Chapter 235 Penguin Bird

"Shusha~ (Although they are powerful, I'm not a vegetarian either. As long as they dare to touch me, I'll set them on fire immediately.)" said the big fluttering moth who heard this, releasing a blue light from his body.

Soon there was a blue flame.It boiled over it.

"Aww~ (It's not good, sister, this big moth, I can't think about it and want to roast myself, sister, let's get some cumin powder to help him.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao said, couldn't help Subconsciously licked his lips.

Look at how beautiful this blue flame is, it must taste delicious if you bite into it.

"Come on, you little rascal. Do you really want to eat it?" Sister Hong'er knocked on Cheng Hao's head angrily when she heard this: "There are so many delicious foods in the tiger garden, why are you acting like this?" ? I don’t know, I thought you were abused.”

The majestic tiger doesn't eat meat and goes to eat bugs. What if people find out?I’m still not sure what to say about their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden.

Can't this little villain eat some normal meat?

"Aww~ (A tiger is alive, you have to be brave enough to try everything.)" Cheng Hao smiled, looking at the big moth and said: "Aww~ (Sister, you have to stop this little guy, you can't let him be so messy. If he runs away, our entire Tiger Park will be set ablaze for him.)”

"That's right, you little bastard reminded me, I can't let this little fellow run around in the Tiger Garden anymore." Sister Hong'er nodded when she heard this, and immediately shouted at the big moth: " Come down quickly, little guy, if you keep running around like this, the entire Sierra Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain will be set ablaze by you."

"Shusha~ (I know, I know, I'll come down now.)" Hearing this, the big fluttering moth immediately dissipated the flames from his body.

He didn't want to really set the whole Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest on fire, otherwise would my sister have to beat him up?

"That's right, this is what a good animal should do." Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er smiled, and reached out to take the big moth.

"Aww~ (Sister, this guy has been in the Tiger Park for so long, shouldn't he be allowed to contribute to the guards? You can't let him eat for nothing every day.)"

"Aww~ (I suggest building a room with a big scorpion in the Tiger Garden to attract people who like big scorpions.)" Cheng Hao said, this big scorpion is so beautiful now, it can't be wasted.

Gotta let this guy earn his own food bills.

"This is a good idea. Such a beautiful and big moth should indeed be shown to everyone." After hearing this, Hong'er said thoughtfully.

"Aww~ (There are also a few big fat birds outside the window, let's take them to the exhibition too. Otherwise, let them run around every day, and the food will almost turn into penguins.)" Seeing that Sister Hong'er adopted her own suggestion.

Cheng Hao continued to hit the railway while it was hot. Look at those birds, how fat they have become. It looks like they are cooking outside, and they must be caught quickly.

Otherwise, if the animals outside catch it, I might not know which one is cheaper.

"Wow~ (Sister, don't listen to his nonsense, we just grew a little stronger, not fat at all.)"

"Whoah~ (Yeah, yeah, it's all feathers, it's all feathers.)"

The crows who heard this immediately flew in and said, where are they getting fat?The other party should not talk nonsense, okay?They're just a little stronger and a little more feathered.

"But you little bastards have indeed gotten fatter." Hong'er sister stretched out her hand to grab her shoulders, and said after weighing the standing crow.

These little guys also said that they are not fat, and she can easily weigh five catties, how can she not be fat?

For the sake of their health, it is indeed necessary to manage their food, otherwise they will not be able to fly to the sky.

"Wow~ (Ah? Then sister, you don't really want to lock us up, do you?)"

"Wow~ (Yes, sister. Do you have the heart to lock us up?)" The crows said after hearing this, blinking at Sister Hong'er with their big watery eyes.

"Don't worry, my sister won't lock you up." Seeing them like this, Hong'er sister said angrily: "My sister will only manage your weight, to ensure that your weight will not go up again gone."

"Wow~ (Then how does my sister plan to help us manage our weight?)" the crows asked curiously.

"It's very simple. From now on, you are not allowed to eat outside, except for the meals that my sister feeds you, you know? Especially you can't go to the cafeteria to eat." Sister Hong'er said seriously, looking at the crows who were dodging their eyes. Opened the mouth: "If my sister finds out, my sister will put him in a cage and let him cooperate."

"You guys are too heavy, it will affect your health and burden your body, do you understand?"

"Wow~ (But we eat too little, and we are easy to get hungry.)" Hearing this, Blue Jay looked at his big belly and said.

They have been eating and drinking a lot during this time, and now they have to control their diet, how can they bear it?
"Wow~ (Yes, yes, we are all straight intestines, we can't store food, we can only eat desperately.)" Black Crow nodded.

"Aww~ (Actually, you don't have to control it like this. I have a way to make you lose half your weight in an instant.)" Cheng Hao who was listening on the side suddenly said.

"Wow~ (Really? Hurry up and tell us what a good way.)"

"Wow~ (Yes, yes, this way we don't have to control our weight.)" The crows who heard this said, as long as they can lose half of their weight, they will not be overweight.

"Aww~ (It's very simple, as long as you take off the two bird legs, won't you lose half of your body weight?)" Cheng Hao said under the hopeful gaze of the crows.

If you want to lose weight quickly, amputation is the best way.

And once these birds lost their legs, didn't they lose nearly half of their weight?
"Wow~ (What? This is also a solution?)"

"Wow~ (That's right, this is obviously a bad idea.)"

The crows who heard this cursed and turned their heads to ignore Cheng Hao.

They could see the big tiger in front of them, and they wanted to see their luck.

"Although Xiaoju's idea is bad, if you don't lose weight, you will lose more than two legs in the future." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

These little villains are like a ball. If they run slowly in the future, it's hard to say whether they will have two legs left.

"Aww~(That's it.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and echoed: "Aww~(It's time to add a new species of penguin crow to the tiger garden, sister.)"

"Okay, you little villain, stop fanning the flames here, and stay where you are." Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this.

This little villain's mouth is getting more and more broken, and he doesn't know who he learned from.

"Aww~ (Oh, then I'll eat the chicken drumsticks first.)" Cheng Hao said, and left with small steps.

These guys are eating and drinking in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain every day.They should take good care of it. After all, they are taking advantage of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

As for the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, they didn't get any benefits from them.

"Wow~ (Sister, you should take care of that big fat cat, he's scaring us again.)"

"Whoah~ (Yeah yeah, he's so bad.)"

Seeing the crows who had Cheng Hao leave, they dared to complain to Sister Hong'er.

"You know he's bad, so be careful. He won't be called really bad until you're so fat that you can't fly." Sister Hong'er scolded with a smile, and grabbed the blue jay and came to the weighing scale: "Let my sister see How much does your little round bird weigh now?"

"Wow~ (Don't, I'm very light. Very light sister.)" Seeing the weighing scale, what did Blue Jay immediately think of?Hastily opened the mouth to say.

"It's useless for you to say that you are light, you have to be told that you are light by the weighing scale." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said unmoved, she put them on and weighed them one by one.

"Okay, you all said that you are not fat, and the weight is almost as big as that of a piglet. No, I can't let you continue to run around and eat. Closed management of you will be fine." Looking at the numbers displayed on the scale, Sister Hong'er said.

I just grabbed them and left the office. It's strange that these little villains are so fat that they can consciously keep their mouths shut. Coercive measures must be taken against them.

"Wow~ (It's over, it's over. I'm going to starve now.)" Black Crow said without love.

"Wow~ (Yes, yes, sister, please forgive me.)" Blue Jay echoed.

But Sister Hong'er didn't plan to pay any attention to them at all, and still led them towards the distance.

So, in the next Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden, there was another big room, and outside the big room was written a line of big characters:
"The newest wild animal in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is Rolling Crow."

"Everyone watch and cherish them, and don't feed them food, which will increase the burden on the tiger park."

"Aww~ (I'm laughing so hard, my sister really locked you up.)" Cheng Hao, who was strolling in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, couldn't help laughing when he saw this sign.

"Wow~ (You still have the face to say that it's all your fault. Originally, we blamed you for being full, so you told my sister.)"

"Wow~ (That's right, my sister should play with you too.)"

The room was blown by the blower and stood on the branches, and the crows who couldn't stand still cursed.

Thanks to the other party, my sister locked them in such a big house, not allowing them to stay comfortably, and blowing them with a blower all the time, just to make them move.

And they have been lazy and used to it for a while, how could they bear this kind of suffering?
"Aww~ (My sister will definitely shut you down, but she will definitely not care about me, because I am different from you, I am not fat at all, I am strong, you know?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help laughing when he heard this Said.

Shaking his body, he walked towards the next place.

These little stupid birds don't lose weight, but their lives are in danger, but he is different, no one can threaten him, so it doesn't matter to him whether he loses weight or not.

"Shusha~ (Hi, my lord, why are you free to visit me today?)" Cheng Hao had just left the hall of birds when the sound of a big cockroach came to his ears.

Following the direction of the sound, I saw a big cockroach lying in the dark room and heading towards this side.

"Aww~ (Big cockroach, how are you doing here? Are you comfortable? Do I need to change your place?)" Cheng Hao walked to the glass window and asked, looking at the big cockroach's residence.

I have to say that the residence of the big cockroach is pretty good, spacious and dark.

If it weren't for the faint light shining on it, he would have thought the big cockroach was a big rock lying in the room.

"Shusha~ (No, no, I feel comfortable staying inside. I have biscuits to eat, steamed buns to chew on, and sweet milk to drink.)"

"Shusha~ (And the sleeping place is so big, it's just like heaven.)"

Hearing this, the big cockroach quickly said, he has never had such a big room with so many delicious foods, he is very happy staying in it.

Basically, I go to bed from early to late, and from late to early.

"Aww~ (That's fine, you can sleep here slowly, I'll go to other places to have a look.)" Cheng Hao said.

It seems that the big cockroach is very happy living here, so he can rest assured.

"Shusha~ (Okay, Your Majesty.)" The big cockroach replied after hearing this, and lay down quietly.

After Cheng Hao saw it, he continued to walk forward.

As a young king, his responsibilities are really heavy, and he has to inspect the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain every day.Take a look at the conditions of the animals on your territory.

Make sure that all the little brothers are safe and sound, and there is no problem.

Although, this work is very tedious.But who makes himself a king?This made him nostalgic, when he was still an ordinary little tiger.

At that time, he was still carefree and able to run around, unlike the heavy responsibility that requires talent now.

"Huh! Little Pangju? No, you can no longer be Little Pangju, you have been successfully promoted to Fat Big Juice now."

"That's right, the era of little fat oranges is over, now is the era of big fat oranges."

While Cheng Hao was feeling emotional, a group of tourists walked up to him. When they looked at the fat tiger lazily approaching, they were stunned for a moment, and then they spoke.

Xiaopangju's weight and appearance no longer look like a little tiger, so the name has to be changed as well.

And the name "Fat Daju" is very suitable for him, so Fat Daju will make his official debut from today.

"Aww~ (Who are you guys? Don't act like you know me very well, please, and don't change your name randomly.)" Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said after hearing this.

Where is this tourist from?Why are they so casual.He didn't discuss it with him at all, so he started to change his name.

Did they give money?One by one is so righteous.

"You see Fatty Ju rolled his eyes, it seems that he understands what we say." The young lady who noticed this scene said, squatted down and handed out snacks from the bag.

"Of course, Fat Big Orange can sing and dance, and he goes up to the mountain gate to catch tigress. Isn't it normal that he can understand us?" The short-haired woman laughed, took out her phone and started taking pictures.

"That's right, Fat Big Orange, come here and let me touch his claws, okay? I brought your favorite beef." The young man with a little rough hair nodded and waved at Cheng Hao familiarly.

"Aww~ (you guys really don't know what to say, since you're here for a walk, you can take a good look, don't suddenly stare at me, okay?)" Cheng Hao murmured.

If he remembered correctly, this place should be the insect area and the bird viewing area. This group of people just want to see insects, so don't stare at him.

"Fatty Orange, can you save face? Don't act like this. If you don't move? We'll just pass by."

"Yeah, fat big orange, are you coming? We brought Rourou."

Seeing Cheng Hao not moving, the tourists couldn't hold back immediately.

They didn't expect to run into Pang Daju head-on here, and Pang Daju should stay in the tiger house.

But it's good to meet here, so they don't have to make another trip.

"Aww~ (I'm the noble king of the forest, you want to send me away for just this little meat, do you think I'm a beggar?)" Looking at the meat in their hands, Cheng Hao curled his lips and immediately turned and left.

Just that little bit of meat is enough for big cockroaches to eat.

Even taking it out to seduce him is not enough for him to stick between his teeth. At least this group of people are a little sincere, okay?

In addition, they even took out the starchy sausage, which doesn't have any meat, okay?

This group of people really regarded him as a cat, even a cat is not so easy to get rid of.

"Ah? Fat big orange, don't run away. Why are you running? We all brought out some snacks, so you can touch them for us."

"Yes, yes, if you don't like the name Big Fat Orange, we can still call you Little Fat Orange."

The people who were full of expectations were dumbfounded when they saw Cheng Hao who turned around and left.

Didn't you say that the chubby tangerine will be touched as long as it is given to eat?They brought out food, why did the other party leave immediately?

"Little Fat Orange, where are you running in such a hurry? Don't fall into orange balls on the way." The cleaning aunt who came to inspect the sanitation of the venue saw Cheng Hao running past her with small steps, and scolded with a smile said.

This little villain is really living comfortably. He runs around all day, and even comes here to play. Fortunately, Xiao Pangju doesn't know how to eat snacks or eat melon seeds, let alone throw garbage.

Don't worry about the ground, it will get him dirty.

"Auntie, have you seen Xiaopangju?" Just as Auntie Cleaning was thinking about it, the tourists who went out wearing clothes asked out of breath.

"I see, that big furball just ran out from here." Auntie Cleaning pointed to the corridor behind her and said, then looked at the tourists again.

I thought to myself that these young people are running around in such a hurry, and they have tired themselves out like this.

It seems that today's young people are not in good health, and they are not as good as her old man.

"Ah, did Xiaopangju run away? Auntie, do you know where he went?" The tourist who heard this said anxiously, how did Xiaopangju run so fast, they just ran away when they came here.

Most importantly, they still don't know where the other party has gone.

 Don’t be wrong if you like Batman, I found a good book for you
  "What Bad Minds Can Batman Have"

  Chen Tao never imagined that even if he time-traveled, he would become Batman himself.

  As we all know, Batman is extremely intelligent and intelligent, and his fighting skills are extraordinary, but——what does all this have to do with me, a time traveler?

  oh!It's okay, I can inherit Batman's power and memory...? ! ?Wait, why are they all parallel universe versions?

(End of this chapter)

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