Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 239 Benhu has also eaten top seafood, don't fool me with garbage

Chapter 239 Benhu has also eaten top seafood, don't fool me with garbage

"Aww~ (Not bad, not bad, really good, this duck is live, it's really great.)" Seeing the other side's operation, Cheng Hao was very satisfied.

Sure enough, this boss knows how to do business, and there are ducks on the scene.Let everyone see his duck meat, and at the same time, let everyone understand that everyone in their shop knows how to slice duck.



While Cheng Hao was thinking this way, he suddenly heard a strange sound, turned his head to look, and found that the cats and dogs standing beside him were swallowing their saliva.

The saliva at the corner of Shiba Inu's mouth was even more drawn.

But he dared not take a step forward, nor did he dare to ask for it.It looks pitiful and funny.

After thinking for a while, Cheng Hao said to Sister Hong'er beside him:

"Aww~ (Sister, go and get another chair and table. Give these little guys something to eat too.)"

"Okay, sister understands." Sister Hong'er laughed when she heard this, and went to get the chair and table.

She has noticed the appearance of cats and dogs.

However, these bosses personally gave Xiaoju to eat these foods.

Xiaoju didn't say that she wanted to share it with cats and dogs, she was too embarrassed to say so.

"Wow woof~ (Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord.)"

"Meow meow~ (The king is the best, the best.)"

The cats, cats and dogs who had been strayed all over the place were immediately happy when they heard this, and they knew that the king was the best.

"Aww~ (You're welcome, who told you to be my king's little brother? Everyone, come forward. Sister Hong'er)" Cheng Hao waved his paws indifferently, and looked at the bosses who came one after another .You will know how many dishes will be delivered next, and there will not be many more little guys eating together.

"Sister Hong'er, is it okay to feed cats and dogs such greasy food? Doesn't it mean that there are many things that cats and dogs eat unhealthy?" said the team member who helped move the tables and chairs.

This is roast duck, twisted doughnuts, and meat buns. Is it really okay for cats and dogs to eat it?
After all, experts have said that cats and dogs should eat cat food and dog food, not human food.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Let's not talk about when they are stray animals, picking up garbage and eating every day has already exercised a good stomach."

"Just because they have become evolved animals now, their stomachs are not comparable to ordinary people. In the past, those foods that were harmful to cats and dogs or foods that could not be eaten, after they evolved, there is no problem at all." After hearing this, Miss Hong'er explained with a smile.

For stray animals, it's good to have something to eat, so how can they care about their health? You must know that stray animals can't eat enough to eat in summer and autumn, if they grow tens of catties?There is no way to survive in the cruel winter.

This is also the reason why a large number of stray animals can be seen in spring, autumn and summer, but not after winter.

Because those fat stray animals who couldn't raise themselves in spring, summer and autumn had already froze to death in winter.

Therefore, when these animals evolved, they first evolved their intestines and stomachs. As long as they could eat anything, they could digest it and transform it into their own energy.

Just like the big fat guy who is drinking milk tea, he can eat what people can eat, and what people can’t eat, he can still eat.

"It turned out to be like this. It sounds like these cats and dogs are so miserable."

"Yeah, no wonder they are desperately eating as soon as they have something." After hearing this, the team members couldn't help but have a sore nose.

Although Sister Hong'er said it easily, they could tell that the lives of cats and dogs were not easy.

"There is no way to do this. After all, people who raise cats and dogs are not necessarily good-natured people."

"There are also most of the cats and dogs, not because the owner doesn't like it. They were lost accidentally."

Sister Hong'er sighed, as long as the pet law is not perfect.This kind of thing will never stop after all.

We can only hope that society will get better and better.

"That's true. After all, many people look normal on the surface, but their conduct is corrupt behind the scenes."

"That's right, I really hope these people fall to their death while walking." After hearing this, the team members couldn't help cursing.

"Everyone handsome, beauties, aunts, uncles and aunts, step aside, we're here to deliver food to Doctor Xiaoju."

"Everyone, be careful, don't get close to dirty clothes and pants."

Just as the team members were cursing, the voice of the merchant came from outside the crowd.

Then, the citizens who turned their heads saw the hot pot restaurant clerks pushing their carts.

They couldn't help opening their eyes wide, and said in disbelief: "I'm going, I really can't even think about it these days, someone actually wants to eat hot pot for the tiger."

"Yes, and what I ate was tomato pot with mushrooms."

"By the way, this hot pot is so hot, would a tiger eat it?"

"Who knows? It depends on whether Xiaopangju is hungry now."

They didn't know if other tigers would eat hot pot, but based on what they knew about Xiaopangju.The other party guessed that he would not let go of the opportunity to eat hot pot.

"Shop manager, did you see that? We stole the limelight this time." Listening to the discussion of the surrounding people, the clerk pushing the cart said very proudly that their hot pot was very popular.

In an instant, all the food was eclipsed at once. What is positive pressure?That's what they call it.

"It's not wrong to say that, but you have to be really willing to eat the little fat orange." Looking at the big head that was chewing slowly, eating the duck cake.The store manager is still a little unconfident.

After all, it seems a bit outrageous for a tiger to eat hot pot.

"Whether Xiaopangju wants to eat it or not, our goal has already been achieved anyway, so don't worry about us waiting, manager." The clerk comforted, and then greeted the anchors who were broadcasting live around him: "Hi! Hello beauty, are you live broadcasting? Would you like to try the copper hot pot in our shop?"

"Hot pot can be tasted slowly. What I'm more curious about is, why did you guys think of eating hot pot for Xiaopangju?" The female anchor holding a mobile phone heard this and immediately came up to ask.

There are too many talents in this world, but it was the first time she saw the one who gave hot pot to the tiger, so she wanted to interview these two talents about how they came up with.

"Because Dr. Xiaoju hasn't eaten it. Let's try it for Dr. Xiaoju. Doesn't it look normal?" The clerk greeted the camera of the mobile phone and said with a smile: "Besides, the world now is not It’s the same, we should look at animals with new eyes, and regard them as intelligent creatures like us humans.”

"So as intelligent creatures, I think they will definitely like hot pot."

"It turned out to be like this, what a bold idea." The female anchor couldn't help exclaiming when she heard the words.

Being able to speak well and thinking forward, no wonder he came up with the idea of ​​letting Xiaopangju eat hot pot.

"Yes, beauty, if you want to eat hot pot? Remember to come to our copper hot pot."

"The hot pot in our store tastes very good. They are all old craftsmanship. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed." The clerk said, holding a leaflet from the cart and handing it out to the onlookers.

"It's here, it's here, everyone, let's make way, let's make way."

The reporter looked at the packed crowd and said.

"Who are you? Just give in if you say so, we don't agree."

"That is, who do you think you are?"

Hearing this, the crowd who were watching the bustle turned their heads and didn't bother to pay attention.

They're just little reporters, and they're not some great guys, so they don't bother to pay attention to them. If they give way to the other party, aren't they about to be squeezed out again?At that time, how do you see Xiaopangju eating delicious food?

"Hey, everyone, can you give me some face? I'm a special correspondent for Hongtashan TV station." The reporter who had a bad nose said weakly.

As a group of people looking for news everywhere, when they heard that such a big thing happened here.He quickly ran over with the cameraman, but he didn't expect that after arriving at the subway, he realized that he was a little underestimated. He was a reporter, but he couldn't squeeze in, and the crowd didn't give him face at all.

"Don't say you are a special reporter, even if the director of your TV station is here, you should not let it go or not."

"That's right, it's just a TV station, have you taken yourselves for granted?"

The citizens said angrily, who still watches the news and TV in this day and age, everyone reads it online, okay?As for these reporters?One is not a public servant, and the other is not a law enforcement officer.

Why should they give each other privileges to let the other party in?Did the other party think it was many years ago?
"Damn it, I'm a reporter." The reporter who heard these words cursed.

Obviously when he was a reporter back then, he relied on a press card, but he could enter various places without buying tickets.

Unexpectedly, with the passage of time, their reporters are becoming less and less important.

Now, no one gives face to the news shoot in that shopping mall.

"Okay, stop cursing. Even cursing tomorrow is useless, let's hurry up and get in." The cameraman on the side said.

In this era, journalists are no longer popular, and they are not as popular as those short video bloggers.

Instead of swearing, let's find a way to sneak in, otherwise you can only see dark heads when you just shoot outside.

"These citizens are unwilling to give way, can we still fly in?" Looking at the citizens who watched the excitement and were unwilling to give way, the reporter said helplessly.

Then I have to think of a way, but there must be a way.

It's just that the citizens look like the king of heaven and I don't work when they come, how can they get in?

"You don't need to fly, we just need to find the right person. I said you have been a reporter for so many years? Why do you have to figure out a way for this kind of thing." The cameraman who heard this said angrily, Then he carried the camera and moved towards the distance, and the person carrying the burden walked away.

"This ghostly guy, what idea has he thought of?" The reporter who saw this scene hurriedly followed.

"Master, what did you pick?" the cameraman asked with a smile.

"What about you? It's filled with peaches. Old man, I heard that Doctor Xiaoju is here, so I brought some peaches for Doctor Xiaoju to eat." The old man carrying the burden said.

"So it's like this, sir, can we go in with you? We are from Hongtashan TV station." The cameraman immediately said with a smile when he heard it.

"Of course there is no problem. Do you come together?" The old man smiled.

"Okay! Master." The cameraman who heard this said happily, and waved to the reporter who was chasing him, telling him to come over quickly.

"It's really yours." The reporter who saw this scene couldn't help but said.

Good guy, this ghost really has a way.Let the old man help open the way, and now they can finally enter.

"Young man, will you let me go? I brought peaches to Doctor Xiaoju."

The old man walked up to the citizen and spoke. After looking at the peaches in the basket, the citizen pointed in one direction and said:
"Master, what if you send peaches to Doctor Xiaoju? Do you know where to go?"

"You can go in that place, even if we let you out of the way, you can't go through. There is a large group of people queuing up there in front, delivering food to Doctor Xiaoju."

"Oh, so it's like this? Thank you, young man." After hearing this, the uncle looked at the direction the other party was pointing at.Carrying the burden, he walked over there.

"Have you seen this place? This is the shopping mall in Hongtashan City. Now there are many people gathered here."

"The strange thing is that they neither eat nor buy clothes. Instead, they gather together in a swarm. What happened? The reporter of this station will take everyone to go and have a look." The reporter held up the microphone and said, After seeing the old man leaving, he immediately followed him up.

"Master, how old are you this year?" Following the uncle on the street, he asked while passing the microphone.

"Me? I'm seventy-three years old this year." The old man who was carrying the burden replied, walking without any intention of stopping.

"Actually, delete it. Uncle, you have a long life. Aren't you tired of carrying so many peaches?" The reporter who heard this was a little surprised.

The uncle's body is really good enough. At the age of 73, he is carrying so many peaches, his face is not red and he is not panting, just like a normal person.

"Not tired, not tired, I've already gotten used to it, and besides, this set was just picked for Dr. Xiaoju, how can you say you're tired?"

"Doctor Xiaoju is a good doctor. If Doctor Xiaoju hadn't saved my wife two months ago, my wife would have died a long time ago," said the uncle who carried the burden.

"It turned out to be like this, is it because of the mycelium incident two months ago?" The reporter immediately understood after pondering for a while.

"Yes! I would also like to thank the chief of the evolutionary department for helping to carry my old lady to the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain."

"Otherwise, no one around is willing to help." The uncle nodded.

When my old lady was covered with mushrooms, but no one was willing to help, I was afraid she might get infected too.

In the end, if he hadn't called someone from the evolutionary department, he would have been left alone as an old man.

Isn't he selling peaches near the mall these days?As soon as I heard that Dr. Xiaoju and the people from the department came.Immediately came over with peaches.

"Indeed, the evolutionary department is indeed a good department." The reporter echoed.

"Who said no?" said the old man, and came to the end of the queue.

After the reporter and cameraman saw it, they walked towards the center along the open space.

"Are you here for an interview?" Seeing the outfits of the two, the team members came forward and asked.

"Yes, sir, please see that this is our ID." The reporter who heard this nodded and handed the press ID to the team members.

After the team member saw it, he said: "Please wait a moment, both of you. After I confirm with the department, you two can go in."

"Okay, okay." The two nodded when they heard the words, and waited outside.

"Aww~ (This seafood is so bad, the little green dragon is soft, and the tongs are empty. It looks stale at first glance, what's the point of this? If you don't want to give it to me, you don't have to give it away.)"

"Aww~ (Use this kind of stale seafood to fool me, pretending that I have never eaten good shrimp, right?)"

Cheng Hao, who had chewed the shrimp meat with his mouth, spat out the shrimp meat in his mouth.

What the hell is going on with this steam seafood shop?Just feed him something like this, does he look like that stupid tiger?
"Wow woof~ (The shrimp meat is indeed a bit stale, but it's fine to eat, my lord.)"

"Meow meow~ (Yes, yes, my lord.)"

The cats and dogs who were nibbling on the shrimp said, they are not that particular, they just need to eat it anyway, as for whether it is new or not, that is another matter, anyway, they have eaten things that are less fresh than these.

"Aww~ (This is not okay, these guys want to use us as a billboard to improve business.)"

"Aww~ (This kind of stale meat is absolutely inedible, it's a sign to hit us.)" Cheng Hao said, and the cats and dogs stopped immediately.

After seeing this scene, the citizens onlookers couldn't help discussing:
"Why did Xiaopangju start to spit out shrimp meat? Is it because the shrimp meat is not delicious?"

"I'm afraid it's possible. Otherwise, the shrimp meat is broken. Otherwise, how could a glutton like Xiaopangju spit out the meat in his mouth."

"That's right, there must be something wrong with the shrimp meat in this seafood steam pot."

"Sir, what's the matter? Our shrimp meat is absolutely fresh." Hearing this, the owner of the store immediately panicked. When the chubby orange came up, he vomited the shrimp meat directly.

There are even more comments around that their seafood is not fresh. If this continues, will their store still be open?

"Uh, Xiaoju didn't say that the shrimp meat was not fresh, he just said that the shrimp meat was a bit limp. The big tongs are a bit empty." Hong'er sister said tactfully.

With so many people looking at her, it's impossible to say that it's Xiaoju's fault. After all, most of the merchants who come here are to advertise their own stores.

What is good is good, and what is bad is bad.She can't turn the bad ones into good ones just because the other party gave them food.

"It turns out that the boss's household is zombie shrimp. No wonder Xiaopangju spits out the shrimp."

"Yes, yes. Our little fat orange has eaten a tiger that has eaten top-quality seafood. With shrimps of this quality, I want to fool the little fat orange. It's no wonder that the little fat orange vomits."

"That's right, animals are the most honest."

After hearing this, the onlookers began to discuss again.

"It turned out to be the reason. It must be that the shrimps that have been mixed in for a long time have been mixed in the warehouse. I'm going to buy a few better ones. I'll go right away." The store owner said after hearing this, and turned his head and ran away.

No matter what happens today, Xiaopangju must be satisfied, otherwise the signboard of their steamed seafood will be smashed.

With so many eyes staring here, what if it spread that all the shrimps in their house were frozen old employees?Can't open business yet.

"Little Fat Orange, their prawns are not fresh. Our seafood sashimi is top-notch, I guarantee you will never forget it after eating it." Seeing the escaped steam seafood boss and the seafood sashimi lined up behind him, the boss immediately walked up.

Will this guy be in business?To entertain Xiaopangju with such poor materials, isn't this a signboard?You must know that after he heard that Xiaopangju was coming, he brought out the best materials in the store.

"Aww~ (Really? Really? Let me take a look quickly.)" Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this, and looked expectantly at the big ice tray that the other party took out.

"Little Fat Orange, try it. This is our store's salmon belly, arctic shellfish, red shrimp, and fresh red bottles and sardine sushi." The boss put down the plate and smiled, holding the fish belly with chopsticks. In the small bowl in front of Cheng Hao.

Then put it on the other sitting cats and dogs.

"Aww~ (Not bad, not bad, look at the oily and plump appearance of this fish belly. The quality of this sashimi is indeed not bad, and the claws will bounce when pressed. It seems that the meat is very firm.)" This kind of claws pressed Cheng Hao of the salmon belly said with satisfaction that he finally had decent seafood.

That's right, if you want to use his fame to advertise, you have to let him eat well.

If he doesn't eat well, he won't bother to give face to the other party.

"Little Pangju is fine, but he can even tell if a fish belly is good or not."

"Of course, our chubby orange is not an ordinary tiger. But a tiger who has eaten high-end cuisine and dealt with high-end places."

"That's right, there's no way to fool our chubby orange with those junk ingredients."

The citizens who saw this scene smiled and continued to watch this large food show.

Just by watching Xiaopangju's reaction, they can get a general idea of ​​which shops in this mall are delicious and which ones are not.

"Aww~ (The taste is really good, but I don't know if the seafood in the store is good. Are they all of this quality?)" Cheng Hao muttered, licking his lips, and looked at the boss who started to clear away the dishes.

I really hope that the other party can bring out another plate, but it is obviously impossible, because this plate of sashimi seems to be quite expensive.It's pretty good to have a free meal.

(End of this chapter)

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