Chapter 238

"Of course, today is considered an event. Let everyone have a taste of our milk tea." The boss laughed.

Do you understand what it means to strike while the iron is hot?You can't let these people stand still, you have to let them taste the milk tea from their shop.

"The boss is big, the boss is big."

"It looks like he can do business and make a fortune."

"Yes, yes." The crowd of onlookers couldn't help but speak when they heard this.

What is a pattern?This is called a pattern.

"Thank you, everyone, thank you very much." The boss said with a smile when he heard the words: "Everyone, please wait a moment, everyone's milk tea will be here soon."

"Okay, okay." Everyone said with a smile after listening.He waited patiently.

"Aww~ (Don't be idle, you should also eat some. Sister, give them some ice cream cones.)" Looking at the cats and dogs eagerly looking at him, Cheng Hao said to Hong Sister said.

Look at the pitiful looks of these little guys, my sister will bring them something to eat.

"Understood, you little villain, you still have a conscience, you didn't really eat alone." Sister Hong'er said, and asked the clerk for an ice cream cone.

"Wow woof~ (Thank you, king.)"

"Meow~(Yeah yeah.)"

The cats and dogs who saw this scene said happily, the king is so kind.I still think about them when I eat.

"Aww~ (You're welcome, who told you to be my younger brother? This is what you should do.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws indifferently and continued to eat.

"Everyone make room, everyone, I'm bringing food to Xiaopangju."

At this moment, another person came in from outside the crowd.

"Hello! Boss, we don't order takeaway."

"Yes, yes, are you making a mistake? Boss."

Seeing the boss coming with a takeaway box, the team members stopped him and said.

"Of course I know that the officers didn't order takeaways anymore, because I gave these takeaways to Doctor Xiaopangju." The boss who was stopped explained with a smile:
"At the beginning, I was infected with mycelia and almost died in the department. Thanks to Dr. Chubby Ju for saving me."

"Didn't I hear that Dr. Pangju came here to play? So I hurried over to thank Dr. Pangju."

"So it's like this? Boss, come in." The team members who heard this said, since they came to thank Xiaopangju, it was really hard for them to stop them.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Seeing the team members give way, the boss said happily.The takeaway box of raisins walked up to Cheng Hao, and opened the box: "Little Fatty Doctor Ju is tired of eating ice cream, come and try our hot dry noodles. I guarantee that this is the kind of noodles you have never eaten before."

"Our noodles are fragrant and dry, with stewed beef in it. I guarantee that you can eat two bowls after one bowl. If you eat two bowls, you will want three bowls."

"Aww~ (Really? Is it really that delicious? Then I have to taste it.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao leaned over and asked about the aroma of peanut butter, sesame sauce and sauerkraut.

"You're welcome, Little Fatty Doctor, please use it." The boss who came over with fried noodles smiled and stretched out his hand after seeing it.

"Aww~ (Since you've said it like this, if I'm being too reasonable, I'll seem a bit pretentious.)" Cheng Hao muttered, and stuck his head into the noodle bowl.Started to eat up.

"This fried noodles looks delicious."

"Yeah, seeing Xiaopangju eating so happily, I want to eat it a little bit."

"That's right, why don't we go eat a bowl of fried noodles and then come back."

Everyone who saw this scene heard the sound of noodles sucking.Subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

I can't help it, it sounds too fragrant, this hot dry noodles seem to be delicious.

They were not hungry at first, but they suddenly felt a little hungry after watching them.

"Everyone let it go, everyone let it go."

Just as they were muttering, another voice came from outside the crowd.

I saw a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, pushing hard towards the crowd, and said, "Everyone, make room, everyone. I'm here to deliver food to Doctor Xiaoju, everyone." Don't stop me."

Everyone who heard this turned their heads and smelled the smell of meat in the air, and immediately pulled the boss and said:

"Boss, what are you here to give? Why is it so fragrant?"

"Yes, yes, where is your store? Tell us about it."

Good guy, these bosses are sending delicious food here one by one, they are so greedy that they are about to wake up, what is this person here to deliver?

"You mean my shop? My shop is the Huangji pig tail on the fourth floor of the shopping mall. This is the treasure of our shop, the braised pig tail." The boss who was being dragged said, pulling the lid along the way.

Let the smell of pig tails in the food box spread into the nostrils of everyone around.

"Husband, why don't we eat pig tails later, their pig tails smell delicious and soft." The girl shook the arm of her boyfriend beside her and said, it was so delicious to her. The taste is just too tempting.

"Okay, okay. Listen to you, listen to you." The boy who was tempted by the smell of the pig's tail nodded and swallowed.

This pork tail looks really good, you can go and taste it.

"If you want to eat? You can come to my store to eat. Today we have a [-]% discount for the activities in our store." The boss who heard this said with a smile.

I didn't expect to come here to deliver a meal, but there are so many people wanting to eat it.

"Really? It's so good, we'll eat it later."

"That's right, I'm really hungry."

The citizens said happily, they didn't expect that even pig tails would be discounted today.It looks like I can save a lot of money today.

"Let's make room, everyone. I'm here to deliver food to Doctor Xiaoju." Just as they finished speaking, a familiar voice came from behind.

A shop owner carrying a food box appeared in the same way as "Boss Huang Kee Pigtail" just now.

"Boss, what kind of food does your family cook?"

"Yes, yes."

The citizens who saw this scene were a little accustomed to it, and asked directly.

Now it's better, they don't need to look at the menu at the door, they can know who's food is delicious and whose portion is big.

"My family makes tiger-skin chicken feet, and my family owns the Hufeng Building on the third floor." Hearing this, the boss said, carrying the food box and walking towards the milk tea point.

"You go and move a table out of the shop, don't let Doctor Xiaoju eat on the ground." Said the milk tea boss who saw this scene.

"Yes." After hearing this, the clerk moved the table out.

The bosses who arrived were not in a hurry, and waited in place with food boxes.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but joked:

"Interesting and interesting, this scene reminds me of the picture of the ancient emperor eating."

"Yeah, there are indeed some meanings. You said it is in all the restaurants. Which restaurant is the best?"

"Not sure, how do we know if we haven't tasted it? We have to look at the little fat orange to know."

"Yes, yes, whether it's delicious or not, just depends on the reaction of Xiaopangju."

"Doctor Xiaoju, what do you think of the taste of my mixed sauce noodles?" Seeing that the bowl was licked clean, the owner of the noodles asked with a smile.

The onlookers must have seen that his fried noodles are not only liked by people, but also by tigers.

"Aww~ (The taste is very good, the ratio of sesame sauce and peanut butter is very good. If you can put more beef, it will be more perfect.)" Cheng Hao, who licked his mouth, said, this shop says it does what it says Zhajiang noodles, but his stewed beef is the best.

In fact, the other party does not need to bring noodles, just bring braised beef.

"Really? Thank you, Doctor Xiaoju, for liking it." The boss who heard Hong'er's sister's translation was very happy.

Even Doctor Xiaoju said so about his noodles, who would dare to make their own noodles better than his?
"I said, Boss Xu, you're almost done, don't get stuck here, we still have to serve Doctor Xiaoju."

"Yes, yes, don't take care of yourself, you have to take care of us, okay?"

The two bosses who were waiting saw that the fried noodles had been liquidated, and the other party had no intention of leaving, so they couldn't help urging.

The other party is almost enough, don't stay here all the time, the two of them also want to show their faces.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now." The owner of the fried noodles said, carrying the food box and walked outside, and he didn't forget to say to the onlookers along the way: "Everyone wants to eat fried noodles If you want to come face to face, come to the first floor."

"Okay, okay, we understand, boss, you go down first."

"Yeah, remember to prepare more noodles, don't wait until we go there and there will be no more."

"Yes, especially the beef, prepare more." The citizens who heard this said, staring at the pig's tail on the table.The boss of Zha Jiang Noodles left with peace of mind.

"Doctor Xiaoju, please have a taste. Let's braise the pig tail with quail eggs in braised pork."

The boss who opened the food box said with a smile, and pulled out a small drawer from under the food box, and took out two corn tortillas.

"Aww~ (Quail eggs with braised pig tails served with tortillas? Not bad, not bad, it looks like you can eat it.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao nodded in satisfaction, and began to gnaw on the big pancakes.

"Boss, there are a lot of people around there. Shall we join in the fun?" The waiter in the hot pot restaurant's three-character clothes asked the manager standing beside him after seeing the congested scene on the first floor.

He felt that this seemed to be a very large amount of traffic, and they had to find a way to catch it.

"You think we're a restaurant? How can we do this? Can you still bring out the pot?" The store manager on the side said very speechlessly. The other is a restaurant, and they are a hot pot restaurant. How can we do this?

"It seems to work, store manager. Don't we have an induction cooker in our store? Just move it out." The clerk at the side suggested.

"Even if we move out, have you ever heard of tigers eating hot pot?" the store manager who heard this asked weakly.

He has lived for decades, and he has never heard of tigers eating hot pot.

"I've never heard of it, but we can give it a try. Anyway, we won't lose much, right?" The clerk said after being stunned for a moment.

What if Xiaopangju doesn't eat hot pot?They're at best a waste of time.But what if the little fat orange is eaten?Then the hot pot in their store is the only hot pot that tigers have eaten.

"That's true. You go and tell the kitchen to prepare a non-spicy clear soup base, and then put on the induction cooker. I'll watch over here and go quickly." The store manager said after thinking about it.

There are so many people broadcasting live here, it would be a pity if they didn't take advantage of the popularity.

"Okay, manager." Hearing this, the clerk said, and went to work immediately.

"Doctor Xiaoju, this is the glutinous rice with sweet-scented osmanthus root in our store. You can try it, it is guaranteed to be very delicious." The boss with the food box opened the box, revealing the sweet and fragrant glutinous rice inside. Lotus root said.

And behind him is the owner of the roast duck restaurant waiting for him, and behind the owner of the roast duck restaurant is the owner of the donkey roll.

And behind the donkey rolling is a row of bosses. They all saw the heat here, and they all brought their non-spicy signature dishes.

The purpose is to make a name and make a business.

"Aww~ (Your glutinous rice lotus root is already sweet enough, so don't put any more honey, it's a little throaty.)" Cheng Hao, who was eating a piece of glutinous rice lotus root, felt that the barbs on his tongue were stuck, and quickly He took a sip of lemonade and said.

Such a sweet glutinous rice lotus root, it’s okay to add honey, it’s really done.

Hurry up and let the owner of the roast duck shop behind come up, he can already smell the aroma of roast duck, it seems that the other party's roast duck should taste good.

"Miss breeder, does Doctor Xiaoju like my glutinous rice lotus root?" After seeing Cheng Hao take a bite, he pulled the glutinous rice lotus root aside with his paw, and the boss, who was full of expectations, immediately became nervous stand up.

This is so many people live broadcasting, so many people watching.

Doctor Xiaoju just put the glutinous rice and lotus root aside. Doesn't this show that his food is not tasty?
After hearing this, Miss Hong'er looked at the citizens poking their heads, then at the somewhat nervous boss, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, Xiaoju doesn't like to eat such hot food, so I plan to let it cool before eating."

"That's good, that's good, I thought Doctor Xiaoju didn't like my glutinous rice lotus root." The boss was relieved after hearing this.

"I told you earlier that the glutinous rice lotus root in your house is too hot. Who eats it so hot? If you want to learn, you should learn from us. You know? Food for tigers should be warm. If it is too hot, it will backfire. Already." Seeing this scene, the owner of the roast duck shop said, and took down the other party's food box.

I put my own food box on it and took it out, pie crust, cucumber, shredded green onion and duck meat.

Putting on the gloves again, holding the pancake in one hand and chopsticks in the other, he said to Cheng Hao, "Doctor Xiaoju, do you eat shredded cucumbers and green onions? If you don't eat them, I'll just roll duck meat for you." .”

"Aww~ (Eat, eat, eat everything except those too salty sauces.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao licked his lips and said.

He hasn't eaten roast duck for a long time, and he finally met him this time, so I'm so happy.

Of course, it has to be eaten with pancakes, otherwise it would be less ritualistic to eat.

"Okay, okay, Doctor Xiaoju, please wait a moment." Hearing this, the owner of the roast duck restaurant said, and began to slice duck burritos on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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