Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 233 So Are Cockroaches Domesticated Or Wild?

Chapter 233 So Are Cockroaches Domesticated Or Wild?
"Aww~ (Don't worry, little cockroach, I have no idea about eating you. On the contrary, there is another great thing to tell you. Are you interested in listening to it?)" Cheng Hao waved his paw and said.

The little cockroach thought it was so greedy, and it would actually stare at his bony body.

You must know that he is not interested in this kind of worm with no flesh, at most he is only interested in the power of evolution contained in his body.

"Shusha~ (I don't know what kind of good thing you are talking about, my lord?)" Hearing this, the big cockroach couldn't help asking.

Is there any good thing for the king to find him?This was something he hadn't thought of, and he didn't know what the king was looking for him for?

"Aww~ (I think you are very honest and suitable to stay by my side. So, are you, a little cockroach, interested in being by my king's side?)" Cheng Hao asked with a smile, his words were full of bewitching.

Bewitching big cockroaches who are not deeply involved in the world.

"Shusha~ (My lord, is what you said true? Can I really be by your side?)" Hearing this, the big cockroach asked excitedly.

That's great, if he can follow the king, he will definitely be able to eat delicious and spicy food, and he will never have to eat what other people eat.

"Oooh~ (Of course, what am I lying to you for?)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, and waved his paw at the big cockroach: "Oooh~ (Hurry up, you little guy, come down from now on! Your Majesty is covering you, you can go anywhere in the Tiger Park.)”

"Shusha~ (That's really great, thank you King, I will definitely be obedient and try my best to repay the King.)" The big cockroach said happily after hearing this, and its flapping wings fell down.

As for whether he will be attacked after falling, he is not worried at all.

If the king really wanted to attack him, he wouldn't have to trick him into coming down at all.

So, he is very safe now.


The big cockroach that flew down from the window made a soft noise immediately after it landed on the ground. Cheng Hao who heard the sound only felt that a brick had fallen.

Sure enough, the weight of the big cockroach in front of him was not light.

I don't know if my sister will be frightened when she comes.

"Aww~ (You little guy just stay here obediently, don't run around, you know?)"

"Aww~ (I'll introduce you to my older sister later. After you have her to help you talk, you're truly capable when you're here.)" Looking at the ground, she A big cockroach that just stays put.Cheng Hao said.

Such a big cockroach, of course I have to share it with my sister first, I believe my sister will be very happy after seeing it.

After all, a cockroach as big as this is a rare treasure, and not everyone can see it.

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, everything is according to the king's orders.)" the big cockroach said happily.

"Aww~ (Well, you can stay in the corner next to it first, and I will call you out when my sister comes later.)" Cheng Hao said.

"Shusha~ (OK.)" Upon hearing this, the big cockroach immediately got under the sofa.

He really liked staying in this kind of dark place, it was dark, dark and narrow, it made him feel very safe.

"Aww~ (Everything is ready, the only thing left is for my sister to come back, I don't know if my sister and the director have finished delivering the big octopus?)" Cheng Hao, who was lying on the sofa, muttered, shaking his paws.

"Whoa Whoah"

"Whoa Whoah"

There was a huge sound of water flowing in the rushing river, and a huge figure moved forward on the water, waving its tentacles.

In less than a moment, it appeared a hundred meters away.

"Director, the big octopus is gone. Shouldn't we go back too?" Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene.

The time for the big octopus to leave was earlier than she expected. Fortunately, they came here earlier, otherwise they would have almost given the big octopus away.

"Well, let's go back." The director nodded and said, and took Hong'er sister away from the river.Headed towards the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"Report to the command, all units from Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Linyuan Dahe to the mouth of the sea. All notifications have been completed."

"After seeing the big octopus, they will open the dam and let each other go."

At the same time, within the evolutionary department, the team members in charge of contacting various places reported.

"Very well, I see. Thank you for your hard work, you should go back and rest first."

"If something happens, I will let you know."

The commander who heard this nodded his head.

"Yes." Hearing this, the team members walked away with strides.

"The weather seems to be getting hotter and hotter. Even the animals living in the water are planning to leave. I don't know what the weather will be like next?" The commander who watched them leave muttered, Then I turned on the computer to check the picture posted by the satellite scan.

Want to know what's going on on the planet right now?It doesn't get more intuitive than looking at this.

"This weather is really hot." Sister Hong'er said after returning to the office, and saw Cheng Hao lying on the sofa.

Immediately, he patted his big butt angrily: "You little villain slept very happily, my sister is almost hot to death outside, you little heartless."

"Aww~ (I know, I know, so I specially prepared a big gift for you sister, I guarantee you will cool down immediately.)" said Cheng Hao who was awakened by the patting.

"Really? You little villain smiles so sinisterly. I always feel that there is nothing good about you." Sister Hong'er muttered after seeing this scene.

This little villain had nothing to do to prepare a gift for her, and she always felt that something was wrong.

"Aww~ (Nonsense, how could I be such a tiger? I promise to give you a gift that no other guy has ever seen.)" Cheng Hao explained after hearing the words.

His surprise was unique, how could my sister say that about him?He was really sad to hear that.

"Really? Then you little villain, quickly take it out and let my sister have a look. I didn't see anything. My sister doesn't believe you, a little villain. You are telling the truth." Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this.

Does this little villain still want to lie to her?She didn't believe what the little rascal said.

Unless it's almost the same for her to see the real thing.

"Oh~ (Sister, don't worry, I'll show you right away.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, and tapped his tail on the sofa: "Oh~ (You can come out now, you don't need to keep hiding.)"

"Shusha~ (Okay, my lord, I'll come out soon.)" The big cockroach lying under the sofa replied, and then moved its body and crawled outside.

"What the hell are you hiding, little brat? You kept my sister secret." Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er asked curiously, her eyes fixed on the thing that heard the voice from below.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a black, round, big cockroach that looked like a polished pot lid, coming out from under the sofa.

Immediately, the whole person's face turned black with fright.

"What a big cockroach, why did you raise such a big cockroach in your room, you bad guy?" Sister Hong'er said.While stepping back, he cursed.

Damn little bastard, he actually raised such a big cockroach, he planned to use this place as a cockroach nest, didn't he?
"Aww~ (Let me declare in advance, I didn't keep this big cockroach in the room, he lived on the roof of the office building.)"

"Aww~ (If I hadn't helped you find him, sister, you wouldn't have seen him now.)" Cheng Hao said.

What does it mean that he raises such a big cockroach? He has to be able to raise it if he wants to, and he doesn't want to see how big this cockroach is?He feeds almost with his head.

"Then you little villain, why didn't you discuss it with your sister first, and just included it?" Sister Hong'er said angrily.

This little villain is trying to scare her to death by whipping such a big cockroach, isn't he?

Then make a decision after applying with her.She was not prepared for such a big guy.

"Aww~ (Cockroaches that grow so big are precious species, of course they have to be included. Isn't the purpose of our zoo to include rare wild animals?)"

"Aww~ (And this big cockroach has always lived here, so it's our local animal anyway, so it makes sense to let him join, doesn't it?)" Cheng Hao explained.

Of course, such a precious big cockroach has to be properly displayed in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

This way can attract tourists and help him take care of those guys who want to take advantage of his sleep, isn't it the best of both worlds?

"But the question is, is he a wild animal? He is domesticated at most, and he is an insect." Hearing this, Hong'er sister couldn't help saying with black lines all over her head. She has never heard of a big cockroach living at home or a wild one. animal.

And keeping only a big cockroach at home, wouldn't it be a bit too unique?
"Aww~ (What does it matter? Anyway, wouldn't it be enough to be a creature? And sister, look at his size, how good-looking is he?)" Cheng Hao said.

He didn't bother to care whether the big cockroach was domesticated or wild, he just knew that the big cockroach was not human.

Anyway, their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park accepts everything as long as it is not human.So accept this big cockroach too.

"I don't know if it's good or not, but my sister can tell you clearly, if you really let him appear in the tiger garden openly? You'd better talk to the director yourself."

"After all, as soon as such a big cockroach appeared, we female breeders at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain would be scared away."

Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said, she felt very helpless, she didn't understand what bad idea was in the heart of the little villain in front of her?It’s okay to be full, but I actually think a cockroach looks good.

And forget about it, I want this cockroach to appear openly.

"Aww~ (Then I'll go and talk to the principal and grandpa, won't it be enough if he agrees?)" Cheng Hao said, waving his paw at the big cockroach lying on the ground: "Aww~ (Little cockroach, Follow up quickly, I will take you to the person in power in Tiger Park.)”

"Aww~ (If he agrees to let you appear aboveboard, you will be a part of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden in the future.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)" Hearing this, the big cockroach hurriedly followed.

What if he became a member of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?Then he will also have a special room and special food, which makes me happy just thinking about it.

"You little villain, you really dare to ask." Seeing the big cockroach leaving with her, Hong'er couldn't help but said while holding her forehead.

This little villain is really determined to let the big cockroach join.

"Aww~ (When you get to the place later, you don't want to come out, you know? I'll go up and talk to the director's grandfather first, and you will run out when I call you out.)" Walking towards the director's office Cheng Hao explained to the big cockroach glue following behind him.

If the head of the garden saw the big cockroach directly, the other party might not be willing to accept it, so a little trick had to be adopted.

"Shusha~ (Your Majesty, don't worry, if you don't call me out, I promise I will just hide on the ceiling and never come down.)" The big cockroach replied after hearing this, and walked around the corner of the wall. Climbing up to the ceiling.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Then he stretched out his paw and pushed open the door of the principal's office.

"You little villain enters the office every day without knocking. As a polite tiger, you have to learn to knock first and then come in, you know?" The director who was sitting on the seat saw the big head poking in. Finally, he put down the magazine in his hand and said.

"Aww~ (I can't help it, I have something urgent to find you, grandpa, so I don't bother knocking on the door.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and ran to the table in three steps and two steps.

"You little rascal, do you still have something to look for grandpa? What's the matter, did you get into trouble again?" Hearing this, the principal's face couldn't help but get serious. It's not necessarily a good thing for this little rascal to find him urgently.

"Aww~ (Of course not, it's just that I found a very rare animal in the tiger park, and I plan to invite him to join the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. Grandpa, would you like it?)" Cheng Hao said, his tone Emphasized again:

"Aww~ (This little animal is amazing. Looking at the whole world, I think there is only one. If you don't want him to join, Grandpa, I will let him leave.)"

"Don't, don't, don't. As long as it's an animal? Our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden collects them all, you don't want to let him go, you know?" the director of the garden said quickly after hearing this, and the big octopus in the river ran away. Yes, he is now in short standing strength.

Now this little villain has found another animal for him, and it is the only one in the world, how can he let it go?I just don't know if it is a powerful animal like a big octopus?
"Aww~ (But this animal has a scary appearance, and girls will be frightened when they see it. Grandpa, are you sure you want to let him stay?)" Cheng Hao continued to speak after hearing this.

"Of course, our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park protects all kinds of animals. How can we not protect him because he looks a little scary? You can let him in quickly. Grandpa promises to treat other animals the same Treat him." After hearing this, the principal immediately said firmly.

Will it scare all girls?It seems that this animal is a bit powerful, and it must be brought into the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

You can't let him run to other places, it's scary, isn't it?

"Aww~ (Grandpa, you personally agreed to this, so I'll let him in. After he comes in, grandpa, don't turn around and leave in fright.)" Cheng Hao added.

The other party should not talk nicely, and run away immediately when the big cockroach comes in.

"Are you kidding me? Grandpa, I have seen mountains of swords and seas of fire. Would you be scared away by an animal? I'm leaving my words here today. As long as you let him in, Grandpa promises to let him join the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park." How is it?" the headmaster said.

Thinking that he has lived to such an old age, and has fought hundreds of times, would he still be frightened by an animal?How much does this little villain look down on him?

"Aww~ (That's what you said, grandpa, I'll call him in right now.)" Cheng Hao said.

"Hurry up and shout, don't procrastinate." The director urged.

"Aww~ (Got it, come in quickly, little guy. Did you hear what the garden director said? He said that as long as you come in today, he will definitely let you join the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden.)" Cheng Hao faced the door Shouting, and soon there were rustling voices outside.

"This movement seems to be quite large. Listening to the sound of walking, could it be a big python?" After hearing this, the director rubbed his chin and guessed.He stared at the door tightly, wanting to see what kind of animal would come in?
Then he saw the door, and a big black-backed cockroach appeared.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, the animal I found is here. This is the only super-big cockroach in the world. Don't look at him, he is only the size of a soup bowl and give him some time. I believe he can grow to the size of a tire.) "After seeing the big cockroach appear, Cheng Hao said immediately.

"Shusha~ (Grandpa, the head of the garden is good.)" The big cockroach at the door heard it, and followed suit.

"Um, little orange. Is this the precious animal you found?" The director looked at the big cockroach that looked like a big turtle shell, and said after taking a deep breath.

After all his calculations, he didn't realize that Xiaoju would come in with a cockroach.And it's such a big cockroach, if it is exhibited?The female breeders at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, wouldn't all of them run away for him, right?

"Aww~ (Yeah, grandpa, you just said that such a big cockroach is precious or not?)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, if the other party can come up with another cockroach the size of a footbath, then he will admit that the cockroach in front of him is precious. This big cockroach is no longer precious.

"Such a big cockroach is indeed very precious, but Xiaoju, we are not an insect zoo here, so we still can't accept him." After hearing this, the director said.

For the sake of the manpower of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, this big cockroach cannot be left behind.

"Aww~ (What's the big deal, can't we just add another insect zoo? Anyway, there are big spiders and big ants in our tiger garden, isn't that just right?)" Cheng Hao said.

It doesn't matter, can't you add one to it?This can't be an excuse.

"But this kind of thing needs to be reported." The director said again.

"Aww~ (It's okay, it's okay, we can go to the back door and go directly to the commander for approval, there will be no problem.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently.

"But we don't have a place here for insects."

"Aww~ (It doesn't matter, anyway, he can live anywhere. Grandpa, don't fool me.)" Cheng Hao said this, looking at the principal who was making excuses all over the sky, and said:
"Aww~ (If you don't accept it? Then I can only release it in the tiger garden. Whose room will he run to? I can't guarantee it.)"

"What! You little villain, how dare you?" Hearing the director here, his voice became louder in an instant.

This is going to die, so people know that there are such big cockroaches in their garden, so should they sleep at night?

"Aww~ (What do I dare? He lived in the Tiger Garden, I just put him back to the original place.)" Cheng Hao said.

The grandfather of the garden director can figure it out on his own. If he doesn't accept it, he will release the big cockroach, and the other party will be responsible for what happens when the time comes.

"You little villain, how dare you threaten grandpa like this?" The head of the garden couldn't help but said with a headache. The big cockroach of love used to live in their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. We were able to meet.

"Aww~ (So, grandpa, are you going to accept it or not? Give me a quick word. If you don't accept it, I'll let him go now.)" Cheng Hao said, raising his head.He showed a proud look.

"I... I can't accept it? You little villain, don't let him run around in the tiger garden?" The director of the garden, after hearing this, thought for a while and said, rather than let this big cockroach become an unstable factor, it is better to let him live in one place and be able to see it.

After all, if such a big cockroach suddenly ran into the girls' dormitory, it would really scare the group of students.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, if you don't want the big cockroach to run around, you have to give him enough food. If he has nothing to eat, he might run out to find something to eat.)"

"Aww~ (And I have to come and chat with her every day, otherwise if he gets bored? Maybe he will go out to find a companion.)"

Cheng Hao walked up to the big cockroach and said to the director.

If you want the big cockroach not to run around, this is not decided by grandpa, but by the big cockroach.

"Okay, okay, grandpa knows."

"Grandpa will talk to him about his ideals when he has time, you little rascal." The director said angrily, and took out the map of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

So I started looking for that place, which is suitable for this big cockroach to move about.

Otherwise, this big cockroach flying around in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain could become a biological weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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