Chapter 236 is outrageous
"You're talking about that hair ball. It depends on whether he is hungry. If he is hungry? You must go to the cafeteria to find him. If he is not hungry? Then it's hard to say."

"It may be in the office, or it may be in the dormitory. Anyway, it is possible in the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

The cleaning aunt who heard this replied, holding a broom and looking around.Looking for where there is rubbish, do you need to clean it yourself?

"Is that so? Thank you, Auntie, we understand." The tourists were grateful when they heard the words, and then walked outside.

Hope to meet a breeder and tell them where the little fat orange went?Otherwise, if you really find it?A day is going to pass like this.

"Where are you going in such a hurry, you little villain? You don't even say hello to grandpa when you see him. Didn't grandpa tell you about the things you need to abide by as a tiger?" , just as he walked up the steps, a figure ran past him.

Taking a closer look, it was Cheng Hao who came back.

"Aww~ (I can't help it, Grandpa. Someone is chasing me.)" Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao quickly stopped the car.

Grandpa is going to educate him on Hude this early in the morning?Don't be so outrageous, okay?

He also had no choice but to say hello, if he had time he would definitely say hello.

"Oh? What's the matter with you, you little villain? How could you be chased?" The principal asked after hearing the words.

What is this little guy doing?How come you are still being chased by people?

"Aww~ (I didn't do anything bad, it was the group of tourists who wanted to touch me when they were full and empty-handed. They didn't give up when I rejected them.)" Cheng Hao explained.

I am a good tiger, how could I do bad things?Grandpa don't throw all the blame on him.

"Do you want to touch you without bringing anything? It's really a bit hateful, but don't run around, you little villain."

"You have to remember that you are not a little tiger anymore. If you run into the breeder and hit them, they will be injured." The head of the garden reminded.

Some people want to touch it without giving them food. It is indeed not correct, but this little guy should not run around because of this. With his current weight, if he really bumps into someone, he will be knocked out.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, Grandpa, my eyes are bright, I won't hit anyone.)" Cheng Hao said, turned and continued to run.

If you continue to talk to grandpa?At that time, people have to catch up again.

"This little guy can really run." Seeing this scene, the director couldn't help laughing, and continued walking towards the office.

Today is the time to pay wages to all the employees, so we can't continue wasting time here.

"Aww~ (I can't catch up now, can I? Then I can find a place to lie down.)" After running for a while, Cheng Hao, who found no one behind him, slowly lay down.

Sure enough, running around in such a hot day is still not enough. It is best to find a comfortable place to stay.

"You little scoundrel didn't sleep in the room, why did you lie down here again? Hurry up and stay by the side, don't block the road, you know?" Just when Cheng Hao was lying on his stomach and ready to take a good rest, he came over Hong'er sister said.

"Aww~ (Sister, why did you run here so early in the morning? What kind of a good day is this today?)" Seeing Sister Hong'er who came, Cheng Hao turned over his belly and asked.

What day is it today?Why does Hong'er miss get off work so early?Could it be another holiday?
"Of course it's a good day today, because today's wages are paid." Sister Hong'er said, pinching Cheng Hao's round face and saying, "But this has nothing to do with you, a bad guy. Get up quickly, don't There's a traffic jam here."

"Aww~(Who said this matter is none of my business? Sister, don’t you have to consume when you get paid? Do you need someone to help you carry things if you want to consume? It just so happens that I am very free recently. Let’s go out to consume Let’s make a wave.)” Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said, then got up from the ground.

My sister is getting the salary of Huyuan and the salary of the department, but I don't see how my sister spends money. It just so happens that he has a lot of time today, so he can go out with her for a stroll.

"You little rascal, you want to go outside for a stroll. You are a big tiger weighing more than 400 kilograms now, and you will scare people when you go out." Sister Hong'er said unhappily when she heard this.

He said he wanted to go out with her for a stroll, but did he actually ask her to pay for the delicious food?She saw the plan of this little villain at a glance.

"Aww~ (Although I'm big, I look kind. And I'm a well-known celebrity, so I'll be fine if I go out for a walk.)"

"Aww~ (Besides, what era is it now, why is there such a rule that tigers can't go to the streets? I won't make trouble, I just go shopping with you, sister.)"

Cheng Hao said, and stretched out his paws to hug Sister Hong'er's leg.

He has been in this world for so long and hasn't visited a shopping mall, not even a cake shop.

Moreover, the light of evolution has been announced for so long.It's normal for him to walk around the streets with a tiger, presumably these people won't make a fuss long ago.

"You little villain, hurry up and get your claws away, or you'll ruin my sister's pants." Feeling the weight on her legs, Sister Hong'er said helplessly.

Does this little villain know how much he weighs?Still holding her leg?
"Aww~ (No, just let grandpa pay for it if it breaks. Sister, take me out to see it.)" Cheng Hao said shamelessly.

There was really nothing to do in Tiger Garden, he wanted to go to the department stores and business centers in the city and eat something delicious.

In just a few decades, Hu Sheng should have had fun in time.

"Let's take you out to play well, let's put your paws down for sister quickly, you little villain, you are getting more and more dishonest, you still like to drill outside in such a hot day." After being hugged, there was really no other way , Miss Hong'er said angrily.

This little villain is really hard to deal with, why don't you take him out to play?
"Aww~ (Then let's go right away.)" Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately let go of his paws and got up from the ground.

"I can't go yet, my sister still has some things to do. I will take you to play after my sister hands over the things to the director, okay?" Sister Hong'er shook the things in her hand and said.

"Aww~ (That's the way, that's the way, let's go to grandpa.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, and followed Sister Shang Hong'er to the office.

It doesn't take much effort to give this thing, and he can go out in no time.

"Principal, the things you want are here. If there is nothing else, I'll leave first." In the office, Hong'er sister put down the things and said.

His eyes were squinting, and he was standing at the door looking at the big tiger head.

I couldn't help laughing and scolding this little guy in my heart, what a ghost.He stayed outside and didn't come in.

"Well, you can go to work first." The principal who was typing on the keyboard nodded.Sister Hong'er left the office.

"Aww~ (Sister, shall we go to that large shopping mall?)" Seeing Sister Hong'er who came out, Cheng Hao immediately approached with a smile.

The entire Hongtashan City.He is not very familiar, so where is it suitable for eating, drinking and having fun?
"Since we're going, of course we have to go to the biggest one, but we have to talk to the commander before that. It won't cause a commotion." Sister Hong'er, who was heading towards the parking lot, said.

They are going to a large shopping mall. If they don't report to the commander, they will have fun at that time, and they don't know what troubles will arise.

"Aww~ (Sister, tell the commander, if you can't figure it out, let me tell you, I'll help you figure it out and let the commander agree.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

Report to the commander?Trivial.

Where does he stop, can the commander disagree?

So there is no need to worry that the commander will refuse at all, my sister can report with confidence.

"You little guy really wants to go out, you can't wait." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er said unhappily, and started to contact the commander to report the situation.

"Does Xiaoju want to go play in the mall?" The commander in the evolutionary department who heard the call couldn't help but be surprised.

Why did Xiaopangju suddenly want to play in the mall?What bad thing is this little guy trying to do?
"Yes, Commander." Looking at the big head approaching from the back of the car, Sister Hong'er said helplessly, "He's tired of staying in the Tiger Park now, so he wants to run away, Commander, if you don't agree , he’s afraid to tell you about it.”

"Well, let me tell you. I don't understand what this little guy is saying. If he wants to go, let him go." Hearing this, the commander quickly refused.Xiaopangju was going to talk to him, and his head hurt from the noise.

The little rascal?If you want to go out, go.

Anyway, he is also a big star, and since Hongtashan is a well-known tiger, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to go out.

But for the sake of safety, we still have to arrange some team members to follow.

"Okay, then I'll take Xiaoju there." Sister Hong'er said.

"Yeah, go, go, take him, let him have fun." The commander said, and hung up the phone.

Inform the team members patrolling the city to pay attention to this matter.

"Aww~ (Sister, look at the commander, isn't this very easy to talk to, I agreed right away.)" Cheng Hao, who was in the back row, said with a smile when he heard it.

"That's because he has nothing to do with you, little villain, otherwise how could he be so easy to talk to?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er sighed, and put the phone in the box: "You little villain, hurry up and do it!" , don’t move around, we’re leaving soon.”

"Aww~ (Oh, I got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, and sat down on the chair obediently.

It's been a long time since I went shopping, it's really exciting and exciting.I don't know if there is anything delicious in this world?

"Everyone stop, we can prepare to rest here, the commander asked us to take care of Xiaopangju and the breeder near this shopping mall."

After receiving the order, the team members who were patrolling beside the Longxing Commercial Building said to their companions.

"Is little fat orange coming here? What is little fat orange planning to do here?"

"That's right, you're here to hold a concert again, right?" Everyone who heard this couldn't help talking.All showed curious eyes.

"I don't know about this. The old man, the commander, didn't talk about it. Our little chubby orange and the breeder will know it when they come." The team member in charge of agreeing said.

The commander didn't tell him so many things, so if they want to know, they have to wait for someone to come.

"Well, let's wait a while and see what Little Pang Ju wants to do, shall we?"

"That's right, I haven't seen Xiaopangju in this period of time. I don't know how much fat he has gained?"

The team members smiled and waited around.

"Wow~ (Did you hear that? The King is coming soon.)" Bian Mu, standing on the team member's lap, said, he remembered the name of the King, maybe the King knew that they had something to report, so Did you come here specifically to chat with them?
That king is so powerful that he even knows this kind of thing.

"Meow meow~ (I heard it, I heard it. How could we not hear about it?)" Sanhua said, the voices of these humans are so loud, it must be a ghost if they can't hear it.

"Woof~ (Yes, the king will be very surprised if he knows what we have done.)" Shiba Inu agreed after hearing the words.

After they followed humans, they always remembered the king's order.

I have been in touch with the animals around me all the time, and this is only half a month.

They have already united the animals in the entire city, and now the animals in the entire city are their eyes.

As long as the king gives an order, all the animals will join the battle and take the city.

After the king knows this, he will be very happy.

"You guys are also very happy, aren't you? Little Fat Orange is coming soon, so don't worry."

"Yes, yes. When the breeder comes, if you have anything to say, you can ask the breeder to tell us."

The team members who were talking, found the animals whispering, and said with a smile.

The animals were whispering again, it's a pity they couldn't understand, otherwise they could have joined in.

"Woof~ (If I really told you? I'm afraid you won't be so calm.)"

"Meow~ (That's right, after all, we are discussing how to take down the city.)"

The cats and dogs who heard this couldn't help but ask, do they still tell each other such things?I'm afraid that after talking about it, they won't be able to sleep.

"Aww~ (Sister, there are team members in front, did they come here specially to wait for us?)" Cheng Hao, who was sitting in the car, saw the stopped car at a glance, and turned to the second sister Hong. Said.

"It shouldn't be too bad. After all, if we go like this, it would be strange if we don't scare people." Sister Hong'er said, and stopped along the side of the car to greet the team members: "Everyone is here to wait for us? "

"That's right, sister Hong'er. We are waiting for you here."

"Yes, yes. The commander asked us to follow along and help take care of Xiaopangju."

The team members who were chatting quickly opened their mouths when they heard it.I didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

"Then it didn't delay everyone's tasks. If it did, Xiaoju and I can go shopping by ourselves, so we don't need to bother everyone." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this.

The commander doesn't need to be accompanied by so many people, she and Xiaoju can just go shopping by themselves.Don't disturb everyone's work.

"Where is this? Our task now is to go shopping with Xiaopangju and Miss Hong'er."

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for your blessing, Sister Hong'er, we wouldn't be able to rest now."

The team members said with a smile, how could they come out to play at this time?

If Xiaoju and sister Hong'er hadn't been shopping this time, they would still be patrolling the streets.

While they were chatting, Cheng Hao said hello to the younger brothers whom he hadn't seen for a long time, then pushed open the car door and jumped out: "Aww~ (Little guys, how are you doing recently?)"

"Wow woof~ (Reporting to the king that we are doing very well, and there is another good news to tell you.)"

"Wow woof~ (Yeah, oh my lord. We have already connected with the animals in the whole city. They are all willing to join us and become our eyeliner.)"

"Meow meow~ (That's right, all the animals are ready to go out now just waiting for your king's order.)"

The cats and dogs who heard this immediately began to report their achievements. They believe that the king will be very happy after hearing such achievements.

"Aww~ (Have you guys really united all the animals?)" Cheng Hao was stunned when he heard this.

These little guys really know how to do the work, he just said casually, these little guys really do it.

Do these people in the department know about this?He just wanted to ask.

You must know that this group of cats and dogs will really make troubles.

"Wow~(Of course, if you don't believe me, look at us, my lord.)" Bian Mu said, and then shouted to the surroundings: "Woof~(Where are the animals of the Animal League? The king hasn't come out yet. .)"

"Suo Suo"

After the Bian Mu's voice fell, there was a burst of chattering sound from around, and then mouse heads and bird heads popped out from various places.

"Aww~ (Are these birds and mice the combined army you're talking about?)" Cheng Hao, who saw this scene, couldn't help saying with black lines all over his head.

Sure enough, he almost forgot that in urban areas, there are more rats and birds than stray cats and dogs.

"Meow meow~ (Of course, it's more than that, this is just our underground troops, as well as the sky troops.)"

"Wow woof~ (Yes, yes, we still have ground troops and underwater troops are not here.)"

Seeing Cheng Hao disappointed, the cat, cat and dog hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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