Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 234 Strange and Strange

Chapter 234 Strange and Strange

"Aww~ (Did you hear that, little cockroach? I told you that the headmaster is very enthusiastic, don't you think so? Not only did he find a place for you to live, but the headmaster also plans to chat with you every day.)" Cheng Hao said to the big cockroach with a smile.

"Shusha~ (Yeah, the headmaster is the best.)" said the big cockroach, nodding its head.

"Do you really think that I am willing to chat with a cockroach? You, a little villain, didn't threaten it." The director who was quite big said this in his heart.

If he didn't chat with the little cockroach, then the big cockroach would have to chat with someone else in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

For the sake of the peace of the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park, that's why he planned to sacrifice himself, otherwise, how could he go?

But having said that, there is such a big cockroach in their tiger park.Will those insect lovers come here specially?

Maybe you can add an advertisement on the official webpage to try it out, or ask the [-] robot to help promote it, maybe someone will like it, right?

After all, they can't lose money. How uncomfortable is it to lose money?

Thinking of this, the director made a plan.

Prepare to use big cockroaches to attract a wave of tourists.

"Shusha~ (King, let's be silly here, just wait, do you need to do something?)" The big cockroach saw the director typing on the keyboard "click" and turned to Cheng Hao. asked.

"Aww~ (Of course we don't need it. After all, we can't help typing on the keyboard, can't we? Grandpa can handle things like this by himself, so we can stay at ease.)" said Cheng Hao, who was lying on the sofa.

I can help with other things, but what about typing on the keyboard?Their claws are not suitable for typing on the keyboard.

It's better to be honest and watch from the side, don't help when the time comes, it will be a disservice.

"Shusha~ (That makes sense, let's just wait here.)" The big cockroach nodded and continued to wait.

"That's good, that's good. This page is pretty good. Next, I'll just take pictures of the big cockroach." After finishing the page, the director took the camera and prepared the big cockroach lying on the side.

It is necessary to let the big cockroach move twice to show everyone that this claim is unfounded, so that everyone will be willing to believe that they have such a big cockroach here.

"Shusha~ (Grandpa, what are you doing?)" The big cockroach couldn't help being a little flustered when seeing the headmaster pointing at himself with a lighted thing.

He doesn't like such a bright light very much, this kind of light is a bit uncomfortable for him.

"Don't dodge the big cockroach, you know? Grandpa is taking pictures of you. Tourists will come to see you only if you take a picture of you. It's not good for you to dodge like this." Seeing the big cockroach that wanted to escape, the director also said Not caring much, he stretched out his hand and held down the big cockroach to prevent him from escaping.

"Shusha~ (It turned out to be a photo shoot, Grandpa, you should have said it earlier, but can you hurry up to take a photo?)" the big cockroach muttered after hearing this.

There is no problem with taking pictures, but can grandpa take pictures faster?
"No problem, it will be over soon, you little guy just bear with it a little bit." The director smiled and recorded the appearance of the big cockroach.

With this video, I believe those insect lovers will be very interested.

After all, this is the only super-big cockroach in the world.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, are you using big cockroaches to make money? The speed is really fast.)" Cheng Hao, who saw the director returned after taking photos, came up and saw the advertisement that the director was making.

"Nonsense, you are very rich in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden? Why don't you spend money? Is this making money from him? This is making money for him, understand?" Do you know how much they spend now?Every day is calculated in tens of thousands, okay?How can I buy food for this big cockroach without making more money?

"Aww~ (But the money from my contract and the money from selling records, aren't they all taken by you, grandpa?)" Cheng Hao emphasized.

From doing live broadcasts, selling records, and participating in variety shows to now, all his income is saved by his grandpa. Grandpa told him how could it be possible without money?

Then all his money was swallowed by the black hole?

"How do you talk, you little rascal? What do you mean being taken by grandpa?" Hearing this, the head of the garden angrily knocked on Cheng Hao's head and said, "The employees in our Tiger Garden don't need wages? Don't we charge for electricity when we turn on the air conditioner? ? Doesn’t it cost money to build a new venue? Isn’t there air conditioning in the house where you sleep at night?”

"Is it okay to spend all this money wisely? Grandpa has never touched money at all."

How can the little villain say that?All the money he earned was spent on the construction of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park and the improvement of everyone's life, okay?

Otherwise, this little rascal thinks that there are so many collective summer resorts in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, is it money that fell from the sky?
Also, although the air conditioner in the house they live in is said to only be turned on at night, it still costs money.

And the most important thing is that everyone is now very big, and the cost of food has directly increased by three or four times.

It can be said that although Xiaoju earns a lot of money, in fact, it can't last long.

"Aww~ (Well, how much money can he make by relying solely on big cockroaches?)" Cheng Hao muttered, admitting that the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park was completely different from last year.

The houses in Hulan are also equipped with exhaust and air-conditioning, and the grounds are paved with lawns.It has improved his living environment several grades, but he feels that these should not cost much.

"It doesn't matter how much he earns? Anyway, as long as he loses less money, he is considered to have earned it." The director said, and directly uploaded the advertisement of the big cockroach to the home page of Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Aww~ (Okay, but Grandpa, remember to arrange a darker room for him.)" Cheng Hao reminded after seeing the advertisement on the top.

Big cockroaches don't like light, so grandpa don't arrange him into a house full of sunshine.

"Don't worry, Grandpa has his own arrangements." The director smiled, picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Xiao Li, are you done with your work now? Come over when you are done, I remember you are not Do you like insects? Now I have a big task to teach you."

"Come to the office as soon as possible. I guarantee that you will be very happy. From today onwards, we have a very precious insect in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain."

"Really, director? Are we going to set up insect animals in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?" Xiao Li, who was brushing the big rhino, said happily.

It's hard to say he likes animals, but he likes those beautiful insects even more.

The beautiful exoskeletons of those insects, and the unique patterns.It is simply a work of art carefully carved by nature.

It has always been his dream to work in the Insect Museum, but that major is not the right one.

In addition, in that kind of place, people with ordinary education like him are not needed.

That's why he came to Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

Now the head of the garden told him, do they also have insects here?It's amazing.

"Of course, what am I lying to you for? Come here quickly." The director smiled. Doesn't this young man like insects very much?This big cockroach is also an insect, so give the other party to him to raise.

It shouldn't be a big problem, the young man said that he is very experienced in raising insects.

"Okay, I'll be right over." Xiao Li said, and hung up the phone.He patted the big rhino that was lying down: "The service of the big rhino is over today, I'll give you another brush when I have time, I'm going to do more important things now."

"Oh oh oh~ (Goodbye, goodbye.)" The big rhinoceros nodded when he heard this, and lay down in the swimming pool with his whole body, not intending to get up at all.

It was so comfortable to lie in the water on this hot day.

Sure enough, it was the right decision to come back with my sister, and stay in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.I don't know how many times better than staying in the forest?

"Aww~ (Grandpa, have you started throwing blame so soon?)" Cheng Hao said when he saw the director put down the phone.

Obviously these things are for the other party to do, but the other party actually throws them to other breeders.

"What is dumping the pot? Grandpa just suddenly remembered that some people are very good at raising insects. Grandpa is doing it for the sake of big cockroaches."

"You little villain, haven't you heard a word? What kind of people do what kind of things, so that they can be professional counterparts." said the director, put the phone aside, and said to the big cockroach: "Wait a minute, a young man will come, he is a person who likes insects, you have to behave well, you know? He will be your keeper from today on."

"Shusha~ (Yeah, I see.)" The big cockroach nodded its head when it heard this.

"That's right, you can rest at the side first, he should be here soon." The director smiled and sat back on his seat.

"Shusha~ (My lord, do you have any tricks to please the breeder?)" Seeing this scene, the big cockroach asked Cheng Hao who was sitting on the sofa.

He has never been in contact with humans, and he doesn't know what humans like, so he will soon have a breeder.

He felt that he had to please the other party's favor.

And the king is so experienced, he will definitely be able to teach him.

"Aww~(You don't need to do anything, you just need to be honest, and you will know how wrong you are?)"

When Cheng Hao heard this, he opened his mouth and said.

No matter how big this little cockroach becomes, it is still a cockroach.The way other animals can please the breeder is on his side, but it doesn't have to be to please, it may be frightened.

So for the sake of safety, he should not deliberately please.

If it backfires, it's not good.

"Shusha~ (Oh, I understand.)" The big cockroach nodded after hearing this, and then obediently stayed aside.

Soon there was a series of footsteps outside, which made the big cockroach very happy.

Because he knows his breeder is coming soon.

"I'm here, principal, can I come in directly?" Xiao Li knocked on the doorway of the office with excitement.

"Of course there is no problem, you can come in." The director said, and the door was pushed open.

Then, Xiao Li saw Cheng Hao sitting on the sofa.Suddenly, guilty of muttering
"Director, didn't you say that a precious big bug came to our Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? Why didn't I see him?"

Xiaopangju knew that this was a tiger, not a bug, and that the other party was Hong'er's sister's darling.

So, where is the big bug that the director asked him to take care of?

"Don't worry, you will see him soon, but before meeting him, I have some things to confirm with you." The principal said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Li asked curiously after hearing the words.

"That is, do you really like bugs, no matter what kind of bugs you will like?" the director said.

This young man doesn't like the insects that are only in the jungle. He doesn't like the insects that come out of the jungle.

"Of course, no matter what kind of bug, I will like it." Xiao Li nodded.

What is the name of the principal?Could it be that he only likes one kind of bug and doesn't like other bugs?This is something that doesn't exist.

"Since you said that, I can rest assured." The director nodded when he heard this and said, "You can come out, big cockroach, and you don't need to keep hiding."

"Shusha~ (Okay, Grandpa.)" The big cockroach in the office immediately ran out from behind the sofa happily after hearing this.

"What a big cockroach." After seeing the big cockroach that ran out, Xiao Li's eyes widened. He had never seen such a big cockroach before.

"How is it? Is this big cockroach big? I didn't lie to you, this big cockroach is rare." The director said with a smile.

It seems that Xiao Li was not frightened by such a big cockroach, which is a good thing.

"Yeah, it is indeed the best among insects. Its appearance and figure are perfect." Xiao Li nodded when he heard this, with a faint light in his eyes: "I would like to call him a cockroach as big as this." As the cockroach king, I just don't know how it feels to the touch?"

"You need to pick it up and have a look at it yourself." The garden manager said after hearing this. As expected, he likes bugs. It's okay to not be afraid of such a big cockroach, and he plans to pick it up and have a look.

"Really? Then I won't be polite." Xiao Li said excitedly when he heard this, and immediately got started.

Such a big cockroach is a rare treasure, and I don't know how the carapace on his body feels?
"Aww~ (Big cockroach, you should get along well with him, I have something to do and leave first.)" Seeing the big cockroach being hugged like a baby, Cheng Hao expressed that he was a little physically unwell and needed to leave for a while .

"Shusha~ (Okay, Your Majesty.)" The big cockroach that was picked up nodded, and Cheng Hao ran out quickly.

There are really many talents in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, and there are people who like to beat cockroaches so much.This did not occur to him, but he could rest assured that the other party would take care of the big cockroach.

"You little villain came down from the top, where is the big cockroach? You won't really let the principal take care of him, right?" Just after Cheng Hao bumped his head into the office, Miss Hong'er's voice came from next to his ear .

"Aww~ (How is this possible? Grandpa is very shrewd. He said he wanted to take care of the big cockroach, but he called Xiao Li over behind his back. Now the cockroach is being taken care of by him.)" Hearing this Cheng Hao said, and sat down next to Miss Hong'er.

"Xiao Li? Is that the breeder who likes to take bread crumbs and feed them to ants?" Sister Hong'er immediately remembered the other party's affairs after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Yes, that's him.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, with an indescribably satisfied expression on his face: "Aww~ (Sister, you don't know how powerful he is, he just saw Da Cockroach, I immediately hugged the big cockroach, and when I saw it, my hair was about to explode.)”

"Hug directly? It seems that Xiao Li really likes bugs." Hearing this, sister Hong'er couldn't help being stunned. The image of such a big cockroach landing on her body appeared in her mind, and the whole person trembled. There was a chill.

This picture was so beautiful that she didn't even dare to think about it.

"Aww~ (Who says no? By the way, no one here likes snakes, right? Sister.)" Cheng Hao asked.

They even have people who like bugs in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, so if you tell him there are people who like snakes, he will not be surprised.

"Of course I have. The male breeders in our Fruit and Tiger Garden like strange animals. There are snakes, scorpions, spiders, and frogs." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this. Several times, I have heard that a breeder suggested to the director to raise snakes and dolphins, which is not enough to raise pigs.

And these breeders who proposed raising snakes and spiders were all male breeders.She also couldn't understand why these male breeders like to raise such weird animals?

Obviously, tigers are so fluffy and cute, so why would they want to raise other animals?

Are there too many tigers raised, or are they not here for tigers in the first place?

"Aww~ (It's true that everyone has a dream.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help complaining when he heard this.

This group of people is really a talent. I am afraid that the animals I like are from reading books and watching too many movies.Have they figured it out, now it's just evolution and not cultivation?
Looking at it this way, Xiao Li, who likes cockroaches, is more normal.

"Who says it's not?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this: "Everyone's dreams are different, but it's just that they can't be realized because of reality. My sister used to think that she would work in a pet hospital. I thought I would come to Tiger Park."

Maybe these breeders really want to work in reptile zoos and insect zoos.It's just that, because of various reasons, I came to Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

Just think that her dream of studying this major at the beginning was to pamper cats and dogs in the hospital.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes later, so I came to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

"Aww~ (Really? It seems that the pet hospital has lost its elder sister, a general.)" Cheng Hao teased.

"You can't say it like this. After all, there are so many talents in this field, and I'm fine without me. And in this field, I'm really talented." Sister Hong'er said.

For example, she is not very good at seeing a doctor, but she seems to be quite good at raising animals.

Otherwise, the animals that passed through her hands would not be raised white and fat one by one.So much so that when the head of the pig farm visited her, she said that she was a rising star in the pig farming world.

As long as she is willing to enter the home court, she will be a supervisor for one year, a factory manager for two years, and a boss for three years.

But it's a pity that she really doesn't like raising pigs. Although pigs are cute, how can they compare with tigers?
"Aww~ (That's true, but sister, you are really good in other aspects.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao agreed deeply, and then looked at the window, where the crows were already too fat to look like birds.

These crows don't know how my sister feeds?The fat ones are like penguins.

He wondered if these guys could still fly?Wouldn't it flap its wings and just fall from the window?
"dong dong"

"dong dong"

Just as he was thinking so, he heard the voice from the drawer again.Suddenly, a curious look appeared:
"Aww~ (Sister, did you hide a bastard in the drawer? Why is it thumping?)"

"What joke are you kidding me, little bastard? How can someone raise bastards in the drawer?" Sister Hong'er cursed with a smile, and then opened the drawer, and then a big blue moth flapped its wings and flew away. out.

"Aww~ (Sister, your drawer is infested with worms, and a big moth has grown.)" Cheng Hao, who saw this scene, reminded that the worms are really weird these days, and there are even big blue ones. The fluttering moth looks like a blue will-o'-the-wisp.

"There is no long worm. This worm was put in by my sister. Have you forgotten the worm we found in the department? This big moth is it." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, stretched out her hand to catch the big moth and landed .

"Shusha~ (Sister, hello, after a long wait, I finally broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly.)" said the big blue moth flapping its wings, gently shaking Sister Hong'er's palm.

"Aww~ (Big fluttering moth, I have something to remind you, you didn't break out of a cocoon and become a butterfly, you broke out of a cocoon and became a big moth.)" Cheng Hao reminded him when he heard the words, how could he be a butterfly?It's obviously a moth, okay?Although she looks pretty, she can't pretend to be a butterfly.

"Shusha~ (Even if I'm not a butterfly, I'm more beautiful than a butterfly.)" The big moth said after hearing this.

"Yes, you are indeed very beautiful. You are such a beautiful little guy, don't run around, you know?"

"It's very dangerous in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. If you get into the territory of birds or spiders, it will be bad." Sister Hong'er touched the big moth's head and said, she really didn't expect it , after a big moth broke out of its cocoon, it turned out to be so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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