Chapter 248

"Aww~(Dominate the sky, the earth will prostrate at my feet, and the sky will welcome their darkest enemy.)"

"Aww~(I am the ruler of the sky and the earth, all things should surrender to me.)"

In the blue sky, the big steel tiger with wings has been flying and muttering happily to itself.

Is this what it feels like to have wings?It's so comfortable.

He feels that he is carefree and can fly anywhere.

At this moment, he is the most beautiful boy in the sky.

Tossing and turning, going up and down, Cheng Hao had a great time playing in the sky.

At this moment, a mechanical electronic sound came from inside the helmet:

"A warm reminder, please don't go too far, the armor has limited energy, please pay attention to the battery life of the armor."

"Aww~ (Is the battery running out so soon? What's going on? Didn't she add a big battery to me?)" Cheng Hao, who was playing happily, couldn't help muttering.

Why is such a large armor equipped with such a small battery?How long has he been playing, and it actually reminds him that the battery is low, and he needs to pay attention to battery life?

"Pangju, if you don't want to run back by yourself, you have to pay attention to the battery life." In the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain, Li Xing'er, who was eating watermelon, raised her wrist.He said to the watch he was wearing.

This little villain was pretty good at running, and he ran so far in one go, and also consumed more than half of the electricity inside for a few hours.

What if you don't inform him?Chubby Ju reckoned that he would have to run back with his armor on his back.

"How far has this little rascal run away now?" Sister Hong'er who was sitting beside her asked curiously after hearing this.

"I ran out for more than 40 kilometers, and now it looks like a big carp. It's jumping up and down." Li Xing'er tapped her watch, looked at the [-]D positioning map and said.

This little villain is having fun thinking the sky is the ocean.

"Oh? Then it looks like he's gone crazy." Hearing this, Sister Hong'er couldn't help but smile.

This little villain got something fun, but he was very happy.It's almost a straight jump.

"Yes, that's why I'm calling him back. Otherwise, this little villain will have to run back by himself when the battery runs out in the hot weather." Li Xing'er laughed.

"Well, has this little villain left? Do you need me to call?" Sister Hong'er continued to ask, is it more than 40 kilometers away?Then this little villain came back with a suit of armor on his back, wouldn't he be sweating all over?

"It's not necessary, this little villain is slowly coming back." Li Xing'er looked at the location and said.

"That's fine, I hope this little bastard can speed up, and don't really run out of power on the armor." Sister Hong'er said, and didn't care about this matter anymore.

"Aww~(I'm a happy little tiger, little tiger. I have a pair of big metal wings, big wings.)"

Above the forest, Cheng Hao flew slowly while humming a song.

Soon after seeing the animals in the forest with their heads raised, their eyes full of fright, they felt complacent and had the idea of ​​teasing.It fell towards the forest.

As the saying goes, riches and honor do not return to their hometowns like brocade clothes walking at night.Time to give these animals a little shock.

"Woo~ (What kind of animal is this? Why does it look like our king with a pair of big wings?)"

"Moo~ (I don't know, I don't know either.)"

"Googoo~ (Should we go to the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain and inform the King? Tell the King that a strange guy has come to our territory?)"

"Baa baa~ (If you want it, you must inform the king.)"

The animals in the woods chattered and immediately called for action.

"Aww~ (A group of little guys are pretty fast.)" Seeing Cheng Hao here.Can't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Let's keep going, ready to see how efficient these little guys are?

"Moo~ (Where are you from? Do you know where this is? Stop quickly, or you will die.)"

After stepping on the dead leaves in the forest for a while, a big black bull rushed out.

It has a pair of black and shiny big horns, and it is speaking with some fear at this time.

There is no way, this is the first time he has seen such a monster, he doesn't even know the details of the other party, he doesn't dare to be rampant at all, hoping to scare the other party.

"Well, you're quite courageous."

Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help raising his head, and looked over with interest.

This big bull is so scared that he dares to speak cruel words.It's a devotion to duty.

"Moo~(What do you want to do? You stop quickly, don't make trouble for yourself.)"

"Moomoo~ (My king is not something you can offend. He will shake the mountain when he stomps his feet, and the sky will crack when he yawns.)"

Seeing this scene, the big buffalo panicked, but insisted on finishing what he wanted to say.

At the same time, he looked around, hoping that other animals would come to help.

Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Aww~ (You are quite courageous here, little fat girl. You don't know the reality of the enemy. How dare you stand in the way.)"

"Moo~ (Ah? Great King. Why is it you.)" The big buffalo was surprised when he heard the familiar voice.

He will never forget this voice in his life, this voice is the voice of their king.

"Aww~ (What's so surprising? I'm here to see if you're working hard?)" Cheng Hao said with a smile.

"Moo~ (Reporting to the king, I am working very seriously, and I have not stolen a single difficulty since just now.)" Hearing this, the big buffalo immediately stood up and reported.

No wonder the king appeared like this, it turned out that the king came to inspect them.

"Aww~ (I saw it, you don't have to be too nervous to tell them to come back, don't make this trip in vain.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile.

From the point of view of devotion to duty alone, this big buffalo is indeed doing very well.

"Moo~ (Okay, great king.)" The big buffalo replied after hearing this, and went to call other animals to come back.

When Cheng Hao saw it, he immediately followed with proud small steps.

"Hoho~ (What? That scary-looking guy with wings, is he our king?)"

"Ho Ho~ (Yeah yeah, that's too unreal.)"

"Ho Ho~ (That's right.)"

The animals in the forest who got the news all had expressions of disbelief in their eyes. They never thought that the strange-looking animal would be their king.

"Moo~ (I have personally talked with the king, can I still have a fake? Come with me to see the king.)" The big buffalo looked at them and said, these guys didn't believe what he said.He's like a buffalo who can tell lies?

"Ho Ho~ (Okay, okay, then we will believe you for once.)" Hearing the words of the animals here, they followed the big buffalo and walked towards the direction they came from.

Sure enough, they saw the terrible monster waiting for them.

"Aww~ (Why are you guys so close? Relax, don't be afraid.)" Cheng Hao smiled as he watched them trembling.

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, yes.)" The animals nodded after hearing this, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that this strange-looking monster is really their king, if not, it will really scare them to death.

"Aww~ (I am very satisfied with your quick response today, and you must continue to maintain it in the future. If you encounter an animal you don't know, don't move around, you know?)" Cheng Hao looked at them and confessed.

"Ho Ho~ (Understood, I understand.)" the animals nodded their heads and replied.

"Aww~ (very good, this is the end of today's meeting, I have to go back.)" Cheng Hao said after seeing this scene, sat down on the spot and did push-ups, his wings fluttered behind him.

It flew directly into the sky every two seconds, and the watching animals couldn't help but exclaim:
"Hoho~ (What domineering wings, where did the king get them?)"

"Ho Ho~ (Yeah yeah, the flying king is so cool.)"

"Aww~ (A group of little guys are quite discerning, I guess I'm not mistaken about you.)" Cheng Hao, who was flying in the sky, nodded his head in satisfaction when he heard the voice from below.

Then he flew towards the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain, which gave these little guys a little shock, and it was time to go back and recharge their armor.

I just don't know how much effort it takes to charge this armor?Will it waste a lot of his time?

"Sister, look at that little villain, he is finally willing to come back. It looks like he should have fun outside."

Inside the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain, Li Xinger is humming while wearing sunglasses.After seeing the pair of big wings in the sky, he said to Sister Hong'er with a smile.

"Well, I saw you little villain, and you were actually willing to come back. I thought he was really crazy." Sister Hong'er nodded and got up from the chair.



When Cheng Hao, who was flying in the sky, saw it, he swooped down immediately.Landing in front of Sister Hong'er, she shook her body.

Sister Hong'er, who saw this scene, tapped his big round head and said:

"Are you having fun, you little rascal?"

"Aww~ (Happy, happy, this is fun.)"

"Aww~ (Sister, hurry up and help me charge up the big wings.)" said Cheng Hao, whose head had been knocked on.

Now is not the time to ask questions, sister, you have to charge him up quickly, otherwise he won't be able to continue playing.

"You little guy, don't you know how to charge yourself if you want to play? You want me to help you, why didn't you see that you couldn't finish the cake and asked your sister to help?" Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this.

"Aww~(Who said I didn't give you something delicious? Did I save a lot of the big pot of cake just now for you? You can eat whatever you want, I promise I won't say a word. )" Cheng Hao said.

Did my sister say he didn't give the cake?How can this be?Didn't he leave a huge pot of cakes just before flying into the sky?
"Only that cake is for you, not for sister." Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes and said.

A cake mixed with raw beef and vegetable puree, this little villain will eat it for her?I'm not afraid of killing her with medicine.

"Aww~ (Then there is no other way, I can only eat this kind of cake, sister, if you want a better cake, you have to pay for it yourself.)" Cheng Hao said with a sigh.

If he wants to eat cakes, he has to ask his sister to buy them. My sister has found the wrong person when she told him this.

"Come on, you little scoundrel is justified no matter what you do." Sister Hong'er scolded with a smile, and began to help take off the helmet.

"Sister, you don't need to go to such trouble to pick it." Li Xing'er came up and said after seeing it.

The armor has already been shaped for Xiaopangju, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome to take it off.

"Then how should I pick it off?" Hong'er, who was holding the helmet, asked.

"Aww~ (Yeah, yeah, don't just move your mouth over there, can you move your hands twice?)" Cheng Hao, poking his head, followed suit.

The other party understands so well, so don't continue to watch the show.Come and demonstrate.

"It's very simple, as long as the little fat orange rubs on the ground three times, it will automatically disintegrate." Li Xing'er patted Cheng Hao's buttocks and said.

She is a beautiful and talented girl, so she naturally considered this kind of problem at the beginning of the design.

Chubby Tachibana is different from humans who can use brain waves to collect, and must use specific actions to put on and take off the armor.

"Aww~ (You're so smart, why are you saying it now?)" Cheng Hao immediately lay down when he heard this, and rubbed his big belly against the ground.



After he finished the action, the armor on his body immediately heard the sound of joint loosening.Then the knee pads, back armor and other parts loosened the wrapped parts, and separated from Cheng Hao's body one by one.

It turned into a hollow mechanical flying tiger.

"Aww~ (As expected of an iron tiger built according to my image, it looks domineering.)" Cheng Hao, who was lying down, developed his armor and immediately jumped up and said around the armor after breaking away.

"Since Xiaoju can take off the armor like this, how can he put on the armor?" Sister Hong'er asked aloud after seeing it.

Now that the armor is taken off, it won't be as troublesome as before, right?

"Aww~ (Yeah, it's all armor, it must be smarter?)" Cheng Hao said, nodding his big head, and hurriedly came up.

"It's also very simple, as long as Xiaopangju's eyes turn to the eyes of the Flying General's suit, then the Flying General will fuse with him directly." Li Xing'er said, pointing to the standing Flying General.

"Is this like this? It's a good idea. Then how do you charge the Flying General?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er asked another most important question.

No matter what kind of armor it is, it needs to be charged, but she doesn't seem to see this armor. Where is the charging port?
"Aww~ (Yes, yes, do I need a large charger for my armor?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing the words.

Such a high-power armor must require a special charger.

(End of this chapter)

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