Snacks.

Unceremoniously, he pulled it out with his claws.

As the saying goes, those who see have a share, he has been here for so long, and it's true that my sister didn't honestly give him a pack.



Thinking of this, he poured a pack of peanuts into his mouth and began to chew.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

And just as he poured the peanuts into his mouth and swallowed his stomach, there was a sound of knocking on the glass outside.

"Aww~ (Which bastard is this? He even dared to knock on my king's window. Do you know who will pay for it?)" Hearing the sound, Cheng Hao put the peanut bag into the trash can back.Said angrily.

He walked to the window, and then he saw a cockroach the size of a soup bowl, lying on the corner of the window, staring at him with two big eyes.

"Aww~ (Fuck me, how could there be such a big cockroach in the tiger garden? Fortunately, I helped my sister eat the peanuts. If I didn't help her eat it, wouldn't it be cheaper for the big cockroach? ?)" Looking at the sudden appearance of this big cockroach, Cheng Hao couldn't help being startled.

Then he stretched out his paws and opened the window, and opened his mouth wide and said, "Where did you come from, big cockroach? Do you know where this is? If you are sensible, get out immediately, otherwise? I'll catch you later Open meat.)”

Although it is said that he eats meat every day and has given up eating bugs for a long time, but if he doesn't give these bugs a look, these big cockroaches will probably be there every day, jumping up and down in the tiger garden.

Not to mention such a big cockroach, if it appeared in front of the female breeder, its screams would probably be heard for seven miles.

"Shusha~ (Don't kill me, my lord, I'm just a little cockroach, I won't come out to scare people.)"

"Shusha~ (Besides, I have lived in Tiger Park for a long time, and I have always been very honest. I have never taken the initiative to hurt others. I always pick leftovers that everyone doesn't want.)"

Hearing this, the big cockroach trembled in fright.

As a long-term resident of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, even if he had never seen the king in front of him, he had heard other insects discuss it.

It's just that I didn't expect to be so unlucky today that I would meet him when I went out to eat.

"Aww~ (Really? Then how long have you been in the Tiger Garden?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this. He remembered that the Tiger Garden had a major cleaning last year. Why is this big cockroach all right?

In just a few months, it can't be called a long time, can it?Unless the cockroach doesn't count very well.

"Shusha~ (I have lived here for more than two years, my lord. I usually live under the eaves.)" the big cockroach replied, it likes to sit under the eaves, it is ventilated and clean, and summer There is air conditioning and heating in winter.

The most important thing is to stay there, where is the food?It knows it right away.

"Aww~ (So you are living under the eaves, no wonder.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, it turned out that this cockroach lived under the eaves, no wonder the cleaning last year did not clean it up.

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, so I am also an animal in our tiger park, do you think you can let me go?)" The big cockroach asked tremblingly, although he is quite big now , but it is the bottom of the existence in the garden.

Whenever he met a chicken raised in the tiger garden, he was not able to deal with it.

Don't talk about doing bad things normally, the happiest thing every day is eating food that they don't want.

"Aww~ (Huh?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao thought for a while and suddenly showed a bad smile on his face.

What a pity to kill such a big cockroach?He had to be allowed to live well, and he had to grow up a bit more, with this big cockroach as a guard by his side?Then he doesn't have to worry about someone touching him while sleeping, or hitting his thoughts.

After all, if you are not afraid of tigers, how can you not be afraid of such a big cockroach?If so?Then he has to admire the other party as a warrior.

"Shusha~ (My lord, my whole body is full of bones, I don't have any meat, and the taste is not good, it will dirty your mouth.)" Seeing that Cheng Hao didn't speak, the big cockroach instantly became nervous.

After all, before the other party became king, he gnawed on everything. He saw the other party gnawing on mice while on the eaves.

(End of this chapter)

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