Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 247 Flying General's Set

Chapter 247 Flying General's Set

"Aww~ (I don't wear it like this, it's obviously mine, how can you make a decision to eat it?)" Cheng Hao, who heard this, immediately rolled around on the spot, This is a disaster for the little tiger.It was obvious that the big cake weighing more than ten catties was prepared for him, but in the end he didn't take a bite and let them eat it all.

"Because we bought this big cake, so what to eat for you little rascal? It's up to us to decide." Seeing this, Sister Hong'er squatted down with a smile.Touching Cheng Hao's big head: "You little villain, don't mess around. My sister promises to restore you to the original diet when you lose your normal weight, okay?"

Isn't it just a big cake?Feed him after he loses his weight, don't be like this.

"Aww~ (Really?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately bounced off the ground.

"Of course, I have nothing to lie to you about. You have nothing to do as a sister. I plan for you every day, what do you want to eat?" Sister Hong'er said angrily: "Isn't it for the health of you, a little villain? Otherwise, why is sister so busy all day long?"

"Aww~ (Then let's make an agreement, when I lose my normal weight, there must be something delicious to eat.)" Cheng Hao said.

"Yes, yes. Don't worry, you little scoundrel, eat the cake quickly." Sister Hong'er comforted her.

"Aww~ (Understood, for the sake of the big meal in the future. I will bear with it.)" Cheng Hao replied, and began to eat.

This vegetable puree and meat puree, the taste is really indescribable.

I don't understand why this weight loss meal is so unpalatable?Can't you invent a better weight loss meal?

"Hey! Xiaopangju, are you eating birthday cake so soon? Why didn't you wait for me, I brought you a big present." Just as Cheng Hao was eating reluctantly , Li Xing'er's voice suddenly came from the sky above Tiger Garden.

I saw a figure in black armor descending from the sky above the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, carrying a big backpack like Santa Claus.

It was Li Xing'er who heard that today was Cheng Hao's birthday.

"Xing'er, why did you run over here, still wearing armor? Aren't you afraid of frightening the children along the way?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help asking when she saw this scene.

"How can it be so easy to scare them? Sister, you really worry too much." After the armor and helmet that fell to the ground were automatically removed, Li Xing'er smiled.

She put down the big bag she was carrying, and greeted Cheng Hao who was looking up at her: "Happy birthday, little fat orange, I rushed over from the department non-stop, shouldn't you give me a loving hug? "

"Aww~ (I'm willing to give it, but are you sure you can handle it with thin arms and legs?)" Cheng Hao said weakly after hearing this, and couldn't help but look at the black big bag he was carrying. Bag, this thing looks heavy, I don't know what's inside it?

"Of course there is no problem. I can carry a small car in armor now. Could it be that you are heavier than a small car?" Li Xing'er said after hearing Sister Hong'er's translation, and immediately ran with her arms wide open. up.

You look like you're coming here quickly, Chubby Orange.

"Aww~ (But what you said, if I kill you, it's none of my business.)" Cheng Hao said when he saw this.

He rushed towards Li Xing'er's arms, he wanted to see if the other party was really so powerful that he could still hug him?

"Oh! Little chubby. The weight is really heavy." After stretching out her hands to firmly hug Cheng Hao who was rushing, Li Xing'er couldn't help but let out a silver bell-like laugh.

That's great, she hugged Xiaopangju, this little villain is really heavy enough.

"Aww~ (I'm going to tell you that your armor is a bit powerful, it actually caught me.)" Feeling the power from Li Xing'er's arms, Cheng Hao said in surprise.

"Of course, otherwise, do you think my little genius was named for nothing?" Li Xing'er, who rubbed her head against Cheng Hao's head, said with a smile, and said to Sister Hong'er, who was translating beside her, "Sister, how long has it been since you hugged this little girl?" Are you a villain? Do you want to feel it too?"

This little guy is almost five hundred catties now, my sister must have never tried to hug him, right?Hurry up and feel this heavy cuteness.

"You can hug slowly if you like, I don't want to hug this little rascal anymore, it's too heavy to hug him all day long." Sister Hong'er said, shaking her head when she heard this.

Even if you put on this armor, you still need to be strong in your waist.Don't hold this little guy and sprain your waist, it's not worth it.

"That's fine, I'll hug Xiaopangju slowly." Li Xing'er, who was humming and singing, shook her arms very happily.

How many people have hugged such a big cat?This heavy cuteness can only be felt after she puts on the armor.

"Aww~ (It's almost enough, don't shake it anymore, I still have to eat, be careful I'll spit it out for you later.)" Cheng Hao, who was being shaken like a baby tiger, said.

This guy is rocking back and forth, and he's shaking vigorously, isn't he?Really think he is a tiger baby?
"Okay, okay, let go of you little villain first, look at you are still angry, you are so obedient, don't you just hug you? As for this?" Li Xing'er said after hearing this, and put the princess Cheng Hao, who was in his arms, was let go.

"Aww~ (That's right, don't hug me all day if it's okay, I'm not a little tiger anymore.)" Cheng Hao said after falling to the ground, walked to the backpack put down beside Li Xinger, and pawed at it. up.The sound of metal was heard.

"A little villain, don't pick it up. If you pick it up like this, it will be broken." Seeing this scene, Li Xing'er said, she stretched out her hand and moved Cheng Hao's big paw away.

"Aww~ (What kind of treasure is in it, are you afraid I'll break it?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately became interested.

He knew that the contents of this big backpack must be made of iron, but why did he worry that he would break it?Could it be that the things inside are very fragile?

"It's in it, but it's a baby that can let you, a little villain, take off. Don't you always want a set of armor?" Li Xing'er smiled and searched Cheng Hao's big head.

She heard her sister talk about this little villain, who has a robot.

It's just that the robot is too small, and now Xiaopangju can't sit in it.So she spent a week developing a set of Flying General armor for this little villain, to ensure that the little chubby orange will be mighty and domineering, cute and cute, and can go to the sky after he boards.

"Aww~ (Really? That's really great, give me a try quickly.)" Cheng Hao's eyes lit up when he heard that this was a mechanical armor specially made for him.

Finally, he can also enjoy the changes brought about by technology.

"Don't worry, take your time. This armor was originally prepared for you." Li Xing'er said with a smile, and opened the big backpack.The jet-black suit inside was exposed.

Cheng Hao didn't know much about many things.He only recognized the pair of wings of the helmet and the pads of the four claws, but he didn't know much about the other parts.

"Come on, put on a handsome helmet for our little chubby orange first."

While Cheng Hao was looking at it, Li Xing'er had already picked up the huge helmet and put it on his head.

Cheng Hao only felt his eyes go dark, and then he returned to normal.

It is the world after wearing ordinary sunglasses, and there is no big problem.

"Sister, don't you see that Xiaopangju is more domineering with this handsome big helmet?" Seeing Cheng Hao who was turning his head, Li Xing'er proudly said to Sister Hong'er beside her.

Look at the cute little fat orange, he is so handsome.

"Hmm. He's really handsome, but don't you two feel hot wearing such thick armor in such hot weather?" Sister Hong'er said after looking at them after hearing this.

It's cool to be handsome in armor, but the problem is also very serious.That is such a hot weather, the inside of the armor must be the same as a sauna, right?
"It's okay, the armor is made of insulating material, so it won't encounter too much temperature difference." Li Xing'er, who was putting on the armor for Cheng Hao, explained.

If the overall performance of the armor is affected because the external temperature is too high, it must not work.

"Aww~ (It's okay, I don't wear it often anyway, I can cool it down a little for the sake of being handsome.)" Cheng Hao, who also heard this, replied.

Heat is temporary, but handsomeness is forever. What if you have to endure the heat in order to be handsome?He is still willing.

"That's fine, you little villain, just wear it slowly." Sister Hong'er said helplessly, and she just looked.

This little villain is really dishonest, he wants to be handsome to be a tiger.This handsome is more important than comfortable.

"Aww~ (Ok, ok.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head, enjoying Li Xinger's wearing armor.

After all, the feeling of watching yourself become a handsome tiger step by step is simply amazing.

"Why is the little villain happy? Let me tell you, it's normal to be happy."

"After all, my armor is very good." Li Xing'er couldn't help laughing when she heard the comfortable snoring sound in her ears.

This little villain is snoring so comfortably, it seems that the happy tiger is dying now.

"Aww~(Of course, after all, who can refuse to be a brave tiger in armor?)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and said, look at this material, look at this style.

Putting it in a group of armors, it must be unique and ranked high.

He couldn't wait to feel the legendary "hanging".

"You little villain, you watch cartoons every day, and you can see that you have a second-year illness." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this.

So I helped to lift a pair of big wings to help install them.

Soon, a big tiger with a black body and a metallic texture appeared on the ground.

"How is it? Little villain. Is this set of armor heavy? Does it fit well?" Li Xing'er looked at Cheng Hao who was shaking and asked.

Now Xiaopangju's appearance is exactly the same as she imagined at the beginning of the design.Everything looks perfect except for the bulging belly.

"Aww~ (except for being a little tight, everything is okay, the main reason is how does this thing fly?)" Cheng Hao raised his paw when he heard this.

I tried to jump again, but found that the big wings behind me didn't work at all.Immediately, he looked at Li Xing'er suspiciously.

He remembered that the other party said that the pair of big wings could fly, but why couldn't he fly at all after he tried it?
"Of course we have to follow the procedure step by step." Li Xing'er turned on the power of the armor after hearing sister Hong'er's translation.

Then, he patted Cheng Hao's big head and asked, "Did you find that there is a patch on your body inside the helmet in front of you, little villain?"

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, there is something like an electrocardiogram attached to my head.)" Cheng Hao replied, feeling that there were a few more threads attached to his head.

He said why this thing, why was it suddenly attached to his big head?It turned out that the other party did a good thing.

"It's right if you feel it. You lift your shoulders on both sides of the ground and do push-ups three times in a row. The wings on your back will start to work after you feel it." Li Xing'er taught.

"Aww~ (After I fly up, how should I control the direction and how should I come down?)" Cheng Hao, who was about to do two push-ups just now, asked after listening to the other party's words.

After he got up, he shouldn't be jumping around and flying around.

"This is very simple. You lift your head up, down, left, and right to control the direction of the flight. I have installed a balance sensor in the helmet, and it will fly up and down according to the direction of your head."

"As for when you get down, if you want the two pairs of wings to stop? Just shake your body." Li Xing'er explained.

She is a genius and beautiful girl inventor, so of course this kind of question comes to mind.

"Aww~ (It turned out to be like this, then I understand, I'm going to go.)" Cheng Hao replied after listening, and started to do push-ups.

Soon the wings on the back reacted and began to flutter non-stop.Soon a strong upward force lifted Cheng Hao into the sky.

"You little scoundrel, be careful, don't fly over the wires, or the director will beat you up." Looking at the figure soaring into the sky, sister Hong'er hastily shouted.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I won't hit the wires. This armor is so precious, how can it not be damaged?)" Cheng Hao, who rushed towards the clouds, replied, and disappeared behind Hong'er. In my sister's line of sight.

Now he is like a bird flying as high as the sky, and a fish jumping as wide as the sea.

"By the way, Xing'er, you should have a positioning device, don't let this guy fly away." Sister Hong'er, who saw the empty sky, asked Li Xing'er beside her.

"Don't worry, my good sister, this set of Flying General's armor is equipped with an artificial intelligence system. If Xiaopangju runs too far, it will take the initiative to persuade Xiaopangju to come back." Li Xing'er said after disarming the armor. , I unscrewed the bottle cap and started drinking water.

It's really hot to death. This kind of weather is really not suitable for high-intensity work, whether it is a person or a machine. I hope that Xiaopangju will come back after flying in the sky for a while.

"That's good, as long as someone reminds him, I'm afraid that this little villain will go crazy and forget the time to come back." Sister Hong'er nodded after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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