Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 237 Big Cats Love Milk Tea

Chapter 237 Big Cats Love Milk Tea
"Aww~ (Do you still have ground and underwater troops? What is that?)" Cheng Hao asked doubtfully when he heard this.

He knows the ground troops. After all, there are many cats and dogs in the whole city. After they are united, they are indeed ground troops, but what the hell are underwater troops?Is it a school of fish?
But the question is, will these schools of fish really accept the union of cats, cats and dogs?Shouldn't they start running as soon as they see them?
"Bow woof~ (Report to the king, the ground troops are composed of other wandering troops. The underwater troops are composed of a large number of fish schools.)" Bian Mu reported.

"Aww~ (It's really like this, so what method did you use to get the fish to agree to join forces?)" Cheng Hao asked doubtfully.He still couldn't understand, is there any connection between the fish schools living in the river and their interests?Why agree to the alliance of cats and dogs?

"Meow meow~ (We promised them that as long as we occupy the city, we will not discharge sewage into the river, throw garbage in the river, and not wantonly catch reasonable fish.)" Sanhua raised her paw Said.

"Wow~ (Yes, yes, they expressed their willingness to help us after getting our guarantee.)" Bian Mu nodded.

The fish in the river have had enough of human sewage, so after hearing their advice.

Without the slightest doubt, he agreed to join them and jointly plot the plan to occupy the entire city.

"Aww~ (Well, it seems that you guys really like to use your brains.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao sighed. He had to say that these little guys worked much harder than he imagined.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that they are so smart and capable that he shouldn't have to worry about their safety. The bad news is that he is just talking to them casually, and has no real preparations to attack the city.

"Meow~ (Of course, we don't dare to hesitate when His Majesty gives orders, and we follow the best standards.)" Sanhua nodded.

"Wow woof~ (Yes, yes, so when will we act, my lord?)" Bian Mu said, his eyes sparkling.

"Aww~ (Of course not now, at least it will take a long time. Our current strength is too weak, just occupying a place is useless. Humans still have many towns and cities.) Seeing their eyes looking at him, Cheng Hao said.

These little guys are really impatient. Those who don't know think that they have some deep hatred with human beings.

"Wow woof~ (Yes, yes, what the king said is right, human beings still have many cities and many places. We only occupy one city, and human beings will soon counterattack.)" Hearing the words, Bian Mu suddenly said cleverly .

They are still doing things for themselves.When complacent.I didn't expect the king to have considered such a comprehensive point. They are too confident.

Fortunately, the king corrected them in time, otherwise, they would make mistakes again and again.

"Meow~ (Yeah, so we have to find a way to stop the human counterattack. At the same time, we have to develop our power in other cities.)" Sanhua agreed after hearing this.They can't be so confident, their strength is far from being able to defeat humans.

"Wow~ (That's it, the king really thought too comprehensively, and he said something that we didn't think of at once.)" Shiba Inu worshiped Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (I'm very happy that you can think of this, it proves that you all can think. So everyone should remember that we must be fully prepared before we can counterattack, you know?)" After hearing their imaginary words, Cheng Hao could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, these little guys can make up their own brains, otherwise it would be too much trouble for him to explain.

"Ho Ho~ (Understood King, we will do what you said.)" The cats and dogs who heard this echoed loudly, and the King should feel relieved.

They will not disappoint the king, they will definitely unite all the cats and dogs in the city in the shortest possible time to form a siege to humans.

"Aww~ (very good, I believe you will be able to do it.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded and said, "Aww~ (Continue to follow the plan and remember not to expose it before you can act.) "

"Hoho~ (I understand.)" Brother Maomao replied, nodding their heads.

"It seems that they chatted happily with Xiaoju." The team member who saw this scene said with a smile.

"Yes, sister Hong'er, what are they talking about? Can you tell us something?" the short-haired girl asked curiously.

What are the cats and dogs whispering?It seems that everyone is very happy.

"Are they? They are discussing how to eat." Sister Hong'er said with embarrassment when she heard this.

Then I can't tell everyone that these little guys are trying to overthrow the city ruled by humans.

If they heard the news, they might not be happy.

"It turns out we were discussing this, what a bunch of gluttons."

"Yes, yes, a group of gluttons."

After the players heard it, they couldn't help laughing.

These little villains are all gluttons, and it sounds like fun to ask for advice on how to eat like Little Pang Ju.

"Yes." Sister Hong'er said awkwardly, and yelled at Cheng Hao who was still talking to cats and dogs: "Xiaoju, you little rascal, do you still want to go shopping? If not, sister will tell you You put it here, and then go shopping by yourself."

The little rascal couldn't stop talking.Does he still want to visit my sister?
"Aww~ (That's the end of this matter, I won't talk about it anymore.)" Cheng Hao said to the cats and dogs when he heard this, and ran towards Sister Hong'er: "Aww~ (Sister Don't be in such a hurry, what are you doing in such a hurry, I'm coming right now?)"

"Would you be willing to come here without calling you a little villain? Hurry up and go with my sister." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and walked towards the mall.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao hurriedly followed.

"Wow woof~ (Your Majesty's disguise is really good, no matter how you look at it, you can't see any flaws.)"

"Meow meow~ (Who says no, the king is so powerful, we should learn from him.)" said the cats and dogs who saw this scene, and the voices of the team members came from their ears: "Okay! Come on, little ones. We've got to go, too."

After speaking, he led the cats and dogs to follow.

As soon as Cheng Hao caught up with sister Hong'er, he immediately attracted the attention of the citizens who were shopping.They looked at Cheng Hao, whose tail stood up like a flagpole, and couldn't help discussing:

"Wow! What a fat, round, and furry tiger. Is this a real tiger? Why does it look like a fake one?"

"Yeah, is this a tiger? I'm not even sure."

"That's right, it's definitely a tiger, and it's also a famous big tiger. Look at him, he is the big star in our city, Little Fat Orange." Looking at this citizen with a big head Said, there is nothing wrong with this look, it is the famous little fat orange.Look at his appearance, how cute?

"It turned out to be the legendary chubby orange. No wonder they came to the shopping mall. Did they plan to come over for dinner?" Other citizens asked curiously after hearing it.

"I'm not sure about that, maybe I came here to buy clothes."

"Yeah, yeah, look at Xiaopangju's body, he definitely needs a comfortable dress."

"That's right, after all, you are a big star, you must dress up." Everyone who heard this said with a smile, fixed their eyes on the big tail that was leaving, and quickly followed.

It's not easy to meet a big star, but you have to go there and ask for an autograph.

"Ahh~, it's the little fat orange, the cute little fat orange, would you like to come and sit in the store, little fat orange? Our store is very comfortable."

"Yeah, Xiaopangju, come in. We have the latest clothes in our store. I promise to dress you up as a big star."

Cheng Hao followed Sister Hong'er, surrounded by a group of people. The voices of these citizens quickly attracted the salesmen in the clothing store. After they came out and saw the furry figure, they immediately began to attract Cheng Hao to come in.

If such a big star enters their store, it will definitely attract many customers.

"Aww~ (We have found the wrong person, I am not the one who wants to enter the store, you have to pull, pull sister in, what are you doing around me?)" Cheng Hao, who was surrounded by salesmen, was very helpless. Why does the guy hang around him when he's full?Why is he a big tiger wearing women's clothes?Can they think about it?
"It seems that Chubby Orange is still as popular as ever." The team member said with a smile after seeing it.

"Who says it's not? After all, Xiaopangju is a famous singer and doctor. It's a very normal thing." The other team members also nodded and said, looking full of excitement.

It seemed that Cheng Hao was very happy to be surrounded by people, and he almost hugged a melon in his arms and directly announced his status as a melon-eating audience.

"Thank you for your kindness, but Xiaoju is a boy and doesn't wear women's clothes. Wait until the next time I bring a little girl with me." Seeing Cheng Hao surrounded by salesmen, Hong'er sister had no choice but to speak up Well, if this little guy is surrounded again, he won't be able to get out.

"Then miss, you have to remember, we have a lot of beautiful clothes here."

"Yeah yeah."

After seeing Miss Hong'er coming forward, the salesmen stopped.

"Yes, yes." Sister Hong'er nodded, and said to the crowd in front of them taking pictures: "Please give way, Xiaopangju and I plan to continue to go for a walk."

"Okay, okay." After hearing the lively citizens, they stepped aside and continued to take pictures.

"Do you eat ice cream, little fat orange? Do you drink milk tea? This is a new product launched in our store. If you don't eat it, you will definitely regret it."

Just every 50 meters forward, the voice of a clerk came from a milk tea shop at the corner of the mall.

"Aww~ (Milk tea? Ice cream? Is your milk tea ice cream free?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao jumped more than two meters high, jumped over the crowd blocking the way, and landed in front of the counter of the milk tea shop. .

This milk smells quite fresh, but I don't know how it tastes good or not?
"It's amazing. This is the skill of Xiaopangju. He jumped over such a high place all at once."

"Yeah, it's like making a movie, it's amazing." The citizens who saw this scene couldn't help saying excitedly.

And the happiest thing at this time is the staff of the milk tea shop, they are looking at the big round heads in front of them.

Holding the signboard in the store, I started to seduce:

"What do you want to drink, little fat orange? You can order whatever you want, as long as you touch your head for us."

"Yes, yes, you can touch the paws, but the cat's paws can only be worth a glass of lemonade. Touching the head can be worth a glass of poplar nectar."

"That's right, if you touch our ears, we'll give you a cup of milk tea, an ice cream, and delicious fried chicken cutlets."

"Aww~ (Don't even think about it, I'm a rich tiger. I don't need to betray what you said, okay?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao rolled his eyes, tilted his head and said to Sister Hong'er beside him: "Aww~ (Sister, hurry up and take out the money, you don't want to see me touch their paws and heads for something to eat.)"

"My sister thinks about it, because I'm afraid that the influence will be bad. Otherwise, I will really make you a little villain to do such a thing." Hearing this, sister Hong'er said angrily, and took out her mobile phone to take a picture of Cheng Hao The big head said: "You little villain, take a look at what you want to eat? Tell me quickly."

"Aww~ (Fried bananas, fried chicken cutlets, this fried crispy meat, poplar nectar lemonade, and ice cream, all come here.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, his paws on the window almost Knock out the afterimage.

It's been a long time since I ate fried chicken cutlet and didn't drink milk tea, so I have to have a good time on this trip.

"You little villain has quite a lot of things. Those who don't know think that the company team building is here." Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing and cursing when she heard this.

Cheng Hao asked the shop assistants for something to eat.

"How much are these in total?" Sister Hong'er asked the clerk after ordering.

The shop assistants who heard this looked at Sister Hong'er eagerly and said:
"Miss the breeder, you really don't intend to let Xiaopang touch it for us, as long as you touch it, you can get free of charge."

"Yes, yes, we promise to touch it once, not more and not less."

They gave each other free bills, did the other party really not consider it?After all, no amount of money is money.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I really don't have this idea." Sister Hong'er listened, and explained while scanning the QR code: "Xiaoju is a big tiger now, and he doesn't like others to touch him like he did when he was a child. So really I'm sorry."

"Well, that's such a pity." The shop assistants who heard this were a little disappointed, and could only quote.

The opportunity to get in touch with big stars in person just disappeared, and no one would be happy if they were replaced.

And it's a furry tiger with a big round face, who can stand it?

"Look everyone, look who I found in the mall?"

"That's right, he is a big star with both sound and video. He is known as the world's cutest little chubby orange."

"Let's take a look now, how cute is the little chubby orange who is called the cutest in the world?"

After seeing this scene, the crowd of onlookers immediately took out their mobile phones to broadcast live.

After all, Xiaopangju wants a lot of things, and he can't do it in a while.

They can take this opportunity to broadcast live, add some fans to their live broadcast room and make some money along the way.

It's just that the position they rely on is indeed a bit too peripheral.After looking at the empty place beside Cheng Hao, his eyeballs "swished" and he leaned forward while saying "Give way" to the person beside him.

And just when they were about to approach Cheng Hao, the team members finally stopped them:
"Everyone can take pictures and broadcast live. But don't get too close, and please cooperate."

"That's right, Little Pang Ju is still a tiger after all. It's okay if it hurts everyone. For your own good, I'm good to everyone. Everyone should stay away."

"Okay, okay." After hearing this, the anchors shrank their heads and went back after seeing the stun guns in the players' waists.

"Little Fat Orange, this is a free cone for you." The clerk of the milk tea shop looked at Cheng Hao who was pulling the counter with two paws.He held out the cone to Cheng Hao and said.

"Aww~ (Do you still give away cones in your store? Yes, yes, it seems that you are quite good at doing business?)" Cheng Hao laughed when he heard this, and started to lick it with his tongue.

Unexpectedly, the owner of this shop is quite business-minded, buying milk tea and chicken chops and giving away cones.

It would be great if this milk tea shop opened in Huyuan, so he can come here to eat every day.

"That's a lot of strength, as expected of a tiger." After sensing the strength from his hands, the clerk had no choice but to grab it with both hands.

Otherwise, the chubby orange will stick his tongue down?This cone is going to fly to the ceiling.

"Yes, yes, his big love nose is so pretty."

"That's right, but the most beautiful thing is actually his little ears. You can see that he moves his ears when he eats."

"Really, it's like drinking milk, my head is working hard."

When the shop assistants who were making milk tea heard this, they all poked their heads and looked over.After seeing this scene, they couldn't help laughing and discussing.

"Miss breeder, how much is the endorsement fee for Xiaopangju?" The shop owner who received the employee's message came up immediately after seeing the crowd on the third floor and the third floor.

His milk tea shop has been patronized by Xiaopangju, if Xiaopangju helps his milk tea shop to promote, then his business will not take off?

In just a few seconds, he even thought up the slogan.It's just a matter of cooperation.

"Xiaoju doesn't accept endorsements in commercials, especially in the area of ​​food and medicine. I'm so sorry." Sister Hong'er declined with a smile when she heard this.

This endorsement of food, medicine and daily necessities is a big pit.

They Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is not short of money, endorsed these things, if something happened, wouldn't it be a signboard?

If you really want to make money, ask Xiaoju to hold a few concerts and shoot a movie, and you will get back all the money.

"Ah? Like this? Well then." The hopeful boss Wen Yanhou couldn't help but regretfully said, while he was thinking about his dream of opening a chain store.

As a result, he was punched hard by reality, and he fell to the ground immediately.

Sure enough, there is no hope of a small milk tea shop of his own?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little disheartened.But looking around at the anchors who were broadcasting live, the flames were rekindled.

It's true that Xiaopangju didn't speak for him, but it doesn't mean he can't do other things.

For example, Xiaopangju came to his store today, such a real thing can't be faked, right?It seems that I may not be able to open a chain store.

The boss, who had figured things out, couldn't help but blew up.

"Little Fat Orange, it's useless to stare at me like this. The cones have already been eaten." The clerk in front of the counter looked at the big eyes that were staring at her passionately.Some said helplessly.

Little Fat Ju can't keep staring at him, the boss is right next to him, so he can't give it away anymore.

Otherwise, if the boss finds out, he will have his salary deducted by the boss.

"Aww~ (It's okay, it's okay, you can give me ice cream, I bought other things, you can eat it for me.)" Cheng Hao heard the words and said, stepping on the chair.After finding out that the quality of this chair was worrying, I gave up the idea of ​​sitting on it.

He didn't want to break the chair by sitting on his ass, otherwise he would have to lose money.

"Xiao Chen put the double-skin milk on the little fat orange, and then give the little fat orange a taste of our shop's signature burnt jelly grass." The boss who heard the conversation said quickly, does the little fat orange still want to eat it?This is a good thing, the longer Xiaopangju stays in his shop, the more space he can manipulate, even if it is worth putting all the materials into Xiaopangju's stomach today.

After today, he can't believe that there is no one who doesn't know about his milk tea shop.

"Okay, boss." Upon hearing this, the employees in the shop quickly took turns.

This is what the boss said, so they are not welcome, it just so happens that they haven't fed Xiaopangju with their own hands.

"Uh, this is not good. Boss, you still have to do business." Seeing this scene, Hong'er said weakly. She had just rejected the other party's cooperation, and now the other party let Xiaoju eat like this. Bar.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Little Fat Orange comes here to eat, just to advertise for me."

"I should be the one thanking Xiaopangju. Don't stand still, come in and sit down." The boss said with a smile, inviting everyone to enter the shop and sit down:

"Xiao Li, what are you doing over there? Why don't you bring milk tea and food to the officers and the standing guests?"

"Boss, are you sure?" Xiao Li, who was making milk tea, asked after hearing the words, isn't the boss crazy?These passing citizens didn't give money.Is the boss planning to do charity?

(End of this chapter)

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